TERM 4.1

TERM 4.1
Exercise 1. Match the words with their transcription:
1) hire
a) [sɪns]
2) raw
b) [kleɪm]
3) fuel
c) [səˈplaɪ]
4) since
d) [ləʊn]
5) supply
e) [ˈberɪ]
6) loan
e) [haɪər]
7) claim
e) [ˈvæljʊəbl]
8) bury
e) [rɔ]
9) valuable
e) [ˈfjʊəl]
Exercise 2. Give the words by their transcriptions:
ɪnkˈlu:d, haɪər, ˈfɒsl, berɪ, pəˈlu:t, dʌmp, rɪˈmeɪn, tʃɑ:dʒ, weɪst,
ˈgɑ:bɪdʒ, æz, rɪˈlaɪ, kəʊl, wʌns, bend, əˈprəʊprɪeɪt, sɪns, dɪsˈpəʊz.
Exercise 3. Write the transcription of the following words using
the dictionary:
list, particular, vegetation, natural, supply, intelligence, factor, cycle,
intellectual, lightening, nuclear, geothermal, pollutant, could, can’t.
Exercise 4. Find English words in this collection of letters. Don’t
replace the letters. The words are already written. You just need
to find them and underline or circle.
How many words are hidden here?
Exercise 5. Unscramble the anagrams:
nrbu, uoetllp, eiosspd, libl, stju, eocn, yulspp, eaaggrb, eylcc, ilst, ilo.
Exercise 6. Read these sentences, underline verbs and tick (⋎)
only modal verbs. Say which of them convey an action or a state
of being and which of them express the speaker’s attitude to the
action indicated by the main verb.
Before you can make anything you will need resources.
Resources can be anything that is used in the production of a product.
What are some of the resources you can use, and where do you find
them? Your resource list might include about 7 items.
Exercise 7. Roll the dice and play by answering questions. The
winner is the person who comes to finish first without making
What could
we grow?
What can
we pollute?
What can we
How can
be disposed
What wastes
shouldn’t be
How can time
dumped into factor influence
the oceans?
your business
natural resources
can be nonrenewable?
Exercise 8. Match modal verbs with their equivalents.
to be allowed to
to have to
had better
to be able to
Exercise 9. Write a short answer to each question using modal
Where can you work as soon as you graduate from university?
How long must students do their home assignments every day?
Where could companies find resource people?
What must we remember about nonrenewable sources of
What can be a renewable resource?
Where can you borrow money?
What items may the resource list include?
What should people do with their garbage?
What garbage can be burned?
10. How could information be used?
Exercise 10. Match the pictures to the modal verbs (or their
equivalents). Write at least 2 sentences using each of them.
a) mustn’t____, b) can’t____, c) may____,
d) have to____, e) must____, f) should____.
Exercise 11. Write Yes/No questions to the sentences.
1. You can be a resource person for others with proper training and
2. Through technology machines can run automatically.
3. You may create many complex machines using your intelligence.
4. Natural resources may include water, land, minerals, fossil fuels
and timber.
5. Remains of dead vegetation and animals such as oil, coal, natural
gas must become fossil fuels in many years.
6. The world’s supply of oil will not last forever.
7. Energy has to be used to make things and transport products.
8. You are able to start a new business if you take a loan.
9. The company is allowed to borrow money from different banks.
10. He is to be trained for that job.
Exercise 12. Write what these modal verbs express (ability,
necessity, obligation, duty, request, permission, advice, desire,
probability, possibility, etc.)
We can really dispose of plastics safely. _________________________
That can indeed help. _________________________________
Our country could begin using wind energy many years ago. _______
Soon the company could hire people skilled in a particular field to
help with ideas and designs. _________________________________
May I use this information to design products? _________________
That may be a problem. _________________________________
The weather might improve. _________________________________
People must remember that some sources of energy are limited. ____
It must be hot outside. _________________________________
You shall not pass. _________________________________
You should stop procrastinating with your home projects. _________
That should be surprising. _________________________________
She will try to escape. _________________________________
I will meet you later. _________________________________
Nothing would accomplish that. ________________________________
Exercise 13. Underline the correct variant.
1. You mustn`t / don`t have to tell Mary what I told you. It`s a secret.
2. We have been wasting our resources. I think we should / have to
start building recycling plants and use biodegradable materials.
