File - CEP 452 Portfolio

CEP 452: Lesson Analysis Form
Background Information
Names of Group Members:
Nicole Hagen, Darcy Sheppard, Jenna
Bain, Jamie Lewis, and Devyn Twombley
What is the title of the lesson you are analyzing?
Action ABC’s: Learning vocabulary with verbs
What is the age level of the students
who will complete this lesson?
What is the URL of the lesson you are analyzing?
What are the goals of this lesson?
Know what a verb is and be able to
identify many verbs
Be able to generate sentences from
word lists
Be able to illustrate ideas of a
What are the objectives of this lesson?
· Gain or review knowledge of parts of speech by defining what verbs are
· Access and expand their existing vocabulary by listing verbs for each letter
of the alphabet
· Apply their vocabulary and knowledge of parts of speech by using verbs in
sentences that they then illustrate
Lesson Analysis
Feature of the lesson
What barriers do these features pose to the students with
disabilities in the classroom we have described for this
What is the content of the lesson
(that is, what information does it teach)? (write your
response below):
This lesson teaches a variety of new vocabulary words
- LD: reading levels and knowledge of verbs may not be as
high or extensive as other students
- ASD: language delays may be an issue (depends on where
the student is on the spectrum)
- ADHD: Starts with a lot of movement but transitions to seat
- Reading Difficulties: These students may struggle with
understanding verbs and coming up with verbs to use for the
- Writing Difficulties: These students may struggle when
writing verbs and sentences for the book
- Memorizing Difficulties: n/a
What skills and strategies do students need to
complete the lesson?
Students need to be able to write sentences with specific
verbs (one for each letter) as well as illustrate these
verbs in a book form
- LD: Generating sentences from verbs may be a challenge
- ASD: Fine motor skills may be an issue when writing
- ADHD: Not much movement
- Reading Difficulties: May struggle with coming up with
sentences for each verb
- Writing Difficulties: May struggle with writing sentences
- Memorizing Difficulties: n/a
What background information do students need to
succeed in this lesson?
Students need to understand basic verbs and what they
mean. They need knowledge of the alphabet.
- LD: Maybe less automatic with their alphabet and not have
the background knowledge of verbs like some other students
- ASD: Maybe less automatic with their alphabet and not have
the background knowledge of verbs like some other students
- ADHD: n/a
- Reading Difficulties: Background knowledge may be lacking
- Writing Difficulties: n/a
- Memorizing Difficulties: May struggle to be automatic with the
alphabet and remembering what verbs are.
What prerequisite skills do students need to complete
this lesson?
Students need to be able to write and draw. Also
students need to be able to form sentences and create
word lists.
- LD: May struggle with creating word lists and writing
- ASD: May struggle with creating word lists and fine motor
skills may be impacted when writing/drawing
- ADHD: Not much movement mostly stationary work
- Reading Difficulties: Students may struggle generating
sentences from word lists
- Writing Difficulties: May struggle writing sentences
- Memorizing Difficulties: n/a
What instructional materials (e.g., books, video, handson activities, etc…) are used in this lesson?
Computers with internet access and printing capability,
bookmaking materials, dictionaries and thesauri, pencils,
markers and crayons.
- LD: Student specific, may not cause a problem
- ASD: Potential problem if there are fine motor skill
- ADHD: May become distracted by the internet access.
- Reading Difficulties: May struggle accessing materials on the
- Writing Difficulties: n/a
- Memorizing Difficulties: n/a
What does the teacher do during this lesson?
The teacher calls out verbs at the beginning of class.
Helps student create a class list of verbs. Then mostly
supervises and helps students throughout this lesson
when creating their books.
- LD: Students may need more review than other students
- ASD: May need additional supports to understand lesson
- ADHD: May need additional supports to stay focused during
work time
- Reading Difficulties: Students may need additional supports
when creating verb lists/sentences
- Writing Difficulties: May need additional supports during the
writing process
- Memorizing Difficulties: n/a
What are students required to do during this lesson?
Students are required to act out the verbs called out by
the teacher, come up with verbs for every letter of the
alphabet, write a sentence and draw a picture for each
- LD: May struggle generating verb lists/sentences.
- ASD: May have difficulty with fine motor skills or generating
sentences from the verb lists.
- ADHD: Students may struggle staying focused when asked
to do seat work
- Reading Difficulties: May struggle using the
dictionaries/thesauri and generating sentences from the verb
- Writing Difficulties: May struggle generating sentences or
writing the sentences for the book pages
- Memorizing Difficulties: May struggle with remembering what
verbs are and being automatic with the alphabet.
How are students assessed during and after the lesson?
Looking at their list of verbs assesses students, during
the lesson. After the lesson, looking at their ABC books
assesses students. Whole class discussion aids in
determining class understanding of the material
- LD: May struggle with verb lists/sentences to use in the book
- ASD: May struggle with fine motor skills affecting
performance and struggle during the whole class discussion
due to social difficulties
- ADHD: May become unfocused when creating an entire book
- Reading Difficulties: May struggle with verb lists/sentences to
use in the book
- Writing Difficulties: May struggle writing sentences in the
- Memorizing Difficulties: n/a
What level of engagement, motivation, social
interaction, and/or on-task behavior will it require for
students to succeed at this lesson?
Students are required to remain engaged in the lesson,
especially during seatwork time. Students need to be
motivated to come up with verb lists/sentences on their
own. There is minimal social interaction with the
exception of the class discussion at the end. Students
need a high level of on-task behavior due to the
independent nature of this lesson
- LD: May struggle if staying on task/motivated is an issue
- ASD: May struggle with the class discussion at the end
- ADHD: May have difficulty staying engaged/motivated/ontask during this lesson
- Reading Difficulties: n/a
- Writing Difficulties: n/a
- Memorizing Difficulties: n/a