April 2013 - University of York

Minutes of the meeting held on 17 April 2013
Brian Fulton (Chair)
Nina Pirozek (Biology)
Rowena Jacobs (Centre for Health Economics)
Helen Coombs (Chemistry)
Becky Polson (Computer Science)
Jude Brereton (Electronics)
Linda Whiting (Equality & Diversity (Secretary)
Karen Khan(Health Sciences)
Heidi Baseler (HYMS)
Victoria Gould (Mathematics)
Teresa Gibbs (Planning Office)
Alex McFarlane (HR)
Corrine Howie (HR)
Anna Grey (Research Policy)
Tina Priestman (University of Hull)
Penny Spikins (Archaeology)
Jane Hill (Biology)
John Clark (Computer Science)
Karen Mumford (Economics)
Kate Arnold (Environment)
Lois Gregory (Equality & Diversity)
Karen Bloor (Health Sciences)
Irene d’Amico (Physics)
Gerry Altmann (Psychology)
Welcomes and Introductions
Brian Fulton opened the meeting and welcomed new members.
Minutes of the last meeting
The group approved the minutes of the meeting held on 13 March.
Naming of researchers on grants
The group considered a draft paper: Guidance on the Direct Appointment of ‘Named
Researchers’ prepared by Nina Pirozek (HR Manager, Biology). The need for this
guidance had arisen from the work on the implementation of the Concordat and the
aim of it was to help the University. The group supported and welcomed the paper,
whilst also recognising that a change in process would take time to achieve. During
discussion the following concerns and suggestions were noted:
Athena SWAN Working Group: 17 April 2013
The importance of achieving a balance between helping the career
progression of current post-docs and having open processes, and the need
for departments to be aware of this
Paragraph 9 of the paper on raising expectations to be made more visible by
moving it higher up in the document
The University’s commitment to Equality and Diversity and the principles of
Athena SWAN to be included in the paper
Departments to be reminded of the need to check the rules of the Research
Councils regularly as these tended to change
The importance of monitoring by gender in order to identify whether there
was any imbalance and the need to establish at which point this would be
done, by whom, and how any issues arising would be followed up
The need to work towards a better system for Research Associates with
regard to a)provision of maternity leave and b)ensuring that those who
worked part time or went on maternity leave were kept fully informed of
A final check by HoDs to be included in the process to ensure that the
Principle Investigator had read the guidance and put in writing their reasons
for choosing a particular researcher
Nina Pirozek to take the suggestions forward and to raise the issue of monitoring
(when and by whom) at Research Administrators Forum.
Anna Grey to look at relevant information held in her department.
Computer Science to look at their data.
Self Assessment Teams
Nina Pirozek (HR Manager for Biology) and Jane Hill (Professor in Biology Dept) had
both recently served as panellists on Athena SWAN awards judging panels, and had
noted the different profiles of the self assessment teams of other Universities.
It was noted that whilst Athena SWAN was not prescriptive with regard to how
institutions set up their teams, and allowed institutions freedom to organise
themselves as they wished, it was important to ensure that York had a team that
reflected how the institution worked and also met the expectations of Athena SWAN
judging panels. It was recognised that the current working group was very important
and effective at bringing to the attention of the University areas where change was
needed and that it provided valuable support and opportunities to share good
practice amongst departments. It was felt important that these strengths should not
be lost, but should be added to by forming a steering group consisting of senior
managers (for example Director of HR, Registrar & Secretary, Academic Registrar
and Pro-VC for Research). Reporting to appropriate high level committees was
necessary in order to influence institutional change and ensure that resources were
allocated to support the Athena SWAN work.
Athena SWAN Working Group: 17 April 2013
The format which was already used for some strategic projects, consisting of a
working group and a steering group was felt to be an appropriate model.
Action: Brian Fulton to draft a proposal to present to SMG at their next meeting on 7
University of York Silver submission
The group considered a document developed by Corinne Howie which identified the
key tasks required for completion of the submission. It was agreed that a sub-group
was required to take the work forward. This sub-group would consist of: Nina
Pirozek, Corinne Howie, Linda Whiting, Teresa Gibb, Alex McFarlane.
It was agreed that after the May meeting, the working group would meeting bimonthly, in July and September.
Action: E&D Office to convene a meeting of the sub-group before the next working
group meeting in May and to arrange dates for the July and September working
group meetings.
