Contents Homonuclear Sequences: ................................................................................................................... 1 15 N-edited Sequences: ........................................................................................................................ 2 13 C-edited Sequences: ......................................................................................................................... 3 13 C & 15N edited NOESY Sequences: .................................................................................................... 3 RDC Sequences: .................................................................................................................................. 4 Triple Resonance Sequences - Backbone:........................................................................................... 5 Triple Resonance Sequences - Sidechain: ........................................................................................... 6 Aromatic Sequences: .......................................................................................................................... 6 Filtered Experiments: .......................................................................................................................... 6 Relaxation Sequences: ........................................................................................................................ 7 Trosy Sequences: ................................................................................................................................ 8 Time-shared Sequences: ..................................................................................................................... 8 Protein-Ligand Sequences: ................................................................................................................. 8 BEST NMR Sequences: ........................................................................................................................ 9 Homonuclear Sequences: Status Name Description Notes (b500/600/601/800) zg.fwm 1D pulse and acquire D2O samples and pulse calibration 1111 zgpr.fwm 1D with presaturation Maximum B1 field for presat ~100Hz 1111 wg.fwm 1D with 3-9-19 watergate - 1111 As wg.fwm but with low power p12/pl8 ~ 135Hz B1 field or flip-back pulse (p12) about 2ms 1111 dqfcosy.fwm 2D DQF-cosy with presat for solvent suppression Good sensitivity 1111 gmcosy.fwm 2D Gradient selected COSY with presat for solvent suppression Gradient ratio 1:2 gives DQF. √2 loss in S/N compared to dqf-cosy but very good solvent suppression. 1111 ipcosypr.fwm 2D In-Phase COSY, using purge pulses and presat for solvent suppression Excellent S/N and solvent suppression. Ideal for aromatic 1H assignment. NOT DQF 1111 ipcosyes.fwm 2D In-Phase COSY, using Excellent S/N and good 1111 fbwg.fwm excitation sculpting for solvent suppression solvent suppression. Attenuation of signals at solvent from shaped pulses. prnoesy.fwm 2D noesy with optional presat - 1111 wgnoesy.fwm 2D noesy with 3-9-19 watergate - 1111 wgfbnoesy.fwm 2D noesy with 3-9-19 watergate and low power flipback pulse (p12) Increases S/N on rapidly exchanging protons. 1111 2D tocsy with optional presat. prmlev.fwm wgtocsy.fwm Uses MLEV-17 spin lock. 2D tocsy with 3-9-19 watergate. Uses DIPSI-2 spin lock. - 111X - 111X 2D tocsy with 3-9-19 watergate Increases S/N on rapidly and low power flip-back pulse exchanging protons (p12). Uses DIPSI-2 spin lock. 111X wgdipsi.fwm 2D tocsy with 3-9-19 watergate. Uses DIPSI spin lock. Non-clean spin-lock. Good for large proteins. Good S/N 111X wgmlev.fwm About 30% better S/N than 2D tocsy with 3-9-19 DIPSI-2 sequence and ~30% watergate. Uses MLEV-17 spin more efficient spin-lock. Set lock. to "clean" with d20 (22.6*p6) 111X wgfbtocsy.fwm 15N-edited Sequences: Status Name Description Notes - (b500/600/601/800) wghsqc.fwm HSQC with 3-9-19 watergate 1111 wghsqcd2.fwm HSQC with 3-9-19 watergate and 13C decoupling Uses shaka6 13C decoupling 1111 wgfbhsqc.fwm As wghsqc but with low power flip-back pulses Increases S/N on rapidly exchanging protons. 1111 sehsqc.fwm HSQC - sensitivity enhanced. Solvent suppression via gradient selection For proteins of Mr <16KDa this gives up to √2 increase in S/N 1111 wgthsqc.fwm 3D-TOCSY-HSQC with 3-9-19 Uses MLEV-17 spin lock watergate (see homonuclear sequences) 111X wgfbthsqc.fwm 3D-TOCSY-HSQC with 3-9-19 As wgthsqc.fwm but with watergate, low power flip-back excellent solvent suppression pulses and purge pulses on the cryoprobe 111X 3D-HNHA with soft watergate for solvent suppression Proton carrier jumped so F1 sweep-width can be reduced 1111 SOFAST-HMQC Collect an HMQC in 3 minutes! 