Girl Scout Glossary - Girl Scouts, Hornets` Nest Council

Girl Scout Glossary
A grade-level in Girl Scouting. Girl Scout Ambassadors are in grades 10-12.
Annual meeting
The yearly meeting a local Girl Scout council holds to elect its board of directors and conduct other
business essential to Girl Scouting in its geographic area. Girl Scouts, Hornets’ Nest Council holds its
Annual Meeting between March 1 – April 30 each year, pursuant to the bylaws.
See Insignia.
Badges vs. Patches – Badges are awards given to girls once they’ve completed all badge requirements
and vary for each age level. These are to be placed on the front of the girls’ vests or sash. Patches are
fun activities that troops can participate in that are not designated as official GSUSA activities or
requirements. These are placed on the back of the girls’ vest or sash.
Be a Friend First (BFF)
A six to eight week series program based on the amaze journey created for middle school girls to help
them develop healthy relationship skills, understand relational aggression, and learn about conflict
resolution and bullying prevention. This is designed to be delivered in a classroom setting.
The Savannah, Georgia, birthplace and childhood home of Juliette "Daisy" Gordon Low, founder of Girl
Scouts of the USA. The Birthplace is now a historic house museum and Girl Scout troop program
facility. See also Juliette Gordon Low Girl Scout National Center.
Board Level Awards - The perfect way to celebrate individuals whose continuing service and commitment
have made a difference in Girl Scouting is to nominate them for a Board Level Award. GSUSA offers the
following awards for adults who have delivered outstanding service to our organization. The Board Level
Awards are as follows:
Appreciation Pin: recognizes a registered adult volunteer or staff member who has
delivered outstanding service to at least one Service Unit or program delivery audience.
Honor Pin: recognizes a registered adult volunteer or staff member who has delivered
outstanding service to two or more Service Units or program delivery audiences.
Thanks Badge: recognizes a registered adult volunteer or staff member whose performance
is truly outstanding and benefits the total council or the entire Girl Scout movement.
Thanks II Badge: The candidate has already received the Thanks Badge and has continued
to contribute in extraordinary ways that benefit the total council or the entire Girl Scout
movement (performing at the same high level for an extended period of time).
Girl Scout Glossary
Board of Directors
See National Board of Directors.
Bridging activities
Activities preparing members for the next Girl Scout grade-level or transition into the use of different
grade-level resources. The bridging frequently involves completing an activity done by girls in the
upcoming grade-level. A ceremony is then held to mark the transition from one grade level to the
A grade-level in Girl Scouting. Girl Scout Brownies are grades 2-3.
Brownie Ring
A circle formed by members of a Girl Scout Brownie troop/group for discussing troop business and
planning activities.
A grade-level in Girl Scouting. Girl Scouts Cadettes are grades 6-8.
Camp Store
Retail store located at Dale Earnhardt Environmental Leadership Campus at Oak Springs.
Criminal Background Check. Must be conducted through GSHNC.
Cookie Cupboard
This is the location in each Service Unit where the Girl Scout Cookie sold by the troops are stored prior
to pick up. Often hold extra cookies during the cookie sale for troop leaders to pick up more cookies to
sell at booths, etc.
Chief Executive Officer
The Chief Executive Officer of the national Girl Scout corporation. Employed by and accountable to its
board of directors, the Chief Executive Officer serves at the pleasure of the board. She or he leads the
national staff in achieving the organization's vision and goals. Anna Maria Chavez is the current CEO of
Girl Scouts of the USA.
Chief Executive Officer, Girl Scout council
Employed by, and accountable to, its board of directors, the Chief Executive Officer of a local Girl
Scout council provides strategic direction and vision for development and achievement of the
organization's purpose, as well as leadership in council day-to-day operations.
Cookie Dough
Can be earned by girls participating in the cookie sales program; the more you sell, the more dough
you can earn. Cookie Dough can be used to purchase items from the Juliette’s’ Boutique, the Council
Store, or to pay for Girl Scout Programs/camps. Cookie Dough is not redeemable for cash.
Girl Scout Glossary
Cookie Program Business Skills
These are the 5 skills every girl learns by participating in the cookie program – it’s not just a
fundraiser, it’s financial empowerment: (1) Goal Setting; (2) Decision Making; (3) Money
Management; (4) People Skills; and (5) Business Ethics.
Court of Awards
A ceremony where girls receive awards for their achievements.
A grade-level in Girl Scouting. Girl Scout Daisies are in kindergarten or grade 1.
The nickname of Girl Scout founder Juliette Gordon Low.
Daisy Circle
A form of troop governance used by Daisies. Usually once a month, the girls and their leader meet in
a circle to plan, solve problems and make decisions.
See National Council delegate, Girl Scout council delegate.
Any Girl Scout activity that takes girls outside their own troops and councils. Destinations fall into one
of five different categories—international, outdoor, science, people, or getaways. All destinations
events provide an opportunity for individual members to broaden their perspectives and give Girl
Scouting an enhanced visibility.
Earned grade-level awards
Insignia from Girl Scout grade-level books. Earned by completing requirements or by demonstrating
an understanding of a concept. Included in this category are such awards as Girl Scout grade-level
badges, the Girl Scout Gold, Silver and Bronze Awards.
Early Bird – Early registration period for the new Girl Scout year. The registration time frame is from
March 1st to May 31st.
Ebudde – GSHNC’s database for all information related to the cookie sale.
E-Council – GSHNC’s database that houses all information on registered members of GSHNC. Both girl
and adult information are stored on this site.
Girl Scout Glossary
Encampment - Camp events hosted and managed by each Service Unit
Edith Macy Conference Center
A year-round, training facility located in Briarcliff, NY providing professional development courses for
Girl Scout adults.
A group trip away from a day or resident base camp, which extends not longer than two days and one
night and has a particular point of interest as its destination. The group and its leader plan and carry
out the trip.
Extended trip
A trip lasting more than three nights (may require a health examination as well as a health history,
local Girl Scout council approval, and additional insurance coverage).
Fall Sale - This product sale begins in September/October that allows for additional fundraising for
troops. The products include a variety of nuts and candies.
Family Campaign- Part of GSHNC’s annual fundraising campaign that includes staff, board of directors
and families of Girls Scouts. Funds are also donated by GSHNC’s membership families and goes to
support financial assistance, camp opportunities, and programs for the council’s girls. Each of the 20
Service Units has a set goal achieve each Girl Scout calendar year.
Fly-up Ceremony
The event at which a Girl Scout Brownie receives her Brownie Wings and becomes a Girl Scout Junior.
Founder’s Day
The birthday of Juliette Gordon Low, founder of Girl Scouts, October 31.
Friendship Circle
A circle formed by Girl Scouts standing and clasping hands (before they reach for each other's hands,
girls cross their right hand over their left). The circle represents the unbroken chain of friendship
among Girl Scouts and Girl Guides all over the world.
Friendship Squeeze
A hand squeeze that travels around a friendship circle from one person to another after someone
starts it.
FYI – A quarterly document with all the upcoming programming and training opportunities for
registered Girl Scouts in the Hornets’ Nest Council.
Girl Scout Glossary
Girl Guide
The original name for Girl Scouts, which is still used in many countries. It is also a term used to
identify girls and adults who are members of the Girl Guiding Movement in many countries.
Girl Scouting 101 – A 45 minute video provided by GSUSA that is gives a quick breakdown and
understanding of Girl Scouting. This tool is a requirement for upcoming leaders to watch.
Girl Scout
A member of Girl Scouts of the USA or another country's national Girl Scout organization. The U.S.
organization grants membership to any girl who has:
Made the Girl Scout Promise
Accepted the Girl Scout Law
Paid the annual dues
Met applicable grade level requirements
Girl Scout Adult
An adult member of Girl Scouts of the USA. The organization grants membership as a Girl Scout adult
to any person who has:
Accepted its principles and beliefs, as stated in the preamble of its constitution.
Paid the annual or lifetime dues.
Met applicable age/education standards. A Girl Scout adult must be 18 or older or have a
high school diploma or the equivalent.
Girl Scout Birthday
The official birthday of Girl Scouting is March 12, 1912. This is when the first meeting was held.
