File - Uncommon Canine Academy

Terms and Services Contract Agreement
Dog Name: ___________________________________________________________________
Owner: ______________________________________________________________________
(Only required for dogs attending our Stay and Learn package):
Vet Office/Vet’s Name:
Vet Phone:
Vet Address:
Current Medications:
Reason(s) For Meds:
Medication Instructions:
Important Medical History:
Type and amount of food:
Regular feeding schedule:
Any food allergies or dietary restrictions:
My dog has had all of its required vaccinations, does not have any medical conditions that I am aware of
except for those noted above, and is licensed with the appropriate licensing authority.
Initials: _______________ Date: _______________
I hereby grant Uncommon Canine Academy (hereafter referred to as “the Company” or “UCA”) permission to
provide veterinary care for my dog as deemed necessary by the Company. I will assume full financial
responsibility for any and all costs incurred for such care and treatment. I understand that the Company will
attempt to contact me or my emergency contact, but may proceed without my consent, if they believe it to be
important to my dog’s needs.
Initials: _______________ Date: _______________
Terms and Services continued
Uncommon Canine Academy will endeavor to create the safest environment possible for the training and
boarding care of my dog, and will offer only sound, safe, and responsible training, car, and post-boarding
training instructions.
I recognize that UCA is not responsible for any unintentional errors, omissions, or incorrect assertions.
I understand that the recommendation of any product or service is not a guarantee of my satisfaction with
that product or service.
I understand the inherent risks in owning a dog, including, but not limited to, the risk of dog bites to me, other
people, or animals.
UCA agrees to indemnify and hold me harmless from and against any claims of injury, expense, costs, loss, or
damages caused by the gross negligence ow willful misconduct of UCA while my dog is in the sole custody,
care, and control of UCA.
I acknowledge that UCA has no control over my dog when it is not in the exclusive custody, care and control of
Uncommon Canine Academy or its employees, and I agree to indemnify and hold UCA harmless from and
against any and all claims of injury, expense, costs, loss, or damages caused by the actions of my dog when it is
not in the sole custody, care and control of Uncommon Canine Academy.
Initials: _______________ Date: _______________
I give UCA permission to train my dog with any necessary methods and tools (which have been explained to
the owner in advance) that are applicable for the purpose of my dog’s training objectives. I understand that
results will vary based on use/non-use of training methods and tools by the owner and that UCA shall not be
held responsible if said techniques are not followed once the dog is returned to the owner. I also understand
that each dog is trained on a specific, individual basis, custom tailored to the particular dog and that results
will vary.
Initials: _______________ Date: _______________
I agree to allow Uncommon Canine Academy to use any pictures, video, or description of my dog’s
behaviors/home environment in various formats (but not limited to) such as online, website, social media,
and any form of advertising.
Yes: ____________
Terms and Services continued
By signing below:
I acknowledge that this contract contains the entire agreement between the indicated parties and agree to
any and all statements and clauses therein.
I acknowledge and represent that I have carefully read and understood the terms and conditions of the
agreement and provide my signature voluntarily. No oral representations, statements, or inducements, apart
from the foregoing written agreement, have been made.
I certify to the accuracy and completeness of all information provided by me and I agree to all terms and
conditions indicated in this contract.
I am the legal owner of the dog which is the subject of this agreement.
I certify that I am of legal age and fully competent and I execute this agreement for full, adequate, and
complete consideration, fully intending to be bound by same.
Dog Owner Signature: _______________________________________________________________________
Date: _____________________________