SEE 2523 PART A (Answer 3 questions from this part) Q1 (a) An

SEE 2523
PART A (Answer 3 questions from this part)
An electrostatic field is said to be a conservative field. By using the appropriate formula
and Stoke’s theorem, derive the Maxwell’s equation that relates to this concept of
conservation of field.
(4 marks)
A point charge of 9 µC is located at point P (0, 2 m, 1 m), a uniform line charge with
density 170 nC/m lies along the x axis, and a uniform sheet of charge with density 26
nC/m2 lies in the z = 2 plane.
Calculate the total electric flux leaving the surface of a sphere of 6 m radius
centered at the origin.
(6 marks)
Given the points A (-4 m, 3 m, 5 m) and B (5 m, -2 m, 9 m), find the potential
difference VAB due to all three charges.
(10 marks)
If 𝑉 = π‘₯ − 𝑦 + 2𝑧, find the electrostatic energy stored in a cube of side 2m centered at
the origin.
(5 marks)
SEE 2523
Discuss why Laplace/Poisson’s equation is a more practical approach to solve
electrostatic problems compared to Gauss’s Law.
(4 marks)
Determine which of the following potential field distributions satisfies Laplace’s
𝑉1 = π‘₯ 2 + 𝑦 2 − 2𝑧 2 + 10
(2 marks)
𝑉2 = π‘Ÿπ‘§ sin ∅ + π‘Ÿ 2
(4 marks)
Two large parallel conducting plates are separated by a distance d and maintained at
potentials 0 for the lower plate and V0 for the upper plate. The region between the plates
is filled with a continuous distribution of electrons having a volume charge density πœŒπ‘£ =
−𝜌0 𝑦/𝑑. By assuming negligible fringing effect at the edges, determine
the potential at any point between the plates;
(6 marks)
the surface charge densities on each plate.
(5 marks)
By analyzing your answer in Q2c(ii), is it possible to compute the capacitance? If so,
what is the value. Explain your answer.
(4 marks)
SEE 2523
Discuss the effects of the existence of dipole moments when a magnetic material was
immersed in a magnetic field.
(4 marks)
A cross section of coaxial cable centered along the z axis is shown in Fig. Q3. The
internal non magnetic conductor with radius a carries a uniform current I Ampere in the
direction of −𝑧̂ . The region π‘Ž < π‘Ÿ < 𝑏 is a magnetic material with permeability of 4πœ‡0 .
The outer conductor 𝑏 < π‘Ÿ < 𝑐 carries a uniform current of I Ampere but in the direction
of +𝑧̂ .
Obtain the magnetic flux density in all the regions.
(8 marks)
Show that the Ampere circuital law of Maxwell’s equation in point form from
Q3(b)(i) is obeyed in the region 𝑏 < π‘Ÿ < 𝑐.
(4 marks)
Determine the magnetized surface current on the surfaces of the magnetic
(5 marks)
Determine the force needed to split the outer conductor from the inner conductor.
(4 marks)
Fig. Q3
SEE 2523
By applying suitable equations, develop the boundary conditions for two magnetic
materials having permeability of πœ‡1 and πœ‡2 as shown in Fig. Q4. Assume the existence of
surface current 𝐽𝑠̅ (𝐴/π‘š) on the boundary surface.
(6 marks)
Fig. Q4
A first region (π‘₯ < 0 and πœ‡1 =3πœ‡0 ) is separated from the second region (π‘₯ > 0 and
πœ‡1 =πœ‡0 ) by a plane of π‘₯ = 0. Given that a magnetic field intensity in the first region is
Μ…1 = 10(𝑦̂ + 𝑧̂ )/πœ‡0 (A/m).
A uniform surface current of
𝐽𝑠̅ = 8/πœ‡0 𝑦̂ (A/m) is
conducted on the x = 0 surface. Obtain:
the magnetization vector in the first region.
(2 marks)
the magnetic field intensity and magnetization vector in the second region.
(8 marks)
the energy density in both regions.
(6 marks)
Will there be any changes in the magnetization vector in both regions if the magnetic
Μ…1 = (𝑦̂ + 𝑧̂ )𝐻(π‘₯). Explain your
field intensity in the first region is not uniform; i.e 𝐻
(3 marks)
SEE 2523
PART B (Answer 1 question from this part)
According to Faraday’s experiment, an induced voltage called electromotive force or
simply emf can be generated in a closed circuit. State and derive the mathematical
expressions for all cases.
(6 marks)
The square loop ABCD shown Fig. Q5 is immersed in a uniform magnetic field
B ο€½ 0.5 yˆ Wb/m 2 . The side CD of the loop cuts the flux lines at the angular frequency
120 rad/s. If the loop lies in the yz plane at time t = 0, determine:
The induced emf at t = 1 ms.
(9 marks)
The induced current at t = 3 ms.
(3 marks)
If everything is the same as in Fig. Q5, except that the magnetic field now is changed to
time varying, B ο€½ 0.2tyˆ Wb/m 2 , determine the emf at t = 1 ms.
(7 marks)
(Hint: Unit vector transformation: Cylindrical component of yˆ ο€½ sin  rˆ  cos  ˆ )
Fig. Q5
SEE 2523
A uniform plane wave is a particular solution of Maxwell’s equations with 𝐸̅ assuming
the same direction, same magnitude and same phase in infinite planes perpendicular to
Μ… field. By using the formulas
the direction of propagation. This is also applied to the 𝐻
obtained for the plane waves in lossy media in terms of permittivity, permeability, and
conductivity, determine the phase constant, attenuation constant, and phase velocity of
the other three mediums.
(6 marks)
The electric field intensity of a linearly polarized uniform plane wave propagating in the
+z direction in seawater is 𝐸̅ = 50 cos(2πœ‹ × 107 𝑑)π‘₯Μ‚ (𝑉/π‘š) at z = 0. The constitutive
parameters of seawater are πœ€π‘Ÿ = 72, πœ‡π‘Ÿ = 1, 𝜎 = 4 (𝑆/π‘š), determine:
The type of medium
(2 marks)
The phase constant, β and attenuation constant, α
(3 marks)
The phase velocity, v and intrinsic impedance, η
(3 marks)
The skin depth and wave length
(2 marks)
The distance at which the amplitude of 𝐸̅ is 2% of its value at z = 0
(3 marks)
Μ… (𝑧, 𝑑) at z = 1m as function of t.
Write the expressions for 𝐸̅ (𝑧, 𝑑) and 𝐻
(6 marks)