Method A - Asia-Pacific Telecommunity

The 3rdMeeting of the APT Conference Preparatory Document
Group for WRC-15 (APG15-3)
09 – 13June 2014,Brisbane, Australia
02 June2014
AND 1.18
Agenda item 1.5
to consider the use of frequency bands allocated to the fixed-satellite service not subject to
Appendices 30, 30A and 30B for the control and non-payload communications of unmanned
aircraft systems (UAS) in non-segregated airspaces, in accordance with Resolution 153 (WRC12)
As substantial increase in the application (e.g. scientific research, search and rescue (SAR)
operation, hurricane and tornado tracking, monitoring of volcanic activity, high accuracy terrain
mapping, forest fire detection, coastline monitoring, monitoring of nuclear radiation, volcanoes
earthquake and etc) of Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS) is expected over the next decade and
beyond, the seamless flight of unmanned aircraft (UA) within conventional air traffic is
inevitable to ensure the success UA missions. Thus UA would need to fly through nonsegregated airspace during long-distance flights beyond radio line of sight (LOS) of the
controlling station. Thus considering the huge installed capacity and coverage of fixed-satellite
service (FSS), it should be investigated under which condition this FSS capacity can be accessed
by UA for beyond line of sight (BLOS) control and non-payload communication (CNPC). In
context of this agenda item an consist of a:
Geostationary satellite operated in the FSS band;
Unmanned Aircraft (UA) : Designates all types of remotely controlled aircraft with a
FSS earth station on board ; and
Unmanned Aircraft Control Station (UACS) : Facilities (e.g. Earth Station) through
which UA is controlled remotely
The CNPC is referring to the radio links, used to exchange information between the UA and
UACS, which ensure safe, reliable and effective UA flight operation. The functions of UA can
be related to different types of information such as telecommand messages, non-payload
telemetry data, support for navigation aids, air traffic control voice relay, air traffic services data
relay, airborne weather radar downlink data and etc. Further details on UAS applications in nonsegregated airspace can be found in Report ITU-R M.2171.Report ITU-R M.2233 contains
examples of technical characteristics for UA CNPC including fixed-satellite service (FSS)
systems operating in portions of the frequency ranges 10.95-14.5 GHz and 17.3-30.0 GHz.
These examples indicate that it may be possible to operate UAS CNPC links in these bands
while meeting the desired link availability. In the May 2014 meeting WP 5B has developed two
methods (as listed in Table 1) to satisfy this agenda item.
Malaysian Communications and Multimedia
Commission, MALAYSIA
Table 1: Methods AI 1.5
Method A
Add provisions in the RR for using the FSS for
UAS CNPC applications; to enable the use of
the Fixed Satellite Service (FSS) for UAS
CNPC applications operated in accordance
with ICAO standards and procedures, through
a footnote, such use shall be in accordance
with an associated Resolution.
Method B
No change to the Radio Regulation (NOC);
there are considerable technical, operational
and regulatory obstacles for the use of FSS for
UAS CNPC links.
Moreover, existing
allocations for AMS(R)S as well as AMSS and
MSS, under certain conditions would satisfy
the requirements for UAS CNPC in the
frequency bands of these services.
A worldwide large capacity provided
by existing and planned satellite
systems would be accessible for UA
CNPC applications in non-segregated
airspace; and
ii. The growing demand for UA
applications worldwide as described in
Report ITU-R M.2171 could be served
retention of equal-in-rights conditions
for operation of FSS systems;
incumbent terrestrial services and FSS
space stations will not suffer from
potential harmful interference caused
by the mobile use of FSS
iii. application of RR No. 4.10 for the
frequency bands under consideration,
protection of safety services required
for safe operation of UAS in nonsegregated airspace.
ii. UAS CNPC links in non-segregated
airspace may operate in the frequency
bands allocated to FSS only on national
level without international recognition
harmonization of spectrum, and based
on application of 4.4 provision of RR
Malaysia Preliminary View
Malaysia supports measures to allow use of frequency bands allocated to the fixed-satellite
service (FSS) not subject to Appendices 30, 30A and 30B for the control and non-payload
communications (CNPC) of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in non-segregated airspaces, in
accordance with Resolution 153 (WRC 12).
