Broward County Government Operations 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report May 14, 2010 Appendix: Broward County green government measures implemented in fiscal year 2009 and associated environmental benefits and results. Broward County continues to demonstrate its key leadership role in the reduction of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions in both government operations and within the community through the implementation of best environmental practices, and the encouragement of environmentally sustainable measures. This Appendix for the second annual progress report, developed by the Broward County Climate Change Government Operations Workgroup, describes green measures Broward County government implemented during FY2009 (October 2008 through September 2009). The Workgroup continues its work to identify and promote measures that support GHG reductions in government operations. GHG emissions are expressed in carbon dioxide equivalents (eCO 2): 1 tonne of eCO2 is equal to the GHG emissions from 112 gallons of gasoline combusted. Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Emission Source Category: Buildings, Facilities and Airport Personal Computer Replacement: Enterprise Technology Services (ETS) replaced workstations that were more than five years old. ETS estimates that 1,500 workstations were replaced with the incorporation of new technology throughout County agencies and libraries in FY2009. The upgraded workstations create a reduction in operating energy consumption. The estimated energy savings is 1,597,612 kWh per year, and the estimated cost saving is $159,761 per year. This equates to an elimination of 200 tonnes of eCO2, equivalent to GHG emissions from the electricity use of 24 homes for one year. “Virtual” Server Replacement: ETS Infrastructure Services is responsible for the maintenance of the County's Computer Server environment. ETS has utilized "virtual" technology to operate multiple virtual server instances on a single hardware platform. This technology has provided for the current infrastructure which consists of five powerful servers operating 185 virtual server instances. The current 5 server/185 virtual server instances server configuration replaced 185 physical servers in the County's data center. Virtual technology has provided a noticeable savings in operating energy consumption. The estimated reduction is 435 tonnes of eCO2, equivalent to the GHG emissions from the electricity use of 53 homes for one year. The estimated cost saving is $200,000 per year. Condensing Air Conditioning Unit Retrofits: The Facilities Maintenance Division increased the cooling efficiency at the Imperial Point and Collier City Libraries, Medical Examiner Building, and South Family Success Center by replacing older air conditioner roof top units (185 ton peak cooling capacity) with more energy efficient units. These energy reduction projects saved Broward County approximately 66,000 kWh’s of electricity ($6,600 annual savings) and an estimated 45 metric tons of eCO2. This is equivalent to the GHG emissions from 5,332 gallons of gasoline combusted. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 1 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Copy Machines Reprogramming: The Facilities Maintenance and Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality Divisions’ staff activated the Energy Star and Auto Power settings for all copiers at Government Center West, Government Center, and the Annex. This reduces power consumption by putting the copier on low power mode and Sleep/Auto Shut Off, which turns the copier off after designated number of minutes. These simple adjustments have the potential to reduce 3,400 kWh/ year for each copy machine, a cost saving of approximately $340 per year, and a reduction of 2.4 tonnes of eCO2. Facilities Maintenance and ETS are coordinating a countywide schedule to perform these adjustments on all county copy machines, an estimated annual energy savings of 1.16 million kWh, equivalent to the annual GHG emissions from 82,076 gallons of gasoline consumed. Aquatic Pump Run Time Reduction: Parks and Total energy savings from this reduction is 748 KWh ($59,946 in Recreation has reduced the running time on annual cost savings), equivalent to the GHG emissions from 60 the pumps needed to operate aquatic gallons of gasoline. facilities from 24 hours/day to 8 hours/day while maintaining water quality at Central Broward Regional Park, TY Park, CB Smith Park, and Quiet Waters Park. Chiller Retrofits: Efficiency has been increased at East Regional Library and Environmental benefits include lower energy usage, utility cost, and South Regional Health Center through the replacement of older chiller GHG emission reductions. equipment (268 tons peak cooling capacity) with more energy efficient units. This change represents an average increase in peak load efficiency of 11%. Both projects were incentivized through FPL's Business Heating Ventilation and Air-Conditioning program. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 2 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti South Regional Courthouse LEED-EB Project: The Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design - Existing Building (LEED-EB) Certification project for the South Regional Courthouse (72,000 square feet) coordinated by the Facilities Maintenance Division. LEED-EB certification lowers operating costs, reduces waste sent to landfills, conserves energy and water, creates a healthy and safe environment for occupants, and reduces GHG emissions. An energy savings of approximately 232,000 kilowatt-hours per year is expected once the project is completed, which results in a reduction of 139 tonnes of eCO2 per year, equivalent to the GHG emissions from the electricity use of 17 homes for one year. The estimated cost saving per year is $23,200. Infrared Building Energy Surveys (pilot program): The Areas identified as having unnecessarily high energy losses can then infrared imaging pilot program to see and measure be addressed for mitigation purposes resulting in energy savings. thermal energy emitted from County Buildings was