English Practical Lesson Plan

Плани практичних (стаціонар, заочна форма)
Практичне заняття №1 (2 години)
Тема: особливості організації навчання в умовах кредитно-модульної системи; визначення
рівнів володіння мовою.
Мета: ознайомити студентів з особливостями організації навчання в умовах кредитномодульної системи; з’ясувати їхні рівні володіння англійською мовою шляхом тестування;
мотивувати важливість вивчення іноземної мови
План заняття
1. Виконання лексико-граматичного тесту.
2. Перевірка навичок розуміння мовлення на слух під час бесіди за темою “Personal
3. Заповнення анкети.
4. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Виконання лексико-граматичного тесту.
Виберіть правильну форму дієслова to be або to have для наступних речень:
a. has; b.have; с. is; d.are; e. am
1. My brother ... English magazines.
2. ... you a flat in Kyiv?
3. I ... very busy today.
4. ... the floor clean?
5. ... you well?
6. How many students ... present?
7. Who ... thin paper?
Виберіть правильну форму заперечення для наступних речень:
a. no; b. not
8. We have ... textbooks.
9. She is ... fond of her work.
10. We have ... three English classes today.
11. My brother is ... an architect.
12. Mary has ... English books.
13. I have ... much ink in my pen.
Виберіть англійські еквіваленти для слів, що стоять в дужках:
14. (Ці) books are thin.
a. this;
b. these;
с. that;
d. those
15. What colour are (ті) pens?
a. that;
b. those;
c. these;
d. this
16. (Цей) house is of modern design.
a. that;
b. these;
c. this;
d. those
17. (Це) is our classroom.
a. that;
b. this;
c. these;
d. those
18. Are these (чисті) notebooks?
a. nice;
b. good;
c. clean;
d. brown
19. (Яка) book is this?
a. that;
b. this;
c. what;
d. who
20. What are (це)?
a. this;
b. that;
c. whose;
d. these
21. (Де) is your flat?
a. why;
b. where;
c. what;
d. colour
22. Have you (тонкі) notebooks?
a. grey;
b. clean;
c. thin;
d. thick
23. He has (мало) friends here.
a. many;
b. few;
c. a lot of;
d. little
24. She has (багато) bread.
a. few;
b. little;
c. many;
d. much
25. A.: Give me your pen, please. В.: (Будь ласка.)
a. Thank you.
b. Please,
c. Very good. d. Here you are.
26. (Скільки) rooms has your brother?
a. how many;
b. how much; c. where;
d. why
27. (Назвіть по літерам) your name, please.
a. begin reading; b. spell;
c. speak;
d. not at all
28. (У кого) has clean paper?
a. what;
b. who;
c. where;
d. why
29. What is her (прізвище)?
a. family;
b. flat;
c. parents;
d. name
30. What is (його) father?
a. her;
b. his;
c. my;
d. their
31. Where are (її) parents?
a. her;
b. his;
c. their;
d. its
32. They are busy with (своїми) lessons.
a. her;
b. his;
c. their;
d. its
33. This is (їх) hat.
a. their;
b. its;
c. her;
d. his
34. What colour are the walls in that room? (Її) walls are grey.
a. her;
b. its;
c. his;
d. their
35. (Мої) parents are young.
a. his;
b. my;
c. her;
d. our
36. (Наша) flat has five rooms.
a. my;
b. his;
c. their;
d. our
37. Who is (відсутній)?
a. present;
b. absent;
c. ill;
d. married
38. I have (лише) one brother.
a. with;
b. also;
c. very;
d. only
39. Spell the (слово) “factory”.
a. plant;
b. word;
c. homework; d. very
40. I am (вільний) today.
a. busy;
b. free;
c. married;
d. unwell
Виберіть англійські еквіваленти для наступних українських речень:
41. Як поживають ваші батьки?
a. Are your parents well?
b. Where are your parents?
c. How are your parents?
42. Скільки років вашій дочці?
a. How is your daughter?
b. How old is your daughter?
c. How many daughters have you?
Доберіть слова, словосполучення або вирази за смислом:
43. Boris has no father. His father is ... .
a. a worker;
b. social work;
c. absent;
d. dead
44. Ann ... sport and she has a lot of time for it.
a. is fond of;
b. is present;
c. is free;
d. is dead
45. Olga is busy with her graduation design because she is ... .
a. a young architect;
b. is married;
c. fond of reading;
d. a final-year student
46. His mother is a pensioner... she is old.
a. or;
b. but;
c. because;
d. only
47. We have no white bread. We have only... bread.
a. brown;
b. yellow;
c. good;
d. bad
48. ... English in class!
a. open;
b. speak;
c. close;
d. spell
Виберіть правильні питання до наступних речень:
49. These are thin pencils.
a. What is this?
b. Are these pencils thin or thick?
c. Are these thin or thick pencils?
d. Where are the pencils?
50. The English books are on the shelf.
a. What books are on the shelf?
b. Are those English or Russian books?
c. Is the English book on the shelf?
d. Is the shelf on the wall?
Виберіть правильні прийменники для наступних речень:
51. I am very fond ... sport.
a. of;
b. with;
c. in
52. Tom is busy... his design.
a. with;
b. at;
c. of
53. His ties are ... the box.
a. on;
b. in;
c. at
54. The paper is ... the shelf.
a. on;
b. at;
c. in
55. Speak English ... class.
a. in;
b. on;
c. at
56. Put the plates ... the table.
a. in;
b. at;
c. on
Виберіть слова схожі за значенням (синоніми) для наступних слів:
57. much (a. lot of; b. few; c. little; d. how much)
58. nice (a. good; b. bad; c. thick; d. red)
59. big (a. large; b.nice; c. brown; d. class)
60. many (a. much; b. few; c. little; d. large)
Виберіть слова протилежні за значенням (антоніми) для наступних слів:
61. old (a.young; b. nice; c. small; d. big)
62. to be well (a. to be busy; b. to be ill; c. to be fine; d. to be married)
63. thin (a. thick; b. big; c. large; d. good)
64. to take (a. to give; b. to put; c. to open; d. to speak)
65. to be present (a. to be absent; b. to be well; c. to be fond of; d. to be married)
66. few (a. much; b. little; c. many; d. only)
Виберіть правильні артиклі для наступних речень (відсутність артикля позначається знаком “o”);
a. a (an);
b. the;
с. о
67. I have ... lot of English books.
68. His father is ... old.
69. She is ... architect.
70. My brothers are ... doctors.
71. I am ... artist.
72. These are ... nice ties.
73. That is ... good plan.
74. The plans are on ... table.
75. ... my plates are good.
2. Проведення бесіди за темою “Personal Identification”.
3. Заповнення анкети.
Visa Application Form
First name
Middle name
Date of birth
Country of birth
Marital status
Full postal address
Telephone number with area code
Present occupation
Annual income
Passport No
Foreign countries visited
4. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- опрацювати текст за фахом;
- підготувати розповідь про свою родину;
- опрацювати опорний текст “Meet the Family”.
Meet the Family
1. Read the following text and do the activities that follow.
Donald Hewitt. Donald is a very rich man now though he was born into a poor family. Nobody
knows how he got into big money but now he's got a computer factory in Cambridge and big accounts in
Swiss banks. He is quiet, self-confident and doesn't like to talk much. He's been married to Rosemary for
thirty years. They've got three children, two sons and a daughter. Donald has a house in Cambridge and
a villa in Spain. He is fond of golf and spends all his free time on golf courses with his business friends.
Donald is a very strong-willed person and his only weak spot is his love to his grandchildren.
Rosemary Hewitt. Rosemary is Donald's second wife, His first wife died at childbirth 36 years
ago. So Rosemary is the stepmother for Charles, Donald's eldest son. Rosemary is a writer of romantic novels, and she is very rich too, because practically all her books become bestsellers as soon as they are
published. Most of her time Rosemary lives in Cambridge with her husband and their three dogs, but she
also has a house in London where she stays when she discusses her books with her editor. Donald and
Rosemary spend summers in their villa in Spain, far from rainy England. When she is not writing,
Rosemary enjoys taking care of the beautiful flowers that grow in her gardens.
Charles and Amanda Hewitt. Charles is Donald's favourite son. For a long time Charles was an
only child in the family and he was spoilt by his grandparents (both Donald's and his late wife's) and his
nurse who took care of Charles till Donald married Rosemary. Charles grew up to be selfish, arrogant
and extremely ambitious. He became a good businessman but not a nice person. He is married to
Amanda who used to be a famous model. Amanda is very beautiful, she won the Beauty Contest "Miss
Europe 1993". Charles was one of the sponsors of the contest. He met Amanda there and married her a
month later. It isn't a love match. Charies needs a beautiful wife and hostess, Amanda needs a husband
who can buy her the things she likes. They have two children Lucy, who is seven, and David, who has
just turned six. Neither Charles nor Amanda are affectionate parents. Charles collects cars and spends
much more time with them than with his wife and children. Amanda is in love with her face and body
and her hobby is shopping and visiting beautician salons and health clubs. She hardly ever thinks about
her husband and children.
Andrea and Joseph Williams. Andrea is Donald and Rosemary's daughter. She is her mother's
favourite child. In her childhood Andrea was fond of animals. She used to bring home stray dogs and
cats, birds with broken, wings, collected bugs and butterflies. Her favourite subject at school was biology
and after graduating from her college Andrea became a scientist. Her special field is microbiology and
she works in her laboratory for long hours. She is married to Joseph who loves his wife more than
anything else in the world. Donald and Rosemary's son-in-law is a children's doctor. Andrea and Joseph
don't have children of their own yet, so they like to spend time with their niece and nephew. They often
take them out into the country where Andrea teaches the kids to love and respect nature and Joseph
teaches them to fish and to make a camp fire.
Robin Hewitt. Robin is Andrea's brother. He is 25 and he is a rock singer, though not famous. His
parents are not happy about the lifestyle Robin has chosen. Robin didn't like his school and got involved
in a company of teenagers who took drugs and stole from shops. Though Robin had never known what
lack of pocket money was, he liked what his friends called "adventures" and ended up in a police station
after his friends and he tried to rob a local bank. He didn't go to prison because he was not 14 at that time
but he never learnt to work hard and his parents are very much upset that he doesn't want to study and
get a good profession.
"Skeleton in the cupboard". Donald has a dark secret. In his youth he did something dishonest
about which he is sure nobody knows. Two days ago he got a letter in which somebody reminded him
about the debt that can be paid only by the life of one of his grandchildren.
2. Decide which of these statements are true and which are false.
1. Donald Hewitt inherited a big sum of money from his parents.
2. Donald's grandchildren are "the apple of his eye".
3. Rosemary has two stepchildren.
4. She is a very successful novelist.
5. Rosemary's only hobby is her work.
6. Charles's mother died and there was nobody to take care of him when he was growing up.
7. Amanda married Charles for his money.
8. Lucy and David are neglected by their parents.
9. Andrea and Joseph enjoy outdoor activities with their niece and nephew.
10. Robin stole from shops because his parents limited him in his pocket money.
11. "Skeleton in the cupboard" means some tragedy, crime or disgrace that happened in the family.
12. Donald got a threat that put his grandchildren's life in danger.
3. Fill in the gaps in the following scentences choosing the right word from the box given below.
1. Lucy is Andrea and Joseph's little … .
2. Donald and Rosemary's … is an affectionate husband.
3. Charles's … Robin wasn't fond of school in his childhood.
4. Andrea's … David is very enthusiastic about fishing.
5. Charles doesn't show much respect to his … Rosemary.
6. Being spoiled by his … and … Charles grew up to be a very selfish man.
7. Robin is secretly in love with his … Amanda.
4. Match the given Ukrainian words with their English equivalent.
1) племінниця
a) husband
2) двоюрідний брат
b) twins
3) вітчим
с) aunt
4) дядько
d) cousin
5) родич
е) niece
6) тітка
f) half-sister
7) племінник
g) uncle
8) чоловік
h) stepfather
9) близнюки
і) nephew
10) зведена сестра
j) relative
5. In each line choose one world that doesn’t belong to the group and explain why do you think
1) father, mother, sister, brother, cousin;
2) mother-in-law, father-in-law, step-father, sister-in-law, son-in-law;
3) friendly, efficient, generous, selfish, punctual;
4) slim, tall, nervous, broad-shouldered, plump;
5) skiing, swimming, sitting, reading, knitting.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “Personal Identification”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
Практичне заняття №2 (2 години)
Тема: “My Family”.
Мета: вдосконалити навички студентів вживання мовленнєвих формул “Вітання” у певних
ситуаціях; відпрацювати навички вживання артикля; розвивати навички розуміння основної ідеї
та деталей тексту під час аудіювання та читання; виховувати толерантність.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул “Вітання” (“Greetings”).
3. Робота з опорним текстом ”Meet the Family”.
4. Аудіювання тексту “Travelling”. Контроль.
5. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Означений та неозначений артиклі”. Виконання
тренувальних вправ.
6. Перевірка навичок монологічного висловлювання за темою “My Family”.
7. Складання глосарію (“Professions”, “Relatives Ties”).
8. Виконання квізів.
9. Робота з текстом за фахом.
10. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Класифікація звуків. Фонетична транскрипція.
Мова виникла й існує як засіб спілкування людей, насамперед у звуковій, усній формі.
Письмо лише умовне зображення звукової форми слова. Для оволодіння мовою, необхідно
володіти її фонетичною будовою.
Фонетика займається вивченням фонетичного складу мови. Кожна мова має певну кількість
звуків, з яких складаються всі слова. Звуки вимовляються, букви існують для письма. Англійський
алфавіт складається із 26 букв, що передають 44 звуки, 20 голосних та 24 приголосних.
Відмінності будови англійської та української мов:
- в українській мові немає поділу голосних на довгі та короткі;
- в англійській мові серед голосних виділяють дифтонги;
- в англійській мові приголосні звуки не оглушуються;
- приголосні звуки в англійській мові вимовляються твердо.
1.1. Practise reading of the following words:
pen – pan
ship – sheep
men – man
be – bee
set – sad
rose – nose
ten – tan
absent, beat, free
bed – bad
abscess, absolute
2. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул “Вітання” (“Greetings”).
How do you do?
How do you do?
Pleased to meet you.
Pleased (glad) to meet you too.
How are you?
It is nice to meet you.
Fine, thanks.
I am right. Thank you.
Hello! Hi!
Good morning! (до 12.00)
Good morning!
Good afternoon! (з 12.00 до 17.00)
Good afternoon!
Good evening! (до 20.00)
Good evening!
Good night! (після 20.00)
Good night!
2.1. In pairs compose the dialogues. There is an example of it.
“Ah, hello, Martin, here you are! How are you? So glad to see you again!”
“Good afternoon, is Mrs. Perkins at home?”
“Morning, Manson,” he said pleasantly. “Why? What's the matter? Are you ill?”
Andrew stood up. “I'm quite well, thank you.”
2.2. Translate the following.
- Добрий день! Як життя?
- Спасибі, добре. А як ви?
- Дякую вас, непогано.
- Добрий день Ганно! Як добре, що я тебе зустріла!
- Доброго ранку! Сьогодні чудова погода, чи не так?
3. Робота з опорним текстом ”Victor Tells us about Himself”.
4. Аудіювання тексту “Travelling”. Контроль.
4.1. Listen to the text.
I have always loved to travell. In my childhood and in my boyhood I loved to wander among the
woods and hills around my home. But when I grew older my native land seemed too small for me. I
wanted to see the wide, wide world, to sail the seas as my father and grandfather had done. Our family
always loved the sea and it was natural that I loved it too. My mother went to sea with my father on his
long voyages, and spent the greater part of her life on the water.
When I was quite a baby, my father bought a small cottage in a fishing village on the coast of
England. My parents were growing old and they decided to spend the remaining days of their lives on
the shores of the sea which they loved so much.
At the age of ten I began to show the roving spirit. I wanted to travell, but my parents did not let
me go to sea, for I was too young.
I used to wander along the shore, or on the beach and watch the waves as they broke against the
cliffs. I worried my father so much that at last he allowed me to take work on a ship, and I became a shipboy on a coaster which sailed near the shores of my native land. We visited different seaports and learned
many useful things.
My name is Ralph and my shipmates added to this the name of Rover, because I was so fond of
4.2. Choose the right statements.
1. I have always loved to travell.
2. But when I grew older my native land seemed too large for me.
3. Our family always loved the sea and it was natural that I loved it too.
4. When I was quite a baby, my father bought a small cottage in a fishing village on the coast of
5. At the age of twelve I began to show the roving spirit.
6. I wanted to travell, but my parents did not let me go to sea, for I was too young.
7. I used to wander along the shore or on the beach and watch the waves as they broke against the
8. I worried my father so much that at last he allowed me to take work on a ship, and I became a
cook on a coaster which sailed near the shores of my native land.
9. We visited different seaports and I learned many useless things.
10. My name is Ralph and my schoolmates added to this the name of Rover, because I was so fond
of travelling.
5. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: “Означений та неозначений артиклі”.
Артикль – спеціальне службове слово, яке стоїть безпосередньо перед іменником. Якщо
перед іменником є означення, то артикль ставиться перед означуючим словом (an interesting book).
В англійський мові є два артиклі – неозначений та означений. Походження обох артиклів –
займенники. Неозначений артикль походить від слова “один” (one), тому вживається перед
іменниками тільки в однині. Означений артикль походить від вказівного займенника “этот” (that).
Неозначений артикль показує на належність предмета до певного класу однорідних
предметів. (This is a table). Перед незлічуваними іменниками та неозначеними іменниками у
множині артикль не вживається.
An article – articles
Tea, snow, grass, chalk.
Означений артикль вживається з іменниками в однині й множині в тих випадках, коли
зрозуміло, про який предмет або особу йде мова. Іменник з означеним артиклем означає
конкретний предмет, виділений з класу однорідних предметів.
Означений артикль вживається також перед іменником, якому передує:
- порядковий числівник: the first lesson;
- прикметник у найвищому ступені: the most popular entertainment;
- перед певними географічними назвами: the Atlantic Ocean, the Volga, the Crimea.
5.1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.
5.1.1. Insert the articles a, an or the where necessary.
1. Give me … pen.
2. Put … pencil on … table.
3. … boy opened … door and came into … room.
4. There is … bag under … table.
5. Tom is … driver.
6. What is Bill? – He is … engineer.
7. … puppy likes to run and jump.
8. I have bought … interesting book.
9. I have got a lot of … friends. Most of them are … pupils.
10. I do not respect this boy. He is … liar.
11. Would you like … pear?
12. Could you shut … window?
13. Could you tell me where is … bus station?
14. There is … small shop at … end of … street.
15. Can you recommend me … good restaurant?
5.1.2. Insert the proper articles where necessary.
1. Where is … pen? – … pen is in … pencil-box.
2. Open … window. … weather is fine. It is stuffy in … room.
3. Where are … flowers? – … flowers are in … vase.
4. We have … large room. There is … arm-chair in … room and … little wall-lamp over … armchair. I like to sit in … arm-chair and read … books or … magazines.
5. Where is … book? – … book is in … bookcase.
6. We have … big sheepdog. … sheepdog is very clever.
7. This boy is ten years old.
He is … pupil.
8. This question is very difficult. I don’t know … answer to it.
9. There is … very big round ball in … middle of … room.
10. This is … pen, that is not … pen, that is … pencil.
11. My sister is at … work.
6. Розвиток навичок монологічного висловлювання за темою “My Family”.
7. Складання глосарію “Professions”, “Relative Ties”.
Глосарій ”Professions”
a shop assistant – продавець
a bookseller – продавець книг
a mechanic – механік
a bus driver – водій
a surgeon – хірург
an interpreter – перекладач
a lawyer – юрист
a businessman – бізнесмен
a pаinter – художник
a tourist guide – гід
a book-keeper – бухгалтер
a bank manager – менеджер
a hairdresser (barber) – перукар a computer operator – оператор
a builder – будівельник
a gardener – садівник
a teacher – вчитель
a farmer – фермер
a policeman – міліціонер
an electrician – електрик
a dentist – стоматолог
a nurse – медсестра, няня
a doctor – лікар
a cook – кухар
a waiter – офіціант
a waitress – офіціантка
“Relative Ties”
sister-in-law – невістка, своячениця
mother –мати
mother-in-law – теща, свекруха
grandmother – бабуся
granddaughter – онука
wife – дружина
niece – племінниця
daughter – дочка
daughter-in-law – невістка
aunt – тітка
widow – вдова
niece – племінниця
twins – близнюки
stepfather – вітчим
relative – родич
half-sister – зведена сестра
boy – хлопець
brother – брат
brother-in-law – зять, дівер
cousin – кузен, кузена
father – батько
father-in-law – свекор, тесть
grandfather – дідусь
grandson – онук
husband – чоловік
nephew – племінник
son – син
son-in-law – зять
uncle – дядько
widower – вдівець
girl – дівчина
sister – сестра
8. Виконання квізів.
9. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- підготуватись до диктанту;
- опрацювати текст за фахом;
- порівняти типову британську та українську родину за зразком;
- опрацювати опорний текст “My Day off”.
There is, of course, no such thing as the average British family, but statistical data can help us to
understand a society and social trends.
Every year, official statistics based on questionnaires and surveys are published and these provide
a lot of useful information on people's habits. This profile is based on one of their recent publications.
The Average British Family
The average British family lives in a semi-detached house with a garden in the south of England.
They own their house, which is situated in the suburbs of a large town. The house has three
bedrooms. On average they have two children and a pet. The family drives a two-year-old Ford.
He works in the office of an engineering company for -10 hours a week and earns £200 per week.
He starts at 9.00 in the morning and finishes at 5.30 in the evening. He goes to work by car, which takes
him 20 minutes. He doesn't particularly like his job, but there are chances of promotion.
She works in a service industry for three days a week and earns £95. She works locally and goes
there by bus. She quite likes her job as it gets her out of the house, she meets people, and it is close to the
children's school.
The children go to a state school which is a few miles from home. A special bus comes to pick them
up every day. They are at school from 9.00 to 3.30.
The most popular evening entertainment is watching television or video, which the average person
does for two and a half hours a day. After that, the next most popular activity is visiting friends, going to
the cinema or a restaurant, or going to the pub. The most popular hobby is gardening and the most
popular sports are fishing, football and tennis.
My Day off
1. Review the following words.
To envy – заздрити; to guess – здогадуватися; I didn't have to hurry – мені не довелося спішити;
an early riser – рання пташка; to wash oneself – вмиватися; to lay the table – подавати на стіл; tasty –
смачний; favourite – улюблений; pie – пиріг; to go skating and skiing – кататися на лижах і ковзанах; to
happen – траплятися; gloomy – похмурий; to speak over the phone – говорити по телефону; boring –
нудний; to feel sorry for smb. – жаліти когось; TV-addicts – "телемани"; we listened to my younger
sister playing the piano – ми слухали як моя молодша сестра грала на піаніно.
2. Read and translate the text.
When we have time for leisure, we usually need something that can interest and amuse us. There
are several ways to do this. In big cities it's often difficult to decide where to go in the evening. If we want
to go out there are a lot of theatres, cinemas and clubs in our country where we can spend our free time.
(But in small towns and villages they have no actors of their own. So they invite a group of actors from a
big town to show plays.) People who are fond of music join a musical section where they are taught to
play different instruments. Those who like to dance join a dancing section. People who are interested in
sports can join sport sections such as tennis, basket-ball, chess and others.
And, of course, all the people use radio or television. Switch on the radio set or TV set and choose
the programme they like best of all. People who are interested in sports listen to or watch football and
basket-ball matches. Everyone likes to see skating and dancing on the ice. Some people like music. They
listen to concerts of modern and old music, new and old songs and see dances. Television helps us to visit
different lands, see fish and insects, lakes, rivers and seas. We are shown different countries, cities and
people who live there. On TV people could even see both sides of the Moon. Radio and television extend
our knowledge about the world. All that we can do at home. So I think that ways in which leisure time
can be spent are different and interesting!
3. Match the pairs to make the word-combinations.
1. to spend free time
a. a group of actors
2. to invite
b. on the radio or TV set
3. to play
c. to concerts of music
4. to switch
d. knowledge about the world
5. to listen
e. in sports
6. to extend
f. different instruments
7. to be interested
g. in theatres, cinemas, club
4. Choose the right word.
1. There are several ways \ types to amuse people.
2. People who are interested in sport can connected \ join sport sections.
3. Mass media extend \ enlarge our knowledge about the world.
4. Some people like to hear \ to listen to modern or old music.
5. Do you like to watch \ to see TV-set?
5. Agree or disagree to the matter of these statements.
1. It's very difficult to find something that can interest and amuse us.
2. There are a lot of ways to spend our free time.
3. Who likes to dance can join sport sections.
4. In small towns and villages people don't use radio and television.
5. Television helps us to visit different lands and even to see both sides of the Moon.
6. Translate into English.
1. У мене є два вихідні – субота й неділя.
2. Протягом тижня я дуже зайнята, тому мені дуже подобається відпочивати в вихідні.
3. Якщо гарна погода я не залишаюся вдома, я й мій собака йдемо на вулицю.
4. Якщо ллє дощ, я залишаюся вдома, дивлюся телевізор, слухаю музику, читаю книжки.
5. Іноді я відвідую виставки мистецтв, ходжу до театру або на концерт.
6. Мені дуже подобаються вихідні, тому що я маю змогу відпочити.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.
1. How do you spend your leisure?
2. Do you have a lot of time for leisure?
3. Do you like to spend your leisure outdoors or at home?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “My Family”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу. Основні відмінності означеного та
неозначеного артиклів.
Практичне заняття №3 (2 години)
Тема: “My Day off”.
Мета: продовжувати вправляти студентів у правильному вживанні нульового артикля;
вдосконалювати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення з теми “My Day off”; розвивати
фонематичний слух; акцентувати увагу студентів на моральних та етичних нормах поведінки.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
Робота з опорним текстом “My Day off.
Письмо (словниковий диктант за темами: “Professions”, “Relative Ties”).
Складання глосарію з теми “Hobby”.
Аудіювання тексту “Fishing”.
Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Нульовий артикль”. Виконання тренувальних
Виконання квізів.
Робота з текстом за фахом.
Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. I тип читання голосних.
Англійський алфавіт складається з 26 букв, що передають на письмі 44 звуки (20 голосних, 24
приголосних). Така невідповідність в кількості звуків і букв мови викликала необхідність
позначати різні звуки одними і тими ж літерами або їх сполученнями. Особливо це є характерним
для голосних. Кожна голосна має неменше 4-х варіантів читання. Читання голосної букви в
наголошеному складі залежить від його типу. Тип складу визначається тим, які букви стоять за
наголошеною голосною. Наголошені склади діляться на типи:
- відкритий, тобто він закінчується на голосну. Наголошена голосна читається так, як
називається в алфавіті, зазвичай, це довгий голосний або дифтонг. Перший тип складу має два
- абсолютно відкритий склад – склад, графічний образ якого збігається з фонетичним, тобто
з його звучанням (me, no);
- умовно відкритий – склад тільки графічно відкритий, а фонетично закритий (note, Pete).
1.1 Practise reading of the following words.
Theme, code, these, spoke, name, lake, like, mine, type, tune, duty, made, tie, my, life, size, fine,
late, mate, same, line, pine, style, file, tape, fate, gate, space, shape, shave, shine.
2. Робота з опорним текстом ”My Day off”.
3. Диктант (глосарій за темами “Professions”, “Relative Ties”).
4. Складання глосарію за темою “Hobby”.
Глосарій за темою “Hobby”
gardening – садівництво
fishing – рибальство
shopping – покупки
cooking – приготування їжі
dancing – танці
singing – співи
watching TV – перегляд ТВ програм
reading – читання
painting – малювання
visiting theatres (cinemas) – відвідування театру, кіно
going in for sports – заняття спортом
poetry – складання віршів
swimming – плавання
computer games – комп’ютерні ігри
listening to the music – слухання музики
collecting thing – колекціонування
travelling – подорожування
5. Аудіювання тексту “Fishing”.
5.1. Listen to the text.
There were trees on the right bank and she turned to it and tied up the boat to one of the trees. Two
hundred yards from her there was a bridge. In the early days of the occupation there had been a soldier
on the bridge, but now the Germans had taken him away.
Francoise took up her fishing-rod and began to fish. She sat very still watching the float. Only once
she moved to take off her shoes and rested her feet on the edge of the boat, it was very quiet. She tried not
to think about Franklin. She was not quite sure what was going to happen back in the house. But she
knew quite well, with two doctors, that the situation was now very serious.
Suddenly the float went down and she felt the fish draw the line from her hand. When she pulled
it in, it was quite a large fish. She laid it on the bottom of the boat and put one of her shoes on it and then
her foot on the shoe to keep it quiet. The sun was almost down and she thought. “In another hour it will
be quite dark”. Again she sat and waited, her black eyes on the float. When the float went down again she
pulled in the line and there was a fish a little larger than the first. “I shall tell the two doctors about the
new good place for fishing”, she thought.
The darkness seemed to come down quickly with the next three fish. It was so dark that she could
hardly see the trees on the bank. Now she waited, watching the float for about ten minutes, but nothing
happened. She sat with her eyes closed for a minute or two and then opened them: the float was not
there. She began to pull in the line; this time it seemed very heavy. She held it tight and pulled the fish
into the boat. The fish was a big one, about two pounds.
5.2. Choose the right answer.
1. What was there on the right bank?
a. a boat
b. a tower
c. trees
d. a house
2. How far was a bridge from her?
a. twenty metres
b. two hundred yards
c. one kilometer
d. three miles
3. When had there been a soldier on the bridge?
a. in the first days of the war
b. early in spring
c. during the last month of the occupation
d. in the early days of the occupation
4. Who took up the fishing-rod and began to fish?
a. Franklin did
b. two doctors did
c. Francoise did
d. a soldier on the bridge did
5. What was the situation like at that time in the house?
a. amusing
b. hopeless
c. very serious
d. very funny
6. What did Francoise feel when suddenly the float went down?
a. the boat vibrating
b. the fish draw the line from her hand
c. the fish strike the boat
d. a slight giddiness
7. What did she catch?
a. a large fish
b. an old shoe
c. a small fish
d. a green frog
8. What did she put on the fish to keep it quiet?
a. a brick
b. her coat
c. an iron stick
d. one of her shoes
9. What did she decide to tell the two doctors about?
a. the new good place for fishing
b. the good fish she had caught
c. her fishing
d. her plans for future
10. How many fish all in all did Francoise catch?
a. five
b. eight
c. four
d. six
6. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: “Нульовий артикль”.
Без артикля вживаються:
- деякі власні назви: London, Ukraine;
- назви пір року, місяців і днів тижня: winter, October, Sunday;
- назви речовин: oil, gas, water.
Іменники, які мають перед собою означення:
- присвійні займенники (my, your, his);
- питальні слова (whose, what, which);
- вказівні займенники (this, that, those, these);
- неозначені займенники (one, some, any, no);
- кількісні числівники.
У словосполученнях типу:
out of doors
to take to heart
at present
from morning till night
from head to foot
by name
to go to school
to leave school
by chance
by mistake
for hours
to keep house
at sunrise
at work
at home
at peace
6.1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.
6.1.1. Use the or the zero article.
1. A lot of people are giving up ... meat.
2. ... meat we had for dinner yesterday was very tasty.
3. I did not read much about ... life of ... Lomonosov.
4. ... running in ... morning will do you good.
5. ... book you bought yesterday was not very interesting.
6. If you learn ... English for a long time you will speak this foreign language well.
7. Which is your favourite colour? – It is ... blue.
8. Please look at these blouses. It seems to me ... blue one will suit you more. ... blue is more your
6.1.2. Insert the proper articles where necessary.
1. There is ... big dark red blind in my... room.
2. My... brother is … sailor.
3. Where are ... children? – All ... children are playing ... volley-ball.
4. Give me ... book, please.
5. Look into ... ice-box. What can you see on ... shelves? – There is some … butter in … butter –
6. There are some ... boys in the sports-ground, but I cannot see any... girls.
7. His ... aunt is ... teacher. She works at ... school.
8. There is ... nice lamp in ... living-room.
9. ... lamp is on ... writing-table at ... window.
10. My... daughter is ... pupil. She goes to ... school in ... morning. She has four or five ... lessons
every ... day. She comes ... home at two o'clock in ... afternoon. At ... home she does her ... homework ... .
7. Виконаня квізів.
8. Робота з текстом за фахом.
9. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- виконати граматичні вправи;
- опрацювати текст за фахом;
- оглядове читання, переклад та виконання лексичних вправ за текстом “Hobby”.
1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.
1.1. Insert the proper articles where necessary.
1. My ... cousin lives in ... little town. It is ... new town. … streets of ... town are broad, ... houses
are big. There are many... green trees in ... streets and in ... yards. There is ... school in ... country. There
are two ... kindergartens in ... country, too.
2. This is ... children's room. ... walls in ... room are blue, ... ceiling is white, ... floor is brown. ...
children's room is large and clean.
3. I come ... home at three o'clock. I usually learn ... English at ... home.
4. What is ... date today? – It is ... first of ... February.
5. Where do you usually go after ... breakfast? – After ... breakfast I usually go to ... park.
6. There is ... new shop at ... corner of our ... street.
7. When ... bell rang ... schoolchildren came into ... classroom and sat down at ... desks.
8. I don't go to ... school on ... Sunday.
1.2. Insert the proper articles. Pay attention to the use of the articles with the nouns school, bed.
A. 1. Felicia certainly wants to leave ... school.
2. They had met through ... Labour party activities when Peter had been teaching in ... school on ...
south side of London.
3. There will be no ... school tomorrow.
4. Smith was ... former headmaster now retired but still living in his large house near ... school.
5. Towards ... top of ... hill ... school was shut in by... high wall.
6. Miss Carter might have gone into ... school to call on Emily.
7. Donald's success was obviously pleasing to ... school.
B. 1. Then we found out that he could not stay in ... bed.
2. He went to ... bed and slept excellently.
3. He got into ... bed but could not sleep.
4. He found Dora lying on ... bed in their bedroom reading ... novel.
5. I'll bring you some coffee and ... egg in ... bed.
6. Did you make … bed on ... Saturday morning?
7. He jumped out of ... bed and put on ... dressing-gown while I told him of Pilbrow.
1. Review the following words.
To jog – бігати, to skate – кататися на ковзанах, to ski – кататися на лижах, competition –
змагання, health – здоров'я, slim – стрункий, trim – в гарній формі, grown-up – дорослий, coin – монета,
web-pages – веб-сторінки, increasingly – в більшій мірі, to knit – в'язати, to sew – шити.
2. Read and translate the text.
Tastes differ. Different people have different hobbies. Some of them like to knit very much; others
spend all of their time sewing things: skirts, blouses, dresses. It is interesting to make everything with
one's own hands: to repair an iron, a radio-set or a tape recorder.
If one goes in for sports he feels much better, looks much better, and sleeps much better. You'll be
slimmer and trimmer and what is even more important you'll not sick often. It is very important for a
man to be strong and well-built.
Many children and grown-up like to collect things: old coins, postcards, post stamps, for example.
They have huge and very interesting collections of these things and spend a lot of money to buy them. In
their free time they like to look at their collections with their friends.
Nowadays many people are fond of using Internet, because it has a lot of stuff on it. They design
web-pages for all sorts. It is fun learning increasingly about it and experimenting and making pages, and
watching them work for you. So, hobbies are not only wonderful but very useful too.
3. Agree or disagree to the matter of these sentences.
1. Hobby is a favourite occupation of a person in his free time.
2. To be in a good shape it is not obligatory to jog every morning and to do morning exercises.
3. To watch sport on TV is enough for liking sport.
4. If one goes in for sport his physical appearance will change too.
5. Collecting different things is worth a lot of money.
4. Make up sentences to illustrate the meaning of the following word combinations.
Playing computer games, to get interested in, to start one's hobby, to spend all of one's free time, to
arrange new stamps in the albums.
5. Make the following sentences interrogative and negative.
1. Each stamp has a story to tell about distant countries and new people.
2. I like stamps that have pictures of animals and birds.
3. My friend likes flora and fauna stamps.
4. He started drawing when he was about 9 years old.
5. To repair different things is a very good hobby.
6. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Я займаюся спортом й мені подобається грати в теніс.
2. Спорт є важливою частиною нашого життя.
3. Спорт не для слабих, бо він вчить програвати, а це не легко.
4. Майже кожна людина має захоплення.
5. Моя улюблена приказка – “Про смаки не сперечаються”.
7. Retell the text using the following situations.
- You are telling your foreign friend about what you like doing and what you dislike doing and
- Make up a talk for your friends about activities you are good and bad at.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.
Tastes differ. Can you say the same about hobbies?
Have you chosen a hobby according to your character and tastes?
Do you like computer games?
Are you fond of making things?
Have you ever collected anything?
What can be collected?
Whose hobby is sport?
Do you agree that learning new things can be the most exciting aspect of a hobby?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “My Day off”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу. Випадки вживання неозначеного артикля.
Практичне заняття №4 (2 години)
Тема: “Hobby”.
Мета: продовжувати вправляти студентів у правильному вживанні артикля з іменами та
прізвищами, словами типу breakfast, lunch і т.д.; розвивати навички монологічного висловлювання
з теми “My Hobby”; виховувати працелюбність, ініціативність.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “Hobby”.
3. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Контроль.
4. Робота з граматикою. Контроль.
5. Аудіювання тексту “David & Michael”.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Робота з текстом за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. II тип читання голосних. В ньому після наголошеної голосної
стоїть одна або декілька приголосних (окрім r). Голосна буква в закритому складі передає
короткий голосний звук.
e – [е]
o – [α]
i – [і]
y – [і]
a – [æ]
u – [^]
1.1. Practise reading of the following words.
Top, net, set, fox, kiss, stick, bed, mill, bus, bell, test, nest, depth, sold, mock, block, bold, enter, self,
myth, but, film, dish, fish, Jim, Jack, than, thick, chick, match, cup, much, bun.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “Hobby”.
Складання діалогів із вживанням мовленнєвих формул за темою “Hobby”.
3. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Контроль.
1. Reading.
1.1. Read the text “Hobbies”.
Hobbies differ like tastes. If you have chosen a hobby according to your character and taste you are
lucky because your life becomes more interesting.
Hobbies are divided into four large groups: doing things, making things, collecting things, and
learning things.
The most popular of all hobby groups is doing things. It includes a wide variety of activities, from
gardening to travelling and from chess to volleyball.
Gardening is one of the oldest man's hobbies. It is a well-known fact that the English are very fond
of gardening and growing flowers, especially roses.
Both grown-ups and children are fond of playing different computer games. This is a relatively
new hobby but it is becoming more and more popular.
Making things includes drawing, painting, making sculpture, designing costumes, handicrafts.
Two of the most famous hobby painters were President Eisenhower and Sir Winston Churchill. Some
hobbyists write music or play musical instruments. President Bill Clinton, for example, plays the
Almost everyone collects something at some period in his life: stamps, coins, matchboxes, books,
records, postcards, toys, watches. Some collections have no real value. Others become so large and so
valuable that they are housed in museums and galleries. Many world-famous collections started in a
small way with one or two items. People with a good deal of money often collect paintings, rare books,
and other art objects. Such private collections are sometimes given to museums, libraries and public
galleries so that others might take pleasure in seeing them.
No matter what kind of hobby a person has, he always has the opportunity of learning much from
it. By reading about the things he is interested in he is adding to what he knows. Learning new things can
be the most exciting aspect of a hobby.
1.2. Fill in the chart with the correct words from the text. You maу introduce your own ideas as
Doing things
Making things
Collecting things
Learning things
2. Vocabulary.
2.1. Choose the correct answer.
1. My brother lives on the 11th floor of that____of flats.
a. block
b. building
c. house
d. tower
2. His house is nothing out of the _____, it's just an average four-roomed house.
a. normal
b. ordinary
c. conventional
d. typical
3. Going down the street, she walked past a long ____ of houses, all exactly alike.
a. queue
b. rank
c. row
d. sequence
4. Our house isn't joined to the other houses in the street; it's ______.
a. attached
b. disconnected
c. detached
d. divided
5. The new police station is to be built _______ the main square.
a. close
b. near
c. neighbourhood
d. side
6. I am staying in a youth _______ in the centre of the town.
a. hostel
b. inn
c. pub
d. stable
7. She has to work hard to keep the house ____and tidy with such a big family.
a. arranged
b. neat
c. ordered
d. smoth
8. Will you _____ the beds at once! Our guests are at the door!
a. clean
b. cover
c. make
d. smooth
9. It's your ______ to clean the room; I did it last week.
a. occasion
b. time
c. try
d. turn
2.2. З'єднайте дві частини речення.
1. Barbara and John have invited us …
2. I spent a week looking for …
3. Saturday is the only day …
4. We are going over to Peter's house this evening …
5. It was a warm evening, …
6. Do you know how …
7. We hardly earn enough …
8. There is a lot of crime …
9. There are places for …
10. Many of these families are living …
a. … accommodation before standing many new job.
b. … so we decided to have a barbecue.
c. … on our estate.
d. … to their place for a meal.
e. … in substandard or overcrowded housing.
f. … a new housing project on the east side of the town.
g. … I have enough time to do the housework.
h. … money to pay the rent.
i. … do you want to come?
j. … to use housekeeping money?
4. Робота з граматикою. Контроль
4.1. Insert the proper article where necessary.
1. Give me ... peach, which is opposite you. Here you are.
2. He is one of ... best chess players in our city.
3. .... Venus is very far from ... Earth.
4. Who is ... boy standing near the door?
5. She is always ... first to do all the tests.
6. They will come in ... afternoon and we shall solve all the problems.
7. I hope we shall stay at ... Blackwells in August.
8. Daddy always reads'... Financial Times' at weekends.
9. ... Japanese have ancient traditions, which are very interesting.
4.2. Insert the proper article where necessary.
1. They had ... very substantial dinner.
2. When are we to meet for ... lunch?
3. After ... light breakfast we felt rather hungry.
4. He likes to cook and often cooks ... dinner himself.
5. Was ... breakfast ready when you came?
6. ... last summer he spent in ... mountains.
7. It was ... last leaf falling down.
8. What is ... highest mountain in the world?
9. ... picture I bought at this exhibition is in the drawing room.
10. Everybody knows that ... Moon goes round ... Sun.
5. Аудіювання тексту “David & Michael”.
5.1. Listen to the text.
David and Michael
Last summer David and Michael decided to go on a camping holiday. They packed their rucksacks
and divided the communal equipment.
They found an excellent place for camping. They pitched their tent in good time to be able to cook
a meal on their stove before darkness fell. The first night in the tent went off very well. Both of them slept
well and awoke to the singing of the birds all around them. They gathered together everything they
would need for the day and climbed up the mountain. They spent a very enjoyable day, climbing over
hills and valleys. Towards the end of the day, clouds covered the sky. They decided to start for their
camp at once. They reached it quite soon and started to cook a meal. Just as they were going to eat, it
began to rain.
It rained all evening, so David and Michael decided to stay in hotel. But they couldn't find a room.
There was only one single room vacant in the only hotel in the village. They both would sleep in the
single room: one on the floor and one in the bed.
David and Michael went thoughtfully to their
room. They hoped they would have a good night’s sleep, but which turned out not to be. Strange noises
kept vibrating through the hotel and they felt too tired to get up when it was time to do so.
They were re-packing when suddenly David let out a yell. His camera had been stolen! He was
sure he'd had it the night before, but it certainly wasn't there now. They ran downstairs, had another
argument with the manager, who refused to accept the responsibility, so they went to the police-station.
5.2. Choose the right statements.Прослухайте текст.
1. They packed their rucksacks and divided communal equipment.
2. The first night in the tent went off very well.
3. They gathered together everything they would need for the day and descended the mountain.
4. They spent a very dreadful day, climbing over hills and valleys.
5. They decided to start for their camp later on.
6. Just as they were going to eat, it began to snow.
7. But they couldn't find a room.
8. They both would sleep in the single room: one in the arm-chair and one in the bed.
9. They were re-packing when suddenly Michael let out a yell.
10. His camera had been stolen.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Робота з текстом за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- опрацювати текст за фахом;
- виконати лексико-граматичний тест до модуля 1.1;
- опрацювати опорний текст “Berdyansk”, скласти глосарій з теми.
Do you know much about Berdyansk before the Revolution?
How did old navigators call the Sea of Azov?
Why is Berdyansk known as an industrial, agricultural town and health-resort?
You’ll be able to answer these and many other questions if you read and translate the text
1. Review the following words.
Multistoried houses – багатоповерховий будинок, in spite of – не зважаючи на, glass-fibre textiles
– скловолокно, highway and agricultural machinery – шляхові та сільськогосподарські машини, one can’t
but mention – не можна не зазначити, sandy beaches – піскові пляжі, mud-bath – грязьова ванна, to
tramp down the streets – блукати вулицями, chestnuts – каштани, mountain-ashes – горобини, limes –
липи, non-governmental – недержавний.
2. Read and translate the text.
Berdyansk is my native town (place of study). Some people can’t imagine their lives without
theatres, multistoried houses and broad avenues all that’s typical of every big industrial city. This town is
not very large but there are a lot of interesting things to do and places to see in it.
Berdyansk is situated on the Azov Sea coast in Zaporizhye Region. The town is young but it has its
own history. It was founded in 1827.
Before the Revolution it had a population of only 40 thousand
people, but it was well-known as a commercial port. Navigators called the sea of Azov Meothide and the
North coast of the Azov-Agaria, meaning a generous, fruitful land.
At that time the major export was
wheat. All large industrial plants belonged to foreigners. The first harbor master was P.P.Shmidt. He did
a lot to make our town more beautiful. Berdyansk grew very quickly. In 1941 Berdyansk was occupied by
the German fascists. They destroyed the town and the port. After the war Berdyansk was rebuilt.
Before 1991 it was an industrial town with more than 30 enterprises. But after the decay of the
USSR many plants and factories were closed. In spite of difficulties some of them still work; a lot of small
enterprises have appeared. The largest industrial enterprises are: the Azov Cable Plant, the Azmol Joint
Stock Co., the Yuzhgidromash Plant, the Glass-Fibre Plant, the Pervomaysky Plant and the Distillery.
They produce cables, oils and lubricants, pumps, glass-fibre textiles, highway and agricultural
machinery, wine. One can’t but mention our commercial sea port through which hundreds of thousands
of tons of cargos go to and from Ukraine. These enterprises take an important part in our town’s economy
as some of them are unique.
Berdyansk is also an agricultural centre which is famous for its fruit, vegetables and grain crops.
Despite the fact that Berdyansk is an industrial and agricultural centre, it is a well-known healthresort. Sandy beaches, famous mud-baths, the warm Azov Sea, many sanatoriums and rest-homes attract
thousands of people. Every year they come here to improve their health, to have a rest and to see our
sights. They are the monuments to fishermen, lions, the Cross, the armchair of Wish and many others.
There are a lot of nice cafes, restaurants with delicious food and friendly waiters.
The town becomes especially beautiful in spring and summer when there are a great number of
rose-shrubs in flower-beds and everything is in blossom. This time everyone likes to tramp down the
streets lined with chestnuts, mountain-ashes and limes, to refresh oneself near the beautiful fountains; to
breathe in fresh air with a smell of grass and flowers. There is a place called “Karaoke” where people can
sing their favourite songs and dance.
Berdyansk is a cultural centre too. There are museums, many monuments, the Palace of Sport and
the Palace of Culture, State Pedagogical University, several non-governmental institutions of higher
learning, numerous secondary schools, technical colleges and vocational schools in it.
Many famous people were born and lived in Berdyansk: Shmidt, Brodsky, Osipenko, Khavkin,
Zinkovsky and others.
The citizens of Berdyansk are proud of their town and they are sure that it’ll achieve success in
3. Remember the following words and word combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian.
To imagine, commercial port, to occupy, generous land, to destroy, oil and lubricants, to rebuild,
cargo, to appear, grain crops, to improve, health-resort.
4. Translate the following words and word combinations into English.
Трояндовий кущ, клумба, крісло бажань, запах трави та квітів, палац спорту, пишатись своїм
5. Make up sentences to illustrate the meaning of the following word combinations.
A lot of small enterprises; thousands of tons of cargos; the warm Azov Sea; beautiful fountains; a
smell of grass and flowers.
6. Complete the following sentences.
Berdyansk was founded here due to
a. good climatic conditions.
b. convenient harbour.
c. generous, fruitful land.
Every year in summer thousands of people come here
a. to see the Armchair of Wish.
b. to visit the largest enterprises of the town.
c. to improve their health.
On a summer evening people like to tramp down the streets because
а. there is nothing to do at home.
b. they want to meet some of their friends.
c. they want to refresh themselves near the beautiful fountains and to breathe in fresh air.
Berdyansk is a cultural centre because
а. it is one of the largest cities in Ukraine.
b. there are many educational establishments, museums, libraries here.
c. a lot of concerts are held here.
7. Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the box given below.
in, out, in, of, and, of, over, and, from, to, from, and
Today people all ___ the world are moving ___ of small villages to go ___ live ___ big, noisy cities.
They are moving ___ the peaceful hills, fields, rivers ___ the country-side ___ the busy world ___ streets,
buildings, traffic ___ crowds. Many people live ___ the suburbs, far away ___ the industrial area ___ the
city centre.
8. Choose the Ukrainian equivalents for the following English sentences.
The monument is in the centre of the town.
a. В центрі міста – пам’ятник.
b. Пам’ятник розташований в центрі міста.
c. В центрі міста також є пам’ятник.
This is the house we live in.
a. Це будинок, де ми проживаємо.
b. Цей будинок придатний для проживання.
c. Ми збираємось жити в цьому будинку.
9. Choose the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian sentences.
Район, де ми проживаємо, дуже зелений.
a. We live in this new green district.
b. We are going to live in the district which is very green.
c. The district we live in is very green.
Обладнання, яке вони поставляють на завод, новітнє.
a. Up-to-date equipment is being supplied by them to the plant.
b. This is the plant which they supply with up-to-date equipment.
c. The equipment they supply the plant with is up-to-date.
10. Translate into English.
1. У нашому місті немає театрів та широких вулиць, але я його дуже люблю, тому що тут
2. У місті є можливість займатися спортом.
3. Якщо ви бажаєте морозива або кави, в місті є багато затишних кафе.
4. Чимало розваг знаходиться на вулиці Горького.
11. Retell the text using the following situations.
- You have got a letter from an English-speaking friend who asks you about the town you live
(study) in.
- Give a short information arguing for and against living in Berdyansk.
- You work in a travel agency. Give the main information about Berdyansk.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.
Where do you prefer to live: in town or in the country?
Is Berdyansk your native town?
What do you know about the place where Berdyansk was founded?
Berdyansk was founded as a commercial port, wasn’t it? Prove it.
Explain the fact that Berdyansk grew very quickly.
Why is Berdyansk known as an industrial town?
Why does Berdyansk attract thousands of people every summer?
Where do people of Berdyansk like to spend their free time?
Berdyansk is a cultural centre, isn’t it? Prove this fact.
What famous people were born in Berdyansk?
What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in Berdyansk?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “Hobby ”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових
завдань до модуля 1.1.
Практичне заняття № 5 (2 години)
Тема: “Berdyansk”.
Мета: вдосконалити навички студентів у вживанні мовленнєвих формул “У місті” у певних
ситуаціях; відпрацювати навички вживання артикля з власними назвами; під час аудіювання та
читання текстів розширювати словниковий запас; формувати вміння розуміти деталі тексту та
точку зору мовця; сприяти вихованню гордості та любові до рідного міста.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “Berdyansk”.
3. Перевірка навичок діалогічного мовлення з тем “My Day off”, “Hobby”.
4. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Означений артикль з власними назвами”.
Виконання тренувальних вправ.
5. Аудіювання тексту “A Story”. Контроль.
6. Формування
“У місті” (“In a Town”).
7. Виконання квізів.
8. Робота з текстом за фахом.
9. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. ІІІ тип читання голосних.
Для того щоб дізнатися, як читається голосна буква слід визначити тип складу: закритий або
Читання голосних змінюється в залежності від наявності букви r після голосної (ІІІ тип
читання). У третьому типі читання складів сполучення голосних з буквою r передають довгі звуки.
Голосна буква
Закритий склад з буквою r після голосної
[а:] bar, part, apartment
[ ]born, fort, important
[з:]merge, her, insert, external
[з:]cur, turn, disturb, firmly
i, y
[з:]dirt, myrtle, first
1.1. Practise reading of the following words.
North, nor, arm, sport, park, fork, her, first, dark, sort, fur, harm, mark, horn, start, form, third, girl,
term, turn, car, short.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “Berdyansk”.
3. Перевірка навичок діалогічного мовлення з тем “My Day off”, “Hobby”.
4. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: “Означений артикль з власними назвами”.
З власними назвами вживається означений артикль:
- з назвою всієї родини – The Browns, The Petrovs;
- з назвами кораблів, журналів, газет, готелів: The “Russia”, The “Times”, The “Astaria”;
- перед назвами:
океанів – the Pacific Ocean
річок – the Clyde
заток – the English Channel
морів – the Black Sea
озер – the Great Salt Lake
- з назвами архіпелагів: The Canaries, The Hawaii;
- з назвами окремих країн, міст, вулиць: The Sudan, the Crimea, the Caucasus, the Lebanon;
- коли у назві є загальний іменник: The United States, the United Kingdom;
- з назвами установ, партій: The Labour Party, the United Nation Organization;
- з назвами гірських хребтів, пустель: The Rockies, the Urals, the Sahara;
- з назвами музеїв, галерей: The British Museum.
4.1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.
4.1.1. Insert articles. Pay attention to the use of the articles with proper nouns.
1. In ... heart of ... England about 112 miles north-west of ... London, is ... Birmingham, ... city with
over ... million of ... inhabitants.
2. ... country town of ... Yorkshire, is ... beautiful old city on ... river Ouse.
3. I had come back from … Paris in … morning.
4. She herself was returning from … south of … France.
5. He loved the past, ... old music and ... dances and ... customs of ... old England.
6. Over ... door there hung ... long photograph of ... city with ... waterways, which ... Agnes who
had never been to ... Venice, took to be ... Venice, but which ... people who had been to ... Stockholm knew
to be ... Stockholm.
7. His scheme was to reach ... sea and then get ... fisherman to take them across ... channel.
8. You have lately returned from ... East, I understand?
9. “I got back from ... North Africa nine months ago”, he began and then stopped.
10. Do you remember ... panorama of ... Sahara desert?
11. In ... Great Britain at ... present there are three great political parties –... Conservative, ... Labour
and ... Liberal.
12. ... Alps are ... mountains in ... Switzerland, ... Italy, ... France and ... Austria.
13. ... London passed before me: ... Piccadilly, ... Shaftesbury Avenue, ... New Oxford Street.
14. I rented ... flat overlooking ... Hyde Park.
15. They came on to ... Waterloo Bridge.
16. ... Arloy Kear and I met on ... Friday at ... Victoria Station.
17. ... National Gallery is in ... Trafalgar Square.
18. High in the air ... Eiffel Tower cast out ... revolving beam.
19. ... clock in ... City struck some hour. Then other ... clocks followed.
20. We set off in ... direction of ... General Post Office.
5. Аудіювання тексту “A Story”.
5.1. Listen to the text.
A Story
One day, some Americans were having dinner at a hotel in London. When fish was put on the
table one of them, a young man, said: “Let's examine the fish carefully, perhaps we'll find a diamond in
it”. Everybody began to laugh, but an old man said quietly: “Yes, I'm sure we have all heard stories like
that. Let me tell you what happened to me once”.
“When I was a young man he began”, “I worked for a big company in New York; and I was sent to
England to do some work there. I was in love with a beautiful girl, and before I left for England, we
decided that we would get married when I returned home.
I stayed in England for two months. I sent letters and postcards to the girl almost every day, but
after the first two weeks I didn't receive any answers. But I didn't think anything was the matter, and
before I left for home, I bought a beautiful diamond ring for her.
On the ship one morning, a telegram was brought to me. It was from a friend in New York, who
told me that the girl had changed her mind and was going to get married to another man. I was so angry
that I threw the diamond ring into the sea.
My friend came to the port to meet me, and he invited me to dinner. While we were sitting down at
the table and I was eating fish, I suddenly felt something hard in my mouth. What do you think it was?”.
“The diamond!” all the Americans cried. “No”, the old man answered, “It was a fish bone”.
5.2. Choose the right answers.
1. Where were the Americans having dinner one day?
a. on board a ship
b. at a hotel
c. at a party
d. in a cafe
2. What did the young man hope to find in the fish?
a. a watch
b. a ring
c. some money
d. a diamond
3. Where was the young man sent to work?
a. to England
b. to London
c. to New York
d. to Canada
4. When had the young people decided to marry?
a. when he returned home
b. during the journey
c. before he left home
d. on the way back home
5. What did the young man buy for his girl?
a. beautiful dress
b. fur coat
c. gold watch
d. diamond ring
6. Why didn't the girl answer his letters?
a. she was very ill
b. she wanted to join him
c. she wanted to marry another man
d. she was angry with him
7. How did the young man react to his friend's news?
a. he was very happy
b. he was very lonely
c. he was very angry
d. he was very unhappy
8. What did the young man do with his present?
a. he gave it to another girl
b. he threw it into the sea
c. he sold it
d. he lost it in the street
9. What did the friends have for dinner when they met again?
a. they had soup
b. they had pudding
c. they had meat
d. they had fish
10. What did the young man feel hard in his mouth?
a. a fruit stone
b. a fish bone
c. an egg shell
d. a diamond ring
6. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул “У місті” (“In a Town”).
Which street dо you live in?
How do I get to …?
Will this bus take me to …?
Do the buses to … stop here?
You can take any bus.
How often do the buses run?
Could you tell me … .
On your right (left)… .
The nearest way to… .
Go straight.
Take the first turning to the right (left).
Turn to the right (left).
Which tram (bus) must I take to …?
Change (transfer) ... .
6.1. In pairs compose your own dialogue. There is an example of it.
- Which is the nearest way to the Museum of Art?
- Go straight and then turn to the left (right).
- Which bus must I take to the General Post Office?
- Bus №2.
- And where must I get down?
- At the next stop.
- What tram must I take to the Opera House?
- Take tram №2. It will take you right there.
- Is that the right way to the Dynamo Stadium?
- No, it isn’t. Take the first turning to the left and you will be there in a minute.
- What storey do you live in?
I live in the 3rd storey.
Where shall we meet tomorrow?
Let’s meet at the corner of Perovsky Street.
Виконання квізів.
Робота з текстом за фахом.
Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
опрацювати текст за фахом;
опрацювати опорний текст “Berdyansk State Pedagogical University”;
скласти перелік основних підприємств та закладів міста Бердянська.
Berdyansk State Pedagogical University
Do you know anything about the history of our University?
What specialists does our University train?
What departments can young people get education at?
This text will give you the answers to these questions.
1. Review the following words.
Establishment – заклад, extramural department – заочне відділення, anniversary – річниця, to add
– додавати, student body – контингент, the rest – останні, chair – кафедра, teaching stuff –
професорсько-викладацький склад, Doctor of Sciences – доктор наук, Master of Sciences – кандидат наук,
post-graduate course – аспірантура, research work – науково-дослідна робота, opportunity – можливість,
upbringing – виховання.
2. Read and translate the text.
The oldest educational establishment in Berdyansk was founded in 1932 as a Teacher’s Training
Institute in the former classic gymnasium, where P.P.Shmidt had studied in 1876-1883.
In the prewar period the Institute trained about 1600 teachers at the daytime department and 1200
at the extramural department.
At that time the Institute maintained 6 students’ dormitories. In 1939 the Institute was named after
the Hero of the Soviet Unions P.Osipenko.
At the end of September 2002 the Institute celebrated the 70 th anniversary of its foundation. During
last years some new specialities were added, such as physical training, foreign languages, practical
psychology, management and others. All in all our students are trained in 27 specialities and 24
specializations. Now the student body counts more than 7 thousand students: 3300 students study at the
daytime department, the rest – at the extramural department. That’s why it became possible to reorganize
the institute into Berdyansk State Pedagogical University.
Our University has 5 buildings and 2 students’ dormitories. There are many lecture-rooms, subjectrooms, study-rooms, laboratories, workshops, computer-rooms, rooms for individual lessons, 2 gyms, an
assembly-hall, a reading room, a library, a students’ club.
There are 9 departments (faculties) at the University:
1. Primary School Teachers’ Training Department (established in 1959);
2. Industrial-Pedagogical Department (established in 1972);
3. Social-Pedagogical Department (established in 1960. It was transferred from Zaporozhye
University in 1985);
4. Language and Literature Department (established in 1991);
5. Department of Physics and Mathematics (established in 1992);
6. Social and Humanitarian Department (established in 2001);
7. Economical Department (established in 2003);
8. Department of Computers’ Technologies (established in 2003).
9. Department of Aesthetics and Physical Training (established in 2005).
Every year the University trains 600-800 teachers of elementary and secondary schools at the
daytime department and about 600 – at the extramural department. The duration of studies is 4 or 5
There are 27 chairs responsible for training specialists in different specialties: pedagogic and
methods of elementary education, music, physical training, labor training, physics, mathematics,
computer science and others.
The teaching staff of the University is now about 250 teachers among them 8 Doctors of Sciences
and 93 Masters of Sciences. There is a post-graduate course with 25 post-graduates working for scientific
degrees. Our students do interesting research work in scientific societies.
There are sport facilities at the University, such as a stadium, sport grounds, 2 gymnasiums.
Students have an opportunity to train in sport sections and physical training is obligatory for all students.
The students of University take part in traditional holidays, discothèques, first-year student’s
debut, teacher’s day, sport competitions, etc.
The work of the teachers of the University is aimed at the improving of education and upbringing
of youth, training of a highly qualified modern teacher.
3. Match the nouns giving below with the adjectives from the text.
Gymnasium, specialties, department, school, degrees, work, society, training, teacher.
4. Complete the following sentences.
Before the war the Institute was named after
a. M. Lomonosov.
b. P. Osipenko.
c. I. Franko.
The oldest educational establishment of Berdyansk trains specialists for
a. metallurgical industry.
b. building.
c. educational establishments.
The University teachers’ work is aimed at
a. publishing articles and results of their research work.
b. the improving of education and upbringing of youth.
c. learning the history of our town.
5. Make up sentences to illustrate the meaning of the following word combinations.
New specialties, daytime department, post-graduate course, good opportunity, highly qualified
6. Pick out the right questions to the following sentences.
The Berdyansk Pedagogical University is 72 years old.
a. Is our University the oldest educational establishment in our town?
b. Is University 72 or 70 years old?
c. Is University 72 years old?
Our University trains specialists for secondary schools.
a. How many specialists for secondary schools does our University train?
b. What specialists does our University train?
c. Does our University train daytime students?
There are 8 departments at our University.
a. What departments are there at our University?
b. Are there daytime and extramural departments at our University?
c. Are there 8 departments at our University?
7. Translate into English.
1. Наш університет – це найстаріший навчальний заклад у нашому місті.
2. Більше, ніж 7 тисяч студентів навчаються на денній та заочній формах навчання.
3. Наші студенти беруть активну участь у житті нашого міста.
4. Аспіранти університету проводять науково-дослідну роботу в навчальних закладах міста.
5. Чи знаєте ви які факультети були основані за останні роки?
6. Університет пишається своїми викладачами – докторами наук.
8. Make up a plan of the text.
9. Retell the text using the following situations.
- You have recently moved to Berdyansk. Write a letter to your friend describing the University
you study at.
- Write a letter to your mother who is on holiday, describing your first day at the University.
- Imagine that you have been invited to the school you studied at. You have been asked to tell the
pupils about your studies at Berdyansk Pedagogical University.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.
What educational establishment do you study at?
What anniversary did our educational establishment celebrate some years ago?
When was the Institute reorganized into the University?
Why was it possible?
What specialists does our University train?
What departments do our students study at?
What can you say about study facilities at the University?
What do you know about the teaching stuff?
Do you like to study at the University? Why?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу. Особливості вживання означеного артикля
з власними назвами.
Практичне заняття №6 (2 години)
Тема: “Berdyansk Pedagogical University”.
Мета: формувати вміння сприймати мовлення іншої особи при безпосередньому
спілкуванні; поповнювати словниковий запас; закріпити навички вживання артикля; формувати
навички написання листа; підвести студентів до розуміння важливості отримання вищої освіти.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Контроль.
3. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Особливі випадки вживання артикля”. Виконання
тренувальних вправ.
4. Робота з опорним текстом “Berdyansk State Pedagogical University”. Виконання лексичних
5. Формування навичок вживання письмових форм для написання листа.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Робота з текстом за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. IV тип читання голосних.
Вимова голосних залежить від сполучення з іншими голосними та приголосними. IV тип
читання – це сполучення голосних з буквою r у відкритому складі. Такі позиції голосних
передають довгі звуки.
Голосна буква
Відкритий склад з буквою r після голосної
[εә] bare, rare, square, prepare
[ ] bore, explore, before, are
[iә] mere, here, serious, severe
[juә] cure, pure, curious, purity
і, u
[aiә] dire, tyre, tire, fire, entire
1.1. Practise reading of the following words.
Here, share, ore, prepare, restore, declare, adherent, endure, during, require, tired, core.
2. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Контроль.
2.1. Read the text. Fill in the chart.
Town and Country
Today, people all over the world are moving out of small villages in the country to go and live in
big, noisy cities. They are moving from the peaceful hills, mountains, fields, rivers and streams of the
countryside to the busy world of streets, buildings, traffic and crowds. This movement from rural areas to
urban areas has been going on for over two hundred years. In many countries, the main reason people
come to live in towns and cities is work. After one or two large factories have been built in or near a
town, people come to find work, and soon an industrial area begins to grow. There is usually a residential
area nearby where the factory workers can live. The families of these workers need schools, hospitals and
shops, so more people come to live in the area to provide "these services” – and thus a city grows.
In every major city in the world, there is a business district where the big companies have their
main offices. In the USA this area is usually in the city centre downtown. It is here that you can see huge
skyscraper office blocks. People who work here often travel a long way to work each day. Many of them
live in the suburbs of the city, far way from the industrial area and the city centre. Some suburbs are very
attractive with nice houses and big gardens. There are usually parks for children to play in and large
department stores, where you can buy all you need.
But what is future of the big cities? Will they continue to get bigger and bigger? Perhaps will not.
Some major cities have actually become smaller in the last ten years, and it is quite possible that one day
we will see people moving out of the major cities and back into smaller towns and villages.
2.2. Read the text. Fill in the blanks with the suitable words from the box given below.
get, minus, transport, noisy, companies, disadvantages, park, area, expensive, places, move, café, built,
Living in the City and in the Country
Living in the city has both advantages and ____ (1). On the plus side it is often easier to____(2)
work, and there is usually a choice of public____(3), so you don't need to own a car. Also there are a lot of
interesting things to do and___(4) to see. For example, you can eat in a good___(5), visit museums and go
to the theatre or to concerts. When you want to relax you can go to a ___(6) and just sit on a bench and
read a book..
However, for every plus there is a____(7). For one thing, unless your job is well paid, you won't be
able to afford many of the things because living in the city is often more____(8) than in the country. It is
particularly difficult to find a good and cheap accommodation. Besides, public transport is often dirty
and____(9), especially in the rush hour.
For the last two hundred years there has been a tendency for people to___(10) from rural to urban
areas, mainly in search of work. After one or two factories have been_____(11) in or near the town an
industrial area begins to grow. Soon a residential_____(12) where the factory workers can live appears
nearby. The_____(13) of these workers need schools, hospitals and shops, so more people come to live in
the area to provide these services, and so the city grows. In every major city there is a business district
where the big_____ (14) have their main offices.
2.3. Match the words with their definitions.
1) a filling has come out of one of your teeth
2) you need to have your hair cut
3) you need legal advice
4) your house is on fire
5) your granny's knee needs an operation
6) in the shop you want advice on what sort of coffee to buy
7) all the lights in your house have gone out
8) your neighbour's flat has been burgled
9) you don't get on well with your parents
10) your father needs somebody to help his firm with money problems
a) a surgeon
f) a psychologist
b) a lawyer
g) a barber/hairdresser
c) a dentist
h) a shop assistant
d) a mechanic
i) an accountant
e) a fireman
j) an electrician
k) a policeman
3. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: “Особливі випадки вживання артикля”.
Неозначений артикль a, an
З професіями:
My Dad is a doctor
She's an architect
З деякими ознаками кількості:
a pair (of shoes)
a little (water)
a few (books)
three times a day
В окличних реченнях типу:
What a beautiful day!
What a pity!
В словосполученнях типу:
a good deal
a great many
a lot of
a number of
to have a look
to have a rest
to have a smoke
to have a mind to
as a matter of fact
to be at a loss
to go for a walk
3.1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.
1. What … beautiful tall house!
2. …11th of February is our reunion.
Означений артикль the
Перед іменниками, які є одиничними в
своєму розумінні:
the Sun
the Moon
the Earth
the floor
the sea
З порядковими чисельниками:
the first Unit (Unit I)
З прикметниками вищого ступеня:
the coldest season of the year
В словосполученнях типу:
to tell the truth
on the whole
in the street
the other day
to play the piano
to keep the house
to listen to the music
in the distance
in the morning
3. When Tom awoke in … morning, he wondered where he was.
4. Early in … morning I pack up … pair of drawers and … bath towel.
5. Mr. Byron Waller could play… violin.
6. It is … pity to worry her.
7. She kept … house for me at my cottage.
8. I trust you to tell me … bare truth, whatever it is.
9. He said he had got … headache.
10. I have … great deal of free time.
11. The child is sleeping. Speak in … low voice.
12. He said his going on an excursion was out of … question.
13. I saw him … other day.
14. … distance from … Sun to … Earth is much longer than that to the Moon.
15. She noticed it at … distance of some metres.
16. He is always in … hurry.
17. My friend's parents live in … country.
18. Before he went away to … war, he did … lot of silly things.
4. Робота з опорним текстом “Berdyansk Pedagogical University”.
5. Формування навичок вживання письмових форм для написання листа.
Порядок написання адреси:
name of the person
number of the house or name of house
name of street, road, etc.
Mr. H. Champan,
10, Northbank Rd.,
Порядкові числівники застосовуються для написання дат.
Наприклад: 1st March, 3rd April, 22nd December
А. Business letters:
Dear Sir,
Dear Sirs,
Dear Madam,
B. Friendly letters:
Dear Mr. Priestley,
Dear Mrs. Smith,
Dear Miss Smith,
My dear Mary
Заключна форма ввічливості.
A. Business
Yours truly,
Yours faithfully
B. Friendly
Yours sincerely,
I remain,
With best wishes and kindest regards.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Робота з текстом за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- скласти лист другу за темами опорних текстів;
- опрацювати текст за фахом;
- опрацювати опорний текст “Student's Day”, скласти його глосарій.
A Student's Day
1. Review the following words.
To be asleep – спати, to turn on (off) – включати (виключати), to the music – під музику, to have
a wash – вмиватися, to take (to have) a bath (shower) – приймати (ванну, душ), to clean – мити, to
brush – чистити, to put smth. on – одягати, to sweep – замітати, a first-year student – першокурсник,
classes – заняття, to be late for – запізнюватися, to go by bus (train, tram, Metro) – їхати автобусом
(поїздом, трамваєм, метро), it takes her (half an hour) – це займає у неї (півгодини), to be over –
закінчуватися, practice – практика, to iron – прасувати, to play the piano – грати на піаніно, to repair –
ремонтувати, news – новини.
2. Read and translate the text.
The clock has just struck seven. Mary is already up, she has opened the window and turned on the
radio. She is doing her morning exercises to the music. She is going to have a wash.
It is a quarter past seven. Mary is in the bathroom. She has just taken a cold shower, dried herself
on the towel and cleaned her teeth. Now she is doing her hair before the looking-glass. She is going to
Mary is in the bedroom again. She has already brushed her clothes and shoes. She is dressing. She
has just put on her dress. She is putting on her shoes now.
It is a quarter to eight. The family has already had breakfast. While Mary is sweeping the floor with
a broom her mother is washing up. Mary is going to the Institute.
It is eight o'clock. Mary is hurrying to the Institute. She is a first-year student of the English faculty.
Her classes begin at half past eight. Mary is never late for her classes. She goes to the Institute by Metro. It
takes her half an hour to get there.
It is two o'clock. The classes are over. Mary and her friends are having dinner. Mary is going to the
laboratory to have some practice in pronunciation. Her friends are going to the reading-room to prepare
their homework there. It is nearly six o'clock in the evening. Mary has just come home after a walk. She is
having a short rest now. She is reading. She is going to iron her father's shirts.
It is ten minutes to ten. The working day is over. The family is all together, Mary is playing the
piano. Her brother David is repairing the TV-set. Their mother is knitting. Their father is going to turn on
the radio and listen to the news. The family is not going to bed yet.
3. Remember the following word combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian.
To awake, to turn on water, to turn off TV-set, to do housework, to make a report, to wash clothes,
to clean the flat, to brush shoes, to go to bed, to get to a place, to have practice in smth., to iron linen, to
play the guitar, to play chess, to put right.
4. Write the sentences in the correct order to get a story.
a. In the evening he usually goes for a walk with his dog.
b. He has breakfast with his parents.
c. He usually has lunch at the University.
d. His classes begin at 8 o'clock in the morning.
e. My friend usually gets up at 6.30.
f. I have a friend and he is a first-year student.
5. Match the words to make word-combinations.
1. to do
a. one's clothes and shoes
2. to be
b. on the radio and listen to the news
3. to brush
c. home by bus
4. to turn
d. some practice in cooking
5. to go
e. one's hair before the looking-glass
6. to have
f. never late for the classes
6. Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the box given below.
about, at, with, at, to, on, at, off, after, about
1. There's a concert this evening… the club. 2. What … going there together. 3. We haven't been …
the club for ages. 4. It's a pity to stay… home … such a fine day. 5. Something has gone wrong … my
electric iron. 6. Let me have a look … it. 7. I must switch … the light. 8. She has just come home … a walk.
9. I'm going to do some work … the house.
7. Put the numbers of the words from the box into the lines (a, b, c).
1. morning exercises
2. lecture
3. clothes
4. classes
5. towel
6. radio
7. laboratory
8. faculty
9. breakfast
10. bathroom
11. reading room
12. practice
13. knitting
14. subject
15. looking-glass
17. shower
18. piano
A. University –
Morning at home –
C. Family has a rest –
8. Speak on the topic “Housework”.
Give an account of your daily programme.
Give an account of your friend's daily programme.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.
What time does Mary get up?
What does she do in the bathroom?
Does she take shower in the morning or before she goes to bed?
At what time does she usually have breakfast?
How long does it take her to get to the University?
Does she go to the University by bus?
What does she do when the classes are over?
Does she prepare her lessons at home or does she prefer to work in the university?
How long does it take her to do homework?
What does she usually do when she comes home?
In what way does she help her mother about the house?
Do her friends often come to see her?
How does she spend the time with her friends?
What time does she go to bed?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою
“Berdyansk State Pedagogical
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу. Особливі випадки вживання артикля.
Практичне заняття №7 (2 години)
Тема: “Student's Day”.
Мета: закріпити навички вживання артикля; розвивати навички монологічного
висловлювання з теми “Student's Day”; продовжувати формувати вміння розуміти іншомовний
текст на слух; формувати вміння аргументувати положення моральних та етичних норм.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “Student's Day”.
3. Робота з граматикою. Контроль.
4. Аудіювання тексту “A Good Lesson”.
5. Перевірка навичок монологічного висловлювання за змістом листів друзям.
6. Робота з текстом за фахом.
7. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект.
1.1. Practise reading of the following words.
Best, code, nod, tops, sent, bed, these, cod, sold, spoke, mock, theme, block, then, neck, cone, bold,
enter, cell, center, motor, dose, nest, depth, less, self, fold, doctor, face, late, stamp, pile, land, mole, mark,
gold, nose, harm, merry, horn, start, form, Mary, more, here, fire, tyre, during.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “Student's Day”.
3. Робота з граматикою. Контроль.
3.1. Insert the proper article.
1. Will Dan go to … cinema tonight?
2. They saw today... Buckingham Palace.
3. .... breakfast is the first meal of the day.
4. Have you got ... cat? No, I have got ... parrot.
5. Stuart is ... chemist at a very large scientific centre.
6. .... dolphins are very clever and can think.
7. .... Lake Geneva is in Switzerland.
8. Being in London Mima always visits ... British Museum.
9. These books were written in ... Middle Ages.
10. Daphne was ... first person that met us in Boston.
3.2. Choose the right article.
1. ... Aral Sea practically has disappeared from our planet.
a. the;
b. a;
c. an;
d. -.
2. Monty is ... last person who saw Anna yesterday.
a. the;
b. a;
c. an;
d. -.
3. When Kate was in Italy she visited ... Vatican City.
a. the;
b. a;
c. an;
d. -.
4. ... boys usually like to play football.
a. -;
b. an;
c. the;
d. a.
5. ... Princess Diana died in the accident in 1999.
a. an;
b. -;
c. the;
d. a.
6.1 want to buy... new dress.
a. the;
b. a;
c. -;
d. an.
7. Simon invited me to ... tea yesterday.
a. -;
b. the;
c. an;
d. a.
8. They have just bought ... dozen eggs for the cake.
a. an;
b. a;
c. -;
d. the;
9. Vernon lives not far from ... Trafalgar Square.
a. the;
b. -;
c. a;
d. an;
10. They will come in ... evening.
a. -;
b. a;
c. an;
d. the.
3.3. Insert the proper article.
1. I am making ... sandwich. What about you?
2. ... King of Holland arrived with the official visit to our country.
3. The purest water in the world is in ... Lake Baikal.
4. Last year we visited our relatives in ... Tyrol.
5. ... whales are the biggest mammals on the planet.
6. Is your Dad in? No, he is at ... work.
7. There are a lot of stars in the sky at ... night.
8. He was ... only hope of ours.
9. ... Sheldons returned from holidays two days ago.
10. Helen spent her weekend in ... countryside.
4. Аудіювання тексту “A Good Lesson”.
4.1. Listen to the text.
A Good Lesson
Once a rich Englishwoman called Mrs. Johnson decided to have a birthday party. She invited a lot
of guests and a singer. The singer was poor, but he had a very good voice.
The singer got to Mrs. Johnson's house at exactly six o'clock as he had been asked to do, but when
he went in, he saw through a door that the dining-room was already full of guests, who were sitting
round a big table in the middle of the room. The guests were eating, joking, laughing, and talking loudly.
Mrs. Johnson came out to him, and he thought she was going to ask him to join them, when she said,
“We're glad, sir, that you have come. You will be singing after dinner, I'll call you as soon as we're ready
to listen to you. Now will you go into the kitchen and have dinner, too, please?”
The singer was very angry, but said nothing. At first he wanted to leave Mrs. Johnson's house at
once, but then he changed his mind and decided to stay and teach her and her rich guests a good lesson.
When the singer went into the kitchen, the servants were having dinner, too. He joined them. After
dinner, the singer thanked everybody and said, “Well, now I'm going to sing to you, my good friends.”
And he sang them some beautiful songs.
Soon Mrs. Johnson called the singer.
“Well, sir, we're ready.”
“Ready?” asked the singer. “What are you ready for?”
“To listen to you”, said Mrs. Johnson in an angry voice.
“Listen to me? But I have already sung, and I'm afraid I shan't be able to sing any more tonight.”
“Where did you sing?”
“In the kitchen. I always sing for those I have dinner with”.
4.2. Choose the right answer.
1. Mrs. Johnson decided to have
a. a birthday party
b. competitions
c. a music contest
d. a concert
2. The singer was
a. poor and happy
b. poor but had a good voice
c. poor and unhappy
d. rich and sang badly
3. The singer got to Mrs. Johnson house
a. at 6 o'clock
b. at 7 o'clock
c. at half past 6
d. at 8 o'clock
4. The guests were
a. smiling, talking and dancing
b. eating, joking, laughing and talking
c. quarrelling, crying, screaming and beating each other
d. writing, reading, arguing and discussing something
5. The poor singer wanted Mrs. Johnson
a. to invite him to have dinner
b. to give his a good lesson
c. to wait for him in the kitchen
d. to sing for him alone
6. Mrs. Johnson sent the poor singer
a. to the kitchen to have dinner
b. to the kitchen to wait for them
c. home
d. to the hall
7. The singer was
a. glad
b. happy
c. angry
d. nervous
8. He decided
a. to leave Mrs. Johnson's house at once
b. to stay here and teach Mrs. Johnson a good lesson
c. to have dinner with servants
d. to sing for the servants at once
9. The poor singer had dinner with
a. Mrs. Johnson's guests
b. his friends
c. servants
d. alone
10. He sang a song
a. in the kitchen
b. in the hall
c. at home
d. in the street
5. Перевірка навичок монологічного висловлювання за змістом листів друзям.
6. Робота з текстом за фахом.
7. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- опрацювати текст за фахом;
- опрацювати приблизні варіанти висловлювань щодо участі в засіданні “круглого столу”
за темою “Personal Identification”;
- підібрати приказки, прислів’я та усталені вирази за темою “круглого столу”;
- повторити тексти розмовних тем.
Приблизні варіанти висловлювань за темою “Personal Identification”.
A. Dear friends. Let me begin debating on the subject of our surroundings. As you know, much
depends on those people who live around you, those who study with you, those who are your friends.
There is a good proverb: “A man is known by the company he keeps”. We gathered here to discuss our
study at the University and the problems of our town. Anyone could voice proposals without any time,
limits being imposed.
B. I fully agree with you. As for me, I like my family very much. I’d like to tell you some words
about it. Look here! This is my parents’ photo. My father is a teacher. He teaches physics. He is always
very well – dressed.
He speaks quietly, gently and pleasantly, but there is strength under his
quietness. My father is a clever man, but a little unpractical, and he needs my mother to look after him.
My mother, on the other hand, is very practical and full of common sense. She knows all about our house
and she manages our house very well. They are always ready to give me advice if I need it.
C. I’d like also to add that family relationships have always been very important. There are some
problems between parents and their children in every family. For example, my sister Ann is a lovely little
girl. She isn’t fond of study of any kind, but she loves music and dancing. Nevertheless Ann is the apple
of our parents’ eyes. I don’t agree with such attitude to her. I think they must be stronger.
D. I think any parents play an important role in their children’s life. For example I always dreamed
to be a teacher and my parents awoke my interest to teaching. That’s why I entered the University.
Studying at University is different from that at school. To my mind a student will become a really good
specialist only if he is engaged in scientific research on specific problems while at University. Needless to
say, only students enthusiastic about their future speciality are readily engaged in study and research,
regardless of the time they take. They are eager to put to practical use the things they learn at lectures,
seminars and laboratories.
E. I support your opinion D. But to my mind, to be able to do higher school one must have a good
level of secondary school knowledge. For all I know most of the students do their best to master the
studied subjects properly, though there are some students, who can’t succeed. To my mind, the problem
here is of everybody’s consciousness or abilities.
F. I’d like to concern another question. It’s a problem of temptations. Living and studying in the
town which is situated on the Azov Sea shore it is difficult to resist different temptations, such as sandy
beaches, nice cafes, disco parties and others. Sometimes it is so nice to refresh oneself near the beautiful
fountain instead of sitting in a library.
G. You are quite right here. But on the other hand, numerous sanatoriums, rest-homes, children’s
camps are very good base for students’ practical work in summer. Our students like to work there.
H. Yes, people spend their holidays and days off in different ways. As for me, I prefer to spend
them in the country. Last week my sister invited me to spend the week-end at her place in the country.
My sister and her husband have a nice little house with a garden around it. It took me a little more than
an hour to get there. It was pleasant to walk in the country in the evening. The air was so fresh and the
moon was shining brightly in the sky. When we came back home we spent the rest of the evening talking,
listening to music and watching TV.
I. But I think, to spend free time in the country is a very boring thing. I prefer to spend my day off
with my friends in town. If the weather is good we go to “Karaoke” where we sing our favorite songs and
dance. Sometimes I like to tramp down the streets with my friends.
J. As for me, I like to spend my day off with my grandfather. He is a very interesting man. He is
sixty now, but he says he doesn’t feel a day older than forty, and he says, “A man is as young as he looks,
and no older than he feels”. I like to discuss with him advantages and disadvantages of spending free
time in a town. We like our town and we are never tired of it. Discussing this question, my grandfather
always gives an example of Dr. Johnson’s attitude to London: “When a man is tired of London he is tired
of life” I think this expression is quite right for our town too.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темами кредиту №1.
2. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
Практичне заняття №8 (2 години)
Тема: “Круглий стіл” за темою залікового кредиту №1 “Personal Identification”.
Мета: продовжувати розвивати навички діалогічного мовлення студентів; активізувати та
закріпити лексику з тем, що вивчалися; продовжувати вчити студентів вести діалог, ставити
запитання, що спонукають співрозмовника до відповіді, аргументувати власну точку зору;
виховувати вміння слухати і чути.
Зміст заняття
1. Проведення засідання “круглого столу”.
1.1. Оберіть ведучого дискусії.
1.2. Пригадайте приблизні варіанти висловлювань.
1.3. Підготуйте власні висловлювання до кожної логічно завершеної частини дискусії.
1.4. Намагайтеся якомога частіше вживати усталені вирази, вставні слова, приказки,
1.5. Підготуйте запитання, що будуть спонукати учасників дискусії до діалогу.
2. Робота з текстом за фахом.
3. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- опрацювати текст за фахом;
- опрацювати опорний текст “The Geographical Position and Climate of Ukraine”.
The Geographical Position and Climate of Ukraine
Do you know well the country you live in?
Would you like to know new facts about nationalities Ukraine is inhabited by?
Do you know the major cities of Ukraine population of which is more than million people?
This text will help you to answer these questions.
1. Review the following words.
Sovereign – незалежний, to proclaim – проголошувати, national emblem – герб, anthem – гімн, to
border on – мати кордон, flat – рівнинний, raw materials – сировина, maize – кукурудза, corn – зернові,
ancient – давній, стародавня; buckwheat – гречка, abundant – рясній, precipitation – опади, fall – осінь,
especially – особливо, approximately – приблизно, representative(s) – представник(и), to elect –
вибирати, one-chamber – однопалатний.
2. Read and translate the text.
I live in Ukraine. Ukraine is a sovereign state, it was proclaimed on August 24, 1991. Some years
ago it was one of the 15 republics that made up the USSR. The country has its own territory, government,
national emblem, state flag and anthem. There are 24 administrative regions and the Crimean
autonomous republic in Ukraine.
The geographical position of Ukraine is very favorable to the development of its relations with
countries of Europe. It borders on Russia, Byelorussia, Moldova, Poland, Slovakia, Hungary, and
It covers an area of more than six hundred thousand square kilometers. The population of Ukraine
is approximately 46 million people: 68% is urban, 32% is rural. Ukraine is inhabited by representatives of
more than 110 nationalities. Ukrainians comprise 73% of the population, Russians – 22%; the rest are
Jews, Bulgarians, Byelorussians, Germans, Moldavians, Greeks, Tatars, Rumanians, Poles, Armenians
and others.
95% of the Ukrainian area is flat and the rest of it is mountainous. The Ukrainian Carpathians and
the Crimean Mountains make up those 5% of its area. Mixed forests cover the mountains. The thickest
woods can be found in the northern part of country.
Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov. The major rivers are the Dnieper, the
Dniester, the Bug and the Donets. The Dnieper is one of the longest European rivers and one of the
country's main sources of hydroelectric power.
The climate of Ukraine is characterized by abundant precipitation and cloudy sky, especially in fall
and winter.
Ukraine has many industrial raw materials; it has rich deposits of iron, color metals, coal, oil, gas,
mineral salts. The country has metallurgical and heavy industries. It produces planes and ships, buses,
motorcars, agricultural machines, chemical, textiles and various consumer goods.
Ukraine is the agricultural country. It grows wheat, maize, buckwheat, corn, vegetables, melons
and berries. Ukraine is center of sugar production. It produces sugar both for own needs and for export.
Ukraine has an ancient history. It has its own original culture and arts.
The Ukrainian political system has a popularly-elected President, a 450-person one-chamber
national Parliament (Verkhovna Rada) and a Prime Minister, nominated by the Rada.
Ukraine is one of the members of the United Nations Organization and participates in the work of
many international organizations.
Nowadays Ukraine faces a lot of problems, mostly economical.
3. Remember the following word combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian.
Sovereign state, state flag, countries relations, mixed forests, raw materials, heavy industry,
consumer goods, ancient history, original culture, political system, one-chamber Parliament.
4. Write the following sentences in the interrogative and in the negative.
1. Ukraine has made tremendous strides toward establishing a stable, tolerant and open
democratic society in its years of independence.
2. Northern and Western Ukraine are hilly, forested areas with many picturesque mountain
3. Crimea is a favourite destination for citizens of many countries.
4. Approximately 5 million Ukrainians live in Europe, North and South America and Australia.
5. The Constitution of Ukraine plays an important role in the political history of the country.
6. Life of youth in Ukraine is determined by the economic, social and political situation of the
7. Ukrainian government took special measures for the foundation of youth organizations.
5. Make up questions to which the following sentences are the answers.
1. Yes, there are. There are 24 administrative regions in Ukraine.
2. It is washed by the Black Sea and the Sea of Azov.
3. I don’t remember exactly, but it is approximately 46 million people.
4. Yes, they do. Representatives of different countries live in Ukraine.
5. The Ukrainian political system has a popularly-elected President, a 450-person Parliament and
a Prime Minister.
6. Yes, it does. Nowadays Ukraine faces a lot of economical problems.
7. Yes, it does. Ukraine participates in the work of many international organizations.
6. Translate into English.
1. Різниця в кліматі в різних частинах України сприяє багатству національної економіки.
2. В Україні існує демократична політична система.
3. Народ України обирає Президента на п’ятирічний строк.
4. Карпати – один з найбільш чарівних куточків України.
5. У Карпатах можна побачити традиційну народну архітектуру.
6. Нарешті мрії Т.Шевченко здійснилися, Україна стала незалежною.
7. 24 серпня було проголошено незалежність України, почалась нова ера в історії країни.
7. Make up the plan of the text. Retell the text according to the plan using such phrases.
This text is about …(the text deals with the problem of …).
At the beginning of the text it goes about … .
In the next paragraph we read about … .
Further on it is pointed out … .
I’d like to say that … .
8. Retell the text using the following situations.
- Imagine that you are writing an article about Ukraine for the book “European Countries”. Give
the facts about Ukraine’s population, territory, climate, national flag, etc.
- Imagine that you have been invited to an English school and you have been asked to tell the
students about your country and its place in Europe.
- You work in a travel bureau. Write a short prospect giving the main information about Ukraine.
9. Do you agree with the proverb “East or West, home is best“? Give your reasons.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.
Where is Ukraine situated?
What is the population of Ukraine?
What is the territory of Ukraine?
What countries does Ukraine border on?
What is Ukraine washed by?
How many mountain ranges are there in Ukraine?
Is Ukraine the largest country in the Europe?
What big cities of Ukraine do you know?
Representatives of what nationalities live in Ukraine?
What mineral deposits is Ukraine rich in?
What do Ukrainian industries produce?
What is an agricultural product of Ukrainе?
What do you know about the political system of Ukraine?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темами кредиту №1.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових
завдань до модуля 1.2.
Практичне заняття №1 (2 години)
Тема: “The Geographical Position and Climate of Ukraine”.
Мета: відпрацювати навички визначення основних категорій іменника; вдосконалити
навички вживання мовленнєвих формул “Запрошення” у діалогічному мовленні; розвивати
навички розуміння основної ідеї та деталей тексту під час аудіювання та читання; виховувати
повагу та любов до рідної країни.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Аудіювання тексту “Economy Wasted”. Контроль.
3. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: “Іменник: класифікація, рід, відмінок”. Виконання
граматичних вправ.
4. Робота з опорним текстом “The Geographical Position and Climate of Ukraine” та
виконання тренувальних вправ.
5. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул “Запрошення”.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Читання диграфів.
Однією з характерних рис англійської графічної системи є наявність диграфів. Диграф – це
сполучення двох букв (в даному випадку голосних), що позначають одну фонему. Читання
диграфів у наголошеному складі не залежить від типу складу, тобто від того є наголошений склад
закритим або відкритим.
За своїм характером диграфи поділяються на три групи і відповідно читаються за певними
правилами. В першій групі диграфів (оі, оу, еі, еу) вимовляються обидві букви диграфа. В другій
групі (оо, au, aw, ou, ae) обидві голосні передають один звук. У диграфах третьої групи (аі, ау, оа,
uе, uі) читається тільки перша голосна. Виняток становлять диграфи eu, ew, які передають звуки
[ju:], [u:].
Голосні у диграфах третьої групи читаються за правилом відкритого складу.
В окремих випадках ми маємо справу не з диграфами, а з буквосполученнями: dial, fuel,
maestro. Типи основних диграфів та правила їх читання у наголошених складах подаються нижче:
Перша голосна
Друга голосна
aesthete [i:]
aeroport [εә]
cook [u]
stool [u:]
poor [uә]
out [au]
flour [auә]
slow [ou]
i, y
fair [εә]
speak [i:]
tear [iә]
i, y
feet [i:]
deer [iә]
sue [ju:]
clue [u:]
gown [au]
threw [u:]
suit [ju:]
juice [u:]
Наступні приголосні нерідко впливають на читання диграфів:
а) диграф еа перед d, th, lth вимовляється як [е]: dead, bread, meadow, health, weather;
[ә:] earth, earnest, heard, learn, research;
в) диграф оо перед k вимовляється як [u:]: book, cook, look, nook, took.
Так само читається диграф оо у словах foot, good, room.
У деяких словах оо + r читається як [uә]: poor, moor, інколи – як
[ ] door, floor.
г) сполучення ои + німе gh перед t читається як [ ] bought, brought, fought, ought;
[ ^] або [u:]:
country double couple [ ^],
group route soup [u:];
е) в окремих словах ои вимовляється також як [u]: could, should, would, wound;
є) у словах французького походження диграф ои + r читається як [ә:]: adjourn, journal,
ж) у ряді випадків в диграфі іе читається друга голосна буква: field, chief, piece, shield, believe;
з) в деяких словах диграф еі вимовляється як [і:]: ceiling, receive, в інших – як [аі]: either,
neither, height.
Деякі диграфи в ненаголошених складах редукуються. Диграфи ау, еу редукуються в [і]:
holiday yesterday
hockey monkey
Диграф ou редукується в [ә]:
famous nervous
odour vapour
1.1. Practise reading of the following.
Taught, August, lawn, paw, rein, veil, greyer, they, toil, moist, enjoying, noun, about, brown,
down, bought, ought, nought, soup, group, rouge, you, youth, too, spooon, oozy, food, root, bloom, pool,
pooh, hook, brook, book, looking, moor, poorest, neutral, feudal, new, fewest, euphemist, rheumatism,
drew, flew, jewel, foreing, hockey, nervous, continuous, window, following.
2. Аудіювання тексту “Economy Wasted”. Контроль.
2.1. Listen to the text.
Economy Wasted
An English tourist had to leave Norway with only enough money in his pocket to pay his voyage
back to England. He knew that it would take him only two days to get to England. So he decided that he
could easily do without food. He went on the steamer board and bought a ticket. The Englishman
closed ears to the sound of the lunch-bell. When dinner-time came he refused the invitation to
accompany his fellow-travellers to the dining-saloon on the ground that he didn't feel well. Next morning
he didn't go to breakfast and at lunch-time he again managed to keep out of the way. But at dinner-time
he was so hungry that he could not stand it any longer. “I'm going to eat,” he said to himself, “even if
they throw me overboard afterwards. I might as well be drowned as starved”. So at dinner he ate
everything the waiter served him and felt ready for the coming row.
“Bring me the bill,” he said to the waiter.
“The bill, sir?” said the man.
“Yes,” answered the traveller.
“There isn't any bill,” was the answer, “On ship meals are included in the trip money”.
2.2. Answer the following questions.
1. Had the tourist much money?
2. How long did the voyage from Norway to England last?
3. Why did the tourist decide to do without food?
4. Why didn't he accompany his fellow-travellers to the dining-room?
5. Did he have his breakfast and lunch next day?
6. Was he very hungry by dinner-time next day?
7. Why did he decide to go to have his dinner next day?
8. Did he eat much during his dinner?
9. What happened after dinner?
10. Why was his economy wasted?
3. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: “Іменник”.
а) іменники можуть бути:
- назвами предметів та живих істот: a cat, a parrot, a book, a man;
- назвами речовин та явищ природи: tea, music, rain, snow;
- назвами якостей: kindness, bravery;
- назвами дій та стану: a jump, joy.
