September 2015 - St. Andrew Lutheran Church

This is how we know what
love is: Jesus Christ laid
down his life for us. And we
ought to lay down our lives
for our brothers. 17 If anyone
has material possessions and
sees his brother in need but
has no pity on him, how can
the love of God be in him? 18
Dear children, let us not love
with words or tongue but
with actions and in truth.
1 John 3:16-18
One of the most beautiful pictures in the Bible is that of Jesus as the
Good Shepherd. The words in the picture above give so much
comfort to all of us. Jesus is our Good Shepherd. The Good
Shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. If you look at the
passage in the right hand column you will see other sections of the
inspired Apostle John’s writings where he talks about Jesus laying
down his life for us. This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ
laid down his life for us. Greater love has no one than this, that he
lay down his life for his friends. Then Jesus gives us that assurance;
You are my friends. When we look to the cross, how can we ever
doubt that Jesus loves us. Every time we sin, we look to the cross
and know Jesus loves us and has forgiven us. Every time things are
not going well in our lives and we wonder what God’s plan may be or
why he is allowing things to happen we look to the cross and know
that Jesus loves us. What an amazing thing that is. Nothing can
separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus my Lord.
Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so.
St. Andrew Sunday School for children three years old through 8th
grade will begin Sunday September 13 from 10:45 – 11:30. Since the
closing of the school it is so much more important for your children to
attend Sunday School and learn more about Jesus. Please join us and
bring you friends as well.
“As the Father has loved
me, so have I loved you.
Now remain in my love. 10 If
you obey my commands, you
will remain in my love, just
as I have obeyed my Father’s
commands and remain in his
love. 11 I have told you this
so that my joy may be in you
and that your joy may be
complete. 12 My command is
this: Love each other as I
have loved you. 13 Greater
love has no one than this,
that he lay down his life for
his friends. 14 You are my
friends if you do what I
command. 15 I no longer call
you servants, because a
servant does not know his
master’s business. Instead, I
have called you friends, for
everything that I learned from
my Father I have made
known to you.
John 15:9-15
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 3658 S. Honore Chicago, IL 60609
St. Andrew Ministry Center, 3650 S. Honore, Chicago, IL 60609
Visit us on the web:
Our Pastor:
I would like to follow up as to the responses received from our
notification about the Alumni Association. We sent out 450
letters in August. We have received about 20 responses. We
have added eight names to our email list and another seven who
would like the Newsletters mailed to them. The responses
whether to continue the Alumni Association are about even. We
have also had many letters returned due to incorrect addresses
or undeliverable. We resent letters to those that had forwarding
addresses listed and are attempting to get correct addresses for
the rest. As you can see, the number of responses is quite small
considering the number of letters sent out. Those of you who
came to our past reunions know that the number of people
attending was also steadily declining. The last time we collected
membership dues was in 2013. We had 78 dues paying
members at that time. No final decisions have been made other
than to add Alumni to our newsletter mailing list and mail the
newsletters to those who requested them. If you have any other
comments please email or call our pastor or secretary. Contact
information is in the column to the right.
Doug Semenske,
Cell: 708-899-9059
Email: pastor@
It was mentioned last month that it is is our goal to have one
social/outreach activity each month. Unfortunately our Outdoor Service
had to move inside due to rain. We were all set up in front of the
church. The rain came 15 minutes before the start of the service. The
continental breakfast went very well even though it was held in the
church basement instead of outside in the Ministry Center yard.
Our next event will be organized by our Mission Society. On September
20, our Mission Society will take us back to our German Heritage with a
Germanfest after the 9:30 AM service. They will serve Brats, German
Potato Salad and German Chocolate Cake. Since no true Germanfest is
complete without beer, we will also serve Filberts’s Root Beer. Please
make sure if you are in the area to mark this date on your calendar and
join us
We are in the process of planning a movie night in October.
Our summer church attendance has been a bit disappointing. We were
averaging in the 70’s during the year , but only the 40’s this summer.
We continue to have members moving out of the area.
Our Secretary:
Margie Hendricks,
Our Worship:
Sunday at 9:30am
Our Bible Study:
Sunday at 10:45am
Friday at 10:00 am
Our Sunday School:
Sunday at 10:30 am
Sermons on the
Listen to Sunday
sermons on our web
page. Go to
Click on Church at
the top then click on
sermons to see a list
of available sermons.
Sermons are also
available on our
Facebook page and
St. Andrew Lutheran Church, 3658 S. Honore Chicago, IL 60609
St. Andrew Ministry Center, 3650 S. Honore, Chicago, IL 60609
Visit us on the web: