MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE DEPARTMENT Meeting Minutes for October 1, 2012 This regular meeting of the Department of Mathematics and Computer Science was called to order by the department chair, Shaun Lynch, at 3:00pm in Room 3004 Swenson Hall. Present: Sergei Bezrukov, Kris Glesener, Heather Kahler, Hossain Khoroosi, Uwe Leck, Shaun Lynch (Chair), Karen Moen, Steve Rosenberg, Marilyn Toscano, Shin-Ping Tucker Excused: Chad Scott 1. The minutes for September 17, 2012 were approved as amended. (Bezrukov/Leck) 2. Chair’s Report a. The Chair reported on the remedial math budget. Discussion followed on how the funds could be spent to best support the remedial math program. b. The Chair gave an update on the progress of the server and network infrastructure. He mentioned that there are currently at least 226 users, and all accounts have expiration dates (every semester for students and annually for faculty). c. The Chair reported that the Spring 2013 schedule was now available for final review (please get all comments to him as soon as possible). Discussion followed on the possibility of receiving credit for teaching the Putnam course and/or when working with math students on their Senior capstone projects. d. The Chair presented an update on the shortage of funding for student assistants. e. The Chair requested a meeting of the personnel committee as soon as possible for the purpose of starting the search process for the three Math/CS department positions. 3. Reports a. Faculty Senate Report Faculty Senator S. Bezrukov reported that there was nothing new that directly concerned the department at this time. Some issues concerning assessment were brought up and discussed at this time. b. Academic Affairs Report Academic Affairs representative S. Tucker reported that there was nothing new to bring to the department at this time. c. Assessment Coordinator Report Assessment Coordinator S. Rosenberg reported at there is nothing new as of now. d. Remedial Program Progress Report M. Toscano and H. Kahler reported on their progress. 4. Old Business There is no old business. 5. New Business a. K. Glesener, H. Kahler, and S. Bezrukov volunteered to create new department promotional materials. Preview Days are scheduled for October 18th and 19th this semester. b. Motion (Rosenberg/Leck) moved to accept the revisions in the Mathematics Teaching Minor (Middle Childhood – Early Adolescence (MC-EA) - grades 1-7/8) introduced by M. Toscano. PASSED. c. The Chair discussed issues pertaining to the department servers, sandbox computer use, and the implementation timeline. Several concerns that were raised were the lack of experience of the student assistants and need to eventually rebuild the servers. 6. Discussions a. The Chair mentioned that his term as Chair for the department expires at the end of this academic year. b. There will be a guest visit by Dean of Faculty Liz Blue on October 15, 2012. MOTION (Toscano/Tucker) to adjourn. PASSED Minutes submitted by: Marilyn Toscano