Girl Scout Bronze Award®
The highest honor a Junior Girl Scout can earn, this requires her to learn the leadership and planning
skills necessary to follow through on a project that makes a positive impact on her community.
Girl Scout Council
One of Girl Scouts of the USA's local affiliates, with authority over Girl Scouting in a specific section of
the country. Currently, there are over 100 Girl Scout Councils in the USA.
Girl Scout Council Charter
A credential issued by GSUSA's National Board to a group of persons, a corporation, or other form of
organization exclusively devoted to the Girl Scout Movement in the United States. The charter grants
the group or organization the right to develop, manage and maintain Girl Scouting in a specified area
and call itself a Girl Scout council.
Girl Scout Council Delegate
Any registered Girl Scout 14 years of age or over, elected as a voting member of a local Girl Scout
council corporation. A specific geographic area elects the delegate to represent it at the council's
annual meeting. Delegates serve for a 1 year term at Hornets’ Nest Council. A delegate may serve for
3 terms. The board creates the formula for the number of delegates geographic areas can elect, which
is usually based on the total number of girls an area registers through the council by a specific date.
Girl Scout Glossary
Girl Scout Gold Award®
The Girl Scout Gold Award is the highest and most prestigious award that Girl Scout Seniors and
Ambassadors can earn. This award recognizes the leadership, efforts, and impact girls have had on
their communities.
Girl Scout Handshake
A formal way of greeting other Girl Scouts and Girl Guides. You shake hands with the left hand and
give the Girl Scout sign with your right hand.
Girl Scout Law
I will do my best to be
honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong, and
responsible for what I say and do,
and to
respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place, and
be a sister to every Girl Scout.
Girl Scout Leader
A registered Girl Scout adult and trained volunteer who meets regularly with girls to help them
achieve the purposes of Girl Scouting.
Girl Scout Leader's Day
A day of appreciation for adult volunteers in Girl Scouting held on April 22 every year.
Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE)
Girls Discover themselves and their values; Connect with others; and Take Action to make the world a
better place. At Girl Scouts, everything centers around the girl; activities are girl-led, which gives girls
the opportunity to learn by doing in a cooperative learning environment.
Girl Scout Mission Statement
Girl Scouts builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place.
Girl Scout motto
"Be prepared."
Girl Scout Movement
Also referred to as the Movement. All members of the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts
joined together for the purpose of inspiring girls with the highest ideals of character, conduct,
patriotism, and service so they may become happy and resourceful citizens.
Girl Scout Glossary
Girl Scout National Organization
A grouping that includes the National Council, National Board of Directors, national committees and
task groups, and the national staff.
Girl Scout Promise
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God and my country,
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.
Girl Scout Research Institute (GSRI)
The GSRI conducts original research, evaluation, and outcomes measurement studies, releases
critical facts and findings, and provides resources essential for the advancement of the well-being
and safety of girls living in today’s world.
Girl Scout Service Mark
The Girl Scout service mark is composed of two parts: the symbol (the trefoil with three profiles) and
the logotype (the words "Girl Scouts" along with the registration mark ®).
Girl Scout Sign
Made by raising three fingers of the right hand. This sign stands for the three parts of the Promise.
You give the sign when:
You say the Girl Scout Promise
You are welcomed into Girl Scouting at an investiture ceremony
You receive a patch or badge
You greet other Girl Scouts and Girl Guides
Girl Scout Silver Award®
The highest award a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. This requires her to show she is a leader who is
organized, determined, and dedicated to improving her community.
Girl Scout Slogan
"Do a good turn daily."
Girl Scouts of the United States of America (GSUSA)
The official name of the national Girl Scout corporation, chartered by the U.S. Congress and
incorporated in the District of Columbia. Also known as Girl Scouts of the USA or GSUSA.
Girl Scouts' Own
Girl-planned inspirational ceremonies held in the troop/group or at camp. It is an opportunity for girls
to express their feelings about Girl Scouting or a topic of their choosing, such as friendship, being
courageous and strong, or nature. Girl Scouts' Own is not a religious service.