Malaysia supports Method A, as specified in the current draft CPM text.
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Agenda item 1.15
to consider spectrum demands for on-board communication stations in the maritime mobile
service in accordance with Resolution 358 (WRC-12)
Resolution 358 (WRC-12): Consideration of improvement and expansion of on-board
communication stations in the maritime mobile service in the UHF bands.
The use of UHF frequencies for on-board communication is considered very important.Onboard communication stations are intended for use for internal communications on board a ship,
or between a ship and its lifeboats and life-rafts during lifeboat drills or operations, or for
communication within a group of vessels being towed or pushed, as well as for line handling and
mooring instructions. A worldwide survey indicates that in several geographical areas,
communications by UHF of a ship were either prevented on some channels by traffic from other
vessels or shore operations or were severely interfered.
Six frequencies, in the frequency bands between 450 and 470 MHz, are currently identified in
RR No. 5.287 for on-board communication stations using 25 kHz channels spacing. These
frequencies are 457.525 MHz, 457.550 MHz, 457.575 MHz, 467.525 MHz, 467.550 MHz and
467.575 MHz. Where needed, equipment designed for 12.5 kHz channel spacing using also the
additional frequencies 457.5375 MHz, 457.5625 MHz, 467.5375 MHz and 467.5625 MHz may
be introduced for on-board communications.
In accordance with RR No. 5.286AA the bands 450-470 MHz is identified for use by
Administrations wishing to implement International Mobile Telecommunication (IMT) and
Malaysia is one of the administrations that implement IMT service in this band.
In the May 2014 meeting WP 5B has developed one method as specified in the draft CPM text
to satisfy this agenda item as shown in Table 1 below.
Table 1: Method to satisfy Agenda Item 1.15
The identification of new frequencies for on-board communications in UHF is not justified and
therefore not necessary. However the importance of on-board communications to safe ship
operations is fully recognized, together with the congestion in some geographical area.
A more efficient usage of the existing frequencies could be achieved with the systematic
utilization of 12.5 kHz bandwidth for all the channels identified in the RR for on-board
communications. The numbering of these channels should be clearly harmonized worldwide.
The implementation of digital technology will open the possibility for additional operational
features and a number of different standards are available.
For analogue technology the use of CTCSS and DSC could be used as a way to mitigate the
impression of congestion to the user. For digital technology the use of DSC or an operational
equivalent system could be used as a way to mitigate the impression of congestion to the user.
The LBT technology should be used.
To achieve this, amendments to provision RR No. 5.287are necessary, in accordance with
the Recommendation ITU-R M.1174 which has been revised. Provision is made for 25 kHz,
12.5 kHz and 6.25 kHz channel spacing. To achieve a higher degree of flexibility for the use of
systems, it is proposed to indicate the frequencies in RR No.5.287 as two frequency bands. The
least modification to existing on-board equipment is preferable.
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Malaysia Preliminary View
Malaysia recognizes the importance of on-board communications for safe ship operations and
the channel congestion experienced in some seaports.
Malaysia supports a more efficient usage of the existing frequencies and this could be achieved
with the utilization of 12.5 kHz and/or 6.25 kHz bandwidth for all the channels identified in the
RR for on-board communications. Malaysia also supports the use of Continuous Tone Coded
Squelch Systems (CTCSS) as a way to mitigate the congestion.