б) за будовою іменники можуть бути:
прості та складні: darkness, a way, a student, a postman, a schoolboy, a girlfriend.
в) за значенням іменники можуть бути:
- загальними – a day, a woman, a flat;
- власними – Mary Smith, London, the “Astoria” hotel, Sunday, June, England, Ukrainian.
Іменники в англійській мові не мають граматичної категорії роду. Іменники, що означають
людей, замінюються займенниками he (він), she (вона) залежно від статі: an uncle, a man, father – he;
an aunt, a woman, mother – she. Іменники які означають тварин, предмети, речовини і абстрактні
поняття, замінюються займенником it (a dog, an insect, a lathe, oil, nature). У множині всі іменники
замінюються займенником they.
В англійській мові іменники мають тільки загальний та присвійний відмінок. Іменники в
загальному відмінку не мають спеціальних закінчень, і їх синтаксична функція залежить від місця
у реченні та прийменників, з якими вони сполучаються.
Присвійний відмінок іменника в однині утворюється додаванням до іменника закінчення –
‘s (апостроф + s) my friend’s sister, today’s life.
Іменники у множині, які закінчуються на – s, утворюють присвійний відмінок додаванням
тільки апострофа: my friends’ books, pupils’ meeting.
До іменника, який не має у множині закінчення s, у присвійному відмінку додається – ‘s:
men’s duties, children’s toys.
Значення присвійного відмінка можна виразити конструкцією іменника в загальному
відмінку з прийменником of, яка перекладається на українську мову іменником у родовому
відмінку: my friend’s sister – sister of my friend.
3.1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.
3.1.1. Use the bold-typed nouns in the genitive case.
Model: the room of my friend – my friend’s room.
1. A coat for a man –
2. Coats for men –
3. A novel by Dickens –
4. The room of my neighbour –
5. The hammer of Smith –
6. A book which belongs to James –
7. The rights of a judge –
8. Rights of judges –
3.1.2. Use the nouns in the genitive case.
A meeting of students, the flat of my mother-in-law, the rays of the sun, a distance of two miles,
the joys of life, the house of his parents, the theatres of Kyiv, the children of my sister Mary, the rights of
the women.
4. Перевірка навичок монологічного висловлювання з теми “The Geographical Position
and Climate of Ukraine”.
5. Відпрацювання мовленнєвих формул “Запрошення”.
Forms of invitations.
Are you engaged? – Чи зайняті Ви? Чи запрошені Ви куди-небудь?
May I invite you to…? – Дозвольте запросити Вас до…?
May I invite you for a dance? – Дозвольте запросити Вас на танок?
May I take you out? – Чи бажаєте Ви піти куди-небудь (кіно, цирк, театр)?
Shall I take you out? – Чи бажаєте Ви піти куди-небудь (кіно, цирк, театр)?
Will that suit you? – Це Вас влаштовує?
Will it be all right for you? – Це Вас влаштовує?
Would you care to…? – Чи бажаєте Ви…?
Let us … – Давайте… .
What do you say to …? – Що Ви скажете щодо...?
What are you doing …? Які у Вас плани на…?
What have you (got) on…? Що Ви робите…?
Some of the Positive Replies to Invitations.
All right
With pleasure
З задоволенням
Yes, I don’t mind
Не заперечую
That’s fine
That’s a good idea
Гарна думка
Not a bad idea
That suits me very well
Це мене цілком влаштовує
That’s settled
I happen to be at a loose end
Я не маю певних планів
5.1. Translate the following.
- Давайте сьогодні сходимо до музею.
- Гаразд, ходімо.
- Що Ви робите сьогодні ввечері?
- Я не маю певних планів.
- Давайте сходимо в кіно.
- Непогана ідея.
5.2. Make up situations with an offer to a friend of yours according to the following models:
- I am feeling rather low tonight. What about having some light music?
- How about taking our umbrellas? It looks like rain.
5.3. Offer your friends:
- to do some shopping together;
- to have a cup of tea;
- to go to see some friends of yours;
- to do some gardening or household together;
- to go out to have dinner.
5.4. Make up very short dialogues containing an invitation and an acceptance or rejection of the
invitation. Invite your friend:
- to dinner on a week-day;
- to your birthday party;
- to watch a TV programme at your place;
- to a house-warming party.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- виконати тренувальні вправи;
- опрацювати опорний текст “An Episode From the History of Ukraine”;
- підготуватись до диктанту.
1. Тренувальні вправи.
1.1. Translate from English into Ukrainian or Russian.
1. They sometimes, after fifteen hours’ work, sat down to read.
2. The two ladies in the dining-room were surprised with Sir Pitt’s offer and Rebecca’s refusal.
3. Where are your brother’s children?
4. Is your friend’s father old?
5. Their parents’ flat is in an old house.
6. His friend’s mother is dead.
1.2. Translate into English.
Дім вашого викладача, картини сучасних художників, проекти молодих інженерів, нові
плани цих робітників, прізвища цих студентів, син мого брата, дочка моєї сестри, лист мого друга,
бібліотека інституту, старі стіни цього будинку, стіни цього старого будинку.
Сестра мого друга заміжня.
Батько цих дітей – архітектор.
Мати цієї дівчинки хвора.
An Episode from the History of Ukraine
1. Review the following words.
Independence – незалежність; to realize – усвідомлювати; to appeal – звертатися з проханням; to
admit – приймати; embassy – посольство; to convoke – скликати; layer – верства; to vow – клястися;
fidelity – вірність; to promote – сприяти; to assist – сприяти, допомагати.
2. Read and translate the text.
I'd like to tell you about one of the episodes from the history of Ukraine. During the war of
independence of the Ukrainians in 1648-54 the leaders of the war realized, that without the military help
of Russia the complete victory over Poland was impossible. That's why in 1648 B.
appealed to Russia with the request to admit Ukraine as a part of Russia.
The tsar's government started to give some military and economic help to Ukraine. In 1654
B. Khmelnitsky came to Pereyaslav, where he met Russian embassy headed by boyarin V.
Buturlin. General Rada was convoked on the city's square. All layers of the population participated in it.
Khmelnitsky in his speech on Rada explained the necessity of the union of Ukraine and Russia. All
participants of Rada vowed fidelity to Russia. Buturlin handed to B. Khmelnitsky the tsar's order
about the consent to admit Ukraine. He also handed to Khmelnitsky the signs of getman's power: military
banner, getman's bulava and hat.
Political and judicial status of Ukraine was determined by the terms of the treaty – so called March
articles. B.Khmelnitsky vowed fidelity in the cathedral. The population vowed in their towns and
Economical, political and cultural relationships promoted the union. This union weakened the
political role of Rech Pospolitaya, the plan of Batican to catolize Ukraine. It assisted the further
development of Ukrainian nation.
3. Remember the following word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian or Russian.
War of independence, military help, city’s square, layers of the population, to vow fidelity, signs of
power, military banner, getman’s bulava, political and judicial status, further development.
4. Write the following sentences in the interrogative and in the negative.
1. The complete victory over Poland was impossible without the military help of Russian.
2. The tsar’s government started to give some military and economic help to Ukraine.
3. Economical, political and cultural relationships promoted the union.
4. This union assisted the further development of Ukraine.
5. Complete the following sentences.
1. This text is about … .
a) environment protection of Ukraine;
b) one of the episodes from the history of Ukraine;
c) political and judicial status of Ukraine.
2. The war of independence of the Ukrainians lasted … .
a) two years;
b) five years;
c) six years.
3. In 1648 B. Khmelnitsky appealed to Russia with the request … .
a) to admit Ukraine as a part of Russia;
b) to arrange the meeting with boyarin V. Buturlin, a Russian ambassador;
c) to weaken the political role of Rech Pospolitaya.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.
When was the war of independence in Ukraine?
Why did B. Khmelnitsky appeal to Russia in 1648?
What was the result of this appeal?
Whom did B. Khmelnitsky meet in Pereyaslav in 1654?
Who participated in the war of General Rada?
What was Khmelnitsky’s speech about?
Who vowed fidelity to Russia?
What did Buturlin hand to B. Khmelnitsky?
What promoted the union between Ukraine and Russia?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “The Geographical Position and
Climate of Ukraine ”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу. Присвійний відмінок іменника.
Практичне заняття №2 (2 години)
Тема: “An Episode from the History of Ukraine”.
Мета: відпрацювати навички вживання іменника в ролі іменникового означення;
вдосконалити навички вживання мовленнєвих формул “Вітання”; під час аудіювання та читання
текстів поповнювати словниковий запас студентів; формувати вміння розуміти деталі тексту та
точку зору мовця; виховувати повагу до культурної спадщини українського народу.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “An Episode from the History of Ukraine” та виконання
3. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Kонтроль.
4. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Іменник в ролі іменникового означення”,
виконання тренувальних вправ.
5. Аудіювання тексту “A Story”.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Читання сполучення приголосних cc, ch, ck, dg, gh, gn, wh, ng, nk.
Вимова і правила читання
Перед а, о, u
українського ч
Відповідає українському к
Наприкінці слів
Не вимовляється
після і
Не вимовляється
після au, ou перед t
Наприкінці деяких слів
g не вимовляється на початку і
наприкінці слова
tobacco, account, accumulate
child, check
black, clock, ticket
bridge, edge
night, high, might, weight
caught, bought
laugh, enough, rough
gnaw, foreign, sign,
буквосполученні wh перед
голосними, за винятком о
where, when, why, who,
У середині слова вимовляється
як носовий звук
English, England
long, thing, sing
1.1. Practise reading of the following.
Chalk, teacher, speech, technique, school, scheme, chemistry, enclose, occur, clock, fact, bacon,
cent, ice, circus, icy, scent, science, special, ancient, suspicious, block, angry, English, long, stronger,
bringing, chin, cheek, cherry, white, why, who, whole, whose.
2. Розвиток навичок монологічного висловлювання за змістом тексту “An Episode from
the History of Ukraine”.
3. Виконання контрольних завдань.
3.1. Match the English words and word combinations with their Ukrainian equivalents.
1. to border on
а. пропонувати
2. to be situated
b. виробляти
3. to stretch
с. розділяти
4. to proclaim
d. проголошувати
5. to consist
e. шукати
6. to divide
f. бути визнаним
7. to produce
g. простягатися
8. to look for
h. бути розташованим
9. to confirm
i. складатися з
10. to be recognized
j. межувати з
3.2. Complete the sentences.
Ukraine is a state in Southeastern … .
Ukraine borders on … .
The main rivers of Ukraine are the … .
The territory of Ukraine consists of 24 … and Autonomous Republic of the … .
The capital of Ukraine is … .
… is the centre of Volynska oblast, and ... is the centre of Zakarpattia.
3.3. Read the text and think of one word, which best fits, each space. Write the word in the boxes
representatives, independent, sovereign, countries, member, law, celebrate, right, official, paper,
Ukraine is a 1____state. It is inhabited by 2_____of more than 110 nationalities. The 3_____language
in Ukraine is the Ukrainian language. 6.8 million Ukrainians live in the 4 ____of the former Soviet Union.
Ukraine achieved 5_____statehood in 1991. The Constitution states the 6_____of free expression of every
person’s views and beliefs. The Ukrainian people 7_____the Day of Independence on the 24 th of August.
The main 8_____of our state exists not only on 9_____. Being a 10_____of the European Council, Ukraine
takes part in the solution of the 11_____which are on the agenda of the Council.
3.4. Choose the right answers.
1. The Poltava Battle of 1709 was won
a) by the Swedish army.
b) by the Russian army.
c) by the Ukrainian army.
d) by the Ukrainian and Swedish armies.
2. Lviv was named after
a) the river it stands on.
b) its founder.
c) the patron saint of the city.
d) the founder's relative.
4. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Іменник в ролі іменникового означення”.
Для англійської мови характерне вживання іменника в загальному відмінку в ролі
означення. Іменник в функції означення може стояти після означуваного слова; у цьому випадку
перед ним стоїть прийменник. Наприклад: usage of robot.
Однак часто іменник у функції означення стоїть перед означуваним словом. Таке означення
перекладається наступним чином.
Іменник у
Power station – електростанція
Su mmer hat – літня шляпа
Friendship Society – товариство
Іменник з
Piece struggle – боротьба за мир
Перший компонент таких словосполучень може в свою чергу мати означення, яке
виражається прикметником:
High voltage source – джерело високої напруги.
Такі словосполучення можуть складатися не тільки з двох, але й з трьох і більше іменників.
The Azov Sea coast – узбережжя Азовського моря.
Glass vacuum tube – електронна трубка.
4.1.Виконайте тренувальні вправи.
4.1.1. Translate into English.
A summer house, a kitchen table, a summer month, a winter day, a shop window, a factory
garden, an autumn flower, a Sunday class, a room window, a wall newspaper, a term examination, an art
institute, a telephone number, a wall paper, institute physics laboratory, atmospheric pressure difference,
oil export.
5. Аудіювання тексту “A Story”.
5.1. Listen to the text.
A Story
The Sun had three daughters: the eldest was Autumn, the middle was Summer, the youngest was
Spring. They led a gay life in their father's home. But then it was time to send them to the Earth. The
Sun's children were to be the seasons.
First to fly was Spring. She was so pretty in her youth. When sending her on her journey the Sun
decided to make her a present of eternal youth.
Three months later they sent Summer to the Earth. He decided to make her a present of eternal
And at last it was time for Autumn to leave her father's house. “Take all my wealth”, the Sun told
her. “I give you all the gold I have. Be kind, give people all you have, and people will love you”.
And on the other side of the world Winter, the only daughter of Frost, was getting ready for her
journey. Her father worried about her. She was a plain girl. She had no rich clothes. He couldn't make her
any presents. Frost got together all the wealth he had and it was just a handful of silver. Winter stepped
on to the Earth. It became cold. The birds flew away. People put on warm clothes and hurried to the
shelter of their houses. No one asked Winter into their houses. Winter started to work. She made little
snowflakes and tossed them to the sky, and the snowflakes started to fall slowly down on the Earth. The
Earth was changing. She threw all her silver on the Earth. The silver mixed with the snow and it began to
sparkle. The icicles were talking to each other like bells. And the drawings Winter made on the windows
were like a work of art. All over the Earth people began to talk about Winter. They started to wait for her
to come.
5.2. Choose the correct statements.
1. The Sun had four daughters.
2. They led a gay life in their father's home.
3. When sending Spring on her journey the Sun made her a present of eternal beauty.
4. The Sun decided to make Summer a present of eternal beauty.
5. At last it was time for Autumn to leave the father's house.
6. Frost had the only daughter Winter.
7. Winter was a pretty girl.
8. Frost gave his daughter a handful of silver.
9. No one asked Winter into their houses.
10. Winter threw all her silver on the Earth and it began to sparkle.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- підготувати короткі діалоги з використанням мовленнєвих формул “Вітання” та
- виписати з тексту “An Episode from the History of Ukraine” приклади вживання іменника в
ролі іменникового означення, додати п’ять своїх прикладів;
- опрацювати опорний текст “State System of Ukraine”.
State System of Ukraine
1. Review the following words.
Executive – виконавчий, legislative – законодавчий, to represent – представляти, military forces –
збройні сили, edict – указ, approval – санкція, to elect – обирати, term – строк, термін, responsibility –
відповідальність, Supreme Council – Верховна Рада, environmental issues – питання захисту
навколишнього середовища, free enterprise – приватне підприємництво, to support – підтримувати.
2. Read and translate the text.
Ukraine has a democratic political system. The government features an executive branch headed
by a President with strong powers and a legislative branch represented by a national Parliament. The
President is a commander-in-chief of the military forces and can issue orders called edicts without the
approval of Parliament in some matters. The people of Ukraine elect the President for a five-year term. 18
years old or older Ukrainian may vote.
The President is assisted by the Cabinet of Ministers having responsibility for such areas as foreign
affairs and the economy. A council called the Verkhovna Rada advises the President, regarding science
and technology, law, humanitarian matters and the economy.
The Supreme Council is the nation's lawmaking body. It has 450 members, who are elected by the
voters for 5-year term.
The most important political organization in the Ukraine is a broad movement known as Rukh. It
includes the Green Party, which promotes environmental issues; the Ukrainian Republican Party, which
favours free enterprise; the Democratic Party supports democratic political development; the Christian
Democratic Party promotes religious issues and the Socialist Party consists of former members of the
Communist Party.
3. Remember word-combinations from the text.
Executive branch, national Parliament, military forces, five year-term, foreign affairs, Supreme
Council, lawmaking body, environmental issues, religions issues.
4. Compose sentences using these words.
1. government, it, national, has, flag, its, anthem, and, territory, own, emblem, state.
2. districts, there, and, republic, Ukraine, autonomous, in are, administrative, Crimean, 24, the.
5. Continue the following sentences.
1. On the 24th of August, 1991 … .
2. The form of governing is … .
3. The head of the state … .
4. The Supreme Court is the … .
5. The largest parties … .
6. Political system of Ukraine includes … .
6. Retell the text using the following expressions.
1. This text is devoted to … .
2. The author starts by telling the readers (that, about) … .
3. The text describes … .
4. The text goes on to say that … .
5. In conclusion the text reads … .
6. Attention is drawn to … .
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.
What type of political system does Ukraine have?
What age may Ukrainian people vote?
What term is President elected for?
Who assists the President?
How many members are there in Parliament?
Name some political parties and their main issues.
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “An Episode from the History of
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу. Іменник в ролі іменникового означення.
Практичне заняття №3 (2 години)
Тема: “State System of Ukraine”.
Мета: продовжувати відпрацьовувати навички утворення множини іменників; формувати
вміння сприймати мовлення іншої особи при безпосередньому спілкуванні; поповнювати
словниковий запас студентів з обраної теми; акцентувати увагу студентів на моральних та етичних
нормах поведінки під час спілкування.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “State System of Ukraine”. Kонтроль мовленнєвих навичок.
3. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Утворення множини іменників”. Виконання
тренувальних вправ.
4. Аудіювання тексту "An Arab and His Sons".
5. Опрацювання словосполучень щодо написання реферату.
6. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул “Домовленість” в діалогічному
7. Виконання квізів.
8. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
9. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Читання сполучення приголосних rr, wr, ss, sc, sh, ph, th.
r, wr
Вимова і правила читання
Вимовляється тільки перед
вимовляється як українське з
Перед е, і, у
українського [ш]; читається
однаково в усіх випадках
На початку слів грецького
Позначає глухий та дзвінкий
merry, current, write, wrong
prossess, dessert
science, scene, scythe
shine, finish, she, sheet,
physics, photo, phonetics
thick, theme, teeth, method
this, father, these, together
1.1. Practise reading of the following.
Right, try, merrier, rhyme, daring, curable, rural, wrest, wrist, wreck, wrap, shame, dish, she, ship,
shape, shave, fish, shine, that, this, than, them, theme, thick, thin, pass, classes, telephone, photo,
monograph, thus, father, with, thought, breathing, breathe, thick, bath, tenth.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “State System of Ukraine”. Контроль мовленнєвих навичок.
3. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Утворення множини іменників”.
Таблиця утворення множини іменників
I. – s
Закінчення основи іменника в однині
1. голосний звук
2. у після голосної
3. дзвінкий приголосний звук
4. глухий приголосний звук
metre – metres
radio – radios
alloys – alloys
ray – rays
friend – friends
tube – tubes
scientist – scientists
unit – units
ІІ. – es
1. у після приголосної переходить в і
2. після шиплячих і свистячих звуків
(буквосполучення ch, sh, ss, x)
3. o
4. – f/fe переходить в v
IV. – en
Зміна кореневої голосної
Додавання суфікса і зміна кореневої
Форма однини і множини збігаються
library – libraries
factory – factories
inch – inches
bush – bushes
watch – watches
class – classes
box – boxes
tomato – tomatoes
knife – knives
leaf – leaves
life – lives
foot – feet
man – men
woman – women
ox – oxen
child – children
sheep – sheep
cod – cod
deer – deer
fish – fish
Salmon – Salmon
Приклади іменників латинського та грецького походження
datum – data
medium – media
minimum – minima
phenomenon – phenomena
basis – bases
nucleus – nuclei
radius – radii
3.1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.
3.1.1. Give the plural form of the following nouns.
Motto, toe, Negro, berry, cliff, valley, belief, hero, carpet, play, wolf, photo, manifesto, thief, match,
mosquito, knife, piano, handkerchief, safe, tomato, potato, lady, wife, chief, loaf, spy, Swiss, hoof,
Maid-servant, major-general, man-of-war, hotel-keeper, mother-in-law, pocket-knife, schoolgirl,
passer-by, fisherman, text-book, sister-in-law, bus-drives, arm-chair.
3.1.2. Give the plural form of the following sentences.
1. She has a good room in a new house.
2. This girl works at a mill.
3. The student is sitting at his desk.
4. I have an English book at house.
5. This is an English dictionary.
6. The roof of the house was covered with snow.
7. There is a sheep in the field.
8. Their child studies very well.
9. In our country a woman is equal to a man.
10. There is a deer near our cottage.
4. Аудіювання тексту “An Arab and His Sons”.
An Arab and His Sons
4.1. Listen to the text.
Far to the East there lived in old days an Arab who had 3 sons, whom he dearly loved.
He had
seventeen beautiful horses that he loved.
One day the old man became very ill. Feeling that the end was near, he called his sons to give to
the eldest son one half of his horses, to the second son one third, and to the youngest one-ninth.
The sons met to divide the horses but they didn't know how to divide them.
“How can I take one half of seventeen horses?” said the eldest son, “I can't divide a living horse in
two. And how can I,” asked the second, “take one third of seventeen horses? But this is what my father
wanted me to do”.
“I also want to do what my father wanted us to. But what is one ninth of seventeen horses?”
At that time an old man, came riding on a horse. “May be he can tell us”, they said hopefully. They
told their story to him.
The man began to think. Several minutes passed before he spoke. At last he said, “Take my horse
and there will be eighteen”.
They did so. The elder son took one half of the horses. Then the second son called the horses which
he loved best and the six animals came running to him. And the youngest son took two horses. The sons
said to the man: “You divided the horses wonderfully. Say what you want us to give you for it”.
“I shall take all the horses that are left”, said the old man and he rode away with his own horse.
4.2. Choose the correct statements.
1. An Arab had four sons whom he dearly loved.
2. He had seventeen beautiful horses that he loved greatly.
3. One day he called his youngest son to give him the horses.
4. The three young Arabs couldn't divide the horses because they didn't know arithmetic well
5. The old man agreed to help the young Arabs because he wanted to get a few horses from them.
6. The old man came riding on a horse.
7. The eldest son took away nine horses.
8. The second son called the horses which he loved best and two horses came running to him.
9. The old man rode away with his own horse.
10. The youngest son took six horses.
5. Опрацювання словосполучень щодо написання реферату.
Реферат – це переказ змісту статті з основними фактичними даними, висновками та
рекомендаціями. Головна ідея в рефераті повинна бути конкретизована та виділена. Текст
реферату рекомендується ділити на абзаци.
Рекомендується такий перелік виразів щодо написання реферату:
1. The article (text) is head-lined … .
The head-line of the article is … .
2. The author of the article is … .
The article is written by … .
3. The main idea of the article (text) is … .
The article is about … .
The article is devoted to … .
The article deals with … .
4. The purpose of the article (text) is to give the reader some information on … (to compare …).
5. The author starts by telling the readers (about, that) … .
Further the author reports (says) that … .
The article goes on to say that … .
6. The article is (can be) divided into 4 (5-7) parts.
The first part deals with … .
The second part is about … .
The third part touches upon … .
The fourth part of the article includes the fact on … .
7. In conclusion the article reads … .
The author comes to the conclusion that … .
8. I found the article (text) interesting (important, dull, of no value, easy, (too) hard to understand
6. Відпрацювання мовленнєвих формул “Домовленості”.
What about …? – Що Ви скажете щодо …?
How about …? – Чи не піти нам (зайти і т.д.) …?
What do you say to …? – Що Ви думаєте щодо …?
What are you doing …? – Що Ви робите …? Які у Вас плани на …? Чим Ви зайняті?
Have you got anything special on …? – Чи зайняті Ви чимось особливим?
6.1. Translate the following.
What about a cup of tea?
What about having some tea?
How about going there together?
What do you say to a nice quiet evening at home?
6.2. Arrange a get-together to celebrate some occasion.
6.3. Arrange a meeting at some place from where you could start on a walking tour.
7. Виконання квізів.
8. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
9. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- виконати тренувальні граматичні вправи;
- опрацювати текст “The Constitution of Ukraine. The Day of Ukrainian Independence”;
- скласти 10 речень зі словосполученнями, що використовуються при написанні реферату;
- підготуватись до диктанту.
1. Тренувальні граматичні вправи.
1.1. Choose the correct words from brackets.
1. Ann’s father told some funny circus … . The funniest … was about a giant clown (story, stories).
2. Many … live in an apartment house. Tom’s … lives on the fourth floor (family, families).
3. Do you know the name of this …? The travelers will see many … (country, countries).
4. Ben’s dog has five brown … One little … has a flat nose (puppy, puppies).
5. Small … laugh and play. Jack’s … has a new toy (baby, babies).
1.2. Give the singular form of the following sentences.
1. The students of our group work at the plant.
2. We shall go to the theatre tomorrow.
3. They have many friends.
4. There are many beautiful buildings in our street.
5. The engineers finished their work last week.
6. What educational establishments are there in Kyiv?
7. Tomorrow they will pack their suit cases and then they will book tickets for their travelling.
8. They are building new railways which will connect several important industrial centres.
1.3. Give the singular form of the following nouns.
Oxen, feet, brothers-in-law, data, deer, women, wives, dictionaries, countries, churches, babies.
The Constitution of Ukraine. The Day of Ukrainian Independence
1. Review the following words.
To establish – установлювати, to assure – гарантувати, sovereign – суверенна, independent –
незалежний, a trident – тризуб, to state – констатувати, inviolability – недоторканість, heritage –
спадщина, to damage – заподіяти шкоду, an anthem – гімн, to vote – голосувати, to celebrate –
святкувати, визначати дату, according to it – згідно з нею.
2. Read and translate the texts.
On June 28, 1996 the Verkhovna Rada adopted the Fundamental Law of Ukraine, its Constitution.
The Constitution establishes the country's political system, assures rights, freedoms and duties of citizens,
and is the basis for its law.
According to the Constitution Ukraine is a sovereign, independent, democratic, social, legal state.
Ukraine is a republic. The state language is Ukrainian. The state symbols of Ukraine are the State Flag, the
State Emblem and the State Anthem of Ukraine. The State Flag is a blue and yellow banner. The trident is
the State Emblem.
The Constitution assures human and civil rights, freedoms and duties. It states that every person
has the right of free expression of views and beliefs. Every person has freedom of thought and speech.
The Constitution guarantees the right to life, personal inviolability. The right of private property is
According to the Constitution cultural heritage is protected by law. No person may damage the
The duty of citizens is to respect the state symbols, to defend the Motherland, its independence and
territorial integrity.
The Constitution of Ukraine consists of 15 chapters, 161 articles. The day of its adoption is a state
holiday – the Day оf Constitution of Ukraine.
Almost every country has holidays honouring important events in its history.
Ukraine is a sovereign state. It has its own territory, higher and local bodies of state power,
government, national emblem, state flag and anthem.
In July 1990 the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, the Ukrainian Parliament, adopted the document of
great importance – the Declaration of State Sovereignty of Ukraine. This document opened a new page in
Ukrainian history, which leads to the construction of a democratic state based on the rule of law.
The everlasting dream of Ukrainian people came true on the first of December, 1991. Ukrainian
became a free state. More than 90% of the Ukrainian people voted for the independence of Ukraine. The
Day of Ukrainian Independence is celebrated on the 24-th of August. The Ukrainian people became the
masters of their own country, their own destiny.
In June 1996 the Verkhovna Rada adopted the new Constitution of Ukraine. According to it
Ukraine is a parliamentary republic with the presidential governing.
3. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following English ones.
To establish the country's political system, freedoms and duties of citizens, the right of free
expression of views and beliefs, freedom of thought and speech, private property, cultural heritage, to
honour important events, to adopt the Declaration, to vote for.
4. Make up your own sentences using word combinations given above.
5. Translate from Ukrainian into English.
Гарантувати право, приймати закон, державний символ, гарантувати недоторканість,
охороняти культурну спадщину, наносити шкоду оточуючому середовищу, захищати
батьківщину, давня мрія, мрії справдилися, власна доля, парламентська республіка.
6. Complete the sentences.
1. On June 28, 1996 the Verhovna Rada … .
2. The main law of our country guarantees … .
3. The Constitution of our country consists of … .
4. On the first of December, 1991… .
5. Constitution was adopted … .
7. Make the following sentences negative and interrogative.
1. Ukraine is a sovereign state.
2. This document opened a new page in Ukrainian history.
3. The everlasting dream of Ukrainian people came true on the first of December, 1991.
4. According to the Constitution Ukraine is a sovereign independent, democratic, social, legal
5. Almost every country has holidays honouring important events in its history.
8. Translate sentences into English.
1. Обов'язок кожного громадянина України захищати Батьківщину.
2. Згідно з Конституцією України державною мовою є українська.
3. 1 грудня 1991 року понад 90% українців проголосували за незалежність нашої держави.
4. Декларація про державний суверенітет України дала змогу українцям розбудовувати
нову демократичну державу.
5. Конституція стверджує, що кожна людина має свободу слова та віросповідання.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.
When was the Constitution adopted?
What does the Constitution establish?
What kind of country is Ukraine according to its main law?
What do you know about human rights and duties established by the Constitution?
What does the Constitution consist of?
What happened on July, 16, 1990?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “The Constitution of Ukraine. The Day
of Ukrainian Independence ”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу. Творення множини іменників.
Практичне заняття №4 (2 години)
Тема: “The Constitution of Ukraine. The Day of Ukrainian Independence”.
Мета: продовжувати вправляти студентів у правильному визначенні іменників, що
вживаються тільки в однині або в множині; розвивати навички монологічного висловлювання з
теми заняття; виховувати повагу до культурної та історичної спадщини нашої держави.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “The Constitution of Ukraine. The Day of Ukrainian
3. Аудіювання тексту “A Funny Story”.
4. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Іменники, що вживаються тільки в однині та тільки
в множині”. Виконання тренувальних вправ.
5. Диктант.
6. Виконання граматичних завдань. Kонтроль.
7. Виконання квізів.
8. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
9. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Читання сполучень голосних і приголосних: wa, aw, ew, ow, igh,
qu, es, si, -sion, -sten, -sure, ti, -ture.
голосних і
Вимова і правила читання
- наголошена голосна а після w;
- наголошена голосна а перед v
або v + приголосна
змінюють диграф au наприкінці
наприкінці слова
після l, r, j
в середині слова
наприкінці слова
після і буквосполучення gh не
у наголошеному складі
після звуків [s], [∫],
у наголошеному складі, перед
після наголошеного голосного
після наголошеного голосного
у ненаголошеному складі перед
у ненаголошеному складі (суфікс
was, wash, want
war, warm, ward
law, draw
new, few
blew, crew
brown, town
snow, show, window
night, high, might,
[dz], [ks], [m]
quite, quarter, liquid,
passes, dashes,
bridges, foxes, scumes,
Asia, Persia, Russia
division, vision,
listen, fasten
measure, treasure,
initial, ratio, potential
future, nature, picture,
1.1. Practise reading of the following.
Want, wash, was, watch, watt, ward, warn, warp, drew, flew, jewel, window, following, future,
picture, picturesque, mutual, pension, mission, fissure, pleasure, measure, quick, quite, quest, quiz,
quaver, quits, high, night, right, night, bright, might, light, fight.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “The Constitution of Ukraine. The Day of Ukrainian
3. Аудіювання тексту “A Funny Story”.
3.1. Listen to the text.
A Funny Story
Jack and his father went to see Grandmother. In the train Jack put his head out of the window
every minute. His father said, “Jack, keep quiet! Don’t put your head out of the window!” But Jack did
not listen to him.
Then his father took Jack’s cap quietly, hid it behind his back and said, “You see your cap has
gone”. Jack was afraid. He began to cry. He wanted to have his cap back.
His father said. “Well, whistle once! Perhaps, your cap will come back”. Jack came up to the
window and whistled. His father quickly put the cap on Jack’s head.
“Oh! How interesting it is!” Jack laughed.He liked it very much. He quickly took his father’s hat
and threw it out of the window. “Now it is your turn to whistle, Dad!” he said gaily.
3.2. Choose the correct statements.
1. Jack and his father decided to visit Grandmother.
2. Grandmother lived far from their town and they went there by bus.
3. On the train Jack was sitting quietly reading an interesting book.
4. It was cold enough and all windows in the train were closed.
5. Every minute Jack’s father asked him not to put his head out of the window.
6. The father threw Jack’s cap out of the window.
7. Jack liked this joke very much and began to laugh.
8. Jack decided to do the same joke with his father’s hat.
9. Jack took his father’s hat and threw it out of the window.
10. Jack asked his father to whistle to return his hat back.
4. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Іменники, що вживається тільки в однині та
тільки в множині”. Виконання тренувальних вправ.
Іменники, що вживаються тільки в
та інші
Назви наук на – ics: Mathematics,
Physics, Economics, Optics та інші
іменників вживається тільки в
Ці іменники не вживаються з
неозначеним артиклем
Іменники, що вживаються тільки в
clothes, goods (не вживаються з
contents, wages
trousers, scissors,
spectacles (glasses)
іменників вживається в множині
Деякі іменники вживаються як в множині, так і в однині.
Наприклад: deer, sheep, swine, fish, trout.
4.1. Тренувальні вправи.
4.1.1. Divide the following nouns into two groups:
a) nouns which have the same singular and plural forms;
b) nouns which have different singular and plural foms.
1. deer
7. fish
2. enemy
8. thief
3. sheep
9. fox
4. face
10. trout
5. finger
11. ship
6. swine
12. pie
4.1.2. Divide the following nouns into two groups:
а) nouns which use only in the plural;
b) nouns which use only in the singular.
1. trousers
7. breeches
2. spectacles
8. Mathematics
3. scissors
9. Phonetics
4. tongs
10. Physics
5. billiards
11. clothes
6. contents
12. news
5. Диктант.
I live in Ukraine. It is one of the largest countries in Europe. It borders on many countries. The
climate in Ukraine is different in different parts of the country. There are a lot of large cities in Ukraine. It
is an industrial and agricultural country. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
6. Виконання граматичних завдань. Контроль.
6.1. Choose the correct form of the nouns.
1. There are many (heroes, heros) in our country.
2. The (leafs, leaves) were falling down on the ground, making a very nice multicoloured carpet.
3. The (kangarooes, kangaroos) were jumping and running in the zoo.
4. There were very many (passers-by, passer-bys) in the street, walking with their children.
5. (Women-doctors, womans-doctors) are usually more careful and kind than (mans-doctors,
6. Moscow has highly developed industry and there are many (factorys, factories) in this city.
7. This (datum, data) is not changeable. Try to keep it in mind.
8. (Mackerels, Mackerel) cooked with (carrot, carrots) attracted my attention.
9. The (Chinese, Chineses) are very talented and skilled.
10. (Fruit, Fruits) is more expensive in winter.
11. (Thousands, Thousand) of people went to the demonstration.
12. There was much (sugar, sugars) in the coffee and that is why it was too sweet.
13. My (hair, hairs) is very thick because I take care of it.
14. The boy had to iron his trousers, because (they were, it was) very crumpled.
6.2. Give the plural.
Dog, car, day, eye, child, sheep, mouse, trout, knife, louse, calf, cuckoo, photo, forget-me-not,
phenomenon, editor-in-chief, lady-bird, fish.
7. Виконання квізів.
8. Робота з текстом за фахом.
9. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- виконати тренувальні граматичні вправи;
- виконати лексичну вправу та вивчити назви країн та мов;
- опрацювати текст “The Ukrainian Diaspora”;
- виписати з тексту речення, в яких іменники вживаються в різних функціях;
- опрацюйте текст за фахом;
- скласти анотацію до тексту.
1.Тренувальні вправи.
1.1. Divide the following nouns into two groups:
а) nouns which use only in the plural;
b) nouns which use only in the singular.
1. optics
7. hair
2. advice
8. glasses
3. scissors
9. watch
4. trousers
10. money
5. opera-glasses
11. linguistics
6. knowledge
12. wages
1.2. Use the following sentences in the plural.
1. There is a fish in the jar.
2. They saw a deer in the forest.
3. He is a businessman.
4. He works as a foreman at our company.
5. He became the president of a big company.
6. The teacher is out.
1.3. Do the exercise according to the model.
Model: I come from France; my language is French.
He _______ from Turkey; ______ language is Turkish.
You _______ from Spain; ______ language is Spanish.
They _______ from China; ______ language is Chinese.
We _______ from Denmark; ______ language is Danish.
I _______ from Greece; ______ language is Greek.
He _______ from Hungary; ______ language is Hungarian.
She _______ from Germany; ______ language is German.
They _______ from Persia; ______ language is Persian.
We _______ from Italy; ______ language is Italian.
He_______ from Japan; ______ language is Japanese.
We _______ from Portugal; ______ language is Portuguese.
I _______ from England; ______ language is English.
You _______ from Rumania; ______ language is Rumanian.
They_______ from Russia; ______ language is Russian.
He _______ from Holland; ______ language is Dutch.
You _______ from Norway; ______ language is Norwegian.
We _______ from Wales; ______ language is Welsh.
He _______ from Finland; ______ language is Finnish.
She _______ from Sweden; ______ language is Swedish.
The Ukrainian Diaspora
1. Review the following words.
To imply – значити, compatriot – співвітчизник, former – колишній, adult – дорослий, legacy –
спадщина, to uphold – підтримувати, soul – душа, to allow for – дозволяти, disaster – нещастя, лихо,
valuable contribution – цінний внесок, to sign treaty – підписувати договір, joint ventures – спільні
підприємства, charitable – благодійницький, feature – особливість, характерна риса, to reside – мешкати,
scattered – розкиданий, ancestry – походження, victim – жертва, to erect – зводити, forefather – предок, to
respect – поважати, revival – відродження, load – вантаж.
2. Read and translate the text.
The term “diaspora” has become quite popular, implying first of all those Ukrainians who reside in
Canada, the US, Germany, Argentina, France. Lately we have begun to mention our compatriots in
Poland, Romania and other countries.
And finally we have remembered our brothers and sisters scattered across the former Soviet
The Ukrainian nation had lost a great number of its sons and daughters during the tragic and
disputable years of its history. It is known that every third Ukrainian lives beyond its native land.
The greatest number of the people of the Ukrainian origin lives abroad.
United States of America –
Canada, Poland –
Argentina, Brazil –
Yugoslavia –
France, Australia –
Great Britain –
Czechiya, Slovakiya –
Austria, Hungary, Holland –
from 5,000 to 500.
The emigration of Ukrainians to other countries was mainly caused by economic and political
The greatest part of the Ukrainian Canadians lives in the provinces оf Ontario, Alberta, Manitoba,
British Columbia and Saskatchewan.
Ukrainian immigrants established in Canada the institutions which had been part of their life in
Ukraine: churches, libraries, schools, community centres, amateur art groups, political organizations and
publishing companies. The Ukrainian community is among the most highly organized of all ethnic
communities in Canada.
The development of Ukrainian culture, high-quality system of schools for adults and children,
music schools, choirs and orchestras, dance schools, the development of the periodical press became a
feature of Ukrainian community life.
The great number of museums in Canada preserve the Ukrainian cultural legacy.
The most famous of them are in Edmonton and in Saskatoon.
The monuments to such prominent Ukrainians as Taras Shevchenko, Lesya Ukrainka, Ivan Franko,
Vasyl Stephanyk are erected in Canada.
The Ukrainian language is taught at 12 universities of Canada.
The main Ukrainian newspapers and magazines in Canada are: “Moloda Ukraina”, “Ukrainskiy
Golos”, “Promin” and others.
Different foundations are important centres of the cultural development of Ukrainians in Canada.
The biggest of them is the Ukrainian foundation named after Taras Shevchenko. This and other
foundations finance the Ukrainian cultural projects.
The Ukrainians living abroad uphold contacts with the land of their forefathers. Our compatriots
and their children and grandchildren receive information on the life, culture, national traditions of the
Ukrainian people. Ukrainians of the second and third generation, many of whom had never seen
Ukraine, love the land of their forefathers with all their hearts and souls, develop the feeling of respect to
the Ukrainian people.
The people of Ukrainian origin often come to Ukraine and they try to help their compatriots in
their time of need.
When the disaster occurred at the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl Ukrainian
diaspora in Canada organized the Children of Chernobyl Relief Fund that sent several plane-loads of
medical support for the victims of the disaster.
Nowadays the Ukrainians all over the world are making the most valuable contribution to the
course of revival of the Ukrainian language, art, science, economy in their native homeland.
The country sets direct contacts with many foreign countries signing agreements and treaties.
Taking into consideration the development of Ukraine, a lot of joint ventures have appeared recently in
its cities and towns. A lot of delegations, businessmen, specialists and tourists from the English-speaking
countries keep coming to Ukraine.
Changes in Ukraine allowed for the development of closer contacts among professional, charitable,
cultural organizations of Ukrainian Diasporas abroad and Ukraine.
3. Write the following sentences into the negative and interrogative.
1. Every third Ukrainian lives beyond its native land.
2. The development of Ukrainian culture became a feature of Ukrainian community life.
3. Nowadays the Ukrainians all over the world are making the most valuable contribution to the
course of revival of the Ukrainian language, art, science, economy in their native homeland.
4. Changes in Ukraine allowed for the development of closer contacts among professional,
charitable, cultural organizations of Ukrainian Diasporas abroad and Ukraine.
5. The Ukrainians living abroad uphold contacts with the land of their forefathers.
4. Translate from Ukrainian into English.
Підписувати угоду, благодійна організація, спільне підприємство, жертви лиха, відродження
культурної спадщини, зводити пам'ятник, аматорські групи, земля наших предків, душею та
5. Translate from English into Ukrainian.
The development of professional contacts, the revival of Ukrainian language, to uphold contacts, to
respect cultural legacy, our compatriots, to establish institutions, to finance cultural projects, to take into
6. Translate the following sentences from Ukrainian into English.
1. Українці за кордоном шанують культурну спадщину своїх предків.
2. Наші співвітчизники у Канаді зводять пам'ятники видатним українцям, створюють
видавництва та політичні організації.
3. Еміграція українців за кордон була викликана економічними та політичними
4. Наші співвітчизники живуть в країнах колишнього СРСР, Канаді, Росії, Польщі, Франції.
5. Люди українського походження поважають культурну спадщину своїх предків.
7. Complete the sentences.
1. The term “diaspora” implies … .
2. Ukrainians of the second and third generation respect … .
3. Changes in Ukraine allowed to establish … .
4. After Chernobyl disaster Ukrainian diaspora … .
5. Monuments to famous Ukrainians … .
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “The Ukrainian Diaspora”.
2. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
3. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових
завдань до модуля 2.1.
Практичне заняття №5
Тема: “The Ukrainian Diaspora”.
Мета: розширити словниковий запас студентів з обраної теми; закріпити знання про
порядок слів питального та розповідного речень; виховувати толерантність, повагу до культурної
спадщини українського народу.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Аудіювання тексту “On a Rainy Day”. Kонтроль.
3. Робота з опорним текстом “The Ukrainian Diaspora”.
4. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Структура питального та розповідного англійських
речень. Типи питань”. Виконання тренувальних вправ.
5. Відпрацювання мовленнєвих формул “Побажання”.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Словесний наголос. Наголос у двоскладових словах. Поділ слова
на склади.
Голосна в наголошеному складі двоскладового слова читається за тими ж правилами, що і
голосна в односкладовому слові. Але для визначення типу складу необхідно встановити графічну
межу між наголошеними та ненаголошеними складами:
1. Якщо за наголошеною голосною стоїть приголосна, окрім r, то вона відноситься до
наступного ненаголошеного складу stu-dent, отже голосна буде читатися за першим типом
читання. Слід пам’ятати, що слова city, pity, copy, very читаються за ІІ типом (короткий звук).
2. Якщо наголошена голосна відмежовується від наступної голосної двома та більше
приголосними, у тому числі подвоєною r, то перша із голосних відходить до першого складу,
закриваючи при цьому наголошений склад. Голосна читається за ІІ типом читання – dinner, marry.
Це правило не діє коли один з приголосних, що відмежовує наголошений склад від
ненаголошеного – сонат [l], [n], [m], [z], [w], у таких випадках – перший склад відкритий, оскільки
приголосний приєднується до сонанта ta-ble. У двоскладових словах наголос падає на перший
склад: dinner, office. Але якщо слово має префікс – наголос падає на другий склад – return, begin.
1.1. Виконайте тренувальну вправу.
1.1.1. Practise reading of the following.
Dinner, office, return, definer, baker, caring, nosy, miner, rule, fuse, rural.
2. Аудіювання тексту “On a Rainy Day”. Контроль.
2.1. Listen to the text.
On a Rainy Day
The weather was bad yesterday. It began to rain early in the morning. We had five umbrellas at
home, but when I wanted to take one, I saw they were all broken. I decided to take all the five umbrellas
to the umbrella-maker. So I took them there and said, “I’d be back for my umbrellas on my way in the
In the afternoon I went to have lunch. I entered the cafe, sat down at the table and began to eat.
After a few minutes a young lady came in and sat down at the table. I finished my lunch, got up and took
her umbrella by mistake. But she said, “This isn't your umbrella. It's mine.” I saw my mistake and said,
“Oh, excuse me, it's yours, of course. I'm very sorry.” “That's all right,” she said laughing.
In the evening I went to the umbrella-maker and took all my five umbrellas. Then I bought a
newspaper and got on a bus. The young lady was on that bus, too. She looked at my five umbrellas and
said, “Not a bad day for you, eh?”
2.2. Choose the correct statements.
1. It snowed yesterday.
2. They had ten umbrellas at home.
3. All the umbrellas were broken.
4. The man took all the umbrellas to the umbrella-maker to repair them.
5. He told the umbrella-maker that he would take the umbrellas the next day.
6. He had his lunch at the restaurant.
7. A young woman sat down at his table.
8. After finishing the lunch the man took the woman's umbrella.
9. The woman told him about his mistake.
10. The man insisted that it was his umbrella.
11. The man took all the umbrellas from the umbrella-maker.
12. Then he took a trolley-bus home.
13. The young lady was there, too.
14. The woman thought that he had stolen all the umbrellas.
3. Робота з опорним текстом “Ukrainian Diaspora”.
4. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу. Порядок слів розповідного та питального
англійських речень.
Розповідне речення вимовляється низхідною інтонацією. Розповідне речення має усталений
порядок слів.
Присудок Додаток
the book
in the library
При будь-якому члені речення, що виражений іменником може стояти означення, це не
змінює загальну схему речення.
Означення Підмет Присудок Означення Додаток Обставина
The clever
wrote an interesting book
Якщо в розповідному реченні є прямий і непрямий додаток, то прямий стоїть після
Kate give me a pen.
Якщо непрямий додаток стоїть після прямого, то прямий вживається з прийменником to.
Kate give the pen to me.
Вживання непрямого додатка з прийменником to обов’язкове:
а) коли прямий додаток виражений займенником:
Give it to me.
Tell it to the pupils.
b) після дієслів: to explain, to announce, to introduce, to repeat, to dictate, to suggest, to read, to
write, to prove.
З цими дієсловами непрямий додаток з прийменником to вживається або перед прямим
додатком або після нього.
The lecture announced the results to the students.
The lecture announced to the students the results.
Якщо речення має декілька обставин, то вони розміщуються таким чином: спосіб дії, місце,
I saw the teacher by chance in the park yesterday.
В англійській мові існує 4 типи питальних речень: загальні, спеціальні, альтернативні та
У питальних реченнях порядок слів дещо змінюється. Для загальних, альтернативних та
спеціальних питань характерною є інверсія, тобто обернений порядок слів, коли допоміжні і
модальні дієслова ставляться перед підметом. Наприклад, для утворення питальної форми Present
Indefinite і Past Indefinite вживається допоміжне дієслово to do (do, does, did):
Is she playing the piano now?
Will she play the piano tomorrow?
Can he speak English well?
May we go home now?
Does he read German books every evening?
Did they come home at three?
Could you sleep well?
Do you usually get up at 6 or 7 o'clock?
Your mother speaks English well, does not she?
