Cockroaches are one of the most commonly encountered household

Cockroach Inspection
by Nick Gromicko
Cockroaches are one of the most commonly encountered household pests.
Homeowners and inspectors can learn about ways to eliminate these insects and the
conditions that encourage their infestation.
Cockroaches have a broad, flattened
body and a relatively small head that
covers their mandibles and other
mouthparts. They have six legs, large
ocelli (simple eyes), and a pair of long,
flexible antennae. Although winged, they
are not adept fliers. The best-known
varieties are the American cockroach (1.2
inches long), the German and Asian
cockroaches (0.59 inches long), the
Oriental cockroach (0.98 inches long),
and the brown-banded cockroach (0.55
inches long).
Facts and Figures
The world's heaviest cockroach is the Australian giant burrowing cockroach,
which can weigh more than 30 grams and reach 3½ inches in length.
While cockroaches could withstand six to 15 times as much radiation exposure
as humans, the popular belief that they will “inherit the Earth” in the wake of
nuclear war is largely undeserved; other insects, such as fruit flies, have even
better resistance against radiation than cockroaches.
While it has been known for some time that cockroaches and termites are
related, it wasn't until 2007 that it was proven that termites are a kind of "social
cockroach," having actually evolved from cockroaches. Similarities include
specialized casings that enclose their eggs, perforations in the internal parts of
their heads, and similarities among their young. There are significant differences
between these pests, however; termites pose a greater danger to wood, and they
form huge, complex societies, while cockroaches are solitary, generalized insects
with few special adaptations.
Some species of cockroaches can survive for months without food and subsist
on nothing but the glue on the back of a postage stamp, and even their own
feces. Experiments have revealed that they can go without air for 45 minutes
and recover after being submerged under water for half an hour.
Cockroaches are prolific breeders and can produce several thousand offspring in
a year, once they become established in a home. They are normally
introduced on clothing, shopping bags and furniture, and they can also simply
wander in from the outdoors.
Cockroaches are known to spread diseases such as salmonella, food poisoning and
dysentery, primarily through contact with their feces and defensive secretions. They
also transport dangerous microbes, a particular problem in hospitals. Their skin, which
is discarded through periodic molting, can become airborne and trigger severe
asthmatic reactions in prone individuals. Incredibly, cockroaches have even been found
to be second only to house dust as the worst allergen affecting people, according to the
University of Kentucky’s College of Agriculture. Besides these physical ailments,
cockroaches emit an unpleasant odor during swarming and mating, and they can keep
a building's occupants awake at night with their incessant hissing and, in the case of
some cockroach species, chirping.
InterNACHI inspectors should not be surprised to find evidence of cockroaches in
messy buildings, as the insects thrive
in dirty environments. No buildings are
completely immune to cockroach
infestation, however, as they will be
attracted to even the smallest amounts
of food deposits. They prefer to feed on
decaying grease, sugar and other
organic matter, as well as inanimate,
starchy food sources such as glue,
wallpaper and even book bindings.
Pepper-like specs in kitchen cupboards are an indication of cockroach infestation, as is
the observation of adult cockroaches or their egg sacs in hard-to-reach locations, such
as cracks and crevices in kitchen cabinets, drains, and behind dishwashers and
refrigerators. The entire kitchen area should be inspected, especially under sinks, in
cabinet hinge areas, drawers, refrigeration gaskets, dishwashers, stoves and other
cooking appliances. Also check crawlspaces, bathrooms and other dark, moist areas
where food sources may be present.
Tips that inspectors can pass on to homeowners:
Place boric acid in areas of cockroach activity. Boric acid can maintain an
infestation once under control, but pyrethrin should be used first and the whole
structure bug-bombed.
Pyrethrin should be used first, and after the population is under control place
boric acid wherever needed.
Place bait stations containing hydramethylnon or fipronil in areas of termite
activity. At night, homeowners can sneak into the kitchen and turn on the lights. If
cockroaches scurry for cover, observe where they run and position traps
Keep all food in sealed containers, use trash cans that have tight-fitting lids, and
do not leave pet food out overnight.
Clean the kitchen regularly, and wipe moisture from the kitchen sink before going
to bed at night.
Vacuum frequently.
Repair dripping taps and leaky pipes, broken roof tiles, and any other condition
that might allow moisture to enter areas where cockroaches can establish
Seal off all entry points into the house, such as cracks around baseboards, pipes,
windows, cabinets, doors and crevices in bathrooms with copper mesh or steel
wool and caulk or putty.
Keep lights on at night. Although it will consume additional electricity,
cockroaches will avoid lit areas. For the same reason, restaurant owners
sometimes leave lights on around dumpsters.
If cockroach infestation persists, contact a qualified exterminator.
In summary, cockroaches are hardy, disease-carrying household pests that can be
controlled by maintaining a clean home and eliminating sources of moisture intrusion.
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