KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SCHEDULE Other Schedules available from the Secretary SATURDAY 18th July 2015 EAST MUIRHEAD OF LOGIE CLOSING DATE FOR ENTRIES SUNDAY 21st JUNE 2015 TWINNED WITH BRACEBRIDGE FALL FAIR & HORSE SHOW, ONTARIO The KDAA is a Company Limited by Guarantee and is registered for charitable purposes KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) PRIZE LIST FOR THE OPEN SHOW OF CLYDESDALES, HARNESS, CATTLE, SHEEP, GOATS, HUNTERS & PONIES PLEASE SEE JUDGING COMMENCEMENT TIMES UNDER EACH SECTION HEADING ENTRIES MUST BE IN THE SHOW FIELD 30 MINUTES BEFORE JUDGING COMMENCES IN ADDITION TO THE SHOW RULES, PROVIDED AT THE BACK OF THIS DOCUMENT, SUPPLEMENTARY INSTRUCTIONS OR REQUIREMENTS RELEVANT TO INDIVIDUAL CLASSES ARE HIGHLIGHTED THROUGHOUT WITH TEXT SHOWN IN A BOX ALL CATTLE PASSPORTS MUST BE PRODUCED ON SHOW DAY ALL SHEEP AND GOATS MUST BE INDIVIDUALLY EAR TAGGED OR TATTOOED IN ACCORDANCE WITH SGRPID GUIDANCE Further Show Lists and information can be obtained from: Donna Leslie, Chenar, 1 Strathview Road, Kirriemuir, Angus, DD8 5BZ Tele: 01575 573222 e-mail: please ensure your entry is in on time as no late entries will be accepted KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SPECIAL SHOW PRIZES (ALL PERPETUAL) Centenary Silver Trophy 2015 SHEEP – CHAMPION OF CHAMPIONS To be awarded in alternate years to the Champion of Champions in Cattle, Horse and Sheep Sections, drawn thus: 2015 2016 2017 Sheep Horse Cattle A & H Rosettes – Champion of Champion Rosette & Sash Presented by A & H Rosettes who have made all of our rosettes, badges and so much more. The Angus Glens Sheep Health Association Quaich to be awarded to the Interbreed Sheep Champion This Quaich will also be judged on a points system with all the Sheep Judges participating. The Tayside Lime Cup Presented by James Bruce Ltd to be awarded to the Champion of Champions in Cattle Sections. The Jack Pattullo Trophy Presented by the Pattullo Family to the Stockman of the winning animals. To be awarded to the Best Pair of animals out of the Aberdeen Angus, Any Other Breed, Commercial, Limousin, Charolais, Simmental and Highland Cattle Sections, owned by one exhibitor, animals to be out of the same Section and only one entry per Section for each exhibitor. Stockmans Point Prize Trophy Prize value £7.00 for the most points in any one of the following Sections – 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13, 14, 15, 16 The Bruce Nicoll Memorial Quaich Presented by David and Tracey Nicoll in memory of Mr Bruce Nicoll. To be awarded to the overall junior bull champion. Only one animal from each breed may compete and all bulls must be from a native or continental pedigree herd and be born on or after 1st January 2014. KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION ONE – CLYDESDALE HORSES Judging at 9.30am by Mr D. Walker, Cawdor The Kirriemuir District Agricultural Association is affiliated to the Clydesdale Horse Society. A Shield (which will be supplied and engraved by the Clydesdale Horse Society) will be awarded to the best yearling or two-year-old colt or filly, registered or eligible for registration with the Society, not having won a Shield before in its lifetime. The exhibitor must be a current member of The Clydesdale Horse Society Entry Fee: £4 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £13, 2nd = £9, 3rd = £5 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 1 GELDING, 3 YEARS AND OVER CLASS 2 BROOD MARE (WITH FOAL AT FOOT) CLASS 3 FOAL CLASS 4 YELD MARE, 3 YEARS AND OVER CLASS 5 1 YEAR OLD FILLY OR COLT CLASS 6 2 YEAR OLD FILLY OR COLT CLASS 7 YOUNG HANDLERS** NB: Class 5 & 6 please state Colt or Filly on entry form Special Prizes (all perpetual): Champion Clydesdale – Greenhill Trophy Best Foal – W. Douglas & Sons Trophy Best Male Clydesdale - £3 : Best Female Clydesdale - £3 **An engraved medal is presented by The Clydesdale Horse Society to the best young handler aged 12 to 16 on the day of the show who has not already qualified in 2015. The capabilities of the handler are to be assessed, not the animal being led. The qualifier will be eligible to compete in the 6 final at The Royal Highland Show in 2016. The Young Handler Scheme is generously sponsored by the James Bennet Fund. KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION TWO – HARNESS, DECORATIONS AND GROOMING Judging at approx 1.30pm by Capt. J Anderson, Kilmalcolm Entry Fee: Nil PRIZES CLASS 21 BEST KEPT SET OF FARM CART HARNESS £11 £8 £5 CLASS 22 DECORATIONS £8 £5 £4 CLASS 23 GROOMING £7 £5 £3 Each entrant will receive £2 prize money after 3rd place in Classes 22 and 23 Special Prizes (all perpetual): Most Points (Horse excluded) from Classes 21 & 22 – Fyfe Cup KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION THREE – ABERDEEN ANGUS Judging at 9.30am by Mr T. Arnott, Kelso Entry Fee: £4 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £14, 2nd = £10, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 31 BULL BORN PRIOR TO 1.1.14 CLASS 32 BULL BORN ON OR AFTER 1.1.14 CLASS 33 COW IN MILK OR IN CALF, BORN BEFORE 1.1.13 CLASS 34 HEIFER BORN ON OR AFTER 1.1.12 AND BEFORE 1.1.14 CLASS 35 HEIFER BORN ON OR AFTER 1.1.14 CLASS 36 BULL OR HEIFER CALF BORN ON OR AFTER 1.1.15 Special Prizes (all perpetual): Champion – Reekie Engineering Silver Cup Best Group (One Male, Two Females) – Silver Rose Bowl presented by the late Sir Torquil Munro The Aberdeen Angus Cattle Society will award a Tartan Sash to the Aberdeen Angus Champion and a Rosette for the Best Animal Bred by Exhibitor In the event of 15 or more Aberdeen Angus entries the Society will award an Engraved Whisky Glass to the Aberdeen Angus Champion All Cattle Passports must be produced KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION FOUR – COMMERCIAL CATTLE Judging at 9.30am by Mr E. Fettes, Buckie Entry Fee: £4 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £14, 2nd = £10, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 41 CROSS COW CLASS 41A CROSS COW AND SUCKLING CALF (UNHALTERED) NB: This Class will be split at, Steward’s discretion, if sufficient entries of Autumn/Spring calves are received. This Class is not eligible for the Commercial Cattle Championship. CLASS 42 BULL CALF, CONTINENTAL CROSS, BORN ON OR AFTER 1.1.15 CLASS 43 HEIFER CALF, CONTINENTAL CROSS, BORN ON OR AFTER 1.1.15 CLASS 44 BULL CALF BY NATIVE SIRE BORN ON OR AFTER 1.9.14 CLASS 44A HEIFER CALF BY NATIVE SIRE BORN ON OR AFTER 1.9.14 CLASS 45 BULL CALF, CONTINENTAL CROSS, BORN ON OR AFTER 1.9.14 AND BEFORE 1.1.15 CLASS 46 HEIFER CALF, CONTINENTAL CROSS, BORN ON OR AFTER 1.9.14 AND BEFORE 1.1.15 CLASS 47 HEIFER, - BORN BEFORE 1.9.14 CLASS 48 BULLOCK – BORN BEFORE 1.9.14 Special Prizes (all perpetual) Champion Animal – Cup presented by the Kirriemuir Farmers Dance Committee Reserve Champion – Shield presented by Mr & Mrs S. Brown, Roe Park, Brechin Best Cross Bred Calf bred by Exhibitor – The James A. Peters Trophy Best Pair in any one of Classes 42-49 inclusive – The John Waddell Memorial Cup Most Points in Commercial Cattle Section – Airlie Cup Best Cross Cow & Calf – The Haughs of Benshie Quaich presented by Andrew Mitchell CLASS 49 BEST BUTCHERS ANIMAL (SHOWN UNHALTERED) – THIS CLASS IS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE CHAMPIONSHIP Special Prizes (all perpetual) Champion Butchers Animal – F & F Farquharson Meikle Coul Centenary Trophy All Cattle Passports must be produced KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION FIVE – LIMOUSIN CATTLE Judging after Section Three by Mr T. Arnott, Kelso Entry Fee: £4 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £14, 2nd = £10, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 51 BULL BORN BEFORE 1.6.13 CLASS 52 BULL BORN ON OR AFTER 1.6.13 AND BEFORE 1.6.14 CLASS 53 COW BORN BEFORE 1.6.12 CLASS 54 HEIFER BORN ON OR AFTER 1.6.12 AND BEFORE 1.6.13 