1 FULL TITLE: 2 The role of character displacement in the molarization of hominin mandibular premolars 3 RUNNING TITLE: 4 Character displacement in fossil hominin premolars 5 AUTHORS: 6 KES SCHROER1,2 and BERNARD WOOD3 7 1 8 Dartmouth, 6047 Silsby Hall, Hanover NH 03755, USA, 3Center for the Advanced Study of 9 Hominid Paleobiology, The George Washington University, 2110 G St NW, Washington DC Neukom Institute for Computational Science, Dartmouth, 2Department of Anthropology, 10 20052, USA. 11 CORRESPONDING AUTHOR: kes.schroer@gmail.com 12 CONTACT FOR OTHER AUTHORS: bernardawood@gmail.com 13 KEYWORDS: competition, morphological evolution, paleobiology, Paranthropus, primate, 14 sympatry 15 DATA ARCHIVAL LOCATION: http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1243200 16 The authors declare no conflict of interest. 17 Word count: 5,069 18 Table count: 1 19 Figure count: 3 20 21 ABSTRACT: Closely related species are likely to experience resource competition in areas where their 22 ranges overlap. Fossil evidence suggests that hominins in East Africa c.2-1.5 million years ago 23 may have lived synchronically and sympatrically, and that competition may have contributed to 24 the different tooth sizes observed in Homo and Paranthropus. To assess the likelihood that these 25 taxa overlapped, we applied a character displacement model to the postcanine tooth size of fossil 26 hominins and validated this model in populations of living primates. Mandibular fourth premolar 27 (P4) crown size was measured from fossil taxa and from living primate species where dietary 28 overlap is established. Dimensions of the P4 crown were fitted to a character matrix and 29 described as the response variables of a generalized linear model that took taxon and location as 30 input variables. The model recovered significant divergence in samples of closely related, living 31 primates. When applied to fossil hominins the same model detected strong indications of 32 character displacement between early Homo and Paranthropus (P=0.002) on the basis of their P4 33 crown size. Our study is an example of how ecologically-informed morphologies measured in 34 appropriate extant referents can provide a comparative context for assessing community and 35 ecological evolution in the fossil record. 36 37 Introduction 38 Species rarely exist in isolation and overlapping species can exert strong selective 39 pressures on one another (Schoener 1982; Goldberg and Barton 1992; Webb et al. 2002; Kneitel 40 and Chase 2004; Dayan and Simberloff 2005; Burger et al. 2006, Slingsby and Verboom 2006; 41 Johnson and Stinchcombe 2007; Emerson and Gillespie 2008; Cavender-Bares et al. 2009). 42 While range overlap in living species can be readily observed, such overlap in fossil species is 43 harder to detect. Time-averaging in fossil sites makes it difficult to be sure that members of a 44 paleoecological community were synchronic (Flessa et al. 1993; Kidwell and Flessa, 1996; 45 Kowalewski, 1996; Roy et al. 1996; Olszewski 1999; Behrensmeyer et al. 2000) and while 46 taphonomic investigations have greatly improved the temporal resolution of paleontological sites 47 through the analysis of preservation conditions (Kidwell and Brenchley 1996; Behrensmeyer et 48 al. 2000), these methods cannot explicitly test hypotheses regarding evolutionary pressures in a 49 paleoecological community. This study offers a computational framework validated in extant and 50 overlapping taxa that can be used to assess the likelihood of species overlapping in deep time. 51 Our study targets the likelihood of overlap between two groups of hominins living in 52 Africa c. 2-1.5 million years ago. Fossil evidence belonging to two fossil hominin genera, 53 Paranthropus and Homo, has been found in synchronous deposits at several Plio-Pleistocene 54 fossil localities in East Africa, most explicitly in the Turkana Basin. Though separated from their 55 proposed Australopithecus-like ancestor (Strait et al. 1997; Strait and Grine 2004) by less than a 56 million years, the two taxa have remarkably different