01XX swghnha.fwm sfhmqc.fwm 13C-edited Sequences: Status Name chsqc.fwm Description HSQC using gradient selection for solvent suppression chsqcsi.fwm As above but sensitivity enhanced cthsqc.fwm constant-time HSQC using gradient selection for solvent suppression 13C Notes (b500/600/601/800) - 1111 Usual S/N impovement for proteins Mr <16KDa - 1111 1111 & 15N edited NOESY Sequences: Status Name wgnhsqc.fwm Description 15N-NOESY-HSQC with 3-9-19 watergate 15N-NOESY-HSQC with 3-9-19 wgfbnhsqc.fwm watergate, low power flip-back pulses and purge pulses hnh.fwm cnhsqc.fwm cnhsqcsi.fwm 15N-HSQC-NOESY-HSQC 13C-NOESY-HSQC Notes - 1111 Primarily used for finding noe's between degenerate amide protons 1001 using gradients Can be done in H2O but D2O is best. NOE's resolved in F1 13C-NOESY-HSQC with sensitivity improvement in 1111 Excellent solvent suppression on cryoprobes to suppress solvent 13C (b500/600/601/800) 1111 Can be done in H2O but D2O is best. Best water suppression with cryoprobes. NOE's resolved in F1 1111 chsqcn.fwm 13C-HSQC-NOESY D2O sequence. NOE's resolved in F3 1111 chmqcn.fwm 13C-HMQC-NOESY D2O only sequence. Better relaxation properties than the HSQC sequence. 1111 wgnhco.fwm 3D-NOESY-H(N)CO with 3-9-19 watergate Like wgnhsqc.fwm but correlates NOE via C' & HN chemical shift. 1010 Optional flip-back pulse. 1111 As ntrosy.fwm but with 13C decoupling during F1, F2 & F3. Total acquisition time restricted to 140ms. 1111 ntrosy.fwm ntrosyd2.fwm 15N-NOESY-TROSY with 3-9-19 watergate 15N-NOESY-TROSY watergate with 3-9-19 RDC Sequences: Name Description Notes Status (b500/600/601/800) 1D deuterium observe For measuring the deuterium quadrapolar splitting in your aligned sample - follow notes on the title page 1111 N-TROSY with 3-9-19 watergate - sensitivity enhanced and temperature compensation Use in combination with 15 N-HSQC to measure 1JHN 0011 IPAP-HSQC for measuring 1JHN couplings. Split with au program splitipap. WARNING - does not calculate exp. time correctly! 1111 mipaphsqc.fwm IPAP-HSQC for measuring 1JHN, 1JNC' and 2 JNHA couplings. Requires 13C labelling and a Swiss post-doc to measure the couplings! 1111 Jmodhsqc.fwm J-modulated-HSQC for measuring 1JHN couplings. Very accurate couplings. 1111 Good for resolving overlap in moderate size proteins. Resolved in F1 1111 3D TROSY-HNCO for measuring 1JHN couplings. Good for resolving overlap in larger proteins. Resolved in F3 1111 3D HNCO for measuring 1 JCαHαcouplings. Good for resolving overlap in moderate size proteins. Resolved in F2 111 JCHtrhnco.fwm 3D TROSY-HNCO for measuring 1 JCαHαcouplings. Good for resolving overlap in larger proteins. Resolved in F3 111 JCCahnco.fwm 3D HNCO for measuring 1 JC'Cαcouplings. Good for resolving overlap in moderate size proteins. Resolved in F2 1111 Good for resolving overlap in larger proteins. Resolved in F3 1011 Good for resolving overlap in moderate size proteins. Resolved in F1 1111 15 ipaphsqc.fwm JHNhnco.fwm JHNtrhnco.fwm JCHhnco.fwm 3D HNCO for measuring JHN couplings. 1 3D TROSY-HNCO for JCCatrhnco.fwm measuring 1 JC'Cαcouplings. JNChnco.fwm JNCtrhnco.fwm 3D HNCO for measuring 1 JNC'couplings. Good for resolving overlap 3D TROSY-HNCO for in larger proteins. Resolved 1 measuring JNC'couplings. in F1 1111 Triple Resonance Sequences - Backbone: Status Name Description Notes (b500/600/601/800) 3D CBCANH. Solvent suppression via cbcanh.fwm Good sensitivity. Constant time in F1 & F2 1111 3D CBCA(CO)NH with 3-919 watergate Constant time in both F2 & F1 1111 3D HNCACB with 3-9-19 watergate and optional low power flip-back pulses Better, but not perfect, F1 baseline and lineshape 1111 Modified Bruker code. 1111 gradient selection with an optional low power flip-back pulse cbcaconh.fwm hncacb.fwm 3D HNCO with 3-9-19 watergate and optional low wghnco.fwm power flip-back pulses 3D HNCO with 3-9-19 watergate and low power fliphnco.fwm back pulse As per original paper. Same S/N as wghnco.fwm but "no" artefacts and 1111 better H2O suppression. Recommended wghnca.fwm hnca.fwm wghncoca.fwm 3D HNCA with 3-9-19 watergate and optional low power flip-back pulses Modified Bruker code. 1111 As per original paper. 3D HNCA with 3-9-19 Same S/N as wghnca.fwm watergate low power flip-back but "no" artefacts and pulses better H2O suppression. 