Name_________________________________________________Period_______Score____/20 Rubric for shoe drawing Neatness Accuracy of drawing Line Quality 7 1. My drawing is without wrinkles, smudges, tears, or anything sloppy. 2. My lines are carefully drawn, I have taken my time. And the drawing is not rushed. 7 1. My drawing is true to the photo: I am drawing from with similar proportions and contour lines. 6 1. I have a variety of line qualities on all of the lines: there are thin, medium and thick lines. 2-6 1. My drawing is without wrinkles, smudges, tears, or anything sloppy with one or more exceptions. 2. My lines are carefully drawn, I have taken my time. And the drawing is not rushed with some exceptions. 2-6 1. My drawing is mostly true to the photo: I am drawing from with similar proportions and shapes with some exceptions. 2-6 1. I have a some line quality on some of the lines: there is are some thin, medium and thick lines. 1 1. My paper looks like its been through a tornado. 1 1. Um, my drawing looks nothing like a shoe because I didn’t even really try. 1 1. No line quality: I have a bad attitude. Name_________________________________________________Period_______Score____/20 Rubric for shoe drawing Neatness Accuracy of drawing Line Quality 7 1. My drawing is without wrinkles, smudges, tears, or anything sloppy. 2. My lines are carefully drawn, I have taken my time. And the drawing is not rushed. 7 1. My drawing is true to the photo: I am drawing from with similar proportions and contour lines. 6 1. I have a variety of line qualities on all of the lines: there are thin, medium and thick lines. 2-6 1. My drawing is without wrinkles, smudges, tears, or anything sloppy with one or more exceptions. 2. My lines are carefully drawn, I have taken my time. And the drawing is not rushed with some exceptions. 2-6 1. My drawing is mostly true to the photo: I am drawing from with similar proportions and shapes with some exceptions. 2-6 1. I have a some line quality on some of the lines: there is are some thin, medium and thick lines. 1 1. My paper looks like its been through a tornado. 1 1. Um, my drawing looks nothing like a shoe because I didn’t even really try. 1 1. No line quality: I have a bad attitude. Name_________________________________________________Period_______Score____/20 Rubric for shoe drawing Neatness Accuracy of drawing Line Quality 7 1. My drawing is without wrinkles, smudges, tears, or anything sloppy. 2. My lines are carefully drawn, I have taken my time. And the drawing is not rushed. 7 1. My drawing is true to the photo: I am drawing from with similar proportions and contour lines. 6 1. I have a variety of line qualities on all of the lines: there are thin, medium and thick lines. 2-6 1. My drawing is without wrinkles, smudges, tears, or anything sloppy with one or more exceptions. 2. My lines are carefully drawn, I have taken my time. And the drawing is not rushed with some exceptions. 2-6 1. My drawing is mostly true to the photo: I am drawing from with similar proportions and shapes with some exceptions. 2-6 1. I have a some line quality on some of the lines: there is are some thin, medium and thick lines. 1 1. My paper looks like its been through a tornado. 1 1. Um, my drawing looks nothing like a shoe because I didn’t even really try. 1 1. No line quality: I have a bad attitude. Name_________________________________________________Period_______Score____/20 Rubric for shoe drawing Neatness Accuracy of drawing Line Quality 7 1. My drawing is without wrinkles, smudges, tears, or anything sloppy. 2. My lines are carefully drawn, I have taken my time. And the drawing is not rushed. 7 1. My drawing is true to the photo: I am drawing from with similar proportions and contour lines. 6 1. I have a variety of line qualities on all of the lines: there are thin, medium and thick lines. 2-6 1. My drawing is without wrinkles, smudges, tears, or anything sloppy with one or more exceptions. 2. My lines are carefully drawn, I have taken my time. And the drawing is not rushed with some exceptions. 2-6 1. My drawing is mostly true to the photo: I am drawing from with similar proportions and shapes with some exceptions. 2-6 1. I have a some line quality on some of the lines: there is are some thin, medium and thick lines. 1 1. My paper looks like its been through a tornado. 1 1. Um, my drawing looks nothing like a shoe because I didn’t even really try. 1 1. No line quality: I have a bad attitude.