Girl Scout Trefoil
"Trefoil" means three leaves. Each leaf in the Girl Scout trefoil stands for a part of the Girl Scout
Promise. Within the traditional Girl Scout trefoil is the American eagle and shield, which are part of the
Great Seal of the United States of America. The eagle is a symbol of strength and victory, and the
shield on the eagle's breast signifies self-reliance. In his talons, he clutches on his right an olive
Girl Scout Glossary
branch, the symbol of peace, and on his left, a shaft of arrows, the symbol of might. The eagle faces
right, which is the position of honor, looking toward the symbol of peace. The eagle and shield within
the trefoil signify that Girl Scouts stand ready to serve their country. The stylized Girl Scout trefoil,
symbolizes the continuing commitment to the three-part Promise. The three faces stand for the
diversity of Girl Scouting and its focus on girls.
Girl Scout Troop
A group of girls and adults (minimum of 2) who meet on a regular basis to engage in Girl Scout
Program activities. Troops are organized according to “Grade Level” which places girls together with
others in the same social/developmental stage.
Girl Scout University (GSU)
GSU offers personal, professional, and career development opportunities, through In-Person and
Online learning experiences, for Girl Scouts volunteers and staff.
Girl Scout Volunteer
An adult who contributes her or his time to Girl Scouts without the expectation of compensation.
Volunteers typically give their time as troop/group leaders/advisors, coaches, mentors, board
members, delegates, or assist girls in special projects in their area of expertise.
Girl Scout Week
The week containing March 12, the Girl Scout birthday, the anniversary of the first Girl Scout troop
meeting in the United States in 1912. This observance is celebrated each year, starting with the
Sunday on or preceding the 12th.
Girls Guide to Girl Scouting
Each guide contains the following: A colorful, easy-to-use binder specially designed for girls at each
level; Legacy, Financial Literacy, and Cookie Business badge activities; a detailed diagram showing
where girls place the badges, pins, or awards with pride on their vests or sashes; ideas to help girls tie
their badges into their Journeys; vintage illustrations and quotes from Girl Scout history; an awards
The grade-levels in Girl Scouting are:
Daisy, grades K-1
Brownie, grades 2-3
Junior, grades 4-5
Cadette, grades 6-8
Senior, grades 9-10
Ambassador, grades 11-12
Health history
An updated record of a girl's past and present health status (for example: allergies, chronic illnesses,
Girl Scout Glossary
and injuries), which her parent/guardian completes. The organization requires a health history for
participation in physically demanding activities, such as water sports or horseback riding.
The umbrella term for U.S. Girl Scout earned grade-level awards, religious and other awards,
emblems, and participation patches and pins. Girls wear all insignia, except participation patches and
pins, on the front of their Girl Scout uniform.
A ceremony in which a new member makes her Girl Scout Promise and receives her membership pin.
Journeys – A fun and challenging experience spread over a series of sessions (usually 6-8 but with the
potential to last far longer). The journey, which follows a designated theme, has a clear starting point
(an invitation to explore and take action) and a definite ending point (opportunities to enjoy closure
through reflections, rewards, and celebration). Along the way, girls are following a purposeful trail that
allows them to have fun, get wiser, and experience all the joys of being a traveler (meeting new people,
exploring new tastes and cultures, gathering keepsakes, making memories) while being able to carry this
all in one "suitcase" - their journey book!
Journey books take girls at every grade level through a series of Discover, Connect, and Take Action
experiences, with emphasis on inviting girls to "Take Action" on issues they care about. These books also
contain stories; inspirational ideas; information about Girl Scout history, traditions, and values; facts and
games; and provide space for girls to collect their own ideas and memories. Journeys aim at giving Girl
Scouts the benefits of the Girl Scout "Keys to Leadership": Discover, Connect, Take Action. There are
three Journeys series: “It’s Your World—Change It”, “It’s Your Planet—Love it” and “It’s your Story—Tell
Juliettes – These are registered Girl Scouts who are not part of the traditional troop program. These
girls still work towards the same badges and activities, they simply do not belong to a troop. They
can join other girls at council-wide events and can participate in all Girl Scouts has to offer.
Juliette Gordon Low
The founder of the Girl Scout Movement in the United States. Also known as Daisy.