initiated in 2009. Infrared thermography cameras produce images of invisible infrared or "heat" radiation to identify equipment or areas where energy is lost. Cooling Tower Replacement: The Facilities Maintenance Division is in the The estimated benefits include lower energy usage, utility cost, GHG process of replacing older cooling towers using two speed fan motors with emission reductions, and increased fan motor speed control. newer and more efficient ones using variable frequency drives. Installation of Highly Reflective Roofs and Insulation: Installation of highly reflective roof surfaces and insulation to reduce heat intrusion into air-conditioned space and improve A/C efficiency. The estimated benefits include lower energy usage, utility cost, and GHG emission reductions. A total of 89,000 square-feet of new roof surface and 77,000 square-feet of new insulation are undergoing installation as part of the re-roofing project of the Main Library and the roof replacements of Imperial Point Library and Main Jail Buildings. The project at the Main Library has been pre-qualified for an incentive from FPL's Building Envelope Program. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 3 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport (FLL) Aircraft Loading/Passenger Boarding Bridges: In mid FY2009, the Broward County Aviation Department (BCAD) implemented a program to reduce the emissions emitted from aircraft parked at gates for loading and passenger boarding at FLL. Currently when the aircraft is parked at the gate it plugs into its own auxiliary power unit (APU). With the implementation of this project, the aircrafts that are parked at the gate will plug into an existing powered loading bridge (a hard line system), thereby avoiding use of the less efficient APU. Newly equipped passenger boarding bridges at FLL incorporate electrical (400 Hz) and air conditioning units (AC) which are cleaner and more efficient than the aircrafts’ APU. BCAD has replaced 2 passenger boarding bridges with more efficient units and will upgrade 28 existing passenger boarding bridges with the more efficient electrical and AC units in the near future. The project will reduce inefficiencies from aircraft energy use, including GHG emissions generated by aircraft APUs. FLL Airport Heating, Ventilation, & Air Conditioning Upgrades: The BCAD completed the implementation of several improvements to increase the efficiency of Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning (HVAC) system at FLL by installing high efficiency equipment including watercooled centrifugal chillers and towers in Improved HVAC efficiency and use of environmentally-friendly refrigerant (R134A) will benefit FLL through increased energy efficiency and the reduction of unnecessary use of hazardous substances which may be harmful to the environment. Terminals 2, 3, and 4. Emission Source Category: Vehicle Fleet Broward 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan “Transformation”: The Transportation projects’ ranking criteria now include reduction in Broward Metropolitan Planning Organization 2035 Long Range Transportation GHG emissions and vehicle miles traveled. Plan supports GHG reductions. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 4 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Carts for Trucks Exchange: To save money and energy, Parks and Recreation Projected savings of 12,045 gallons of fuel or $30,113 in fuel costs. Division replaced 15 pickup trucks with 15 utility carts. Carts are 24% more Estimated reduction of 110 tonnes of eCO2, which is equivalent to fuel efficient than trucks. Driving of the carts takes place within the park the annual GHG emissions from 21 passenger vehicles. boundaries so these vehicles do not need to be road-worthy. Fuel Conservation Measures at Parks: Parks and Recreation Division staff Some of the benefits include GHG reductions, reduced maintenance, uses four-passenger electric GEM carts at Topeekeegee Yugnee Park, and operational cost savings. Tradewinds Parks, and Central Broward Regional Park. Zones are established for employees working “in the field” to reduce cross-county driving. Broward Receives Grant Award: Broward County received $2 million in Federal Transit Administration’s Transit Investments for Greenhouse Gas and Energy Reductions (TIGGER) competitive grant. Broward County’s award represents 2% of the total nationwide available TIGGER program funds. With this grant money, the Transit Division will be able to make Fleet improvements through the purchase and installation of Mini-Hybrid Engine Thermal Management Systems on at least 80 county buses. These systems will replace the current mechanically/hydraulicallydriven cooling system components of the buses with electrically powered devices which enhance performance, reduce emissions, and increase the average fuel efficiency by a minimum of 8% per bus, as demonstrated in the pilot study involving 5 county buses. This would result in reduced annual fuel consumption of over 100,000 gallons and provide for continued savings in overall fuel costs which is estimated to be a savings of $210,640 annually. Estimated reduction of 1,015 tonnes of eCO2, which is equivalent to the annual GHG emissions from 194 passenger vehicles. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 5 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Emission Source Category: Water/Sewage The Infiltration & Inflow Project was initiated to repair piping infrastructure in order to reduce and/or eliminate the saltwater infiltration problem encountered along the A1A/Pompano Beach Hillsborough Mile - L/S Basin. This portion of the wastewater infrastructure system includes one master pump station, four retail wastewater pump stations (L/S), and approximately 23,500 linear feet of sewer pipe. By reducing or eliminating the seepage of groundwater into the sewer pipe, there is a reduction in the flow of wastewater through the pipe, which serves to reduce the demand for pump/motor use, and thereby reduce the amount of energy needed to pump wastewater through the system. Emission Source Category: Waste EPA Waste Wise Membership: Broward County Government maintained its membership with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) Waste Wise program, a voluntary partnership program that seeks to reduce solid waste through innovative waste prevention and recycling techniques. Some of the benefits of the program include reduced purchasing and waste disposal costs, reduced waste production, development of an annual Climate Profile describing GHG reductions, implementation of waste reduction goals, and a collaboration between county government, building managers, and cities with the goal of sharing information and educating them about the Waste Wise program. Greater Fort Lauderdale-Broward Convention GHG emission reductions are achieved by recycling and conserving Center recycling program includes: cardboard, bulk raw materials. These efforts reduce the energy needed to retrieve, cardboard, office paper products, and commingled process, and manufacture those materials. aluminum, glass, and plastic. Green supplies purchased include: (1) products for housekeeping and food service made from recycled or compostable materials, (2) where possible, environmentally-friendly chemical supplies , (3) paper napkins, deli paper, food trays, coffee cups, and cup sleeves made from recycled paper, and (4) cups, to-go containers, and cutlery made from compostable materials (e.g., potatoes and corn). In addition, leftover banquet food is donated to a local food bank. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 6 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Recycling in County Offices: Most County employees have desk-side recycling bins and can recycle their office paper, envelopes, magazines, newspaper, cardboard, etc. Recycling bins can also be found in office copier rooms, and next to fax machines and printers. Metal, plastic, aluminum and glass food and beverage containers, along with office papers, are recycled in employee break rooms and in many centralized locations. Visitors to Broward County parks can also recycle their food and beverage containers at park shelters, aquatic areas, sports fields and other locations. During 2009, County employees and facilities recycled 1,211 tons of waste including office paper, cardboard, and food and beverage containers from administrative offices, Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport and the Broward County Convention and Visitors Center resulting in 3,802 tonnes of eCO2 avoided. This is equivalent to the emissions from the combustion of 427,672 gallons of gasoline. AgendaQuick: Broward County Administration has implemented a variety of measures to both improve workflow efficiency and reduce their carbon footprint (by saving trees). While there have been several paper reduction initiatives, the most noteworthy implemented program is AgendaQuick. This system has streamlined the agenda preparation process for Broward County Commission meetings. AgendaQuick improves efficiency in the agenda process by providing a level of transparency for all agencies because information is readily available at the click of the mouse. According to some of the heaviest users, the average user has saved approximately 50% of the processing time for each agenda report. The system is easy to use, minimizes the unplanned interruptions to the workday and saves our environment! Most agenda reports are now produced and routed electronically with limited printing, saving an estimated 170 pounds of paper, resulting in a reduction of 2,204 pounds of GHG emissions. The release of AgendaQuick to all county agencies has the potential to reduce 11,023 pounds of GHG, which is equivalent to the carbon sequestered by 128 tree seedlings grown for 10 years. Administration’s commitment to excellence will continue as we strive for “Our Best, Nothing Less” and look for additional opportunities to improve our performance while reducing the energy use and decreasing our carbon footprint. Vendor Self-Service: Enables vendors to register online and to create a user Provides cost savings benefit associated with staff time and paper name and password which they can then use to update their vendor profile. reduction. Pallet Recycling: Markham Park Target Range receives delivery of the clay targets used in Skeet and Trap shooting on wooden pallets. In July 2009, the park initiated a recycling program to divert these pallets from the waste stream. These pallets are recycled into mulch. Over 400 pallets have been diverted from the waste stream and turned into usable landscape mulch. According to the EPA, recycling pallets is a convenient and ecologically correct method of waste reduction. The estimated reduction is 4 tonnes of eCO2, equivalent to the carbon sequestered by 103 tree seedlings grown for 10 years. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 7 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti FLL Recycling: The BCAD has installed 20 recycling bins throughout FLL’s terminals and Rental Car Center in an effort to support recycling activities at FLL. BCAD is increasing public awareness by broadcasting a message through the terminal’s public address system advising travelers of BCAD’s recycling efforts. Waste and recyclables are collected and sent to an on-site recycling facility operated by Airport Recycling Specialist, Inc (ARS). In FY2009, ARS collected approximately 2,559 tons of waste of which 927 tons was recyclable materials (e.g., plastic, cardboard, paper, wood, and aluminum). The remainder of the waste was material (Class I garbage) that cannot be recycled. The estimated reduction is 2,986 tonnes of community-wide eCO2, equivalent to the emissions from 571 vehicles in a year. Chip-a-Tree Program: Residents can bring their Christmas trees to several A total of 11,010 trees were received in December 2008, resulting in over 138 tons of waste diverted from the landfill. The estimated parks to be turned into mulch for parks on trails or landscaping. reduction is 2,222 tonnes of eCO2, equivalent to the carbon sequestered by 56,974 tree seedlings grown for 10 years. Broward County Employee Training, Outreach, and Education for Waste: Waste and Recycling Services held training classes