MYP Unit Planner Teacher(s) Unit title Laura Dooley & Paola Sotelo Subject group and discipline Junior Science: Reproduction Why are little things important? MYP year 8 Unit duration (hrs) 12 Inquiry: Establishing the purpose of the unit Key concept Related concept(s) Global context Change Puberty Identities and relationships Statement of inquiry Sexual development in adolescents is an important physiological process that helps to define our personal identities. Inquiry questions Factual— What happens to my body during puberty? Conceptual— How does puberty change us? Debatable— Can puberty be affected by negative behaviours? Objectives Summative assessment Criteria A: One World explain the ways in which science is applied and used to help explain and aid reproductive systems in humans Outline of summative assessment task(s) including assessment criteria: Relationship between summative assessment task(s) and statement of inquiry: Assessment #1 Assessment #1 Create an informative video, prezi or powerpoint, brochure in groups of 2 for fellow teenagers explaining what is happening during puberty and how they need to take care of themselves. Puberty is the start to our adult life and knowing what to expect and how to take care of yourselfcan positively affect our attitudes towards ourselves and others. Criteria B: Communication in Science Use scientific language correctly: hormones, parts of reproduction system in humans Use appropriate communication modes such communication formats (brochure) to effectively communicate their knowledge on puberty CE-GE-FT-98 Version 6 Edicion Enero 2014 Acknowledge the work of others and the sources of information used by appropriately documenting them using a recognized referencing system in the puberty brochure Criteria C: Knowledge and Understanding of Sciences Recall scientific knowledge and use scientific understanding to construct scientific explanations regarding sexual reproduction and organs Criteria: A, B, C Assessment #2 Assessment #2 Create a design practical to investigate how an external factor (light, temperature, food) affect the rate of reproduction of bacteria. Reproduction is dependent on how we take care of ourselves and this can demonstrate how external factors can affect them. Criteria D, E, F D: Scientific Inquiry • State a focused problem or research question to be tested by a scientific investigation in the bacteria reproducing practical. • Design and carry out scientific investigations that include variables and controls, material and/or equipment needed, a method to be followed and the way in which the data is to be collected and processed in the bacteria practical. Criteria E: Processing Data Analyze and interpret the menstrual cycle and the data from their design practical Criteria F: Attitudes in Science Work effectively as members of a team, collaborating, acknowledging and supporting others as well as ensuring a safe working environment. Approaches to learning (ATL) Communication Skills: Use and interpret a range of discipline-specific terms and symbols CE-GE-FT-98 Version 6 Edicion Enero 2014 Action: Teaching and learning through inquiry Content Learning process - Learning experiences and teaching strategies - - Justifico la importancia de la reproducción sexual en el mantenimiento de la variabilidad. Describe the structure and function of the human reproductive system Investigate an aspect of human reproduction Able to explain to adolescents of the same age how and why there are changes occurring in their body Explain how humans reproduce Identify and label the parts of the reproductive organs Sexual Variation: poster Puberty and reproductive organs: handouts and graphic organizers Menstruation: Story Fertilization: movie Conception: movie Formative assessment Menstruation story Ticket out Question box Differentiation Support, outcome, task and grouping. Resources Reflection: Considering the planning, process and impact of the inquiry Prior to teaching the unit CE-GE-FT-98 During teaching After teaching the unit Version 6 Edicion Enero 2014 We wanted to make the unit a little longer this year so that the students had more time to process the information CE-GE-FT-98 Version 6 Edicion Enero 2014