3 Analytical part

Ministry of Health of Uzbekistan
Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
prof. ..................... TeshaevO.R.
"_____" _____________2012 Year
Department: Trauma, orthopedics, neurosurgery field surgery with.
Subject: military surgery.
For medical faculty
on practical employment
Tags: Traumatic shock. Prolonged compression syndrome.
Tashkent - 2012
Compiled by:
- Head of the Department of Traumatology, Orthopaedics, field surgery to
Tashkent Medical Academy, MD M.Yu.Karimov.
- Head of Studies Department Ph.D. F.B.Salohiddinov.
Assistant Professor, MD, PhD AM Muhamadziev; assistants: MD DI Ibragimov,
AI Shodiev, VV Grebenkin, Sh.O.Rahmatullaev, A.S.Suyumov, E.B.Gulyamov.
Reviewed by:
Theme number № 5 Traumatic shock. Prolonged compression
Time of classes
-4.20 H.
The shape and
type of training
structure of
Purpose of the
A student must:
Number of students 8-10
practical training
1. Introduction.
2. The theoretical part
3. Analytical part:
4. The practical part
Familiarize students with the basic principles
triage, medical evacuation stages, types of medical
assistance to the victims. To teach students the volume
medical procedures that are part of each medical
assistance; principles of medical care to the wounded in this
some stage of medical evacuation.
- Define the concept of bleeding;
- Define the concept of a blood transfusion;
- The basic principle of triage with injuries of major vessels;
- Performs medical evacuations with injuries of major
- The types of care for the wounded;
- The volume of the main activities provided wounded every
form of medical care.
The student should Perform practical skills - to provide first aid to the wounded
be able to:
with a gunshot wound to the shoulder injury and brachial
learning Outcomes
- Talk about first aid, methods of anesthesia, of the methods
- consolidate an
and principles of immobilization;
idea of evacuation
and sorting
wounded intended
- Consolidate
knowledge on the
stages of medical
evacuation, types of
medical evacuation
- to deepen the
concept of the main
activities that are
injured every form
of medical care.
-the skills in first
aid to victims in the
field, namely - the
elimination of
asphyxia, stop
external bleeding,
removal of open
immobilization of
Brainstorming, Technology: Graphic Organizer - a
Methods and
conceptual table.
Forms of learning
Individual work, group work, team.
Learning Tools
- Vision for the practical skills necessary to not have the
means necessary to provide first pomaschi.
-Technology: Graphic Organizer - a conceptual table.
Tires-Kramer Ditriksa, varatnik Chance, harness and aseptic
perivyazochniye funds.
-Sheets of A4 paper, markers, scotch.
Conditions of
Audience and capacities to work in groups
Monitornig and
implementation of learning tasks in groups and
intellectual games.
Flow chart of training on the topic
Stages of work
and time 225
Introduction to
the practice
10 min
5 min
The main part
of 20 minutes
75 min
1.1. Familiarize with the lesson
plan. Explains the name, purpose
and expected results of the topic.
Basic concepts on the topic:
Bleeding, transfusion. .
1.2. Provides a list of references;
1.3. Sets stimulating questions for
the game "plechileny swarm
Explains the steps involved in
organization of the learning
process on the structure and lesson
1.4. Announces evaluation criteria
activity of students in practical
2.1. Discuss the topic of practical
classes, check the level of primary
students' knowledge with the use
of new teaching technologies.
2.2. Independent work on
mastering practice session.
2.3. Provides jobs for independent
Listen and write
Listen and write
Listen and write
Answer questions.
Answer questions.
Discuss and ask
Discuss the practical
part of the materials,
solving the key problems and
ask questions
Fill the sheet analysis
and solve the problem
35 min
2.4. Decide tests optional
5 min
2.5. Introduce students to the
presentation materials (slides,
presentations, videos, etc.)
Discuss, give tests, and
the remaining
students participate in
debates, ask questions
Place Tools and equipment
- Department: traumatology, orthopedics, neurosurgery field surgery with;
- Banners, X-ray pictures, handouts, photos and videos
1 Obosnovanie topics:
Conducting the lesson allows students to get acquainted with the pathogenesis of
bleeding, the clinic and the methods of temporarily stopping bleeding, blood
transfusion practices. Also take a look at the basic principles of evacuation and
triage for other purposes; stages of medical evacuation, types of medical
evacuation major activities that are wounded every form of medical care. In
addition, the student is able to master the skills of first aid to victims in the field,
namely to make first aid a wounded man with a gunshot wound to the shoulder and
damage to the brachial artery....