for County employees on the importance of recycling, proper disposal of household hazardous waste, waste-to-energy, and landfill operations. Employee training included: janitorial, custodial, building managers, park managers, and the Go Green Employee Workshop. Waste and recycling education promotes recycling, and as such reduces GHG emissions. County Buildings Waste Assessment: To determine the current status of waste at governmental buildings and to identify areas of improvement, the Workgroup’s Waste Reduction Committee designed a detailed site assessment audit form. They also identified ten County buildings in which they will perform a waste audit. Some of the benefits include better accountability of waste generation in county facilities and reduced billing costs once accounting efficiencies are identified. While the creation of the audit form and the identification of County facilities occurred in FY2009, the site assessments will take place in FY2010. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 8 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Emissions Source Category: Employee Commute 4-Day Work Week: Employees at most regional parks have switched to a 4-day work week thus eliminating one day of commuting for each employee. The total number of employees that have made the switch is 332. Average distance of commute is 25 miles at 20 mpg. The fuel savings to county employees is approximately 22,443 gallons of unleaded gasoline per year. This results in the estimated reduction of 202 tonnes of eCO2, which is equivalent to GHG emissions from the combustion of 470 barrels of oil. The combined cost saving to employees is approximately $54,402 annually. Proposed Amendment to the Broward County Comprehensive Plan Creating an Urban Design Element: On March 10, 2009, the Board adopted Resolution 2009-094. A new Urban Design Element is proposed to further the principles of the Broward County County-wide Community Design Guidebook approved by the County Commission in 2005. The Urban Design Element promotes pedestrian friendly development, directing development to high capacity transportation corridors, green certification of buildings, and the principles of NatureScape Broward. Policy Measures Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan: This action adopts an The Transportation Element includes incorporating transportation amendment to the Transportation Element of the Broward County strategies to address the reduction of GHG emissions from the Comprehensive Plan. The proposed amendment addresses statutory changes transportation sector. adopted by the State in 2008 through Senate Bill 697 (Chapter 2008-191, Laws of Florida) regarding building code standards for energy efficiency, energy conservation, and the use of renewable resources. ICLEI Membership and Cities for Climate Protection Campaign: On November 13, 2008, the Board adopted Resolution 2008-823 to authorize membership in the International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) and supporting the Cities for Climate Protection Campaign. ICLEI is an international association of local governments as well as national and regional local government organizations that have made a commitment to sustainable development and climate protection. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 9 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Broward County Code of Ordinances established a one-time lottery for fifteen certificates of public convenience and necessity. On June 23, 2009, the Board adopted County Ordinance 2009-35. In November 2009, there was a one-time application period to obtain a certificate of public convenience and necessity which will be awarded at a public hearing for fifteen certificates for the following categories (that meet the fuel efficiency requirements) ten to taxicab drivers and five to luxury sedans. The fuel efficiency requirements for taxicabs will be a minimum of thirty miles per gallon based on an average of the EPA city and highway mileage. The fuel efficiency requirements for luxury sedans will be a minimum of twenty-five miles per gallon based on an average of the EPA city and highway mileage. Some of the benefits include GHG reductions, and reduced maintenance. Cool Counties Initiative: On November 13, 2008, Broward County is committing to reduce GHG emissions to 80% the Board adopted Resolution 2008-822 supporting below current levels by 2050. the NACo’s Cool Counties Initiative urging Congress and the Administration to enact a multi-sector national program of requirements, market-based limits, and incentives for achieving GHG emission reductions. The Initiative also calls for full funding for the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant Program. LEED standards for all new Broward County buildings: On October 14, 2008 the Board approved a resolution establishing United States Green Building Council’s (USGBC) LEED standards for all new Broward County buildings. Adopting these standards will enable all new Broward County construction projects to employ environmentally sensible construction practices, systems and materials in order to conserve resources, reduce GHG emissions, and promote healthy environments for employees, county residents, and visitors. Renewable Energy Payments: On December 9, 2008, the Board adopted Resolution 2008-879 which calls for the Florida Public Service Commission and Legislature to enact legislation supporting renewable energy and a diverse renewable portfolio standard to include energy payments. The Board supports initiatives to promote a balanced mix of renewable energy and traditional energy sources in a manner which will strengthen economic growth, stimulate local economies, and promote energy price stability. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 10 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Text amendment to Volume 2 of the Broward County Comprehensive Plan to the Florida Department of Community Affairs: The Board approved Resolution 2009-249 establishing new Comprehensive Plan requirements to address building code standards for energy efficiency. The amendment establishes building code standards for energy efficiency, the reduction of GHG emissions, energy conservation, and the use of renewable resources. The legislation requires the Housing Element to adopt energy efficiency principles and use of renewable resources in the design and construction of new housing. Text amendment to the Housing The Resolution establishes new Comprehensive Plan requirements Element: The Board approved to address building code standards for energy efficiency and the Resolution 2009-101 and found the reduction of GHG emissions. proposed text amendment (09-1-T7) to the Housing Element (HE) consistent with the Broward County Comprehensive Plan. The proposed amendment revises the Housing Element to address statutory changes adopted by the State in 2008 through HB 694 (Chapter 2008-191, Laws of Florida) related to energy conservation. Resolution supporting the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009: On June 24, 2009, the Broward County Board of County Commissioners adopted Resolution 2009-437, supporting the American Clean Energy and Security Act of 2009. This resolution includes adoption of “Cap-and-Trade” as a national strategy to reduce GHG emissions, Renewable Electricity Standards to encourage the development of renewable energy technologies, programs that provide for the implementation and development of strategies to mitigate for and adapt to the impacts of climate change, as well as direct funding for local governments. Climate Change Task Force: The mission of the Climate Change Task Force is The Task Force is an important component to Broward County's to develop a countywide Climate Change Program to mitigate the causes and overall commitment to a healthy, sustainable environment; and they adapt to the consequences of climate change and, if appropriate, advise on its continue to support the County operations GHG reduction goals. implementation. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 11 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Estim Other GHG Reduction Measures Broward Beautiful Program was available to homeowner groups, civic associations, churches and not-for-profit organizations. Twenty-six grants were approved in FY2009 and provided landscape improvement projects located on public property and other common areas visible to the general public. At least 60% of the plants used were Florida native plant species. A total of 806 trees and 6,813 shrubs were planted throughout the fiscal year to encourage neighborhood beauty, ecology, implement environmentally friendly native landscapes, and increase the tree canopy throughout Broward County. Power it Down: On August 27, 2009, Broward County joined governments and the IT industry across the country with the goal to dramatically slash energy consumption costs with the flick of a switch. On “Power IT Down Day,” the IT industry joined together to encourage employees to make a personal commitment to switch off personal computers and peripherals (such as monitors, printers, and scanners) when leaving the office. Over 2,800 government and industry employees pledged to power down their computers, printers, and monitors on “Power IT Down Day” – a one-day savings of over 37,000 kilowatt-hours. US 1 Landscape Beautification: The BCAD recently completed a significant landscaping and beautification project within the 90 acres of land which form the entranceway to FLL. This project serves not only to enhance the airport’s entranceway along US 1, but it exceeds BCAD’s mitigation requirements for the Airport Expansion Program by increasing Broward County’s overall tree canopy by more than 750,000 square feet. Visitors to the airport enjoy the natural beauty of the 5,400 native trees and palms; 160,000 shrubs; 12 acres of sod; and extensive groundcover at the entranceway. In addition to the aesthetic benefits of the project, the newly planted landscape increases the amount of carbon dioxide that removed from the atmosphere through photosynthesis. The NatureScape School Environmental Partnership Over 450 native trees were planted on school campuses this year, has increased native tree canopy on school grounds eight School Environmental Outreach Days were held, and 3,200 and created outdoor learning classrooms for native plants were given to county residents. students. Broward County also hosted Habitat Steward Trainings: one in January for residents and one in August for Broward County Public School Teachers. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 12 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Organic Fertilizer: Since January 2009, Parks and Recreation has been using Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) certified organic fertilizer. To encourage the use of organic fertilizers in the County, a Master Agreement was put in place in November of 2009 for this product. The Master Agreement can be used by any county agency. By using this fertilizer, the amount of chemical fertilizer needed is dramatically reduced, thus reducing the amount of phosphorous and nitrogen runoff. An estimated 90 tons of fertilizer was used in 2009 which diverted manure waste from the landfill. Buying the fertilizer in bulk, 3,600 plastic bags were also diverted from the landfill. Native Trees and Shrubs Master Agreement: In February 2009, Parks and Recreation began administering a Master Agreement for the planting of native trees and shrubs. The Master Agreement is for $3,029,333 and covers a variety of native species. This Agreement can be used by any county agency and encourages the use of native plants, especially some of the rarer species that are seldom used in landscaping. Native plants require less water and are better adapted for the specific environmental conditions of South Florida. They withstand hurricanes better than invasive species and provide the needed habitat and food for native wildlife. This Agreement should also encourage local agriculturalists to grow native species which will provide more opportunities for residents to discover and plant these species on their own properties. Total trees planted into Broward County Parks in FY2009 was 18,446. Green Landscapes Training Classes