Запам'ятайте! Якщо в питальному реченні питальні слова who?, what?, which?, whose?, how
much?, how many? є підметом або означенням до підмета, порядок слів залишається прямим, а в
Present Indefinite і Past Indefinite допоміжне дієслово to do не вживається:
Who makes noise during the lesson?
Who came late for school today?
What troubles you most of all?
Whose children play in this garden?
How many people saw this film on Sunday?
How much time has passed since he came here?
Which of you studies at this school?
Which of the plays is better?
4.1.Тренувальні вправи.
4.1.1.Put all types of the questions to the following sentences.
1. Every third Ukrainian lives beyond its native land.
2. The Ukrainian community is among the most highly organized of all ethnic communities in
3. The most famous museums are in Edmonton and in Saskatoon.
4. The Ukrainians have great cultural legacy.
5. Опрацювання мовленнєвих формул “Побажання”.
I wish you and your family health (happiness, success). – Бажаю Вам і Вашій сім'ї здоров'я,
(щастя, успіхів).
Best Wishes! – Найкращі побажання!
My best wishes to you! – Найкращі побажання!
May all your dreams come true! – Хай здійсняться всі Ваші мрії!
Have a good holiday (journey)! – Бажаю гарного відпочинку (подорожі)!
5.1. Translate the following.
Вітаю Вас з Днем народження. Бажаю, щоб всі Ваші мрії здійснилися.
Вітаю Вас з Жіночим днем. Бажаю успіхів в роботі та щастя в житті.
Бажаю Вам всього найкращого. Сподіваюсь, що Ви відразу напишете нам про себе.
Вітаю Вас з отриманням премії. Бажаю вам подальших успіхів.
5.2. Congratulate your friend on the following (adding a few words suitable for the occasion):
Model. You have done so well at the examination. Congratulations! I hope you will be as successful at the
next one.
a) her (his) birthday;
b) moving into a new flat;
c) winning the basket-ball championship;
d) the New Year;
e) making a good report;
f) the wedding.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Робота з текстом за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- опрацювати опорний текст “Kyiv Rus”;
- скласти всі типи питальних речень до тексту;
- опрацюйте текст за фахом;
- скласти діалоги з використанням мовленнєвих формул.
Kyiv Rus
1. Review the following words.
To unearth – розкопувати, Cimmerians – кіммерійці, Scythian – скіф, Slav – слов'янин, слов'янка,
Varangian – варяг, primogeniture – первородство, strife – боротьба, horde – орда, полчище, amber –
янтар, paganism – язичництво, apex – вершина, to bear witness to – бути свідком, medieval –
середньовічний, a merchant – купець, to baptize – хрестити, Orthodox – православний.
2. Read and translate the text.
One of the planet's oldest human settlements, separated from our time by 800,000 years, was
unearthed in the territory of present-day Ukraine near Korolyove, a village in Transcarpathia. In 1899 the
world came to know about the Trypillya culture which appeared in the mid-fourth millennium B.C.
The coming centuries saw the formation of new ethnic and cultural communities in Ukraine.
Written sources mention the Cimmerians, the Taurians, the Scythians, the Antes and the Slavs.
Over a thousand years ago, on the vast expanses stretching from the Carpathian Mountains in the
west to the Volga-River in the east, from the Black Sea in the south to the White Sea in the north,
appeared one of the largest and mightiest medieval powers, Kyiv Rus.
The biggest cities were Novgorod and Kyiv. Both were built on the great river-road which led from
the Baltic to the Black Sea and Constantinople. Merchants carried amber from the shores of the Baltic Sea
and sold it at a high price in Constantinople and the Mediterranean lands. That is why this trade route
has sometimes been called the amber road.
Varangians who invaded Rus came from Norway. As Nestor says people of Novgorod sent an
invitation to a distant Varangian prince called Rurik to come and govern them.
Rurik brought an army with him, and he governed Novgorod and made it strong. Two of his
companions, Askold and Dir, went farther down the amber road and became rulers of Kyiv.
In 882, the most legendary Prince Oleh the Seer, Rurik's son, defeated Kyiv Princes Askold and Dir.
He rallied round Kyiv the Slavic tribes of Eastern Europe. “Let Kyiv be Mother of Rus cities”, he said as
the chronicle reads.
Under the first Kyiv Princes Oleh the Seer, Ihor the Elder and Svyatoslav the Warrior Kyiv Rus
became a strong power in Eastern Europe. In 955, Kyiv Princess Olha was baptized at Constantinopol.
The Eastern Orthodox faith was introduced in Rus by Prince Volodymyr the Great. He ruled from 980 to
1,015 and replaced the traditional paganism of Slavs with the Byzantine trend of Christianity. The first
ceremony of baptism took place in 988.
It was under Prince Volodymyr the Great and Prince Yaroslav the Wise (1019-1054) that Kyiv Rus
reached its apex, becoming a major factor in European politics. To ensure the unity of his state, Yaroslav
introduced primogeniture.
According to the Rus Primary Chronicle, the founders of Kyiv were the brothers Kyi, Shchek, and
Khoryv, leaders of the Slavonic Polianian tribe. The city was named after the eldest, Kyi. The memory of
the other two brothers has been preserved in the names of two hills – Shchekavytsia and Khorevytsia –
and in the names of the streets. Kyiv was founded in the latter half of the 5th, or the early 6th century.
During the reign of Volodymyr the Great Kyiv consisted of two parts – the fortified Upper City and
Podil, the lower part. In the upper part of the city lived the prince and his retainers – the boyars and the
prince's bodyguard. Podil was inhabited by artisans, fishermen and merchants.
At this time the construction of brick buildings decorated with wall painting and mosaics was
begun in Kyiv. The brick Desiatynna (Tithe) Church was among these buildings. It was so called because
Prince Volodymyr contributed one-tenth of his income to the construction and maintenance of this
During the reign of Yaroslav the Wise three gates led to the city. The remains of only one of them,
the brick Golden Gates, have come down to us. In 1037 the foundation was laid for the magnificent
Sophia Cathedral, which formed the architectural center of the new “Yaroslav's City”.
Considerable progress was noted in the development of Rus culture the center of which was Kyiv.
It was during this period that the first schools were built. Literacy began to spread among the princes,
boyars, clergy and rich citizens.
3. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English.
Найстаріше поселення, торгівельний шлях, завойовувати, православна віра, розквіт,
встановити первородство, племена, уламки собору, величний собор.
4. Translate the following words and word-combinations into Ukrainian.
A leader of the tribe, one-tenth of income, to maintain the church, to contribute, an architectural
centre, to be named after, ethnic and cultural community, an amber road, to reach the apex, to ensure the
5. Agree or disagree to the matter of these statements.
1. Prince Yaroslav the Wise baptised Rus.
2. Varangian prince Rurik invaded Rus and became a ruler of Kyiv.
3. Kyiv Rus stretched from the Carpathian Mountains to the Volga River, from the Black Sea to the
White Sea.
4. Primogeniture was introduced by Yaroslav the Wise in order to ensure the unity of his state.
5. Price Volodymyr contributed one-tenth of his income to build the Tithe Church.
6. The capital of Ukraine appeared in the mid-fourth millennium B.C.
6. Write the following sentences in the interrogative and negative.
1. During the reign of Volodymyr the Great Kyiv consisted of two parts – the fortified Upper City
and Podil, the lower part.
2. Considerable progress was noted in the development of Rus culture the center of which was
3. The founders of Kyiv were the brothers Kyi, Shchek, and Khoryv, leaders of the Slavonic
Polianian tribe.
4. Kyiv was founded in the latter half of the 5th, or the early 6th century.
5. Podil was inhabited by artisans, fishermen and merchants.
7. Complete the sentences.
1. Medieval state Kyiv Rus stretched ... .
2. Kyiv was founded by… .
3. Novgorod and Kyiv were built … .
4. Constantinople merchants sold … .
5. The trade route was called amber road because … .
8. Translate from Ukrainian into English.
1. Володимир Великий охрестив Русь.
2. Ольга прийняла християнство в Константинополі.
3. За часів правління князів Олега та Ігоря Київська Русь стала могутньою державою Східної
4. Племена кімерійців, скіфів, слов'ян населяли територію Київської Русі.
5. Київ було названо в честь старшого брата Кия.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.
What one of the planet's oldest human settlements do you know?
What tribes lived on the territory of present-day Ukraine?
Where did Varangians come from?
Who was Rurik?
How did Kyiv become “Mother of Rus cities”?
What was the most important event during Prince Oleh's reign?
When and where was Kyiv Princess Olha baptized?
What faith was introduced in Rus by Prince Volodymyr the Great?
Where is Kyiv situated?
When did Kyiv become a big trading center?
What was Kyiv during the reign of Volodymyr the Great and during the reign of Yaroslav the
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “Kyiv Rus ”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу. Типи питальних речень.
Практичне заняття №6 (2години)
Тема: “Kyiv Rus”.
Мета: розширити словниковий запас студентів з обраної теми; закріпити знання студентів
про функцію іменника в реченні; продовжувати формувати навички анотування та реферування
тексту; виховувати толерантність.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “Kyiv Rus”.
3. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Функції іменника в реченні”. Виконання
тренувальних вправ.
4. Аудіювання тексту “The King and the Painter”.
5. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Kонтроль.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичні вправи. Наголос у трьохскладових та багатоскладових словах.
У трьохскладових та багатоскладових словах переважно наголос падає на третій склад з
кінця слова, а голосна в ньому читається за ІІ типом складу, тобто має коротке читання, незалежно
від наступного ненаголошеного складу, навіть якщо це буква r: 'factory, 'family, 'experiment. Але
якщо в наголошеному третьому з кінця слова складі є буква u, цей склад читається: funeral.
При визначенні наголошеного складу граматичні закінчення і живі суфікси не
враховуються: 'demonstrate, 'demonstrated, 'demonstrating.
В іменниках, що утворені за допомогою суфікса ion, приєднаного до дієслова, відбувається
зміщення наголосу на склад, що передує суфіксу, а наголос дієслова зберігається як другорядний:
demons'tration. Другорядний наголос позначається в транскрипції рискою внизу.
Деякі слова мають два основних наголоси – це числівники від 3 до 19, а також слова з
префіксами, що надають слову нового значення: 'disa'ppear, 're'write.
1.1. Practise reading of the following.
Anniversary, demonstration, illumination, nationality, Japanese, explanation, channel, navigation,
island, Atlantic, mountain, discover, famous, industrialized, machinery, equipment, separate,
parliamentary, monarchy.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “Kyiv Rus”.
3. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Функції іменника в реченні”. Виконання
тренувальних вправ.
Іменники в реченні виконують функцію:
- підмета
The boy came into the room greeted everybody.
- прямого, непрямого та прийменникового додатка
The boy bought a book.
The teacher gave his pupil a good advice.
They sent for the doctor.
- означення
It is my brother’s room.
- обставини
Bill read the letter with interest.
- іменної частини складного присудка
My friend is a pilot.
3.1. Тренувальні вправи.
3.1.1. Define the function of the nouns.
James was sitting by the fire.
My elder sister has two brothers.
He came with his friend.
I hear Mary’s voice in the next room.
He is a student.
4. Аудіювання тексту “The King and the Painter”.
4.1. Listen to the text.
The King and the Painter
There was a king who thought that he could paint very well. His pictures were bad, but the people
to whom he showed them, were afraid of the king. They all said that they liked his pictures very much.
One day the king showed his pictures to a great painter who lived in this country and asked. “I
want to know what you think of my pictures? Do you like them? Am I a good painter, or not?”
Тhe painter looked at the king's pictures and said, “My king, I think that your pictures are bad, and
that you will never be a good painter”.
The king was very angry and sent the painter to prison.
After two years the king wanted to see the painter again.
“I was very angry with you”, he said, “because you did not like my pictures. Now forgot all about
it. You are a free man again, and I am your friend”.
For many hours the king talked with the painter and even invited him to dinner. After dinner the
king showed his pictures to the painter and asked “Well, how do you like them now?”
The painter did not answer. He turned to a soldier who was standing near him, and said, “Take me
back to prison”.
4.2. Choose the correct statements.
1. There was a king who thought that he could
a. paint very well
b. sing very well
c. dance very well
d. write poems very well
2. His pictures were
a. good
b. talented
c. bad
d. beautiful
3. The people to whom he showed his pictures said that they
a. didn't like his pictures
b. liked his pictures very much
c. were real masterpieces
d. were not afraid of the king
4. One day the king showed the pictures to
a. a great musician
b. his best friend
c. his wife
d. a great painter
5. The king sent the painter
a. back home
b. abroad
c. to prison
d. to the army
6. The king wanted to see the painter again
a. after 10 years
b. after midnight
c. the next morning
d. after two years
7. The king told him that
a. the painter was a free man again
b. they were not friends
c. he was still angry with the painter
d. he would be taken back to prison
8. For many hours the king talked with the painter and even
a. presented him with one of his pictures
b. gave him some money
c. invited him to dinner
d. invited him to supper
9. Then he
a. showed his palace to the painter
b. sent him back to prison
c. sang a son for the painter
d. showed his pictures to the painter
10. The painter told the soldier
a. to set him free
b. to take him back to prison
c. to show the pictures
d. to have a good rest
5. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Kонтроль.
5.1. Read the text and complete the sentences after it.
The National Symbols of Ukraine
The Ukrainian Constitution states that the National symbols of the country are the National Flag,
the National Emblem and the National Anthem. They were adopted by the Verkhovna Rada in 1992. The
Ukrainian flag consists of two horizontal stripes of equal width. The top is blue and the bottom is yellow.
These are the colours of the sky, the mountains, the rivers and the golden fields of our beautiful country.
Blue and yellow (or gold) were symbols of Kyivan Rus long before the introduction of Christianity. These
colours can be found on the ancient emblems of the cities of Mirgorod, Lubny, Pryluky and some others.
In the seventeenth century the banners of the Cossacks were blue with gold stars or with pictures of
saints embroidered in gold.
The contemporary national coat of arms of Ukraine is a trident. The first image of a trident
appeared in the ninth century A.D. when Ihor, Prince of Kyivan Rus sent ambassadors to sign a treaty
with the Byzantine Emperor and they sealed the document with a trident.
In 1918 the trident was adopted as the national symbol of independent Ukraine. The Soviet
Ukraine replaced it with its own coat of arms – a crossed hammer and a sickle on a red shield with a red
star above it and the rising sun in the base. Sovereign Ukraine adopted the trident as its emblem again in
The Anthem of Ukraine “Ukraine Has Not Perished Yet” is of quite recent origin. In 1863 the Lviv
journal "Meta" published the poem of the scientist and poet Pavlo Chubynsky. In the same year it was set
to music by the Galician composer Mykhaylo Verbytsky, first for solo and later for choral performance.
As a result of its catchy melody and patriotic lyrics, the song quickly acquired popularity. In 1865 it was
sung at the conclusion of the program at the great Shevchenko celebration in Peremyshl. In 1917 the song
was officially adopted as the anthem of the Ukrainian state.
The Soviet Ukraine had no anthem of its own until 1949. Instead “The Internationale” and later
“The Hymn of the USSR” were used. In November 1949 an Anthem of the Ukrainian Republic “Live, О
Ukraine” was adopted. When Ukraine gained its sovereignty, “Ukraine Has Not Yet Perished” became
the state anthem again.
1. The blue stripe on the Flag of Ukraine means… .
2. The yellow stripe on the Ukrainian Flag symbolizes… .
3. The National anthem of Ukraine was written in… .
4. Verhovna Rada adopted … as the National symbols.
5. A crossed hammer and a sickle on a red shield with a red star above was replaced by … as
Ukrainian emblem.
6. The National anthem of Ukraine was written by … .
7. … were embroidered in the banners of the Cossacks.
8. A treaty between Byzantine Emperor and Russian ambassadors was sealed with a… .
9. National anthem got popularity because of its … .
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- опрацювати опорний текст “Kharkiv City Tour”;
- зробити реферування опорного тексту;
- скласти план тексту;
- опрацювати текст за фахом;
- виписати речення з тексту з різними функціями іменника.
Kharkiv City Tour
1. Review the following words.
To represent – символізувати, to proceed – направлятися, to overlook – здійматися, Assumption
– Успіння, in the distance – вдалині, Annunciation – Благовіщення, reconciliation – примирення.
2. Read and translate the text.
General Information
Kharkiv is the second largest city in Ukraine and the sixth largest in the CIS. It is an industrial city
with many factories producing passenger planes, turbines, electrical generators, tractors, and engines.
Kharkiv is also a large scientific and educational centre. It has twenty-five universities and
Kharkiv is also a cultural centre. We have six theatres and one circus,' four museums, and many
The Freedom Square
This is the Freedom Square. It is the largest square in Ukraine and the second largest in Europe.
In 1991 Ukraine became a new state. You can see our flag flying here. It has two colours, blue and
yellow. The blue represents the blue Ukrainian sky, and the yellow represents the yellow wheat of
August. On the top there is a trident, the ancient symbol of the Kyivan princes.
The oldest building on the square is the Gosprom, which was built in the 1920s. It was the first
skyscraper in Ukraine. When Kharkiv was the capital of Ukraine, in 1917-1934, the offices for the various
national ministries were located here. To the left of Gosprom is Kharkiv University, and to the right the
Military Academy is located. Farther to the right you can see Hotel “Kharkiv”, the largest hotel in the
city. To the right of it, directly facing the Gosprom, is another building that houses many Ukrainian
political organizations.
Now we will go to the University.
The Kharkiv University
The Kharkiv University is the oldest university in Ukraine. It was founded in 1805, and presently it
is the home of 15 departments of study. More than ten thousand students study here. Here we also see a
monument to the founder of the University, V.N. Karazin. His dream was that Kharkiv would have a
university. He gave much money to fund the University, and he invited professors from Austria and
Now we will proceed through the park to the Shevchenko Monument.
The Shevchenko Monument
Taras Shevchenko was a great Ukrainian poet and artist who lived during the first half of the
nineteenth century. His dream was freedom for Ukraine. His verses speak about the history of Ukraine
and the life of the Cossacks. On the Shevchenko Monument, which was opened in 1935, you can see 16
figures. A few of these figures represent heroes of Shevchenko's verses. For example, the woman with the
child is Kateryna. She serves effectively as a symbol of Ukraine. The models for the monument were
actors of the Kharkiv theatre. The last several figures tell something about the life of Ukraine and Russia
at the beginning of the 20th century: a soldier, a student, a miner, and a peasant. Other monuments to
Shevchenko exist in Washington, Canada, South America, and France.
From here we will proceed to the city centre.
The Center
This is the centre of old Kharkiv. The city was founded in 1654 by Russian soldiers who defended
the southern border of Russia and by Ukrainian Cossacks who came here from the west. That means that
Kharkiv is comparatively young when you consider that Kyiv is nearly 1,500 years old.
You can see that this is a suitable place to build a city. Here the settlers built a fortress on this high
hill overlooking the bank of the river. An oak forest surrounded the area.
A small monument to the inhabitants of the city who died during the Civil War is located nearby.
You can see the eternal light here.
The University Street is named so because here was located the first building of the University.
Nearby is the Assumption Cathedral, the tallest building in Kharkiv, 89 metres tall. It was built in the
middle of the 19th century. Now it is a concert hall. Also in the distance we can see the Annunciation
Cathedral, the largest active church in Kharkiv. It was built at the beginning of the twentieth century.
From here we will drive to the Memorial.
The Memorial
The Memorial was built in 1975 in a place that served as a cemetery. Here are buried the soldiers
who died when they defended and freed the city during the World War II. Also here are buried the
inhabitants of Kharkiv who died during the period of occupation. Kharkiv was liberated on August 23,
1943. Therefore we have the 23rd of August Street named in honour of this event. A large monument to a
soldier stands there.
The central figure of the Memorial is a mother who become an orphan. This figure serves as a
symbol of the Motherland's sufferings because she has lost her children. Nearby we see the cross, the
symbol of reconciliation, that was built to remember both Russian and German soldiers who are buried
3. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following English ones.
To be surrounded, to be located nearby, to be named in honour, to be liberated, to become an
orphan, the symbol of reconciliation, to serve as a cemetery, to be comparatively young.
4. Make up sentences using word-combinations given above.
5. Give English equivalents.
Засновник, хмарочос, давній символ, вічний вогонь, період окупації, страждання матерів,
поховані солдати.
6. Complete the following sentences.
1. Kharkiv was founded … .
2. The center of present day Kharkiv was a suitable place to build a city because … .
3. The Memerial was built in honour … .
4. The Shevchenko monument represents … .
5. The Memorial was used as a cemetery because … .
7. Translate the sentences.
1. У 1805 році В. Каразін заснував університет в Харкові.
2. “Госпром” збудований у 1920 роках був першим хмарочосом в Україні.
3. У пам'ятника жертвам громадянської війни є вічний вогонь.
4. Успенський собор збудований у середині 19 ст. – найвища споруда в Харкові.
5. Харків – друге за величиною місто в Україні та на просторах СНД.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту опорного тексту за допомогою запитань.
What square is the largest in Ukraine and the second largest in Europe?
What represent the two colours of Ukrainian flag?
What is the oldest building on the Freedom Square?
When was Kharkiv the capital of Ukraine?
What is the oldest university in Ukraine?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “Kharkiv City Tour ”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу. Функції іменника в реченні.
Практичне заняття №7
Тема: “Kharkiv City Tour”.
Мета: відпрацювання граматичних навичок вживання присвійного відмінка іменників;
поповнення словникового запасу студентів з обраної теми; виховання толерантності.
План заняття
1. Робота з опорним текстом “Kharkiv City Tour”.
2. Виконання граматичних завдань. Kонтроль.
3. Аудіювання тексту “The Ant the Pigeon”.
Робота з приказками та прислів'ями.
Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
Виконання квізів.
Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Робота з опорним текстом “Kharkiv City Tour”.
2. Виконання граматичних завдань. Kонтроль.
2.1. Define the function of the noun in the sentence.
a. This is a town house.
b. He is a student.
c. My elder sister has tow brothers.
d. The teacher came into the classroom.
e. It is my brother's room.
f. He came with his friends.
g. She read the book with interest.
2.2. Put all types of questions to the following sentence.
1. The Kharkiv University is the oldest university in Ukraine.
2. In 1991 Ukraine became a new state.
3. From here we will drive to the Memorial.
3. Аудіювання тексту “The Ant the Pigeon”.
3.1. Listen to the following text.
The Ant and the Pigeon
A pigeon lived on a tree. An ant had its home under the same tree. The pigeon and the ant were
good friends. One day it rained and rained.
There was much water under the tree and the ant got into the water.
The pigeon saw the ant in the water and thought, “My friend is in trouble, I must help him.” He
threw a leaf in the water and told the ant to climb on it. Then the pigeon flew down, picked up the leaf
and brought the ant safely on to the land.
One day a hunter came to their tree. He wanted to catch the pigeon and he put a net under the tree.
He put some grains near the net. The pigeon saw the grains. He came down from the tree and was going
to eat the grains.
The ant saw it and thought, “My friend will be in trouble if he goes near the grains. I must stop
him.” Then the ant ran to the pigeon and pricked him in his foot. The pigeon flew away. He saw the
hunter and said to the ant, “You saved my life. Thank you, dear ant. A friend in need is a friend indeed.”
3.2. Choose the correct statements.
1. A pigeon lived on
a. the house-top
b. an iron roof
c. a tree
d. a telegraph-pole
2. An ant had its home under
a. the same tree
b. the table
c. the window
d. the box
3. The ant got into
a. the net
b. the bog
c. the water
d. the honey
4. The pigeon told the ant to climb on
a. the leaf
b. the stick
c. the branch
d. the boat
5. The pigeon brought the ant safely on
a. to the tree
b. to the bush
c. to the land
d. to the roof
6. One day a hunter came to
a. the water
b. the forest
c. the door
d. the tree
7. The hunter wanted
a. to catch the ant
b. to catch the pigeon
c. to save the pigeon
d. to save the ant
8. The pigeon was going
a. to fly away
b. to eat crumbs
c. to eat the grains
d. to drink some water
9. The ant ran to the pigeon and pricked him
a. in his foot
b. in his wing
c. in his head
d. in his beak
10. The pigeon saw the hunter and said to the ant
a. “You saved the hunter”
b. “You saved my life”
c. “I saved your life”
d. “The hunter saved my life”
4. Робота з приказками та прислів'ями.
4.1. Give the Ukrainian equivalents to the following English ones. Illustrate some of them.
East or West home is best.
There is no place like home.
When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
5. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- підібрати прислів'я з теми “Місто” та проілюструвати одне з них;
- опрацювати текст за фахом;
- опрацювати приблизні варіанти висловлювань до участі в засіданні “круглого столу”.
Приблизні варіанти висловлювань.
Student I: Dear guests! We are in Volodymyrs'ka Street in Kyiv. Volodymyrs'ka Street is one of the
oldest streets in Ukraine. The oldest part of it from St Andrew's Church to the Golden Gates was laid out
in the time of Princes Volodymyr and Yaroslav the Wise in the 10 th-11th centuries. As the city grew and
developed, the street became longer.
We are now in Shevchenko Park. The park was laid out in the 60s of the 19th century.
Two diagonal alleys intersect in the centre where you can see a monument to Taras Shevchenko,
the great Ukrainian poet and patriot. The monument was erected in 1939 to commemorate 125 years of
Taras Shevchenko's birthday. The sculptor was Manizer and the architect -Levinson. The bronze figure of
Shevchenko is 6.45 metres high. The inscription on the monument reads:
T.H. Shevchenko. 1814-1861.
And in the great new family,
The family of the free,
With softly spoken, kindly word,
Pray, men, remember me.
1. In which century did Volodymyrs'ka Street begin its existence?
2. When was the monument to Taras Shevchenko in the centre of the park erected?
3. How tall is the bronze figure of the poet?
Student II: Look around. The park is so beautiful and quiet with its shady alleys, comfortable
benches and fresh air! It's a green square island between Volodymyrs'ka and Tereschenkivs'ka Streets,
and Leo Tolstoy Street and Taras Shevchenko Boulevard.
There are chestnut, lime, maple, poplar,
weeping willow trees and a lot of flowerbeds with all kinds of flowers. There are always flowers around
the monument to Taras Shevchenko and near it. There is a children's playground in the park and there
are always many kids with their mothers and grannies in it.
There is a corner where the older people come to play chess and checkers or dominos, to have a
talk or just to relax sitting on comfortable benches in the shade of the trees.
1. Which streets do the park border on four sides?
2. What kinds of trees grow there?
3. Where are many children in the park?
Student III: There is the main building of Taras Shevchenko Kyiv State University at 60 of
Volodymyrs'ka Street opposite the park. The university was founded in 1834.
The building was designed by architect Beretti in 1837-1841 and is a monument of classical
architecture. The building has been traditionally painted red.
Many famous people of Ukraine were students of the university. The university is proud of its
lecturers and students. Suffice it to mention such doctors and scientists as Zabolotnyi, historians
Hrushevs'kyi and Drahomanov, mathematicians Aleksandrov and Boholiubov, composer Lysenko,
writers Staryts'kyi, Samoilenko, Bulhakov, Paustovs'kyi and Ryls'kyi. A lot of other outstanding people
who distinguished themselves in different spheres of life had once been students of this university.
1. What is the address of Kyiv University?
2. When was it founded?
3. What colour is the building?
Student IV: Nowadays there are about 20 departments at the university and with its more than 20
thousand students it's one of the biggest universities in Ukraine and in Europe.
There are two important libraries on both sides of the university. The main building of the National
Scientific Library is named after Volodymyr Ivanovych Vernads'kyi, a great scientist, the founder of
geochemistry, biochemistry and radiogeology. V.I. Vernads'kyi lectured at Kyiv State University and was
the first President of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.
On the right of the red building of the university there is the Scientific library of the university
named after Mykhailo Oleksandrovych Maksymovych, the famous linguist and philosopher, professor,
the first rector of the university.
1. What libraries are there on both sides of the university?
2. What do you know about Volodymyr Ivanovych Vernads'kyi?
3. How many departments are there in Kyiv University?
Student V: On the other side the park borders Tereschenkivs'ka Street where there is the district
children's hospital and two famous arts museums. One of them is the Arts Museum named after Bohdan
and Varvara Khanenko, which is worth visiting. Visitors can see pictures, sculptures and other exhibits
from the periods of antiquity, the Renaissance till the beginning of the 20 th century. The museum is proud
of all its exhibits. The guides will acquaint you with culture of Ancient Egypt, Greece and Rome,
Byzantine and Italy of the 14th-17th centuries, oriental countries such as Japan, China, Iran and the Middle
Asia in different periods of their history. You will also see breathtaking exhibits created in the western
countries such as Holland, Spain, France, England, Italy and Greece. You will see pictures of such
renowned painters as Velasquez, Reynolds, Rubens and many others.
1. What street borders the park behind the monument to Taras Shevchenko?
2. What museum is named after Bohdan and Varvara Khanenko?
3. What exhibits can visitors see at the Khanenko Arts museum?
4. What is the Arts Museum proud of?
Student VI: Farther on Tereschenkivs'ka Street there is the Russian Arts Museum, founded in 1922
which has the private collection of N.A.Tereschenko. It's the largest museum of Russian arts in Ukraine
and one of the best museums of this kind in the world. There is a monument to Illia Repin on the left of
the entrance to the museum. At present the museum collections include a number of first-rate works of
various genres of fine arts. Painting is represented by almost all the major stages of its development.
There are icons of Old Rus' and paintings of the 16 th-20th centuries which the museum is proud of.
The guides will acquaint the visitors with wonderful pictures created by Tropinin, Fedotov, Aivazovs'kyi,
Kramskoi, Yaroshenko. There are splendid landscapes by Savrasov, Shyshkin and Levitan. The pictures
by Nesterov, Vereschahin, Repin and Vrubel will leave an unforgettable impression on the visitors. So
you can see the museum is worth visiting.
Sculpture of the latter half of the 19th century is represented mainly by works of Mark Antokols'kyi,
the marble statue of Nestor the Chronicler being one of the best works of the master. The paintings of
Victor Vasnetsov, Roerich, Plastov, Mashkov, Konchalovs'kyi to name but a few will leave no one
1. Where is there a monument to Illia Repin?
2. Whose pictures will the guides acquaint the visitors with?
3. What sculpture created by Mark Antokolls'kyi is most famous in Kyiv?
Student VII: Let's walk along Volodymyrs'ka Street and cross Shevchenko Boulevard all lined up
with poplar trees. There is one of the departments of the University – Institute of Philology – in the
building (it is called “the yellow building”) where there was the First Male Gymnasia founded in 1809. In
1857, the gymnasia moved to the building at 14, Shevchenko Boulevard designed by architect Beretti.
Many famous people were students of the gymnasia, such as Paustovs'kyi, Bulhakov, Bogomolets', Tarle,
Pirohov and many others. Farther on along Shevchenko Boulevard there is the Taras Shevchenko
Museum. The museum is proud of more than 4 thousand exhibits which include the originals of his
paintings, personal things, drawings, poems, letters to his friends etc.
We are walking along the side of Volodymyrs'ka Street. There is a monument to Mykhailo
Hrushevs'kyi (1866-1934) in Volodymyrs'ka Street. Mykhailo Hrushevs'kyi was a famous scientist,
historian, political leader, who became the first President of the Ukrainian People's Republic in 1918.
1. What was in the yellow building of Kyiv University in the 19 th century?
2. What famous people were students of the First Male Gymnasia?
3. Where is a monument to Mykhailo Hrushevs'kyi situated?
Student VIII: Next to the monument you can see the building of the Kyiv House of Teachers
founded in 1922. There is the People's university of education, the teachers' library, amateur theatrical
clubs and sections in it.
On the other side of the street there is the building of the Presidium of the Academy of Sciences of
Ukraine. The Academy of Sciences of Ukraine was founded in 1919, and now it incorporates about 100
scientific establishments of Ukraine and has its scientific centres in Donets'k, Kharkiv, Odesa,
Dnipropetrovs'k and L'viv.
The Grand conference hall of the Academy is situated in the building on the corner of
Volodymyrs'ka Street and Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi Street. There is a bust to Boris Paton, the President of
the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since 1962. In the same building in Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi Street
there is the National Natural History Museum of Ukraine with its thousands of breathtaking exhibits.
The Museum of Natural History is worth visiting. There is the National Scientific Institute of Zoology in
the same building.
1. When was the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine created?
2. Who has been the President of the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine since 1962?
3. How can you get to the National Natural History?
Student IX: Here we are standing in the middle of Volodymyrs'ka Street in the centre of Kyiv. It's
one of the oldest and longest streets in our city. There is the National Opera and Ballet Theatre named
after Taras Shevchenko on the opposite side of the street.
The modern building of the theatre was designed in 1901 by architect Shreter. It is the biggest
theatre in Ukraine because it has got seats for more than 2000 people. Kyivites and guests can see many
famous operas and ballets at the theatre.
You can see a monument to a famous Ukrainian composer Mykola Lysenko on the right of the
theatre. He composed such famous operas as “Taras Bul'ba”, “Christmas Night”, “Marusia Bohuslavka”
and “Eneida”. He also wrote children's operas “Koza-Dereza” and “Pan Kots'kyi” and a great many
songs and musical pieces. There is a wonderful garden behind the monument with willow, chestnut and
maple trees and wonderful flowerbeds with roses, forget-me-nots and tulips. There are also bushes of
lilac and jasmine in the garden.
We are going to the north. Here we are at the crossing of two streets: Prorizna Street and
Volodymyrs'ka Street. There is the Youth Theatre in Prorizna Street.
1. What performances can visitors see at the Opera and Ballet Theatre?
2. When was the theatre designed by architect Shreter?
3. Where can we see a monument to Mykola Lysenko?
4. What operas did he compose?
Student X: Now we are going to cross Volodymyrs'ka Street and go to the Golden Gates. They
were built in the 11th century in the time of Yaroslav the Wise. At that time Kyiv was a very big city in
Europe. There were walls and ramparts around Kyiv. The guests from the West came to Kyiv through the
Golden Gates. There was a beautiful church over the Gates at that time. The Gates closed at night and
were open in the morning. There is a monument to Yaroslav the Wise on the right of the Gates. He ruled
Kyiv Rus' in 1019-1054. Now the Gates are a museum and a monument of history.
There is the Zoloti Vorota metro station behind the Golden Gates. You can see a beautiful garden
around the monument with birch, maple and chestnut trees. There are wonderful flowers in the
flowerbeds in the park.
Now we are crossing Yaroslaviv Val. Look at the other side of the street. There you can see hotel
“Leiptsig”, one of the most beautiful buildings of the beginning of the 20th century in Kyiv.
1. When were the Golden Gates built?
2. What monument can we see on the right of the Golden Gates?
Student XI: We are going along Volodymyrs'ka Street. There are hotels, shops, offices and
administrative buildings on both sides of the street. Look to the left. There you can see the entrance to the
square in front of St Sophia's Cathedral which was founded in 1036-1037 by Yaroslav the Wise after he
had defeated the Pechenegs. It was the centre of Yaroslav's city. The cathedral is world-famous for its
mosaics, frescoes and icons. This cathedral is a monument of ancient Russian history, architecture and
culture. It belongs to the world treasury of arts and history. Thousands of history-minded people are
eager to visit the cathedral and enjoy its unique mosaics and frescoes.
There was the first in the history of Kyiv Rus' Library, which was founded by Yaroslav the Wise.
The bell-tower was built between 1699 and 1706.
1. When was St Sophia's Cathedral built?
2. In which century was Yaroslav the Wise the Grand Prince of Kyiv Rus'?
3. What is the cathedral famous for?
4. What do you remember about the bell-tower?
Student XII: There is a monument to Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi on horseback in the centre of the
square named after him. Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi (1595-1657) was a Ukrainian hetman, who fought in the
war against Polish rule and signed a treaty of union with Russia in 1654.
Look at the mace in the right hand of Khmel'nyts'kyi, it is pointed in the direction of Moscow. The
sculptor of the monument is Mykhailo Mikeshin.
At 15, Volodymyrs'ka Street there is a huge building of 1854-57, which is a monument of classical
architecture and is an island in the street. On the corner of Volodymyrs'ka and Velyka Zhytomyrs'ka
streets there was the first fire tower in Kyiv on the roof of the Kyiv municipal council. The first fire
brigade was created in 1841, and it was located in the same building at 15, Volodymyrs'ka Street. Now
the building houses a lot of offices of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Ukraine. On the right side of the
street there are Troitski gardens which lead to St Michael's Cathedral originally built in the 12 lh century.
On the left side of the street there are offices, embassies of foreign countries and the Academy of
1. What monument can people see in the centre of the square?
2. When did Bohdan Khmel'nyts'kyi sign a treaty of union with Russia?
3. Where was the first fire brigade located in Kyiv?
Student XIII: There is a square of red stones on the ground at the crossing of Volodymyrs'ka and
Velyka Zhytomyrs'ka Streets, where there were Sophiys'ki Gates or Baty Gates, which was a part of
fortifications of Volodymyr's City. Baty Khan and his hordes forced into Volodymyr's City through the
gates in 1240.
Now we are coming to the place where the large Cathedral of the Mother of God was built in 996.
It was also called Desiatynna church by people, because Prince Volodymyr gave one tenth of his income
to build the church. It was the first stone church built in Kyiv Rus'. When people learned about the
approach of Baty Khan's hordes, they rushed to the church to rescue their lives. It was then that the
church collapsed.
There is the oldest tree in Kyiv growing in the place. It's a lime tree. Historians think that it was
planted in 1635, when Petro Mohyla was building a new church in the place of the raised Desiatynna
1. What gates were a part of fortifications of Volodymyr's City?
2. When did the hordes of Baty Khan force into the city?
3. What church was built by Prince Volodymyr in 996?
4. Was Desiatynna Church built of wood or stone?
5. Where can we see the oldest tree in Kyiv?
Student XIV: This is the National History Museum of Ukraine, built in 1937-1939. There visitors
can see make-ups of ancient buildings, clothes, weapons, pottery, precious stones, documents and
manuscripts. The museum is proud of its exhibits. If you are interested in the history of your country, it is
very interesting to visit this museum. Tourists, guests of Kyiv and Kyivites enjoy going to this museum to
find out useful and exciting information about Ukrainian culture, history, traditions from ancient times to
our days. The museum is at the beginning of Andriyivs'kyi Descent. The street has become an open-air
exhibition of Ukrainian folk arts and many guests of Kyiv enjoy walking up and down the street. They
enjoy looking at the pictures, embroidery, pottery, and other things made by people.
There are some small and big museums in the street, such as the One Street Museum, the Museum
of Pottery and the Mykhailo Bulhakov House-Museum.
1. Why is it interesting to visit the National History Museum of Ukraine?
2. Who enjoys visiting the museum?
3. Where did people get from the Dnipro River going up Andriyivs'kyi Descent?
Student XV: St Andrew's Church stands on Starokyivs'kyi Hill. It rises almost 90 metres above the
Dnipro. People can enjoy the view of the church from different parts of Kyiv. It is wonderfully decorated
with paintings and sculptures. The church makes a fantastic breathtaking view if you are looking at it
from Podil or the left bank of the Dnipro.
St. Andrew's Church was built in 1749-1753 by Carlo-Bartolomeo Rastrelli. There are wonderful
lilac bushes and trees around the church. From the top of the hill you will see the Dnipro River, bridges
across the river and the roofs of many houses in Podil.
Standing on Starokyivs'kyi Hill and looking around you will notice golden domes of St Michael's
Cathedral at the beginning of Volodymyrs'ka Hill.
1. Where does St Andrew's Church stand?
2. How high does it rise above the Dnipro?
3. Who built it in the 18th century?
Практичне заняття №8
Тема: екскурсія столицею України.
Мета: продовжувати вчити студентів вести бесіду за обраною темою; розвивати вміння
підтримувати розмову ставлячи запитання співрозмовникам або роблячи доповнення до чиєїсь
розповіді; виховувати толерантність, повагу.
План заняття
1. Складання плану екскурсії.
2. Актуалізація лексичного запасу студентів з теми “Київ – столиця України”.
3. Проведення екскурсії.
4. Закріплення лексичних навичок.
5. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Складання плану екскурсії:
1. Видатні події в історії України.
2. Заснування міста.
3. Героїчна боротьба проти татаро-монголів.
4. Хрещення Русі.
5. Богдан Хмельницький і союз з Росією.
6. Київ в воєнні роки.
7. Незалежність України.
8. Видатні історичні пам’ятки.
9. Пішохідна екскурсія вздовж вул. Володимирівської.
2. Актуалізація лексичного запасу студентів з теми “Київ – столиця України”.
2.1. Translate the following word-combinations.
Одна з найстаріших вулиць України, за часів князів Володимира і Ярослава Мудрого, у 1011-му столітті, дві діагональні алеї, пам'ятник Тарасу Шевченку, щоб увічнити 125-річчя з дня
3. Проведення екскурсії.
4. Закріплення лексичних навичок.
4.1. Translate into English.
Парк Шевченко – це зелений квадратний острів.
Навколо пам'ятника завжди є багато квітів.
Старіші люди приходять до парку грати в шахи, шашки і доміно.
Музей пишається своїми картинами і скульптурами.
Гіди познайомлять вас з культурою Стародавнього Єгипту.
Ви побачите захоплюючі експонати з різних країн світу.
Університет було засновано у 1834 році.
Багато славетних людей України були студентами цього університету.
Вернадський був засновником геохімії, біохімії і радіогеології.
Він був першим Президентом Академії Наук України.
Наукова бібліотека університету носить ім'я Максимовича.
Це найбільший музей російського мистецтва в Україні.
Гіди познайомлять відвідувачів з чудовими картинами.
Музей російського мистецтва пишається картинами видатних російських митців, таких як... .
Музей заслуговує на те, щоб його відвідати.
Це є одна із найстаріших i найдовших вулиць в Києві.
Театр був створений архітектором Шретером у 1901 році.
Театр має більше ніж 2000 місць.
Микола Лисенко був видатним українським композитором.
У 11-му столітті Київ був одним з найбільших мicт в Європі.
Золоті ворота відкривались вранці.
Поруч знаходиться станція метро “Золоті Ворота”.
Ярослав Мудрий збудував Софійський собор у 1036-1037 роках.
Він одержав перемогу над печенігами.
Тут був центр міста Ярослава.
Свята Софія належить до світової скарбниці мистецтв i icтopiї.
Богдан Хмельницький був Гетьманом України.
Він підписав договір про союз з Pociєю.
Булава у руці Богдана показує на Москву.
Софійські ворота були частиною укріплень міста Володимира.
Собор Божої Матері був першою кам'яною церквою в Київській Русі.
Володимир віддав десяту частину свого прибутку, щоб побудувати цю церкву.
Національний музей історії України пишається своїми експонатами.
Андріївський узвіз – це виставка виробів українських майстрів.
Будинок-музей Михайла Булгакова знаходиться на Андріївському узвозі.
Люди насолоджуються видом Андріївської церкви.
Церкву було побудовано архітектором Растреллі у 1749-1753.
На Володимирській гірці можна побачити Михайлівський собор.
5. Caмостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- опрацювати опорний текст;
- опрацювати текст за фахом;
- виконати
кредиту 2.2.
Geography of the British Isles
1. Review the following words and word-combinations.
To lie (lay – lain) – лежати, channel – канал, English Channel – Ла-Манш, coast – морський берег,
to be washed by – омиватися, to flow – текти, to stretch – тягнутися, influence – вплив, shore –
берег,fog – туман, deposit – родовища корисних копалин, current – течія, monarchy – монархія, navigation
– плавання, мореплавство.
2. Read and translate the text.
The full name of the country is the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
The United Kingdom is situated on the British Isles. They lie to the north-west of Europe. The
British Isles consist of two large islands, Great Britain and Ireland, and a great number of small islands.
The British Isles are separated from the European continent by the North Sea and the English
Channel. The western coast of Great British is washed by the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea.
The United Kingdom consists of four parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
England, the central part, occupies the most of the island of Great Britain. To the north lies
Scotland and to the west the third part of the country, Wales, is situated. The fourth part is called
Northern Ireland and is located on the second island. Each part has its capital. The capital of England is
London, Wales has Cardiff, Scotland has Edinburgh and the main city of Northern Ireland is Belfast.
Great Britain is a country of forests and plains. There are no high mountains in this country. In the
north the Cheviots separate England from Scotland, the Pennines stretch down North England along its
middle, the Cambrian mountains occupy the greater part of Wales and the Highlands of Scotland are the
tallest of the British mountains, the highest peak is Ben Nevis.
Most of the rivers flow into the North Sea. The Severn is the longest river, while the Thames is the
deepest and the most important one. As the country is surrounded by many seas there are some great
ports at the seaside: London, Glasgow, Plymouth and others. Wales is a country of lakes. It has the most
famous lake in the world – Loch-Ness.
Due to the influence of the Gulf Stream, a warm ocean current washing Britain’s western shores,
the UK enjoys warmer winters and cooler summers. There is much rain and fog in England. October is
usually the wettest month, July is the hottest and January is the coldest one.
Great Britain is not very rich in mineral resources; it has some deposits of coal and iron ore and
vast deposits of oil and gas that were discovered in the North Sea.
The population of the United Kingdom is over 58 million people. The main nationalities are:
English, Welsh, Scottish and Irish. In Great Britain there are a lot of immigrants from former British Asian
and African colonies.
Great Britain is a highly industrialized country. It is known as a producer and exporter of
machinery, electronics, ships, aircraft and navigation equipment. The main industrial centers are London,
Birmingham, Manchester, Leeds, Liverpool, Glasgow and Bristol.
The capital of the country is London. The United Kingdom is a parliamentary monarchy.
3. Remember the following word-combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian or Russian.
Official name, chief industry, total area, in practice, shallow waters, vast plain, shape of the
country, thanks to, to look like.
4. Make up sentences using the following word-combinations.
To be surrounded by the waters of … , to be of no great importance, the whole year round, great
well-ordered park, the world’s largest producer, the narrowest part of the English Channel, the longest
river, the cost line, the type of the climate, the chief industry, to be ruled by.
5. Choose the English equivalents for the following Ukrainian sentences.
У Британії не існує великих перепадів температур через теплу течію, яка носить назву
A) The current of warm water called the Gulf Stream doesn’t influence on the extreme contrasts in
temperature in Britain.
B) There are no extreme contrasts in temperature in Britain because of the current of warm water
called the Gulf Stream.
C) The extreme contrasts in temperature in Britain depend on the current of warm water called the
Gulf Stream.
Гольф – шотландська національна гра, яка була винайдена у цій країні.
A) Golf is the Scottish national sport and it seems to have originated in this country.
B) Golf the national sport of Scotland was originated in this country.
C) The Scottish national sport is golf.
У 60-х роках уельський мові було надано статусу офіційної мови, нарівні з англійською, та вона
почала використовуватися у судовому діловодстві.
A) As an official language Welsh was given equal status with English in the 60’s.
B) In the 60’s Welsh was given equal status with English as an official language and it was used in
the law courts.
C) Welsh is used in the law courts as an official language because in the 60’s it was given equal
status wish English.
VI. Answer the following questions.
1. What is the official name of the country we call Great Britain?
2. Is the United Kingdom situated on the mainland?
3. Where is the United Kingdom situated?
4. What channel separates the British Isles from the continent?
5. What is the Strait of Dover?
6. What are the main ports of Britain?
7. What is the highest mountain of Great Britain?
8. What can you say about the surface of Great Britain?
9. Are there a lot of long and deep rivers in Great Britain?
10. What countries does the United Kingdom consist of?
11. What does the United Kingdom produce and export?
12. The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy. What does it mean?
6. Complete the following sentences.
The country is ruled by… .
a) the Queen
b) the elected government
c) the Parliament
The western coast of Great Britain is washed by… .
a) the Pacific Ocean
b) the North Sea
c) the Atlantic Ocean and the Irish Sea
Britain’s principal ports are… .
a) Chester, Cambridge and Oxford
b) London, Glasgow and Liverpool
c) Edinburgh, Cardiff and Belfast
The climate of Great Britain is influenced by… .
a) the current of warm water of the Gulf Stream
b) the cold water of the North Sea
c) the mountains situated in the northern and the western parts of the country
7. Translate into English.
1. Багато століть тому Британські острови були частиною континенту.
2. Кембрійські гори в Уельсі значно нижчі.
3. Середня температура у Британії не перевищує 32 0 С влітку, не спускається нижче – 100 С
4. В Британії трава залишається (to remain) зеленою цілий рік.
5. Британські острови – острови чотирьох народів: англійського, шотландського, уельського
та ірландського.