1111 3D HN(CO)CA with 3-9-19 watergate and optional low power flip-back pulses 1111 Modified Bruker code. Triple Resonance Sequences - Sidechain: Status Name Description Notes (b500/600/601/800) hccht.fwm 3D H(C)CH-TOCSY Can be done in H2O but should be done in D2O. Cross peaks resolved in F1 111X hccht3.fwm 3D HC(C)H-TOCSY Should be done in D2O. Cross peaks resolved in F3 111X hcchc.fwm 3D HCCH-COSY Can be done in H2O but should be done in D2O. 1110 Can be done in H2O but 3D (H)CCH-TOCSY ccht.fwm should be done in D2O. 111X Cross peaks resolved in F1 Aromatic Sequences: Status Name Description Notes 13C-TROSY for aromatics sensitivity improved arotrosy.fwm arocnhsqc.fwm arohccht.fwm (b500/600/601/800) 1111 - 13C-NOESY-HSQC using gradients to suppress solvent. Optimised for aromatics. Can be done in H2O but D2O is best. NOE's resolved in F1 0111 3D H(C)CH-TOCSY for Optimised for aromatics. Can be done in H2O but should be done in D2O. Cross peaks resolved in F1 011X aromatics arohccht3.fwm 3D HC(C)H-TOCSY for aromatics Optimised for aromatics. Should be done in D2O. Cross peaks resolved in F3 010X arohcchc.fwm 3D HCCH-COSY for aromatics Optimised for aromatics. Can be done in H2O but should be done in D2O. 0110 Filtered Experiments: Terminology: filter = rejection i.e. edit = selection i.e. Name zgprxf.fwm C-filter = remove proton signals attached to 13 C-selection = select proton signals attached to 13 Description 1D with presaturation and 15 N filter C 13 C 13 Notes C+ 13 Not a perfect filter but > 90% Status (b500/600/601/800) 1111 Relaxation Sequences: Status Name wghsqcT1.fwm wghsqcT2.fwm wghsqcT1Rex.fwm wghsqcT1Rex1H.fwm Description Notes (b500/600/601/800) Runs as a pseudo 3D experiment. Interleaved in pulse code - run with zg 1111 Runs as a pseudo 3D experiment. Interleaved in pulse code - run with zg 1111 Rex Use au program "interleave" to run. 1111 1H-1H version of wghsqcT1Rex Use au program "interleave" to run. 1111 Only one relaxation delay possible 1111 15N HSQC - for measuring T1 15N HSQC - for measuring T2 15N HSQC - for measuring wghsqcT1Rex3d.fwm 3D version of wghsqcT1Rex wghsqcCC_A.fwm Cross correlation of dipolar interactions and CSA in amide bond Runs as a pseudo 3D experiment. 1111 wghsqcCC_B.fwm Cross correlation of dipolar interactions and CSA in amide bond Runs as a pseudo 3D experiment. 1111 hsqcnoe.fwm {1H}-15N HSQC - for measuring heteronuclear NOE - Sensitivity enhanced Runs as a pseudo 3D experiment. Interleaved in pulse code - run with zg Runs for ~0.6 times as long as "expt" reports 1111 Runs as a pseudo 3D experiment. Interleaved in pulse code - run with zg 1110 Runs as a pseudo 3D experiment. Interleaved in pulse code - run with zg 1110 Runs as a pseudo 3D experiment. Interleaved in pulse code - run with zg Runs for ~0.6 times as long as "expt" reports 1111 trosyT1.fwm trosyT2.fwm trosynoe.fwm 15N TROSY - for measuring T1 15N TROSY - for measuring T2 {1H}-15N TROSY - for measuring heteronuclear NOE - Sensitivity enhanced Trosy Sequences: Status Name Description Notes (b500/600/601/800) 15N-TROSY trosy.fwm with 3-9-19 watergate - sensitivity enhanced 15N-TROSY trosyd2.fwm arotrosy.fwm ntrosy.fwm ntrosyd2.fwm with 3-9-19 watergate - sensitivity enhanced 13C-TROSY for aromatics sensitivity improved 15N-NOESY-TROSY with 3- 9-19 watergate 15N-NOESY-TROSY with 3- 9-19 watergate - 1111 13C decoupling in F1 & F2. Total acquisition time restricted to 140ms. - 1111 1111 Optional flip-back pulse. 1100 As ntrosy.fwm but with 13C decoupling during F1, F2 & F3. Total acquisition time restricted to 140ms. 1100 Time-shared Sequences: Status Name Description Notes (b500/600/601/800) 13C tshsqc.fwm tshnhacan.fwm & 15N -HSQC with sensitivity improvement. Solvent suppression via gradient selection - 0100 Simultaneous acquisition of 3D HNCA & HACAN - 0100 NOE's resolved in F1 0100 13C tsnhsqc.fwm & 15N NOESY-HSQC with sensitivity improvement. Solvent suppression via gradient selection N.B.: These need special set-up and are kept unavailable to prevent accidents. Please ask if you want to try them. Protein-Ligand Sequences: Status Name Description Notes (b500/600/601/800) wgstd.fwm 1D STD experiment 3-9-19 watergate and T1 rho filter Subtraction done via phase cycling 1000 wgstd2.fwm 1D STD experiment 3-9-19 watergate and T1 rho filter Collected as two separate FID's. Subtraction done post acquisition. 1000 BEST NMR Sequences: Status Name Description Notes (b500/600/601/800) b_hsqc.fwm 2D HSQC 0001 b_hnco.fwm 3D HNCO 0001 b_hnca.fwm 3D HNCA 0001 b_hncoca.fwm 3D HN(CO)CA 0001 b_hncacb.fwm 3D HNCACB 0001 3D HN(CO)CACB 0001 b_hncocacb.fwm