MEMBERSHIP SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION The GPAMVO membership scholarship fund was established to help individuals obtain GPA membership. The following criteria are required for scholarship consideration. GPAMVO will not pay membership dues to another organization. Awards will be prioritized to members who demonstrate financial need and who have shown active chapter participation (defined as attendance at the majority of chapter meetings during the year leading up to this application). Awards will be determined according to GPAMVO financial limitations. Awards will not exceed National’s fees. Recipients are required to become a member of the GPAMVO chapter and are responsible for paying the chapter fee. Awards to a repeat recipient will following a “weaning off” process: o First award at 100% of membership costs o Second award at 75% of membership costs o Third award at 50% of membership costs o Fourth award at 25% of membership costs o No fifth awards will be made. At this time the member is ineligible for any future membership scholarship awards. Recipients will agree to attend a minimum of 50% GPAMVO Chapter meetings. Award recipients must agree to serve in a volunteer role to support the work of GPAMVO. If scholarship recipients are non-compliant with the above-stated requirements of their award, they are no longer eligible for any future scholarship awards from GPAMVO, to include both membership and conference scholarships. The GPAMVO Board of Directors has the final decision on all applications. Please tell us about you: NAME ________________________________________________________________ POSITION: ____________________________________________________________ ORGANIZATION: _______________________________________________________ ADDRESS: ____________________________________________________________ CITY/STATE/ZIP: _________________________________FAX #:________________ WORK PHONE #:___________________ HOME/CELL PHONE #: ________________ EMAIL ADDRESS: ______________________________________________________ My agency (please check only one): ______ DOES pay for GPA dues ______ DOES NOT pay for GPA dues Have you received a membership scholarship from GPAMVO in the past? (Circle only one.) YES NO If yes, in what year? ___________________ Please tell us your reasons for requesting this scholarship. I have read and agree to the scholarship conditions explained above. _________________________________________ Signature Return this form to: Belinda Orrill, GPAMVO President Dayton Children’s Hospital One Children’s Plaza Dayton, OH 45404 Phone (937) 641-5961; Fax (937) 641-5292 ________________ Date