6th October 2003 - Lincolnshire County Council

Serial No. 222/12
Carlby Parish Council
Minutes of the Annual Parish Council Meeting held on Tuesday 15th May 2012
Councillors present: Mr D Nelson, Mr I Dair, Mr J Bavister, Mrs N Howells, Mr R Easton, Mr T Roche.
Clerk: Miss E. Allwood.
County Councillor T M Trollope-Bellew. District Councillor E Channell.
7 members of the public.
Apologies for absence: Mrs. I. Robson (prior engagement)
Council Meeting started at 7.36pm
N. Howells took the Chair.
1. Election of Chairman and Vice Chairman:
N. Howells was proposed as Chairman by D. Nelson, seconded T. Roche and unanimously resolved.
D. Nelson was proposed as Vice Chairman by N. Howells, seconded by R. Easton and unanimously
2. Declaration of Acceptance of Office
Chair and Vice Chair completed Declarations of Acceptance of Office.
3. Declarations of Interest in accordance with the 2000 Local Government Act
4. Minutes of the Parish Council Meeting held on 20th March 2012 and the Extra-ordinary Parish
Council Meeting held on Friday, 16th March 2012 proposed by R. Easton, seconded Ian Dair and
unanimously resolved after amendment of item “District Councillor’s Report” in the minutes of 20th
March. This minute to read “The District Councillor was waiting for information from the Parish
Council about out of date site location plans”.
5. Annual Review of Standing Orders
No changes were to be made, proposed J. Bavister, seconded R. Easton and unanimously resolved.
6. Future of Carlby Newsletter
I. Dair was asked to speak to the Editor of Village News to see if there was space to extend Carlby’s
piece in the publication and, if so, the estimated cost. The Council would then make a decision as to
whether to continue with the Carlby Newsletter. If it was decided to cease the regular production of
the newsletter, it would probably still be compiled on an ad hoc basis as required ie Emergency Plan.
D. Nelson proposed, I. Dair seconded and unanimously resolved.
Meeting suspended at 7.58pm for open forum to take place.
A parishioner asked the Parish Council for help in increasing the Broadband speed in the village.
After discussion, the Clerk was requested to write to BT Open Reach to determine when the
upgrading of Broadband would take place.
Meeting reconvened at 8.10pm
7. Allotment Land
J Bavister outlined the proposal contained in his email to the Parish Council dated 1 st May. It was
proposed by T. Roche, seconded by J. Bavister and unanimously resolved that a tri-party meeting
should be arranged with SKDC, the Parish Council and M. Baker (owner of EFI) to see if there was
any common ground to move forward to achieve the allotments for the village and a development to
give EFI the cash injection that it required. It was proposed by T. Roche, seconded by J. Bavister
and unanimously resolved that the Clerk write to SKDC to arrange this meeting. J. Bavister, I. Dair
and T. Roche would represent the Parish Council and it was hoped that the meeting would take place
before the end of June. J. Bavister to supply the Clerk with contact details for the letter and wording.
8. Targets
I. Dair outlined the details of the document that he had circulated to Councillors on 1st May, 2012. In
view of the discussion regarding the newsletter he agreed to amend item iii and that the Parish
Council should only be represented at the Neighbourhood Panel when issues arose; the Village
Design Statement had still not been approved by SKDC. When approved it could be published.
Allotments – ongoing. I. Dair would draft a few words to add in about the Parish Council backing the
proposal for the speeding up of the Broadband connection in the village.
9. Finance
N. Howells reported that the balance in current account as at the end of April was £8772.10 and the
deposit account £1714.67 making a total of £10,486.77. Cash flow to date was given to each
Councillor. The entry for “History” was to be removed as it was no longer applicable. At the request
of the Clerk, it was agreed to close the deposit account and roll up those funds into the current
account. Should interest rates improve this decision could be reversed. It was proposed as a
correct record and to close the deposit account by D. Nelson and seconded by J. Bavister and
unanimously resolved.
10. Audit
D. Nelson read out the Audit Governance Statement for the year end as at 31 st April, 2012. The
Parish Council had checked that the correct procedures had been followed and approved. Proposed
by J. Bavister, seconded by T.Roche.
11. Cheques for signature:
1. Spiegl Press Limited – 2 x newsletters - £62.20
2. LALC – Annual Training Scheme Fee - £45.00
3. Community Consultation Limited – Zurich Insurance - £327.59
4. Carlby Gardners – plants/pots for Jubilee - £50.00
5. Playing Fields Management Committee – Annual Grant - £2140.00
6. Carlby PCC – cost of re-plastering - £400.00
7. Miss E. Allwood – Clerk’s Expenses – stationery/mileage - £62.76
8. Liz King – Photocopying/laminating for Carlby Gala - £10.05
9. John Bavister – Jubilee tree and wood for surround - £219.89
Proposed by R. Easton, seconded D. Nelson. Unanimously resolved.
The meeting closed at 8.55pm.
Meeting dates for 2012 and 2013: 17th July, 18th September, 20th November and 15th January and
19th March 2013