Juliette Gordon Low Girl Scout National Center
Also called the birthplace, is the house where Juliette Gordon Low was born, is now a Girl Scout
museum and program center maintained by GSUSA. Located in Savannah, Georgia, the center is part
of the largest national Historic Landmark District in the United States.
Juliette Low World Friendship Fund
A Girl Scouts of the USA-operated fund that supports educational programs, service projects, training,
and international travel to foster friendship among girls from the 144 countries of the World
Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts.
Girl Scout Glossary
A grade-level in Girl Scouting. Girl Scout Juniors are in grades 4-6.
Kaper chart
A grid system, wheel, or table showing the job assigned to each girl or group of girls for any given
project. Useful for meetings, camp-outs, and special events.
Kickoff – An annual event that occurs before the start of the school year. Leaders are invited to take
different courses, learn about programming, and mingle with staff and fellow leaders.
See Girl Scout Leader
Leader 101 – An approximately 2 hour long course that is required for all volunteers to take prior to
becoming a leader. This breaks down all rules and guidelines that must be followed when leading a
Learning Petals
Awards earned by Girl Scout Daisies. Each petal is a different color and represents one of the 10 parts
of the Girl Scout Law. To earn a petal, a girl shows her troop leader she understands the
corresponding part of the Law.
Lifetime membership
Granted to any person 18 years of age or older or a high school graduate or the equivalent who:
Accepts the principals and beliefs as stated in the Preamble of the Girl Scout constitution.
Has paid lifetime membership dues of 25 times the annual membership dues (lifetime
membership dues of 13 times the annual membership dues shall be offered to any girl
who is a registered Girl Scout at the time of her high school graduation or equivalent, and
be available to her before the girl's current membership expires).
Meets applicable membership standards.
See Edith Macy Conference Center.
Membership Number – GSUSA assigned number given to each adult and girl registered member.
Membership Year
October 1through September 30.
Girl Scout Glossary
National Board of Directors
A body that manages the national Girl Scout corporation between sessions of the National Council. On
the National Board are the Chair of the National Board of Directors, two Vice Chairs, the Secretary and
Treasurer, and 35 members-at-large. Elected by the National Council, all of these positions have a
three-year term. The current National Board Chair is Connie Lindsey.
National Convention
A triennial (every 18 months) meeting at which the National Council elects officers and other members
of the National Board and National Nominating Committee and amends the constitution, as needed.
Delegates also determine Girl Scout policy by considering and acting upon proposals and giving
guidance to the National Board on the direction of Girl Scouting in the United States.
National Council
The membership body of the national Girl Scout corporation in meeting assembled. It includes:
Delegates elected by local Girl Scout councils and USA Girl Scouts Overseas.
Members of the National Board of Directors and National Board Development Committee.
Past Chairs of the National Board of Directors.
Other members elected by the National Council.
The National Council:
Elects the National Board and National Board Development Committee.
Amends the Constitution of Girl Scouts of the USA.
Establishes requirements for credentials, such as those for membership and Girl Scout
council charters.
Determines overall policy for the Girl Scout Movement and program in the United States
by considering proposals fostering and improving Girl Scouting, by receiving and acting
upon reports of the National Board, and by guiding the board on the general direction of
the Movement and program
National Council Delegate
A person 14 years of age or over, elected by a local Girl Scout council as a voting member of Girl
Scouts of the USA. Each local council and USA Girl Scouts Overseas can elect one delegate, as well as
another one for every 1,800 girls under its jurisdiction. To count toward the 1,800, a girl must have
been a member registered with Girl Scouts of the USA as of September 30 of the year preceding the
National Council's regular session. The prescribed number of girls is adjusted up or down as necessary
to keep the local council and overseas delegate total as close as possible to 2,000. National Council
delegates serve for a three-year term.
National Headquarters
The Girl Scout national organization's center of operations. In July 1992, GSUSA moved its national
headquarters to 420 Fifth Avenue in New York City.
National Program Portfolio
The National Program Portfolio has two main parts – the National Leadership Journeys and The Girl's
Guide to Girl Scouting. Complemented by the Girl Scout Cookie program, Girl Scout travel and Girl
Scout awards, the National Program Portfolio is designed to help girls develop as leaders and build
Girl Scout Glossary
confidence by learning new skills. It also ensures that Girl Scouts at every level are sharing a
powerful, national experience—girls together changing the world!
Vendor database where we enter our information for fall product sales. It is utilized by volunteers and
staff to manage the sale.
Older Girl Awards – Consists of the Bronze, Silver, and Gold Award. Honored to Girl Scouts who
complete a Take Action project in their community.
Our Cabaña
A program center located in Cuernavaca, Mexico, owned by the World Association of Girl Guides and
Girl Scouts.
Our Chalet
A program center located in Adelboden, Switzerland, owned by the World Association of Girl Guides
and Girl Scouts.
Outdoor education
Using the Girl Scout program outdoors to allow girls to grow in relation to each of the three keys to
Participation patches and pins
Supplementary insignia received by girls for simply participating in an event or activity. Girls wear
participation patches and pins on the back of their Girl Scout uniform.
Girl Scout Membership Pathways are a more flexible way to be a Girl Scout. Do what you want to do,
when you want to do it, and benefit from the excellent quality of the Girl Scout Leadership experience
– but in more flexible ways that fit your schedule. The Pathways are Camp, Events, Series, Travel,
Troop and Virtual.
Pax Lodge
A program center owned by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts. Located at Olave
Centre, the association's main office in London, England.
Pinning Ceremony
Celebrates when girls receive grade-level Girl Scout pins.
Placement List – This list holds all the information of girls who are registered girl scouts for the
current year but are waiting to be placed in a troop.
Girl Scout Glossary
Plan of Work – A document developed by the Service Unit Teams to establish out the Girl Scout Year
for that particular Service Unit. Developed during the summer and breaks down all activities for each
month of the Girl Scout year, including trainings, events and deadlines.
President’s Award - The President’s Award recognizes the efforts of a service-delivery team or
committee whose exemplary service in support of delivering the Girl Scout Leadership Experience
surpassed team goals and resulted in significant, measurable impact toward reaching the council’s
overall goals.
Product sales, council-sponsored
Council-wide program activities in which girl members may sell authorized, tangible products, such as
Girl Scout Cookies® or candy.
Program Aide (PA)
A girl who works directly with a troop/group under the supervision of an adult volunteer. The Program
Aide is required to attend training sessions where she gains expertise in a particular field of interest,
such as science, computers, or song leading.
Program Standard(s)
An established level of quality or achievement for measuring and judging a local Girl Scout council's
performance in delivering the Girl Scout program to girls.
Properties – GSHNC owns 5 properties. The main property is the Service Center located on Idlewild
Road. This location hosts the Pod Village located right behind the service center. The main camp
property owned by GSHNC is the Dale Earnhardt Environmental Leadership Campus at Oak Springs
located in Statesville. Other properties include Holly Hut, Tarheelia, and Camp Catawba for the time
Promise Center
Award earned by Girl Scout Daises. A girl receives this award after showing her troop leader she
understands the Girl Scout Promise. Learning Petals will surround the Promise Center to form a Daisy.
Quiet sign
Raising the right hand over the head to signal for attention and quiet at any Girl Scout gathering.
When the hand goes up, mouths go quiet, and everyone joins in giving the quiet sign.
Rallyhood – This is an online communication tool for all troops, troop leaders and parents. GSHNC hosts
an All Member Rallyhood site to share council wide information. Some service units and troops have
their own Rallyhood sites for communication purposes.
Girl Scout Glossary
Rededication ceremony
A reaffirmation of a Girl Scout member's belief in the Girl Scout Promise and Law.
Religious and other awards
Official awards earned for completing requirements set by religious/other organizations or by Girl
Scouts of the USA. These awards are all worn on a similar place on the Girl Scout uniform.
Resident camp
A local Girl Scout council-sponsored camp where girls attend for a week or more, or stay overnight.
Safety Activity Checkpoints
Publication containing Girl Scout Program Standards and Guidelines that provide for the health and
safety of all girls.
A program center located in Pune, India, owned by the World Association of Girl Guides and Girl
A grade-level in Girl Scouting. Girl Scout Seniors are grades 9-10.
