code DL 3155BIO6 Technical specifications PULSE RATE - didactic equipment - This board must explain the concepts of the cardiac rhythm and pulsations. TECHNICAL FEATURES THEORETICAL TOPIC COVERAGE - Concept of cardiac rhythm and typical values (in different subjects and in different conditions of the subject), measurement of the cardiac frequency, the use of optical sensors, comparator with hysteresis for the processing of the signal provided by the optical sensor, PLL - frequency dividers - PIC and their role in the measurement and visualization of the cardiac rhythm. Fault simulation. CIRCUIT BLOCKS - Recordings of the peripheral pulsations in a finger, effects of breathing and exercising on the frequency of the pulsations, effects of the temperature on the measurement of the frequency of the pulsations. It must be possible to perform the following experiences : frequency response, preamplification of the optical signal, variable amplification stage (circuit response), amplification of the optical signal, Schmidt trigger (circuit response), squaring of the optical signal, frequency multiplier (circuit response), evaluation of the performance, compared analogue and digital measurement. The faults must be inserted by microswitches; the module must be provided with a EISA BUS 31+18 INTERFACE, connections and test points by 2mm terminals. The module must be supplied with a theoretical and practical manual. Dimensions: 297x260mm. with sw PULSE RATE - didactic equipment - This board must explain the concepts the cardiac rhythm and pulsations. TECHNICAL FEATURES THEORETICAL TOPIC COVERAGE - Concept of cardiac rhythm and typical values (in different subjects and in different conditions of the subject), measurement of the cardiac frequency, the use of optical sensors, comparator with hysteresis for the processing of the signal provided by the optical sensor, PLL - frequency dividers - PIC and their role in the measurement and visualization of the cardiac rhythm. Fault simulation. CIRCUIT BLOCKS - Recordings of the peripheral pulsations in a finger, effects of breathing and exercising on the frequency of the pulsations, effects of the temperature on the measurement of the frequency of the pulsations. It must be possible to perform the following experiences : frequency response, preamplification of the optical signal, variable amplification stage (circuit response), amplification of the optical signal, Schmidt trigger (circuit response), squaring of the optical signal, frequency multiplier (circuit response), evaluation of the performance, compared analogue and digital measurement. The faults must be inserted by software and by microswitches. The module must be provided with a EISA BUS 31+18 INTERFACE for connection to power supply and PC, with a software able to allow the study of the topics through PC with hyper textual navigation according to the HTML standard. Connections and test points by 2mm terminals. The module must be supplied with a theoretical and practical manual. Dimensions: 297x260mm.