6. У 1988 році населення Об’єднаного Королівства дорівнювало приблизно 57 млн.
7. Лондонський туман має світову репутацію.
8. Retell the text using the following situations.
- Make up a talk for your friends about Great Britain. Mention the facts which you consider to be
the most important.
- After your 3-months stay in Great Britain you were invited to your school to make a report for
the younger children. What would you speak about?
- After your trip to Great Britain you have a lot of postcards with the major places of interest,
cities and towns. Describe some of them to your friends.
Практичне заняття № 1 (2 години)
Тема: “Geography of the British Isles”.
Мета: закріпити лексичні одиниці за темою “Great Britain”; ознайомити з граматичним
матеріалом за темою “Прикметник”; вдосконалити навички студентів шляхом вживання
мовленнєвих формул у відповідних ситуаціях; розвивати навички розуміння основної ідеї та
деталей тексту під час аудіювання та читання; охарактеризувати географічне положення Великої
План заняття
1. Ознайомлення з правилом читання диграфів та виконання
тренувальних вправ.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “Great Britain”.
3. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу за темою “Прикметник:
(загальні відомості, суфікси, класифікація префіксів)”.
4. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул
“Прохання” (“Request”).
5. Аудіювання тексту “Geography of the British Isles”.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Робота з текстом за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Правила читання диграфів.
Звукові значення деяких диграфів співпадають. Як правило, це пари диграфів, серед яких
один зустрічається на початку або у середині слова, а інший в кінці:
Диграфи II групи
} [ o:]
Диграфи III групи
} [ эu ]
} [ au ]
Неможливо вказати якесь чітке правило, за допомогою якого можливо було б вирішити, до
якої групи диграфів належить диграф ow в тому або іншому слові. Тому вимова слів, які мають
цей диграф, треба запам΄ятати в кожному окремому випадку.
перед m, n,
v і th
після w, qu
після w, qu
після w
перед o
перед e,i, y
[ ]
буква w не
перша буква w
друга буква h
в останніх
у середені
та в кінці
перед gh
перед ld
перед nd
want,was, watch
war, quarer
work, word
good, gray
women, honour
але: give, girl,
thin, Smith
child, kind
але: ghost
au, ou
на початку
перед ght
k не
picture, lecture
know, knife
daughter, thought
1.1. Виконайте тренувальну вправу:
Face, eight, yet, gate, cage, engine, lock, wrong, write, job, white, gymnastics, Alice, chest, light,
cheek, fish, sigh, gently, knight, bright, ginger, knock, physics, Gypsy, whole, whip, whisper.
2. Робота з опорним текстом “Great Britain”.
3. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: “Прикметник (загальні відомості, суфікси,
класифікація префіксів)”.
Прикметник – це частина мови, яка означає ознаку предмету і відповідає на питання what?,
what... like? який?: green – зелений, big – великий, honest – чесний, European – європейський.
Прикметники в англійській мові не змінюються ні за числом, ні за родом, ні за відмінком:
a brown table коричневий стіл – brown tables коричневі столи,
a young man – молодий чоловік,
a young woman – молода жінка
Прикметники змінюються тільки за ступенем порівнянням.
За формою прикметники поділяються на прості (simple), похідні (derivative) та складні
Прості прикметники не мають в своєму складі префіксів або суфіксів: big – великий, red –
червоний, long – довгий, young – молодий.
Похідні прикметники утворюються за допомогою суфіксів та префіксів. Найбільш
вживаються суфікси:
- ful: beautiful – красивий, useful – корисний
- less: cloudless – безхмарний, hopeless – безпомічний
- ous: glorious – славний, famous – відомий
- al: poetical – поетичний, economical – економічний
- able, -ible: suitable – підхожий, accessible – доступний
- ant, -ent: important – важливий, different – різний
- ic: heroic – героїчний
- ive: progressive – прогресивний
- у: sunny – сонячний
Найбільш розповсюдженими префіксами прикметників є:
-un-, in-, dis-, pre-:
un- : unnoted – непомітний
in- : incomprehensible – незрозумілий
Перед l префікс in- перетворюється на il- (illegal -незаконний), перед r– на ir- (irrecognizable
– невпізнанний), перед –m, -p – на im- (immovable – нерухомий, impatient – нетерплячий).
dis- : disagreeable – неприємний
pre- : pre-war – довоєнний
Складні прикметники утворюються за допомогою з΄єднання двох основ:
1) прикметник (або іменник) + дієприкметник:
long-playing – довгограючий; tree-lined – обсаджений деревами
2) прикметник + іменник з закінченням -ed:
cross-eyed – косоокий; hard-hearted – бездушний
3) іменник + прикметник:
fire-resistant – вогнетривкий, tax-free – вільний від податків
4) слова well, badly + дієприкметник:
well-built – добре складений, badly-informed – погано інформований. Зазвичай складні
прикметники пишуться через дефіс.
3.1. Виконання тренувальної вправи:
Fill the gaps with the following adjectives: sleepy, rainy, windy, snowy, milky
1. When the night comes and it’s time to go to bed, we are … .
2. When we have wind all day long, we say that the day is … .
3. When the snow is coming down and we cannot see well, it is… .
4. People take umbrellas with them if they think the day will be… .
5. If something is white and looks like milk, it is … .
4.Мовленнєві формули.
4.1.Compose the dialogue using the following phrases:
When you want somebody to do something for you:
a) may I ask you to do something for me? I want you to… («Можна мені попросити вас зробити
для мене одну річ? Ось що... .»
b) would you mind my asking you to …? («Можна мені попросити вас про …?»)
c) may I have you permission (to open the window)? (Дозвольте мені (відчинити вікно)?
5. Аудіювання тексту “The Geography of the British Isles”.
Vocabulary: a backbone – спинний хребет; arable –орний; crops – зернові; cereal – хлібний злак,
moor –ділянка, де росте вереск; mist – туман, серпанок.
5.1. Look at the map of the British Isles. Draw a line between the Bristol Channel and The Wash.
5.2. Listen to the description of the main geographical features of the British Isles. Match the
numbers on the map to these places:
the Pennines; the Welsh Mountains; the Scottish Highlands
The Geography of the British Isles
A) The British Isles can be divided into two, not only because of its geography but also because of
its climate and agriculture. If you draw a line from about the Bristol Channel to the Wash, then to the
south of this line there are mainly low lands and hills, and to the north there are higher lands and
mountains. This includes the Welsh Mountains, the Highlands of north-west Scotland, and the Pennines,
which is a range of mountains that runs north to south, and is known as the backbone of England. It is
wetter in the north because of the higher land, and drier and sunnier in the south. This has an effect on
the agriculture, of course. To the north there are sheep and cows because the grass grows so well, and to
the south there are arable farms growing crops and cereal.
B) The South West of England is famous for its beautiful countryside and dramatic coastline. One
particular area of natural beauty is Dartmoor, which is inhabited by wild ponies. The countryside in the
South East is more gentle, and there is a lot of fruit-growing. It is also the most heavily populated part of
Britain. East Anglia is very flat, and is famous for its vast fields of wheat and potatoes. The Midlands
used to have a lot of heavy industry, but much of this has disappeared over recent years. Wales is
characterized by its mountains in the north and its valleys in the south. In the North West of England
there is the beautiful Lake District, and the cities of Liverpool and Manchester. The North East used to
have a lot of mining and ship building, but not any more, unfortunately. Scotland is famous for its lakes,
of course, known as lochs. The moors and mountains are beautiful and empty. Ireland is famous for its
rains and its grass, its romance and its mists.
5.3. Answer the following questions:
1. What can we find to the north of the line?
2. What can we find to the south of the line?
3. Which range of mountains is known as the backbone of England?
5.4. Listen to the second part and take notes about the following areas and places.
the South West
the South East
East Anglia
the Midlands
the North West Wales
the North East Scotland
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Робота з текстом за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання:
- підготуйтесь до диктанту (вивчить лексику до тексту «Great Britain»);
- опрацюйте текст за фахом;
– виконайте тренувальну граматичну вправу;
- опрацюйте опорний текст «Government in Great Britain».
Тренувальна вправа.
Fill the gaps with the appropriate adjectives after the example:
For example: The composer got fare fame for his composition. He became famous.
1. The story was full of humour. It was really … .
The man fought with all his courage. He was a … soldier.
They were in danger because the situation was very … .
I liked the melody of the song. This composer’s songs are very … .
The children have been reading a mystery novel. The book was … .
These mushrooms contain a deadly poison. They are … .
His life is full of adventures. It is very … .
Government in Great Britain
1. Review the following words: authority – влада; constitutional monarchy – конституційна
монархія; succession – право на спадщину; hereditary – спадковий; descent – походження; neutral –
нейтральний; executive – виконавча; legislative – законодавча; dissolving – ; sovereign – монарх; to be
crowned – бути коронованим; peer – пер; council – рада; court of appeal – суд; suffrage – право голосу;
election – вибори; security- безпека; government – уряд; compulsory – обов΄язковий; to vote – голосувати;
constituency – виборчий округ; welfare – добробут, соціальне забезпечення.
2. Read and translate the text.
In theory, the constitution has three branches:
1. Parliament, which makes laws.
2. Government, which puts the laws into effect.
3. Law courts, which interpret the laws. Although the Queen is officially head of all three
branches, she has little direct power.
Parliament is the most important authority in Britain. Parliament first met in the 13 th century.
Britain does not have a written constitution, but a set of laws. In 1689 Mary ІІ and William ІІІ became the
first constitutional monarchs. They could rule only with the support of the Parliament. Technically
Parliament is made up of three parts: The Monarch, the House of Lords and the House of Commons.
The continuity of the English monarchy has been interrupted only once during the Cromwell
republic. Succession to the throne is hereditary but only for Protestants in the direct line of descent.
Formally the monarch has a number of roles. The monarch is expected to be politically neutral, and
should not make political decisions. Nevertheless, the monarch still performs some important executive
and legislative duties opening and dissolving Parliament, signing bills passed by both Houses and
fulfilling international duties as head of state. The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth ІІ who was
crowned in Westminster Abbey in 1953.
The House of Lords comprises about 1,200 peers. The house is presided over by the Lord
Chancellor. The House of Lords has no real power but acts as an advisory council for the House of
Commons. As well as having legislative functions, the Lords is the highest court of appeal.
The House of Commons consists of Members of Parliament who are elected by the adult suffrage
of the British people in general elections which are held at least every five years. The country is divided
into 650 constituencies each of which elects one Member of Parliament. The Commons, therefore, has 650
Members of Parliament. The party which wins the most seats forms the Government and its leader
becomes the Prime Minister. The functions of Commons are legislation and security of government
activities. The house is presided over by the Speaker. The government party sits on the Speaker’s right
while on his left sit the members of the Opposition.
The Parliamentary System
General elections are by secret ballot, but voting is not compulsory in Britain. British,
Commonwealth and Irish Republic citizens may all vote provided they are resident in Britain, aged 18 or
over, registered in a constituency and not subject to disqualification (for example, certain mentally ill
patients and persons convicted of corrupt or illegal election practices). Each political party puts up one
candidate for each constituency and the one who wins the most votes is elected MP for that area.
The Political Parties
Thanks to the British electoral system there are few political parties in Britain. The main ones are:
the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and the Liberal Social Democratic Alliance. The Conservative
Party mainly represents the middle and upper classes, but a sizeable percentage or skilled and unskilled
workers have always voted Conservative. The Conservative party has been in power since 1979 and its
present leader is John Major who took over from Margaret Thatcher when she resigned in November
1990. The Labour Party has traditionally gathered its support from the Trade Unions, the working class
and some middle class backing. Its policies are nationalization and the welfare state. The Liberal Social
Democratic Alliance are dissatisfied with both the main parties and are critical of the election system.
The Prime Minister
When the leader of the party who wins the elections is made Prime Minister, his first job is to
choose his cabinet consisting of the most important ministers in the government. The Prime Minister
usually sits in the Commons, as do, most of the ministers, where they may all by questioned and held
accountable for government actions and decisions. The Prime Minister usually takes policy decisions
with the agreement of the Cabinet.
3. Find the synonyms of the following words:
to separate
all the same
to fulfill
to divide into
to execute
4. Try to guess the antonyms of the following words:
to interrupt
to connect
to divide into
to continue
5. Give the definitions of the following words:
election; constituency; authority; welfare; security.
1) the power or right to give commands, enforce obedience, take action, or make final decisions,
2) a) condition of health, happiness and comfort, well-being; prosperities; b) the organized efforts
of government agencies that grant aid to the poor; the unemployed; etc.
3) the state of being or feeling secure; freedom from fear, anxiety, danger, doubt, etc.
4) a choosing or being chosen for office by vote;
5) the district of such a group of voters.
6. Say if it is true or it is false:
1. Parliament first met in the 15th century.
2. Parliament is made up of three parts: the Monarch, the House of Lords and the House of
3. The monarch should not make political decisions.
4. The present sovereign is Queen Elizabeth the second.
5. Members of Parliament are elected every four years.
6. The House of Lords is presided over by the Prime Minister.
7. The functions of Commons are legislation and security of government activities.
8. Voting is compulsory in Britain.
9. The Lord Chancellor chooses the cabinet consisting of the most important ministers in the
10. The Prime Minister usually takes policy decisions with the agreement of the Cabinet.
Питання для самоконтролю
1. Перевірка розуміння тексту “Government in Great Britain” за допомогою питань.
How many branches does the constitution of Britain have? What
are they?
What is the most important authority in Britain?
Does Great Britain have its constitution?
What are the parts the Parliament made up of?
Does the monarch have any duties?
How many peers are there in the House of Lords?
Does the House of Lords have a real power?
How are the Members of Parliament elected?
How many Members of Parliament are there in the House of
Who becomes the Prime Minister?
What are the main political parties in Britain?
Which of these people are not elected: a peer, a civil servant, the
Prime Minister, a Member of Parliament?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “Government in Great Britain”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Граматика
What do you know about the adjective? (forms; suffixes)
5. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових
Практичне заняття № 2 (2 години)
Тема: “Government in Great Britain”.
Мета: розвивати навички письма; ознайомити з граматичним матеріалом за темою
“Прикметник в значенні іменника”; вдосконалити навички читання та перекладу; тренувати
навички вживання мовленнєвих формул у діалогічному мовленні; виховувати спостережливість та
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Ознайомлення з граматичним матеріалом за темою “Прикметник в значенні іменника
(прикметники, що означають національність)”.
3. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
4. Аудіювання тексту “Mystery of the Girl in a Blue Dress”.
5. Виконання квізів.
6. Написання словникового диктанту за темою “Great Britain”.
7. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою “Scotland”. Контроль.
8. Робота з опорним текстом “Government in Great Britain”.
9. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. “Наголос у двохскладових словах”.
У двохскладових англійських словах наголос, як правило, падає на перший склад (якщо
перший склад не є префіксом, що втратив семантичне значення), наприклад: dinner ['dіnә], office
['ofis]. У словах, які мають префікс, наголос падає на другий склад, наприклад: return [п’tз:п], begin
1.1. Виконайте фонетичну вправу:
Mark the stresses in the following words:
Before, begin, mistake, answer, marriage, cinema, enemy, behind, result, architect, police,
recognize, articulate, qualify, singing, clever, finish, education, relation.
2. Граматичний аспект. “Вживання прикметників в значенні іменника”.
В англійській мові деякі прикметники могут вживатись в значенні іменника. Вони вживаються
у множені, але без закінчення -s. Перед ними ставиться означений артикль.
До цієї групи належать прикметники, які означають певний фізичний або соціальний стан:
the blind – сліпі, the brave – хоробрі, the deaf – глухі, the dead – мертві, the disabled – непрацездатні,
the elderly – літні, the homeless – бездомні, the living – живі, the old – старі, the poor – бідні, the rich –
багаті, the sick – слабкі, the unemployed -безробітні, the young – молоді і т.д.
Для позначення однієї особи або декілька окремих осіб вживається поєднання прикметника
з одним із іменників: man, men; woman, women; person, persons; people і т.д.: а blind man – сліпий,
blind men – сліпі, some blind persons – декілька сліпих, a poor woman – бідна.
Прикметники, які позначають національність, також можут вживатись в значенні іменника:
1. Прикметники, з закінченням на -an, -ian (Russian – російський, German – німецький), в
значенні іменників вживаються як в однині, так і в множині. Коли вони вживаються в множині, то
до них додається закінчення -s:
a Russian росіянин – many Russians багато росіян;
a German німець – many Germans багато німців;
an American американець – many Americans багато американців.
У множині ці прикметники можуть вживатись для позначення нації в цілому. В даному
випадку перед ними ставиться означений артикль:
the Russians – росіяни; the Germans – німці; the Americans – американці.
2. Прикметники, з закінченням на -se та -ss (Portuguese – португальський, Swiss –
швейцарський), вживаються як іменники у множині та однині. У множині вони не мають
закінчення -s. Вони можуть також означати всю націю в цілому. В цьому випадку перед ними
стоїть означений артикль:
a Portuguese – португалець, many Portuguese – багато португальців, the Portuguese –
a Swiss – швейцарець, many Swiss – багато швейцарців, the Swiss – швейцарці.
3. Прикметники, які закінчуються на -sh и -ch (English англійський, French французський),
коли вживаються як іменник, мають значення тільки множини, але не мають закінчення -s. Коли
вони вживаються для означення нації в цілому, то перед ними ставиться означений артикль:
the English – англійці, the French – французи
Коли ж мова йде про окремих представників цієї нації, вживаються складні іменники,
утворені від даних прикметників та іменників: man, woman, men, women:
an Englishman – англієць, an Englishwoman – англійка, many Englishmen – багато англійців
a Frenchman – француз, a Frenchwoman – француженка, many Frenchmen – багато французів
Прикметники з означеним артиклем можуть також вживатись у значенні іменників, які
позначають абстраговані поняття: the beautiful – чудове, the useful – корисне, the unexpected –
2.1. Виконання тренувальної вправи:
Make the adjectives from the following words:
For example: Russia – Russian
England, America, Asia, Europe, Scandinavia, Nigeria, Italy, India, Finland, Spain, Egypt,
Australia, Poland, Sweden, Chile, Iran, Canada, the Ukraine, Rumania.
3. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
4. Аудіювання тексту “Mystery of the Girl in a Blue Dress”.
4.1. Listen to the text “Mystery of the Girl in a Blue Dress”.
Vocabulary: misty – туманний; headlight – фара (автомобіля); to hitchhike – подорожувати
автостопом; astonished – вражений; dank – вологий, вогкий; in vain – даремно
Mystery of the Girl in a Blue Dress
John Hanson was driving home from London after hard working day. It was rainy, windy and
misty autumn night. He was approaching the place and dreaming of a cup of hot tea and a bath, when
suddenly a little girl showed up in his headlights. She stood by the roadside but didn’t seem to hitchhike.
John stopped and rolled down his window. She was about twelve or thirteen, quite pretty. A
round face, big eyes, straight brown hair. But John was astonished – she was wearing only thin blue
dress, though the weather was stormy and dank. John said nothing but just opened the door. The girl
climbed into the back seat and said quietly: “My name is Mary. Please take me home”. Her voice was so
quit that John could hardly hear it. Her face was dead pale and John thought that she must have been
frightened to stay there on the road, all alone.
He drove her the way she told him to go. But when he opened the door to help her out of the car,
he couldn’t believe his eyes: nobody was in the back seat. John looked all around the car, but all in vain.
The girl disappeared.
He wanted to find an explanation to this fact and went to the house he had stopped at. A woman
about fifty opened the door.
“Excuse me”, John said. “But there must be some mystery. I’m looking for a girl aged about
thirteen. A round face, dark brown hair, big eyes”.
The woman smiled and brushed away a tear.
“Yes …Of course…It was really kind of you to have a trouble…But thirteen years ago our darling
Mary lost her life in an accident…And we still miss her so much…I’m so sorry…You are the thirteenth
person who has been here to bring her home”.
4.2. Say if the sentence is true or false:
1. John Hanson lived in London.
2. It was raining hard when he was driving home.
3. A little girl stopped his car and asked him for a lift.
4. The girl was wearing a blue dress though the weather was
windy and cold.
5. She was about eighteen.
6. John asked her if she was cold.
7. John took her home and helped her out of the car.
8. The girl disappeared.
9. John talked to a woman who lived in the house and asked her
about the girl he was looking for.
10. The woman answered the girl was her daughter.
5. Виконання квізів.
6. Написання словникового диктанту за темою “Great
7. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою “Scotland”. Контроль.
Read the following text and fill the gaps with necessary words below:
Scotland is the north part of_____. Five million people live in Scotland. ___is the capital of
Scotland. There are two large cities here: Glasgow and Aberdeen. Scotland is full of mountains and lakes.
The highest ___ is Ben Nevis. There are a lot of rivers. The sea nearly cuts the mountains into parts.
The Scottish ____is a white cross on a blue background. The cross is the cross of Saint Andrew.
Saint Andrew was a disciple of Jesus.
A long time ago the Scots built many large ____beside the river. These churches were called
Abbeys. The Scots built Melrose Abbey in 1136 but the English ____it in 1544. In the days of the
Abbeys, the hills and farms were full of ____and they still are.
Some people go to Scotland by plane. Some people go there by ship. ____trains and buses to
Glasgow and Edinburgh from London every day.
Glasgow is the largest city in Scotland and the third largest in the United Kingdom. Before 1750
Glasgow was a small town. It had a cathedral and a university but it was not a rich town. After 1707
Scottish ships could go to the English ____ in America. Ships brought tobacco to Glasgow and took back
Scottish goods. In 1776, the American colonies became independent and the tobacco trade stopped.
Heavy industry began to develop. It used ____ and iron from the Clyde valley. Glasgow
became rich but very dirty.
Glasgow is _____football teams: Rangers and Celtic.
Most people in Glasgow are fans of one
of teams. When they play against each other, thousands of fans go ____. Rangers and Celtic have won
more football competitions in Scotland than all the other Scottish teams.
Glasgow has a busy cultural life. A lot of musicians, actors and singers come to Glasgow_____. It
the evenings the opera house, the cinemas and the concert halls are____. In cafes and pubs small groups
sing, act, read poetry.
there are A
coal H
flag B
Edinburgh I
churches C
sheep J
Great Britain D
to give concerts K
destroyed E
colonies L
full F
mountain M
to watch G
famous for N
7. Опрацювання тексту “Government in Great Britain”.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
– опрацюйте текст за фахом;
- виконайте тренувальну граматичну вправу;
- опрацюйте текст “The Royal Family”.
Тренувальна вправа.
Translate the sentences into English:
1. Люди похилого віку люблять повчати молодь.
2. Багато португальців – добрі рибалки.
3. Китайці – вправні ремісники.
4. Англійці люблять чай і п΄ють його щодня.
5. Серед туристів було багато англійців.
The Royal Family
1. Review the following words: heir – спадкоємець; abdication – зречення; to make one’s
broadcast – виступати в радіопередачі; duke – герцог; signify – виражати; feature – важлива ознака;
annual – щорічний; widespread – розповсюджений ; the Royal Navy – Королівський флот; keen promoter
– ярий захисник; outspoken – відвертий; controversial – суперечливий; for short – скорочено.
2. Read and translate the text.
At present the British royal family is headed by Queen Elizabeth. When the Queen was born on the
21st of April 1926, her grandfather, King George V, was on the throne and her uncle was his heir. The
death of her grandfather and the abdication of her uncle brought her father to the throne as King George
As a child she studies constitutional history and law as well as art and music. In addition she
learned to ride and acquired her enthusiasm for horses. As she grew older she began to take part in
public life, making her first broadcast at the age of 14.
The marriage of the young Princess Elizabeth to Philip, Duke of Edinburgh took place in
November 1947. She came to the throne after her father’s death in 1952 and was crowned in Westminster
Abbey in June 1953.
Among Queen Elizabeth’s many duties are the regular visits she makes to foreign countries, and
especially those of the Commonwealth, whose interests and welfare are very important to her. The Queen
has allowed the BBC to make a documentary film about the every day of the royal family. She also started
the tradition of the “walkabout”, an informal feature of an otherwise formal royal visit, when she walks
among the public crowds and stops to talk to some people.
The annual Christmas broadcast made by the Queen on radio and television has become a
traditional and popular feature of the season, and there were widespread celebrations and special
programmes of events in 1977 to mark her Silver Jubilee.
The Queen’s husband, Duke of Edinburgh, was born in 1926 and served in the Royal Navy. He
takes a great deal of interest in industry, in the achievements of young people (he founded Duke of
Edinburgh’s Award Scheme in 1956) and in saving raise wild animals from extinction.
The Queen’s heir is Charles, Prince of Wales, who was born in 1948, married Lady Diana Spencer
and has two children, Prince William and Prince Harry. The Prince of Wales is well-known as a keen
promoter of British interests.
In recent years he has become outspoken on such controversial topics as modern architecture,
violence in films and on television, and the standard of English teaching in schools. His wife Diana,
Princess of Wales (often called in mass media Princess Di), won the affection of many people by her
modesty, shyness and beauty. Unfortunately, she died in a car accident in August, 1997.
The Queen’s other children are Princess Anne (born in 1950), Prince Andrew (born in 1960) and
Prince Edward (born in 1964). Ann, Princess Royal, has acquired a reputation for being arrogant, but in
recent years has become quite popular with the general public.
The Queen is widely known for her interest in horses and horse-racing. She is now president of the
Save the Children Fund, Chancellor of the University of London and carries out many public
Prince Andrew, Duke of York, served as a helicopter pilot in the Royal Navy. In 1986 he married
Miss Sarah Ferguson (Fergie, for short) and has two daughters. Prince Edward is keen on theatre. This
interest began while he was at university. He quit the Royal Marines, and is now pursuing a career with a
theatrical company.
The Queen Mother, the widow of the late King George VI, celebrated her one hundred birthday in
2000 and died in 2002. The Queen’s only sister, Princess Margaret, Countess of Snowdon, is well-known
for her charity work.
3. Find the English equivalents to the following words: автомобільна аварія; сучасна
архітектура; заслужити репутацію; сором΄язливість; досягнення; добробут; королівський
спадкоємець; монархія; кінні перегони; останні роки.
4. Find the Ukrainian equivalents to the following words: in addition; to grow older; a keen
promoter; to win the affection; violence; modesty; arrogant; to serve as a helicopter pilot; to be keen on
theatre; charity work; widow; to take a great deal of interest in industry.
5. Choose the right statement:
1. The British royal family is headed by … .
a. King George V;
b. Queen Elizabeth;
c. president.
2. Elizabeth came to the throne after … in 1952.
a. her brother’s marriage;
b. her mother’s death;
c. her father’s death.
3. Queen Elizabeth started the tradition of … .
a. the “walkabout”;
b. visiting foreign countries;
c. the annual Christmas celebration in Westminster Abbey.
4. The Queen’s heir is …, who was born in 1948.
a. Prince William;
b. Prince Andrew, Duke of York;
c. Charles, Prince of Wales.
5. The Queen is widely known for her interest in … .
a. birds;
b. horses;
c. flowers.
6. Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the list given below: on (3) in (3) of (2) to for with
The Queen was born … the 21st … April,1926. As she grew older she began to take part … public
life. The marriage of the young Princess Elizabeth … Philip, Duke of Edinburgh took place … November
In recent years the Prince of Wales has become outspoken … such controversial topics as
modern architecture, violence in films and … television, and the standard … English teaching … schools.
Ann, Princess Royal, has acquired a reputation … being arrogant, but in recent years has become quite
popular … the general public.
7. Translate into English:
1. У дитинстві Елізабет вивчала історію та право наряду з мистецтвом та музикою.
2. Елізабет виявляла велику зацікавленість до коней.
3. Принц Уельський – відомий як палкий захисник інтересів Британії.
4. Спадкоємець королеви – Чарльз, принц Уельський, оженився з леді Діаною Спенсер та
має двох дітей.
5. Принцеса Анна завоювала репутацію гордуватої особи, але останнім часом стала більш
популярна в народі.
8. Make up the plan to the text.
9. Retell the text.
Питання для самоконтролю
1. Перевірка розуміння тексту “The Royal Family” за допомогою питань.
By whom is the British royal family headed at present?
When was the Queen Elizabeth crowned?
What did the Queen Elizabeth study as a child?
What tradition did she start?
When was the Queen’s husband born?
What does he take a great interest in?
Who did Prince Charles marry?
What are the names of the Queen’s other children?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “Royal Family”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Граматика. In what cases can the adjective be used as the noun?
5. Фонетика.
1. What syllable is stressed in the dissyllable words in the English language?
6. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових
Практичне заняття № 3 (2 години)
Тема: “Royal Family”.
Мета: розвивати навички розуміння основної ідеї та деталей тексту під час аудіювання;
ознайомити з
граматичним матеріалом за темою “Місце прикметника в реченні”;
удосконалювати навички монологічного мовлення; викликати почуття відповідальності та поваги.
План заняття
1. Ознайомлення з правилом “Наголос у багатоскладових словах” та виконання
тренувальних вправ.
2. Аудіювання тексту “Little Red Riding Hood” (a new version) та виконання вправ на
розуміння тексту.
3. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
4. Ознайомлення з граматичною темою “Місце прикметника в реченні” та виконання
5. Презентація доповідей за темою “Royal Family”. Контроль мовленнєвих навичок.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. “Наголос у багатоскладових словах”.
У трьохскладових та багатоскладових словах переважно наголошеним є третій склад з кінця
слова, і голосна в ньому читається за II типом складу, тобто має коротке читання, незалежно від
кількості приголосних, що відділяють її від наступного за нею ненаголошеного складу, навіть
якщо це літера ‘r’, наприклад: factory ['fektori], family [femili], experiment [iks'perimәnt].
Але коли в наголошеному третьому з кінця слова складі є звук [ju:], цей склад читається за I
типом складу, як відкритий. Наприклад: funeral ['fju:пәгә1].
При визначенні наголошеного складу граматичні закінчення та живі суфікси до уваги не
приймаються. Наприклад: demonstrate ['demәnstreit], demonstrated ['demәnstreitid], demonstrating
Але при утворенні іменників шляхом приєднання до дієслова суфіксу -ion відбувається
зміщення наголосу на склад, який стоїть перед суфіксом, а наголос вихідного дієслова зберігається
як другорядний. Наприклад: demonstration [.demans'trei∫n]. Другорядний наголос позначається в
транскрипції рискою знизу. Деякі слова мають два головних наголоси. Це – числівники від13 до 19,
наприклад: thirteen [‘θз:’tin], а також слова з префіксами, які дають слову нове значення.
Наприклад: disappear ['disә'piә], rewrite ['ri:'rait].
1.1. Виконайте тренувальну вправу:
anniversary, demonstration, illumination, nationality, Japanese, explanation, channel, navigation,
island, Atlantic, mountain, discover, famous, industrialized, machinery, equipment, separate,
parliamentary, monarchy.
2. Аудіювання тексту “Little Red Riding Hood” (a new version). Vocabulary: traffic –
дорожній рух; Walkman – плейєр; to faint – знепритомніти; to hide – ховатися; burglar – грабіжник; to
deal with – мати справу з… .
2.1. Listen to the text:
Little Red Riding Hood
Little Red Riding Hood’s mother said, “Grandma is on the phone. She says she’s ill. Why don’t you
get your motorbike and take her some magazines?”
“OK”, said Little Red Riding Hood. “I will.”
“Be careful with the traffic. Don’t go too fast”, warned her mother.
Little Red Riding Hood drove to her grandmother’s. When she got there, she knocked on the door.
“Come in”, said grandmother. “The door is open”.
When Little Red Riding Hood walked into the bedroom, Grandmother was listening to rock music
on her Walkman.
“Grandma”, said Little Red Riding Hood. “This is a surprise! You like rock music!”
“Yes”, said Little Red Riding Hood. “I listen to a lot of rock every day”.
“And Grandma”, said Little Red Riding Hood. “You like reading comics!”
“Yes”, said Grandma.
“I read a lot of comics every day”.
“And Grandma”, said Little Red Riding Hood. “You like chewing gum!”
“Yes”, said Grandma, “I like chewing gum but I like little girls like you better”.
Suddenly Little Red Riding Hood took an aerosol out of her pocket and sprayed Grandma until
she fainted.
“I knew you were not Grandma.”
Later she found her grandmother hiding in the garage.
“Thank you”, said Grandma. “That burglar wanted to steal all my money and credit cards.”
“I know how to deal with burglars”, said Little Red Riding Hood, putting the spray back into her
pocket. “Let’s call the police”.
2.2. Complete the sentences choosing the right variant:
1. Little Red Riding Hood went to her Granny ... .
A. on foot
B. by car
C. by motorbike
D. by bus
2. She brought her grandmother … .
A. a piece of cake
B. a bottle of milk
С. some newspapers
D. some magazines
3. When Little Red Riding Hood went into the bedroom,
Grandmother … .
A. was doing grammar exercises
B. was listening to rock music
C. was speaking over the phone
D. was doing morning exercises
4. Little Red Riding Hood took an aerosol out of her … .
A. packet
B. pocket
C. basket
D. bag
5. The real grandmother was … .
A. working in the garden
B. hiding in the forest
C. hiding in the garage
D. sleeping in the garage
6. The burglar wanted … .
A. to steal all grandmother’s things
B. to read comics
C. to listen to rock music
D. to steal all the money and credit cards
7. The Little Red Riding Hood offered to call … .
A. a doctor
B. the police
C. a hairdresser
D. a taxi
3. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
4. Ознайомлення з граматичною темою “Місце прикметника в реченні” та виконання
тренувальної вправи.
1. Прикметник у функції означення зазвичай ставиться перед іменником, до якого він
Tom was a clever boy. Том був розумним хлопчиком.
I bought many interesting English books.
Я купила багато цікавих англійських книг.
2. Прикметник у функції іменної частини складного присудка ставиться після дієсловазв΄язки:
I am hungry and thirsty. Я зголоднів і хочу пити.
My father looks tired. Мій батько виглядає втомленим.
3. Після означеного слова прикметник ставиться у наступних випадках:
1) Якщо прикметник належить до займенника, похідного від
some, any, no, every:
I will tell you something exciting. Я скажу тобі щось зворушливе.
2) В деяких стійких словосполученнях: court martial – воєннопольовий суд, attorney general – генеральний прокурор.
3) Якщо означення виражається прикметниками: absent –
відсутній, present – присутній, concerned – зацікавлений,
involved – залучений.
All the guests present were his friends. Усі присутні гості були
його друзями.
4) Якщо прикметник у функції означення має при собі залежні слова:
She showed me the books bought in the shop. Вона показала мені книги, куплені в магазині.
4.1. Виконання тренувальної вправи:
Translate the following sentences into English:
1. Люди похилого віку люблять повчати молодь.
2. Багато португальців – добрі рибалки.
3. Китайці – вправні ремісники.
4. Англійці люблять чай і п΄ють його щодня.
5. Серед туристів було багато англійців.
5. Презентація доповідей за темою “Royal Family”. Контроль мовленнєвих навичок.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Самостійне опрацювання матерілу:
- підготуйтесь до граматичного тесту;
- опрацюйте текст за фахом;
- виконайте тренувальну граматичну вправу;
- опрацюйте текст «This is London!».
Тренувальна вправа
Change the following word-combinations into adjectives:
For example: He has narrow shoulders. He is narrow-shouldered.
1. A man with broad shoulders.
2. A person who is very good by nature.
3. A man who has quick (hot, short, sweet) temper.
4. A girl with blue eyes.
5. A woman who has a kind heart.
6. A person with good manners.
7. A woman who has a thin face.
8. A man with a red beard.
9. An old man with grey hair.
10. A person who has an open mind to new ideas.
This is London!
1. Review the following words: Harrods -Харродз, один з найбільш фешенебельних та дорогих
універсальних магазинів Лондона; the Romans – римляни; AD (abbr. of Anno Domini) – н.е. (нашої ери); to
go up – будувати, зростати; to fall down – падати; Danish – датський; get sb to do smth – заставити
кого-небудь робити що-небудь; William the Conqueror – Вільгельм Загарбник, герцог; plague – чума; rush
hours –години пік; cab – таксі; hire – найм; pier – пірс; Charing Cross -Чарінг-Крос, перехрестя між
Трафальгарскою площею та вулицею Уайтхол.
2. Read and translate the text:
Every year, more than nine million people come from countries all over the world to visit London,
They go to the theatres and museums; they look at interesting old buildings, many of them hundreds of
years old; they sit or walk in the beautiful parks, or have a drink in a pub.
They go to Oxford Street to look at the shops, or to Harrods. Two million visitors go to the Tower
of London. A million more go to see St Paul's Cathedral. Yes, London is a big and beautiful city with lots
to see and do. But how did it all begin ...?
In the beginning
The name ‘London’ comes from the Romans. There were people living here before they came, but
we do not know very much about them.
The Romans came to England in AD 43. They built houses and other buildings and made a town
next to the River Thames. They called the town Londinium. They built a bridge over the river, and ships
came up to Londinium from the sea.
The town got bigger and bigger. Important new buildings went
up, and you can see some of the Roman city wall today, near the Museum of London.
It was a rich town with about 50,000 people living in it. But soon after AD 400, the Romans left
Londinium to go back to Rome, and nobody lived in the town for many hundreds of years. The buildings
began to fall down.
Danish soldiers destroyed more buildings nearly five hundred years later. King Alfred was king of
England then. He got the Danes to leave London and his men built the town again.
In 1066, William the Conqueror came to England from France to be king. Soon after, he began to
build the Tower of London. When Henry the Eighth was king in 1509, 50,000 people lived in London
again. By the year 1600, there were 200,000, but a lot of them lived in old and dirty buildings. In 1665,
100,000 people died from an illness called the plague. This was called the year of 'The Great Plague'.
A year later, in 1666, there was a big fire – The Fire of London. It began in a house in Pudding
Lane, near London Bridge. More than a quarter of a million Londoners lost their homes in the fire. It
destroyed St Paul's Cathedral and eighty-eight other churches. But the fire also destroyed most of the
worst old buildings, and the new houses that went up after this were better for people to live in.
A new St Paul's Cathedral was built between 1675 and 1711.
By 1881, more than three million people lived in London. Today, more than six million people live
here. There were eight million in the 1960s, but in the 1970s and 1980s, people moved out of the centre of
London. Visiting the city a quick and easy way to get to different places in the city is to use an Underground train. The trains run all day and most of the night. It's better not to make your journey between
eight o'clock and ten o'clock in the morning, or four o'clock and six o'clock in the evening. These are
called the 'rush' hours. Thousands of people are going to work or coming home again then, and it is
difficult to move or to find a place to sit on the train.
You can see much more of London from one of its famous red buses. Some special visitors' buses
take you to many of the interesting places in the city on one journey.
London taxis are called 'black cabs'. Most of them are black, but some are not. You can stop one if it
has a 'For Hire' sign on it. The drivers are usually friendly and helpful.
Why not take a boat trip along the River Thames? Boats leave Westminster Pier and Charing Cross
Pier, and they go to Tower Pier and Greenwich.
3. Give the antonyms to the following words:
old, many, before, to come, to make, rich, big, to leave, to destroy, dirty, illness, the worst, quick,
night, black, to stop.
4. Complete the following sentences:
The name ‘London’ comes from
a) the Romans;
b) the Romanians;
c) the Germans.
William the Conqueror came to England
a) from Italy to build the town;
b) from France to be king;
c) from France to find his relatives
In 1665, 100,000 people died from
a) fire;
b) hunger;
c) an illness called the plague.
You can see much more of London
а) visiting the cinemas, English pubs and Chinese restaurants;
b) from one of its famous red buses;
c) from the highest building of London.
London taxis are called
a) ‘red cars’;
b) ‘black dogs’;
c) ‘black cabs’.
5. Match the words with their definitions:
1. tower
a. an occasion when you travel from one place
to another;
2. destroy
b. to write something;
3. conqueror c. not clean;
4. lane
d. a tall narrow structure, building, or part of
a building;
5. helpful
e. a narrow road, especially in the countryside;
6. sign
f. to damage or to harm smth so severely that it
can’t exist;
7. journey
g. giving you useful advice or information;
8. dirty
h. someone who is taken control of land or
people by force.
6. Put 10 questions to the text “This is London!”
Питання для самоконтролю:
1. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “This is London”.
2. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
3. Граматика
Where is the position of adjective in the sentence?
4. Фонетика
1. What syllable is stressed in the multisyllable words?
5. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових
Практичне заняття № 4 (2 години)
Тема: “History of London”.
Мета: вдосконалити навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення; розвивати навички
читання та перекладу зі словником; контроль навичок письма: вживання прикметників у реченні;
виховувати ввічливість, тактовність.
План заняття
1. Ознайомлення з правилом “Вимова слів “please”, “thank you”.
2. Аудіювання тексту “Swift-footed Fellow” та виконання вправ.
3. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
4. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул. “Прохання”(“Request”).
5. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення: переказ тексту “This is London!” за планом.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу. Контроль.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Правило вимови слів “please”, “thank you”.
Вимова слова please залежить від його місця у реченні.
а) на початку речення (або смислової групи), воно наголошене, але зазвичай не створює
окремої смислової групи. Наприклад:
Please, Helen, pro'nounce the words. ||
б) у середині речення слово please може бути наголошеним або ненаголошеним, але воно не
утворює окрему смислову групу. Наприклад:
\Will you please 'switch 'on the,tape-recorder?||
в) на кінці речення слово please ненаголошене, не утворює окрему смислову групу і
вимовляється з мелодією попередньої смислової групи:
\Will you 'read ֽlouder, please? ||
2. Зверніть увагу на інтонацію Thank you. Вимовлене низхідним тоном воно виражає щиру
вдячність. Ті ж самі слова, вимовлені висхідним тоном, слугують вираженням лише формальної
ввічливої вдячності:
\Will you please 'switch 'on the ֽtape-recorder?|| ֽThank you.||
ֽ ֽT
ֽ hank you, Mike. ||→Go to your ֽseat. ||
2. Аудіювання тексту “Swift-footed Fellow”.
Vocabulary: swift-footed – швидконогий; flock – отара; scattered – розкидані; gate – ворота;
wiping his forehead – витираючи лоб.
2.1. Listen to the text:
A Swift-footed Fellow
Jonathan, an old soldier who spent many years in the Army, was walking along a country road.
The war was over and he thought of finding a good job for himself when he saw a farm house.
The farmer was standing at the door and Jonathan said, “I have been walking all day looking for work.
Will you give me a job?”
“Have you ever done any farm work?” asked the farmer.
“No,” said Jonathan. “I have been a soldier all my life, but I will do any job you will give me.”
The farmer thought and said: “All right. I’ll give you a chance. Do you see that flock of sheep
scattered over the hill?”
“Yes”, answered Jonathan.
“Well”, said the farmer. “Get them all through that gate and into the yard”.
“Ok”, said Jonathan. “I’ll do that”.
About an hour later the farmer went into the yard. Jonathan was standing at the gate wiping his
“Did you get them all in?” said the farmer.
“Yes”, said Jonathan. The farmer looked and saw that, indeed, all the sheep were gathered in the
yard and the gate was shut. And then the farmer saw a hare running round among the sheep. The soldier
saw what he was looking at.
“Yes”, he said, “that fellow there gave me more trouble than all the rest put together”.
2.2. Say if the sentence is true or false:
1. The soldier’s name was James.
2. He had been at war for many years.
3. He had been working all day looking for a job.
4. He asked the farmer for some water.
5. The soldier had never done any farm work before.
6. The farmer asked the soldier to get the goats together.
7. The soldier had never seen hares before.
2.3. Retell the story close to the text.
3. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
4. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул.
4.1. Compose the dialogue using the following phrases:
When you want somebody to do something for you:
a) there is something I should very much like you to do for me. The point is … .(Я би дуже хотів
звернутись до вас з проханням. Річ в тому, що … .)
b) do me a favour. (Зробить мені послугу.)
5. Розвиток навичок монологічного мовлення: переказ тексту “This is London!” за
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Граматичний аспект. Контроль.
7.1. Complete the chart below.
one person
many persons
7.2. Translate the following sentences:
1. Всі присутні гості були його друзями.
2. Я скажу тобі дещо хвилююче.
3. Я зголоднів та хочу пити.
4. Мій батько виглядає втомленим.
5. Він приїхав до Києву пізно восени.
6. Відповідь була конкретною та глибокою.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
– опрацюйте текст «London»;
- опрацюйте текст за фахом;
- підготуйте реферат (та його захист) з теми “Найвидатніша
подія (людина) в історії Великобританіі”;
– виконайте лексико-граматичний тест до модуля 3.1.
1. Review the following words: ancient – стародавній; старий; invader – загарбник; settlement –
поселення; sizeable – великого розміру; enclose – поміщати, заключати; stock exchange – фондова біржа;
tower – вежа; tomb – могила; masterpiece – шедевр, lawn – галявина; fleet – військово-морський флот;
mention – згадувати; wax – віск.
2. Read and translate the text.
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural center. It’s one of the
largest cities in the world.
Its population is more than 11 million people. London is situated on the
river Thames. The city is very old and beautiful. It was founded more than two thousand years ago.
London is an ancient city. It grew up around the first point where the Roman invaders found the
Thames narrow enough to build a bridge. They found a small Celtic settlement then known as
A. D. 300 they had turned it into a sizable port and an important trading centre with a wall which
enclosed the homes of about 50.000 people.
Traditionally London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and
Westminster. The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business center. The heart of the City
is the Stock Exchange.
Westminster is the most important part of the capital. It’s the administrative center. The House of
Parliament, the seat of the British Government, are there. It’s a very beautiful building with two towers
and a very big clock called Big Ben, the symbol of London. Big Ben is really the bell which strikes every
quarter of an hour. Opposite the House of Parliament is Westminster Abbey. It’s a very beautiful church
built over 900 years ago. It is noted for its architecture and historical associations. It’s the church where
nearly all the kings and queens have been crowned and where many of them are buried. The tombs of
many great statesmen, scientists and writers are there.
To the west of Westminster is West End. Here we find most of the big shops, hotels, museums, art
galleries, theatres and concert halls. In this part of London one can see the famous St. Paul’s Cathedral,
the masterpiece of the well-known English architect Christopher Wren. Piccadilly Circus – the heart of
London’s West End – is a fashionable shopping centre. Its famous fountain with a statue of Eros, the
Greek god of love, attracts crowds of tourists. In the West End there are wide streets with beautiful
houses, gardens and squares.
There are many public parks in London: Hyde Park, Regent Park, Kengsinton Gardens and others.
Hyde Park is Londoners’ favourite resting place, where crowds of people may be seen in the “Speaker’s
Corner” listening to Hyde Park speakers. During the day a lot of people sit on green grass lawns eating
sandwiches, drinking beer or sunshine. Everything is still and peaceful around. You can hardly imagine
that an enormous city with its traffic and noise is but a few paces away.
To the east of Westminster is the East End, an industrial district of the capital. There are no parks
or gardens in the East End and you can’t see many fine houses there. Most of the plants and factories are
situated there.
London has many places of interest. One of them is Buckingham Palace. It’s the residence of the
Queen. The English are proud of Trafalgar Square, which was named so in memory of the victory at the
battle. There in 1805 the English fleet defeated the fleet of France and Spain. Another place of interest I
should like to mention, is the British Museum, the biggest museum in London. The museum is famous
for its library- one of the richest in the world. The National Gallery stands on the north side of
Trafalgar Square, it contains a collection of paintings from the 13 th century to this century. Madame
Tussaud’s is an exhibition of hundreds of lifesize wax models of famous people of yesterday and today.
Here you can meet Marilyn Monroe, Elton John, Picasso, the Royal Family and many other writers, filmstars, singers, politicians, footballers and so on.
In conclusion I should say if you are lucky enough to find yourself in London some day you will
have a lot to see and enjoy there.
3. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and word combinations:
вузький; міст; кельтські поселення; перетворювати; торговий центр; ділити на; дзвін; церква;
напроти; коронувати; архітектура; поховати; державні діячі; отримати перемогу над ; визначне
місце; виставка.
4. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian and make up sentences
with them:
scientist; well-known masterpiece; fashionable shopping center; crowds of people; enormous city; a
few paces away; to be named in memory of; I should like to mention; a collection of painting; an
exhibition; to enjoy.
5. Translate into English:
1. Лондон, стародавнє місто, був заснований більш ніж дві тисячі років тому.
2. Сіті- найстаріша частина Лондону.
3. Вестмінстерське абатство відоме своєю архітектурою та історичними фактами.