Service unit
A name many local Girl Scout councils give to a specific geographic area and the Girl Scouts within it—
all leaders, troops/groups, and girls there. A service unit also includes individuals who give troop
support. GSHNC has 19 Service Units in with in our 8 counties.
Service Unit Level Awards – These awards are given out as recognition for the years of membership and
years of service as a leader.
Service Unit Team Positions – These are volunteer positions that make up the team for each service
unit. The positions include a manager, treasurer, cookie manager, registrar, awards coordinator, and
more. Each position is a yearlong commitment.
Sky – A weekend long Adult Development program held at the Dale Earnhardt Environmental
Leadership Campus at Oak Springs. This event is held in the fall every year and all leaders are invited to
Science, Technology, Engineering, Math (STEM)
Girl Scouts introduces girls of every age to science, technology, engineering, and math (STEM)
experiences relevant to everyday life. Whether they're discovering how a car's engine runs, how to
manage finances, or exploring careers in STEM fields, girls are fast-forwarding into the future.
Girl Scout Glossary
Girl Scouts, Hornets’ Nest Council store where Girl Scout and other merchandise can be purchased.
Sponsorships – These are sites that allow troops to meet in their facility free of charge. Often times
sponsorship sites are church facilities.
SWAPS – The tradition of Girl Scouts exchanging keepsakes. Referred to as Special
Whatchamacallits Affectionately Pinned Somewhere” or “Share With A Pal.”
Three Keys to Leadership
Discover, Connect and Take Action. See also Girl Scout Leadership Experience (GSLE).
Three Learning Processes
Girl-led, Learning by Doing, and Cooperative Learning.
Totable Topics - These “programs in a box” are available for checkout through the year on a first-come,
first-served basis. They contain ideas and resources for activities that are perfect for troop meetings,
overnights, and camping trips.
Trip leader/advisor
An adult who accompanies a group on a trip involving activities such as camping, backpacking, or
canoeing. She or he possesses the knowledge, skills, and experience (e.g., in outdoor leadership, trip
planning, risk management, first aid, and supervision) required for the trip.
Troop/group camping
A camping experience of 24 or more consecutive hours, planned and carried out by a Girl Scout
troop/group with its leaders/advisors, using a site approved by the local Girl Scout council.
Troop/group money-earning
An activity planned and carried out by girls to earn money for troop/group expenses.
A small troop/group formed at a day camp or resident camp. Girl Scouts assigns campers to a unit
based on age or interest. Also a portion of a campsite designated as the living and working area for a
group of campers.
USA Girl Scouts Overseas (USAGSO)
Girl Scouts of the USA's overseas arm, which delivers the Girl Scout program to American girls and
girls attending American or International schools outside the continental United States.
Girl Scout Glossary
See Girl Scout Volunteer.
Women of Distinction- An annual event held by Girl Scouts, Hornets’ Nest Council to recognize
outstanding women who reflect the mission of Girl Scouts and have made significant achievements in
our community.
World Association of Girl Guides and Girl Scouts (WAGGGS)
An association of Girl Scout and Girl Guide national organizations around the world. WAGGGS serves
approximately eight million Girl Scouts and Girl Guides in 144 countries. Through Girl Scouts of the
USA's membership in WAGGGS, each girl and adult registered as a Girl Scout in the United States
becomes part of the Girl Guide/Girl Scout world movement. The World Association's mission is to
enable girls and young women to develop to their fullest potential as responsible citizens of the world.
World Thinking Day (Formerly, Thinking Day)
February 22, the birthday of both Lady Baden-Powell, World Chief Guide, and her husband, Lord
Baden-Powell, founder of Boy Scouts. First celebrated in 1927, the day was renamed at the 1999 Girl
Guide/Girl Scout World Conference. Girl Guides and Girl Scouts all over the world use the day to think
of each other and exchange greetings, learn about other countries, and give to the Juliette Low World
Friendship Fund.
World Trefoil Pin
A pin with a gold trefoil on a blue field that may be worn by all Girl Scouts and Girl Guides. It is the
symbol of the worldwide bond of Girl Scouting and Girl Guiding.