2.Integratsiya between disciplines.
Teaching students the subject, based on the knowledge of human anatomy,
topographic anatomy and operative surgery, anesthesiology and intensive care with
total surgery, hematology.
The knowledge gained by students in the classroom, can provide first aid to the
wounded on the battlefield, which in turn will prevent the development of lifethreatening bleeding
3. The theoretical part
Modern staged treatment and a unified military field surgical doctrine is based on
the following:
1. All gunshot wounds are initially infected.
2. Most of the injuries require early surgical (operative) treatment.
3. The only reliable method to fight the infection of bullet wounds is timely
primary surgical treatment of wounds.
4. Wounds subjected in the first hours after the surgical treatment of wounds, give
the best prognosis.
5. Surgical care to the wounded in the rear of the troop should be closely linked
with the general military and sanitary tactical situation.
6. Most injuries occur shock.
7. With large number of patients with destruction SDS sharply rose.
Based on these provisions in the modern staged treatment, the following principles:
1. Removal of the wounded during the battle of small-arms fire from the enemy,
2. Early delivery of the wounded to the nearest health centers to provide required
assistance to the wounded.
3. Approximation of surgical care to the line of battle. Despite the difficulties of
the surgical work near the line of battle, the approach
surgical stages has to the fullest extent possible to enforce early surgery for the life
in the wounds. In this case, refers to the time that has passed since the injury to the
moment of care and the distance from the injured to the point of care. And then,
and more should be possible, given the situation, reduced. Experience shows that
not only every hour of delay (especially for severe injuries), but every kilometer
worse prognosis.
4. The broad scope of surgical care possible, all the wounded and possibly in the
early hours for health reasons, and the first day for time reasons. The timely early
surgical intervention depends on the further course of the Wounded and not only in
cases of severe injuries, but the fate of the so-called easily wounded, which also
require primary surgical treatment of the wound in the first hours after the injury.
5. Early hospitalization of wounded to survive. Experience teaches that the
critically injured are needed, in addition to early surgery, as quiet and careful aftercare. Badly wounded and injured after abdominal surgery must be hospitalized at a
stage where they were operated on for a few days, until the evacuation is not
contraindicated for them.
6. Timely evacuation of the wounded to the destination. Evacuation of the
wounded is in view of medical indications and contraindications for Transport and
differentiated according to the nature and the affected area and the destination,
which focused professionals to treat one or the other category wounded by
7. Evacuation and medical triage on stage. Systematically carried out at all stages
of triage can cover surgical treatment masses of wounded and provide
differentiated assistance to the wounded for medical reasons.
8. Specialty medical care. To improve the quality of medical care in the military
and army logistics specialists involved and highlight special offices and hospitals neurosurgical, dental, eye, ENT, urology, for the treatment of hip fractures, chest
injuries, etc.
9. Unified system and continuity of surgical treatment of the wounded, conducted
at different stages. Ensure consistency of measures to treat mass casualties in many
of the stages traversed, can only be carried out by all the doctors firmly integrated
system. In war, it is impossible and totally unacceptable
the use of the wounded at the same time different methods of treating wounds due
to the fact that no wounded were left in the care of the same doctor, and goes
through many stages and through the hands of many doctors. In addition, mass
surgical care to the wounded is only in strict compliance with a single system, the
exact delineation of the terms of the individual stages, their units and surgeons.
The management and control of the implementation of a uniform system of
treatment of the wounded are assigned to the front, army and corps surgeon.
10. Complete and accurate documentation enables to conduct triage on the stages
and ensure a uniform system of treatment and continuity of medical activities
during the evacuation.
Stages of evacuation and aid them
Stage of medical evacuation - the forces and means of medical service, located in
the path of the wounded from the battlefield to the rear to help. For each stage has
a specific range of surgical interventions, which are called in aid. The amount of
aid - is the amount of surgical actions to perform, which is designed and prepared
for this step. The amount of aid once and can not be fully defined, it can change the
direction of expansion and contraction, so there are three of aid:
1. Full when done all that is necessary
2. Abridged, when, for example, there is very much injured and have to give up
some manipulations in order to serve all
3. Minimum, such an amount that has to be used when using weapons of mass
destruction. In these conditions, provide assistance to survive.
