Subject to the $/R exchange rate

Depart from King Shaka for OR Tambo. Connect with your international flight to Tel Aviv
You arrive at Ben Gurion International Airport and clear formalities. Meet your guide Hela-Crown
Tamir as well as your driver. Board your bus and drive to Joppa/Yafo. This is where Simon the
Tanner lived (Acts 10:1-6) and where Jonah set sail for Tarshish (Jonah 1:1-3). You will have mass in
the ancient St Peters Church. The steeple of this church overlooks the picturesque fishing port, and
has for over a century been a beacon signalling to the sea-weary pilgrims that the Holy Land was
near. The rest of the afternoon will be at leisure to rest or swim in the beautiful blue waters of the
Mediterranean Sea.
Overnight in Tal Hotel - Tel Aviv*
*Check in at 2:00 PM
After a wonderful traditional Israeli breakfast you board your bus and make your way to the top of
Mt Carmel where you will visit the Stella Maris Convent and the grotto of the prophet Elijah. On to
Muhraqa where Elijah confronted the 400 prophets of Ba’al. From here you have a magnificent view
of the valley of Armageddon and the Kishon River where the 400 prophets of ba’al were slaughtered.
This is an ideal place for some prayer and reflection. You will celebrate mass in the chapel. Recently
the chapel was modernized and an altar of twelve stones was erected in memory of the twelve
stones used by Elijah to construct his altar according to the Bible (I Kings, 18, 31). You then travel
across the Jezreel valley to Nazareth where you will visit the Nazareth Village. This is a live, walk in
village as it would have been in the time of Jesus. “Fascinating” is an understatement. Leaving
Nazareth behind you drive to the top of the Arbel cliff overlooking the Sea of Galilee for a breathtaking view of the area.
Overnight – Franciscan Sisters of Mary
This morning you drive to the top of the Mt of Beatitudes where the famous sermon-on-the-mount
was preached to have mass in the beautiful church overlooking the Sea of Galilee. The beautiful
Basilica of the Church of Mount of Beatitudes was built during 1936-1938 to a design of the Italian
famous church architect, Antonio Barluzzi. We then travel up the scenic Hula Valley which once was
a swampland but has now been drained and worked at a great cost to human live. Malaria killed
many of the early pioneers. The Hula is a stop-over for thousands of migrating birds. The next Port
of call is Tel Dan to see the ancient ruins. Seeing the Mud Gate from Abraham’s time is a breathtaking experience. You then walk along the babbling streams of “Living Water” (when you see it you
will understand) remembering what Jesus said in John 7:38 – that out of your innermost beings will
flow “rivers of living water”. Up to Banias or Caesarea Philippi, where the god Pan was worshipped.
This is where Jesus asks of Peter “who do you say that I am”? It is also here at Banias that we find
one of the three sources of the Jordan River, a spring of water that bubbles out of the ground and
seems to multiply as it flows downstream – just amazing!! From here you can see the mighty
Hermon Mountain. On your way home and if there is sufficient time you will stop at Tel Hazor.
Hazor was one of Solomon’s fortified cities (along with Megiddo and Gezer) and it was also the home
of Jabin who fought against the judge, Deborah.
Overnight – Franciscan Sisters of Mary
An early start sees you on your way to Nazareth where you will partake in a mass at the Basilica of
Annunciation built over Joseph’s carpenter shop. From here you will visit Mary’s well, and then
backtrack a little to Cana. Cana in Galilee is the traditional site where Jesus performed his first
miracle, turning the water into wine at the wedding feast. This is a good place to renew wedding
vows and pray for your partners (or pray for A partner). After purchasing your “wedding wine” you
make your way back to the Sea of Galilee for your boat ride. This will give you a feeling of what the
disciples and fishermen experienced during the long hours they spent on the lake fishing.
