Tâche finâle de l’unite « Un Simple Soldât » Dans un groupe de trois, tu dois : Écrire deux scènes additionnelles pour la pièce de théâtre « Un Simple Soldat » de Marcel Dubé. Les deux scènes doivent présenter quatre personnages différents et un narrateur. Ex. : scène 2.6.1 = Joseph, Fleurette et narrateur Scène 2.6.2 = Edouard, Armand et narrateur. Tu dois donc avoir une bonne compréhension des personnages choisi et du rôle du narrateur. Ton script doit s’insérer logiquement et avec fluidité dans le texte original. Utilise les mots et expressions typiques (souligne ceux-ci). Les membres du groupe auront tous un rôle à jouer et devront tous parler de façon équitable. Vous devrez présenter oralement votre script et introduire ce que vous avez décidé de composer et pourquoi. Vous devrez donc vous pratiquer avant la journée des présentations! Quelle longueur??? Votre présentation orale doit durer environ 10 minutes (entre 9 et 12 minutes maximum). Votre script devra donc être substantiel. Ce projet est évalué de façon orale (présentation dramatique de votre script et de façon écrite (remise de votre script). Regardez les rubriques ci-bas afin de bien saisir comment vous serez évaluées. Rubrique de production Orale : B1. Speaking to Communicate: communicate information and ideas orally in French, using a variety of speaking strategies, appropriate language structures, and language appropriate to the purpose and audience B1.3 Speaking with Fluency: speak with a smooth pace, appropriate intonation, and accurate pronunciation in prepared and spontaneous communications about a range of topics use tone and inflection to express sarcasm, irony, respect, and emotions - use pauses for dramatic emphasis - change expression and intonation to reflect different messages and situations - avoid awkward pauses by using familiar vocabulary to describe an idea or - avoid referring back to English, etc… B1.4 Applying Language Structures: communicate their meaning clearly, using parts of speech and word order appropriately - use correct tense sequences - use a variety of transitional words and pronouns to link sentences - use gender and number correctly, etc… R Does not meet expectations Comments: 1 With limited effectiveness 2 With some effectiveness 3 With considerable effectiveness 4 With a high degree of effectiveness R Does not meet expectations Comments: 1 With limited effectiveness 2 With some effectiveness 3 With considerable effectiveness 4 With a high degree of effectiveness B2. Speaking to Interact: participate in spoken interactions in French for a variety of purposes and with diverse audiences; B2.1 Using Speaking Interaction Strategies: demonstrate an understanding of appropriate speaking behaviour when interacting with others in a variety of formal and informal situations - prepare for and think positively about the act - use appropriate tone and expression - listen actively and remain on topic - interact appropriately with peers - adjust their vocabulary or the speed - respond to non- verbal cues R Does not meet expectations Comments: 1 With limited effectiveness 2 With some effectiveness 3 With considerable effectiveness 4 With a high degree of effectiveness B3. Intercultural Understanding: in their spoken communications, demonstrate an awareness of aspects of culture in diverse French-speaking communities and other communities around the world, and of the appropriate use of French sociolinguistic conventions in a variety of situations. B3.2 Awareness of Sociolinguistic Conventions: identify sociolinguistic conventions associated with a variety of social situations in diverse French-speaking communities,* and use them appropriately in spoken interactions use inclusive, bias-free language to show respect - use idiomatic expressions discovered - accompany speech with appropriate non-verbal exclamations and gestures to help them convey an emotion or evoke a reaction - incorporate expressions from different regions in a dialogue R Does not meet expectations Comments: 1 With limited effectiveness 2 With some effectiveness 3 With considerable effectiveness 4 With a high degree of effectiveness Rubrique de production écrite : D1. Purpose, Audience, and Form: write French texts for different purposes and audiences, using a variety of forms and knowledge of language structures and conventions of written French appropriate for this level; D1.1 Identifying Purpose and Audience: determine their purpose in writing and the audience for the French texts they plan to create D1.2 Writing in a Variety of Forms: write a variety of French texts to convey information, ideas, and opinions about academic and personally relevant topics, applying their knowledge of the structural and stylistic elements of each form D1.3 Applying Language Structures: communicate their meaning clearly, using parts of speech appropriately and following conventions for correct spelling, word order, and punctuation R Does not meet expectations Comments: 1 With limited effectiveness 2 With some effectiveness 3 With considerable effectiveness 4 With a high degree of effectiveness R Does not meet expectations Comments: 1 With limited effectiveness 2 With some effectiveness 3 With considerable effectiveness 4 With a high degree of effectiveness R Does not meet expectations Comments: 1 With limited effectiveness 2 With some effectiveness 3 With considerable effectiveness 4 With a high degree of effectiveness D2. The Writing Process: use the stages of the writing process – including pre-writing, producing drafts, revising, editing, and publishing – to develop and organize content, clarify ideas and expression, correct errors, and present their work effectively; D2.2 Drafting and Revising: plan and produce drafts and revise their work using a variety of teacher-directed and independent strategies R Does not meet expectations Comments: 1 With limited effectiveness 2 With some effectiveness 3 With considerable effectiveness 4 With a high degree of effectiveness