CLASS 55 HEIFER BORN ON OR AFTER 1.6.13 AND BEFORE 1.6.14 CLASS 56 HEIFER OR BULL CALF BORN AFTER 1.6.14 Special Prizes (all pertpetual) Champion Limousin – Trophy presented by the Montrose Auction Company Best Limousin Opposite Sex to the Champion – The McLaren Trophy presented by the McLaren Family, Muirhouses British Limousin Cattle Society Champion & Reserve Rosettes All Cattle Passports must be produced KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION SIX – CHAROLAIS CATTLE Judging at 9.30am Judge Mr G Wright, Glenlivet North East and Central Scotland Charolais Club are delighted to announce that Kirriemuir Show will be part of the show points competition for 2015. For further information contact Alison Gray 07718338804 Entry Fee: £4 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £14, 2nd = £10, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 61 BULL BORN BEFORE 1.6.13 CLASS 62 BULL BORN ON OR AFTER 1.6.13 AND BEFORE 1.6.14 CLASS 63 COW BORN BEFORE 1.6.12 CLASS 64 HEIFER BORN ON OR AFTER 1.6.12 AND BEFORE 1.6.13 CLASS 65 HEIFER BORN ON OR AFTER 1.6.13 AND BEFORE 1.6.14 CLASS 66 HEIFER OR BULL CALF BORN ON OR AFTER 1.6.14 Special Prizes (all perpetual) Champion Charolais – Silver Cup presented by James Bruce Ltd British Charolais Champion Rosette donated by the Scottish & Northern Charolais Breeders Association Ltd All Cattle Passports must be produced KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION SEVEN – SIMMENTAL CATTLE Judging after Charolais Cattle by Mr G Wright, Glenlivet Entry Fee: £4 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £14, 2nd = £10, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 71 BULL BORN BEFORE 1.6.13 CLASS 72 BULL BORN ON OR AFTER 1.6.13 AND BEFORE 1.6.14 CLASS 73 COW BORN BEFORE 1.6.12 CLASS 74 HEIFER BORN ON OR AFTER 1.6.12 AND BEFORE 1.6.13 CLASS 75 HEIFER BORN ON OR AFTER 1.6.13 AND BEFORE 1.6.14 CLASS 76 HEIFER OR BULL CALF BORN ON OR AFTER 1.6.14 CLASS 77 A PAIR OF SIMMENTAL CATTLE FROM ANY CLASS/CLASSES, EXCLUDING SENIOR BULLS AND SENIOR COWS – BOTH ANIMALS TO BE BRED BY EXHIBITOR – ONLY ONE ENTRY PER EXHIBITOR NB: There is no entry fee or prize money for Class 77, but please intimate on the official Entry Form if you wish to enter for this Class Special Prizes (all perpetual) Champion Simmental – Silver Cup presented by SAI Ltd Best Simmental Opposite Sex to Champion – Cup presented by R. Douglas, Linross Best Pair of Simmentals Bred by Exhibitor – The Drumgley Cup presented by Mr & Mrs Pat Forrester Champion Rosettes presented by the British Simmental Cattle Society All Cattle Passports must be produduced KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION EIGHT –ANY OTHER NATIVE BREED Judging at 9.30am by Mr K WW Brown, Kinross Entry Fee: £4 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £14, 2nd = £10, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 81 BULL BORN PRIOR TO 1.1.14 CLASS 82 BULL BORN ON OR AFTER 1.1.14 CLASS 83 COW IN MILK OR IN CALF, BORN BEFORE 1.1.13 CLASS 84 HEIFER BORN ON OR AFTER 1.1.13 AND BEFORE 1.1.14 CLASS 85 HEIFER BORN ON OR AFTER 1.1.14 CLASS 86 BULL OR HEIFER CALF BORN ON OR AFTER 1.1.15 Special Prizes (all perpetual): Champion Sash presented by The Henderson Family All Cattle Passports must be produced KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) CONTINENTAL CATTLE TROPHIES Judging by Mr I Mathers, Kintore Champion Continental (Any Breed) – Trophy presented by the Mackay Family, Fletcherfield Best Group of Three from the Continental Cattle Sections – The Craigton Cup Presented by Alex & Jessie Cant YOUNG CATTLE HANDLER SECTION Judging by Mr T. Arnott, Kelso No Entry Fee Payable – Judging to take place after Cattle judging in the Commercial Cattle ring. ENTRIES WILL BE TAKEN ON THE DAY Section 1 Open to handlers from 5 years and up to and including 12 years The animal must be entered in another class in the show Handler must be accompanied by an adult at all times White coats and appropriate foot wear must be worn Section 2 Open to handlers from 13 years and up to and including 16 years on the day of the show The animal must be entered in another class in the show White coats and appropriate foot wear must be worn Special Prizes (all perpetual) Best Young Handler in Cattle Section – The McLaren Family Cup KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION NINE – HIGHLAND CATTLE Judging at 10am by Mr KWW Brown, Kinross Females entered in the Appendix Register of the Highland Cattle Society Herd Book, either Appendix A or B are eligible for entry and are identified by the letter “A” or “B” tattooed in the ear or written in Waterproof ink on an eartag. Winning exhibitors can gain points for the Highland Cattle Show Fold of the Year Competition Entry Fee: £4 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £14, 2nd = £10, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 91 BULL ANY AGE CLASS 92 COW IN MILK OR WITH CALF AT FOOT CLASS 93 HEIFER BORN IN 2012 CLASS 94 HEIFER BORN IN 2013 CLASS 95 HEIFER BORN IN 2014 CLASS 96 CALF BORN IN 2015 – IF NUMBERS ALLOW CLASS 97 A PAIR OF HIGHLAND CATTLE SHOWN AND OWNED BY EXHIBITOR – ONLY ONE ENTRY PER EXHIBITOR NB: There is no entry fee or prize money for Class 97, but please intimate on the official Entry Form if you wish to enter for this Class Special Prizes (all perpetual): Champion Highland Animal – Thorntons WS Caithness Glass Decanter Best Female Highland Animal – Smiths Gore, Chartered Surveyors, Trophy Champion Rosette awarded by The Highland Cattle Society All Cattle Passports must be produced KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION TEN – SUFFOLK SHEEP Judging at 9.30am by Mr J A Gibb, East Cowbog Entry Fee: £2 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £12, 2nd = £9, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 101 AGED RAM CLASS 102 SHEARLING CLASS 103 RAM LAMB CLASS 104 EWE (HAVING REARED A LAMB THIS YEAR) CLASS 105 GIMMER CLASS 106 EWE LAMB CLASS 107 PAIR OR UNTRIMMED LAMBS – ANY COMBINATION WINNERS OF CLASS 107 ARE NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE BREED CHAMPION All sheep must be dipped or treated for scab and lice prior to showing. Entries from Accredited Maedi Visna flocks only. Licenses to accompany sheep on day of the show must be handed to the Steward. Special Prizes (all perpetual): Champion Suffolk – Cup presented by Scott & Graham Best Animal Opposite Sex to Champion – The Findowrie Cup presented by Messrs Barron of Findowrie Group of 4, one from either Class 102 or 103 and one each from Class 104, 105 and 106 – Bank of Scotland Trophy Best Pair of Untrimmed Suffolk Lambs (bred by Exhibitor) – Tayside Suffolk Breeders Club Rosettes KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION ELEVEN – NORTH BLACKFACE SHEEP Judging at 9.30am by Mr M. Hamilton Jnr, Cobbinshaw Entry Fee: £2 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £12, 2nd = £9, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 111 RAM (3 SHEAR & OVER) CLASS 112 RAM (2 SHEAR) CLASS 113 SHEARLING RAM CLASS 114 RAM LAMB CLASS 115 EWE (IN MILK) CLASS 116 EWE (IN MILK – 1 CROP) CLASS 117 GIMMER CLASS 118 EWE LAMB NB: Classes 111 & 112 will be combined if insufficient entries received. All sheep must be dipped or treated for scab and lice prior to showing. Special Prizes (all perpetual): Champion Blackface North – Trophy presented by Strathmore Auction Co. Best Group of Blackface Females (comprising Ewe, Gimmer & Ewe Lamb, bred by exhibitor) – The Young Arch Shield presented by the Rattray Family Best Blackface Group (comprising Ram, Shearling or older, Ewe, Gimmer, Ram Lamb and Ewe Lamb) – the Angus Milling Company Cup Best Blackface Male & Female bred by exhibitor – Cup presented by the family of the late John Ogilvie, Kinrive Best Blackface Ram – Balintore Cup Best Blackface Female – the W. G. Johnston Memorial Cup Best Group of Males from classes 111, 