Types of medical care for the wounded
1. First aid, is on the battlefield
2. Pre-hospital medical care is provided at the infirmary of the battalion (MCB)
3. The first medical aid is provided to the infirmary of the Regiment (WFP).
4. Skilled care is provided in a separate medical battalion and individual health
5. Specialized care is provided in the area of the front - in a leading hospital-based
front and outside of the front to the rear of the hospital-based front.
On the battlefield, assisting nurse and medical instructor. They have to equip a bag
with individual dressing packs, sterile dressings for the abdomen, chest, burn
dressings (contour)
ampoules with antidotes, drugs, tourniquet. Transport tires not. This is essentially
the stage of the evacuation, because it is done on the move. This uses the self and
mutual assistance in more (made only as directed by the commander). Medical
orderly organizes nest wounded, helping with the evacuation of the nests is over:
the regimental aid station sends the transport and transporting the wounded.
Conveyor used for the front edge of the evacuation of 2 seats and 2 lying wounded.
In BCH operates paramedic, he also assisted with the move: transport bus leaves or
does immobilization with improvised, autoimmobilizatsiyu (injured hand after
tying pribintovyvayut to the body, the foot is fixed to the other leg).
Overlay Harness made not more than 3 hours, because after that time may develop
necrosis. Afghan mujahideen used the original method of stopping bleeding: take
the needle type Deschamps, pierced tissue under the pubic bone, carried up by the
vessels and delayed vessels, the blood supply in this went through collaterals.
Of the three battalions of the wounded evacuated to medical facilities shelf: it is
triple the number of injured is called the flow of wounded. WFP works in a doctor
who can perform surgical procedures.
Wounded in the marshalling area allocated to the wounded with etching chemical
agents and radioactive materials that are sent to a special treatment area (PSO)
where the partial special treatment.
Badly wounded arrive in bandages, all the rest comes in the evacuation chamber
and hence on.
In the sorting and recovery unit are performed:
registration (full card of primary care: the introduction of antibiotics, serums,
toxoids, antidotes, drugs. Depending on additional damage left color bar on the
irradiation - Blue
When resistant poisoning - yellow
with bacterial infection - black
for bleeding and harness - red
This card is a passport wounded.
Activities need to be in the states was life threatening:
1. temporary stop bleeding and control harnesses
2. Transportation amputation
3. procaine blockade of the affected limb, and vagosympathetic blockade on the
neck, perirenal blockade that reduces the effects of shock.
In shock and a great loss of blood transfusions is jetting.
4. When urinary retention - bladder catheterization.
5. When tension pneumothorax and asphyxia must pierce the intercostal spaces,
pump out the air and make the drainage valve.
6. Partial anti-gas treatment and antibiotics, tetanus toxoid.
With the type of care can be reduced not to blockade administered antibiotics
around the wound, not to change the bandages and immobilization, and not to fill
the documentation
Stage of skilled care in OmedB and HMO.This hospital, with their vehicles. It
• Sort: walking away, wounded in the eye are hard (because it is sympathetic
defeat the other eye, which can lead to blindness).
• issued coupons: E1-E2 - to be evacuated immediately after ligation. This is
slightly injured, they go to specialized hospitals for walking wounded, and thus the
flow is reduced by 20-25%. With the card 1 and 2 red with serious injuries chest
and abdomen are sent to operational. With the coupon, blue 1 and 2 wounded sent
to the dressing for the seriously injured. Here are sent injured limbs that require
amputation or surgery combined with persistent lesions with chemical agents and
radioactive materials.
The main prize - a large operating room, where operations on the wounded in the
chest and abdomen. If there is a severe shock or injured potyazhelelhim
temporarily sent to the anti shock chambers: two of them - one for the wounded,
and the other - for baked with coupon Sh
All those who underwent surgery, get pass O.
Specialized care in hospital:
• walking wounded to hospitals, where most patients wounded in the hand, for a
period not exceeding 60 days.
