Morgan Tsui Science Olympiad What is a biome? A large community of plants and animals that occupies a distinct (unique characteristics) region. Biomes are typically defined by their climate and dominant vegetation. The aquatic biome can be broken down into two basic regions, freshwater (ponds and rivers) and marine (oceans and estuaries). Properties of marine and freshwater biomes Marine regions cover about three-fourths of the Earth's surface and include oceans, coral reefs, and estuaries. The largest biome in the world is all water. The marine biome includes all bodies of water that are salty, such as oceans. There are 7 major oceans in the marine biome, along with smaller bodies, known as gulfs and bays. The ocean is divided into 3 layers. The top layer is called the euphotic layer, and it is shallow enough for light to reach it. The disphotic zone lets enough light through for it to look light twilight. The final zone, the apotic zone, is so deep, that no light can reach it. salt concentration of ~ 3% cover ~ 75% of the earth’s surface have enormous impact on planet’s climate evaporation of seawater provides most rainfall ocean temperatures affect wind patterns, distribution of energy to land via currents supply substantial portion of world’s oxygen photosynthesis by marine algae & photosynthetic bacteria consume huge amounts of atmospheric carbon dioxide communities are distributed through several zones based on o depth of water o degree of light penetration ( absorb ) o distance from shore The freshwater biome is a low-saline, or sweetwater, aquatic biome that covers one fifth of the earth's surface. Streams, rivers, swamps, bogs, ponds, lakes, ditches, puddles, and canals comprise the freshwater biome. salt concentration of <1% characteristics are influenced by o patterns and speed of water flow o climate of area in which its located two categories Standing and Moving standing (lentic) bodies of water (lakes, ponds, inland wetlands) moving (lotic)bodies of water (rivers and streams) Producers Producers are organisms that can make all of their own food in an ecosystem. The main producers of a freshwater biome are the plants and algae. When energy enters the ecosystem as sunlight, plants and algae capture the sunlight and store it as food energy. Through the process of photosynthesis, they provide oxygen and food for animals. Algae are one of the most important producers of food for living organisms. Producers in marine biomes are most often plants, because they are the main source of energy, because they use photosynthesis to use the sun's energy. The producer in a marine biome would often be algae, kelp, sea weed and sea grass The producers in fresh water are water algae, lilies and duck weed. Consumers The consumers of Marine life is krill, Mollusks and Fish and zooplankton Consumers of an ecosystem cannot make their own food. They depend on producers for their food and energy. The consumers of a freshwater biome include snails, insects, crustaceans, amphibians, fish, and aquatic birds. Decomposers Decomposers of an ecosystem are microorganisms, like bacteria and fungus, which are responsible for breaking down plant and animal waste and turning it into food for other plants and animals. Decomposers provide an important role in the maintenance of a freshwater biome. Marine Biome Climate The marine biome climate has a very strong influence on the climate. The evaporation of the water from the oceans and seas helps in formation of rain. The ocean is constantly moving and the currents and waves are warm or cold depending on the weather and marine biome temperature in a particular region of the earth. The marine biome temperature is just above freezing point at the north and south poles and deep in the abyssal zone. The tropical waters have a warm marine biome climate because they are near the equator. Marine biome food web All animals require food and water to survive. All aquatic plants and animals are members of the marine food web. The first level of the marine biome food chain is covered by the phytoplankton. The next marine biome food chain is covered by zoo planktons that eat phytoplankton. The zoo plankton are in turn eaten by the next in line of the marine food chain, that is, krill, fishes, crustaceans, etc. The fourth level of marine food chain are consumed by big fishes, penguins, seals, walrus and whales. The penguins and seals are eaten by polar bears and seals hunted by human. Humans are always placed high up in the marine biome food chain as although they are not part of the marine biome, they consume sea foods like fishes, crabs, lobsters, etc. If even one member of the marine biome food chain becomes extinct, the food chain will go for a toss.