October 12, 2015 Minutes - Northwest Missouri State University

Graduate Council Minutes
October 12, 2015, 4:00 p.m.
Attendance-Dr. David Kiene, Dr. Arley Larson, Dr. Tyler Tapps, Dr. Jennifer Rytting, Dr. Tiebing Shi (arrived at 4:24),
Dr. Linda Sterling, Dr. Jeff Thornsberry, Dr. Scott Bell in place of Dr. Ajay Bandi, Dr. Haddock, Grad Student
Representatives: Vinay Bondade
Meeting was called to order at 4:00 p.m.
September 2015 meeting-Arley Larson made a motion to approve the minutes from September 2015 and was
seconded by David Kiene, motion passed with a vote of 6-yes, 0-no.
Graduate Dean Report
Career Day, October 20, 2015 with Graduate Fair from 11-1:00. Good recruiting opportunity for
current students and the employers who are participating in Career Day.
We currently have 8 departments planning to participate.
GA Handbook change, regarding waiver for fees- Effective fall 2016, fees will no longer be waived
as part of the payment for a graduate assistantship. This decision was reached through
Administrative discussion along with benchmarking our peer institutions. Language to make this
change will be presented to the Council at our November 9th meeting. This change is not
expected to impact our graduate enrollment numbers.
Summer/Fall 15 census numbers-Dr. Haddock is available to discuss any changes or ideas as they
relate to their graduate program and enrollment. Please stop by or contact the Graduate Office
to make an appointment.
MAGS Distinguished Thesis Award -Departments were asked to nominate a thesis from their
discipline and two thesis were forwarded to Matt Walker and Jeff Thornsberry for
consideration. The deadline for this competition is October 30, 2015.
#115-44-07-Michael Rogers, This proposal details changes to the Undergraduate Computer Science major. The changes
are being made with two purposes in mind; (1) to offer more attractive options in relation to recruiting students; and
(2) to offer more attractive options in relation to what computer backgrounds employer’s desire. Jennifer Rytting
made a motion to consider the proposal and was seconded by Jeff Thornsberry. Following some discussion, the
motion passed with a vote of 7-yes, 0-no.
114-44-03-Scott Overmeyer & Joni Adkins, This proposal creates a new Master of Science degree in Information
Systems. It also includes the creation of nine new courses for the program. The 36-hour curriculum including
programming, systems analysis and design, network security, analytics, business, and professional skills will prepare
students to work in the information technology field. Scott Bell was attending for Ajay Bandi and made a motion to
consider proposal 114-44-03 after removing of the word “Management” from title of course 44-693. The proposed
title will read Information Systems Capstone Project. The motion was seconded by Jeff Thornsberry. The M.S. in MIS
program will be offered at the Northwest St. Joseph Center and focus on our international recruitment population.
The center will be staffed with appropriate support/admin staff along with graduate faculty. Projected enrollments
are 60 students the first year. The proposal was passed with the removal of the word “Management” from the title
of 114-44-03 with a vote of 7-yes, 0-no.
#115-10-02, Gallaher & Sonnenmoser, Creation of a BS in Writing, Creation of a BS in Writing with an emphasis in
Professional Writing, Deletion of the BS in English, Creation of 10-203, Writing and Rhetoric and 10-515, Advanced
Writing for the Professions, Deletion of 10-304: Rhetorical Writing. Jeff Thornsberry made a motion to discuss and
Arley Larson seconded the motion. This proposal replaces a literature based core with professional writing to better
position students for the job market. Proposal passed with a vote of 7-yes/0-no.
Old Business
7. #115-61-01-Amy Washam, Northwest-Kansas City-Proposal to add a new course to the catalog, 61-653 History and
Philosophy of Higher Education. This proposal was tabled for more information and has proposed a new title for
consideration, History and Philosophy of American Higher Education. Jenny Rytting made a motion to discuss and was
seconded by Jeff Thornsberry. Discussion led to a decision to table the proposal until our November meeting while
addition information is gathered. Jennifer Rytting made a motion to table proposal 115-61-01 and was seconded by
Scott Bell. Council voted to table this proposal with a vote of 7-yes, 0-no.
Information only
#115-44-06-Nancy Zeliff, Eight CSIS courses in the current catalog do not list the correct prerequisites and minimum
grades. This proposal clearly identifies the pre-requisites and minimum grades. Proposal was submitted on an
Expedited Proposal form and only contained one 500 level course. Proposal was approved by Chair, Linda Sterling.
