FAQ's - Duplicating Events: Why did my participant receive the error: “The username is already in use.”? Usernames are Sphere-wide. The participant will have to auto-fill the form with their previous year's user name. If the participant never registered in the past, they will have to create a new username and password Do team names carry over to the duplicated event? No. Teams must be recreated. Can I move participants to other events? Yes. You can move a participant to another event by going into the Bookkeeping section > Manage Initiative Records section and clicking on Edit beside the name of the participant. Go to Edit Event Information to move.The “move to” event must be in Active state and in the same Sphere account as the “move from” event. How do I change the front-end information for the new event? Within the Website Creation Checklist, click on Front Page Customization If you are using the Custom Cookie and custom HTML, you will need to edit the design within the HTML section If you are not using custom HTML, simply change the graphics/text/etc… Is it possible to duplicate other Events in Sphere, such as Registration or Donation form? Absolutely. Follow the same process as described for the Friends Asking Friends duplication procedure. Check the name of the event, and then click duplicate. Some features do not copy when you use the Duplicate feature. Check your payment methods section to re-enable ACH and PayPal in the new copy, if you use these payment types. Check your participant email templates and Event Info to make updates for the new event. Will I lose the donation and registration information for last year’s event? All of the information will remain for last year’s event. Duplicating does not delete any of the prior event’s information. Your new event is fresh however, with no registered participants or donors until you start using it. 1 Encourage your returning fundraisers to use the same login from last year when they register for the new event. This will ensure that they can run a donation history report and have access to their address book contacts from last year. Can I report on multiple events? You can run reports for multiple events within Control>Report Center. There are multiple reports that allow filtering from specific event(s). If you run multiple events, please ask us about using Event Groups. This can streamline your reporting, and provides other great feature for clients who run multiple events each year. If I “unregister” or delete a participant from my event, does that delete their username and password from Sphere? No. If you delete a participant registration, you only remove the person from that particular event. It does not delete their username and password from Sphere, nor does it delete the participant from your database. If you delete the contact record, it will delete the username and password from Sphere. Do I have to customize my forms each time I copy an event? No. Forms are copied exactly as the form was configured in the previous event, including all Profile and Event fields. Are Poll results combined when events are duplicated? No. The Poll remains a separate entity within each event. Answers are recorded per event. Only the name and options of the poll are copied between events. Do I have recreate email templates for each event? Email templates are copied over from event to event, when using the duplicate process. 2