Ecology Notes: Part 1


Name _______________________________

Ecology Notes: Part 1

13.1 – Ecologists study relationships

• Key Concept:

– Ecology is the study of the relationships among organisms and their environment.

Ecologists study environments at different levels of organization.

• Ecology is the study of the _________________________________________________________, and between living things and their surroundings.

• An _______________________ is an individual living thing, such as an alligator.

• A ________________________ is a group of the same species that lives in one area.

• A ________________________ is a group of different species that live together in one area.

• An _______________________ includes all of the organisms as well as the climate, soil, water, rocks, and other nonliving things in a given area.

• A ________________________ is a major regional or global community of organisms characterized by the climate conditions and plant communities that thrive there.

13.2 – Biotic and Abiotic Factors

• Key Concept:

– Every ecosystem includes both living and nonliving factors.

An ecosystem includes both biotic and abiotic factors.

• Biotic factors are _____________________________.

– Plants, Animals, Fungi, Bacteria

• Abiotic factors are ____________________________.

– Moisture, Temperature, Wind, Sunlight, Soil

Changing one factor in an ecosystem can affect many other factors.

• Biodiversity is the ________________________________________________________________.

• Rainforests have more biodiversity than other locations in the world, but are threatened by human activities.

Keystone Species

• A keystone species is a _________________________


• Keystone species form and maintain a


13.3 – Energy in Ecosystems

• Key Concept:

• Life in an ecosystem requires a source of energy.

Producers provide energy for other organisms in an ecosystem.

• Producers get their energy from ________________________________. (___________________)

• Producers are also called ______________________ because they make their own food.

• Consumers are organisms that get their energy by _______________________________________


• Consumers are also called ________________________ because they feed off of different things.

Almost all producers obtain energy from sunlight.

• ___________________________ in most producers uses sunlight as an energy source.

• ___________________________ in prokaryote producers uses chemicals as an energy source.

13.4 – Food Chains & Food Webs

• Key Concept:

– Food chains and food webs model the flow of energy in an ecosystem.

A food chain is a model that shows a sequence of feeding relationships.

• A food chain ____________________________________________________________________.

• A food chain follows the connection between ___________________________________________ within an ecosystem.

Consumers are not all alike.

• __________________________ eat only plants.

• __________________________ eat only animals.

• __________________________ eat both plants and animals.

• __________________________ eat dead organic matter.

• __________________________: detritivores that break down organic matter into simpler compounds.

• __________________________: consumers that primarily eat one specific organism or a very small number of organisms.

• __________________________ are consumers that have a varying diet.

Trophic levels are the nourishment levels in a food chain.

• __________________________ are herbivores that eat producers.

• __________________________ are carnivores that eat herbivores.

• __________________________ are carnivores that eat secondary consumers.

• __________________________, such as humans that eat both plants and animals, may be _______

__________________________ in different food chains.

A food web shows a complex network of feeding relationships.

• An organism may have multiple feeding relationships in an ecosystem.

• A food web emphasizes ___________________________________________________________


Name _______________________________

Ecology Notes: Part 2

13.5 – Cycling of Matter

• Key Concept:

– Matter cycles in and out of an ecosystem.

Water cycles through the environment.

• __________________________________________________________________ is the circular pathway of water on Earth.

• Organisms all have bodies made mostly of water.

Elements essential for life also cycle through ecosystems.

• A

biogeochemical cycle

is the movement of a particular chemical through the biological and geological parts of an ecosystem.

Oxygen Cycle

• The main processes involved in the oxygen cycle are _____________________________________.

• _________________________________________ through an ecosystem by the cycling of other nutrients.

Carbon Cycle

• Carbon is the building block of life.

– The carbon cycle moves carbon from the ________________________________________


– Carbon is emitted by the burning of ___________________________________.

– Some carbon is stored for long periods of time in areas called carbon sinks.

Nitrogen Cycle

• The nitrogen cycle mostly takes place underground.

– Some bacteria convert gaseous nitrogen into ammonia through a process called __________


– Some nitrogen-fixing bacteria live in nodules on the roots of plants; other live freely in the soil.

• Ammonia is released into the soil is transformed into ammonium.

• Nitrifying bacteria change the ammonium into nitrate.