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Agenda item 1.17
to consider possible spectrum requirements and regulatory actions, including appropriate
aeronautical allocations, to support wireless avionics intra-communications (WAIC), in
accordance with Resolution 423 (WRC-12)
Wireless avionics intra communications (WAIC) is based on low power (<10mW) short range
(<100m) radio technology and is expected to improve flight-safety and operational efficiency,
while reducing manufacturing and operational costs. WAIC involves radiocommunication
between two or more points (which are part of a closed, exclusive network required for
operation of the aircraft) on a single aircraft. While WAIC system transmissions may not be
limited to the interior of the aircraft structure, they will not provide air-to-ground, air to satellite,
air-to-air communication, and will only be used for safety related applications. In 2010, ITU-R
Study Group 5 approved Report ITU-R M.2197 - Technical characteristics and operational
objectives for wireless avionics intra-communications (WAIC). This report provides technical
characteristics and operational objectives of WAIC systems for a single aircraft. However no
indication on the required spectrum or candidate bands for WAIC was discussed in this report.
Thus another Report ITU-R M.2283 was developed by WP5B and approved in end of 2013,
which concludes that, the total bandwidth required for WAIC is 145 MHz, with the spectrum
requirement for each application category as follows:
Low data rate inside/internal (LI) applications: 11 MHz
Low data rate outside/external (LO) applications: 40 MHz
High data rate inside/internal (HI) applications: 32 MHz
High data rate outside/external (HO) applications: 62 MHz
With the spectrum requirement of 145 MHz, the possible use of existing AM(R)S allocations is
being evaluated in the current working document PDNR ITU-R M.[WAIC-BANDS] in WP 5B.
Table 1 shows the list of candidate bands that are currently being studied in WP 5B as of its Nov
2013 meeting. These frequency bands are chosen based on regulatory requirement and wireless
avionics intra communication requirement. Priority is given to frequency bands within existing
worldwide aeronautical mobile service, aeronautical mobile (R) service and aeronautical
radionavigation service allocations as mentioned in Resolution 423(WRC-12)invites ITU-R 3 (i).
The sharing studies arecurrently being conducted by WP5B to evaluate the indentified candidate
WAIC bands. Preliminary compatibility studies between WAIC systems and aeronautical
radionavigation systems utilizing the frequency band 4200-4400 MHz show that WAIC systems
are compatible with the incumbent aeronautical radionavigation service as well as other services
that have allocations in this band. Given the fact that both the radio altimeter and WAIC systems
are aeronautical applications and are also regulated by aviation certification authorities as well
as International Civil Avation Organization (ICAO), additional efforts, including development
of standards and certification guidance material within the aviation community will occur in
order to guarantee the safe operation of WAIC and radio altimeter systems.
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Table 1: Candidate Frequency Bands (WAIC)
Candidate Frequency Bands (MHz)
13.25-13.4 GHz
15.4-15.7 GHz
In the May 2014 meeting WP 5B has developed two methods as specified in the draft CPM text
to satisfy this agenda item as shown in Table 2 below.
Table 2: Methods AI 1.17
Method A
Adds a primary aeronautical mobile (route)
service (AM(R) S) allocation to the frequency
band 4 200 – 4 400 MHz.
Relevant footnotes are modified and new
footnotes are added to limit the use to WAIC
systems, maintain the status of passive sensing
in the earth exploration-satellite and space
research services, and maintain the use of the
aeronautical radionavigation service.
i. provides a primary AM(R)S allocation
limited to WAIC systems;
ii. ensures mandatory protection of the
ARNS reserved exclusively for radio
iii. worldwide harmonized frequency
spectrum for WAIC systems; and
iv. provides the required wideband spectrum
for implementation of WAIC systems.
A new Resolution is proposed in Method A.
The method contains three different options for
this new Resolution XXX (WRC-15) in order
to satisfy the Agenda Item
Method B
This method is based on Method A option 3.
However instead of referencing a WRC
Resolution in a footnote it uses an ITU-R
Recommendation incorporated by reference
through the same footnote.
i. provides the ability to update the
recommendation incorporated by
reference at each WRC without a need for
a specific WRC agenda item.
ii. ensures protection of the ARNS reserved
exclusively for radio altimeters as
described in Recommendation ITU-R M.
2059 since the quantified conditions based
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on the results of the sharing studies would
be mandatory
Malaysia Preliminary View
Malaysia supports Method A (as specified in the current draft of CPM text) that is to add a
primary Aeronautical mobile (route) service (AM(R) S) allocation to the frequency band 4 200 –
4 400 MHz and relevant footnotes are modified as well as new footnotes are to be added to limit
the use to WAIC systems.
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Agenda item 1.18
to consider a primary allocation to the radiolocation service for automotive applications in the
77.5-78.0 GHz frequency band in accordance with Resolution (WRC-12);
The objective of this agenda item is to fill a 500MHz band in the 77.5 to 78 GHz, in order to
achieve global harmonization for Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) Collision Avoidance
Radar operating in the 77 to 81 GHz band, as well as to study other ITS safety related
applications that may benefit from global or regional harmonization. There has been significant
growth in the use of automobile radar systems, and these systems are expected to become
relatively commonplace within a few years because of consumer demand for increased vehicle
safety. Studies have shown that the use of collision avoidance technology can prevent or lessen
the severity of a significant number of traffic accidents. In certain parts of the world, automotive
radars have successfully operated in this portion of the spectrum, particularly in the frequency
band 76-77 GHz, for many years without mitigation methods or deactivation methods and
without increased reports of interference to licensed services. Currently, the radiolocation
service is allocated globally on primary basis in the frequency bands 76-77.5 GHz, and 78-81
GHz. Obtaining a possible global primary radiolocation allocation in the frequency band 77.5-78
GHz provides for a harmonized, contiguous band for radiolocation service, including collision
avoidance related automotive radar applications in the frequency band76-81 GHz. In the May
2014 meeting, WP 5B has developed two methods as specified in the draft CPM text to satisfy
this agenda item as shown in Table 1 below.
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Method A
A primary allocation to the radiolocation
provides worldwide harmonization for
service on a worldwide basis, limited to
safety and collision avoidance related
automotive applications, between 77.5 GHz
automotive radar applications in the
and 78 GHz.
frequency band76-81 GHz, which, if
implemented, will very likely result in
reduced traffic fatalities and injuries on
the road;
ii. provides a broader manufacturing base
and increased volume of equipment
(globalization of markets) resulting in
economies of scale and expanded
equipment availability;
iii. the nature of these short range
automotive radars along with the
propagation characteristics of the
frequency band 76-81 GHz will
facilitate sharing with incumbent
in some areas, mitigation methods such
as appropriate emission power limits
and antenna height limits may be
needed to avoid potential interference
to the RAS operating in the frequency
band 77.5-78 GHz. It should however
be noted that there are already primary
allocations to the radiolocation service
in the frequency bands 76-77.5 GHz
and 78-81 GHz.
Method B
A primary allocation to the radiolocation
provides worldwide harmonization for
service on a worldwide basis between 77.5
radiolocation in the frequency band 76GHz and 78 GHz.
81 GHz that would enable short-range
high-resolution radar applications,
including the safety and collision
avoidance related automotive radar
applications, which, if implemented,
will very likely result in reduced traffic
fatalities and injuries on the road;
ii. provides a broader manufacturing base
and increased volume of equipment
(globalization of markets) resulting in
economies of scale and expanded
equipment availability;
iii. the nature of these short-range radars
characteristics of the frequency band
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76-81 GHz will facilitate sharing with
incumbent services;
would not limit the future development
of short-range high-resolution radar to
automotive applications.
in some areas, mitigation methods such
as appropriate emission power limits
and antenna height limits may be
needed to avoid potential interference
to the RAS operating in the frequency
band 77.5-78 GHz. It should however
be noted that there are already primary
allocations to the radiolocation service
in the frequency bands 76-77.5 GHz
and 78-81 GHz.
Table 1: Methods for AI 1.18
Malaysia Preliminary View
Malaysia supports Method A (as specified in the current draft of CPM text) that suggests
primary allocation to the radiolocation service on a worldwide basis, limited to automotive
applications, between 77.5 GHz and 78 GHz.
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