3. Employee: You know my father is having problems with his legs
and he can’t / needn’t walk. He needs to go into hospital next
week. Could / Have I have the day off?
Employer: Of course, if that’s the case then you will / may have
4. A: Bring very warm clothes. It could / should snow when we
B: Oh, yes. I’ve heard it must / can snow in the mountains even in
5. I am sorry. I couldn’t come to your party. I have / had to work
6. A: Hello, Tom. Did you enjoy the film?
B: Yes, it was great. I think, you should / can go and see it.
7. This is my favourite pen. You can borrow it, but you mustn’t /
don’t have to lose it.
8. It is my Dad’s birthday next week. I must / have to buy him a
9. Your hair’s too long, you can’t see anything. I think you should /
have to get it cut.
10. He looked for fiberglass, but he can’t / couldn’t find it.
11. We are not / is not allowed to eat in the laboratory.
12. My uncle is a scientist and he hasn’t / doesn’t have to wear a
uniform every day.
13. All my clothes are too small for me. I must / have to lose some
14. A: I’m really fed up with my job.
B: I think you should / have to find a new one.
15. Can / may you see anything? – No. It is too dark here.
16. I am afraid I can’t / may not come to your wedding as I’ll be in
17. Students mustn’t / don’t have to cheat. It’s an academic crime.
18. I am afraid I can’t / may not use this type of metal because it’s
not available in the country.
19. We can't / mightn’t always predict accurately how a change will
affect us or our world.
20. You will see that even though you don’t have to reinvent the
wheel, that doesn't mean you shouldn’t / mustn’t try.
Exercise 14. Complete the paragraphs with can, can’t, could, or
1. For a long time, Jim and Marie couldn’t agree on family sport. Jim
loves tennis, and Marie takes lessons, but she still ______________
play. Marie ______________ swim, but Jim hates the water. They
recently took up dancing. Now, they ______________ do the swing
and spend time together.
2. Stefan has made a lot of progress in English. Last semester he
______________ order a meal in a restaurant or talk on the
telephone. His friends helped him do everything. Now he
______________ speak English in a lot of situations.
3. Bill almost ___________ make his class presentation last semester
because he was so nervous. He ____________ communicate well in
small groups, but not in big ones. He plans to take a course in public
speaking. I'm sure he ______________ improve quickly.
4. Last year I ______________dance at all, but when I met Stan, I
signed up for a class right away. He ______________ really dance,
and I wanted to dance with him. Now I ______________ do the
basic steps. I ______________ do the waltz yet, but we’re planning
to waltz at our wedding next month.
Exercise 15. Complete each conversation with the correct form of
be able to and the verb in parentheses. Choose between
affirmative and negative.
1. A: I heard your sister wanted to take lessons. Was she able to start
B: Yes, she was. She started last month. She can do the fox-trot
now, but she still ______________ (do) the waltz.
2. A: Why are you taking dance lessons?
B: I want to ______________ (dance) at my wedding!
3. A: _______ you _______ (find) Mrs. Jolie at the studio
B: Yes. She told me I ______________ (compete) in the tango
contest next month!
A: Great! I know that’s really important to you.
B: Yes. ____________ (do) the tango in a contest means a lot to
4. A: _______ you ________ (speak) English as a child, Mrs.
B: Yes, I was. We spoke it at home, so I ______________ (speak)
it fluently.
A: __________ your children __________ (speak) English too?
B: No, unfortunately my children never learned English. They
only speak German.
5. A: I ______________ (practice) the waltz last weekend because I
hurt my ankle.
B: That's too bad. _________ you ______________ (practice)
next week?
Exercise 16. Match the pictures to the words.
a) maple____, b) wing____, c) needle____,
d) walnut____, e) solar panel____, f) plug____.
Exercise 17. Complete the sentences below with appropriate
words from the list. One word is odd.
divide; characteristics; profits; loans; determines; fossil; include;
properties; waste; synthetics; rely on
1. Materials are chosen by their ________________ .
2. Water, land, minerals, ________________ fuels and timber are
natural resources.
3. The grouping of materials is based on their __________________
or their origin.
4. Basically, materials can be _______________ into two major
groups, synthetic and natural.
5. __________ must be paid back as well as any interest on the loan.
6. Renewable energy sources ______________ solar energy,
geothermal energy, and nuclear energy.
7. Time is a factor that ______________ which other resources you
might use and how you might use them.