4. Собор св. Петра – шедевр добре відомого англійського архітектора Кристофера Рена.
5. В Уест-Енді багато готелів, театрів, художніх галерей і концертних зал.
6. Choose the right statement according to the text:
1. Hyde Park is Londoners’ favourite resting place, where … .
a) tourists can see lots of wild animals.
b) everyone can buy the most fashionable clothes.
c) a lot of people sit on green grass lawns eating sandwiches, drinking beer or sunshine.
2. There are no parks or gardens … .
a) in the East End.
b) in the West End.
c) in the City.
d) in Westminster.
3. Buckingham Palace is … .
a) the biggest Art Museum in London.
b) the most famous library in Great Britain.
c) the residence of Queen.
4. Trafalgar Square was named so in memory of … .
a) the Greek god of victory.
b) the victory at the battle.
c) the English scientist.
5. Madame Tussaud’s museum contains … .
a) a collection of paintings from the 13th century to this century.
b) a lot of books, it’s the richest library in the world.
c) an exhibition of hundreds of lifesize wax models of famous people.
7. Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the list given below:
to, of, from, in, of,at, in, of, for, away, into, of, with, in, of, to, on, into, in
1. London is situated … the river Thames.
2. The Roman invaders had turned it … a sizable port and an important trading centre.
3. London is divided … several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and Westminster.
4. … Hyde Park crowds … people may be seen … the “Speaker’s Corner” listening … Hyde Park
5. You can hardly imagine that an enormous city … its traffic and noise is but a few paces … .
6. The English are proud … Trafalgar Square, which was named so … memory … the victory …
the battle.
7. The museum is famous … its library- one … the richest … the world.
8. The National Gallery contains a collection … paintings … the 13 th century … this century.
Питання для самоконтролю:
1. Перевірка розуміння тексту “London” за допомогою запитань.
Is population in London more than 20 million people?
What is the main river in London?
When was London founded?
Who found the Celtic settlements then known as Londinium?
How many parts is London divided into? What are they?
What is the oldest part of London?
Is Westminster the most important part of the capital? Why?
What is Westminster Abbey?
What can we see in the West End?
Are there many parks in London? Why is Hyde Park so
Where is the industrial district located?
Where is the residence of the Queen?
What can you tell about Trafalgar Square?
What another places of interest can you visit in London? What
are they famous for?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою
запитань або
виконання завдань до тексту.
4. Фонетика
1. Where are the words “please” and “thank you” placed in the sentences?
2. How are they pronounced?
5. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу
шляхом виконання
тестових завдань.
Практичне заняття № 5 (2 години)
Тема: “London – European Country”.
Мета: розвивати навички розуміння основної ідеї та деталей тексту під час читання;
продовжувати вчити вживати мовленнєві формули під час монологічного та діалогічного
мовлення; вдосконалювати навички інтонування речення; викликати почуття захоплення, поваги.
План заняття
1. Ознайомлення з правилом “Інтонація речення. Інтонація вставної синтагми на кінці
речення. Наголос у складових прикметниках”.
2. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул «Пробачення».
3. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
4. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу “Ступені порівняння прикметників” та виконання
тренувальної вправи.
5. Аудіювання тексту “London Fog” та виконання завдання на розуміння змісту тексту.
6. Робота з опорним текстом “London”.
7. Виконання квізів.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Інтонація речення. Інтонація вставної синтагми на кінці
речення. Наголос у складових прикметниках.
Прикладка зазвичай виділяється у окрему змістову групу, є наголошеною і вимовляється
тим же тоном, що і означуване слово, але на більш низькому рівні.
My → brother-in-law, | → Henry Sandford...
2. You know – вступна змістова група. Вступна змістова група на кінці речення
ненаголошена та продовжує мелодію попередньої смислової групи :
I'm a ֽwriter, | → just a beֽginner, you know.
3. Слово well-bred є складовим прикметником. Складові прикметники зазвичай
вимовляються з наголосом на кожному з складових елементів. Наприклад: 'well-'known, 'good'looking, 'kind-'hearted, 'absent-'minded.
Під впливом ритму один з наголосів може опускатись. Наприклад: She is a →good-looking
1.1. Виконайте тренувальну вправу:
Read the following sentences. Mark the stresses and tunes:
1. Behind Doctor Sandford’s house there is a small orchard.
2. He says: “I have a good television-set”.
3. The house is not large, but it is comfortable.
2. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул «Пробачення».
2.1. Read and learn the following phrases:
a) sorry! («Пробачте».)
b) I beg your pardon. («Пробачте, будь ласка» – звичайна
c) excuse me. (« Будь ласка, пробачте» – за невеликий вчинок)
d) I am awfully sorry. (« Я дуже шкодую» – найввічлива форма)
e) it is my fault./The fault is mine. («Я винен».)
f) it’s a pity. («Шкода».)
2.2. Complete the conversations with the correct expressions.
I’m sorry. Excuse me. Of course. Pardon.
A _______ ! Can I get past?
B ________?
A Can I get past, please?
B _______. I didn’t hear you. Yes, ______.
A Thanks a lot.
2.3. Complete the dialogue with your own phrases.
3. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
4. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу. “Ступені порівняння прикметників”.
Прикметники в англійській мові не змінюються ні за числами, ні за родами, ні за відмінкам,
а лише за ступенями порівняння. Якісні прикметники в англійській мові мають основну форму (the
positive degree), вищий ступінь порівняння (the comparative degree) і найвищий (the superlative degree).
Форми вищого і найвищого ступенів порівняння прикметників можуть бути простими і
Прості форми утворюються додаванням до основної форми прикметників закінчення –er [ә]
у вищому і –est [ist] у найвищому ступені:
cold – colder – the coldest
холодний – холодніший – найхолодніший
Складені форми ступенів порівняння утворюються додаванням до основної форми
прикметника слова more більш у вищому ступені і the most найбільший – у найвищому: dangerous –
more dangerous – the most dangerous
небезпечний – більш небезпечний – найбільш небезпечний
Прості форми ступенів порівняння мають:
а) усі односкладові прикметники: short – shorter – the shortest
б) двоскладові прикметники, що закінчуються на –y, -er, -le, -ow:
heavy – heavier – the heaviest
clever – cleverer – the cleverest
simple – simpler – the simplest
narrow – narrower – the narrowest
в) двоскладові прикметники з наголосом на другому складі:
polite – politer – the politest
severe – severer – the severest
Складені форми ступенів порівняння мають усі багатоскладові прикметники (з кількістю
складів більше двох), а також двоскладові прикметники з наголосом на першому складі, крім тих,
що закінчуються на –y, -er, -le, -ow :
difficult – more difficult – the most difficult
famous – more famous – the most famous
Правила правопису простих форм ступенів порівняння прикметників:
а) якщо прикметник закінчується німим –е, то перед закінченнями –er та –est воно випадає:
large – larger – the largest
white – whiter – the whitest
б) якщо односкладовий прикметник закінчується однією приголосною з попереднім
коротким голосним звуком, то кінцева приголосна перед закінченнями -er та –est подвоюється: hot
– hotter – the hottest
big – bigger – the biggest
в) якщо прикметник закінчується буквою –у з попередньою приголосною, то перед –er, –est
у змінюється на і :
dirty – dirtier – the dirtiest
dry – drier – the driest
Ступені порівняння прикметників good і bad утворилися від інших коренів:
good – better – the best
bad – worse – the worst
Прикметники old та far мають дві форми вищого й найвищого ступеня:
old – older, elder – the oldest, the eldest
far – farther, further – the farthest, the furthest
Форми elder і the eldest вживаються, коли йдеться про членів однієї сім΄ї (my elder brother
мій старший брат), але якщо при порівнянні є слово than ніж, то вживається форма older, а не elder
(he is three years older than his sister).
Обидві форми farther і further вживаються, коли говорять про відстань, further, крім того,
має значення дальший, наступний.
При порівняння в реченні звичайно вживається сполучник than:
She is younger than Helen. Вона молодша за Олену.
Для підсилення вищого ступеня вживаються слова much, far набагато, значно; still ще: The film
is much better. Цей фільм значно кращий.
It is still colder today. Сьогодні ще холодніше.
При порівнянні предметів з однаковою мірою якості вживається прикметник в основній
формі, який ставиться між as … as:
February was as cold as January. Лютий був такий же холодний, як і січень.
Для вираження меншої міри якості прикметник в основній формі ставиться між not so … as:
June is not so hot as July. Червень не такий жаркий, як липень.
4.1. Виконайте тренувальну вправу:
Work with a partner. Read about Paris (Stockholm).
Founded 990
Founded 1250
Population 10,500,000
Population 880,100
Area 12,012 km2
Area 6,488 km2
Temperatures Jan: 40 C
Temperatures Jan: -30C;
July: 200C
July: 180C
Rainfall Jan: 56mm
Rainfall Jan: 43mm;
July: 59mm
July: 61mm
4.2. Ask and answer these questions to find out about the other city:
1. How old is it?
2. How big is it?
3. How many people live there?
4. How hot/cold does it get?
5. How wet is it?
4.3. Compare two cities. Write down 5 sentences.
For example: It is bigger than Brasilia.
It’s not as cold as Spain.
5. Аудіювання тексту “London Fog”. Контроль.
5.1. Learn the following words:
Vocabulary: were losing their way – блукали; bumped –наткнутися; stranger – незнайомець;
blind – сліпий.
5.2. Listen to the following text:
London Fog
It was a very foggy day in London. The fog was so thick that it was impossible to see more than a
foot or so. Buses, cars and taxies were not able to run and were standing by the side of the road. People
were trying to find their way about on foot but were losing their way in the fog.
Mr. Smith had a very important meeting at the House of Commons and had to get there but no one
could take him. He tried to walk there but found that he was quite lost. Suddenly he bumped into a
stranger. The stranger asked if he could help him. Mr. Smith answered he wanted to get to the House of
Parliament. The stranger told him he would take him there. Mr. Smith thanked him and they started to
walk there.
The fog was getting thicker with every minute but the stranger had no difficulty in finding the
way. He walked along one street, turned down another, crossed a square and at last after half an hour’s
walk they arrived at the House of Parliament.
Mr. Smith couldn’t understand how the stranger found his way.
“It is wonderful”, he said.
“How do you find the way in this frog?”
“It is no trouble at all to me, sir”, said the stranger. “I’m blind”.
5.3. Answer the questions using the right variant:
1. What kind of weather was in London that day?
a) rainy;
b) windy;
c) foggy;
d) snowy.
2. How did the people move in such weather?
a) by bus;
b) by car;
c) by taxi;
d) on foot.
3. Where did Mr. Smith have a very important meeting?
a) at the House of Lords;
b) at the House of Commons;
c) at the restaurant;
d) at St. Paul’s Cathedral.
4. Whom did he meet in the fog?
a) a friend;
b) a stranger;
c) a driver;
d) a young lady.
5. How much did it take them to get to the House of Parliament?
a) a quarter of an hour;
b) half an hour;
c) one hour;
d) an hour and a half.
6. What was the weather like when they were walking to the House of Parliament?
a) it started raining;
b) it started snowing;
c) the fog was clearing;
d) the fog was getting thicker.
7. Why was it easy for the stranger to find the way in a fog?
a) he saw everything;
b) he had a map of the city;
c) he was blind;
d) somebody told him where to go.
6. Робота з опорним текстом “London”.
7. Виконання квізів.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- опрацюйте текст за фахом;
– виконайте тренувальні граматичні вправи;
– опрацюйте текст “This is London!” (Part II).
Тренувальні вправи
1.1. Form the comparative and the superlative degrees of the following adjectives:
Comfortable, bad, clean, clever, narrow, interesting, ashamed, far, difficult, considerable, lazy, old,
expensive, responsible, big, brave, pleasant, boring, little, careful, tall, fast, dangerous, happy, famous,
short, suitable, dirty, modern.
2.1. Answer the following questions:
1. Which month is longer: March or April?
2. Which is the largest city in the Ukraine?
3. When days are longer: in winter or in summer?
4. Which is the most difficult subject?
5. Which is the longest day of the year?
6. Which is the shortest month of the year?
7. When is it warmer: in April or in May?
8. When is it colder: in October or in November?
9. Is literature more interesting than grammar?
10. Is chemistry more difficult than physics?
11. Which is the most interesting subject?
3.1. Paraphrase the following sentences as in the models:
Models: Nick is neither stronger nor weaker than Tom. – Nick is as strong as Tom.
Tom is strong. Jack is stronger than Tom. – Tom is not so strong as Jack.
1. This story is interesting. That story is more interesting.
2. This street is neither wider nor narrower than that.
3. I shall be busy tomorrow. Today I am busier.
4. July is neither longer nor shorter than August.
5. Snowdon is high. Ben Nevis is higher.
6. Paul is neither older nor younger than his friends.
This is London! (Part II)
1. Review the following words: expensive – дорогий; the Barbican Theatre – театр в
культурному центрі Барбікан; mousetrap – мишоловка; cheap – дешевий; Covent Garden /'kovant/ –
"Конвент-Гарден", назва королівського оперного театру; Albert Hall – Альберт Холл, велика концертна
зала; gore /go:/- клин (землі); Coliseum /kolt'siam/- театр "Колізей"; the Sadler's Wells Theatre
/'saedlaz/- театр опери а балету "Садлерз-Уэллз"; the Museum of the Moving Image /'mu:vin/- музей
рухливого зображення; set /set/ – знімальний майдан; the London Dungeon – музей "Лондонська
темниця”; Madame Tussaud's /ta 'sa:dz/ – музей мадам Тюсо; Chamber of Horrors /'horaz/ – кімната
жахів в музеї воскових фігур; empty – пустий; а suit – костюм; The Monument – Монумент, колона
зведена на спогад про Велику пожежу.
2. Read and translate the text:
Going out theatres and music
London's West End has some of the best theatres in the world, so tickets can be expensive. Go in
the afternoon; it is often cheaper. There is something for everybody – from a play by the Royal Shakespeare Company at the Barbican Theatre, to Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap (this play began in 1952
and thousands of visitors see it every year).
There are lots of cinemas to visit. The most expensive are in the West End, but you can sometimes
get cheap tickets on Mondays.
You can hear wonderful music and singing from all over the world at the Royal Opera House in
Covent Garden, the Royal Albert Hall in Kensington Gore, the London Coliseum in St Martin's Lane, and
the Barbican Centre, Silk Street.
For ballet, go to the Sadler's Wells Theatre in Rosebery Avenue, or to the Royal Opera House.
To get cheap tickets, buy them an hour or two before it begins.
Do you like to listen to jazz musicians? You can hear some of the best at Ronnie Scott's Club in
Frith Street, or at the Bull's Head, Barnes at Barnes Bridge, or at 100 Club at 100, Oxford Street.
Museums and galleries
The British Museum in Great Russell Street is the biggest museum in Britain. Tickets are free.
The Museum of London at 150, London Wall is one of the most interesting museums in the city. It
tells the story of London and its people.
One more museum that tells a story is the Museum of the Moving Image (MOMI), on the South
Bank (under Waterloo Bridge). This tells the story of cinema and television, and there are many things for
visitors to see and do. You can act with actors on a film 'set'. Or you can read the news on TV!
Four million people visit the National Gallery in Trafalgar Square every year. They come to look at
more than two thousand pictures. Tickets are free.
At the National Portrait Gallery in St Martins Place, you can see pictures of famous people. Tickets
are free here, too.
The London Dungeon in Tooley Street is a 'Museum of Horror'. Half a million people visit it every
year, but they don't always stay to see it all!
Madame Tussaud's in Marylebone Road is famous for its people made from wax. You can see
famous people from the past and famous people of today –Nelson Mandela, Pavarotti, Marilyn Monroe,
Charlie Chaplin, Sylvester Stallone. And in the 'Chamber of Horrors' you can see some very bad people!
Places and parades The City
Londoners often talk about 'The City'. They are talking about the oldest part of London, the home
of the Bank of England, and many other big offices. About five thousand people live in The City, and at
weekends it feels empty. But between Monday and Friday, nearly half a million people come here to
work in the banks and offices. Look for the City men with their dark suits and umbrellas!
St Paul's Cathedral is in the middle of The City, and the Bank of England has an interesting
museum that you can visit. Also in the The City is a very tall building – 60.6 metres high – called The
Monument. Christopher Wren built this, too, and it stands on the place where the Fire of London began
in 1666.
Big red buses ... London policemen ... Buckingham Palace ... Speakers' Corner ... Big Ben … – these
are some of the things you can find in London.
3. Give the English equivalents to the following word combinations:
найдорожчі кінотеатри; придбати дешеві квіти; слухати джазових музикантів; вхід вільний;
розповідати історію Лондона; зроблені з воску; знамениті люди сьогодення; шукати чоловіків у
чорних костюмах.
4. Find the antonyms to the following words :
1. the best
a. unknown
2. cheap
b. to finish
3. famous
c. full
4. past
d. future
5. empty
e. to lose
6. fire
f. to keep silence
7. to look for
g. beauty
8. to begin
h. expensive
9. to tell
i. water
10. horror
j. to finish
5. Fill the gaps with the necessary prepositions:
from, at, to for, by
There is something … everybody – … a play … the Royal Shakespeare Company … the Barbican
Theatre, … Agatha Christie's The Mousetrap.
of, with, on, for, to
This tells the story … cinema and television, and there are many things … visitors … see and do.
You can act … actors … a film 'set'.
from, of, from, for
Madame Tussaud's in Marylebone Road is famous … its people made … wax. You can see famous
people from the past and famous people … today.
at, to, in, with, between, for
About five thousand people live … The City, and … weekends it feels empty. But … Monday and
Friday, nearly half a million people come here … work in the banks and offices. Look … the City men …
their dark suits and umbrellas.
6. Complete the sentences:
a) The most expensive cinemas are in … .
b) You can hear wonderful music and singing at … .
c) For ballet, go to … .
The British Museum is … .
The Museum of London at 150, London Wall is … .
The Museum of the Moving Image tells the story of … .
At the National Portrait Gallery in St Martins Place, you can see … .
Christopher Wren built … and it stands on the place where the Fire of London began in 1666.
Put 5 questions to the text.
Питання для самоконтролю:
1. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “London”(Part II).
2. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
3. Граматика:
1. How is the comparative degree of adjective formed?
2. What is the superlative degree of adjective? How is it formed?
4. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових
Практичне заняття № 6 (2 години)
Тема: “Places of Interest in London”.
Мета: розвивати навички монологічного мовлення, читання; закріпити граматичний
матеріал; вдосконалювати письмові навички; продовжувати вчити розуміти деталі тексту та точку
зору мовця під час аудіювання та читання текстів; сприяти моральному та естетичному
План заняття
1. Пояснення фонетичного матеріалу: “Інтонація. Низько- висхідний тон. Інтонація
звернення та перерахування. Інтонація окличних речень”. Виконання тренувальних вправ.
2. Закріплення граматичного матеріалу: “Ступені порівняння прикметників”. Виконання
тренувальних вправ.
3. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
4. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “London”. Написання диктанту.
5. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою “The Welsh”. Контроль.
6. Аудіювання тексту “Forks and Fingers” та виконання вправ
на розуміння змісту тексту.
7. Виконання квізів.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. “Інтонація. Низько-висхідний тон. Інтонація звернення та
перерахування. Інтонація окличних речень”.
Типовим для англійської мови є складний низько-висхідний тон (the falling-rising tone, или
Fall-Rise). Низько-висхідний тон спостерігається у змістових групах, які потребують висхідного
тону, у яких комунікативний центр висловлювання виділяється пониженням тону. Низьковисхідні рухи тону можуть здійснюватись в межах одного складу або розповсюджуватись на
більшу кількість складів. Вживання низько-висхідного тону замість звичайного висхідного тону є
типовим для емоційно забарвленого мовлення:
They are in ֽCanada ֽnow.
Інтонація звертання (Direct Address). Інтонація звертання залежить від його місця у
реченні. На початку речення звертання завжди наголошене, зазвичай утворює самостійну змістову
групу і вимовляється, як правило, низько-висхідним тоном. Наприклад:
ֽGranֽny, | →have I anyֽcousins?
В офіційнійному мовленні або коли звернення спрямоване до аудиторії, воно вимовляється з
низхідним тоном:
→ Comrade Ivaֽnova, | → come to theֽblackboard, please.
У середині і в кінці речення звертання ненаголошене і продовжує мелодію попередньої
змістової групи:
Come a/long, my dearest.
3. В реченнях, які містять перерахування (enumeration), звичайно кожна незакінчена
змістова група вимовляється з висхідним тоном. Наприклад:
The \five 'members of his 'family ֽare: | his ֽmother, | his → sister-in-ֽlaw, | his →son ֽBenny, | his
→ wife ֽHelen | and himֽself.
1.1. Виконайте тренувальну вправу:
1. \ Old Mrs. ΄Sandford is ΄fifty-ֽeight,| \Helen is ΄twenty-ֽsix,| Doctor → Sandford is ֽthirty. 2.
There are a → lot of ֽexercise-books,| ֽpens| and ֽpencils on the desk. 3. There are \not so ΄many ֽparks,|
ֽgardens| and ֽsquares in the town. 4.→ Show all the ֽrivers,| ֽlakes,| and ֽseas on the map.
2. Закріплення граматичного матеріалу: “Ступені порівняння прикметників”.
Виконайте тренувальні вправи :
2.1. Correct these sentences:
1. He’s more older than he looks.
2. Jessica’s as tall than her mother.
3. “What does New York like?” “It’s really exciting!”
4. Trains in London are more crowded that in Paris.
5. Oxford is one of oldest universities in Europe.
6. He isn’t as intelligent than his sister.
7. This is more hard than I expected.
8. Who is the most rich man in the world?
9. Everything is more cheap in my country.
10. Rome was hotter that I expected.
2.2. Work with a partner and continue these conversations:
1. A. I moved to a new flat last week.
B. Oh, really? What’s like?
A. Well, it’s bigger than my old one but it isn’t as modern, and …
2. A. I hear Sandy and Al broke up.
B. Yeah. Sandy’s got a new boyfriend.
A. Oh, really? What’s he like?
B. Well, he’s … than Al, and … .
3. A. We have a new teacher.
B. Oh, really? What’s she like?
A. Well, I think she’s the … teacher we’ve ever had … .
4. A. Is that your new car?
B. Well, it’s second-hand, but it’s new to me.
A. What’s it like?
B. Well, it’s … than my old car … .
2.3. Act out a conversation to the class. Whose is the longest?
3. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
4. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “London”.
4.1. Listen to the text and write down the following sentences:
London is the capital of Great Britain, its political, economic and cultural center. It’s one of the
largest cities in the world.
Its population is more than 11 million people. London is situated on the
river Thames. London is divided into several parts: the City, the West End, the East End and
Westminster. The City is the oldest part of London, its financial and business center. Westminster’s the
administrative center. It’s a very beautiful building with two towers and a very big clock called Big Ben,
the symbol of London.London has many places of interest. The English are proud of Trafalgar Square.
The British Museum is famous for its library- one of the richest in the world.
5. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою “The Welsh”. Контроль.
5.1. Read the following text and fill the gaps with necessary words below:
The Welsh
There is no other part of the British Isles where … traditions are more cherished than in Wales. The
Welsh still proudly wear their national dress on festive occasions. The Welsh … is still very much a living
force and is taught side by side with English in schools of Wales. And …, who have a highly developed
artistic sense, have a distinguished record in the realm of poetry, song and drama.
Wales really begins with the Anglo-Saxon … in the 6th and 7th centuries which isolated the Welsh
from the rest of their fellow – coast. Then came the Normans who penetrated into the south of the
country and … many strongholds, in spite of strong resistance organized by the Welsh. However, the
subjection of the people was completed by Edward I who made his …, afterwards Edward II, the first
Prince of Wales.
Welsh is … by half a million people, 20 per cent of the population of Wales. Welsh and English are
… official languages in Wales. Nearly all Welsh speakers are …, although most would think of English as
their second language. The Welsh language is a … branch of the Indo-European languages and has some
… in common with them.
The Welsh call their … Cymru, and themselves they call Cymry, a word which has the same root as
“comrade, friend”.
roots A
country G
son B
language H
victories C
national I
Welshmen D
bilingual J
Celtic E
both K
established F
spoken L
6. Аудіювання тексту “Forks and Fingers”.
Vocabulary: inconvenient – незручний; to argue – сперечатися; indignant – обурений; artificial –
штучний, роблений; lace – trimmed collars – комірці, з кружевною габою; to hinder – заважати,
6.1. Listen to the text:
Forks and Fingers
In 1608 an English man, Thomas Coryate by name, visited Italy. When he came back to England he
brought little forks the Italians used to eat meat with. His friends looked at the forks and laughed. They
thought the Italians were fools because the forks were very inconvenient.
Thomas Coryate argued with them and explained to them that it was not good to eat meat with
one’s fingers because people’s hands were not always clean.
The Englishmen were indignant at this.
“Do you think that people in England don’t wash their hands before eating?” one of his friends
“Isn’t it enough to have ten fingers for eating? Must we add two artificial fingers to eat meat?”
asked the second friend.
Then the host decided to show how easy it was to use the fork. But the first peace of meat he
picked up off his plate slipped off the fork to the tablecloth.
His friends couldn’t stop laughing and joking about it, so the poor host had to put his fork back
into his pocket.
Now listen to the story about why people began to use forks. The story says that forks came into
use when people began to wear lace-trimmed collars. Those collars hindered then when they ate. They
held the chin up in the air and kept one from bending his head. It looked as if the head was on a big
round plate.
With such a collar it was more convenient to eat with a fork than with fingers.
6.2. Say if the sentence is true or false:
1. An Englishman visited Italy in 1608.
2. He brought little forks the Italians used to eat meat with.
3. His friends liked the forks he had brought.
4. They thought the Italians were clever people.
5. The forks were convenient.
6. Thomas Coryate argued with his friends.
7. He explained to them how to eat with one’s fingers.
8. Everyone was indignant at this.
9. The first piece of meat he picked up didn’t slip off the fork.
10. His friends joked about it.
11. A hundred years passed before forks came into style in England.
12. Lace-trimmed collars hindered the people to use forks.
6.3. Give equivalents of the following words and phrases:
користувались, коли їли м΄ясо; були дуже незручними; сперечались; пояснював; не
погодився з ними; руки не завжди чисті; були обурені; два штучних пальця; показав, як легко
користуватись; взяв з тарілки; зіскочив з виделки; ввійти у моду; носити кружевні комірці;
заважали нахиляти голову.
7. Виконання квізів.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- опрацюйте текст за фахом;
– підготуйтесь до граматичного тесту;
– опрацюйте текст «English Traditions».
English Traditions
1. Before reading the text, name the English traditions you know. Expand upon one of them.
2. Read the following references:
Eton College – Ітонський коледж (одна з найдавніших та найвидатніших приватних шкіл для
хлопчиків у Віндзорі; заснована у 1440 році, в ній навчаються, в основному, діти з аристократичних і
заможних родин; з Ітонського коледжу вийшло багато прем΄єр-міністрів Великобританії).
Henry VI – Генріх VI (король Англії та Франції з 1429 року; знаменитий як заступник мистецтва
та літератури та засновник Ітонського коледжу і Королевського коледжу в Кембріджі; під час його
правління почалась Війна Червоної та Білої троянди; був звергнутий з престолу у 1461 році Едвардом,
герцогом Йоркським; у 1471-м потрапив до ув΄язнення в Тауер та був вбитий під час молитви,
припускають, що майбутнім Річардом III).
(the) Changing (of) the Guard – формальна церемонія зміни караулу у Букінгемському палаці,
офиційнії резиденції королеви, а також у будівлі Королевської кінної гвардії на Уайтхолі; проводиться
кожного ранку.
Buckingham Palace- Букінгемський палац (офіційна резиденція королеви в Лондоні з 1837 року;
побудований у 1703 році герцогом Букінгемським).
the Chief Warder – керівник варти в лондонському Тауері, яка складається з вартових в спеціальній
формі, яка нагадує вбрання середньовічного селянина-йомена; його часто називають «біфітер».
3. Read the text and say what it adds to your knowledge.
London has preserved its old ceremonies and traditions to a greater extent than any other city in
England. Most of these traditions have been kept up without interruption since the thirteenth century.
Foreigners coming to London are impressed by quite a number of ceremonies, which seem to be
incompatible with the modern traffic and technical conditions of a highly developed country. Uniforms
are rather characteristic of this fact. When one sees the warders at the Tower of London with their funny
hats and unusual dresses with royal monograms, one feels carried back to the age of Queen Elizabeth I.
Even in the unromantic everyday life of English businessmen we can see the same formal
traditions. In the City of London there may be seen a number of men in top-hats. These are the bank
messengers who had to put on these hats according to traditions. The same tradition makes the Eton boys
(the boys of Eton College which was founded in 1440 by Henry VI) put on a silk hat, a very short jacket
and long trousers.
All of you, of course, have seen English films and noticed official black dresses and white wigs of
judges and advocates, though wigs have not been used for nearly two hundred years in other countries.
One of the most impressive and popular ceremonies is «Changing the Guard», which takes place at
Buckingham Palace every day, including Sunday, at 11. 30. The uniform of the guards is extremely
coloured – red tunics, blue trousers and bearskin caps, and they always attract London sightseers.
Another formal display is the «Ceremony of Keys» which takes place every night at 9. 53 p. m.
when the Chief Warder of the Tower of London lights a candle lantern and carrying the keys makes his
way with the Escort to the gates of the Tower and locks them. This ceremony takes place every night
without interruption. It is said that on the night of April 16, 1941 air bombing stopped the ceremony,
knocking out members of the Escort. Despite this the duty was completed.
Strange as they may seem to a modern European or American, nobody in London sees anything
remarkable in these old traditions which mix harmoniously with the city everyday life.
4. Find the equivalents to the following Ukrainian words and word combinations: зберігати;
бути враженим; несумісний; вартовий; королівська монограма; циліндричний капелюх; білі
перуки; привертати увагу; вистава; ліхтар зі свічкою; без перерви; гармонічно поєднуватись; збити
з ніг.
5. Describe the following ceremonies:
a) “Changing the Guard”;
b) “Ceremony of Keys”.
Питання для самоконтролю:
1. Перевірка розуміння тексту “English Traditions” за допомогою питань.
Do Englishmen often change their ceremonies and traditions?
What are foreigners impressed by?
Do uniforms play the important role in British traditions? Prove you case.
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “English Traditions”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Фонетика
1. When is the falling-rising tone typical fro the English sentences?
2. What do you know about the intonation in the sentences with enumeration (direct address)?
5. Граматика
1. How is the comparative degree of adjective formed?
2. What is the superlative degree of adjective? How is it formed?
6. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових
Практичне заняття № 7 (2 години)
Тема: “British Traditions and Customs”.
Мета: вдосконалити навички письма; закріпити граматичний матеріал; розвивати навички
монологічного мовлення; працювати над навичками розуміння основної ідеї та деталей тексту під
час читання; виховувати працелюбність, ініціативність.
План заняття
1. Пояснення фонетичного матеріалу “Інтонація обставинної групи” та виконання
тренувальних вправ.
2. Аудіювання тексту “How Umbrella Appeared” та виконання завданнь на розуміння
змісту тексту.
3. Робота з опорним текстом “British Traditions and Customs”.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу з теми “Ступені порівняння
прикметників”. Контроль.
5. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. “Інтонація обставинної групи”.
Обставинна група на початку речення, як правило, виокремлюється в окрему інтонаційну
групу і вимовляється низьким висхідним тоном. Наприклад:
In →front of the ֽhouse. On the→ ground ֽfloor.
Інтонація складно-підрядних речень.
Обидва речення, які входять до складу складнопідрядного речення (категоричного
ствердження), як правило, вимовляються низхідним тоном, що пояснюється їх змістовою
закінченістю. Наприклад:
Doctor \Sandford's 'house is 'not ֽlarge | but it is ֽcomfortable.
Реченнє, яке вводить пряму мову, може вимовлятись як висхідним, так і низхідним тоном.
Не ֽsays: | "I'm from ֽMoscow." He ֽsays: | "I'm from ֽMoscow."
При перетворенні у непряму мову це реченнє зазвичай не утворює самостійної змістової
групи. Наприклад:
Doctor \ Sandford 'says he must 'pay a 'lot of ֽmoney.
Поступово низхідна послідовність наголошених складів може бути порушена, якщо за
змістом необхідно виділити одне з проміжних слів (the Broken Descending Scale). Деякі підвищення
тону наголошеного складу виділеного слова супроводжуєються подальшим постійним зниженням
тону наступних складів. Наприклад:
Не must \pay the 'money for ↓many ֽyears now.
1.2. Виконання тренувальної вправи:
Transcribe the following sentences. Mark the stresses and tunes:
1. Behind Doctor Sandford’s house there is a small orchard.
2. He says: “I have a good television–set.”
3. The house is not large, but it is comfortable.
2. Аудіювання тексту “How Umbrella Appeared”.
Vocabulary: pharaoh – фараон; ancient – стародавній; afford – дозволяти собі; slave – раб; widely
spread – широко розповсюдженні; oiled canvas hemisphere – промочена маслом полотняна півкуля;
mocking – насмішкуватий; fold – складати.
2.1. Listen to the text:
How Umbrella Appeared
We can often hear our relatives say: “It is going to rain, take an umbrella with you”. Umbrella is a
usual thing nowadays, but what do we know about its history?
People began to use umbrella long time ago. In ancient Egypt pharaohs used umbrellas. The first
umbrellas were different from what we have today. There were very heavy, that’s why only rich people
could afford them. Usually umbrellas were carried by slaves behind rich people of ancient Rome and
Greece. Later umbrellas appeared in China.
People used them to protect themselves against hot rays
of the sun. But umbrellas were not so widely spread until the 18 th century.
Imagine grey rainy autumn day in London, 1750. It was raining hard and there were few people in
the streets, but those few were very surprised to see a tall man walking along the street and carrying a
strange object over his head. It was stick with an oiled canvas hemisphere which liked like a mushroom.
The name of the man was David Hanway. On and on, taking no care of mocking looks, he appeared in
the streets of London with a “mushroom” in his hands, which couldn’t fold.
Only in 1852 another English inventor Fox created an umbrella which we call the grandfather of
today’s ones. Light and comfortable, it has become a devoted friend of people all over the world.
2.2. Say if the sentence is true or false:
1. The first umbrella appeared in China.
2. Rich people carried umbrellas behind their slaves.
3. People needed umbrellas to protect themselves against the rain.
4. Modern umbrella was invented by American inventor Fox.
5. Umbrellas were widely spread before the 18th century.
6. The first umbrellas were very comfortable.
7. The 17th century is the time when people began to use
2.3. Answer the questions:
1. Who was the first to use umbrellas?
1. What did the first umbrellas look like?
2. Where they different from what we have today?
3. What was the reason of using umbrellas?
4. What did Hanway’s umbrella look like?
5. Why did people laugh at him?
6. When was the grandfather of today’s umbrella created?
3. Робота з опорним текстом “British Traditions and Customs”.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу з теми “Ступені порівняння
прикметників”. Контроль.
4.1. Complete the sentences.
Melbourne was interesting, but for me, Paris was ________ interesting _______ Melbourne, and in
some ways Dubai was the _______ interesting of all because it was so different _________ any other place
I know. It was also the ________, driest, and __________ modern. It was hot in Melbourne but not ______
hot _______ in Dubai. Dubai was ________hotter! Melbourne is _________older _________ Dubai but not
______ old _______ Paris. Paris was ________ oldest city I visited, but it has some great modern buildings,
too. It was the _______ romantic place. I loved it.
4.2. Complete these sentences by supplying the comparative form and the superlative form of
the adjective or adverb in parentheses.
1. John's car was much … (expensive) … my car.
2. This summer is … (hot) … last summer.
3. Lilly is much … (clever) … her brother.
4. We stayed … (long) … we expected.
5. The time passed … quick) … I expected.
6. These exercises are … (difficult) … some of the others.
7. They arrived … (soon) … we.
8. This is … (expensive) book that I own.
9. George is … (bad) student in the class.
10. The Herald is … (important) newspaper in the town.
11. Which is … (good) route from Miami to New York?
12. Who is … (rich) person in the USA?
13. Who is … (popular) singer in Britain?
14. What is … (beautiful) city in the world?
15. Here is … (late) news.
5. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- опрацюйте текст за фахом;
- підготуйтесь до рольової гри за темою “Лондон, та його життя” (опрацюйте приблизні
варіанти висловлювань);
- підберіть за темою рольової гри прислів’я та проілюструйте одне з них.
Приблизні варіанти висловлювань
Teacher: Do you like to travel?
What are the reasons for traveling?
Students: – I like travel! It’s just great! Travel offers sense of freedom.
- Usually I travel to relax and to learn something new …
- … because traveling is exciting (useful, fascinating, enjoyable, good for health).
- ... because traveling broadens our mind/outlook (gives us life experience; leaves unforgettable
impressions; helps us explore the world; allows us to understand other people better.)
Teacher: “Great Britain”, “London”, what do these words trigger in your mind?
Students: ... .
Teacher: Let’s speak about the capital of Great Britain – London.
Student: We have visited London recently and now we’d like to share my impressions with you.
A visit to London is full of surprises.
The moment your plane touches ground you feel that the English you had been teaching or had
been taught is hot the English that is generally spoken. The traveler is in for another surprise as soon as
he leaves the airport. Traffic keeps it the left, so the Ukrainian always finds himself running in the
wrong direction. It takes time to get accustomed to this change.
Student: If you can stay only a few days in London, you won’t have much time or your
sightseeing; and how to spend your time to the best advantage is rather a problem. If I were you, I
should make up my mind beforehand. it all depends on your tastes. You may, for instance, be interested
in shops, or in art galleries, or in museums, or you might prefer to start with the principal historical
building and monuments.
Student: In that case, you might begin in the West End and see the Houses of Parliament,
Westminster Abbey, Whitehall, and Nelson’s Column. From there you could go along the Mall to
Buckingham Palace and have a look at Queen Victoria’s Memorial, facing the Palace. Then stroll up
Constitution Hill to Hyde Park Corner, and take a walk through the Park and Kensington Gardens to the
Albert Memorial, which faces the Albert Hall.
Student: That’s really more than enough for one day, but still, if you want to see more, you might
get on top of a bus going towards the City.
The bus goes along Piccadilly to Piccadilly Circus and Charing Cross, then along the Strand and
Fleet Street to Ludgate Circus. Then you might as well get off and walk up to St. Paul’s Cathedral. After
that you could go further east, to the heart of the City, and see the Bank, the Mansion House and the
Royal Exchange.
Teacher: London is a great attraction for thousands of people with different interests. Listen to the
stories and choose the key phrase for every teller.
Key phrases: “ London is the city for sightseeing”.
“ First of all, London is an educational centre to me.”
“ London is a cultural centre of Europe”.
“ London is a centre of entertainment”.
“ London is a musical centre of Europe.”
Student: My friends like to go to Soho. It is a district in the centre of London. It is known for its
nightclubs, casinos and restaurants. I enjoy every evening spent there. And, of course, I like Piccadilly
Circus, known for its lovely night-life.
Student: I am interested in history. And I am fond of going to museums. My favourite places if
London are the Tower of London, the National Gallery, the Tale Gallery, the British Museum and,of
course, Madame Tussaud’s.
Student: Sightseeing has become a hobby for many people. When tourists come to London, they
visit Westminster Abbey first of all. That’s because a lot of famous people are buries there. Then, there is
Buckingham Palace, the official home of the British Royal family. My favourite sight in London is St.
Paul’s Cathedral and. of course, I am fond of Hyde Park, St. Jame’s Park and Regent’s Park. It’s so nice
to walk there in any weather!
Student: I am a student of the Academy of Music. It’s an important music college. I have a lot of
friends who study in London. Some of my friends study at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts. We
often meet in the library of the British Museum. We all love London very much.
Student: I am fond of music, especially classical music. I am sure London is the right place for
lovers of music. First of all there is the Royal Opera
House, which is called Covent Garden. I am a regular visitor to the Albert Hall. Most of all I like
the Promenades. It’s a specific concert where there are no seats. You are free to come and go when you
want. The Proms, as we call them, are extremely popular.
Teacher: In Central London where would you go to:
– hear a symphony?
– see an exhibition of paintings?
– see a play?
– see very old craftsmen’s works?
Give the presentation of one of the places of interest. Speak how this place is attractive,
impressive, enjoyable. Some words about its history. (Other students try to guess what it is.)
Teacher: Now complete and dramatize the following dialogues. Work in pair.
Asking the Way
Peter: … tell me the way to the British Museum, please?
Passer-by: Yes, certainly. Go straight along this road as far as the traffic lights, then turn left there …
Peter: … .
Passer-by: Oh, yes, you can get a bus or go by underground if you like.
Peter: … .
Passer-by: The bus stop’s over there by the Wimpy Bar and you’ll see the underground station a
little way along on the right-hand side of the road.
Peter: … .
Passer-by: … .
On the Bus
Peter: Does this bus go to Westminster Abbey, please?
Bus Conductor: No, there isn’t a bus from here to Westminster.
Peter: … .
Bus Conductor: You’ll have to change at Oxford Circus.
Peter: … .
Bus Conductor: Full up inside. Standing only. Come along. Fares, please.
Peter: … .
Bus Conductor: It’ll take about 15 minutes or so to get to oxford Circus at this time of the day.
Peter: … .
Bus Conductor: Don’t worry, I’ll call it out.
Peter: … .
Bus Conductor: Thank you, sir, Marble Arch, please!
Teacher : You know every nation has its own traditions and Great Britain is not exception. Let’s
remember the British customs and traditions.
Student: There are many customs and traditions in England. And I would like to tell you some
about the tradition that is called "Wrong side of the bed" When people are bad tempered we say that they
must have got out of bed on the wrong side. Originally, it was meant quiet literally.
People believe that the way they rose in the morning affected their behavior throughout the day.
The wrong side of the bed was the left side. The left always having been linked with evil.
Student: Second custom is called "Blowing out the candles" The custom of having candles on
birthday cakes goes back to the ancient Greeks. Worshippers of Artemis, goddess of the moon and
hunting, used to place honey cakes on the altars of her temples on her birthday.
The cakes were round like the full moon and lit with tapers. This custom was next recorded in the
middle ages when German peasants lit tapers on birthday cakes, the number lit indicating the person's
age, plus an extra one to represent the light of life. From earliest days burning tapers had been endowed
with mystical significance and it was believed that when blown out they had the power to grant a secret
wish and ensure a happy year ahead.
Student: The next tradition is called "The 5th of November" On the 5th of November in almost
every town and village in England you will see fire burning, fireworks, cracking and lighting up the sky.
You will see too small groups of children pulling round in a home made cart, a figure that looks
something like a man but consists of an old suit of clothes, stuffed with straw. The children will sing:"
Remember, remember the 5th of November; Gun powder, treason and plot". And they will ask passersby for "a penny for the Guy" But the children with "the Guy" are not likely to know who or what day they
are celebrating.
They have done this more or less every 5th of November since 1605.
Student: At that time James the First was on the throne. He was hated with many people especially
the Roman Catholics against whom many sever laws had been passed. A number of Catholics chief of
whom was Robert Catesby determined to kill the King and his ministers by blowing up the house of
Parliament with gunpowder. To help them in this they got Guy Fawker, a soldier of fortune, who would
do the actual work.
The day fixed for attempt was the 5th of November, the day on which the Parliament was to open.
But one of the conspirators had several friends in the parliament and he didn't want them to die. So he
wrote a letter to Lord Monteagle begging him to make some excuse to be absent from parliament if he
valued his life. Lord Monteagle took the letter hurrily to the King. Guards were sent at once to examine
the cellars of the house of Parliament. And there they found Guy Fawker about to fire a trail of
gunpowder. He was tortured and hanged, Catesby was killed, resisting arrest in his own house. In
memory of that day bonfires are still lighted, fireworks shoot across the November sky and figures of
Guy Fawker are burnt in the streets.
Teacher: Do we have the same traditions in our country?
What traditions bear the resemblance to our ones?
Практичне заняття №8 (2 години)
Тема: “London and Its Life” (круглий стіл).
Мета: розвивати навички діалогічного та монологічного мовлення; вдосконалювати вміння
вести бесіду на підготовлену тему; виховувати почуття національної гідності, ініціативність.
План заняття
1. Рольова гра.
2. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Проведення рольової гри.
2. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
- виконання лексико-граматичного тесту до модуля 3.2.;
- опрацювати текст “Geographical Position, Climate and Industry of the USA “;
- опрацювати текст за фахом.
Geographical Position, Climate and Industry of the USA
1.1. Review the following words.
Separate – окремий, особливий, the Grand Canyon – Великий Каньйон, the USA proper – власне
США, the Hawaiian Islands –Гаванські острови, cliff –бескид, скеля, roar of the waterfalls – гул
водоспаду, District of Columbia – округ Колумбія, fantasy of rainbow – фантазія веселки, highland
region – гірський район, to stretch over – простягнутися на, lowland – низина, низовина. depth – глибина,
the Appalachian – г. Аппалачі, chain of lakes – ланцюг озер, the Cordillera –
г. Кордильєри, Lake- Superior – оз. Верхнє, prairie – прерія, Huron – оз. Гурон, valley – долина, McKinley
Erie – оз. Ер, Witny – г. Вітн, Ontario – оз. Онтаріо, Michel – г. Мичел, to contain – містити
p. Міссурі, the Columbia – p. Колумбія, supply of fresh water – запаси прісної води, the Colorado – р.
p. Св. Лаврентія, diverse – різноманітний, Yellowstone park – Єллоустоунський парк, the Hudson River
– р. Гудзон, the Niagara Falls – Ніагарський водоспад, geyser – гейзер, variety of mineral resources –
різномаїття мінеральних ресурсів.
1.2. Read and translate the text.
The United States of America is situated in the central and southern part of the North American
continent. The present territory of the USA consists of three separate parts: two of them, the USA proper
and Alaska, are situated in North America.
The Hawaiian Islands, situated in the central part of the
Pacific Ocean, are the third part. Administratively the country is divided into 50 states and the District of
It has an area of 540.939 square miles. It is bounded by Canada in the north and Mexico in
the south. The country is washed by the Atlantic Ocean in the east, the Pacific Ocean in the west and the
Gulf of Mexico in the south. The population of the country is 239 million people, who are called
The official language of the United States is American English.
The continental part of the USA consists of the highland regions and two lowland regions. The
highest regions are the Appalachian mountains in the east and the Cordillera in the west. Between the
Cordillera and the Appalachian Mountains are the central lowlands which are called prairie and the
eastern lowlands are called the Mississippi valley. The highest top in America situated in Alaska is
McKinley, it is 6.194 metres high; in the Cordillera – Witny, it is 4418 metres high, in the Appalachian
Mountains the highest top is Michel, it is 2.037 metres high.
The Mississippi together with the Missouri form the longest river in the world (7.3 00km). The
greatest rivers of the USA are the Columbia, the Colorado, the Saint Lawrence River and the Hudson
The Niagara Falls and the Grand Canyon are visited by million of tourists from all over the world.
Amass of water is falling over a cliff 50 metres high with a terrible noise, and the roar of the
waterfalls can be heard at a distance of 25 kilometres. You can enjoy a fantasy of rainbow.
As for the Grand Canyon, it stretches over 347 kilometres long, and its depth is more than 1500
kilometres. It is impossible to describe its wonderful play of colours.
The chain of lakes situated between the USA and Canada is known as the Great Lakes. The region
of the five Great Lakes includes Lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario. The Great Lakes
contain about half of the world's total supply of fresh water.
The climate of the country is mostly temperate but varies from tropical (Hawaii) to arctic (Alaska).
The USA is a very large country, so it has some climatic regions. The coldest regions are in the north
where much snow falls in winter. The south has the subtropical climate. The temperature may go down
to -40° С in the northern part in winter; in the south the temperature may be as high as +49° С in summer.
About one third of the United States is forestland. The forests include pine, oak, maple, birch,
walnut, chestnut, palm-tree etc. On the north-west coast one finds the forests of huge sequoia. Some of
these trees are 3000 years old. The tallest trees in the world are the Californian redwoods, most of them
are more than 90 metres high.
The animal life of the continental part is diverse, with numerous red foxes, squirrels, minks,
antelopes, mountain goats, black bears, white-tailed deer, bisons and a great number of smaller animals
and birds. In arctic zones one can see whale, seal, polar bear, wolverine, deer and a great number of birds.