Review of departmental Action Plans and updates from departmental
Health Sciences
On behalf of Health Sciences, Nina Pirozek reported that the department had put
together a good bronze application and were in a good position to apply for silver in
a year’s time. A second draft of the Action Plan was about to be submitted to their
Senior Management Group. Nina had been acting as a “critical friend” to the
department and encouraged all departmental representatives to make use of the
working group to establish similar relationships with other departments.
Helen Coombs reported that the department was in the final stages of preparing
their gold renewal submission. The large amount of work required for this
submission in order to meet the expectations of the judging panel was noted, along
with the importance of working out how to manipulate and present the data and of
ensuring that key people were available so that the workload was evenly spread.
It was agreed that lessons could be learnt from University of Edinburgh’s School of
Chemistry, which recently received a gold award.
Action: Linda Whiting to investigate the possibility of inviting Dr. Stephen Moggach
from the University of Edinburgh’s School of Chemistry to talk at a future meeting of
the group.
Athena SWAN Working Group: 17 April 2013
Vicky Gould reported that a tentative action plan had been prepared and would be
presented to the departmental working group. It would be brought to the University
working group at a later date and feedback requested.
The department had reported some issues around access to data and these were in
the process of being resolved and clarified.
Some patterns had been identified following analysis of the data, for example
gender balance amongst undergraduates was OK, but not so good for post
graduates. Funded places for European students had all gone to males.
A survey of Masters Students was being carried out with the aim of asking whether
they had any plans to go on to do a PhD and also to find out about their awareness
of Athena SWAN.
Heidi Baseler reported that a half day had been set aside in May to prepare a draft
submission and Action Plan.
A challenge with regard to HYMS data was ensuring that everyone was included as
some members of staff and post-docs were embedded in other departments.
The department was planning an event to raise awareness of Athena SWAN and
create more cohesiveness within the department.
Action: HYMS to send their Action Plan to the group in advance of the July meeting
to obtain feedback.
Computer Science
Becky Polson reported that the department was working on the Action Plan to
ensure that it included more specific information. They would request feedback
from the group in due course. The department was also re-considering the structure
of their working group.
There were plans to look at ways to improve the poor PhD female ratio, for example
through formal mentoring such as the programme operating in Chemistry
Action: Computer Science to circulate their Action Plan and contact Chemistry
department for advice on a formal mentoring programme.
University of Hull
Tina Priestman reported that the institutional bronze submission was ready to be
presented to the VC before being submitted. There had been challenges around
Athena SWAN Working Group: 17 April 2013
putting the Action Plan together and it had been useful to look at the Action Plans of
other institutions.
Centre for Health Economics
Rowena Jacobs reported that CHE was interested in applying for an Athena SWAN
award in order to demonstrate good practice. There were also funding implications
in that CHE received a large proportion of NIHR funding.
Action: Brian Fulton/Linda Whiting/Alex MacFarlane/Anna Grey/Rowena Jacobs to
work out an institutional approach to clarify CHE’s status with Athena SWAN as to
whether it could be classed as a STEMM department and therefore eligible to apply
for an award.
Jude Brereton reported that she was working with the Head of Department to
establish who should be on the departmental committee, to ensure it was included
in the workload and that the work was evenly spread out.
Jude reported that the Electronics department student society “ShockSoc” were
planning some training and careers events and that the Post-docs were setting up a
researchers’ forum which would provide opportunities to spread the word about
Athena SWAN.
There had been an upturn in the number of female undergraduates but there was
still a need to encourage female post-docs. Issues such as the timing of lectures at
5.15pm had been raised as causing difficulty for students with children. One solution
which had been discussed was the filming of lectures.
Work around raising the visibility of Athena SWAN through Widening Participation
initiatives continued and a student intern would be working on Athena SWAN web
pages over the summer.
North East Regional Athena SWAN meeting
Linda Whiting reported that York had hosted the NE regional meeting in February. It
had been very successful, having been attended by 18 external representatives from
10 different institutions.
Paul Walton had given a presentation: Equality for
Women in Higher Education: Now, sometime, Never?
Daphne Jackson Fellowships
Brian Fulton reported that he had attended the AGM of the Daphne Jackson Trust
and that at the meeting the University of York had been named as a sponsor of the
Athena SWAN Working Group: 17 April 2013
Conferences and child care
The need to develop a web page which pulled together all the University’s
information on child care, nursery vouchers and the salary sacrifice scheme was
Action: to include as an agenda item for a future meeting
Dates of next meetings
Thursday 16th May, 9.30 – 11.30, in H/G17 (Paul Walton to give presentation on
Unconscious Bias)
July - tbc
September - tbc
Athena SWAN Working Group: 17 April 2013