8. The many kinds of plastics are examples of __________________.
9. We _______________ machines as a resource to help us do work.
10. You also want to use resources wisely and not ___________
Exercise 18. Continue the sentence.
1. A resource can be anything that is used in the…
2. Technology has been created by...
3. With the proper training and education, you can be a…
4. Natural resources include…
5. The lender charges you additional money for letting you…
6. Money left over after all bills are paid is called…
7. The Earth is a closed system. It means that there are…
8. Many of the products and materials you throw away end up in…
Exercise 19. Complete the sentences below with appropriate
words from the list. One word is odd.
include; synthetic; properties; lead; borrowed; bakelite; combined;
copper; bills; charge; nonrenewable
1. By combining different materials new and often better
________________________ can be obtained.
2. __________________ is a common plastic used for electrical
plugs and cooking-pot handles.
3. Ferrous metals ________________ iron and the many types of
4. Natural materials, such as __________________ and wood, can be
found in nature.
5. ___________________ means that people made the materials, and
they cannot be found in nature.
__________________________ from banks.
7. Life science and technology can be ___________________ to
produce food in a fish farm.
8. The energy produced by the sun can _____________________
batteries to power electric vehicles.
9. __________________ means that once a resource has been used
up, it is gone forever!
10. Money which is left after all __________________ are paid.
Exercise 20. Match the words to their definitions:
• an organic natural resource that can be replaced
with time either through biological reproduction
or other naturally recurring processes
• a site for the disposal of waste materials by
burial, the oldest form of waste treatment
• the chemical dissolution of materials by bacteria
or other biological means
biodegradation • thermal energy generated and stored in the earth
• the ability of something to be disposed of or
thrown away after use
Exercise 21 . Write definitions to these words:
fossil fuels, loan, interest on loan, renewable source of energy,
resource, disposable, biodegradable, landfill, recycling.
Exercise 22. Write 5-10 sentences about disposing of materials
using modal verbs. Begin like this:
I think, …
In fact, …
As far as I know, …
In my opinion, …
Exercise 23. Suggest a solution to resource wasting or garbage
problem in between 40-80 words.
Exercise 24. Circle the correct variant.
1. _____ I charge this battery again?
a) Must
b) Can
c) Shall
2. He _____ not take loans when he was under 18.
a) must
b) could
c) may
3. _____ I take your electrical plug, mine is broken?
a) Can
b) May
c) Should
4. We ____ to go to the theatre today, the tickets are already booked.
a) are
b) are able
c) has
5. To get a good or satisfactory mark, you _____ pass the workbook
in English.
a) need
b) may
c) must
6. You _____ not see atoms even with a powerful microscope.
a) may
b) must
c) can
7. They _____ use dictionaries at the double period.
a) can
b) may
c) need
8. He _____ help his parents.
a) could
b) should
c) have to
9. We _____ to avoid using disposable products, otherwise we’ll turn
the planet into a big landfill.
a) have
b) must
c) am
10. In future I _____ to use materials with better properties:
lightweight, but strong.
a) can
b) am able
c) must
11. You _____ buy “an eco cup” for picnics, campings and
a) should
b) can
c) have to
12. They _____ have all the necessary textbooks at the double
periods and workbooks at the individual consultations.
a) can
b) must
c) should
13. She _____ to be in the class before 8.15 am.
a) must
b) need
c) is
14. We _____ discuss the appropriate use of resources at this
a) may
b) can
c) should
15. You _____ to make a presentation about thermoplastics and
thermosetting plastics yesterday.
a) should
b) must
c) were able
16. She _____ to come here at 5 o’clock.
a) must
b) is
c) is able
17. Will you _____ to deliver the results of your project on ferrous
metals tomorrow?
a) is
b) have
c) must
18. In some years we shall _____ solve this problem.
a) may
b) have to
c) be able to
19. _____ smoke on campus?
a) Shall you b) Must you c) Are you allowed to
20. He _____ not make such a serious mistake.
a) can
b) may
c) need
21. You __________ not use this resource yesterday.
a) had to
b) could
c) may
22. He __________ to make a report at the conference.
a) is
b) must
c) should
23. ____________ I come in?
a) Can
b) Shall
c) May
24. The students _________ do their home assignments regularly to
pass their credits in English successfully.
a) are able to b) must
c) may
25. Every student ________ pass this workbook to improve the
knowledge of English.
