Contract for the Providing of Studies at the First Faculty of Medicine of Charles University in Prague Charles University in Prague, a public university-level school of higher education, established by the Act No. 111/1998 of the Collection, i.e. the Act on Schools of Higher Education, in its current valid wording, domicile: Ovocný trh 3-5, post code 116 36 Praha 1, Czech Republic, for the unit: the First Faculty of Medicine, Kateřinská 32, post code 121 08 Praha 2 represented by the Dean of the Faculty, Prof. MUDr. Alexi Šedo, DrSc., the person authorized to sign the Contract: Prof. MUDr. Otomar Kittnar, CSc., MBA, ViceDean for International Students and Social Affairs Business Identification Number: 00216208 (thereinafter “Faculty”) and First name(s): Permanently resident at: Mailing address: Date of birth: Passport/ID number: (thereinafter “Student“), Surname: document issued by: in: on the date stated below thereby enter into the following Contract for the Providing of Studies: I Subject matter of the Contract (1) (2) The Faculty, the conditions of entry to the studies having been fulfilled, will provide studies for the above-mentioned Student in the study programme of …………… the field of…………. in English language. In return for this, the Student takes the obligation to compensate, in the form of the tuition fee for studies in a programme provided in a foreign language according to Article 58, Section 5 of the Act No. 111/1998 of the Collection, i.e. the Act on Schools of Higher Education, in its current valid wording (thereinafter also “fee”), the expenses of the Faculty. If the Student fulfils all study obligations as well as any other obligations stipulated by legal regulations of the Czech Republic and internal regulations of Charles University and its First Faculty of Medicine, he/she will be awarded the academic title of “Doctor of Medicine” (in abbreviation “MUDr.” prefixed before his/her name), or “Doctor of Dentistry” (in abbreviation “MDDr.” prefixed before his/her name). II Tuition fee (1) (2) (3) From the academic year 2014-2015 onwards up to the completion/termination of the studies, the Student takes the obligation to compensate the expenses of the Faculty, connected with the studies, by paying the tuition fee…………………, or the tuition fee as stipulated by Subsection 7 and 9, for every commenced academic year. According to Article 2, Subsection 4 of the Annex 6, the fee is due on the last business day of the calendar month in which the respective academic year begins. The specific due day when the Student is obliged to pay the above fee (thus fulfilling his/her obligation) is always stated in the Dean’s Order, which is accessible at the Faculty’s web pages in the English version of the official Noticeboard of the Faculty, section »Studium (»Study), ›Poplatky (›Tuition fee). The day when the account is credited with the respective sum will be considered as the day of fulfilment of the obligation. In case of any doubt, the Student is obliged to prove that he/she has fulfilled this obligation by submitting the respective poof(s) of payment at the Students’ Affairs Department. The fee is payable on the Faculty’s account: Bank: Komerční banka, a.s, Václavské náměstí 42, Praha 1 IBAN: CZ9701000000000037434021 SWIFT: KOMBCZPP VS: (the 8-figure number of the ISIC) Message for the payee / information on payment: VS, the student’s NAME The payment order must include the “OUR” type of fees – bank fees covered by the payer. If the Faculty also enables the payment through a broker, information about this type of payment will be given on its web pages in the English version, section »Studium (»Study), ›Poplatky (›Tuition fee). (4) (5) (6) (7) The tuition fee covers the Faculty’s costs and expenses connected with the studies to the extent stipulated for the above field by the Curriculum, including but not limited to the costs and expenses connected with the lectures, consultations, examinations, practical training etc. For the purpose, “the studies” means the period of time from the beginning of the studies to the completion/termination of the studies, in compliance with the respective provisions of the Act No. 111/1998 of the Collection, in its current valid wording, and in compliance with the Studies and Examination Regulations of Charles University in Prague. In case of default in payment specified above in point II/1 for the first academic year of the studies it is held, unless agreed upon otherwise in writing, that the contracting parties have lost interest in the mutual performance of this Contract, and the Contract is cancelled and nullified. Any default in payment of the fee is considered as a substantial breach of the Contract. As the fee is paid, according to Article 1, Subsection 5 of Annex 6, for each commenced year of studies, in case of termination of the studies during an academic year due to reasons on the Student’s part, the Student will not be entitled to repayment of the fee or its proportional part. For every other year of the Student’s studies, the Faculty has the right to increase the fee unilaterally in accordance with Annex 6 of the Statute of Charles University in Prague. (8) The amount of the fee for a following academic year will be announced by the Faculty, according to Article 58, Subsection 6 of the Act, through the Dean’s Order displayed on the official Noticeboard of the Faculty as well as on its web pages before the deadline for placing the application for studies. This day, as a rule, will be 28th February. (9) The Student takes the notice that in the academic year following the adoption of Euro as the legal currency in the Czech Republic, the fees will be converted to Euro and onwards all sums will be charged in this currency. (10) The Student takes notice that in the event of default in payment of the fee the Faculty, in compliance with the internal regulations of Charles University in Prague, has the right to suspend his/her studies for a period up to the maximum duration of studies. From the date of suspension, the Student loses the status of the student, however the obligation to settle the tuition fee payment does not cease. III Obligations of the Contracting Parties (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) The Faculty will provide tuition in English language to the extent stated by the curriculum in the field the Student has enrolled for. The tuition includes lectures, seminars and practical classes, including practical clinical training and/or other forms of theoretical and practical tuition. The Student’s duty is to participate in all forms of tuition, in accordance with the valid Studies and Examination Regulations of Charles University in Prague as well as other regulations of Charles University