Model Mathematics Curriculum Unit Implementation Plan UNIT COVER SHEET Name: Rhonda Zielsdorf Unit Title: M3 U4 L2: Representing Functions Dates of Instruction: Grade Level: Algebra 2 (Grade 11) March 2016 Timeframe (Add lessons and space as needed): Unit Timeframe: 6-7 days Lesson 1 Title: Graph Stories Timeframe: 1 day Lesson 2 Title: Key Features Timeframe: 2 days Lesson 3 Title: Key Features Timeframe: 2 days Lesson 4 Title: Transformations Timeframe: 2 days Lesson 5 Title: Transformations Timeframe: 2 days Standards Alignment Content Standards: F-IF.4: For a function that models a relationship between two quantities, interpret key features of graphs and tables in terms of the quantities sketch graphs showing key features given a verbal description of the relationship. Key features include: intercepts; intervals where the function is increasing, decreasing, positive, or negative; relative maximums and minimums; symmetries; end behavior; and periodicity. F.IF.7: Graph functions expressed symbolically and show key features of the graph, by hand in simple cases and using technology for more complicated cases. F.BF.3: Identify the effect on the graph of replacing f(x) by f(x) + k, k f(x), f(kx), and f(x + k) for specific values of k (both positive and negative); find the value of k given the graphs. Experiment with cases and illustrate an explanation of the effects on the graph using technology. Include recognizing even and odd functions from their graphs and algebraic expressions for them. Standards for Mathematical Practice: MP3: Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others MP4: Model with mathematics MP5: Use appropriate tools strategically MP6: Attend to precision MP7: Look for and make use of structure Model Mathematics Curriculum Unit Implementation Plan UNIT: M3 U4 L2 DAY: 1 DAILY PLAN For Lesson: Graph Stories; Popcorn; Roller Coaster Objectives These are an introduction to using a graph from the real world and discussing its key features. Content Standards F-IF.4 F.IF.7 Mathematical Practices MP #2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students interpret total distance traveled over time from picture of a coaster. MP #4 Model with mathematics. Students will model the total number of kernels popped in relationship to the length of time it takes to pop with a graph. MP #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will compare and contrast graphs with other students to decide what a “good” graph looks like. Materials Preparation Create groups Lesson Activities 1. Play the video and ask students to describe the rate at which the popcorn pops by listening for the “pops.” Replay the video and have students independently sketch a graph of the total number of kernels popped over time to pop the bag. Video Popcorn handout Roller Coaster handout 2. In small groups, have students compare graphs, defend their graph, and comment on the graphs of others. Groups should decide which graph is the most realistic. 3. Using the group’s choice, they should answer the questions about the graph. 4. Coming back to the whole group, debrief student responses. 5. Answer questions #1-4 on the Roller Coaster handout with a Think-Pair-Share format. Bring the whole class together for a discussion of #5. Continue with Think-Pair-Share for #6-7. Assessments Independent Practice (Homework): Find a graph online, in a magazine, etc., comparing two quantities with a real-world context. Describe the key features mathematically. In what ways will you intentionally emphasize the development of student mathematical practices through this lesson? MP #2 Reason abstractly and quantitatively. Students interpret total distance traveled over time from picture of a coaster. MP #4 Model with mathematics. Students will model the total number of kernels popped in relationship to the length of time it takes to pop with a graph. MP #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will compare and contrast graphs with other students to decide what a “good” graph looks like. Model Mathematics Curriculum Unit Implementation Plan UNIT: M3 U4 L2 DAY: 2 DAILY PLAN For Lesson : Key Features Objectives Students will be introduced to key features of functions by using multiple representations for each feature. Content Standards F-IF.4 F.IF.7 Mathematical Practices MP #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students attempt to convince each other their answer choices are correct when reviewing independent practice (see Key Features Practice & Teacher Notes for useful questions.) MP #6 Attend to precision. Students carefully indicate key features of functions. Materials Key Features Definitions Key Features Representations Key Features Practice & Teacher Notes Key Features Enrichment Graph Selfies Polling Clickers Preparation Lesson Activities Assessments 1. Using the Key Features Definitions handout, discuss as a whole group the definitions of key features and identify them on the graph provided. 