and Materials: All these practices reduce pollutants going into the water table. Parks and Recreation provided classes for groundskeepers, maintenance workers, and supervisors in environmentally appropriate landscape practices. These practices include Integrated Pest Management, proper irrigation techniques, use of native plants, and use of organic fertilizers. ETS Office Communicator and Live Meeting: Enterprise Instant Messaging and Live Meeting are products of Microsoft Office Communicator. ETS implemented a county-wide rollout in FY2009. Instant Messaging is an internal communications platform that allows for conversational communication to take place and is typically classified as transitory type messages. There are 4,863 instant messenger active users and 1,817 active end users of this product. The environmental benefits include less vehicle miles traveled to join a meeting, which equates to GHG emissions and fuel savings. This software also has the capability for telephone conversations via an internet connection. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 13 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Telephone Conference Bridge (teleconferencing): The use of telephone bridge conference calling has been around for many years. The older technology was both cumbersome and costly. Today, ETS has implemented an in-house system that allows for a simple call to the ETS Service Desk in order to use conference calling as a means to bring geographically dispersed groups together. Telephone bridge conferencing is becoming the new way to conduct business. For large project activities, it is now common to set a bridge conference for various times throughout a day so that everyone can use this tool to gain updates and strategically plan the next steps of a project. This service supports between 3 and 32 users simultaneously for a single meeting so the opportunity to gain efficiencies can grow rapidly as more agencies adopt this use. This service is currently averaging 10 requests per week and translates into less mileage and travel time for staff to attend meetings. The environmental benefits include less vehicle miles traveled to join a meeting, which equates to GHG reductions and fuel savings. Tree Planting: Native trees were planted at Total trees planted into Broward County Parks in 2009 was 18,446. Broward County Parks as part of the Tree Replacement Program, a result of damage from Hurricane Wilma. Electric Vehicle Challenge and Solar Knights: The Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality Division provide technical support and assistance to the Miramar High School for the “EV Challenge”- the country’s premier Electric Vehicle competition, and to the South Plantation High School Solar Knights – a solar vehicle high school competition. The students learn how to build eco-friendly solar-powered and electric cars and recognize the benefits of these alternate fuel vehicles. They participate in national competitions where they describe their projects and school educational initiatives. They also participate in vehicle performance competitions. Climate Change Leader Emerald Award: Established in July Organizations inventory their GHG emissions and establish annual 2009, this category recognizes facilities, businesses, and GHG reduction targets. The winners are recognized by the Broward government entities that have made great strides in County Board of County Commissioners. addressing global climate change. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 14 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Conservation and Climate Change Challenge with BC School Board: In the Fall of 2009, the Broward County Pollution Prevention, Remediation and Air Quality Division launched the first Conservation and Climate Change Challenge (C3 Challenge), an educational competition intended to engage students, teachers, school administrators, staff, and parents in practical strategies to reduce carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gas emissions, both school-wide and at home. Through improved energy efficiency and reduced consumption, school participants learned how simple actions, taken together, can have a substantial impact on reducing GHGs. Over 42 schools participated with a total of 520 teachers pledging that their students would help reduce their carbon footprint in the classroom and at home. The challenge was able to reach out to over 57,000 students within Broward County schools. As a result of the challenge, an estimated 9 million pounds of carbon dioxide from community-wide emissions were reduced. Community "Go Green" Events: Broward County government agencies organized multiple outreach events to educate its employees and residents about ways to reduce their carbon footprints. Broward government agencies participated in green community events and provided educational presentations to schools, civic organizations, municipalities, and businesses. In June 2009, Broward County Public Communications developed an educational video, “Broward County…Our Green Government”. The video discusses the County’s green initiatives. Broward County residents and employees learned ways to conserve energy and reduce GHG emissions. "Go Green" Employee Workshop: On October 28, 2009, Broward County's Environmental Protection and Growth Management Department and the Climate Change Government Operations Workgroup sponsored a “Go Green” workshop for county employees. The workshop highlighted current environmental issues and the important role of County employees in protecting the environment and supporting the County's GHG reduction strategy. The employees learned about South Florida's natural environment, NatureScape, air quality, transportation options, recycling, and Waste Wise. They also learned how to calculate their personal carbon footprint, tools available to help them become “greener” at home and work, all while saving money. Interactive demonstrations included a showcase of Broward County Transit’s hybrid-electric bus and other county-owned alternative fuel vehicles. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL Esti 15 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Broward County Libraries Paper Reduction: Libraries eliminated printing of almost a half-million sheets of paper annually by changing its monthly programming information from hard copy to electronic format. The monthly magazine, Bookings, has been replaced with monthly E-Updates available only online. Parks Naturalist Environmental Education Programs: During FY2009, the Parks and Recreation Division employed 7 full-time Park Naturalists who provided environmental education programs and tours to the public. Programs included: Turtle Nesting Programs, Butterfly and Bird Hikes, Night Hikes, Nature Tots, Preschool Nature Classes, and Scout Badge Workshops. Parks Volunteers: Volunteers assisted the Parks and Recreation Division with various planting and clean-up projects throughout the year. Overall the Division had 2,189 approved volunteers who contributed 52,658 hours of their time. Volunteers included individuals, Boy Scout and Girl Scout troops, Eagle Scouts, as well as school, religious, social, and environmental groups. Several corporate groups also volunteered their time to planting projects including the Motorola Global Day of Service at Markham Park and the Comcast Planting Project at Delevoe Park. EcoAction Days: All Broward County Nature Centers (Long Key, Secret Woods, Fern Forest, and Anne Kolb) offered monthly EcoAction Volunteer Days from October-May. They assist with debris removal and waterway clean-ups. Some of the environmental benefits include: paper reduction of dozens of magazines and posters being printed and disposed of each month. One of the environmental benefits of these educational programs is that they educate the community on the importance of preserving our native ecosystem. One of the environmental benefits of this initiative is that it allows the citizens to give back to their community by both cleaning up the natural environment and replanting trees. These workdays were open to the public and usually involved habitat rehabilitation including exotic plant removal and/or native plant installation. Public Communications Green Initiatives: The Office of Public The Go Green web site received approximately 10,000 visits and Communications Manages the Go Green web site. They have taken the 14,500 views in the past year. initiative on several projects including, recycling ink cartridges, removing one light bulb in lightening fixtures throughout offices, and recycling plastic bottles and aluminum cans. They have also assisted in the promotion of several County programs including the Power IT Down Day, the Holiday Recycle Program, and the Artificial Reef Program. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 16 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Electronic Card Cataloging at Library: Broward County Libraries Division was Since 2004, the number of visitors to the Library’s web site has featured in PRNews’ Going Green: Case Studies in Outstanding Green increased from 30,000 per month to almost 350,000 per month, and Business Practices, for “Transforming a Library’s website, Reducing page views from 50,000 per month to nearly one million per month. Dependency on Print.” Permitting, Licensing, and Consumer Protection Electronic billing reduces the use of paper which saves trees and Introduces Automated Invoice Billing Office: The protects the natural environment. automated billing feature was created and made available to County Division client base in December 2008. The Division continues to encourage its utilization among the customers. County Agencies Reduce Dependency on Print: Broward County agencies are turning to technology and increasing their electronic communications through email and the web site, Cultural Division’s Cultural Quarterly magazine, Parks and Recreation Division’s Highlights publication, Consumer Protection’s Educated Consumer newsletter, and many other agency publications are now available in electronic format only. The Office of Public Communications converted its community magazine, Broward Shines, to a video magazine. These e-publications result in cost savings and environmental resource conservation. The need for the harvesting of trees as well as the energy required to produce paper-based publications is eliminated. Broward County Receives Award for International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives (ICLEI) Milestones: ICLEI’s Milestone Awards recognize those ICLEI members that demonstrate a commitment to the organization’s Five Milestone Methodology for climate mitigation. Broward County received a Milestones Award from ICLEI for their excellence in developing a greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions inventory for Broward County government and public operations, and setting a GHG reduction target. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 17 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti Print Shop Goes Green: The Broward County All presses use soy-based ink and chlorine-free solutions. Paper Print Shop is an environmentally friendly comes from sustainable forests. The Print Shop’s computer-to-plate operation using environmentally friendly imaging printing system is 100 percent chemistry-free and uses supplies. recyclable metal plates for printing. Tree Preservation Program: The Tree Preservation Program of the Development and Environmental Regulation Division protects, relocates, and replaces trees through the tree removal licensing process, as well as administers the Tree Preservation Trust Fund used to support the planting of trees. Maintaining and planting trees reduces GHG. In 2009, over 950 trees were planted at various Tree Trust Fund projects. Plan It Green: Parks worked in conjunction with The Greater Fort Lauderdale In FY2009, twelve 16-foot Red Bay trees, six 16-18 foot Live Oaks, Convention and Visitors Bureau (CVCB) to develop a carbon offset program and two 14-foot Sugarberry trees were planted near a trail at the edge of the Everglades with funding from CVCB. Work is planned to for conventions or business groups that come to Fort Lauderdale. maintain the area viable for these native trees by preventing the growth of invasive species of plant life. With the help of the Plan It Green program and various volunteer groups, this area will be returned to the beautiful and pristine place it once was. Electronic Submissions of County Commission Quasi-Judicial Agenda Items to the Cities and Agents: In 2009, the Development Review Section of the Development and Environmental Regulation (DER) Division began electronically submitting all County Commission Quasi-Judicial Agenda Items to the Cities and Agents. In FY2009, DER had 149 Agenda Items brought before the Board. At 2 copies (City and Agent) of approximately 20 pages per Agenda Item, electronic submittal of these 149 Agenda Items per year equals a savings of approximately 5,960 sheets of paper (238 pounds of paper). Electronic submittal also eliminates the need for envelopes and postage, an additional savings of approximately $260.00/year. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 18 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results New Janitorial Contract is “Green”: The new contract for janitorial services at over 80 Broward County facilities awarded in May 2009 will be “green.” The vendor(s) awarded the contract will offer better environmental performance and improved worker health and safety, while retaining the same sanitation quality as traditional janitorial methods. Electronic review and processing of construction plans: In 2009, the Development Review Section of DER began to utilize “POSSE” to electronically review and process County-wide construction plans for permits in lieu of paper applications. In FY2009, the Development Review Section and the Environmental Review Section of DER electronically reviewed 4,202 construction plans, saving approximately 168 pounds of paper. This also eliminates filing storage demand, discouraging expansion of building footprints. Water and Wastewater Services Finds Energy Savings: The Information Technology Division of Water and Wastewater Services initiated its own “Project Green” to begin lowering energy consumption and reduce its carbon footprint. Computer settings at workstations were modified from their factory defaults. Modified settings on computer monitors alone achieved 20-30 % reductions in energy consumption. Winston Park (Green Space 446), Partners In Preservation Grant: This grant funded the restoration of Winston Park to its native habitat through the replacement of invasive/exotic species with native vegetation. This measure helps to restore south Florida land to its native ecosystem, thus attracting and supporting native flora and fauna. Restoration of the native tree canopy will also sequester carbon dioxide from the atmosphere. Airport Green Belt: The southern boundary of the Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood International Airport is a 30-acre passive park and noise barrier with diverse vegetation and wetland areas. Liberty Tree Park (Open Space 101), Parks 4 People Grant: The grant funded green components Liberty Tree Park, including: park equipment made from recycled materials (e.g., benches, fencing, receptacles, etc.), LED lighting, photovoltaic panels, rainwater collection for irrigation, pervious paving, and more. Esti Trees and vegetation in the Green Belt sequester carbon dioxide. Park equipment supplied by the grant not only closes the recycling loop and reduces energy/water consumption, it also educates park patrons about these alternative technologies and sustainability and the city’s commitment to these principals through educational signage discussing the park’s green features. 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 19 Measure Description Estimated Environmental Benefits and Results Esti ARRA Stimulus Grant Tracking Website: The Stimulus Grant Tracking This application does not require users to do any further installations website was developed to meet the primary objective of providing or downloads. This website reduces paperwork and time formerly information to the public on stimulus grant monies received by Broward required to determine information on grant monies. County. The system is a web-based application, requiring an internet browser and for some documents/reports, Adobe Reader. Bus Pass Sales Online Application: The Bus Pass Sales Online Application was designed to sell bus passes to both the general public and bus pass vendors via the internet. For vendors to purchase bulk passes, an online application to become a certified bus pass vendor is required. Once approved, these vendors can order bus passes online. This Bus Pass Sales Online Application is in line with Broward County’s Green initiative. It not only lowers the number of road trips previously required by Transit Division staff for bus pass distribution and cash collection to vendors, but it also makes it easier for the public and visitors to purchase bus passes, and promotes increased use of Transit. Human Services: The Human Services Department (HSD) has applied environmentally friendly methods in FY2009 to manage waste, energy use, water conservation, and clean air practice and promotion. HSD is proud to promote green meetings, planning sessions and overall energy reduction operations as the demand and importance for sustainability measures increases. Some of the environmental benefits and program examples include: recycling programs such as sending left over items to the County warehouse for recycling; energy conservation programs such as using only Energy Star® rated equipment in residential kitchens and laundry facilities as well as programmable thermostats; water conservation programs such as using only low flow showerheads in residential treatment programs; waste reduction such as providing an opportunity for staff to recycle aluminum and plastic - bins are available throughout each HSD facility; and clean air practices such as using only cleaning products that have earned the Green Seal®. Environmental Protection Agency GHG Calculator Used for Equivalency Calculations: Report prepared by: Broward County Climate Change Government Operations Workgroup 2nd Annual Climate Change Progress Report - Government Operations - Broward County, FL 20