• Nitrogen moves through the food web and returns to the soil during decomposition.

Phosphorus Cycle

• Phosphate is released by the ______________________


• Phosphorus moves through the food web and returns to the soil during ______________________________.

• Phosphorus leaches into groundwater from the soil and is locked in sediments.

• Both ________________________________________ add phosphorus into the environment.

Biogeochemical Cycles Video Notes

Biogeochemical Cycles: how chemicals move from _____________ things to ______________ things and back

Atom Name Importance/Need Cycle

C Carbon

H Hydrogen

N Nitrogen

O Oxygen

P Phosphorus

S Sulfur

Name _______________________________

Ecology Notes: Part 3

14.1 – Habitat and Niche

• Key Concept:

– Every organism has a habitat and a niche.

A habitat differs from a niche.

• A ____________________ is all aspects of the area in which an organism lives.

– Biotic factors

– Abiotic factors

• An ecological _____________ includes all of the factors that a species needs to survive, stay healthy. And reproduce.

– Food

– Abiotic conditions

– Behavior

Resource availability gives structure to a community.

• Species can share habitats and resources.

• Competition occurs when two species ________________________________________________.

• Competitive exclusion ____________________________________________________________.

Competitive exclusion has different outcomes.

• One species is better suited to the niche and the other will either be __________________________


• The niche will be divided.

• The two species will further diverge.

• __________________________________________ are species that occupy similar niches but live in different geographical regions.

14.2 – Community Interactions

• Key Concept:

– Organisms interact as individuals and as populations.

Competition and predation are two important ways in which organisms interact.

• Competition occurs when __________________________________________________________.

– Intraspecific competition (______________________________)

– Interspecific competition (______________________________________)


• __________________________________________________________


• ___________________________________________________________________________________


Mutualism: __________________________________________________________

Commensalism: __________________________________________________________

Parasitism: __________________________________________________________

14.4 – Population and Growth Patterns

• Key Concept:

– Populations grow in predictable patterns.

Population growth is based on available resources.

• Exponential growth is a _____________________________________________ due to an abundance of resources.

• Logistic growth is due to a population facing __________________________________.

• Carrying capacity is the ____________________________________________________________


• A population crash is a _____________________________________ in the size of a population over a short period of time.

Ecological factors limit population growth.

• A limiting factor is _______________________________________________________________.

• Density-dependent limiting factors are affected by the ____________________________________ in a given area.

• ______________________________________

• ______________________________________

• ______________________________________

• Density-independent limiting factors limit a population’s growth regardless of the density.

• ______________________________________

• ______________________________________

• ______________________________________

14.5 – Ecological Succession

• Key Concept:

– Ecological succession is a process of change in the species that make up a community.

Succession occurs following a disturbance in an ecosystem.

• Succession _____________________________________________________________________.

– A sequence of biotic changes

– _________________________________________________________________________

– _________________________________________________________________________

Types of Succession


Primary succession – started by ____________________________________ (where there never was an ecosystem)


Secondary succession – started by _____________________________________ (after a fire, etc.)

Name _______________________________

Ecology Notes: Part 4

15.3 – Biomes

• Key Concept:

– Biomes are land-based, global communities of organisms.

Earth has 6 major biomes.

• A biome is a _________________________________________________________.

Tropical Rainforest

• Produce lush forests

• __________ temperature

• __________________________________________

• __________________________________________ all year


• Where grass is the primary plant life

Temperate Grassland

• ________________________________ in summer

• Most precipitation falls as ___________ in winter

• _____________________________________

Tropical Grassland

• _____________ throughout the year

• Definite ____________________________________

• __________________________________________________


• Characterized by a very __________________________

– Very _____________________________________________

– _____________ have deep root systems or other adaptations

Temperate Forest

• Temperate deciduous forests

– Have ________________________________ and ________________________________

– ___________________________________ are the dominant plant species

– Broadleaf forest

• Temperate Rainforest

– Have a _______________________________ and a relatively _______________________

– Evergreen ___________________________


• Located in ________________________________________________

• Boreal forest

• __________________________ and ___________________________

• _______________ amount of _________________________________


• Far northern latitudes with ______________________________

– Winters last _______________________ with ____________________________________

– Limited precipitation

– ______________________________

– Only mosses and other low-lying plants