• Other hospitals are formed from military field surgical hospital and a group of
specialized medical care (thoracoabdominal, burn, X-ray and other groups)
• Specialized mobile surgical field hospital is the most important and large, for the
wounded in the head, spine and neck. Here the wounded are bathing and delousing
establishment and spread in the surgical department:
1. neurosurgical department with spinal, maxillofacial
2. ENT Departments
3. ophthalmology department
• orthopedic hospital (with X-ray department and plaster group)
• thoracicoabdominal hospital
In the company is the first aid to the wounded in the order of self-help or mutual
aid, but mostly orderly and medical instructor. First aid is to close the wound
dressing - individual package, stop bleeding and primitive immobilization in
favorable cases.
In an infantry battalion ambulance platoon organizes removal of the wounded from
the mouth, providing pre-hospital medical care to the wounded and evacuate them
to the regimental aid post (RAP) and the ability to deploy a battalion aid station
(BMP) in the 0.5-1.5 km from the line of battle. On BMP senior military assistant
corrects incorrectly imposed, tangled blood and Directions Wet dressings, validates
applying tourniquet, standard tires immobilizing fractures of the limbs.
The regiment medical company organizes removal of the wounded from the
battalions, deploy SMS to 2-5 km from the front line, sorts incoming wounded and
makes the provision of primary medical care. PPM is the immobilization of
fractures and other injuries extensive standard transport buses, the introduction of
serums, anti-shock, validation applying tourniquet, bandage fix the card being
forward area.
In Division - Health Battalion (MSB) is organizing the evacuation of wounded
from the regiment deploys divisional medical center (DMP) in the 6-10 km from
the front line and item by lightly wounded (PPL), produces surgical care to the
wounded on the vital and urgent indications and most seriously injured are
hospitalized for health reasons.
DMP to produce: final stop bleeding, amputations, closure of open pneumothorax,
laparotomy for abdominal wounds, removal of the wounded from the state of
shock and anemia and possible primary treatment of wounds other areas of
overlapping transport tires.
In the PPL is the primary treatment of wounds the hand and fingers and other
injuries in the walking wounded with imposing immobilization tires. In the rear of
the army troop mobile hospitals (HSV) at a distance of 15 - 30 km from the front
line organize triage coming from SMEs produce primary treatment of wounds
second urgency of surgery for complications of infection of wounds and temporary
hospitalization wounded
to prepare them for further evacuation and elimination of their complications
(hemoptysis, pneumonia, gas infection, shock, secondary bleeding).
Depending on the situation on the HSV can impose duties Primary processing and
provision of special surgery (neurosurgery, dental and vision). However, this
assistance will normally be provided on a track located in the rear stages.
In the rear of the head of Field Army evacuation center Army (GOPEP) deploys in
supply stations army mobile hospitals (APG) and evakopriemnik (EA). Field army
clearing station (PEP) deploys in hospital base station stewardship Army (GBA).
Mobile army hospitals take nosilochnyh wounded from SME and HSV, sorting
them, provide special surgical care for wounds of skull, jaw and eye, treatment of
complications wound infection, temporary hospitalization of the wounded to
prepare for further evacuation. One of APG GOPEP can be allocated for minor
injuries with short term treatment - up to 10-15 days.
Evakopriemnik lightly wounded from SME and HSV, sorting them, primary
processing wounds second urgency rough on PPL surgery for complications of
infection and preparation for further evacuation of the wounded.
When sorting VC allocates group lightly wounded and frostbitten, which can
recover in 1-2 weeks, and send them for treatment in a specially designed for this
APG for minor injuries.
Army Base Hospital (GBA) consists of evacuation hospitals that are behind the
critically injured, requiring hospitalization, patients requiring specialized
treatment, and easily wounded, the duration of treatment does not exceed 3-4
weeks. The others injured after sorting and help them in the front GBA sends rear hospital base front (HBF).
For triage entering GBA, and to prepare for the evacuation of wounded, not subject
to hospitalization GBA, stands one of the EG GBA, called "collecting hospital."
Used in this lesson, new teaching methods:
"Weakest link"
To work needed:
1.Nabor questions on the subject: "The traumatic shock syndrome
prolonged compression. "
2.List paper and a list of groups for logging game.
1. The game holds a teacher and an assistant from the students - the counter.
2. Counter wrote on a sheet date, the group number, the faculty and the business
name of the game and a list of student groups.
3. The teacher asks questions to students in sequence from a set of questions.
4. Student must reply within 5 seconds.
5. Teacher of the word "right" or "wrong" answer evaluates if the "wrong" then he
gives the correct answer.
