Course Title Code / No. No. of Units Theory Practical Training Credits Translation in Commercial and Legal Fields Prerequisites Course: Compulsory (√ Optional ( ) ) LAN 362 3 3 LAN 350 Course Timing: First Semester: ( ) Second Semester : ( √ ) Summer: ( ) The Course Description in Brief: This course acquaints students with commercial and legal terminology, sentence structure, rhetorical features and style of a variety of legal texts such as contracts, agreements, laws, and memoranda of association, articles of association, promissory notes, leases, organizational by-laws, and the like. The course Introduces students to techniques of translating commercial and legal terminology. Students will also learn how to consult specialized dictionaries while engaging in this kind of translation. The Course Objectives: This course aims at acquainting students with commercial and legal documents translation. The course also aims at enabling students to develop and strengthen their repertoire of legal terminology in Arabic and their equivalent in English. Within this course, students will be prepared for the job market as professional translators. Contents: 1. Terminology in commercial and legal texts in Arabic and their equivalent in English. 2. A study of cultural and linguistic differences that mark source and target languages in commercial and legal texts. 3. Practical training on selected commercial and legal texts. 4. A study of sentence structure in Arabic and English in commercial and legal texts. 5. Specialized dictionary usage. The Course Outcomes: 1. Scientific Skills: - Students will develop competence and skills in commercial and legal terminology both in Arabic and English. - Students will recognize the linguistic, stylistic, and cultural differences between Arabic and English in commercial and legal texts. - Students will be able to use specialized dictionaries. 2. Behavioral Skills: - Students will develop interpersonal skills, self-confidence, and a commitment to class work. - Students will develop critical thinking capacities. 3. Analytical Skills: - Students will acquire the capacity for critical thinking and analysis. - Students will develop linguistic awareness of Arabic and English structures that are inherent to commercial and legal translation. Assessment Methods: The course grading system is based on a continuous assessment of the students’ in-class performance, assignments, periodical tests, and a final exam. Textbooks: 9111 . دار العلم للماليين. المفيد في الترجمة والتعريب. هالة سنو محيو، لورنس كساب,أحمد حبوري (Notes including selected commercial and legal texts) References: Bassnet, Susan. ‘Translation Studies’ (revised ed.). London: Routledge. 2002. Contents Week 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Topics Introduction to the Course and Its Objectives A Study of Arabic Terminology in Commerce and Legal Texts. A Study of English Terminology in Commerce and Legal Texts Linguistic and Stylistic Differences between English and Arabic in Translation of Commerce and Legal Texts Periodical Test .1 Usage of Dictionaries for Commerce and Legal Expressions and Terminology Practice: Translation of Texts in Commerce and Legal Texts from Arabic into English Problems in the Process of Translating Commerce and Legal Texts and Terminology Practice: Translation of Commerce and Legal Texts from Arabic into English Practice: Translation of Commerce and Legal Texts from English into Arabic Periodical Test. 2 Practice: Translation of Commerce and Legal Texts from English into Arabic Problems and Solutions in the Translation of Commerce and Legal Texts Practice: Translation of Commerce and Legal Texts from Arabic into English Notes 15. 16. Practice: Translation of Commerce and Legal Texts from English into Arabic Final Exam.