112, 113 & 114 – the Wm. Lindsay Memorial Cup Best One Crop Ewe – The David Ogilvy Memorial Cup Champion Blackface Sheep Rosette donated by Breeders’ Association KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION TWELVE – SOUTH BLACKFACE SHEEP Judging at 9.30am by Mr D. Kinloch, Allanfauld Entry Fee: £2 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £12, 2nd = £9, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 121 RAM (3 SHEAR & OVER) CLASS 122 RAM (2 SHEAR) CLASS 123 SHEARLING RAM CLASS 124 RAM LAMB CLASS 125 EWE (IN MILK) CLASS 126 EWE (IN MILK – 1 CROP) CLASS 127 GIMMER CLASS 128 EWE LAMB NB: Classes 121 & 122 will be combined if insufficient entries received. All sheep must be dipped or treated for scab and lice prior to showing. Special Prizes (all perpetual): Champion Blackface South – the Irvine Adamson CA Trophy Best Opposite Sex to Champion – the Peter Alexander Trophy Best Group of Blackface Females (comprising Ewe, Gimmer & Ewe Lamb, bred by exhibitor) – the Glen Cally Cup presented by the Lascelles family Champion Blackface Sheep Rosette donated by Breeders’ Association KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION THIRTEEN – TEXEL SHEEP Entry Fee: £2 Judging at 9.30am by Mr J. McKerrow, Boness Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £12, 2nd = £9, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 141 TWO SHEAR & OVER CLASS 142 SHEARLING CLASS 143 TUP LAMB CLASS 144 EWE IN MILK OR HAD A LAMB CLASS 145 GIMMER CLASS 146 EWE LAMB All sheep must be dipped or treated for scab and lice prior to showing. Special Prizes (all perpetual): Champion Texel – Trophy presented by Auchlishie Farm Best Group of Three (at least one must be home bred) – the R L Fearn Cup SECTION FOURTEEN – BELTEX SHEEP Entry Fee: £2 Judging at 9.30am by Mr J. Guthrie, Creiff Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £12, 2nd = £9, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 151(B) TUP (SHEARLING & OVER) CLASS 152(B) TUP LAMB CLASS 153(B) EWE HAVING REARED A LAMB THIS YEAR CLASS 154(B) GIMMER CLASS 155(B) EWE LAMB Pairs competition – comprising 1 male & 1 female Entries accepted from both Non-Accredited and from Accredited Maedi Visna flocks – separate pens will be provided KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION FIFTEEN – ANY OTHER BREED SHEEP Judging at 9.30am by Mr J Stephenson, Eggleston Entry Fee: £2 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £12, 2nd = £9, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 151 TUP (SHEARLING & OVER) CLASS 152 TUP LAMB CLASS 153 EWE HAVING REARED A LAMB THIS YEAR CLASS 154 GIMMER CLASS 155 EWE LAMB Pairs Competition – comprising 1 male and 1 female All sheep must be dipped or treated for scab and lice prior to showing. Sections Fourteen and Fifteen may be amalgamated on the day if not enough entries Special Prizes (all perpetual): Champion Any Other Breed Sheep– The Jock Stewart Memorial Trophy presented by Jock’s Family and Friends Entries accepted from both Non-Accredited and from Accredited Maedi Visna flocks – separate pens will be provided. *Please note a copy of the MV accredited certificate must also accompany the official entry form to the Show. KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION SIXTEEN – COMMERCIAL SHEEP Judging at 9.30am by Helen Rickard, Lawrie & Symington Entry Fee: £2 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £12, 2nd = £9, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 161 3 PRIME LAMBS (LIGHT) CLASS 162 3 PRIME LAMBS (HEAVY) CLASS 163 3 EWE LAMBS (ANY BREED OR CROSS, NOT IN ANY OTHER CLASS OR SECTION) CLASS 164 3 GIMMERS (ANY BREED OR CROSS, NOT IN ANY OTHER CLASS OR SECTION) CLASS 165 3 EWES (ANY BREED OR CROSS, NOT IN ANY OTHER CLASS OR SECTION – HAVING REARED LAMBS THIS YEAR) CLASS 166 3 MULE EWE LAMBS CLASS 167 3 MULE GIMMERS CLASS 168 3 MULE EWES - HAVING REARED A LAMB THIS YEAR CLASS 169 EWE AND A PAIR OF LAMBS – ANY CROSS OR BREED All