6. Counter puts opposite the name of the student, "+" or "-" depending on the
correct answer.
7. In this way, students take 2 rounds of questions.
8. After 2 rounds of questions the game is suspended and students who have
received 2 minus, out of the game as the "weakest link".
9. The game continues for a new circle with the rest of the students. Again offered
one new round of questions, and again eliminated students who in the sum with the
first two rounds turned instrumentals.
10.Tur by round selected the strongest of the players, who responded to an
increasing number of issues.
11. On a sheet against each name the teacher records - who, in any round, retired
and became a "weak link".
12. Game estimated maximum of 0.8 points. Students who withdrew after the first
2 rounds of the answers, get a game of "0" points,
after 3 rounds of answers - "0.2" points, after 4 rounds of answers - "0.4" points,
after 5 rounds of answers - "0.6" points;
the strongest party gets a "0.8" points.
13. The scoring on the sheet of the protocol to the count of the current total of
occupation as an estimate for the theoretical part.
14. At the bottom, the free part of the journal, the teacher records
on a business game, and then the elder captures this fact by his signature.
15. Minutes of the game remains.
Playing "The Weakest Link" on "traumatic shock syndrome, prolonged
1. As called health centers and hospitals
(Located at different distances on the battlefield)
designed to evacuate the wounded?
Stages of medical evacuation.
2. What is the amount of care is acceptable under adverse
military and medical conditions?
The reduced volume of care.
3. The most important element of the staged treatment of the wounded is a medical
4. Medical triage - it ...
Isolation of victims' groups in need of uniform medical evacuation.
5. The essence of medical triage is ...
In determining the sequence and nature of care required wounded at some stage.
6. When a medical doctor based on sorting ...
Tentative diagnosis and prognosis of the damage in the victim.
7. The main two types of medical triage: Vnutripunktovaya and evacuation transport.
8. When sorting vnutripunktovoydetermine ...
What is the functional unit of the stage and in which all should be directed
9. The purpose of the evacuation - transport order:
Determine what part, what type of transport and where it must be transported to the
10.V grading structure - Escape department includes:
Sorting post, screening area, alarm - screening chamber, evacuation unit.
11. Optimal area marshalling area for medsambata
Up to 800 m2. 12.Kak group to be affected by isolation?
Infectious patients and those with diseases that are suspected of
infectious. 13.Kakaya group to be affected by the special treatment?
Wounded contaminated by radioactive substances, toxic
substances. 14.Iskhodya Means of care for each injured
stage is divided into ...
In need of help at this stage, do not need assistance
this stage, received incompatible with life. 15.Sortirovka walking wounded is ...
Without removing the dressing, by examination and determination
functional damage to the area or limb. 16.Perevyazochnoe for walking wounded
unfolds ...
At 2 tables. 17.Perevyazochnoe deployed for seriously injured ...
At 6 tables. 18.Obem medical triage carried sorting
Brigade for 1 hour:
15 - 20 wounded. 19. The composition of the marshalling team includes: Doctor, 2
nurses, 2 receptionist and nurse. 20.Osnovnaya purpose first aid ... Temporary
elimination of the causes of life-threatening injuries. 21.Soderzhimoe individual
Radioprotective, anti, anti-bacterial,
anesthetics. 22.Mehanizirovanny collection and removal of the wounded is ...
Conveyors leading edge. 23.Kuda removed seriously injured after providing them
health care?
For the post of ambulances. 24.Na what stage of medical evacuation is pre-medical
Battalion aid station. 25.Kto provide first aid on the BMP?
Paramedic. 26.Osnovnye problem pre-hospital care:
Struggle with life-threatening disorders of important functions
body and the addition of the first medical aid. 27.Dayte first define the concept of
medical care:
Group of urgent measures aimed at tackling
immediate threat to the life of the victim. 28.Osnovnye problem first medical
Prevention of wound infection and preparation
victim to further evacuation. 29.Na what stage of medical evacuation is the first
Regimental aid post. 30.Polny volume of the first medical aid includes ...