and the First Faculty of Medicine relating thereto. The Faculty is not obliged to provide or pay for the Student’s accommodation, board, study literature and aids, or insurance of any kind. The Student takes the obligation to get such a command of Czech language as to be able to communicate with the patients during his/her training, by the end of the third year of studies at the latest. Communication with the patient in Czech language is an indispensable part of the Student’s work during the studies and the failure therein will influence the evaluation of the studies according to internal regulations of Charles University in Prague and the regulations of the Faculty, with the impact ensuing from the above regulations. The Student takes notice of his/her obligation to observe general legal regulations of the Czech Republic, including the Act on Schools of Higher Education, and that the studies as well as a student’s statute, rights and duties are also regulated by internal regulations of Charles University in Prague and its First Faculty of Medicine. By enrolment for studies, the Student takes the obligation to observe the said regulations. The Student is aware that any action which constitutes conscious violation of the Act on Schools of Higher Education, an internal regulation of Charles University in Prague or its First Faculty of Medicine, or conscious violation of any general legal regulation, is a disciplinary offence. Such actions also include any default in payment of the fee or failure to pay the fee. The Student takes the obligation to undergo, at his/her own expense, the entry physical examination by the physician put by the Faculty in charge of health care of the students as well as an HIV test, and to take, at his/her own expense, the compulsory vaccination against hepatitis B by the time of finishing the first year of studies at the latest. Further, he/she is obliged to undergo, at his/her own expense, the test of the HBsAg antibodies level and provide the proof of the antibodies; in case of lower levels of these antibodies than that stipulated by legal regulations of the Czech Republic the Student is also obliged (7) (8) (9) a) b) c) to undergo and prove the booster vaccination at his/her own expense. Without delay, he/she is obliged to submit the proofs of all the above facts to the Students’ Affairs Department of the Dean’s Office of the Faculty. The fulfilment of the obligation according to the second sentence of this Subsection must be proved by the Student not later than on enrolment for the 4th year of studies. The Student is obliged to arrange a health insurance policy and accident insurance policy, unless the respective risks are covered by international agreements of the country whose national the Student is. Medical care, health insurance and social security of the Student are subject to legal regulations which are valid on the territory of the Czech Republic for other countries’ nationals. If taking part of study obligations at any institution other than a unit of the Faculty, the Student shall take notice that according to valid legal regulations the Faculty is not liable for any damage which the Student may suffer when performing the study obligations or for any damage which the Student may bring about. The Student agrees – in the event that any study obligations are performed as stated above – to always arrange an insurance policy to cover any damage done to any third party, and an accident insurance policy. Signing this Contract, the Student represents that he/she is fully aware of the following: nature and scope of the studies, including their practical aspects, which also involve examinations and/or investigations of people of either sex who may suffer from various diseases or who may have died; the fact that for protection of the Student or the patients he/she may be ordered to: wear protective aids, wear protective working clothes and footwear, remove some items of clothing (such as some garments, or items of jewellery); necessity to obey further safety measures required at a specialized workplace of the Faculty or hospital. IV Final provisions (1) (2) (3) Legal relations that are not explicitly regulated by this Contract are subject to the law of the Czech Republic, particularly Act 40/1964 Coll., the Civil Code, in its valid wording and Act 111/1998 Coll., on schools of higher education, in its valid wording. If the Student is a national of a country that has ratified the Rome Convention on arbitration law concerning contractual obligations, adopted in the Czech Republic as document 64/2006 in Coll. of International Agreements, the contracting parties thereby choose the applicable law in accordance with the above Convention. The relevant and competent courts of the Czech Republic will settle any possible litigations pertaining to this Contract. This Contract contains the complete agreement on the subject matter of the Contract and on all technicalities that the contracting parties should and wished to settle in the Contract and that they hold important for obligatory force of this Contract, and it supersedes any previous agreements between the contracting parties, both oral and in writing. The contracting parties represent that in the event of inconsistencies in this Contract with general legal regulations or internal regulations that are binding for them they will get the respective provisions of this Contract into compliance with these regulations without delay. (4) (5) (6) (7) This Contract can only be changed in writing by numbered amendments which will be signed by persons authorized to do so and include an agreement upon the whole wording of the Contract. Being signed by both contracting parties, the amendments will become inseparable part of this Contract. Changes of the Contract in any other form than that agreed upon above will not be taken into consideration. For the purpose of amendments, exchange of electronic mail or any other electronic messages will not be considered as documents in written form. The text of this Contract is issued in two identical language versions, in Czech and in English. In case of equivocality or ambiguity of the English translation, it will be held that the Czech wording takes priority. This Contract is issued in two copies, each of them inseparably consisting of both the Czech and English language versions. Either contracting party will receive one copy of the Contract. The contracting parties have read this Contract and agree with its content which manifests their true and free will, in proof of which they confirm it with their own signatures. In Prague, on In Prague, on On behalf of the Faculty: The Student: __________________________________ ______________________________