Graduate Faculty Recommendation-action required
Dr. Hilmi Songur, Graduate Faculty
School of Business recommends the appointment of Dr. Hilmi Songur as Graduate Faculty. Dr. Songur received a B.S.
in Economics from Kadir Has University in 2006, an MBA in Finance from Ball State University in 2007, and a Ph.D. in
International Business with a Finance Concentration from the University of Texas at El Paso in 2014. He has
completed a total of 81 hours of graduate work. The School of Business Graduate Faculty support this
recommendation with a favorable vote of 14 out of 14. Vita and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office. Jeff
Thornsberry made a motion to discuss and was seconded by Arley Larson. Dr. Songur was approved with a vote of
7-yes, 0-no.
New Adjunct Faculty Recommendation-action required
Jennifer Rytting made a motion to bundle the following recommendations, Brownlee, Elwood, Masker, Sellers,
Vandyke and Zebill. Arley Larson seconded the motion. Motion to bundle passed with a vote of 7-yes, 0-no.
Jeff Thornsberry made a motion to consider the recommendations, seconded by David Kiene. Following discussion
in regard to adjunct graduate faculty hiring policies, the Council approved the bundle by a vote of 7-yes, 0-no.
Paula Brownlee-new
Course: 62-555 Trimester: Fall 2015
Trends in Reading
Paula received her Bachelor of Science in Education from Northwest Missouri State University with an emphasis in K-6
Elementary classroom, K-8 Mildly disabled, K-8 Behavior Disorders, and K-8 Learning Disabilities. She received her
Master of Science in Education from Northwest Missouri State University. Paula has had CPI training, effective elements
of classroom instruction, Iowa training for mentors and beginning teachers, LETRS certified trainer, and Boys and Girls
Town well managed classroom and administrative training. She has completed 40 graduate hours. Paula currently works
with Green Hills AEA as a Special Education Representative/ Consultant. Vita and transcripts are on file in the Graduate
Pamela Elwood-new
Course: 61-550 Trimester: Fall 2015
Trends in Curriculum Development
Pam earned her bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education with an endorsement in Early Childhood from Buena Vista
University. She then went onto earn her masters in Curriculum and Instruction from National Louis University. Pam is
currently working on her Ph.D. in Early Childhood Special Education. Pam currently works with Green Hills AEA to
provide professional development and onsite consultation in care setting in southeast Iowa. Pam has completed 49
hours of graduate credit. Vita and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office.
Debora Masker-new
Course: 61-552 Trimester: Fall 2015
Trends in Social Studies
Debora Masker earned her Bachelor’s Degree from Northwest Missouri State University in Vocal Music. She then went
on to earn 2 Masters Degrees. Her first masters is Elementary Administration form Creighton University, her second
Masters is in Instructional Technology from Iowa State University. Deb has worked as a vocal music teacher,
administration, and National History Day Coach. She is currently an Instructional Coach at Kiro Middle School and
Adjunct for Green Hills AEA. Debora has completed 79 hours of graduate work. Vita and transcripts are on file in the
Graduate Office.
Joanne Sellers-new
Course: 61-550 Trimester: Fall 2015
Trends in Curriculum Development
Joanne earned her Bachelor of Arts degree from Southeastern University in Elementary Education and Early Childhood.
Joanne has also earned her Master’s Degree in Curriculum and Instruction. Joanne has continued her education and
gained certification to teach Foundations and Frameworks basic and advanced, Architecture of learning basic and
advanced, and Writers Stylus training. Joanne taught for 17 years and is currently working with Clerestory Learning and
Make Way for Books LLC as a Foundations and Frameworks Coordinator. She has completed 30 graduate hours. Vita
and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office.
Melanie Vandyke-new
Course: 61-550 Trimester: Fall 2015
Melanie earned her bachelor’s degree in Speech Pathology from the University of Nevada Reno. She went on to earn
her Masters in Special Education from the University of Nevada Reno. She has attended trainings in FLIP IT, Theory and
History of the Project Approach, and many Literacy trainings. Melanie has completed 87 graduate hours. Vita and
transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office.
Deborah Zebill-new
Course: 62-555 Trimester: Fall 2015
Trends in Reading
Deb received her Bachelor’s Degree in Elementary and Special Education from University of South Dakota. She then
went on to earn her Masters in Curriculum and Instruction with an emphasis in reading from the University of South
Dakota. Deb has worked as a special education teacher, literacy consultant, and special education consultant. Deb
currently works with Green Hills AEA as an SDI Literacy Consultant. Deb has completed 60 graduate hours. Vita and
transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office.