Activities implemented urgently and activities
conduct which may be delayed. 31.Osnovnaya goal skilled surgical care: Conduct
operational and post-operative procedures,
to prevent complications and control is
develop dangerous complications. 32.K first group of skilled surgical care
The intervention, which would be produced by life
indications. 33.Ko second group of skilled surgical care
Urgent intervention of the first stage. 34.Kakie operations belong to the urgent
intervention of the first stage?
Operations, which have their own goals to prevent knowingly threatening
severe complications injured. 35.K third group of skilled surgical care
Urgent intervention second stage. 36.K urgent intervention the second phase
Operation, a delay that with early and systematic
AB application will not necessarily lead to the development of dangerous
complications. 37.Kem by special surgical care?
Doctors trained in this narrow field
surgery. 38.Spetsializirovannaya surgical care is ...
In specialized hospitals or profilizirovannyh
departments of hospitals.
39. In specialized hospitals are ...
The full all displayed at a given lesion diagnostic and treatment activities.
40. The principle of one-stage surgical care includes:
Provision in the same hospital at once qualified surgical and specialized medical
3.2. The analytical part of
Test questions relevant to the content
1.How research method and orthopedic trauma patients is a leading
A) Clinical
B) X-ray
C) Laboratory
D) by means of computer tomography
2.Nazovite absolute indication for surgical treatment of fractures
A) open fractures
B) fractures with displacement of bone fragments
C) interposition of tissue between the bone fragments
D) comminuted fractures and fractured
3.For nonunion characterized by all indications, except
A) local edema and trophic disorders of soft tissues
B) crepitus bone fragments
C) mobility in nonunion
D) X-ray - bone marrow sealed channels
4.For radiographic stage I arthrosis characterized by all indications, except
A) a slight narrowing of the joint space
B) subchondral sclerosis
C) small marginal osteophytes
D) dislocation (subluxation) of the femoral head
5.K early diagnosis of avascular necrosis of the femoral head are all methods
A) Clinical
C) biopsy
D) Radionuclide
6.B clinic cervical degenerative disc disease can meet all of these symptoms,
A) anterior scalene muscle
B) Tension
C) Frozen
D) vertebral artery
7.Vyberite symptoms of osteochondrosis of the lumbar spine: 1) intermittent
claudication 2) ishalgichesky scoliosis 3) coccygodynia 4) positive symptom
All the characteristic
A) 2, 3
B) 3, 4
C) 1, 4
D) 1
4. The analytical part of
4.1. Graphic organizer. Types of injuries.
Conceptual table graphic organizer.
Studied the problem, the concept combines multiple ways of thinking.
Structural thinking, improves skills.
1. Acquaintance with the rules of the conceptual schema.
2. Allocated mainly by comparison.
3. Separately fill a conceptual table.
5.Prakticheskaya part.
Providing first aid to the wounded limb fracture.
Objective: To learn the techniques of first aid to the wounded on the battlefield in
fractures of the limbs.
Performs step (stage)....
Stage of training
Introductory word teacher (ad
themes practice session, goals,
learning outcomes, the
characteristics of the classes of
forms of
duration in
minutes. 90
indicators and evaluation criteria)
The discussion of practical
lessons, baseline assessment of
students' knowledge with the use
of new educational technologies
Summary of the discussion
Provision for students of visual
aids and giving disclosures
Self-study on mastering skills
determine the degree of
achievement based on the
cultivated classes of theoretical
knowledge and practical
experience on the results and
taking into account the evaluation
of this group
Conclusion on the teacher's
lesson. Assessing the students on
a 100 point system and its
announcement. Dacha job to the
next class (set of questions)
nterview with the
Study drugs,
oral examination,
written survey,
tests, checking the
results of practical
work, discussion
questions for selfstudy
Each practical skills assessed on a 100-point scale, and this score is multiplied by
the appropriate factor.
The overall score for student practical skills is the sum of points for all skills. A
passing score must be at least 55% of the maximum score.
6. Control forms of knowledge, skills and abilities
- Oral;
- Written;
- Decision of situational problems;
- Demonstration of the developed skills.
6.1. The rating control of student
1. In assessing students' knowledge in trauma criteria included the following
Usvoivanie in%
Excellent Good
The theoretical
Analytical part:
Thepracticalpart 40-34,4
7,75-5,6 5,54,25
7.The evaluation criteria of the current control
Full correct, intelligent response to questions on
the classification, the correct solution of
situational and multi-stage problems with a
rationale response. Manifestation of high
activity, creative approach in interactive games.
