Epiphany and Past Events

W131 Epiphany Narrative Grading Rubric
Exceptionally Effective
Adequately Effective
The focus is clear, topic is well defined
and kept so throughout the entire paper.
(i.e. there is no digression or switching of
topics at any point, you consistently stay
on point.)
The focus and topic are relatively
clear and defined. There may be
some areas of digression or change,
but only once or twice.
The focus and topic is clear and
defined in some areas, but it
seems to morph throughout the
paper. The topic may be too
broad or inappropriate.
There is a complete lack of
focus or definition. There is
no evident topic. The reader is
confused. The paper has no
purpose or meaning.
There is an evident moment of sudden
realization that is conveyed clearly and
appropriately (i.e. with emotion, humor,
etc.) and is incontestably the turning point.
Your voice is clear, original, exciting, and
unique while also constant and
unchanging throughout the narrative.
The paper conveys the significance of the
epiphany moment as well as the past
events emphatically, with explicit
examples. It is obvious why that moment
was significant to you and your life. It
also tells your audience how the epiphany
moment will affect your future. Events are
relayed in a meaningful order.
You construct an excellent structure for
your paper – it is well and meaningfully
organized. You have smooth and
thoughtful transitions throughout and your
paragraphs are well developed, clear, and
easy to read. You say what you need to
say and then move on – there is no
repetition and no unnecessary ranting or
additions. Engaging and professional.
No serious or minor grammatical errors
were present. No spelling errors were
evident. No technical errors were present,
or perhaps only very minor ones of which
are of no consequence to the paper on the
The epiphany moment is present,
but may not be effectively conveyed
as the significant turning point in
the story. Your voice is adequate,
but perhaps not as unique or
exciting as it could be and it may
change throughout the narrative.
The significance of the epiphany is
obvious, but perhaps incomplete.
You discuss how past events
became more meaningful or
significant, but perhaps not fully.
Events are organized, but they could
be moved around and have more
The papers organization is decent,
but needs improved upon to help the
overall flow and strength. You have
some well-developed paragraphs
and sentences, but others are
underdeveloped or get off topic.
There may be areas of repetition.
Some areas are engagingly,
professionally written.
No serious, but one or two minor
grammatical errors. Maybe one or
two spelling errors were evident. A
few technical errors were present,
all of which have no consequence to
the paper overall.
There may be a moment of
epiphany; however, it is not
apparent, clear, or the turning
point. Your voice is unoriginal,
changing, and/or inappropriate.
You may use slang or
colloquialisms, or text language.
The paper may briefly discuss
the significance of the epiphany
moment and past events;
however, it is not discussed fully.
Events may have some
organization, but they could be
much better and more
meaningfully organized.
The paper has slight structure,
but it does not make sense (i.e. it
does not flow well and, in effect,
weakens your message.) Some
paragraphs seem meaningful and
engaging, but most are off topic
and/or underdeveloped. There
was evident repetition of
ideas/thoughts throughout.
Spelling errors were obvious.
Serious and minor grammatical
errors were apparent. There were
several technical errors, which
did affect the overall flow and/or
message of your paper.
There is no evident moment of
epiphany or turning point. The
assignment was not followed.
The voice is unclear, entirely
inappropriate, or not your
own. Inappropriate language
is used (slang, text, etc.) often.
The paper fails to convey the
significance of the epiphany
or of past events after the
realization occurred. There is
no mention of future affects.
The events are not relayed in a
meaningful or effective order.
and Past
Less Effective
Exceedingly Ineffective
There is no evidence of any
structure. The transitions, if
present, are not smooth, but
abrupt. Paragraphs are not
developed and change topic
constantly. There is a great
deal of repetition throughout
the entire paper. Off-putting,
disengaging, unprofessional.
The paper was riddled with
spelling and grammatical
errors. The amount of
technical errors made the
paper difficult to read and
entirely ineffective.