Book Review: Contemporary Moral Problems Chapter 8: Aristotle: Happiness and Virtue Amazon Link: Learning Expectations: 1. To know Aristotle’s view on Happiness and Virtue 2. To differentiate his view from what I know 3. To learn new philosophies about Happiness and Virtue Quote: “Aristotle argues that all human beings seek happiness, and that happiness is not pleasure, honor, or wealth, but an activity of the soul in accordance with virtue.” Review: Happiness from what I know is a state of mind or feeling characterized by contentment, love, satisfaction, pleasure, or joy and virtue is a character trait or quality valued as being always good in and of itself. For Aristotle happiness is a virtuously activity of the soul. It is something that you can gain through contemplating. Happiness is said to be related with virtue because according to Aristotle, virtue is a state of character that concerned with the intermediate, mean or what we commonly known as middle maybe because having too much or even too less of something is not good. Aristotle also said that Moral virtue is what makes the mean. Moral virtue is something that a product of training and habits, it is also the mean between the vices of excess and deficiency. According to him, moral virtue wasn’t arises by nature because you can’t change natural things, like the way you can’t train the rain to pour from your feet upwards. Happiness always goes with virtue and virtue must always go with happiness. Whenever we do something good, we have this happiness inside us because of that action and every time we are happy we always tend to do something of virtue. I hope doing something of virtue doesn’t only happen when people are happy but because they know what is right and what is wrong and they follow the teachings that they learned from school, church, guardians and society. What I’ve Learned: We are the one who creates our own happiness. Happiness and virtue always go together. Being happy doesn’t just benefit yourself but it also benefit others through the concept of virtue. Integrative Questions: 1. What is Happiness? 2. What is Virtue? 3. How does happiness and virtue affect the way people live?