a) should
b) is able to c) need
Exercise 25. Complete the story with the given verbs and
was able to
do you mind if
Could I have one
Heather immediately liked Tara, her neat, non-smoking
roommate. Their first week together was great. The second week, the
cookies from Heather’s mom disappeared. Tara didn’t ask Heather,
“__________ ?” Tara’s friends always shared food without asking
permission. The third week, Tara looked annoyed whenever
Heather’s friends stopped by to visit. Heather never asked Tara,
"Hey, __________ they hang out here for a while?" At home,
Heather’s friends were always welcome. By October, Heather and
Tara weren’t speaking to each other.
Luckily, their dorm counselor __________ help them fix their
relationship with three simple rules.
1. Always ask permission before you touch your roommate's
stuff. Say: “My computer isn’t working. __________ I use
yours for a few hours?”
2. Set times when it's OK to have visitors. If it's not “visiting
hours,” ask your roommate’s permission: “_____ Luis and
Ming-Hwa work here tonight? We’re doing a presentation in
class tomorrow.”
3. Try to solve problems. Say: “Your music is too loud, but
you __________ borrow my headphones.”
Follow these guidelines, and who knows? You __________
gain a happier roommate and a good friend.
Exercise 26 Take the quiz. Explain the meaning of modal verbs
in the answers you propose. Which of the answers do you
consider to be ideal to gain a happier roommate and a good
friend? Or would you like to propose your own answer?
Take this short quiz and find out.
1. You want to use your roommate’s computer. You say:
a. I may use your computer tonight.
b. May I use your computer tonight?
с. I’m using your computer tonight.
2. You don’t have any food in the house. You say:
a. Can you make dinner for me?
b. I don’t mind eating some of your food.
с. Do you mind if I have some of your food?
3. You may not have time to wash the dishes tonight. You say:
a. Could you wash the dishes?
b. I can't wash the dishes.
с. Can I wash the dishes tomorrow?
4. Your roommate asks you: “Could my best friend stay overnight?”
You answer:
a. Can she stay in a hotel instead?
b. Sure.
с. I’m sure she could, but I don’t want her to!
5. You can find nothing to wear to the party next Friday. You say:
a. May I please borrow your new sweater?
b. I may borrow your new sweater.
с. You could lend me your new sweater.
6. You and your roommate need the dorm counselor's permission to
have a party in your room. You say:
a. Could we have a party in our room on Saturday?
b. Maybe we could have a party in our room on Saturday.
с. Could you have a party in your room on Saturday?
Exercise 27. Write your own rules for living in the dormitory or
with roommates. Try to use as many modal verbs as possible
(write about what you can/can’t, should/shouldn’t, need/needn’t,
must/mustn’t or may do).
Exercise 28. Complete each conversation with modal verbs and
expressions from the given below:
can can’t may must should not allowed do you mind if
1. Jean-Pierre: ____ I eat my lunch here while I get on the Internet?
Lab assistant: Sorry, but I do. Look at the sign. You _____ bring
food here.
2. Emil: Wow! Those guys next door sure are making a lot of noise!
Tory: Well, they __________ play music now. It’s 8:00 a.m.
Emil: I know. __________ I borrow your earplugs? I have to
study for my English test.
3. Carmen: __________ we ride our bikes here?
Guard: It’s here.
4. Donovan: __________ I bring my dog next semester? My
roommate doesn’t mind.
Counselor: ______ . But some of the other dorms allow pets.
5. Gabrielle: __________ I use my cell phone in here?
Librarian: _______ . Cell phones _______ be switched off here.
Exercise 29. Kate and her roommate Ann are planning a party.
Use modal verbs or “do you mind if” to ask for permission.
Answer the questions.
1. Ann’s friend Nick is in town. She wants him to come to the party.
Ann: __________ if Nick comes to the party?
Kate: Not at all. I'd love to meet him.
2. Kate wants to borrow her roommate's black sweater.
Kate: I have nothing to wear. __________ .
Ann: __________ I'm planning to wear it myself!
3. Ann's sister is coming from out of town. Ann wants her to stay in
their room.
Ann: __________
Kate: __________ She can sleep on the couch.
4. Kate and Ann would like to have the party in the dormitory
lounge. Heather asks her dormitory counselor for permission.
Kate: __________
Counselor: __________ It’s available next Friday.
