ED 315 LESSON PLAN Lesson #2
Format and Cooperating Teacher Feedback Form
Name: Kelli Jo Johnsons
Content Area: Language Arts
Grade Level: 8th
Use this template to plan, removing the notes in parentheses and this box. Give this form to your
cooperating teacher for review and a signature before you teach your lesson.
Demonstrate command of the conventions of Standard English grammar and usage when writing
or speaking – CCSS for ELA 8th grade Conventions for Standard English # 1
Warm up activity that will be observed and discussed as a whole class and as a whole
class defining what a verb and a noun is
Students will be able to define the different types of nouns
Students will be able to list examples of these different types of nouns
Students will be able to chose the correct nouns asked for on their homework
Students will be able to recall what a complete subject and predicate is in their warm
up and homework
Informal: Observation of student’s performance, participation, and work completed in
class. Also the students will have a hand out to work on that may require them to take it
home as homework. They will also fill out a reflection exit slip to let me know what they
are understanding, what is difficult for them, if they like the activity from this lesson, and
additional comments.
Formal: Formal assessment will not be completed that day
Materials Needed:
Student’s notebooks to take notes
Overhead projector
My Slides/Word docs for the lesson
Copies of handouts
Access to computers or phones if possible
(Include time allotments)
• 10-15 min Introduction: I will review the schedule for todays class and then discuss the warm-up
activity with the students “Last week I mentioned that every week we will do a warm up activity that reflects on
what we worked on the previous week. Today our warm up will be on complete subject and complete
predicate.” The students will copy down the warm up into their notebooks and we will go over it as a class. I
will offer a few more sample problems for anyone who felt they needed it OR offer some extra help time
towards the end of the class.
• Steps for instruction:
5-7 min: I will introduce the students into learning about nouns and verbs. “Today we are going to review
the difference between a noun and a verb but we will be focusing mostly on different types of nouns today.
Who can tell me what a noun is? Examples? Who can tell me what a verb is? Examples?” I will present the
students with a few sentences and tell them to underline the nouns and put a N underneath it and same for
the verbs.
10 min: I will now ask the class “Can you recall any specific types of nouns?” (just their names, for
example a pronoun). I will be looking for proper/common, abstract, compound, and possessive. I will then
explain to the students that in each group they will be given a specific type of noun and they will have to
find out the definition of that noun and come up with an example to express that noun in a sentence. They
will then share this with the class and I will record what they come up with in order to have them as notes.
They will only get 15-20 min to work on this because the time it will take to record notes might lead us to
the end of class.
15-20 min: The students will be working at this time
20-25 min: The students will be sharing what they found to the class and I will type the notes on the
projector as the class copies them. I will make sure the class understands each definition and example and
ask after each one if they need clarification. I will also review singular and plural to the students.
Remaining time: The students will have homework for this class, which reviews everything we have gone
over so far including subject and predicate. The students will be allowed to take home their notebooks for
this assignment but MUST bring them back the next day.
Strategies for students requiring additional assistance: Based on the pre-assessment from my previous
lesson I already know a few students that will find this lesson to be difficult. I will set them in groups with
students who understand the content a little more as well as check in on them first during note taking, group
work, warm up, and at the end of the class.
• Closure: Depending on time, I will allow students to start their homework. I will also have the students
fill out a reflection slip that will allow me to understand how much they understand the content, if they enjoyed
the activity they did, and any additional comments.
Copy each sentence down and circle the complete subject and underline
the complete predicate.
1. Harry went to basketball practice.
2. Mom took the dogs to the park.
3. Greg works at 4 today.
4. Can you take out the garbage?
Name: ____________________________
Date: _____________________________
Directions: In each sentence circle the nouns and underneath them write what type of noun it
is. Remember it will either be a common noun (regular noun), proper noun, pronoun, possessive
noun, abstract noun, and/or compound noun. Each sentence can have more than one different
type of noun in it.
1. Send the family my love.
2. Malik went to see his brother-in-law yesterday.
3. She would not help put up the wallpaper.
4. Everado went to the Metallica concert last night.
5. Honesty is the best quality in someone.
6. Mya’s car is a 2012 Toyota Camry.
7. The dog’s collar is broken.
8. Dorian went to see The Avengers when it was in theaters.
9. He thinks freedom is important in every country.
10. Ms. Johnson went to Red Lobster because she loves seafood.
Directions: Below write a sentence that uses one of each of the following nouns. For each
sentence underline the noun used and write the type of noun it is; Common noun (regular noun),
proper noun, pronoun, possessive noun, abstract noun, and compound noun.
1. ____________________________________________________________________
2. ____________________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________________
4. ____________________________________________________________________
5. ____________________________________________________________________
6. ____________________________________________________________________
Directions: Circle the complete subject and underline the complete predicate in each sentence.
1. Izzy wrote the letter.
2. The storm clouds are getting darker.
3. James is nice.
4. His broken leg will heal in three months.
5. Andrea went to the park.
Time to Reflect
1. What did you enjoy most about todays lesson?
2. What did you enjoy least about todays lesson?
3. What are you having trouble understanding?
4. What do you think you are an expert at from the lesson taught today?
5. What are some ideas you have for future lessons for Ms. Johnson to teach? (think about
grammar lessons)
6. How do you learn best? List your top 3 (media, visual/overhead, discussions, group work,
listening to the teacher only, by yourself, hands on, activities like the one in todays class)
7. Additional Comments for Ms. Johnson
This is my answer key so I can compare what the students discover VS what I have written
down. If any of theses terms seem too difficult or need to be reworded please let me know or
go ahead and change them.
Pronoun – Takes the place of a noun; usually tells us the gender and if it is singular or plural.
Examples are he, she, me, I, them, us, our, they, them, theirs, him, hers, mine, yourself, myself,
ourselves, themselves, himself, herself, etc..
Proper noun – is a noun that is more specific; instead of naming a person, place, or thing, a specific
name is given. Proper nouns can be found by looking for the word with a capital letter (name).
Example is Lisa instead of the girl or her, Wisconsin instead of state, The Three Little Pigs instead of
the book.
Common noun – is just a noun
Possessive noun – a person, place, or thing that has/shows ownership; often an apostrophe is used
Example – Lisa’s car, The dog’s collar
**Possessive pronouns are pronouns that show ownership
Example – My car, Our house has been remodeled
Abstract noun – is a noun that refers to feeling/emotions, concept, idea, experience, state of being;
and you cannot physically interact with them which means it is not a part of your 5 senses but often
uses words that refer to the 5 senses.
Example Send my love VS I love you (sending your love is a thought to express caring VS saying I
love you means you are feeling that emotion) Loyalty, honesty, love, hate, peace, success, justice,
truth, faith, friendships, freedom, kindness, etc…
Compound nouns – is the combination of two nouns into one; can also be hyphened
Examples – Boyfriend (boy and friend), brother-in-law (brother and law), thirteen-year-old (thirteen,
year, and old)