sheep must be dipped or treated for scab and lice prior to showing. Special Prizes (all perpetual): Best Pen of Sheep– Cup presented by Andrew Mitchell, Haughs of Ballinshoe Best Pen of Prime Lambs from Classes 161 & 162 – Trophy presented by Welsh Country Foods KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) YOUNG SHEEP HANDLER SECTION Judging by Mr J. Stephenson, Eggleston No Entry Fee Payable – Judging to take place after Sheep judging in the sheep rings ENTRIES WILL BE TAKEN ON THE DAY Section 1 Open to handlers from 5 years and up to and including 12 years The animal must be entered in another class in the show Handler must be accompanied by an adult at all times Section 2 Open to handlers from 13 years and up to and including 16 years on the day of the show The animal must be entered in another class in the show Special Prizes (all perpetual) Best Young Handler in Cattle Section – The Jan Wilson Young Handler’s Trophy Sheep Interbreed judged at 12.30pm KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SECTION SEVENTEEN – GOATS Judging at 10am BY Mr R Mason, Dunning Entry Fee: £2 Prize Money for the classes listed below is: 1st = £12, 2nd = £9, 3rd = £6 and a 4th prize of £4 will be paid if 8 or more entries put forward in any Class CLASS 181 FEMALE THAT HAS BORNE A KID, ANY AGE, IN MILK - WHITE CLASS 182 FEMALE THAT HAS BORNE A KID, ANY AGE, IN MILK - COLOURED CLASS 183 GOATLING THAT HAS NOT BORNE A KID, OVER ONE BUT NOT EXCEEDING TWO YEARS - WHITE CLASS184 GOATLING THAT HAS NOT BORNE A KID, OVER ONE BUT NOT EXCEEDING TWO YEARS - COLOURED CLASS 185 FEMALE KID, OVER TWO MONTHS BUT NOT EXCEEDING ONE YEAR - WHITE CLASS 186 FEMALE KID, OVER TWO MONTHS BUT NOT EXCEEDING ONE YEAR - COLOURED CLASS 187 PYGMY ADULT FEMALE CLASS 188 PYGMY GOATLING CLASS 189 PYGMY KID (EITHER SEX) Special Prizes (all perpetual): Best in Show – The Guildy Den Strawberry Cup presented by Gordon Webster, Guildy Den Best Pair of Coloured Goats, bred and owned by exhibitor – one pair per exhibitor – The Rogerian Plaque presented by Mrs Agnes Aitken, Stonehaven Best Pygmy – Trophy presented by Mr D Cant, The Lodge, Colliston Castle, Arbroath The Scottish Goatkeepers Federation Special Rosette awarded to the most promising exhibit under two years of age NB: All animals must be C.A.E. Tested Licences to accompany goats on Show Day and must be handed to the Steward. Please note a copy of the CAE accredited certificate must also accompany the official entry form to the Show KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) VINTAGE SECTION JUDGING AT 10am BY Mr H. Mclean, Tarbert ENTRY FEE: £2 CLASS A CLASS B CLASS C CLASS D CLASS E CLASS F CLASS G CLASS H BEST WORKING VINTAGE TRACTOR P/P BEST NON-WORKING VINTAGE TRACTOR P/P BEST DIESEL TRACTOR 1940/60 BEST DIESEL TRACTOR 1961+ (MUST BE 25 YRS+) BEST STATIONARY O/C ENGINE BEST STATIONARY C/C ENGINE BEST IMPLEMENT BEST WORKING MACHINE Special Prizes (all perpetual) Best Overall Entry in Vintage Section – Norman Ogg Cup Best Working Vintage Tractor (Class A) – The Henderson Shield Best Non-working Tractor (Class B) – Robert Parker Shield Best Diesel Tractor 40/60 (Class C) – The G & D Tawse Shield Best Diesel Tractor 1961+ (25yrs and over) (Class D) – Bill Orr, Finavon Shield Vintage Tractor or Machine not fully restored (any age) – The Jock Duncan Memorial Shield A working tractor is classed as one which is still used for work or in ploughing matches etc NB: No membership will be payable with entries to the vintage section KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) SHOW RULES 1. All animals entered for the competition must be the bona fide property of the entrants, the entrants’ business, the entrants’ employers or the entrants’ family and must have been in their possession since 1st June, 2015. 2. No animal will be allowed to compete in more than one Class, except in certain Horse Sections (please check with Secretary prior to entering) and Class 41a. 3. Farm Cart Harness need not be the property of the exhibitor, who need not be a member of the Association. Harness must be exhibited upon a horse. 