5. Kate and Ann would like to hang decorations from the ceiling of
the lounge.
Kate: __________
Counselor: __________ Fire regulations won't allow it.
6. Kate and Ann want to party until midnight.
Kate: __________
Counselor: __________ Quiet hours start at 11:00 on Friday.
7. Ann wants to play some of her friend Erica's CDs at the party.
Ann: ___________
Erica: __________ Which ones should I bring?
8. It’s Friday night. A student wants to study in the lounge.
Student: __________
Kate: __________ We're having a party. Want to join us?
Exercise 30. Read the sentences, find and underline the
infinitives. Identify their forms. Circle particle “to” before each
infinitive. Explain why some infinitives have particle “to” before
them and some of them don’t have it.
Note: the infinitive has the following active and passive forms:
simple (to write), continuous (to be writing), perfect (to have
written), perfect continuous (to have been writing), simple
passive (to be written), perfect passive (to have been written).
1. Researchers might try many ideas until the problem is solved.
2. Computers can be used to make 3 – D graphics colourful and
3. They might be charging the battery right now.
4. In all your courses you need to be able to let your teachers and
others know what your ideas are.
5. If you wanted to design a bicycle, for example, you would not
have to invent the wheel. But you might just want to change the
shape of the wheel.
6. New knowledge can then be used to change or improve
technology that already exists.
7. Using calculators or computers you have to know what math
operations (addition, substraction, multiplication, and division) to use
in solving a problem and how to enter the information correctly.
8. The loans must have been paid back yesterday as well as the
interest on the loan.
9. You may consider time a resource because it takes time to make a
10. Life science and technology can be combined to produce food in
a fish farm.
Exercise 31. Explain how infinitives after modal verbs express
time. Give examples.
Exercise 32. Circle the correct infinitive for the gaps.
1. Every student must __________ this text yesterday.
A read B have read C have been read
2. Most materials can __________ into groups.
A divide B be divide C be divided
3. Ferrous metals might _________ iron and the many types of steel.
A include B be including C have included
4. Hardwoods should __________ from trees that have broad leaves,
for example, walnut and maple.
A come B came C have come
5. Thermoplastics may __________ and remelted many times using
A melt B have been melted C be melted
Exercise 33. Complete the sentences with proper form of the
infinitive in brackets. Write down the level of probability
(about 100%, 50%, 1%) for each item.
1. She might __________ (to choose) materials now.
3. This information may __________ (to use) by everyone.
4. Materials must __________ (to divide) into groups yesterday.
5. They may __________ (to produce) products now.
6. Disposing of some materials might __________ (cause) air
7. Plastic and glass may __________ (to recycle) yesterday.
8. Your resource list might __________ (to include) 7 items.
9. He must __________ (to borrow) money from the bank now.
10. He must __________ (to dispose) of this garbage yesterday.
Exercise 34. Complete each sentence with one of the expressions
from the list in a suitable form and the verb in parentheses.
There may be more than one possible answer.
(not) be allowed to
had better
had to
have to
don't have to
didn't have to
should have
shouldn't have
1. She spent all yesterday listening to music because she (go)
__________ to school.
2. Sorry, I’d like to help you, but I (give) __________ students
advice while they are actually taking the examination.
3. I know it's a long time in the future, but the airline is very busy in
the summer, so I think you (buy) __________ your ticket now.
4. Now it's raining, and we're going to get wet. We (bring)
__________ an umbrella with us.
5. Sorry, but I can't stop and talk any longer. I (be) __________ at
the station by half past two.
6. Excuse me, but have you read the notice? You (not bring)
__________ dogs into the supermarket.
7. We’re going the wrong way, I think. You (not turn) __________
left at those traffic lights back there.
8. Sorry, I’m late. I (buy) __________ some food for lunch, and so I
missed the train.
Exercise 35. Which do you think is better for each sentence –
must or should?
Note that must is used for orders and for strong suggestions,
advice and opinions. Should is used for less strong
suggestions, advice and opinions. Orders and instructions
can be made more polite by using should.
1 You know, I think you __________ take a holiday.
2 Tell Mark he __________ tidy his room at once.
3 Visitors are reminded that they _______ keep their bags with them.
4 I’m sorry, but you __________ go. We don’t want you here.
5 I really __________ go on a diet. I’ll start today.
6 I suppose I __________ write to Aunt Rachel one of these days.
7 You absolutely __________ check the tyres before you take the car
out today.