Overnight – Franciscan Sisters of Mary
You start your day with a visit to St Peter Primacy at the lakeside. It was here that Jesus said to Peter
“follow me”. On to Capernaum, Jesus “headquarters” during His ministry in the Northern areas. It is
here that we see our Saviour busy healing, preaching and teaching. This is also where Jesus healed
Peter’s mother- in- law. Don’t forget to catch the life-size statue of Peter. From here you will travel
to Mt Tavor where the “transfiguration” took place. It was here that Jesus, Peter, James and John
met with Moses and Elijah. This is also the site of Deborah’s battle with king Jabin of Hazor. Just
over the road is Endor where King Saul consulted a medium before the battle on Mt Gilboa. You will
celebrate mass on top of Mt Tavor in another of the beautiful churches designed by Barluzzi. You
then drive across the Jezreel or Armageddon Valley to visit Ein Harod. This is the spot where Gideon
whittled his army down from 32 000 to 300. You will have a chance to lap water from the spring and
it is an ideal place to blow the shofar! From here you can see Har More where, at Shunem, Elijah
raised the widow’s son from the dead. On the other side, at a village called Nain, Jesus raised
another widow’s son. If time permits you will visit Gan HaShalosha (garden of the three) to swim in
the beautiful clear spring pools.
Overnight – Franciscan Sisters of Mary
Travel to Tabgha, the site of the multiplication, where Jesus feeds the 5000 with 2 fish and 5 loaves.
You will have mass in this exquisite church set in beautiful surroundings. From here you will travel
south down the famous Jordan Valley towards Jericho. Unfortunately local politics dictate that you
have to drive past Jericho, but Hela will stop the bus for you to have a look at the oasis city and read
the Old and New Testament scriptures. Jericho is the oldest inhabited city in the world and just
behind it is Quarantal, Mt of Temptation. A little further down the road the bus will turn left towards
Qaser el Yahud which is the traditional baptism site of Jesus. You will take time out here to do
baptisms. As you motor further south the bus will stop on the side of the road for a sighting of the
Qumran caves. Your next destination is the mighty mountain fortress of Masada (where today’s
Israeli paratroopers take a vow that “Masada will NEVER fall again”…” This should prove to be a
“mountain top” experience. It is only a short drive to your overnight hotel in the southern area of
the Dead Sea. You will be free to stroll down and take a “swim” or should I say “bob!” in the Sea.
This is a MUST. The Dead Sea is the lowest point on the earth.
Overnight at the Oasis hotel at the Dead Sea (Subject to hotel confirmation)
This exciting day starts with a drive into the desert for a camel ride after which you will drive to Tel
Be’er Sheva, home to the Patriarchs. Here you will meet Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. You will learn of
their fascinating history and how it has shaped our faith today. Leaving Be’er Sheva behind, you, the
bus travels to the valley of Elath where the young shepherd boy, David, slew the giant Goliath (over
9 feet tall) in that famous one-on-one confrontation. You travel on past Tel Bet Shemesh where the
Ark of the Covenant was returned to the Israelites by the Philistines. Your next stop is the beautiful
Valley of Ayylon where the sun stood still for almost a day allowing Joshua and the Israelites to win
the battle. On up the famous Tel Aviv – Jerusalem highway where you will pass wrecks of old lorries
that were blown up and shot to pieces as the Jews tried to break through the Arab ambushes on
their way to Jerusalem with supplies that the besieged city so desperately needed. Make your way
to the top of the Mount of Olives in Jerusalem. The view from here is breath-taking!! It was from
the Mount of Olives that the risen Jesus ascended into heaven (Acts 1:8-12) and it is to the Mount of
Olives that He returns (Zech 14:4). It is a short walk down to the Garden of Gethsemane where you
will partake in a mass at the Church of All Nations. This very special garden has olive trees with a
root system that could possibly date back 2000 years to the time of Jesus.
Overnight at the Jerusalem Towers Hotel.
After your usual scrumptious Israeli Breakfast you will drive to Bethlehem (in Hebrew – House of
Bread) to visit the birthplace of Jesus. In John 6:35 – Jesus refers to Himself as the Bread of Life. You
will also visit the cave where Jerome translated the Hebrew Scriptures into Latin and will participate
in a Mass in the spectacular Nativity Church commemorating His birth. Your bus will now take you
to Ein Kerem to visit the Church of Visitation where Elizabeth proclaimed the Virgin Mary as the
“magnificent”. Ein Kerem is also the birthplace of John the Baptist. Travel to Abu Gosh-Emmaus
(remember the two disciples walking with Jesus on the way to Emmaus after His resurrection).After
supper you will walk to David’s Citadel for the Light & Sound Show - a modern look at ancient
Overnight at Jerusalem Towers Hotel.