Tina Wahlert-new
Course 61-559
Trimester Fall 2015
Trends in Instructional Techniques
Tina received her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education from Iowa State University. She received her first
Master’s degree from Northwest Missouri State University in elementary Learning Disabilities. Her second Master’s
degree was from Iowa State University in Educational Administration PreK-12. Tina has a total of 78 graduate credit
hours. She has completed professional development trainings in Authentic Intellectual Work, Iowa Core & Alignment
Institute, Foundations, School in Need of Improvement Training, Reading Rescue, Curriculum Mapping, Data Driven
Leadership, Iowa Technical Adequacy Project, Assertive discipline, Cooperative Learning, 6+1 Writing Traits, Positive
Behavior support Coaching, and Project Read/Written Expressions/Phonology. Tina currently serves as School
Improvement Professional Development consultant with eh Green Hills AEA and as the Iowa department of Education
Authentic Intellectual Work Coach. Previously, she served as At-Risk Coordinator, Grant Writer/Manager, Coach of
PBS Initiative, and Liaison for the CCILC, Internal School Improvement Coordinator, and Special Education Teacher
with the Anita Community School District as well as Iowa Western Community College instructor for adult computer
classes. Vita and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office. Approved with an email vote of 6-yes, 0-no.
Adjunct Graduate Faculty, new course-action required
Cynthia Unger-new course
Course: 61-559 Trimester: Fall 2015
Trends in Instructional Techniques
Cynthia received her Bachelor of Science in Education- General Science degree for Dana College. She obtained her
Master of Science in Education – Effecting Teaching degree from Drake University. Cynthia has over 30 graduate credit
hours. Currently, she serves as a Math Consultant for the Green Hills AEA in Iowa. Previously, she has trained, modeled,
and taught math strategies to K-12 teachers. She also taught 7th grade Math and Science in Missouri Valley Community
Schools for 27 years. She has received training in the Iowa Professional Development Model, Every Student Counts from
State of Iowa, and Cognitive Guided Instruction. Cynthia has also done classroom observations and collaboration with
teachers involved with the training. Vita and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office. Jeff Thornsberry made a
motion to discuss and Jennifer Rytting seconded the motion, Cynthia was approved as adjunct graduate faculty with
a vote of 7-yes, 0-no.
Adjunct Faculty-Re-approval-information only
Lynn Hockenberry- re-approval
Course: 62-555 Trimester: Fall 2015
Trends in Reading
Lynn received her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education and Special Education with an emphasis in Reading
from Morningside College. She received her Master of Science in Curriculum and Instruction/Learning Disabilities
from Central Missouri State University. Lynn has taken courses in Reading Rescue Training, Foundations of
Educational Administration, and Perceptual Motor Training. Screening, Diagnosis and Prescription, and Early
Childhood Special Education. Currently she serves as Literacy Consultant and Second Chance Reading Trainer for
Green Hills AEA. Previously, Lynn worked as an Elementary Teacher, a Special Education Resource Teacher, an Early
Childhood Special Education Teacher, and a Parents as Teachers Teacher, a High School Speech Coach and a K-12
Special Education Supervisor. Vita and transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office.
Cindy Menendez –re approval
Course: 62-555 Trimester: Fall 2015
Cindy earned her Bachelors in Elementary Education with an emphasis in Reading and Language Arts form the University
of Northern Iowa. She earned her Master’s in Elementary Reading and Language Arts form the University of Northern
Iowa. She has also received her administration and supervision endorsement from the University of Nebraska Omaha.
She has completed 86 graduate hours. Melanie currently works with Green Hills AEA as a literacy consultant. Resume
and transcripts are available in the graduate office.
Kim Wise –re approval
Course: 61-554 Trimester: Fall 2015
Trends in Science
Kim received her Bachelor of Science in Elementary Education with an emphasis in Social Studies from Buena Vista. She
obtained her Master of Education, Middle Level Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment from the University of
Northern Iowa. Additionally, Kim has completed 16 graduate hours. She has a total of 45 graduate hours. Currently,
Kim serves as Science Consultant for the Green Hills AEA. Previously she has done numerous professional developments
and trainings across the country on the SWH and has also co-authored Questions, Claims and Evidence in the SWH. Kim
is a trainer for the Science writing Heuristic approach through Dr. Brian Hand and the University of Iowa. Vita and
transcripts are on file in the Graduate Office.
Linda Sterling noted the Vice-Chair position was not filled during our first meeting and requested nominations from the
council. Jennifer Rytting nominated Matt Walker for the position of Vice-Chair and was seconded by Jeff Thornsberry.
Council was unanimous in their approval and Matt Walker was elected as Graduate Vice-Chair for the 2015-2016 academic
Linda Sterling asked to adjourn and Jeff Thornsberry made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by David Kiene and
passed with a vote of 7-yes,0-no. Meeting was adjourned at 5:00 p.m.