8 All officers _______ report to the Commanding Officer by midday.
9 You __________ have your hair cut at least once a week.
10 I think men __________ wear jackets and ties in restaurants.
Exercise 36. Complete the sentences with must or have/has (got)
Note that must usually expresses the feeling and wishes of the
speaker (hearer). Have (got) to often expresses obligations
that come from somewhere else.
1 I’m tired. I __________ go to bed early.
2 John __________ go to school on Saturdays.
3 We __________ get another dog soon.
4 This is a great book. I __________ read it.
5 A soldier __________ obey orders.
6 We __________ go to London for a meeting.
7 I think we __________ pay in advance.
8 You really __________ visit us soon.
9 I __________ try to spend more time at home.
10 You __________ go through Carlisle on the way to Glasgow.
Exercise 37. Complete the sentences, using must not or do not
have to.
Note that we use must not in prohibitions (negative orders).
We use do not have to, do not need to or need not to say that
something is unnecessary.
1 Campers __________ play music after 10 p.m.
2 Students __________ ask permission to stay out after midnight.
3 Bicycles __________ be parked in the front courtyard.
4 Residents __________ hang washing out of the windows.
5 British subjects __________ get visas to travel in Western Europe.
6 Passengers __________ lean out of the windows.
7 You __________ pay for your tickets now.
8 It’s rained a lot, so we __________ water the garden.
9 You __________ disturb your sister while she’s working.
10 You __________ knock before you come into my room.
Exercise 38. Complete the sentences with can or can’t if possible;
if not, use will be able to.
Note that we can use can if we are deciding now what to do
in the future. In other cases, we have to use will be able to.
1 I __________ pick it up tonight, if that’s convenient.
2 I think I __________ speak English quite well in a few months.
3 “We need some more oil”. “OK, I __________ let you have some
this week”.
4 Dr Parker __________ see you at twelve on Tuesday.
5 She __________ walk again in a few weeks.
6 Do you think one day people __________ travel to the stars?
7 This week’s no good, but I __________ bring the car in next week.
8 In a few years, computers __________ think better than we do.
9 She __________ give you a lesson this evening.
10 I’m free at the weekend, so the kids __________ come around.
11 I’ll post your letter, but I don’t think the postman __________
read the address.
12 I __________ do your job with no trouble at all.
13 We’re busy this week, but we __________ repair it by next
Exercise 39. Circle the correct variant. Sometimes both may be
1. A. We may win, but I think there’s much chance.
B. We can win, but I think there’s much chance.
2. A. I may ask you to help me later.
B. I can ask you to help me later..
3. A. That can’t be her daughter – they’re nearly the same age.
B. That mustn’t be her daughter – they’re nearly the same
4. A. We can decide to go camping again at Easter.
B. We may decide to go camping again at Easter.
5. A. There may not be enough room for everybody on the bus –
we’ll have to wait and see.
B. There can’t be enough room for everybody on the bus –
we’ll have to wait and see.
6. A. You may not get in without a ticket – not a chance.
B. You can’t get in without a ticket – not a chance.
7. A. You absolutely should go and see Liz.
B. You absolutely must go and see Liz.
8. A. I think you should try to relax more.
B. I think you must try to relax more.
9. A. You must pass a special exam to be a teacher.
B. You have to pass a special exam to be a teacher.
10. A. In this country, boys don’t have to do military service.
B. In this country, boys must not do military service.
11. A. I will be able to see you at eight tomorrow.
B. I can see you at eight tomorrow.
12. A. One day, everybody will be able to say what they like.
B. One day, everybody can say what they like.
13. A. When I was younger I was able to sing quite well.
B. When I was younger I could sing quite well.
14. A. At what age can you get a driving licence?
B. At what age may you get a driving licence?
15. A. I promise I stop smoking.
B. I promise I will stop smoking.
16. A. I don’t know why she’s not here. She may not have got my
B. I don’t know why she’s not here. She can’t have got my
17. A. He’s not answering the phone. He may not have got home
B. He’s not answering the phone. He can’t have got home yet.
18. A. When I was eighteen we must have done two years in the
B. When I was eighteen we had to do two years in the army.
19. A. See had to leave very quietly – I didn’t hear her go.
B. See must have left very quietly – I didn’t hear her go.
Exercise 40. Complete these sentences with needn’t and a verb
from the box.