2. After independent practice, use questions provided in Key Features Practice & Teacher Notes to anonymously poll the class (e.g. or www.polleverywhere ) . After initial responses are visible to the class, say “Find someone who answered differently and convince them you are correct.” After time for discussion (3-5 minutes), poll the class again on the same question. Classroom Discussion Independent Practice In what ways will you intentionally emphasize the development of student mathematical practices through this lesson? MP #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students attempt to convince each other their answer choices are correct when reviewing independent practice (see Key Features Practice & Teacher Notes for useful questions.) MP #6 Attend to precision. Students carefully indicate key features of functions. Model Mathematics Curriculum Unit Implementation Plan UNIT: M3 U4 L2 DAY: 3 DAILY PLAN For Lesson : Key Features Objectives Students will be introduced to key features of functions by using multiple representations for each feature. Content Standards F-IF.4 F.IF.7 Mathematical Practices MP #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students attempt to convince each other their answer choices are correct when reviewing independent practice (see Key Features Practice & Teacher Notes for useful questions.) MP #6 Attend to precision. Students carefully indicate key features of functions. Materials Preparation Key Features Definitions Key Features Representations Key Features Practice & Teacher Notes Key Features Enrichment Graph Selfies Group students heterogeneously by ability for a base group. During jigsaw, the teacher facilitates by questioning students and providing guidance as needed. Lesson Activities Assessments 3. Group students heterogeneously by ability for a base group. Explain the purpose of the activity: to learn formal mathematical language to identify key features of functions. 4. Jigsaw students to new groups which are arranged homogeneously by ability. Give the lowest ability group “easier” words (suggested x-intercept, y-intercept, increasing, etc.) In the jigsaw group, students will collaborate to develop the 3 missing representations for each feature. The teacher could model this process with a chosen feature before beginning the jigsaw. During jigsaw, the teacher facilitates by questioning students and providing guidance as needed. 5. When groups have completed their key features, students should return to their base groups. Students will independently fill out a flipbook of the key features with information provided by each group member from the jigsaw. Students will independently fill out a flipbook of the key features with information provided by each group member from the jigsaw. Key Features Practice (after Definitions) & Teacher Notes In what ways will you intentionally emphasize the development of student mathematical practices through this lesson? MP #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students attempt to convince each other their answer choices are correct when reviewing independent practice (see Key Features Practice & Teacher Notes for useful questions.) MP #6 Attend to precision. Students carefully indicate key features of functions. Model Mathematics Curriculum Unit Implementation Plan UNIT: M3 U4 L2 DAY: 4 DAILY PLAN For Lesson : Transformations Sort & Effects Objectives Students will determine the effects of transformations on key features of graphs. Content Standards F-IF.4 F.IF.7 F.BF.3 Mathematical Practices MP #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will explain their method in choosing which graphs to group together, defending their method to other students. MP #6 Attend to precision. Students carefully indicate key features of functions. Materials Transformations Sort & Effects Document Preparation Cut the graphs into cards for students to sort. Create student pairs. Lesson Activities Assessments 1. Sort graphs. 2. Ask pairs to share out to the whole class the graphs they grouped together and why. Ask pairs to share out to the whole class the graphs they grouped together and why. In what ways will you intentionally emphasize the development of student mathematical practices through this lesson? MP #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will explain their method in choosing which graphs to group together, defending their method to other students. MP #6 Attend to precision. Students carefully indicate key features of functions. Model Mathematics Curriculum Unit Implementation Plan UNIT: M3 U4 L2 DAY: 5 DAILY PLAN For Lesson : Transformations Sort & Effects Objectives Students will determine the effects of transformations on key features of graphs. Content Standards F-IF.4 F.IF.7 F.BF.3 Mathematical Practices MP #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will explain their method in choosing which graphs to group together, defending their method to other students. MP #6 Attend to precision. Students carefully indicate key features of functions. Materials Transformations Sort & Effects Document Preparation Lesson Activities Assessments 2. Transition to the Debriefing Handout by referencing families of graphs. Identify parent graphs and transformations. 3. In pairs, students answer the questions regarding how key features are affected by transformations. Ask pairs to share out to the whole group, debriefing and clarifying any misconceptions. Independent Practice (Homework): Homework handout included In what ways will you intentionally emphasize the development of student mathematical practices through this lesson? MP #3 Construct viable arguments and critique the reasoning of others. Students will explain their method in choosing which graphs to group together, defending their method to other students. MP #6 Attend to precision. Students carefully indicate key features of functions.