Facial recognition using Xilinx or Altera System-on

Facial recognition using Xilinx or Altera System-on-Chips. Integrating software and
FPGA design in a single development flow
Project context
In the domain of embedded processing you see many different high-performance embedded processing
platforms coming up. This varies from multi-core processors via processors incorporating GPU and
accelerator blocks to processors combining powerful CPUs with DSPs or FPGA fabric. Topic Embedded
Systems is active in the area of embedded application development and very much focused on systems
where software and FPGA functionality are overlapping. Think about video applications, algorithm
implementation, data mining, etc. In this context we want to explore the capabilities of the Altera and
Xilinx SoCs, which both incorporate a dual-core Cortex A9 and a lot of FPGA fabric.
A typical application in our domain is facial recognition. The quality of facial recognition is depending on
the camera resolution, computational effort and applicable algorithm. Typically, the processor part of the
SoC runs Linux. Part of the assignment is the implementation of a facial recognition algorithm that is able
to recognize multiple faces in a video frame, track them over different frames and, when possible, identify
the faces depending on a face matching database.
For the assignment you will use a USB connected camera as video source and a HDMI or a panel display
for visualization. On top of Linux you will use e.g. Qt for visualization. The implementation of the facial
recognition algorithm shall make use of both the processor and the FPGA, exploring the capabilities the
Xilinx or Altera SoC, the applicable tool flow and the available video processing functionality in terms of
e.g. OpenCV, OpenCL, video tool kits, high-level synthesis (C to VHDL translation). The applicable SoC
will be available as part of a Xilinx or Altera development platform.
The result of the assignment shall be a demonstrator, performing live facial recognition as well as a report
on the investigated design routes, development flows and implementation experiences.
TOPIC Embedded Systems richt zich op embedded systeemontwikkeling voor de clusters Cure & Care,
Imaging & Control, Mobility & Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics en Research. Zo ontwikkelen wij
bijvoorbeeld software en hardware voor digitale TV-toepassingen, DVD-recorders,
autonavigatiesystemen, MRI- en cardio-vasculaire systemen, pacemakers, professionele copying en
printing apparatuur, bagage-afhandelingssystemen, wafersteppers, chipmachines en camerasystemen.
Onze state-of-the-art projecten voor onze klanten, die allen actief zijn in de hightech industrie, voeren wij
deels op ons kantoor in Best uit en deels op lokatie bij onze klanten in de regio’s Zuid en West.
Wij zijn, mede door onze gedegen selectie, een hightech systeemhuis met vestigingen in Best en Delft
dat nu 150 medewerkers telt. Onze specialismen zijn technische (embedded) software-ontwikkeling, test-,
integratie- & configuratiemanagement en hardware-design (ASIC's, FPGA, VHDL, DSP, boarddesign).
TOPIC Embedded Systems onderscheidt zich door de persoonlijke benadering van medewerkers en
klanten, de sfeer, de intensieve begeleiding, de kwaliteit en professionaliteit van de TOPIC'ers en
daardoor ook in het niveau van onze opdrachten. Onze TOPIC'ers worden door onze projecten en door
ons Personal Improvement Program continue gestimuleerd zich te blijven ontwikkelen.
Kijk voor meer informatie op www.topic.nl of neem contact op met Frank de Roo (Manager Recruitment)
of Esther Roghair (Business Manager). Telefoon: 0499 – 33 69 79 of e-mail: recruitment@topic.nl