slope = 0.52 slope = 0.64 slope = 0.76 slope = 0.74 slope = 0.47 slope = 0.49 slope = 0.63 slope = 0.57 slope = 0.59 slope = 0.49 slope = 0.8 slope = 0.49 slope = 0.6 slope = 0.36 slope = 0.71 slope = 0.67 slope = 0.59 slope = 0.53 slope = 0.44 slope = 1.09 slope = 0.91 slope = 0.6 slope = 0.72 slope = 0.74 slope = 0.52 slope = 0.62 slope = 0.62 slope = 0.74 slope = 0.46 slope = 0.79 slope = 0.52 slope = 0.91 slope = 0.54 slope = 0.71 slope = 0.84 slope = 0.71 slope = 0.69 slope = 0.77 slope = 0.55 slope = 0.59 slope = 0.72 slope = 0.49 Figure S1. Regression of 42 target genes on to the mean Ct of reference genes. Only genes without undetectable values from the RA SAB dataset was used. X-axis is the mean Ct values of the reference genes. Y-axis is the Ct values of a target gene. 0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 FC.rg 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 Fold Change Estimates -0.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 FC.dCt Figure S2. Comparison of fold change estimates from dCt and per-gene regression normalizations in a simulation study. The simulation was conducted as described in the Supp. Table 3 legends. The parameter setting are: sample size (n)=20, regression coefficient (b) = 0.58, and variation (sd) =0.2. The fold change estimates from the regression normalization (FC.rg) are well separated in the three simulated group means, 0, log2(1.5) and 1og2(2). The estimates from dCt normalization (FC.dCt) have much more variability around the simulated values than those from the per-gene regression normalization (FC.rg).