1 You __________ – my haircut’s not as funny as all that.
2 You __________ up yet, because there’s no school today.
3 He __________ everything down. Just the name and phone number
will do.
4 She __________ and see me if she doesn’t want to; I don’t mind.
5 You __________ about me. I’m fine.
6 You __________ I care about you, because I don’t.
7 Tell him he __________ the bell; he can just walk straight in.
8 I’d like to see her today, but it __________ very long.
9 Just come when you like, any time. You __________ first.
10 You __________ to explain. I’m not interested.
Exercise 41. The questions 1-4 are about the text below. They
should be in the same order as the information in the text but
they have mixed up. Put the questions in the right order. You do
not have to answer them.
1. What are the examples of alternative energy sources?
2. Who says that one-third of the world's energy will need to come
from renewable resources by 2050?
3. What can help ensure man’s survival into the 21st century and
4. What are the reasons for renewables to play a big role in the
By 2050, one-third of the world’s energy will need to come
from solar, wind, and other renewable resources. Who says? British
Petroleum and Royal Dutch Shell, two of the world’s largest oil
companies. Climate change, population growth, and fossil fuel
depletion mean that renewables will need to play a bigger role in the
future than they do today.
Alternative energy refers to energy sources that have no
undesired consequences such for example fossil fuels or nuclear
energy. Alternative energy sources are renewable and are thought to
be “free” energy sources. They all have lower carbon emissions,
compared to conventional energy sources. These include Biomass
Energy, Wind Energy, Solar Energy, Geothermal Energy,
Hydroelectric Energy sources. Combined with the use of recycling,
the use of clean alternative energies such as the home use of solar
power systems will help ensure man’s survival into the 21st century
and beyond.
Exercise 42. Select an odd word that doesn’t fit into the list.
1. Maple, fir, pine, walnut, plug.
2. Can, may, have to, must, should.
3. Geothermal, list, wind, solar, wave.
4. Particular, vegetation, natural, intellectual, nuclear.
5. Loan, landfill, garbage dump, disposal area, junk pile.
6. Loan, interest, time, bank, money.
7. Hardwood, softwood, needle, ferrous metal, nonferrous metal.
8. Thermoplastic, acrylic, bakelite, maple, thermoset.
Exercise 43. Read the text and tick (⋎) the correct variant in the
sentences after it.
We all want to protect our planet, but we’re mostly too busy
or too lazy to put up big change that would improve our lifestyle and
save the environment.
These are 7 simple habits to implement in your everyday life
which will make a difference. There is nothing new here but if you
follow at least some of these tips, you can be proud of yourself
participating in the protection of the environment.
1. Use compact fluorescent light bulbs:
It is true that these bulbs are more expensive, but they last
much longer and they can save energy and in the long term
your electricity bill would be reduced.
2. Donate:
You have tons of clothes or things you want to get rid of. If
they are still usable, give them to someone who needs
them. You may also choose to give them to associations.
These associations may sell them and collect a little money.
Not only will you protect the environment, but you will also
contribute to a good cause.
3. Turn off your devices:
When you do not use a house device, turn it off. For example,
if you don't watch TV, turn it off. Turn off the light when you
leave a room (even if you intend to return). It’s an easy habit
to take up which will help you save a lot of money.
4. Walk or cycle:
Driving is one of the biggest causes of pollution. If you want
to use your car, ask yourself the following question: do I
really need my car? Walk or use your bike if the journey is a
short one.
5. Detergent:
Follow the recommended dose of detergent to wash your
clothes or dishes.
6. Leaky faucets:
Watch leaky faucets, which can cause a significant increase
in the water bill. An average of 120 liters of water can be
wasted due to a dripping faucet.
7. Rainwater:
Think of recovering rainwater. This water can be used for
different purposes.
This list is far from being exhaustive but in addition to saving the
environment, all these tips will help you save money.
1. How can you use these 7 simple tips?
• Implement in your everyday life.
• Read and remember.
• Save the environment and spend much money.
2. Fluorescent light bulbs waste more energy.
Doesn’t say
3. Donate means:
4. Driving may be replaced by…
• the recommended dose of detergent.
• walking or using your bike.
• turning off your devices.
5. The 7 tips suggested…
• to save money.
• protect the environment.
• to save money and protect the environment.