National target groups for MURs Three national target groups for MURs were introduced in October 2011; a fourth target group was agreed in September 2014 (Cardiovascular risk) and was implemented from 1st January 2015. The national target groups are: 1. patients taking high risk medicines; 2. patients recently discharged from hospital who had changes made to their medicines while they were in hospital. Ideally patients discharged from hospital with receive an MUR within four weeks of discharge but in certain circumstances the MUR can take place within eight weeks of discharge; 3. patients with respiratory disease; and 4. patients at risk of or diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and regularly being prescribed at least four medicines. Currently, at least 50% of all MURs undertaken by each pharmacy in each year should be on patients within the national target groups. From 1st April 2015 community pharmacies must carry out at least 70% of their MURs within any given financial year on patients in one or more of the agreed target groups. All patients who receive an MUR should experience the same level of service regardless of their condition, i.e. MURs cover all the patient’s medicines not just those that fall within a target group. Cardiovascular risk MURs A new MUR target group was added to the service requirements from 1st January 2015 to cover patients at risk of or diagnosed with cardiovascular disease and regularly being prescribed at least four medicines. Patients at risk of or diagnosed with cardiovascular disease can be identified by virtue of them being prescribed one or more medicines for one or more of the following cardiovascular/cardiovascular risk conditions: Coronary heart disease Diabetes Atrial fibrillation Peripheral arterial disease Renal/chronic kidney disease Hypertension Thyroid disorders Heart failure Stroke/TIA Lipid disorders This means that they must be prescribed at least one medicine from Chapters 2 (cardiovascular), 6.1 (diabetes) or 6.2 (thyroid) of the BNF. To fall into the MUR target group they must also be regularly prescribed four or more medicines in total. Pharmacies can provide MURs targeted at patients within this new target group from 1st January 2015 but they don’t need to record these as targeted MURs if their systems do not allow that to happen.