Actively and creatively involved in interactive
games, take the right decisions and summarizes
and analyzes.
Complete the correct answer to the questions on
the classification, the correct solution of
situational and multi-stage problems with a
rationale answer actively and creatively involved
in interactive games, take the right decision.
86- 90%
Full correct, meaningful answers to the questions
on the classification but have 1-2 errors in the
response. Own analyzes. Inaccuracies in solving
situational problems, but with the right approach.
Actively involved in interactive games, make the
right decisions.
Correct, but incomplete coverage of the issue.
Student knows the classification, indications
treatments. The correct solution of situational
and multi-stage problems, but incomplete
justification response ..
Proper implementation of practical skills, but
with the assumption of 2-3oshibok.Primenyaet in
practice, understands the essence of the question,
says confidently, is a faithful representation.
Situational problems solved correctly, but the
justification answer sufficiently.
Actively involved in interactive games, take the
right decision.
correct but incomplete coverage of the issue.
Student knows the classification, understands the
mechanism of action and the development of
side effects. Understands the issue, says
confidently, is a faithful representation. Actively
participate in the games. On case studies gives
partial solutions. Proper implementation of
practical skills, but with the assumption of a 34oshibok.
correct but incomplete coverage of the issue.
Student knows the classification, but is not
complete lists are not fully versed in the
mechanism of action. Understands the issue, says
confidently, is a faithful representation. On case
studies gives partial solutions.
Proper implementation of practical skills, but
with the assumption of a 3-4oshibok
Lighting half of the question, but the correct
answer is the right approach to half the
questions. The student knows the classification is
not complete lists understands the matter, said
confidently, has accurate representations only on
specific issues topic. Situational problems solved
correctly, but there is no justification response ..
The difficulty in solving the study answer
situational problems.
Proper implementation of practical skills, but
with the assumption of two or more errors.
The correct answer half the questions. Errors in
classification errors in the testimony tells
uncertainly is accurate representations only on
specific issues topic. Making mistakes in solving
situational problems.
Reply with errors on half the questions. Student
makes an error in the classification, poorly
versed in the mechanism of action is confused.
Says uncertainly, there is a partial view on the
subject. Situational problems solved incorrectly
The answer to the third set of questions. Student
does not know the classification, indications for
use, poorly versed in the mechanism confused
Situational tasks solved correctly if the wrong
Almost nothing about the mechanism of fracture.
Incorrect execution of practical skills.
unsatisfactory- The answer to the fourth questions. Student does
not know the classification, indications for use,
poorly versed in the mechanism of fumbles.
Situational problems solved correctly if the
wrong approach. confuses the main symptoms of
fractures Wrong execution skills.
unsatisfactory- Lighting fifth of the questions correctly. Student
does not know the classification. Gives an
incomplete and partially incorrect answers does
not know the classification, clinic, confuses the
main symptoms of fractures. Almost nothing
about the mechanism of fracture.
Incorrect execution of practical skills
unsatisfactory- Lighting 1/10 of the questions at the wrong
approach. Does not know the classification,
indications almost nothing about the mechanism
of fracture. clinic, confuses the main symptoms
of fractures
. Incorrect execution of practical skills.
unsatisfactory- Questions not answers. Do not know
mechanisms of action. fracture. confuses the
main symptoms of fractures
Can not, execution skills.
8. Test questions
1. Define the notion of bleeding.
2. called stages of medical evacuation of wounded.
3. List the basic steps.
4. What are the basic principles by which to sort the wounded.
5. Health services.
6. The main activities carried out by each type of care.
7. . Name the classification of traumatic shock.
8. . Name the classification of the VTS.
9. . Which treatment is divided into periods of VTS.
10. What are common complications in traumatic shock and SDS, the internal
9. Recommended Reading:
1Yumashev GS "Traumatology and Orthopaedics" Moscow, "Medicine" in 1990. 575s.
2. Musalatov HA "Traumatology and Orthopaedics", Moscow, "Medicine" in
1995. -C.
3 "Notes on military surgery" V.N.Byalin, L.N.Bisenkov,
P.G.Bryusov etc. M. 2000. - 415s.
WWW.jbjs org.uk
Head. Department of Traumatology, Orthopaedics,
Field surgery with a neurosurgeon
Karimov MU