There are 32 national parks in the USA. The most interesting among them is Yellowstone park,
where you can see a lot of wild animals such as the elk, bison, bear, deer, small animals and birds. Nearly
10 thousand geysers, wonderful lakes, hot springs, cliffs and waterfalls can be found there. Every year 2.5
million tourists from different countries enjoy the beautiful nature of the park.
The United States of America is rich in a variety of mineral resources. It is the world leader in the
production of many important mineral resources: aluminium, copper, lead, nickel, salt, phosphates,
uranium and zinc. The USA is rich in oil, coal and natural gas, gold, silver, mercury, magnesium,
titanium. Heavy industry prevails in the USA, including such branches as mining, ferrous and nonferrous metallurgy, oil and gas industry, shipbuilding, ship-repairing, mechanical engineering and
chemical industries. Being well developed light industry includes textile and footwear industries.
Computers and automatic systems characterize the advance in technology.
The USA has a highly developed automobile industry. It would be no exaggeration to say that cars
have become the symbol of American way of life. Shipbuilding is developed along the Atlantic coast. The
food industry is also well developed. Agriculture is prominent in the economy of the United States.
The USA producеs half of the world's corn, soy-bean, wheat, tobacco, rice, cotton and barley. The country
grows tomatoes, strawberries, onions, oranges, tangerines, lemons and grapefruit, tobacco. Live-stock,
poultry are highly developed in the country.
Speaking about American character it is necessary to say that the Americans are very energetic and
are proud of their independence, their right to make up their own minds. At the same time they are
considered sentimental. They can laugh at themselves and their country, they can be self-critical,
remaining intensely patriotic.
The capital of the country is Washington D.C. (District of Columbia). It was named in honour of
the first president. Washington is the beautiful administrative city with practically no industry.
The main seaports of the USA are New York, San Francisco, Los Angeles.
1.3. Write the following sentences in interrogative and in the the negative.
1. Administratively the country is divided into 50 states and the District of Columbia.
2. It has an area of 540.939 square miles.
3. The Mississippi together with the Missouri form the longest river in the world (7.3 00 km).
4. You can enjoy a fantasy of rainbow.
5. The region of the five Great Lakes includes Lakes Superior, Huron, Michigan, Erie and Ontario.
1.4. Put the question to the bold type word or expression.
1. The south has the subtropical climate.
2. There are 32 national parks in the USA.
3. The Hawaiian Islands are situated in the central part of the
Pacific Ocean.
4. The USA producеs half of the world's corn, soy-bean, wheat, tobacco, rice, cotton and barley.
5. They can laugh at themselves and their country.
1.5. Make up sentences to illustrate the meaning of the following word-combinations:
separate parts, are visited by, is rich in a variety of, being well developed, to make up their own
1.6. Translate into English.
1. Мільйони туристів зі всього світу із задоволенням відвідують Ніагарський водоспад.
2. Майже одна третя частина території Сполучених штатів – лісова зона.
3. Найвища точка Америки г. Мак-Кінлі знаходиться на Алясці на висоті 6.194 метрів.
4. Великі Озера – це ланцюг озер, розташованих між США та Канадою.
5. Великі Озера забезпечують питною водою майже половину населення всього світу.
6. Єллоустоунський парк є найцікавішим парком, де можна побачити близько 10 тисяч
гейзерів, чудові озера та скелі.
7. Без перебільшення можна сказати, що автомобіль є символом американського життя.
8. Американці пишаються своєю незалежністю та своїм правом приймати власні рішення.
1.7. Make up the plan to the text and retell the text according to the plan.
Питання для самоконтролю:
1. Перевірка розуміння тексту за допомогою питань.
What kind of state is the USA?
Where is this country situated?
What is the USA separated from Canada by?
The USA is the largest country in the world, isn't it?
How many states does the USA consist of?
What do you know about the capital оf country?
What has become the symbol of American way of life?
What mineral resources is the USA rich in?
Who is President of the USA?
What can you tell about American character?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою “Geographical Position, Climate and
Industry of the USA”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння лексико-граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових
Загальною метою залікового кредиту №4 є формування у студентів професійних мовних
компетенцій, що сприятиме їхньому ефективному функціонуванню у культурному розмаїтті
навчального та професійного середовищ.
Після вивчення навчального матеріалу залікового кредиту №4 студенти повинні мати
робочі знання та вміння:
- ілюстрації змісту приказок та прислів’їв в ситуативному мовленні;
- загальна характеристика числівника,
- правила утворення кількісних та порядкових числівників,
- правила читання дробів та дат,
- позначення грошових знаків, читання телефонних номерів,
- загальна характеристика прислівника та правила їх утворення,
- ступені порівняння прислівників,
- місце прислівника у реченні;
мовленнєві вміння:
- уміння встановлення мовленнєвих контактів,
- подання інформації про США, видатні культурні та історичні пам’ятки США,
- навички пошуку інформації,
- знання мовних форм вдячності та привертання уваги;
- розуміння текстів, пов’язаних з США,
- визначення точки зору та позиції автора в текстах,
- визначення головної ідеї,
- стислий виклад змісту тексту;
уміння вчитися:
- пошук інформації, пов’язаної з особливостями культури та краєзнавчими деталями
історії США,
- ефективне користування навчальними ресурсами,
- сумлінне ведення обліку матеріалу, що вивчається,
- розуміння вимог щодо оцінювання,
- ефективна підготовка до різних видів контролю,
- здійснення самооцінювання.
промисловість США.
Національна символіка та політичний
устрій США.
Епізод з історії США.
Народження нової нації.
Вашингтон столиця США.
Дж.Вашингтон – батько США.
Визначні культурні та історичні пам’ятки
Свята США.
Назви тем модулів
№ змістового
В тому числі:
Практичне заняття №1 (2 години)
Тема: “The United States of America.
Geographical Position, Climate and Industry of the
Мета: закріпити основні лексичні одиниці за темою „The United States of America”,
проаналізувати граматичний матеріал за темою „Числівник. Кількісні та порядкові числівники”,
розвивати навички розуміння основної ідеї та деталей тексту під час аудіювання та читання,
познайомити з моральними нормами американського суспільства.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: „Числівник. Кількісні та порядкові числівники”.
Виконання граматичних вправ.
3. Аудіювання тексту “An Intelligent Man”. Контроль.
4. Робота з опорним текстом „Geographical position, climate and industry of the USA”.
5. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул „Вдячність”.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Робота з приказками та прислів’ями.
1.1. Read, translate and remember the following proverbs.
To draw water with a sieve.
To pull the chestnuts out of the fire for somebody.
1.2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents.
1.3. Illustrate the proverbs with some examples from life or literature.
2. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: „Числівник. Кількісні та порядкові
Кількісні числівники. Основою всіх числівників є числівники першого десятка. За
способами творення числівники поділяються, на прості, похідні та складені.
Прості: one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, eleven, twelve, hundred, thousand,
Похідні числівники утворюються за допомогою:
а) суфікса -teen (від 13 до 19: thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen, nineteen);
б) суфікса -ty (від 20 до 90: twenty, thirty, forty, fifty, seventy, ninety).
Складені числівники утворюються шляхом сполученням простих числівників: 33 – thirtythree; 125 – one hundred and twenty-five: 7,000 – seven thousand; 2,000,325 – two million three hundred
and twenty-five.
Зверніть увагу:
1. Якщо перед числівниками hundred, thousand, million стоїть інший числівник, вони у
множині не мають закінчення -s:
five million, three thousand, six hundred,
754 – seven hundred and fifty-four
9,000 – nine thousand
51,450,045 − fifty-one million four hundred and fifty hundred and forty-five
Якщо ж ці числівники вживаються як іменники, тобто коли перед ними немає інших
числівників, вони приймають у множині закінчення -s. У цьому випадку після них стоїть іменник з
прийменником of:
hundreds of pupils сотні учнів; millions of workers мільйони робітників
1. В англійській мові, на відміну від української, кожні три розряди багатоцифрових чисел
відділяються комою, а не крапкою: 3,327,834; 853,425,103.
Крапкою відділяється ціле число в десяткових дробах.
Порядкові числівники, за винятком перших трьох, утворюються від відповідних кількісних
додаванням означеного артиклю the перед порядковим числівником та суфікса -th:
The Numerals. Числівники.
The Cardinal Numerals. Кількісні числівники (скільки?).
1 one
11 eleven
21 twenty-one
2 two
12 twelve
30 thirty
3 three
13 thirteen
40 forty
4 four
14 fourteen
50 fifty
5 five
15 fifteen
60 sixty
6 six
16 sixteen
70 seventy
7 seven
17 seventeen
80 eighty
8 eight
18 eighteen
90 ninety
9 nine
19 nineteen
100 a (one) hundred
10 ten
20 twenty
200 two hundred
223 two hundred and twenty – three
1,000 a (one) thousand
50,243 fifty thousand two hundred and forty – three
1,030,000 a (one) million
The Ordinal Numerals. Порядкові (котрий?).
1st first
11th eleventh
21st twenty-first
2 second 12 twelfth
30th thirtieth
3 third
13 thirteenth 101st one hundred first
4 fourth
14 th fourteenth 124th one hundred and twenty-fourth
5 fifth
15th fifteenth
6 sixth
I6 th sixteenth
7 seventh 17 th seventeenth
8th eighth
18 th eighteenth
9th ninth
19 th nineteenth
10th tenth
20th twentieth
2.1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.
2.1.1. Read and write in English.
a) 12,143; 658; 7; 895; 8; 444; 97,657; 3,543,697; 2,396; 587; 11,354.
b) сімнадцятий, двадцять п’ятий, шестисотий, тридцять четвертий, п’ята сторінка, десятий
текст, шоста вправа, сьомий ряд, десять інститутів, одинадцять студентів, сторінка 256.
2.1.2. Translate from English into Ukrainian.
The first hour, the third letter, the ninth day, the fifth lesson, the sixth question, the eighth week,
the twelfth month, the twentieth day, the twenty – fifth magazine, the forty – second exercise;
2.1.3. Translate into English.
а) двадцять восьмий текст, тринадцята примітка, третя стаття, сороковий урок, четверта
вправа, чотирнадцятий тест, тридцять перший день, п’ятнадцяте жовтня, кімната сорок п’ять,
дванадцята неділя.
б) 1. Мій друг народився 31 грудня.
2. Сьогодні п’ятниця, восьме вересня.
3. Я –студент другого курсу.
4. У нього три уроки кожен день.
5. Вони не можуть виконати дев’ятий тест.
3. Аудіювання тексту “The Intelligent Man”. Контроль.
3.1. Listen to the text.
The Intelligent Man
to incline – бути схильним, ridiculous – безглуздий, good sense – здоровий глузд, lilac – бузок, saddle
– сідло, expert –спеціаліст.
My uncle Aram liked to tell the story of a king and a young man. This king was inclined to have
absurd and ridiculous ideas, and the man, one of his advisers, had more good sense and wit than the
King and all his ancestors put together.
One evening the King said: "By morning I want you to let me know how many blind people live in
the city." "Oh, the adviser said, "Oh, I see". He went away to think of a solution to this absurd task. He
invited an expert book-keeper, placed him on a fine horse, put a book and a pen in his hands, and told
him to ride through the city and to put down the blind as they came to them. Then the young man tied a
very large branch of a lilac tree to the saddle of the horse with a strong rope. Dragging this brunch behind
him, he began to ride over the streets of the city.
After a moment the old man in the street looked up and shouted : " My son, what are you doing? "
The adviser turned to the book-keeper and said: "Book-keeper, this man is blind, begin your account!" In
the next street a lady put her head out of a fine house and said:" Young man, what are you doing?" and
the adviser told the book-keeper to continue his account.
By morning the account of the blind included all the people of the city and the adviser and the
book-keeper turned their horses into the gardens of the king's estate. They were still dragging the branch
of the lilac tree. The king himself came out onto a balcony and looked down at his adviser." Hallo!" he
shouted. "What are you doing?" The adviser turned quickly to his helper: "Book-keeper, the account is
complete. This son of a bitch is blind too."
3.2. Out of the options given below choose the correct one to bring about the main ideas of the
1. The king was ... .
a) mad man
b) joker
c) an extravagant silly man
d) a wise person
2. The king's adviser was ... .
a) stupid
b) intelligent
c) helpless
d) cowardly
3. By morning the king wanted to know ... .
a) how rich he was
b) how many people inhabited his kingdom
c) how many citlzens loved him
d) how many blind people lived in the city
4. The adviser went away ... .
a) to think of a solution of the task
b) to escape
c) to wait in despair for punishment
d) to ask the queen for a help
5. The adviser was ... .
a) a young intelligent man
b) an old wise man
c) a cunning man of king's age
d) his age wasn't told about
6. While the book-keeper put down "the blind" as they came to him the adviser... .
a) watched the procedure
b) asked people to sum up
c) explained everything to citizens
d) rode over the city with a branch of a lilac tree behind bis horse
7. The first who asked the adviser a question was ... .
a) a young beautiful lady
b) an old man
c) a blind man
d) his own wife
8. By morning the account of the blind ... .
a) was not finished
b) included all the people of the city
c) was interrupted by the king
d) was stopped by the adviser
9. After their absurd mission the adviser and the book-keeper ... .
a) stopped at the hotel
b) turned their horses to the king's garden
c) were deadly tired and feil asleep
d) came into the church to pray
10. When the king shouted to the adviser from the balcony, the adviser said ... .
a) "Your task is fulfiled".
b) "I haven't fulfiled the task".
c) "Have a heart, your majesty! "
d) "This son of a bitch is blind too".
4. Робота з опорним текстом “Geographical Position, Climate and Industry of the USA”.
5. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул „Вдячність” („Thanks”).
Найбільш поширеними є наступні форми вдячності:
Thank you.
Так, дякую.
Yes, please.
Ні, дякую.
No, thank you.
Дякую вам за ... .
Thank you for ... .
Я вдячний вам.
I'm grateful to you.
Я вдячний вам за ... .
I'm grateful/obliged/indebted to you for (sth./doing sth.).
Велике спасибі!
Thank you (so) very much.
Thank you (ever) so much.
Many thanks. Thanks a lot.
Дякую від всього серця
Я так вам вдячний,
що в мене немає слів
Я вам дуже вдячний.
Не за що
Не треба.
Thanks awfully.
My most heartfelt thanks to you for … .
I don't know how to thank you.
Thank you. Much obliged.
Don't mention it.
It's nothing. Think nothing of it.
That's really nothing!
Don't mention it.
Мені було приємно це
It was a real pleasure for me to do it.
My pleasure.
5.1. Continue the dialogue using forms of thanks.
А: “Thank you for your company. It was a real pleasure to meet you.”
5.2. Make up the dialogue according to the given model.
Mrs. X. And her husband are just leaving Mrs. Z.’s party.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
– виконайте тренувальні вправи;
– опрацюйте опорний текст “The National Symbols and Governmental System of the USA”;
− підготуйтесь до диктанту.
− опрацюйте текст за фахом.
1. Тренувальні вправи.
Write and read the following numerals.
27,48, 987, 65, 92, 83, 71, 287, 345, 493, 657, 218, 9987, 599, 12451 th, 1th, 2 th, 3 th, 9th, 38th.
1.2. Translate іnto English.
1. Умене дві ручки та три олівця.
2. Навчальний рік починається першого вересня.
3. День народження моєї матусі 22 червня.
4. Сотні студентів були присутніми на зборах.
5. Тисячі людей зустрічали українського президента.
The National Symbols and Governmental System of the USA
1. Review the following words.
Leap-year – високосний рік, to determine – визначати, Supreme Court – Верховний Суд, to
advance – просувати, Capitol – Капітолій, bill – законопроект, alternate stripes – лінії, що чергуються,
coat of arms –герб, executive – виконавчий, bundle of robs – жмуток різок, legislative – законодавчий,
claw – кіготь, judicial – судовий, olive twig – маслинова гілка, to be responsible for – бути
відповідальним за.
2. Read and translate the text.
The flag of the USA consists of 13 alternate stripes: seven red and six white. It is called "The Stars
and Stripes". The 13 stripes represent the 13 original English colonies, which in 1776 declared themselves
free and independent of England. The fifty pointed white stars, representing the present number of states
in the Union (from 1959) are placed in nine horizontal rows alternately of six and five against a blue field
in the upper left corner of the flag.
The coat-of-arms of the USA represents an eagle with wings outspread, holding a bundle of rods,
symbol of administration, in the left claw, and the olive twig, emblem of love, in the right claw.
The National Anthem of America is " The Star-Spangled Banner".
The USA is a federal state of fifty states and the District of Columbia. The basic law of the country
is the Constitution, adopted in 1787. According to the Constitution the Federal power is divided into
three main branches: the executive, the legislative and the judicial.
The executive branch includes President, Vice-President. The President's Cabinet is responsible for
administrating and executing the laws. President and Vice-President are elected for 4 years. President
elections are held every leap year in November. President of the USA is also Commander-in-Chief of the
army and Navy of the USA.
The legislative branch of the government is the Congress. It consists of the Senate and the House
of Representatives. The Senate consists of 100 members, two from each of the 50 states, elected by the
population for a period of 6 years. The House of Representatives consists of 435 members, their number is
determined by the population of each state. The members of the House of Representatives are elected for
2 years. The Congress makes laws and finances the operation of the government. The Cabinet gives the
advice to the President, it consists of the heads of 12 departments.
The judicial branch consists of the Supreme Court which decides which law or bill of the Congress
or order of the President is constitutional or not.
The seat of the Government of the United States is the Capitol.
There are two main political parties in the USA: the Democratic (its symbol is a donkey) and the
Republican (its symbol is an elephant).
3. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and word combinations.
Федеральна держава, за конституцією, поділяти на, виконавча влада, законодавча влада,
судова влада, політичні партії, створювати закони, фінансувати, давати поради, Верховний суд,
президентські вибори, у верхньому лівому куточку, розміщуватись.
4. Translate the following words and word combinations into Ukrainian and make up
sentences with them.
To consist of, free and independent, in the upper left corner, an eagle with wings outspread,
according to,
Vice-President, to be responsible for, leap year, to be determined by, to make laws, to give the
advice to.
5. Answer the questions.
6. Put the question to the bold type word or expression:
1. The National Anthem of America is "The Star-Spangled Banner".
2. The basic law of the country is the Constitution, adopted in 1787.
3. The executive branch includes President, Vice-President.
4. The legislative branch of the government is the Congress.
5. The members of the House of Representatives are elected for 2 years.
7. Match the nouns giving below with the adjectives from the text:
Stripes, wings, branches, parties, colonies, corner, rows, year.
8. Make up the plan to the text and retell the text according to the plan.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за допомогою питань:
How is American flag called?
What do the 13 stripes represent?
The fifty pointed white stars represent the present number of states in the Union, don’t they?
Is the USA a federal state of fifty states and the District of Columbia?
What three main branches is the Federal power divided into?
When are President elections held?
President of the US A is also Commander-in-Chief of the army and Navy of the US A, isn’t he?
What is the seat of the Government of the United States?
Who makes laws and finances the operation of the government?
What are the symbols of the main political parties?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою: ”Geographical Position, Climate and
Industry of the USA”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу за темою: „Утворення порядкових
Практичне заняття №2 (2 години)
Тема: “The National Symbols and Governmental System of the USA”.
Мета: розвивати уміння монологічного мовлення за темою “The National Symbols and
Governmental System of the USA”, пояснити організацію політичного устрою США та
систематизувати знання з даної теми, роз’яснити граматичний матеріал за темою „Читання
дробових чисел, дат”, розвивати навички розуміння основної ідеї та деталей тексту під час
аудіювання та читання, пояснити сутність моральних понять американців.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: „Читання дробових чисел, дат”. Виконання
граматичних вправ.
3. Аудіювання тексту „Contemporary American Society”.
4. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Контроль.
5. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул „Вдячність”, складання діалогів.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Робота з приказками та прислів’ями.
1.1. Read, translate and remember the following proverbs.
Speak when you are spoken to; come when you are called.
A friend to everybody is a friend to nobody.
1.2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents.
1.3. Illustrate the proverbs with some examples from life or literature.
2. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: „Читання дробових чисел, дат”.
Читання дробових чисел
Український варіант
Англійський варіант
математичного запису
десяткових дробів
числівників понад 1000
У десяткових дробах ціла частина відділяється від дробової не комою, а крапкою, яка
читається point. Нуль читається nought або zero (у США). Якщо число цілих дорівнює нулю, воно
часто не читається. Кожна цифра як цілої так і дробової частини десяткового дробу читається
0.1 – nought point one або point one.
2.37 – two point three seven.
25.01 – twenty-five point nought one або two five point nought one.
2.14- two point one four
9.8 – nine point eight
345. 2743 – three four five point two seven four three
У простих дробах чисельником є кількісний числівник, а знаменником – порядковий. Якщо
чисельник більший за одиницю, то знаменник має закінчення -s.
1/3 –a (one) third; 3 ⅛ – three and one eighth.
При читанні мішаних дробів між цілою і дробовою частинами вставляють and:
1 ½ one and a half
4 ⅛ one and one eighth
Після дробового числівника іменник вживають в однині.
two fifth of a ton
three fourth of a kilometer
Після мішаних чисел іменник вживають в множині.
two and two third tons
three and a half kilometres
Читання дат.
Роки позначаються кількісними числівниками:
1987 рік – nineteen eighty-seven
1900 рік – nineteen hundred
1992 рік – nineteen ninety-two
907 рік – nine (hundred) and seven
Числа місяця позначаються порядковими числівниками:
the 9th of May, 1987 – the ninth of May, nineteen eighty-seven;
May 9th, 1987 – May the ninth, nineteen eighty-seven.
2.1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.
2.1.1. Read the dates.
Model: in 1918 – in nineteen eighteen
in 1980; in 1941; in 1956; in 1925; in 1812; in 1811; in 1777; 1905; in 2006.
2.1.2. Read and write in English.
3.05; 10.4; 24.06; 0.314;
2/3 kilometre; 0.25 ton; 24 tons; 12.75 tons.
50.678; ¼; 5.093; 3/4; ⅛, ⅝.
⅝ тони, ¼ кілометра, 1 ⅝ години, 0.105 метра, 17.562 тони.
3. Аудіювання тексту “Contemporary American Society”
3.1. Listen to the text.
Contemporary American Society
In the past fifty years American society changed much. Fifty years ago most Americans lived in
small communities they seldom moved from one place to another and usually knew their neighbors well.
Life was so personal that people often joked about it. It was difficult to have privacy in a small
community like that. Some people dreamed about moving to big cities, but most people were happy to
live all their lives in the same place.
Now people often move from place to place. It is rare to find people who have lived all their lives
in one community. Americans are used to leave friends and make new ones.
The American family changed too. Until the 1960s divorce was uncommon. Since 1960s the
number of divorces and single-parent families increased.
Americans are not likely to remain in a marriage that has problems. They are not forced by
economic, social or religious pressure to stay married
Americans bring up their children to be independent. It is a part of American culture. Small
children learn to do things on their own. They learn to take care of themselves, clean their rooms, help
with the dishes and the laundry, spend time away from their parents in daycare, with a babysitter or
alone. Most teenagers try to find summer or after-school jobs, so that they can have their own money.
Students usually work part-time and during summer vacation.
Young people get married later than they used to. Women usually get married at the age of 24,
men – at the age of 26. Newly married couples often postpone having children, while they are
establishing their careers.
3.2. Say if the sentence is true or false:
1. Fifty years ago most Americans seldom moved from one place to another.
2. American people used to joke about their personal life.
3. Now people often move from place to place.
4. Until the 1960s divorce was common.
5. Americans are not forced by economic, social or religious pressure to stay married.
6. Small children aren’t allowed to do things on their own.
7. Most teenagers try to find summer or after-school jobs to earn their own money.
8. Women usually get married at the age of 19, men – at the age of 25.
9. Newly married couples often postpone having children.
10. First of all Americans often have children, then they are establishing their careers.
4. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Контроль.
The Amazing Niagara Falls
One of the most fascinating places in North America is the Niagara Falls. More than 900 metres
wide and 60 metres high at their highest point, they are indeed among the natural wonders of the world.
The Niagara Falls are located on the Niagara River between the province of Ontario in Canada and
the state of New York in the Unites States. There are really two giant waterfalls divided by a small island.
The larger one is located in Canada and is called the Horseshoe Falls. The other, in the United
States, is called the American Falls. Bridges link the American and Canadian sides, while a glass-enclosed
elevator takes visitors to the top of the New York State Observation Tower for a stunning view. The falls
are even more spectacular, if possible, at night, when lights play off the mist and water.
Everyone comes: kings and queens, movie stars, honeymooners and millions of just plain people.
They stand and watch nearly a million tons of water pass over the Falls every five minutes. No photo or
painting can truly capture their power and beauty. It is a sight that one must simply see for oneself.
4.1 Answer the following questions.
1. Can you find the Niagara Falls on the map? Where are they located?
2. What are the two waterfalls that make up the Niagara Falls?
3. In which of the Canadian provinces are they situated?
4. In which of the American states are they situated?
5. Into what lake does the Niagara river flow?
6. Who comes to watch the stunning view of falling water?
7. Why is it worth seeing the Falls for oneself?
4.2. Translate.
1. Одним із самих чарівних місць Північної Америки, Ніагарський водоспад, без сумніву,
можна вважати чудом природи.
2. Насправді, це два гігантських водоспади, відокремлені один від одного островом.
3. Вночі ці водоспади являють собою ще більш захоплююче видовище, коли в тумані та
краплях води переливаються вогні.
4. Ніяка фотографія або картина не в змозі передати красу та велич цього видовища. Це
треба бачити на власні очі.
5. Складання та інсценування діалогів з мовленнєвими формулами „Вдячність”.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
– опрацюйте опорні тексти “Christopher Columbus”, “Birth of a New Nation”, “Columbus or
– підготуйтесь до диктанту.
− опрацюйте текст за фахом.
Christopher Columbus
Review the following words.
Discoverer – першовідкривач, dangerous – небезпечний, to set sail– підняти вітрила, voyage–
подорож, to insist – наполягати, skin – шкіра, settlement – поселення.
In the fifteenth century people knew only three continents; Europe, Asia and Africa. They knew
nothing about such a big continent as America.
The man who was thought to be the discoverer of America was born in 1451 in Italy. His name was
Christopher Columbus. He became a sailor at an early age. Knowing that the earth was round, he
decided to reach India by sailing to the west. It was very difficult for him to organize his expedition, as
nobody wanted to help him. Many years after the Spanish government gave him some money for his
expedition. He was able to set sail only in 1492, on the 3rd of August.
The voyage was very dangerous and difficult. His men insisted on returning home, but Columbus
did everything he could to make them continue their westward voyage. On the 12th of October, his ships
reached land. When they landed they saw strange trees and flowers. Men and women with olivecoloured skins and looked at sailors with great surprise. It was one of the Bahamas Islands. But
Christopher Columbus thought it was one of the islands which lie off the coast of Asia and called it San
Columbus' second voyage to America took place in 1493. This time he discovered some other
islands of the West Indies and made some settlements there. On the third voyage he came to South
America. In 1502 he made his last voyage. This time he coasted along the shores of Central America. In
1506 he died in Spain being sure that he had reached Asia and knowing nothing of his great discover of
the New World.
Birth of a New Nation
Review the following words.
To belong – належати, to obey – підкорятися, to join – приєднуватися, stripe – смуга, to pay taxes
– сплачувати податки, to sign a document – підписати документ, Declaration of Independence –
Декларація Незалежності, Liberty Bell – Колокол Свободи.
The American colonies belonging to England had to obey the laws of "the mother country" and had
to pay very heavy taxes to the king of England, while "the mother country" did nothing for them. It only
exploited them.
At last on July the 4th, 1776, a group of emigrants representing the thirteen British colonies on the
Atlantic coast of North America signed a document saying that these colonies were free and independent.
This now famous document is known to the world as the Declaration of Independence.
The Declaration was signed in a building (Independence Hall) in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. On
that building we can see the famous Liberty Bell which told the happy people outside that a new nation
had been born.
The 4th of June is Flag Day in the USA. On that day in 1777 the Americans adopted their own flag.
Its colours were red, white and blue. The first American flag had thirteen red and white stripes and
thirteen white stars on a blue field in the left-hand corner. There was a star and a stripe for each one of
the former thirteen colonies. The new country began to grow. More states joined it. But there was no
place on the flag for more stripes. So it was decided that the flag must always have thirteen stripes. Every
time a new state joined, another star was added to the flag. Today the USA flag (it is called “The Stars
and Stripes”) has fifty stars. And it has thirteen stripes – one for each of the thirteen old colonies.
Columbus or Vikings?
Review the following words.
Ancient – давній, coastline – берегова лінія, Icelandic – ісландський, to correspond – відповідати,
Eiric the Red – Ерік Рижий, Leif Kiriksson – Лейф Еріксон.
Who discovered America? Was it Christopher Columbus or ancient Norsemen, Vikings, sailing
from Greenland five hundred years before him?
Do you know anything about this question?
It is not a new question and it arose again in 1957 when an ancient map, called the Vinland Map,
was found in London. It is a map of the world as it was known one thousand years ago and scientists
think that it was made about 1440.
What is Vinland? Scientists believe that it was the Norsemen's name for North America. The map
shows Western Europe clearly with a coastline running from North Africa through Gibraltar and
including the British Isles to Norway and the Arctic Ocean. It shows Iceland and Greenland. But it also
shows to the west of Greenland a great country the Norsemen called Vinland. The outlines of the coast of
Vinland on the ancient map correspond to those of the coast of Newfoundland and North America today.
Icelandic sagas tell of a Norsemen, Eiric the Red, and his son Leif Eriksson? about the voyages they made.
They sailed from near the place on modern maps of Greenland called Julianehaab, discovered Vinland at
the end of the 10th century, built houses, wintered there, and returned to Greenland. The ancient
Norsemen left sailing instructions behind them.
The Icelandic sagas tell about the things we can see on the ancient Vinland Map found in London
in 1957.
1. Find in the text English equivalents of the following words and word combinations.
Сплачувати податки, вільний та незалежний, підписаний, приєднуватись, було вирішено,
відповідати, сага, організовувати експедицію, наполягати на поверненні, бути впевненим.
2. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian or Ukrainian and make
up sentences with them.
Аt an early age, by sailing to the west, did everything he could to make them continue, with olivecoloured skins, to pay very heavy taxes, is known to the world as, began to grow, with a coastline
running from, correspond to.
3. Put the question to the bold type word or expression.
1. They knew nothing about such a big continent as America.
2. The voyage was very dangerous and difficult.
3. The American colonies belonging to England had to obey the laws of "the mother country".
4. The new country began to grow.
5. It shows Iceland and Greenland.
6. The Icelandic sagas tell about the things we can see on the ancient Vinland Map found in
London in 1957.
4. Make up the plan to the text and retell the text according to the plan.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за допомогою питань:
Why did the American colonies have to obey the laws of "the mother country"?
Where was The Declaration signed?
What can you tell about the first American flag?
Who discovered America?
What do you know about this question?
What do you know about Columbus?
What can you tell about Vikings?
What is Vinland?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою: “The National Symbols and
Governmental System of the USA”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу за темою: „Читання дробових чисел, дат”.
Практичне заняття №3 (2 години)
Тема: “The Birth of New Nation”.
Мета: активізувати лексичні та граматичні категорії, вчити студентів аргументувати власну
точку зору, навчити аналізувати та виділяти головне підчас слухання, ознайомити з граматичним
матеріалом за темою „Позначення грошових знаків, читання телефонних номерів”, виховувати
ініціативність, кмітливість та цілеспрямованість.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: „Позначення грошових знаків, читання телефонних
номерів”. Виконання граматичних вправ.
3. Аудіювання тексту „The Constitution of the USA”. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за
допомогою запитань.
4. Розвиток навичок читання та перекладу незнайомого тексту.
5. Переказ опорного тексту “The Birth of New Nation”. Контроль.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Робота з приказками та прислів’ями.
1.1. Read, translate and remember the following proverbs.
Fortune favours the the brave.
You can’t eat your cake and have it.
1.2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents.
1.3. Illustrate the proverbs with some examples from life or literature.
2. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: „Позначення грошових знаків, читання
телефонних номерів”.
Грошові знаки в Англії і США позначаються наступним способом.
Англійська грошова одиниця pound чи фунт pound sterlіng фунт стерлінгів позначається
скорочено знаком £ (від латинського слова lіbra фунт), що стоїть перед числом: £ 1 (читається: one
pound чи one pound sterlіng); £25 (читається: twenty-fіve pounds чи twenty-fіve pounds sterlіng).
Слово sterlіng є прикметником, що означає чистий, установленої проби і вживається після
іменника pound(s). Тому 25 фунтів стерлінгів варто переводити 25 pounds sterlіng, а не 25 pounds of
sterlіngs (часта помилка учнів, викликувана тим, що в російській мові слово стерлінг є іменником,
що має форму множини).
Грошова одиниця shіllіng шилінг (1/20 фунта) позначається скорочено буквою s., що
вживається після числа: 1s. (читається: one shіllіng), 12s. (читається: twelve shіllіngs). Шилінги (при
відсутності пенсів) можуть позначатися також похилою рисою і тире: 12/-, 18/-.
Грошова одиниця penny пенс (1/12 шилінга) позначається скорочено буквою d.
латинського слова denarіus динарий): 1d. (читається: one penny); 6d.
Пенси (при відсутності шилінгів) можуть позначатися також тире і похилою рисою, що стоїть
перед числом: -/1, -/8.
При позначенні кількості пенсів словами числівник зі словом реnсe пишеться разом:
twopence, threepence, sevenpence, elevenpence.
Суми, що складаються із шилінгів і пенсів, позначаються так: 2s. 6d. чи 2/6 (читається: two
shіllіngs and sіxpence чи two and sіx).
Суми, що складаються з фунтів, шилінгів і пенсів, позначаються різними способами: £25 12s.
8d.; £25.12.8; £25/12/8; £25:12:8; £25-12-8; (читається: twenty-fіve pounds twelve shіllіngs and
eіghtpence чи twenty-fіve pounds twelve and eіght).
Американська грошова одиниця dollar долар позначається скорочено знаком $, що стоїть
перед числом: $1 (читається: one dollar); $25 (читається: twenty-fіve dollars). Іноді за числом, що
позначає кількість доларів, випливають крапка і два нулі (якщо центи відсутні): $1.00; $25.00.
Грошова одиниця cent цент (1/100 долара) скорочено позначається знаком C= 1C (читається:
one cent); 65C (читається: sіxty-fіve cents). Зустрічається також наступне позначення центів: $.12,
Суми в доларах і центах позначаються так: $25.01 (читається: twenty-fіve dollars and one cent);
$34.10 (читається: thіrty-four dollars and ten cents); $3,350.55 (читається: three thousand three hundred
and fіfty dollars and fіfty-fіve cents).
При телефонних викликах в Англії кожна цифра номера телефону називається окремо: 1235
– one two three fіve. Цифра 0 читається [ou].
Коли перші дві чи останні дві цифри номера телефону однакові, вживається слово double
подвійний: 6634-double sіx three four; 3466- three four double sіx; 6666- double sіx double sіx.
Коли ж середні дві цифри однакові, слово double не вживається: 3446 – three four four sіx.
Номера 1000, 2000, 3000 і т.д. Читаються one thousand, two thousand, three thousand і т.д.
2.1. Виконайте тренувальні вправи.
2.1.1. Read the telephone numbers.
35467, 99867, 34695, 34042, 65455.
2.1.2. Read and write in English.
4d.; 9/5; $1,000; – /2; £75; £108 19s. 10d.; £2,178 : 10: 6; $101.05.
2.1.3. Translate into English.
Освіта в американському університеті коштує $3,000 за рік.
Ми купили найкращі квіти за £12.
Передзвони їй пізніше за номером 87901.
У цьому магазині ви зможете купити деяку річ за 50С.
Він заробляє $ 25 за годину тяжкої праці на заводі.
3. Аудіювання тексту „The Constitution of the USA”.
3.1. Listen to the text.
The Constitution of the USA
American Constitution was adopted on September 17, 1787 by delegates from all over the country.
In 1791 the Bill of Rights was added to it.
The Bill of Rights gives American citizens freedom of speech, of the press and worship; the right to
meet peacefully; the right to be secure0000 in one's own home against unreasonable searches and seizure
of person and property; and the right of any person charged with breaking the law to have a speedy trail
by a jury of fellow citizens.
The Constitution divided the powers of government into three branches: the executive, the
legislative and the juridical.
The executive power is headed by the President. The legislative power includes both houses of
Congress (the House of Representatives and the Senate).
The juridical power is headed by the Supreme Court. The Constitution limits the role of each
branch not to give any of them too much power.
For example, if the Congress adopted a law and the President signed it but the law conflicts with
the Constitution, the Supreme Court cancels this law.
The whole system of American government is based on the principles established in the
Constitution and Bill of Rights. Americans are proud of their Constitution.
3.2. Answer the questions:
When was the USA constitution approved?
When was Bill of Rights added to it?0
How many branches of power are there in the USA?
Who heads each of the branches?
What is the role of Constitution in American political life?
4. Прочитайте та зробіть переклад незнайомого тексту. Виконайте завдання до тексту.
Tinsel Town
Hollywood, also known as Tinsel Town USA, is synonymous with the American motion-picture
industry. It is a very special part of a larger city called Los Angeles, California, and it attracts lots of
people. It's easy to see where Hollywood is. There is a big sign on the hills nearby which reads:
"HOLLYWOOD". The white letters are fifty feet tall.
Once Hollywood was all farmland. But, Southern California's climate was perfect for the motionpicture industry, since the area had settings for just about any movie – mountains, desert and ocean. By
1910, filmmakers began moving there, and the first film studio was established in 1911. Soon about 20
companies were producing films in the area.
With the advent of television, Hollywood began to expand its focus. By early 1960s, it had become
the source of much of American network television entertainment.
Today's movies are made in other places too, although Hollywood remains the centre for music
recording companies and for advertising and talent agencies.
When we think of Hollywood, we think of movies and famous movie stars. They are part of
Hollywood history. Many stars, past and present, live in neighbouring communities such as Beverly Hills
and Bel-Air. People flock to Hollywood to see the star's foot-and hand-prints outside Mann's Chinese
Theatre, and to follow the celebrity plaques embedded in cement along the Hollywood Walk of Fame.
Today, it is possible to make a trip through Universal Studios Hollywood. It becomes a journey
through a hundred film fantasies. An open-air tram takes visitors through the various movie studios,
and, along the way, they experience recreations of classical movie special effects.
4.1. Answer the following questions.
What is Hollywood? Where can you find it?
What circumstances led to establishing the first film studio in Southern California?
When was the studio established?
In what way did Hollywood alter its function in 1960s?
What is Hollywood today?
What attracts tourists there nowadays?
4.2. Translate.
1. Для багатьох людей Голівуд асоціюється з індустрією американського кіно.
2. Південний клімат Каліфорнії, оточуюче середовище: гори, пустеля, океан досконало
підходили для зйомок будь-яких фільмів.
3. З появленням реклами на телебаченні Голівуд змінив свій напрямок й став джерелом
розважальних програм американського телебачення.
4. Сьогодні Голівуд є центром музичних компаній звукозапису й рекламних агентств.
5. Багато зіррок сьогодення та минулих років проживають неподалек у розкішних районах
Беверлі Хілз й Бел-Ейр.
6. Багато туристів зі всього світу приїзжають у Голівуд маючи бажання побачити зірок кіно
й телебачення та прогулятися по знаменитій голівудській Алеї слави.
5. Переказ опорного тексту “The Birth of New Nation”. Контроль.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
– виконайте тренувальні вправи;
– опрацюйте опорний текст “The Episode from the History of the USA”;
− підготуйтесь до диктанту;
− опрацюйте текст за фахом.
1. Тренувальні вправи.
1.1.Write and read in English.
8s.11d.; £ 4,568/10/3; $50; $100.00; $1,175.36.
1.2. Translate іnto English.
1. Ми запізнюємося. Давайте звернемось до послуг таксі за номером 48048.
2. Квітки у цьому турагентсві можна придбати всього за £75.
3. У цьому супермаркеті всі товари на 10 центів дешевше.
4. Телефонний номер нашого нового офісу 79846.
5. Отримайте вашу здачу £ 17,5.
The Episode from the History of the USA
1. Review the following words.
Тo possess – володіти, to remain –залишатися, to recognize -пізнавати, визнавати, to expand –
розширятися, поширюватися, frontier – кордон, steady – стійкий, unemployment – безробіття, advance –
просуватися, удосконалюватися, capture – захопити, set off -(set /set/) відправитися, Viking –/'vaikin/
вікінг, set sail – здійснити плавання, disastrous – згубний, sink (sank; sunk) –тонути, trade /treid/торгувати, desperate – безнадійний, solution – рішення, settler – поселенець, route – шлях, impose –
нав'язати, gentle – м’який, lack – нестача, threat – загроза, break out (broke; broken) – вибухнути, keep
trapped – тримати у пастці, judge – судити; оцінювати, achievement – досягнення, remain –
2. Read and translate the texts.
The history of the USA dates back only to the 15th century. In the 15th century there was no USA
at all. The present territory of the USA was divided among some countries. In the 15th–16th centuries
some territory of the USA belonged to Great Britain (northern and western lands); southern parts
(California, Florida, New Mexico, Texas) belonged to Spain, Vien – to Mexico; the central part, the
territory was called Louisiana – to France; Alaska was possessed by Russia; some territories remained to
be under Indians control.
In 18th century there were only thirteen Britain's American colonies and they broke with Great
Britain in 1776 and later were recognized as the new nation of the United States of America, following the
Treaty of Paris in 1783. During the 19th and 20th centuries, 37 new states were added to the original 13 as
the nation expanded their frontiers across the North American continent and acquired a number of
overseas possessions.
There were three most dramatic experiences in the nation's history: the Civil War (1861-1865), the
Great Depression of the 1930s and Vietnam War of the 1960s – 70s.
After its victories in World Wars I and II and the end of the Cold War in 1991, the USA remains the
world's most powerful state. The economy is marked by steady growth, low unemployment and
inflation, and great advances in technology.
Nowadays USA is world's third-largest country by size (after Russia and Canada) and by
population (after China and India). It is about half the size of Russia or lightly larger than China or Brazil.
Who really Discovered America?
For centuries, Christopher Columbus has managed to capture the public imagination and is
remembered in history as the man who discovered America. Despite the fact that this is clearly not true, it
has become impossible to turn this 'history' on its head. Columbus had actually set off in search of India
and it is clear from his diary that this is what he thought he had found. Moreover, people had been
living in America, the land he 'discovered', for many thousands of years before he arrived. It is difficult to
know why his reputation has survived so long.
Columbus wasn't even the first European to reach America.
That had already happened 500 years before. In 982, Eirik the Red, chief of the Viking tribes on the
island of Iceland, set sail and with the many people who went with him, set up a colony on the coast of
Conditions in the new homeland were harder than they had expected.
The journey from Iceland
to the new colony was disastrous and at least ten ships sank during the voyage. Once they had arrived
they built farm.They made warm clothes out of animal skins and fur but there was not enough wood for
building or burning. They had to trade things with the people from Iceland but there was no certainty
that the trading ships would ever arrive. They found their attempts to survive becoming increasingly
Eirik's son, Leif, was determined to find another solution. Now with 35 men, he sailed west, further
than any European had ever travelled before. However, they found they had exchanged the hard life on
Greenland for something even worse. The coast of Labrador where they had landed was a freezing land
of cold winds and icy mountains.
They continued their journey and, in the end, reached gentler, greener lands where they spent the
winter. Now that Leif had found a route to a land which promised an easier life, other Vikings set off
from Iceland to join the new colonies. His brother, Thorvald, was the first, but he was followed by ships
carrying hundreds of men, women and animals.
The new settlers soon found that the land was inhabited. They found the Indians primitive, but,
unlike 500 years later, the settlers did not try to impose their religion on the new civilization they had
discovered. They began trading, receiving coloured cloth in return for the furs they brought from the
However, the peace did not last long. Some of the Vikings were Christians and others were not,
and there was fighting between them. During the first winter, there was a terrible lack of food and the
colonists had to live under the threat of attacks from the Indians. War soon broke out.
It is in this light that we should judge the achievements of Columbus. In many ways he was
certainly a hero, but the fact remains that he is famous for something that was achieved by someone 500
years before.
The Indians kept the Vikings trapped in their colonies, unable to develop a strategy for survival.
After three winters, the new Viking nation could no longer support itself. The Vikings decided to go back
to Greenland, never to return to the New World.
3. Complete the following sentences:
a) There were three most dramatic experiences in the nation's history: … .
b) The economy is marked … .
c) For centuries, Christopher Columbus has managed to capture the public imagination and is
remembered in history … .
d) The journey from Iceland to the new colony was disastrous and at least … .
e) The coast of Labrador where they had landed was a freezing land of … .
f) The new settlers soon found that the land was … .
g) Some of the Vikings were Christians and others were not, and there was … .
h) During the first winter, there was a terrible lack of food and the colonists had to live under … .
i) War soon … .
j) The Vikings decided to go back to … .
4. Give the literary translation of the episode from the text “Who really Discovered America?”
(For centuries, Christopher Columbus has managed … increasingly desperate.).
5. Make up the plan and retell the texts.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за допомогою питань:
When did the history of the USA begin?
How many Britain's American colonies were there in North America in the 18 th century?
What were three most dramatic experiences in the USA history?
When did the Civil War happen?
When did the Great Depression happen?
When did Vietnam War happen?
When did the Cold War finish?
Who really Discovered America?
Was Columbus the first European to reach America?
Why did the Vikings decide to go back to Greenland?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою: “The Birth of New Nation”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу за темою: „Позначення грошових знаків,
читання телефонних номерів”.
Практичне заняття №4 (2 години)
Тема: “Episode from the History of the USA”.
Мета: узагальнення граматичного матеріалу за темою „Числівник”, розвивати навички
розуміння основної ідеї та деталей тексту під час аудіювання та читання, охарактеризувати умови
історичної події, сприяти моральному та естетичному вихованню.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Виконання граматичних вправ. Контроль.
3. Аудіювання тексту „My Life in America”.
4. Робота з опорним текстом „The Episode from the History of the USA ”.
5. Повторення мовленнєвих формул „Вдячність”, складання діалогів.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Робота з приказками та прислів’ями.
1.1. Read, translate and remember the following proverbs.
First impressions are most lasting.
A good name is better than riches.
1.2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents.
1.3. Illustrate the proverbs with some examples from life or literature.
2. Виконання граматичних вправ. Контроль.
2.1. Translate into English:
а. Зараз 10 година.
б. Сьогодні п’яте грудня.
в. Січень – перший, а грудень – дванадцятий місяць року.
г. Заняття закінчуються у понеділок 2-го червня.
д. Залиште своє повідомлення за номером 778954.
є. Йому – 17 років.
ж. Вона народилася дванадцятого червня 1984 року.
з. Купіть, будь ласка, 3,5 кг цукру.
2.2. Write in English:
а) 37.3; 5.46; 98.01; 448.9870;
б) ¾; 1/5; 7 ½ ; 3⅝;
в) 2s.11d.; £8,453/10/5; $3; $2,300.
3. Аудіювання тексту “My Life in America”.
3.1. Listen to the text.
My Life in America
Life in the United Slates is, of course, different from what it is like in most other countries. Many
criticize American family life, saying there's too little friendship between family members. While it's true
that relatives may seldom see each other, it's also true that most American families are very friendly.
Almost any American kid can say that his family is very important to him. And any mother or
father will probably say their family is the most important part of their life.
American families have different ways of showing their love for their members. They may not be
together as much as families in other countries, but the American family is still close. For example, a
father may not spend much time with his family so he can work late at the office. But it's probably
because he wants to earn enough money to send his son to college or to buy his family a nice house. Both
things are very important for him. Examples like this one really show how much members of the
American family care for each other.
One of the myths about life in the United States is that Americans take too much care of time and
money. This may not be so much of a myth after all. For Americans "Time is money" and they hate to
waste either.
3.2. Say if the sentence is true or false.
1. Life in the United States is the same like in most other countries.
2. Family is very important to any American.
3. The American family isn’t close.
4. The most important things for an American are to have a car and a good job.
5. Americans take too much care of time and money.
2.3. Answer the questions.
1. How do you understand the word „family”?
2. Do the members of your family care for each other?
3. Do the members of your family spend much time together?
4. Is the Ukrainian family still close?
5. What things are important for the Ukrainians?
4. Робота з опорним тектом “The Episode from the History of the USA”.