After breakfast you take a stroll to the Western Wall, walk up onto the Temple Mount, across to the
Pool of Bethesda and then on to the Crusader church of St. Ann’s. You will spend some time here
singing a few quiet Songs of Worship. The Church has a 9 second echo which makes for a really
beautiful sound. Thereafter, you visit the Lithostratos (where Jesus was scourged and received His
Crown of Thorns and Cross) and the following Thirteen Stations of the Cross, finishing up at the
Church of the Holy Sepulchre where you will celebrate mass. Helena the mother of Constantine built
the Church some 300 years after the death of Jesus. Lunch will be a Bagel & Zatar (a spice) eaten
‘on the hoof’. You will make your way back to the hotel for a well-earned rest.
Overnight at Jerusalem Towers Hotel
After breakfast stroll walk to the Dormition Abby, where Mary, Mother of Jesus, fell asleep for the
last time and was “assumed”, taken up into heaven. This is where you will celebrate Mass. Next is a
visit to the traditional site of the Upper Room, then down the hill to Peter in Gallicantu. This is
traditionally the High Priest Caiaphas’ House where Jesus was betrayed by Peter and where Jesus
would probably have been kept overnight before being taken to Pilate the next morning. Further
down the hill you go to David’s City where you will visit this ancient site and have the opportunity of
walking through Hezekiah’s tunnel. Catch the local bus Number 1 back to the hotel.
Overnight at Jerusalem Towers Hotel.
After breakfast you will start the day by visiting Bethany, the village where Lazarus lived. Here you
will celebrate mass and visit the site of Lazarus’ tomb. Thereafter you make your way to the Mount
of Olives to visit the Pater Noster Church which has the “Our Father” in the languages of many, many
countries. From here you will walk down the Mount of Olives to visit the Dominus Flevit Church
where Jesus wept over Jerusalem.
Check out of the hotel at 12pm. Rest of the afternoon at your leisure.
Tonight we celebrate our ‘Last Supper’ together on this wonderful experience. Travel to Abu GoshEmmaus for dinner (remember the two disciples walking with Jesus on the way to Emmaus after His
resurrection). There will be a short presentation. We then make our way to Ben Gurion
International Airport in Tel Aviv (approximately 55 minutes) to be there no later than 21h00, to start
airport formalities (which can be quite lengthy).
Early morning departure from Tel Aviv Airport for OR Tambo International Airport. Catch your
connecting flight back to Durban.
Sadly your Pilgrimage to the Holy land has ended, but the experience, memories and friendships you
have made will last an eternity. We pray that you arrive back home with a better understanding of
Israel and the Scriptures along with a deeper love and appreciation for Jesus – your Redeemer and
Shalom – Le’hitra’ot
Hotels (or similar):
Tel Aviv
Tal / Metropolitan / Mercure
Franciscan Sisters of Mary /
St. Gabriel
Jerusalem Tower / Prima
Park / Yehuda Hotel
Dead Sea
Cost of the tour is R30 750 ex OR Tambo Airport
(Subject to the $/R exchange rate)
A non-refundable deposit of R 3 500 is required to secure your booking
The following costs are included in the tour price:
 Return Flights from Johannesburg to Tel Aviv via Addis Ababa on Ethiopian
 Insurance with TIC
 Tips
Airport meeting assist upon arrival
Modern A/C motor coach for touring and transfers
Licensed English speaking guide for all touring
Twin share accommodation in chosen class of hotels
Meals – Breakfast and Dinner daily in hotels.
Entrance fees for the above mentioned sites
Taxes and service charges
Pilgrims gift packs
Mobile phone for the tour leader
Not included in tour price:
 Lunches
 Spending money for personal extras.
NB. A single room supplement is $735