I am very pleased to be your child’s teacher! This is my 19th year at Fruitville and I love the families and students of this local treasure! We will be actively learning through Florida Core Standards and differentiated instruction geared toward your child’s advanced level. Students will be discovering and growing as they create projects, work in cooperative groups, explore thematic units, perform science experiments, go on field trips, study their personalized spelling list, make great friends and more. These bright students will be learning chess, Spanish, creative dramatics, exploring multiplication, division and more. My Website: You can stay informed about our class events, watch slideshows, and view a copy of my weekly newsletters by visiting my website. Here’s the link: http://teachersites.schoolworld.com/webpa ges/KCunningham/index.cfm Behavior Expectations: One of my goals is to provide a welcoming and loving atmosphere for your child every day at school. We have three basic rules: Be honest, Follow directions, and Be respectful to people and property. We reward ourselves for being good citizens by using the Thank You Box, our Treasure Box and earning marbles so that we enjoy class parties for our outstanding behavior. Each student has a little magnetized bear on the cabinet with their name on it. The bears can move down to yellow (warning), orange, or red if rules are broken. This “bear” system helps students stay on task and practice good citizenship. . Calling All Mystery Readers I would like to invite any parent, grandparent, or family member to surprise your child by being a “Mystery Reader” in our classroom. Students love having their family visit the classroom to share in our learning experiences by reading a favorite story aloud to the class. Mystery Readers visit the classroom immediately after lunch on Friday of each week at 1:15 pm. Readers are asked to bring their own storybook or read a teacher chosen book from our class library. To find a date that works best for you, please sign up to be a Mystery Reader in our room. Ask to see the Mystery Reader Calendar Clipboard. If you cannot make it into our classroom to sign up, please select 2 or3 Friday dates that will work with your schedule and email me your choices. Remember: You are a mystery reader, so please keep the date of your sharing a secret (even to your own child)! We’re looking forward to having many Mystery Readers during the school year! A Parent’s Guide to Mrs. Cunningham’s Class Fruitville Elementary 2015-2016 Student Numbers Every Fruitville Student is assigned a PIN number. Please help your child memorize their pin number. The pin number is used for the library, lunch accounts and as a password. Your child’s Pin number is _________. Your student will be also using a county designated “N” number. They will need to memorize this number to log on to any school computer and you will also use this number to access their grades online. Your child’s “N” number is __________. Contact me at karen.cunningham@sarasotacountyschools.net (941) 361-6200 Grading Policy Each Friday I will send home the tests, class work and quizzes that have been graded. This work will be stapled to the weekly progress report. If you see a percentage grade (i.e. 100%, 80%) on a paper, that grade went into my grade book. If your child wants to improve his/her grade, s/he can correct the entire paper and return it for an improvement of 5 percentage points. Also, the first grade report card will include performance standards rubric to show student growth toward mastering the Florida Common Core Standards. Letter grades will be given in math, language arts, science and social studies at the end of each semester. The grades will be determined based on the following: A B C D F 90-100% 80-89 70-79 60-69 59% Your child’s grades can be viewed online at any time for your convenience. You will need to know your child’s N number. Direction about accessing grades on the Sarasota County School Board Parent Portal will be sent home soon. Snack I am requesting that your child daily bring his/her own healthy snack. We usually eat snack around 10:00 am. Thank you! Projects and Drama Your child can look forward to lots of studentchoice projects and being part of creative dramatics. We work closely with Mrs. Johnson’s Gifted 2nd grade for plays and projects! Homework The purpose of homework is to practice or enhance learning. It also teaches responsible work habits. Homework in first grade will not exceed 30 min. daily and will be given primarily in the Language Arts area or Math. Homework for the whole week is sent home Monday and is due on Friday. This procedure is designed to allow you to work on it as your schedule allows. READING: Your child’s core homework expectation includes reading for at least 10 min. Monday-Friday. In order to receive credit for this assignment, please log your reading time in the My Reading Log located in your child’s Communication Binder. Thank YOU! I have a large assortment of Accelerated Reader books in my room ranging from 2nd grade through 5th grade levels for student use. SPELLING/VOCABULARY: A spelling pretest will be given on Mondays and an individualized spelling list will be created for your child. A list of spelling activities will be found in your child’s binder. Your child will make personal choices on how to best learn his/her spelling words through these activities. Your child will have the entire week to complete the chosen activities. This spelling homework must be returned to school on Friday with your child’s other homework. AND please return the original spelling list of words. An individual Spelling test will be given to your child on Friday. International (www.heifer.org). Last year, my students unselfishly gave $190 to help this organization. Volunteers Volunteers are always welcomed and needed in my classroom. You can help students in our room on a one-to-one basis in many ways. Please complete the PALS volunteer requirements on our office computer so you can be helping in my room ASAP! I will need lots of help grading individual spelling pre-tests on Mondays and giving individual spelling tests on Fridays, plus tutoring students in targeted strength areas. It’s helpful and fun. Field Trips We plan to go on many field trips this year. Last year we enjoyed 8 field trips! Look for detailed information to come home in student binders about our class’s scheduled trips. About Me I’m a native Floridian and I grew up in Sarasota County attending Gocio Elementary, Pine View and Sarasota High School. Both of my parents, Bill and Susan Crowley, were Sarasota County teachers. My husband and I have raised 5 children and we are now enjoying two grandchildren! I love teaching first graders. I know I’ll love yours. MATH: There will be a weekly 2nd grade math assignment. This math homework should also be returned on Friday. The homework is all stapled together with the weekly newsletter so it’s easy to manage. Our Team Philanthropic Effort: Teaching students to have empathy for others who are in need is an important focus in my classroom. Children will learn about needy families abroad that are helped by the outstanding organization Heifer This is going to be an OUTSTANDING and EXCITING year!