PTA_Minutes_28th_April_2015 - St Nicholas Catholic Primary School

St. Nicholas Catholic Primary School
Parent Teacher Association Meeting
Tuesday 28th April 2015 - 7pm
Carey Harris, Naomi Fermor-Oldfield, Lizzie Gibson, Faye Barker, Karen Botting, Wendy Robinson,
Lauren Stone, Emily Kitchen, Steph Curry, Sarah Tickle, Kate Orchard, Becky Friend,
Angela Bosley, Annette Webb
Summer Fayre – Progress to date
Carey has list of donated Raffle prizes (more to come)
No pony rides this year (last year’s donation from profits was very small and is looking
unlikely to get another stable to provide ponies, staff and equipment)
No events licence required (as no alcohol to be served this year)
Entertainment: Magician to be booked for the duration of show (Carey to confirm booking) £160 for 3 hours which includes puppets, balloon modelling and magic
All agreed entry fee will be charged - £1 per adult / children free – this will help to cover our
costs for the entertainment
Morrisons will an provide a donation of rolls – have requested 350 but awaiting confirmation
(no reply from Tesco, Sainsburys or Waitrose on rolls)
Carey has approached Waitrose for donation of sausages – to be followed up
Query whether gazebos and umbrellas are in basement – Lauren to ask Neil
Steph/Naomi to see if they can source any kind of marquee
Set-up will start at 9am on the day
Request that all members keep an eye out for wicker type baskets in charity shops/boot
sales for hampers (only purchase if going cheap!)
Bake Off Competition:
Carey has put together rules and entry forms which will be distributed to children.
Three age groups: 4-6 years, 7-9 years, 10-11 years
1st, 2nd and 3rd prize for each age group plus one overall winner
Prizes to be baking related – 3rd worth approx. £5, 2nd worth approx. £5, 1st worth approx.
Certificate for each entrant (Naomi happy to provide these)
Each entrant to pick best cake for judging – rest of cakes not being judged to be donated to
café/cake stall for general sale.
Judges TBD – Exploding Bakery chef? Mr Mann from St. Peters also suggested (who teaches
catering and also runs private cookery classes for chidren) - Carey to pursue!
Private Stalls confirmed so far:
Bouncy castles (x3) - donation of 15% of profit
Go-Karts – donating 15% of profit
‘Chocolate Wave’ (candy floss, popcorn etc) – donating 10% of profit
Teddy Bear Clothes – one-off £25 payment
Mary K Make-Up – one of payment of £25
Keyrings – concession payment of £15
School Stalls:
Glitter Tattoos
Second hand toys and books (run by staff)
Sweets (Pick ‘n’ Mix style) (run by Angela Bosley?)
Second hand Uniform stall (to be located next to second hand toys stall with honesty box)
Bake-Off Competition
Young Enterprise Stalls
Ice Creams
Café (cakes/tea/coffee/cold drinks: fruit shoots, cans, water)
BBQ* (*Neil being asked to check school BBQ and Lizzie has offered to bring her barbecue
& gas)
Shopping required for the Fayre
Burgers and sausages / vegetarian /sauces etc (if not being provided by supermarket)
Frozen onions
Glitter Tattoos (Sarah)
Ice Creams (Sarah purchasing the day before)
Water/Cans/Fruit Shoots (Steph/Karen)
PTA Purchases
Kilve sweets - £50
Annual Donkey Sanctuary Sponsorship
ICT Suite – school applying for grant to convert ICT suite into a community room. PTA to
donate £500 towards this venture (for a specific area – e.g. kitchen area?)
Lauren thanked PTA for Golden Zone and playtime toy resources which have now been
purchased and replenished. £300 to pay by PTA.
£150 per term to be paid by PTA for replenishment of playtime toys (as agreed at earlier
Other fundraising
Discussed applying to be one of Waitrose monthly charities (via their ‘Green Disc’ initiative). All that
is required is our Charity number (1126327) and a completed form which can be obtained in store.
Suggested that our fundraising aim for this particular method of fundraising would be for the
school’s new Sensory Garden. To be confirmed.
Next PTA Meeting
Next meeting Tuesday 19th May 2015 at 7pm in school.