PASADENA CITY COLLEGE CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION COMMITTEE MINUTES OF MEETING THURSDAY, APRIL 11, 2013 AMENDED CALLED TO ORDER: 2:45 p.m. CHAIRPERSON: Carrie Starbird VICE CHAIR: Armando Duran The following Curriculum and Instruction Committee members were present: VICE CHAIR Armando Duran INSTRUCTIONAL UNITS Tim Melnarik, English Janis Dwyer, Counseling/Student Success Services Paulette Koubek-Yao, Languages Krista Goguen, Library Services Lyman Chaffee, Mathematics & Computer Science Rhea Presiado, Natural Sciences Julie Kiotas, Social Sciences Roland Percey, Visual Arts & Media Studies DIVISION DEANS James Arnwine, Fine Arts Mike Finkenbinder, Humanities MEMBERS EX-OFFICIO Cynthia Olivo, Associate Dean, Counseling/Student Success Services Alina Sargsyan, Classified Senate Ofelia Arellano, Dean, Academic Affairs Salomon Davila, Dean, Career and Technical Education Ana Ogaz, Articulation Officer RESOURCE EXPERTS Katie Datko, Distance Education Specialist GUESTS Joe Futtner Eric Larson Phillip Young Steve Gates Bryan Wilbur I. WELCOME Self-introductions. II. CURICULUM CONSIDERATIONS WITH ACTION TO FOLLOW A. VISUAL ARTS & MEDIA STUDIES: CHANGE – delete prerequisite (ART 032A) – Effective Summer 2014 ART 016 PERSPECTIVES 3 units Beginning elements of one-and/or two-point perspective utilizing the grid and freehand methods. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting April 11, 2013 Page 1 CHANGE – COURSE NUMBER from ART 154 to ART 64, CATALOG DESCRIPTION, PREREQUISITES (Delete “One of the following: Art 050A, Art 199, BIT 199, Jour 199, GFRX 199 or portfolio of intermediate computer skills with experience in graphics or digital video or music.”) – Effective Summer 2014 ART 064 INTRODUCTION TO INTERACTION DESIGN 3 units Introduction to human-computer interaction, interface design, and interactive and time-based media for designers. Overview of foundational interaction design concepts such as human factors, perception, cognition, research techniques, and design methods for the design of user experiences & interaction. A survey of interactive products, systems, interfaces and technology (software and hardware), constraints and trajectories for future developments and how these frame Interaction Design and production. Workflow, planning and organization of prototyping in Interaction Design. Recommended knowledge of digital imaging. Recommended enrollment in ART 112. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Formerly ART 154. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review CHANGE– COURSE NUMBER, CATALOG DESCRIPTION, PREREQUISITE (DELETE PHOT 030), RECOMMENDED PREPARATION (DELETE PHOT 025 OR PHOT 026A), TRANSFERABILITY Effective Summer 2014 ART 057 MOTION GRAPHICS 3 units Exploration of experimental and new technological approaches to creating original visual imagery for use in design, fine arts, animation, and interactive media. Introduction to the integration of sound, graphics, video, and text. Exploration of motion design and dynamic storytelling to create movies, animation, and professional special effects for digital output. Overview of career opportunities. Recommended enrollment in Art 112. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Formerly ART 156. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. CHANGE – COURSE NUMBER, CATALOG DESCRIPTION, PREREQUISITE(DELETE PHOT 030 OR PORTFOLIO), CATALOG DESCRIPTION, TRANFERRABILITY – Effective Summer 2014 ART 098 WEB DESIGN AND DEVELOPMENT 3 units Introduction to the design and creation of websites. Exploration of usability, interface, navigation, and information design as well as creation of dynamic content in websites. Use of HTML, CSS, CMS, and PHP/MySQL to explore simple to complex interactive projects for the Web. Creation of a "real world" website designed in an interdisciplinary team environment. Emphasis on project management and conceptual skills that comprise well-designed websites; an interdisciplinary course. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Recommended enrollment in ART 113. Formerly ART 198. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. CHANGE– CATALOG DESCRIPTION, PREREQUISITES (Delete ART 056 or PHOT 030)– Effective Summer 2014 ART 158 INTERACTIVITY FOR THE INTERNET 3 units Introduction to the design and creation of interactive multimedia web sites that incorporate animation, graphics, text, and sound using JavaScript and the jQuery Framework. Exploration of interface, navigation, and information design as well as creation of customized interactivity and behaviors in web development and user experience design. Exploration of simple to complex interactive environments for output to the Web. Overview of career opportunities. Recommended enrollment in Art 113. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. MSC ARNWINE/PERCEY to approve the changes to the above credit curricula. MSC OGAZ/DWYER to approve changes to prerequisites to the above curricula. Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting April 11, 2013 Page 2 DELETIONS – Effective Summer 2014 ART 110A SKILLS FOR SUCCESS IN DESIGN DIGITAL MEDIA 1 unit ART 110B SKILLS FOR SUCCESS IN MULTIMEDIA DIGITAL MEDIA 1 unit ART 110C SKILLS FOR SUCCESS IN DIGITAL MEDIA 1 unit ART 110D SKILLS FOR SUCCESS IN PHOTOGRAPHY DIGITAL MEDIA 1 unit MSC PERCEY/GOGUEN to approve deletion on the above curricula. B. PERFORMING & COMMUNICATION ARTS MODIFICATIONS CHANGE – COURSE TITLE, CATALOG DESCRIPTION, UNITS, HOURS, PREREQUISITES (Delete MUSC 001), COREQS (Delete MUSC 003A, 004B, and 010; Add MUSC 001A) – Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 002A MUSICIANSHIP I 1 unit Co-requisite: Musc 001A. Application and development of the materials of Musc 001A through sight-singing, ear training, and dictation. Topics include rhythm, major and minor scales, intervals, triads, and simple diatonic melodies. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – COURSE TITLE, CATALOG DESCRIPTION, UNITS, HOURS, PREREQUISITES (Delete MUSC 002A), COREQS (Delete MUSC 003B, MUSC 004, MUSC 010 and Add MUSC 001B) – Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 002B MUSICIANSHIP II 1 unit Prerequisite: Musc 002A. Co-requisite: Musc 001B. Application and development of the materials of Musc 001B through sight-singing, ear training, and dictation. Topics include rhythm, melodies in major and minor keys (simple and compound meter), fluency in alto clef, 2- and 4-part dictation of diatonic chord progressions. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – COURSE TITLE, CATALOG DESCRIPTION, UNITS, HOURS, COREQUISITES (Delete MUSC MUSC 003C, MUSC 004D, MUSC 010 and Add MUSC 001C) – Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 002C MUSICIANSHIP III 1 unit Prerequisite: Musc 002B. Co-requisite: Musc 001C. Application and development of the materials of Musc 001C through sight-singing, ear training, and dictation. Topics include syncopation, non-dominant 7th chords, secondary dominant chords, and an introduction to modulation. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting April 11, 2013 Page 3 CHANGE – COURSE TITLE, UNITS, HOURS, COREQS (Delete MUSC 010; Add MUSC 001A, 002A) – Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 004A KEYBOARD SKILLS I 1 unit Co-requisites: Musc 001A, Musc 002A Primarily for music majors. Keyboard realization of theoretical and harmonic materials from Musc 001A and Musc 002A including melodic harmonization with basic chord patterns and transposition. Fundamentals of body, hand and finger control oriented to the keyboard using a first study book for piano. Development of sight-reading skills and elementary repertoire. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – COURSE TITLE, UNITS, HOURS, PREREQUISITE (Delete “or placement based on the music assessment process.”), COREQS (Delete MUSC 010; Add MUSC 001B, 002B) – Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 004B KEYBOARD SKILLS II 1 unit Prerequisite: Musc 004A. Co-requisites: Musc 001B, Musc 002B. Primarily for music majors. Standard upper elementary repertoire. Keyboard realization of theoretical and harmonic materials from Musc 001B with emphasis on basic diatonic progressions. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – COURSE TITLE, UNITS, HOURS, COREQS (Delete MUSC 002B, 003B, 010; Add MUSC 001C, 002C) – Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 004C KEYBOARD SKILLS III 1 unit Prerequisite: Musc 004B Co-requisites: Musc 001C, Musc 002C Primarily for music majors. Standard repertoire representative of music from the Baroque through the contemporary periods. Development of functional keyboard skills correlated with Musc 001C. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC CHANGE – COURSE TITLE, UNITS, HOURS, COREQS (DELETE MUSC 002C, MUSC 003C, MUSC 010; REPLACE WITH MUSC 001D, MUSC 002D) – Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 004D KEYBOARD SKILLS IV 1 unit Prerequisite: Musc 004C Co-requisites: Musc 001D, Musc 002D Primarily for music majors. Standard repertoire and functional keyboard skills, correlated with Musc 001D in preparation for the keyboard proficiency examination. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU, UC. CHANGE – PREREQUISITES (DELETE MUSC 003A REPLACE WITH MUSC 001B), SLOs, SPOs – Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 007A MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE 3 units Prerequisite: Musc 001B An intensive chronological study of musical techniques including instrumentation, styles and forms, through listening, performance and score analysis. Early Christian era through the Baroque period. For the music major and music teaching minor, but open to all qualified students. Fall semester. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting April 11, 2013 Page 4 CHANGE – PREREQUISITES (delete MUSC 003A replace with MUSC 001B), SLOs & SPOs – Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 007B MUSIC HISTORY AND LITERATURE 3 units Prerequisite: Musc 001B. An intensive chronological study of musical techniques, including instrumentation, styles and forms, through listening, performance and score analysis. Enlightenment, romantic and contemporary periods. Recommended completion of Musc 007A. For music major and music teaching minor, but open to all qualified students. Spring semester. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – UPDATE SLOs, SPOs, ADD DISTANCE EDUCATION– Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 021 MUSIC APPRECIATION 3 units Introduction to western classical music--its understanding and enjoyment; music elements; performance media; style and literature. Emphasis on awareness and evaluation of music in everyday life. Required concert attendance. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – SLOs, SPOs – Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 028 HISTORY OF OPERA 3 units Analysis of representative operas by the major composers of each period from the Seventeenth through Twentieth centuries in Europe and the United States. Origin and development of related musical genres, forms, and styles. Emphasis on critical listening skills. Recommended ability to read music, but open to all interested students. Required concert attendance. Total of 54 hours lecture and 18 hours music laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – PREREQUISITE (Delete “MUSIC 009 or placement based on successful audition”; Add “retention based on successful audition”) – Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 044 PIANO ACCOMPANYING 1 unit Prerequisite: Retention based on successful audition. Introduction to the techniques of accompanying vocalists and instrumentalists. Study and performance of accompaniment repertoire: art songs and instrumental literature. Maximum credit 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Chamber Ensemble Family: Musc 038BCD, 044, 057A, 070ABCDE, 082, 133E. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – CATALOG DESCRIPTION, SPOs, TEXBOOK – Effective Summer 2014 THRT 002A ACTING I 3 units This course prepares a student to apply basic acting theory to performance and develops the skills of interpretation of drama through acting. Special attention is paid to skills for performance: memorization, stage movement, vocal production, and interpretation of text. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting April 11, 2013 Page 5 CHANGE – CATALOG DESCRIPTION, SPOs, COURSE CONTENT – Effective Summer 2014 THRT 002B ACTING II Prerequisite: Thrt 002A. This course follows Acting I and continues the exploration of theories and techniques used in preparation for the interpretation of drama through acting. The emphasis will be placed on deepening the understanding of the acting process through character analysis, monologues, and scenes. Total of 36 hours lecture and 72 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – CATALOG DESCRIPTION, SPOs, COURSE CONTENT– Effective Summer 2014 THRT 005 HISTORY OF THEATER ARTS 3 units The study of the history of theatre from the Origins of Theatre through the Present Day. The history and development of theatre and drama are studied in relationship to cultural, political and social conditions of the time. Plays are read for analysis of structure, plot, character and historical relevance. Recommended Engl 060. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – CATALOG DESCRIPTION, SLOs, SPOs, COURSE CONTENT – Effective Summer 2014 THRT 010A MAKEUP FOR STAGE AND SCREEN 1 unit Students will receive instruction and practice in a lecture/laboratory setting in all phases of makeup specifically designed for theatrical and cinematic use. Theory and practical application of makeup for stage, television and cinema. Required stage crew activity. Recommended enrollment in Thrt 030. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – CATALOG DESCRIPTION– Effective Summer 2014 THRT 010B ADVANCED MAKEUP FOR STAGE AND SCREEN 1 unit Prerequisite: Thrt 010A. Students will receive instruction and practice in a lecture/laboratory setting in all phases of makeup specifically designed for theatrical and cinematic use. Theory and application of advanced techniques of makeup including hair makeup, principles of design for non-realistic makeup, mask construction and introduction to prosthesis. Required stage crew activity. Recommended enrollment in Thrt 030. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE– CATALOG DESCRIPTION, SPOs, COURSE CONTENT OUTLINE – Effective Summer 2014 THRT 012A TECHNICAL THEATER 4 units An introduction to technical theatre and the creation of scenic elements involved in department productions. Includes basic concepts of design, set movement, prop construction and procurement, backstage organization and career possibilities. Also includes stage management, lighting and/or sound techniques. Beginning practical application. Required stage crew activity. Recommended enrollment in Thrt 030. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting April 11, 2013 Page 6 CHANGE – CATALOG DESCRIPTION, PREREQUISITES (Delete “and enrollment in THRT 030”), SPOs, COURSE CONTENT– Effective Summer 2014 THRT 012B ADVANCED TECHNICAL THEATER 4 units Prerequisite: Thrt 012A. Advanced practical application of technical theatre and in the creation of scenic elements involved in department productions. Includes continuing concepts of design, set movement, prop construction and procurement, backstage organization and career possibilities. Students are required to assume technical and production responsibility for all department productions approved by instructor. Also includes stage management, lighting and/or sound techniques. Beginning practical application. Required stage crew activity. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – CATALOG DESCRIPTION, PREREQUISITES (Delete THRT 012A), SPOs, COURSE CONTENT– Effective Summer 2014 THRT 013 INTRODUCTION TO SCENIC DESIGN 3 units Aspects of scenic design; problems of translating a dramatic idea into stage production. Students will be offered a survey of scenic design and construction techniques through demonstration and lecture. Required stage crew activity. Recommended enrollment in Thrt 030 and Thrt 012A. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – CATALOG DESCRIPTION, SPOs, COURSE CONTENT– Effective Summer 2014 THRT 015 COSTUME CRAFTS 3 units Students will study costume history, design, and basic construction techniques as an introduction to basic theatrical costuming. Fabrics and their various uses will be investigated. Recommended enrollment in Thrt 030. Total of 54 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC CHANGE – Catalog Description, SPOs, COURSE CONTENT– Effective Summer 2014 THRT 030 STAGE TECHNIQUES 1 unit Students will gain practical experience in the application of production responsibilities in any of the following: stage management, house management, construction, scenery, properties, costume, lighting, sound, and running crews for Theatre Department productions. Maximum credit: 4 units, 1 unit each semester. Maximum of 4 enrollments allowed in the Theater Production Family: Thrt 028, 029, 030. Total of 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC MSC OLIVO/CHAFFEE to approve the changes to the prerequisites to and co-requisites of the above credit curricula. MSC PERCEY/FINKENBINDER to approve to amend the above curricula. Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting April 11, 2013 Page 7 ADDITIONS – Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 001A MUSIC THEORY 1 3 units Co-requisite: Musc 002A. Recommended Preparation: The ability to read music in at least one clef. Musc 041A and/or Musc 040. This course, through guided composition and analysis, incorporates the following concepts: rhythm and meter; basic properties of sound; musical terminology; intervals; major and minor scales; diatonic triads in major and minor keys; dominant seventh; basic musical structure; figured bass symbols. Development of skills in handwritten notation is expected. Recommended enrollment in Musc 004A. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. MUSC 001B MUSIC THEORY II 1 unit Prerequisite: Musc 001A or placement based on the music assessment process. Co-requisite: Musc 002B. A study of common-practice diatonic harmony and part writing. Principles of harmonic progression involving diatonic triads and dominant seventh chords, an introduction to species (2-part) counterpoint, four-part (SATB—Soprano/Alto/Tenor/Bass) writing and arranging, harmonization of given and original melodies, bass line construction, non-chord tones, phrase structure, and a brief historical survey of the development of harmony and texture in Western music. Recommended enrollment in Musc 004B. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. MUSC 001C MUSIC THEORY III 1 unit Prerequisite: Musc 001B. Co-requisite: Musc 002C. Incorporating the concepts from Musc 001B, the course will include: introduction to chromatic harmony, non-dominant 7th chords, secondary/applied chords, modulation, and a study of binary and ternary form. Recommended enrollment in Musc 004C. Total of 54 hours lecture. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review MUSC 001D MUSIC THEORY IV 1 unit Prerequisite: Musc 001C. Co-requisite: Musc 002D. This course completes a sequential study of tonal harmony and includes an introduction to 20th century techniques. Topics will include: borrowed chords and modal mixture; the Neapolitan and augmented sixth chords; enharmonic reinterpretation and modulation; altered dominant and 9th chords, contrapuntal techniques of late-Romanticism, and 20th century techniques such as: pandiatonicism; use of synthetic scales; set theory; and rhythm and meter. Recommended enrollment in Musc 004D. Total of 54 hours lecture. MUSC 002D MUSICIANSHIP IV 1 unit Prerequisite: Musc 002C. Co-requisite: Musc 001D. Application and development of the materials of Musc 001D through sight-singing, ear training, and dictation. Topics include complex rhythm and meter, advanced chromatic techniques of the Classical and Romantic eras, and an introduction to techniques of the twentieth century. Total of 18 hours lecture and 36 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC under review. MSC OGAZ/PERCEY to approve the addition of the above credit curricula. Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting April 11, 2013 Page 8 MSC OLIVO/CHAFFEE to approve the prerequisites, co-requisites and recommended courses to the above curricula. DELETIONS– Effective Summer 2014 MUSC 009F- INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION - KEYBOARD 1 unit MUSC 009G- INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION - GUITAR 1 unit MUSC 009H-INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION - STUDIO/JAZZ KEYBOARD 1 unit MUSC 009I- IND. INSTRUCTION - STUDIO/JAZZ ELECTRIC OR ACOUSTIC BASS 1 unit MUSC 009J- INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION-STUDIO/JAZZ ELECTRIC/ACOUSTIC GUITAR 1 unit MUSC 009K- INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION - STUDIO/JAZZ DRUM SET 1 unit MUSC 009L- INDIVIDUAL INSTRUCTION - STUDIO /JAZZ VOICE 1 unit THEATER TECHNOLOGY- MAKEUP TECHNOLOGY 26-27 UNITS MSC OLIVO/GOGUEN to approve the deletion of the above credit curricula. CHANGE – Effective Summer 2014 AA in MUSIC 36 UNITS MSC CHAFEE/PERCEY to approve the changes to the above credit degree as amended. C. NATURAL SCIENCES ADDITIONS – Effective Summer 2014 GEOG 011 INTRODUCTION TO GEOGRAPHIC INFORMATION SYSTEMS AND TECHNIQUES, WITH LAB 3 units Introduction to the fundamentals of geospatial technology including Geographic Information Systems (GIS) science and its applications to spatial data management. Participants will learn how to identify and acquire GIS data, assess vector and raster systems, and apply scale, resolution, map projections, coordinate systems, use georeferencing, spatial analysis, modeling and Global Positioning Systems (GPS). This course is designed to complement other disciplines or as an entry level course into a geospatial program. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours of laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting April 11, 2013 Page 9 GEOG 012 SPATIAL ANALYSES 3 units Prerequisite: Geog 011 Reinforce skills about the theory and application of GIS science. Develop working knowledge and skills necessary to conduct problem-solving and decision making using geospatial analysis techniques. Topics include discovering and applying the spatial relationships within and among spatial phenomena, buffering, overlay, map algebra, database management, and metadata standards. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory. Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. GEOG 013 DATA ACQUISITION & MANAGEMENT 3 units Prerequisite: Geog 011. Introduces fundamental concepts of primary GIS data creation. Topics include quantitative techniques for collection, classification, management of geographical data, and interpretation of a variety of data formats in GIS. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. GEOG 014 CARTOGRAPHIC DESIGNS 3 units Prerequisite: Geog 011. Introduction to fundamental cartographic concepts. Design principles and creation of effective visual representations of data in different formats. Topics include ethical and appropriate application of map scale, map projections, generalization and symbolization. Total of 36 hours lecture and 54 hours laboratory Transfer Credit: CSU; UC credit under review. MSC OGAZ/GOGUEN to approve addition of above curricula. MSC OGAZ/DAVILA to approve the addition of the prerequisites and co-requisites GEOG 011, 012, 013, and 014. APPROVAL OF CERTIFICATES OF ACHIEVEMENT/OCCUPATIONAL SKILLS — ADDS AND CHANGES GEOTECH OCCUPATIONAL SKILLS CERTIFICATE 12 Units MSC FINKENBINDER/DAVILA to approve the addition of the GeoTech Occupational Skills Certificate. IV. ACTION TO PLACE ITEMS ON FUTURE AGENDAS AA-T Degree in Music IEC Broad Recommendations V. ANNOUNCEMENTS Salomon Davila announced a program regarding the inclusion of an internship program. VI. ADJOURNMENT MSC DURAN/DOUGLAS meeting adjourned at 3:12 p.m. Minutes of the Curriculum & Instruction Committee Meeting April 11, 2013 Page 10