5. Повторення мовленнєвих формул „Вдячність”, складання діалогів.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
– опрацюйте опорний текст “ Washington is the Capital of the United States of America.
George Washington is the Father of the USA”;
– підготуйте розповідь про столицю США;
– підготуйтесь до диктанту;
− опрацюйте текст за фахом.
Washington is the Capital of the United States of America. George Washington is the Father of the
1. Review the following words.
Тo complete – закінчувати. twilight – сутінки, to emit –випромінювати, murdered – убитий,
outside of jurisdiction – не підкорятися, elevator –ліфт, to name in honour of – назвати на честь,
Arlington National Cemetery – Арлінгтонський національний цвинтар, to contain –утримувати,
residence –місце проживання, majority – більшість, crime – злочин, злочинство, unemployment –
безробіття, Military Department – військове відомство, nickname – прізвисько, suburb – передмістя,
Capitol − Капітолій, helicopter pad – вертолітний майданчик, educational establishment – навчальний
заклад, sky-scraper – хмарочос, future generation –майбутнє покоління, marble – мармур, to surround –
оточувати, Supreme Court – Верховний Суд, up-to-date − найновіший, новітній, to reserve – займати,
посідати, slave – раб.
2. Read and translate the text.
Washington, (D.C.) is the capital of the United States of America. It is situated on the left bank of
the Potomac river, between the states of Maryland and Virginia, it is outside the jurisdiction of any state
and subjects only to the control of the Federal Congress.
Washington was founded in 1791, the city was named after Washington, the first President; the
district was named Columbia, in honour of Columbus, the discoverer of America. The city, specially built
to be the seat of the Federal Administration, became the capital of the USA in 1800. It contains the
government department buildings, the Federal Administration and the residence of President. Now
Washington occupies the territory of about 160 square kilometres.
The population of the capital is 3 million people, the majority of the inhabitants are Black
Americans. Washington is often called the city of the underprivileged and poor Blacks. The city's crime
and unemployment rates are very high. In spite of its problems, Washington has another nickname – the
American Paris. There's hardly a park, a square in the capital without a monument or a memorial.
Now Washington is a large scientific and cultural centre, but it is a city with almost no industry.
Washington doesn't produce anything, except government laws.
The seat of the US Government is the Capitol. It is situated in the very heart of the capital, on the
Capitol Hill. The Capitol is the highest building in Washington. There is a law not to build houses higher
than the Capitol, that is why there is no sky-scrapers in the capital of the USA.
The Capitol is the seat of the American Congress which consists of two Chambers, the Senate and
the House of Representatives. The building is made of stone and marble and it consists of 540 rooms. The
3 columns, which surround the lower part of the dome represent the number of states of America at the
time of construction. The Library of the Congress, which has nearly 35 million of books and the Supreme
Court are situated near the Capitol.
The White House is the official residence of all American presidents. It was first occupied in 1800.
The House has 132 rooms, 54 of which are reserved by the First family.
The Lincoln Memorial is devoted to the memory of the 16-th President of the USA, who gave
freedom to Negro slaves. The memorial was completed in 1922. In the twilight the Memorial emits the
light. The marble figure of the murdered President, which is inside, gazes towards the Washington
Monument, reminding people of the Civil War's drama.
The Washington Monument was erected to the memory of the first President of the USA in 1888. It
is also called "The Pencil". It is one of the highest stone constructions in the world, it is 188 metres high
and you may ride up in the elevator in 70 seconds to the top of the monument. On a clear day you can see
splendid views of the city, Maryland and Virginia states.
The Jefferson memorial was built in the memory of the third President of the USA, Thomas
Jefferson, who was the author of the Declaration of Independence.
On the bank of the Potomac river the Arlington National Cemetery lies, where American soldiers
and president Kennedy are buried.
Pentagon, the residence of the US Military Department, is situated in the suburb. It was built in
1943. It is a huge five-storey and five-sided building where the headquarters of the Department of
Defence, the Army, the Navy and the Air Force are located. It is the largest office in the world, it has more
than 17 miles of corridors, 32000 people work there. Inside the Pentagon yard there is a subway station
and two helicopter pads. The capital is the seat of the Headquarters of FBI (Federal Bureau of
Washington is a large cultural centre. It has 7 universities. Three leading universities are
Georgetown University, George Washington University, Govard University.
The Smithsonian Institution is the world's largest museum complex and an important centre for
research. The Smithsonian Institution was established in 1846. It was the gift of the English scientist who
never visited America. James Smith gave 0.5 million dollars to the USA to build educational
establishments for the future generation. Now the Institute includes 13 museums among which are the
National Museum of History and Technology, the National Museum of Natural History, the John
Kennedy Centre for the Performing Arts, the National Air and Space Museum (the NASA), the Zoo and
so on.
There are 80 movies in the capital. The sights of the capital are visited by 8 million tourists every
Washington has one of the most up-to-date subways. The avenues of the capital are wide and
long, most of them are called after states. Numbered streets run from north to south, lettered streets run
from east to west.
Washington is a green city, it has a lot of gardens and 6 parks. The most beautiful park of the city
is Great Falls Park. 3000 cherry trees were planted in the centre of the capital, it was the gift to America
from Japan.
George Washington
George Washington is the first President of the USA.
He was born in Westmoreland County, on a farm, later known as Wakefield, on February 11, 1732,
according to the Old Style or February 22, 1732 (the New Style). His first American ancestor, John
Washington, came to Virginia from England in 1657. These immigrant's descendants remained in the
colony and gained a respected place in society. Farming, land buying, trading and the iron industry were
means by which the family rose in the world. George's father, Augustine, had four children by his first
wife and six by Ms second wife, Mary Ball, George's mother.
Shortly after his twenty-second birthday, Washington served in the army of King George Ш of
England and was put in command of soldiers. The French started settling on British territory and turning
local Indians against the British colonists. Later, in the war against the French and Indians, Washington
commanded large troops of soldiers and showed courage that inspired his soldiers.
After a colonial rebellion against taxes, passed in Boston in 1773, colonies began insist on their
freedom and it helped to spark the American Revolution. Washington led and encouraged his
inexperienced armies against well-armed and trained British forces. The Revolution lasted for eight years
until the colonies won their independence.
After the war, Washington took a leading part in the making of the Constitution and the campaign
for its ratification. Its success was assured by 1797, at the end of the second term of his presidency. In
1799, the country included nearly all its present-day territory between the Atlantic coast and the Mississippi River.
By the end of 1795, Washington's creative work had been done.
When Washington retired from public life in 1797, his homeland was vastly different from what it
had been when he entered public service in 1749. To each of the principal changes he had made an
outstanding contribution. Largely because of his leadership, the Thirteen Colonies had become the
United States, a sovereign, independent nation, nation that in the end of 20th and beginning of 21st
century would become the most powerful state in the world.
3. Translate the following words and word combinations into Russian or Ukrainian and make
up sentences with them:
the district, the government department buildings, the majority of the inhabitants, gazes towards,
to the memory of, is made of, ride up in the elevator, is devoted to, the future generation, inexperienced
armies, an outstanding contribution.
4. Write the following sentences in the negative and in the interrogative.
1. Washington is often called the city of the underprivileged and poor Blacks.
2. Now Washington occupies the territory of about 160 square kilometres.
3. There are 80 movies in the capital.
4. Washington has one of the most up-to-date subways.
5. Numbered streets run from north to south, lettered streets run from east to west.
5. Put the question to the bold type word or expression.
1. On the bank of the Potomac river the Arlington National Cemetery lies.
2. Washington doesn't produce anything, except government laws.
3. On a clear day you can see splendid views of the city, Maryland and Virginia states.
4. It was the gift of the English scientist who never visited America.
5. Inside the Pentagon yard there is a subway station and two helicopter pads.
6. Make up the plan and retell the texts.
7. Role – play the following situations.
1. You haven’t been to Washington and your friend has just returned from it. Ask him to tell you
about the city you are going to visit.
2. You have just returned from Washington. Invite your friends to visit you at home and tell them
about Washington. Answer their questions.
3. A group of Ukrainian students are met by American students in Washington. Meeting at the
airport (greetings, questions of the flight, weather, invitations).
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірте розуміння змісту тексту за допомогою питань:
What is the capital of the USA?
Where is Washington situated?
Is Washington the largest city in the USA?
Why is Washington often called the city of Blacks?
Whose honour was the capital named in?
What does Washington produce?
Which governmental law is well–known to all the visitors of Washington?
What do you know about the Smithsonian Institution?
Is the US Military Department situated in the very heart of the city?
Which is the highest stone monument in the capital?
Where was George Washington born?
Where did Washington's ancestor come from?
What kind of soldier was Washington?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою: “ Washington is the Capital of the
United States of America”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірте засвоєння лексико–граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових
завдань до модуля 4.1.
Практичне заняття №5 (2 години)
Тема: “Washington is the Capital of the USA. George Washington is the Father of the USA”.
Мета: закріпити основні лексичні одиниці за темою “Washington is the Capital of the USA”,
ознайомити з граматичним матеріалом за темою „Прислівник. Утворення прислівників”, розвити
навички розуміння основної ідеї та деталей тексту під час аудіювання та читання, акцентувати
увагу студентів на моральних та етичних нормах й культурі американського суспільства.
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: „Прислівник. Утворення прислівників”. Виконання
граматичних вправ.
3. Аудіювання тексту „Housing in the USA”. Контроль.
4. Робота з опорним текстом: “Washington is the Capital of the USA. George Washington is the
Father of the USA”.
5. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул „Привертання уваги”.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Робота з приказками та прислів’ями.
1.1. Read, translate and remember the following proverbs.
All things are difficult before they are easy.
We should play to live, not live to play.
1.2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents.
1.3. Illustrate the proverbs with some examples from life or literature.
2. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: „Прислівник. Утворення прислівників”.
За формою прислівники поділяються на прості, похідні, окладні і складені.
Прості: here тут; there там, туди; now зараз, тепер; soon скоро, незабаром; late пізно; very дуже і
т. п.
Похідні: badly погано; slowly повільно і т. п.
Складні: somewhere де-небудь, куди-небудь; nowhere ніде, нікуди і т.п.
Складені: since then з тих пір; till now до цього часу, досі і т. п.
Прислівники можуть утворюватися від прикметників і від деяких іменників за допомогою
суфікса -1у. При цьому кінцева голосна у перед суфіксом -lу змінюється на і:
happy – щасливий
happily – щасливо
gay – веселий
gaily – весело
day – день
daily – щоденно
Деякі прислівники (fast, loud, long, far, little, much, late, straight, early, daily, weekly, monthly,
friendly) збігаються за формою з прикметниками і відрізняються від них лише за функцією, яку
вони виконують у реченні. Прислівники відносяться до дієслова, а прикметники – до іменника.
She went to school early.
Вона рано пішла до школи.
They grew early vegetables. Вони вирощували ранні овочі.
2.1. Write the adverbs for these adjectives:
good hard
quiet intelligent
bad fast
noisy slow
beautiful quick
2.2. Translate into English:
а) голосно, швидко, тяжко, шумно, легко, сильно, пізно, суворо;
б) 1. Він їде дуже повільно.
2. Вони прийшли дуже пізно.
3. Слухайте мене уважно!
4. Переходьте через мост обережно.
5. Студенти виконали це завдання легко.
2.3. Underline the correct words.
1. Golf is slowly/relaxing. I don’t like playing it quick/ quickly.
2. This is an easy/ easily exercise. I can do it easy/ easily.
3. He works hard/ hardly.
4. Play the music quietly/quiet!
5. I always do things quick/fast.
3. Аудіювання тексту „Housing in the USA”. Контроль.
3.1. Listen to the text.
Housing in the USA
The majority of Americans live in apartments (= flats) or individual houses with electricity, central
heating, hot and cold running water and inside toilets.
The USA is a big country so in different areas housing traditions are not the same. But there are
many standard houses in the country. They are very much alike.
Besides, many typical houses were built last years and many families rent them or buy. They are
the houses for families of four to six people with three bedrooms, two living rooms, a kitchen and a
bathroom. Clean and neat American houses and cottages are all alike. So often they are called "little
3.2. Look at the pictures and describe typical American houses.
3.3. Compare housing in Ukraine and in the USA.
4. Робота з опорним текстом : “Washington is the Capital of the USA.
Washington is the Father of the USA”.
Опрацюйте текст, виконайте завдання до тексту та перекажіть текст.
5. Формування навичок вживання мовленнєвих формул „Привертання уваги”.
(“Arresting someone’s attention”).
Найбільш поширеними є наступні форми привертання уваги:
Пробачте, вы не знаете ...?
know ...?
Будьте люб’язні ... .
Would you ... (please)?
Would you mind ..., (please)?
Would you be so good (kind) ..., (please)?
Не могли б ви сказати?
Can/Could you tell me ..., (please)?
Можна (вас) запитати?
May I ask (you) a question?
Дозвольте (вас) запитати?
Саn I have a word with you?
Можна вас (тебе) на
May I see you a moment?
Excuse me,... .
I say! Hi! Hey! Here! Hey there! Look (here)! See here!
5.1. Use appropriate formulas of address and replies to them in the following situations.
1) You are at the railway station and need a porter. You see one, but he is hurrying past you.
2) You have been waiting too long at a restaurant; you want to attract the waiters attention.
5.2. Think of some situation in which you could use the following formulas: excuse me, look
here, I say and replies to them.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
– виконайте тренувальні вправи;
– опрацюйте опорний текст “The Outstanding Cultural and Historical Places of the the USA”;
– підготуйтесь до диктанту;
– опрацюйте текст за фахом.
1. Тренувальні вправи.
1.1. Write the adverbs for the adjectives.
Sudden, strange, brief, terrible, cold, late, fresh, grateful, regular.
1.2. Underline the correct word.
а) He’s well /good at languages. He speaks English well /good.
б) Walk quickly /slow! You ‘re very quickly /slow.
с) She’s very interesting /quietly person.
The Outstanding Cultural and Historical Places of the the USA
1. Review the following words.
Foundation stone – фундаментний камінь, the best design – найкращий проект, independence –
незалежність, to rebuild – перебудовувати, реставрувати, competition – конкурс, originally – з самого
початку, to burn – палити, joint resolution- спільне, рішення, charity − благодійництво, on behalf of- від
імені, nucleus- ядро, центр, ргіnt – гравюра, естамп, schedule – каталог, to accommodate –
пристосовувати, погоджувати, trust – зобов'язання, що взяте на себе, major donation – головна пожертва,
to expand – розширювати, збільшувати, curatorial − збереження.
2. Read and translate the text.
If you are starting your tour from New York City, you may go straight to Niagara Falls (380 miles,
or, 612 km, one day trip in terms of automobile travel). Not far from New York you get to Tarrytown, a
small village on the Hudson River. Here you can see the restored home of Washington Irving, a wellknown American writer, creator of "Rip Van Winkle" and the "Legend of the Sleepy Hollow". You
remember, of course, the Dutchman Rip Van Winkle by name, a "ne'er-do-well", who sleeps 20 years and
upon waking is startled to find how much the world has changed. The whole area near Tarrytown is
often called Washington Irving's Country.
North-east of the Mohawk Valley is the Emerson and Thoreau Country. Ralph Waldo Emerson
(1803–1882) was a well known U.S. essayist and poet and Henry David Thoreau (1817–1862) was a
naturalist and writer. They both wrote about nature and scenic beauty of the north-eastern part of the
Rochester, N.Y, is a manufacturing city, dominated by the Eastman Kodak Company and
containing the home, now a museum of photography, of the company's founder, George Eastman.
Buffalo is a grimy steelmaking and flour-milling port on Lake Erie that has known better days.
Industry in the Buffalo area has flourished, largely because of the hydroelectric power from
Niagara Falls, Buffalo is the largest grain milling centre.
The White House. We have all heard of the famous White House in Washington, the residence of
the President of the United States of America, but how many of us know why it is called the White
This building was not always white, nor was it called the White House. But it has always been the
official residence of the President of the United States. It is the oldest federal building, the foundation
stone of which was laid on October 13, 1792. The place was chosen by President Washington. The
building was designed by an architect James Hoban, who won an architectural competition for the best
design for the President's house. Originally this federal building was called President's House, and
President's Palace. It was originally grey in colour. The first residents of the White House were President
and Mrs. John Adams in November 1800. So why did people begin to call it the White House? This is part
of American history.
During the British-American War when the Americans fought for their independence, the British
entered Washington and on August 24, 1814, burned President's House. Only the black walls were left
standing. Some years later (1817) the President's House was rebuilt and the walls were painted white. So
people began calling the President's residence the White House; but this didn't become its official name
until 1902.
It is interesting how many rooms in the White House are known by their colours. There is
the Blue Room, the Red Room and the Green Room. There are 132 rooms in the White House. The rooms
for public functions are on the first floor; the second and the third floors are used as the residence of the
First Family.
The White House grounds are open to the public only once a year on Easter Monday,
National Gallery of Art.The National Gallery of Art was created for the people of the United States
of America by a joint resolution of Congress, accepting the gift of financier and art collector Andrew
During the 1920s, Mr.Mellon began to collect with the intention of forming a national gallery of art
in Washington. His collection was promised to the nation in 1937, the year of his death. Funds for the
construction of the original (West) building were provided by The A.W.Mellon Educational and
Charitable Trust.
On March 17,1941, President Franklin D.Roosevelt accepted the completed building and the
collections on behalf of the people of the United States of America. Andrew Mellon's hope that the newly
created National Gallery would attract gifts from other collectors was soon realized in the form of major
donations of art from the richest people of America as well as individual gifts from hundreds of other
donors. The paintings and sculpture given by Andrew Mellon have formed a nucleus of high quality
around which the collections have grown. The Gallery's newer East Building, was planned to
accommodate the Gallery's growing collections and expanded exhibition schedule as well as to house an
advanced research centre, offices for curatorial, education and administrative purposes, a great library,
and an increasingly large collection drawings and prints.
The building opened on June 1, 1978, and was accepted for the nation by President Jimmy Carter.
Funds for construction were given by Paul Mellon and Ailsa Mellon Bruce, the son and daughter of the
founder, and by The Andrew W.Mellon Foundation.
3. Make up four different types of questions to each part of the text.
4. You are a reporter interviewing a student returned from the USA, ask him questions on the
tour about the USA.
5. Put the question to the bold type word or expression?
1. The whole area near Tarrytown is often called Washington Irving's Country.
2. So people began calling the President's residence the White House.
3. There are 132 rooms in the White House.
4. During the 1920s, Mr.Mellon began to collect with the intention of forming a national gallery
of art in Washington.
5. His collection was promised to the nation in 1937, the year of his death.
6. Give the summary of the text and retell it.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за допомогою питань:
What are the most outstanding places of interest in the USA?
What is White House famous for?
Why is The National Gallery of Art well known all over the world?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою: “The Outstanding Cultural and
Historical Places of the the USA”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу за темою: „Прислівник. Утворення
Практичне заняття № 6 (2 години)
Тема: “The Outstanding Cultural and Historical Places of the USA”.
Мета: активізувати основні лексичні одиниці за темою “The Outstanding Cultural and
Historical Places of the USA”, ознайомити з граматичним матеріалом за темою „Ступені порівняння
прислівників”, перевірити навичкі розуміння основної ідеї та деталей тексту під час аудіювання та
читання, аргументувати акцентування уваги студентів на визначених культурних та історичних
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Пояснення граматичного матеріалу: „Ступені порівняння прислівників”.Виконання
граматичних вправ.
3. Аудіювання тексту „An Old Man and Two Actors”.
4. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Контроль.
5. Робота з опорним текстом “The Outstanding Cultural and Historical Places of the USA”.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Робота з приказками та прислів’ями.
1.1. Read, translate and remember the following proverbs.
What greater crime than loss of time?
If you run after two hares, you will catch neither.
1.2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents.
1.3. Illustrate the proverbs with some examples from life or literature.
2. Опрацюйте теоретичний матеріал з граматики „Ступені порівняння прислівників”.
Прислівники способу дії та деякі інші мають ступені порівняння, які утворюються так само,
як ступені порівняння прикметників.
late – пізно
attentively – уважно
later – пізніше
more attentively – уважніше
latest – найпізніше
most attentively – найуважніше
Деякі прислівники, як і відповідні прикметники, утворюють ступені порівняння від іншого
well – добре
better – краще
best – найкраще
badly – погано
worse – гірше
worst – найгірше
many – багато
more – більше
most – найбільше
little – мало
less – менше
least – найменше
far – далеко
farther- далі
farthest– найдальше
2.1. Make up degrees of comparison:
2.2. Translate into Ukrainian and give the Ukrainian variant.
Better late then never, but better never late.
Say well is good, do well is better.
2.3. Put in the comparative adverb form of the adjective in brackets.
0 You must do your work more carefully (careful) in future.
1 He has run the 100 metres (fast) than any other athlete in the
world this year.
2 Everyone else did the test ... (good) than me.
3 You can travel ... (cheap) at certain times of the year.
4 He plays ... (confident) than he did in the past.
5 I'm sorry I've made so many mistakes. I'll try ... (hard) in future.
6 You will be able to sit ... (comfortable) in this chair.
3. Аудіювання тексту “An Old Man and Two Actors”.
3.1. Listen to the text.
An Old Man and Two Actors
Two young actors could not find work for a very long time. As last they were given small parts in a
London theatre. It made them very happy and they were glad when they were given some money for
their work.
So the first thing they decided to do was to have a good dinner at a restaurant. On the way to the
restaurant they sat down on a bench in the park.
An old man was sitting at the other end of the bench. His eyes were shut and he looked ill.
Suddenly he fell off the bench. The young actors helped him to his feet and made him lie down
on the bench. Some time later the old man said, "I haven't eaten for three days. On Monday I lost all the
money I had", and he begin to cry.
"Please don't cry. We haven't got much money ourselves, but we'll be glad to give you some", said
one of the friends and he gave the old man a pound.
The other actor did the same. The old man
stopped crying. "Oh, thank you. You're very good young man. Good-bye and thanks again". Then he
walked away very quickly.
"He doesn't look ill any more. Do you think his story is true?" asked one of the friends. "True or not
true, we had to help him. If he was a poor and hungry he needed the money, and if he was a very good
actor he had to be paid for playing the part so well".
"Yes, you're right. I'm glad we gave him the two pounds." "Well, what about dinner now?" "Oh,
we'll have something to eat at home. And think how happy we are. We've got our parts and we've been
able to help an old man".
3.2. Out of the answers given below each question choose the appropriate one to bring about
the main ideas of the text:
1. Where could the young men find the job?
a) in the shop
b) in the bank
c) in the theatre
2. How did the men decided to spend their money?
a) to have a rest abroad
b) to have a good dinner at a restaurant
c) to come to casino
3. Who was sitting at the other end of the bench?
a) a young woman
b) a child
c) an old man
4. Did the young men help anybody?
a) Yes, they gave money to the beggar.
b) No, they didn't.
c) They couldn't do it.
5. Were the young man happy?
a) They were very upset lost their money.
b) They were happy to help either the beggar or the actor.
c) They were hungry and angry.
4. Робота з текстом для читання та лексикою. Контроль.
George Washington, the Father of the USA
4.1. Read and translate the text.
George Washington is unusual in that he combined in one career many outstanding achievements
in 1) ..., warfare, and government. He took 2) ... in three great historic events that extended over a period
of 20 years. After 1775, he was animated by the purpose of creating 3) ... dedicated to the rights of 4) ... .
His success in fulfilling that purpose, places him in 5) ... among other historical figures of world history.
After the war, Washington took a leading part in making 6) ... and the campaign for its ratification.
Its success was assured by 1797, at the end of the second term of his 7) ... . In 1799, the country included
nearly all its present-day territory between the Atlantic coast and the Mississippi River.
A national army and 8) ... came into being.
George Washington was a brilliant leader. As he inspired his soldiers through two wars, he saw
himself serving his country. Not leading it. When he accepted two terms as president, he saw himself
serving God and his 9) ... in peacetime. He turned down a third term as president, wishing only one
thing, to retire to his family home, Mount Vernon.
Americans celebrated George Washington's 10) ... while he was still alive. They were grateful for a
strong leader who had proven that democracy was a feasible way to govern the growing country.
4.2. Fill in the gaps with the words given below:
a) Presidency
f) the first rank
b) Birthday
g) man
c) The Constitution
h) business
d) the leading part
i) a new nation
e) country
j) navy
4.3. Answer the questions:
1. What is George Washington's career unusual in?
2. When did Washington take a leading part in making the Constitution?
3. Did George Washington lead or serve his country?
4. Did he accept the third term of presidency?
5. What were the main events that happened during the two terms of presidency of George
5. Робота з опорним текстом “The Outstanding Cultural and Historical Places of the USA”.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
– виконайте тренувальні вправи;
– опрацюйте опорний текст “ The Holidays of the USA”;
– підготуйтесь до диктанту;
− опрацюйте текст за фахом.
1. Тренувальні вправи.
1.1. Make up degrees of comparison.
Suddenly –
late −
strangely –
freshly −
briefly –
gratefully −
terribly –
regularly −
coldly –
greatly −
1.2. Translate into Ukrainian and illustrate.
Those do least who speak most.
The Holidays of the USA
1. Review the following words.
Рriest – священик, Druids – друїд, to observe – святкувати, відмічати, to deceive – обманювати,
integral – невід'ємний, pumpkin – гарбуз, witch – чаклун, відьма, evil – злий дух, lantern – ліхтар,
carnival – карнавал, fa11 – (ам.) осінь, sauce – соус, to permit – дозволити, feast – пир, cranberries –
журавлина, сornbread – хліб з кукурудзи (маїсовий хліб), Pilgrim – пілігрим, прочанин, arbor day – день
деревосадіння, scantily – бідно, conservation – збереження, to urge – переконувати, purpose – мета,
observance – дотримання, annual – щорічний, to beautify – прикрашати, alarmed – стурбований, to
supervise – наглядати, пильнувати, hearty snack – багата закуска, eggnog – гаряче пиво, tournament of
Roses – турнир троянд, household – сім'я, festivity – святкування, соnсосtіоn – варево, Mummer's
Parade – парад мімів, to treat – пригощати, to dedicate – присвячувати, to raise – виховувати, promoter –
тут – ініціатор, carnation – гвоздика, to attend – відвідувати, service – (церк.) служба, cemetery –
кладовище, цвинтар, barbecue – пікнік, to observe- дотримувати, святкувати, to issue the order –
видати наказ, origin – походження, to honour – ушановувати, cemetery – цвинтар, Armed Forces –
Збройні Сили, grave – могила, Liberty Bell – Колокол Свободи, to honour – ушановувати, firework –
фейерверк, water-melon – кавун, to proclaim – проголошувати, community – община, громада, official –
чиновник, урядовець, content – змагання.
2. Read and translate the text.
Halloween was first celebrated many centuries ago in Ireland and Scotland by Celtic priests called
Druids. They observed the end of autumn and the beginning of winter. The Druids thought that
Halloween was the night when the witches came out. As they were afraid of the witches they put on
different clothes and painted their faces to deceive the evil spirits. They also placed food and small gifts
near the doors of their houses for the witches. This was, as they say now, the beginning of the expression
"trick or treat" (meaning "give me something or I’11 play a trick on you").
It is considered that Halloween was brought to America by the immigrants from Ireland and
In the 19-th century they celebrated Halloween according to their old traditions: the integral part of
the festival was a lantern made of a pumpkin with holes in the form of eyes, a nose and a mouth, and
people believed that during the celebration all pumpkins were leaving their vegetable gardens to dance
in the streets. As time went by, grown-up people lost interest in Halloween and it was celebrated almost
entirely by children. Dressed very strangely, children held festivals.
During their carnival and after it groups of children visited nearby houses and asked for candies.
''Trick or treat! Trick or treat!" was heard everywhere.
In recent years, grown-up people have begun taking part in Halloween. In New York, for example,
young and old take part in parades together.
On the 31-st of October, long before the time when the carnival procession begins to move, a great
number of people get together in one of the streets. They dressed as witches, demons, and other evil
spirits. There are hundreds of large orange "pumpkins" in their hands. After the parade the festival lasts
almost till early morning. This is how the Americans celebrate Halloween.
Americans celebrate Thanksgiving Day on the fourth Thursday of November. It is one of the
oldest American holidays. On Thanksgiving Day, Americans remember the Pilgrims a small group of
people who came to America more than 350 years ago.
The Pilgrims wanted to practice religion in their own way. The government of England did not
permit this, so the Pilgrims left England.
The voyage was long and hard.The ship was small and crowded.
Pilgrims became sick. Some of them died.
66 days at sea, the Mayflower landed.
The Pilgrims named the place where they landed Plymouth. They started to build houses there, but
winter came very soon. They were not ready for the cold. They did not have enough warm clothing. They
did not have enough food. Half of them died that winter.
At last spring came. Some friendly Indians taught the Pilgrims how to plant new vegetables, beans,
corn and pumpkins. The Indians taught them how to hunt too.
During the summer of 1621, their crops grew. In the fall, the Pilgrims had a big harvest. They
wanted to give thanks for the food, so they had a big feast. They invited their Indians friends.
The first Thanksgiving celebration lasted 3 days. There was plenty of food to eat. There was turkey
with nuts, beans, cornbread and a sauce made from cranberries. For dessert there was pumpkin pie.
During the celebration, the Indians and the Pilgrims played games together.
In the United States today, Thanksgiving is a lot like the first Thanksgiving in Plymouth. Friends
and families get together for a big dinner. They eat the same food the Pilgrims and Indians ate. They
often watch a football game in the morning or afternoon. In some cities, like New York and Philadelphia,
there are big Thanksgiving Day parades. For modern Americans, Thanksgiving Day is also a day for
giving thanks for the good things they have enjoyed during the year.
Arbor Day is annual tree planting day observed in all states of the United States and in the District
of Columbia and Puerto Rico. Its purpose is to assist in foresting or reforesting scantily wooded areas or
to beautify towns. It is generally held in cooperation with schools to impress children with the
importance of conservation. In most Northern states, Arbor Day is proclaimed in April or May, or
sometimes in March.
Because of climatic differences, the day is observed in some Southern states in the winter months,
and in November in Puerto Rico.
The Arbor Day movement began in the United States in the 1800 "s. A number of public-spirited
persons, alarmed by the rapid deforestation of many sections of the United States, urged that trees be
planted systematically. The publication in 1864 "Man and Nature"' aroused widespread interest in the
seriousness of the problem.
Bridsey G. Northrop, secretary of the Connecticut Board of Education, suggested that states might
plant trees every year at the proper time, or supervises their planting. The first to propose a regular Arbor
Day for the purpose was Julius S.Morton of Nebraska, who in 1872 succeeded in setting apart a day,
April 10 in his state.
In 1885, when the legislature made Arbor Day a legal holiday, it choice Morton's birthday, April 22.
Now 30 states and territories adopted the observance.
New Year's Eve is a time for merriment. At midnight bells ring, horns blow, and friends exchange
kisses. Everyone stays up late to celebrate the arrival of another year.
At home or in restaurants most Americans spend the final hours of the old year and the first hours
of the new year drinking and dining with friends. One popular New Year's Eve drink is eggnog, a thick,
yellow concoction made with eggs, milk or cream, and sugar. Champagne – the drink that traditionally
symbolized a celebration – is often served for the midnight toast on New Year's Eve.
One of the noisiest and most crowded of New Year's Eve celebrations takes place in New York City
at Times Square. Thousands of New Yorkers gather there, and millions of Americans across the country
join them via TV. After the New Year officially arrives, most partygoers enjoy a hearty snack. New Year's
Eve festivities often continue until two or three o'clock in the morning.
Many people travel from one party to another to celebrate with several different groups of friends.
In most households, everyone sleeps late, often enjoys brunch and TV with the family and friends.
Two famous New Year's Day festivals are televised for national viewing: the Tournament of Roses
In Se
and the Mummer's Parade. Both of these events have been American traditions for more than half a
century. The Mummer's Parade, which takes place in Philadelphia, is a ten-hour performance. It was
introduced in the United States by Swedish immigrants.
The Mummer's Parade is colourful and high-spirited. The men dress in unusual costumes. There
are clowns, musicians, dancers all led by King Moms. The Tournament of Roses takes place in Pasadena,
California. Elaborate floats displaying roses and thousands of other California flowers depict a different
theme each year. Prizes are awarded to the cities with most unusual and attractive floral displays. After
the parade, the Rose Bowl football game, a contest between two top-ranking college football teams, is
New Year's Day has traditionally been the occasion for starting new programs and giving up bad
habits. People talk about turning over a new leaf. Many Americans make New Year's resolutions,
promising themselves and their families to improve their behaviour. Typical New Year's resolutions are
to spend less money, give up smoking, begin a diet, or control one's temper.
On the third Sunday in June, fathers all across the United States are given presents, treated to
dinner, or otherwise made to feel special. It is the official day on which fathers are honoured by their
children. The origin of Father's Day is not clear. A strong promoter of the holiday was Mrs. Bruce John
Dodd of Spokane, Washington.
In 1909, Mrs Dodd asked her minister to dedicate a special church service in memory of her father.
His wife had died young, and he had raised six children without their mother. From then on, the state of
Washington celebrated the third Sunday in June as Father's Day. In 1916, the United States Congress
declared Father's Day a national holiday.
Mother's Day was proclaimed a day for a national observance by President Woodrow Wilson in
1915. Ann Jarvis from Grafron, West Virginia, had started the idea to have a day to honour mothers. She
was the one choose the second Sunday in May and also the custom оf wearing a carnation. A red one
symbolizes a living mother. A white one shows that the mother is dead. Many people attend religious
services to honor parents. It is also a day when people whose parents are dead visit the cemetery. On
these days families get together at home, as well as in restaurants. Another tradition is to give cards and
gifts. Children make them in school. Many people make their own presents. These are valued more than
the ones bought in stores.
Labour Day comes on the first Monday of September. It means to common Americans "the end of
summer", "back to school". It marks the end of summer and the beginning of autumn. People go to the
beach or mountains on picnics to enjoy the fine weather at the end of summer holiday season. In many
cities parades of different labour organizations are held. Public schools open just before or after Labour
First Labour Day was celebrated in 1882 in New York.
Memorial Day is observed on the May 30th. It is also known as Decoration Day. Its origin goes
back to 1868 when the Commander-in- Chief of the Grand Army of the Republic issued an order to
decorate the graves of soldiers who fell in the Civil War. Now it is also the day for honoring the memory
of members of the Armed Forces killed in war. Special ceremonies are held in cemeteries, at monuments
for the war dead, in churches, schools or other public places, The holiday is often marked by parades and
baseball competitions. If you listen to the radio or TV on Memorial Day, you may hear many patriotic
songs and a famous speech by Abraham Lincoln.
Memorial Day is also observed by the Armed Forces.
The 4th of July is the American nation's birthday. It honours the day in 1776 when The United
States of America was proclaimed an independent republic. On that memorial day the Liberty Bell called
the people of Philadelphia (the capital) to the State House to hear the Declaration of Independence read
out. Communities, large and small, celebrated the day with speeches, parades and fireworks.
Each city and town organizes its own ceremonial parade, speeches by public officials, shows and
evening fireworks displays fill the skies. There are baseball games, water-melon eating contests, folk
dancing and lots of lovely music.
3. Complete the following sentences:
1. "Trick or treat" means ... .
2. On Thanksgiving Day, Americans remember … .
3. Arbor Day is annual … .
4. One popular New Year's Eve drink is … .
5. The Mummer's Parade, which takes place in Philadelphia, is a ....
6. The Mummer's Parade is … .
7. Many people attend religious services to … .
8. Labour Day comes on the first … .
9. If you listen to the radio or TV on Memorial Day, you may hear ... .
10. The 4th of July is … .
4. Give the literary translation of the episode from the text “ The Holidays of the USA”(The
Pilgrims wanted … . They invited their Indians friends).
5. Make up the summary of the text and retell it.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за допомогою питань:
Who first celebrated Halloween?
How do the Americans celebrate Halloween?
What holiday do the Americans celebrate on the fourth Thursday of November.?
What famous New Year's Day festivals are televised for national viewing?
What holiday means to common Americans "the end of summer", "back to school"?
Memorial Day is also known as Decoration Day, isn’t it?
Where are special ceremonies held on Memorial Day?
Is Father's Day a national holiday?
What does eggnog consist of?
What is the most favourite American holiday?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою: “ The Holidays of the USA”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4 Перевірка засвоєння граматичного матеріалу за темою: „Ступені порівняння
Практичне заняття №7 (2 години)
Тема: “Holidays in the USA”.
Мета: формування вміння сприймати мовлення іншої особи при безпосередньому
спілкуванні, поповнення словникового запасу, оцінити ступінь засвоєння граматичного матеріалу
за темою „Прислівник. Ступені порівняння прислівників”, ознайомити з національними святами
План заняття
1. Виконання фонетичних вправ.
2. Виконання граматичних вправ. Контроль.
3. Аудіювання тексту “Jeans”.
4. Робота з опорним текстом “Holidays in the USA”.
5. Вдосконалення навиків письма. Написання листа.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом.
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Фонетичний аспект. Робота з приказками та прислів’ями.
1.1. Read, translate and remember the following proverbs.
One today is worth two tomorrows.
A bad workman always blames his tools.
1.2. Give the Ukrainian equivalents.
1.3. Illustrate the proverbs with some examples from life or literature.
2. Виконання контрольних граматичних вправ.
2.1. Put in the adjective or the adverb in brackets.
0. The train was very slow (slow/slowly) and I arrived late.
1. The journey took a long time because the train went very ...
2. Mrs Green went ... (quick/quickly) back to her office.
3. I'm afraid I can't give you an ... (immediate/immediately) answer; I need to think about it first.
4. The work that the builders did for us was very ... (bad/badly).
5. The builders did the work for us very ... (bad/badly).
6. She organized the party very ... (good/well), and everybody enjoyed it.
7. Everybody said that the party was very ... (good/well).
8. She wrote a ... (polite/politely) letter asking the company to give her the money back.
9. She wrote to the company and asked them ... (polite/politely) to give her the money back.
2.2. Complete the sentences. Put in the adverb form of the adjective in brackets.
She read the message quickly (quick).
0 Read the instructions ... (careful).
1 He looked at her ... (angry), but he didn't say anything.
2 She passed all her exams ... (easy).
3 I ran as ... (fast) as I could.
5 He thinks that he did the test ... (bad) and that he'll fail.
6 I've been studying very ... (hard) recently.
7 She was working ... (busy) when I arrived.
8 She sang the song ... (beautiful).
9 He was playing ... (happy) when I came into the room.
10 He was concentrating ... (hard) on his work.
11 Have I filled this form in ... (correct)?
12 I wasn't in a hurry, so I walked ... (slow) through the park.
13 I closed the door ... (quiet) when I left.
2.3. Translate into English.
1. Читайте уважніше!
2. Він виграв гру легко.
3. Будь ласка, говоріть повільніше! Я вас не розумію.
4. Мій чоловік гарно готує рибу.
5. Коли я побачив цей інцидент, я одразу ж зателефонував у поліцію.
3. Аудіювання тексту “Jeans”.
3.1. Listen to the text.
Jeans are usually made of denim. It is a strong, usually blue, cotton cloth. The history of jeans is
rather curious.
It was in the 1850s in the USA. Mr Levi Strauss was one of those who sold cloth for gold-miners'
wear. The miners had to change it often.
Once he bought strong cotton clothes and sew working trousers of it. They were much stronger
and gold-miners liked new trousers, called jeans, very much.
For 100 years jeans were working clothes only. But in 1950s jeans became fashionable for young
people. Then people of other ages liked them.
It's interesting that jeans are in fashion till now. When your parents were of your age, jeans were in
fashion. Now they are rather fashionable as well. Maybe, jeans will be in fashion when your children will
be of your present age.
3.2. Answer the questions.
1. What is denim?
2. Who designed the very first jeans?
3. Who liked jeans first?
4. What kind of clothes were jeans at first?
5. For how long were jeans that kind of wear?
6. When did jeans become fashionable for young people?
7. What do you think: why are jeans so popular?
4. Робота з опорним текстом “Holidays in the USA”.
5. Написання листа другу про історичні або культурні пам’ятки, які ви відвідали чи
хотіли б відвідати. Почніть так: ‘I was impressed when I saw … ’, ‘It was so exciting to visit … ’.
6. Виконання квізів.
7. Опрацювання тексту за фахом
8. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
– підготовка до бесіди за круглим столом за темою “ A Talk about the USA”,
– підготовка доповідей за даною темою.
Практичне заняття №8 (2 години)
Тема: Role-play the contest between the students in better learning of the USA.
Мета: контроль монологічного та діалогічного мовлення за темою “A Talk about the USA”.
План заняття
1. Бесіда за круглим столом. Контроль монологічного та діалогічного мовлення за темою
“A Talk about the USA” у процесі змагання на звання найкращого знавця США.
2. Повторення теоретичного матеріалу з граматики. Виконання граматичних та лексичних
3. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу.
Зміст заняття
1. Змагання за круглим столом за темою „A Talk about the USA”на звання найкращого
знавця США.
1.1. All members are divided into two groups. They are given list of the terms: parliamentary
monarchy, parliament, monarch, democracy, two-party system, Prime Minister, Cabinet of Ministers,
the House of Commons, the House of Lords, Constitution, the Commonwealth. Students work out their
1.2. Complete this chart to describe the political system of the USA and Great Britain.
Form of government __________________________________
Democracy __________________________________________
Constitution _________________________________________
Monarch _____________________________________________
Legislative branch _____________________________________
Executive branch ______________________________________
Two-party system _____________________________________
1.3. Complete this chart to show the separation of the political power in the USA.
1.4. Complete this chart to show the political power in the USA.
Branch of Members Term Powers Elections power
1.5. Explain, "the USA had a government of the people by the people and for the people".
2.1. Complete the gaps with one of the words giving in the box. The first sentence is done for
2) situation
3) country's
4) position
5) local
6) human rights
7) educational
8) Ukrainian
9) important
10) recession
11) demonstration
12) point of view
13) Growth
14) environmental
15) Major
16) political
17) summit
18) planning
19) party
20) system
21) reform
22) big
23) carrier
24) key
1. The key issue in the next elections will be unemployment.
2. The worsening ... situation in the southern regions of the country means that many people will
lose their jobs.
3. The 1950s saw a period of ... growth in the country.
4. The Prime Minister of that country left teaching to pursue a ... career.
5. The President discussed the ... of human rights during his visit to Geneva.
6. Many young people nowadays are not interested in ... .
7. The latest book of this writer who is the leader of the Green Party is dealing with ... issues.
8. The former president's economic ... put a lot of people out of work.
9. Unemployment and crimes were the ... issues in the election campaign.
1 lorry
а) antenna
2 pavement
b) the fall
3 boot
c) trunk (of a car)
4 garden
d) cookie
5 autumn
e) drapes
6 holiday
f) apartment
7 aeria
g) yard
8 railway carriage
h) vacation
9 lift
i) elevator
10 flat
j) truck
11 rubbish
k) baggage
12 pram
l) freeway
13 biscuit
m) sidewalk
14 queue
n) gasoline
15 return
o) baby carriage
16 motorway
р) railway car
17 sweets
q) round trip
18 queue
r) eraser
19 petrol
s) garbage
20 tights
t) candy
21 wardrobe
u) faucet
22 taxi
v) cab
23 tap
w) panty-hose
24 curtains
x) line
25 rubber
y) closet
3. Самостійне опрацювання матеріалу:
− підготуйте повідомлення за темою „ Найвидатніша людина в американській історії”;
− опрацюйте опорний текст “English is the Language of International Communication”.
English is the Language of International Communication
1. Review the following words.
Approximately − приблизно, to borrow − запозичити, in spite of − не зважаючи на, to eliminate
− ліквідувати, smoothly − гладко, плавно, рівно, to pop up − з'являтися, attempt − спроба, artificial −
штучний, to fail − відмовлятися.
Though there are almost three thousand languages in the world, English is the most universal. It is
the official language in over forty countries. It is the most used language in international business, science
and medicine. Approximately 400 million people speak English as a mother tongue (700 million speak
Chinese, 100 million speak Russian and 100 million speak German).
The native speakers of English live in Great Britain, in the United States of America, Australia and
New Zealand. English is one of the official languages in Canada, the South African Republic; as a second
language it is used in the former British and USA colonies.
Learning a foreign language is not an easy thing. It is long and slow process that takes a lot of time
and efforts. Nowadays it is especially important to know foreign languages. Even in the countries where
English is not the first language, a number of English words are used. Words from no other language, are
borrowed more often than from English. Hundreds оf words borrowed from English can now be found
in other languages such as soda, hotel, golf, tennis, jeans, O.K, baseball, airport etc. Many words are used
just as they are. Others are changed to make them more like in the native language, easier to say and
English is everywhere. It is on signs, clothing, soft drinks and other goods around the world In
spite of the popularity of the English words and phrases, they are not always welcome. Some people
think that the use of English words is dangerous for the purity of their native language. Some countries
tried to eliminate English as their official language in order to save their native tongue.
Some people believe that English should be the international language. They believe that business
would run more smoothly if everyone spoke the same language.
Some language experts think that many languages are disappearing. In some parts of the world,
only a few people are left who can speak their native language. In Ireland, for example, there are only a
few areas where people speak Gaelic, the native Irish language
Languages have changed and disappeared throughout the history. This change is inevitable.
Because people have very strong feelings about the importance of their native language, we probably will
not have English as a universal language in the near future. It is certain, however, that English words will
continue to pop up everywhere, whether some people like it or not. It is also certain that English will be
the language of business, diplomacy and international relations. Most educated people speak English
fluently. Attempts to introduce an artificial international language like Esperanto have failed.
1.1. Remember the following words and word combinations. Translate them into Ukrainian.
Рurity of language, international business, to be welcome, throughout the history, to speak
1.2. Choose the right sentences.
Today English is the language of the world.
People of only a few countries speak English.
More then a half people of the world speak English.
A greal number of words are borrowed from Chinese.
Borrowed from English words arc not welcome.
It is certain that borrowed from English words must be used everywhere.
English is the major international language only in science.
English will be the language not only of business, diplomacy and international relations but of
literature, education and international tourism as well.
An artificial international language will be introduced in our life.
1.3. Compose sentences using these words.
1. necessary, person, is, every, good, to know, specialist, every, English, absolutely, for, educated,
2. learning, speakers, when, a, native, and, foreign, of, language, you, the, history, learn, culture,
1.4. Translate the following sentences into English.
1. Знати англійські мову край необхідно кожному фахівцю.
2. Я вивчаю англійську мову, тому що вона стала важливою мовою всього світу, мовою
політичних, культурних, наукових, торгових відношень.
3. Всі, хто знає іноземні мови, спілкується між собою, читають зарубіжних авторів в
4. Люди вивчають іноземні мови, тому що вони потрібні для праці.
5. Багато мислячих та високоосвічених людей є поліглотами.
1.5. Agree or disagree to these statements.
1. English is the official language only in England.
2. Words arе not borrowed from different languages.
3. To learn a foreign language is an easy thing.
4. The language of computer's technology is Russian.
5. English language has only one way of saying the same things.
6. Saying that knowledge of foreign languages opens many doors is not true.
1.6 Fill in the blanks with prepositions from the list given below:
of, or, by, as, and, like, for, by, and, of. to. in, by. of. for
Learning English is ... learning to swirn ... learning to play ball. We learn to swim ... swimming, to
play ball, ... to speak English ... speaking English.
Foreign languages are needed ... the main ... most efficient means ... information exchange between
the people ...our planet. Good luck ... you ... your learning ... English! Nobody can learn to swim ... you.
Nobody can learn ... English ... you. Language is not to be taught, language is to be learnt.
1.7. Retell the text using the following situations.
Tell your friend idea about the importance of learning English.
Imagine that you have been invited to take part in TV program concerning English language. Write
an outline of your speech trying to make it interesting.
Питання для самоконтролю.
1. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за допомогою питань:
Why do we need to learn foreign languages now?
What are English-speaking countries?
What are the difficulties in learning foreign languages?
2. Перевірка засвоєння лексичного мінімуму за темою: “English is the Language of
International Communication”.
3. Перевірка розуміння змісту тексту за фахом за допомогою запитань або виконання
завдань до тексту.
4. Перевірте засвоєння лексико–граматичного матеріалу шляхом виконання тестових
завдань до модуля 4.2.