MH-Access 02-04 Authorization Requests

County of Sacramento
Department of Health and Human Services
Division of Behavioral Health Services
Policy and Procedure
Policy Issuer
Policy Number
Effective Date
Revision Date
Functional Area:
Authorization Requests
Approved By: signed version available upon request
Melissa Jacobs, LCSW
Health Program Manager
Kelli Weaver, LCSW
Health Program Manager
The Access Team pre-authorizes services for the Mental Health Plan’s providers. These
authorizations are subject to standardized time frames for the treatment needed.
The purpose of this policy and procedure is to provide a process for authorizing and
reauthorizing services for individuals needing mental health treatment.
Authorization can range from 30 days to two years depending on the Provider’s service
array, individual’s age, functional impairment, and services requested. Once the service
provider is determined, the individual is authorized to a serviceprovider for a specified period
of time.
Initial Authorizations:
Access Team clinicians authorize services to providers based on medical necessity,
functional impairment, level of care needed, services desired, and the funding eligibility
1. Children’s Contracted Providers (clients under the age of 21)
a. Initial authorization periods shall be in accordance with the following table:
Assessment only
Psychological testing
Basic outpatient services
Intensive in-home services (Flexible Integrated
Treatment (FIT) and wraparound services)2
Day rehabilitation services2
Day treatment intensive services2
Therapeutic Behavioral Services (TBS)
Authorization Period1
2 months
4 months
1 year
1 year
6 months
3 months
1 month
2. Adult Contracted Providers (adults 18 and over)
a. Clients authorized to moderate to moderately intensive service providers receive
a 2-year authorization. If the client no longer meets medical necessity during the
course of the two years the provider shall discharge the client to appropriate
community programs and supports.
b. Clients authorized to an intensive service provider receive a 1-year authorization.
If the client no longer needs this level of service during the course of the 1 year
the provider shall request to transfer the client to lower level of care with a
moderate to moderately intensive provider or appropriate community programs
and supports.
c. Clients authorized to enrolled network providers shall receive a 6-month
Clients may require services beyond the original authorization period. Within 30 days of
the expiration of the an authorization, the Provider shall review the client’s need for
continued services to ensure they still meet medical necessity. If continuation of services
is appropriate, the Provider will request reauthorization of services from the Access Team
prior to the expiration of the current authorization period.
The Access Team will utilize the same authorization duration applied for initial authorizations
when determining a re-authorization. Exception: TBS re-authorizations are 2 months in length.
The provider’s licensed clinical supervisor or licensed designee shall attest on the
reauthorization request that the client still meets medical necessity and funding eligibility.
The Provider shall ensure that the appropriate clinical forms as required by Quality
Management for chart documentation are completed and in the Client Record.
Providers requesting reauthorization for clients shall submit their reauthorization requests to
the Access Team within 30 days prior to the expiration date. Only services with a current
authorization and updated client plan can be billed.
When multiple Children’s System of Care providers are serving a client, then a staffing is
required prior to completion of the reauthorization to ensure coordination of care. Signatures
are required on the Client Plan according to current Quality Management Policies and
The Access Team will notify the Provider if reauthorization of services is denied. If the denial
is based on financial eligibility or private insurance status, then a NOA-B is not required
because there is no Medi-Cal funding.
Other Authorization Details:
1. Clients with Out of County Medi-Cal - The Access team must obtain approval from the
county of responsibility for Initial and reauthorization of clients meeting the criteria
identified in SB785.
2. Day Treatment Intensive (DTI) or Day Rehabilitation (DR).
a. Initial service requests (SR)
i. For clients placed in DTI or DR programs in Level 14 residential centers, their
SRs are submitted to the Access Team through the Interagency Management
and Authorization Committee (IMAC).
ii. IMAC will determine the appropriate level of service: DTI or DR. The name of
the residential program will appear on the SR, along with the date the client
was placed.
iii. Providers are also required to submit a Service Authorization Requests (SAR),
using the DHCS SB785 SAR template, to Sacramento County Access Team
within 5 days of client admission into a provider’s program.
iv. Access will authorize the client to the provider and program identified on the
b. Reauthorization process for DTI or DR
i. If further services are needed, the provider will submit the SAR to the Access
Related Policies:
PP-BHS-Access-02-02 Access Team Services
PP-BHS-Access-02-06 Notices of Action
PP-BHS-Access-02-05 Out of County Service Requests for Medi-Cal
Enter X
DL Name
Enter X
DL Name
Mental Health Staff
Mental Health Contract Providers
Contact Information:
Kathy Burlingame, MFT, Access Program Coordinator, 916 876-5541, i
1 All
authorizations for treatment programs will be date to date.
2 Authorizations
for any additional service in conjunction with this treatment shall coincide with the
treatment’s authorization period.