4. Where prizes or donations are given for any special class or purpose, such prize or donation shall be awarded to that class or purpose to which it was given. 5. Qualified persons must be in attendance upon each lot of livestock the whole time of the Show, and all attendants must be amenable to the orders of the Directors and Stewards. 6. With the exception of the Stewards and other members of the Committee in the discharge of their duties, no person will be admitted inside the judging rings or to interfere with or come in contact with the Judges on any pretext whatsoever. 7. All stock must be placed in the showyard half an hour before judging commences at 8.30 am. The gates will be shut and the showyard cleared of all persons, except those in attendance upon stock, one person being allowed to each lot and at 9.00 am the showyard will be open to the public. 8. No animal or lot shall be allowed to leave the showfield before 3.00 pm unless with the written permission of the Secretary. 9. No booths, refreshment stalls, itinerant or strolling players or vendors of any commodity whatsoever, will be admitted to the showyard without a pass from the Secretary, and should any person be found infringing this order, they will be immediately ejected. 10. Should there be any Class for which a sufficient number of entries have not been made to give a fair competition, the Directors reserve the power to reduce the prize offered, or withdraw that Class from competition. KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION (established 1877) 11. Protests (if any) must be lodged with the Secretary in writing before 2.00 pm on the day of the Show; otherwise such protest will not be entertained. The Directors reserve the power to themselves to settle all protests or disputes that may arise, from whose decision there is no appeal. All protests must be accompanied with a deposit of £10.00 and if not sustained, this sum will be forfeited at the discretion of the Directors 12. Showlists, forms of entry and schedules can be obtained from the Secretary on application. 13. All entry monies must be paid to the Secretary and Treasurer prior to the Show. 14. The Association, its Directors, Attending members, or Servants, shall not be responsible to any person whatsoever while upon the Associations premises, or while entering or leaving same, for any damage or loss, however caused, to the property of any such person, or for injury, fatal or otherwise, to any such person. The Association, its Directors, Attending members or Servants shall not be responsible for any accident, damage or loss, however caused, that may occur to any exhibitor, or his servant, or to any animal, article or property brought into the showfield, or while entering or leaving or being carried into or out of the said showfield. Each exhibitor or entrant shall be solely responsible for any loss, injury or damage that may be done to, or occasioned by or arising from any animal, article or property exhibited or brought to the showfield by him and he shall indemnify and hold harmless the Association from and against all actions, suits expenses and claims on account of, or in respect of any damage or injury which may be caused or occasioned. Exhibitors must take their own risks of the pens, buchts and stalls provided by the Association and will be held to have satisfied themselves as to the sufficiency thereof before their stock is installed. 15. Please note that entry fees are non refundable in the event of the Show being cancelled for reasons outwith the Directors’ control. 16. Exhibitors are requested to note timetable where an animal is entered in more than one class the committee can take no responsibility if a clash in time occurs. BY ORDER OF THE DIRECTORS OF THE KIRRIEMUIR DISTRICT AGRICULTURAL ASSOCIATION