postcanine tooth morphologies. The 57 postcanine tooth crowns of Paranthropus boisei are absolutely and relatively large compared to 58 earlier hominin taxa, and together with the molarization of the P4 crown, this is one of the most 59 extreme points of contrast between the dentition of P. boisei and Homo (Hillson 1996; Wood and 60 Strait 2004; Bailey and Wood 2007; Wood and Constantino 2004). In contrast, the postcanine 61 tooth crowns – including the P4 – of Homo are reduced in size compared to earlier hominins 62 (Wood 1991; Hillson 1996; McHenry and Coffing 2000; Lucas et al. 2008). The close ecological 63 relationship between mammalian dental morphology and diet (Kay 1975; Lucas and Luke 1984; 64 Lucas et al. 1985, 1986; Teaford and Ungar 2000; Lucas 2004) suggests that the increase in 65 premolar crown size probably reflects pressure to process large volumes of mechanically 66 challenging foods (Jolly 1970; Walker 1981; Lucas et al. 1985, Kay and Grine 1988). Evidence 67 from isotopes and dental wear supports the suggestion that differences in the postcanine tooth 68 crowns of Paranthropus and Homo may relate to their different diets, with P. boisei becoming 69 heavily dependent on a diet of tough, C4 resources and Homo consuming a more generalized diet 70 of C3 resources that lacks extremely hard or tough foods (Ungar et al. 2008, 2011; Cerling et al. 71 2011, 2013; Ungar and Sponheimer, 2011). Some authors have suggested that the very different 72 postcanine tooth morphology of Paranthropus and Homo in East Africa may have been driven 73 by competition for resources (Schaffer 1968; Wood and Strait 2004). 74 The propensity of closely related overlapping,species to compete was first noted by 75 Darwin in The Origin of Species, where he wrote that overlapping species were engaged in an 76 “incessant struggle” and that “more living beings can be supported on the same area the more 77 they diverge in structure, habits, and constitution” (Darwin 1859; Pfenning and Pfenning 2010). 78 The evolutionary consequences of range overlap were formalized by Gause’s “competitive 79 exclusion” principle (Gause 1934). This principle, which was devised using evidence from the 80 study of bacteria, suggests that two taxa overlapping in space and competing for the same 81 resources cannot coexist in the long-term. Instead, one of two scenarios will play out. Either one 82 competitor will evolve some advantage over the other and drive its competitor to extinction, or 83 the two taxa will evolve to occupy non-competing ecological niches. The competitive exclusion 84 principle may be extrapolated to describe evolutionary relationships in two closely-related taxa 85 sharing the same habitat, in which case the scenario of divergence is more specifically called 86 character displacement (Brown and Wilson 1956). 87 Diet is a common source of resource competition in overlapping, closely related species 88 (Schluter 2000, Ackerly et al. 2006, Grant and Grant 2006), although other kinds of competition 89 are possible (West-Eberhard 1983; Boughman 2002; Clutton-Brock 2007; Richie 2007; Sobel et 90 al. 2010). Due to the dietary and taxonomic information retained in gnathic and dental 91 morphologies, these anatomical structures feature frequently in previous studies of character 92 displacement (Dayan et al. 1989, 1990, 1992; Yom-Tov 1991; Reig 1992; Dayan and Simberloff 93 1994; Werdelin 1996), and the occurrence of exaggerated morphologies has been linked with 94 character displacement (Lack 1947, Martin and Harding, 1981; Losos 1990). It is for these 95 reasons that we decided to test whether the contrast between the large molarized mandibular 96 premolars of P. boisei, and the smaller, less complex, crowns of early Homo might be the 97 consequence of character displacement. 98 99 Although there are reservations regarding the strength of experimental evidence for character displacement (Grant 1972; Wiens 1977; Strong et al. 1979; Slatkin 1980; Rundle et al. 100 2003; Bo1nick and Fitzpatrick 2007; Meiri et al. 2011; Stuart and Losos 2013), character 101 displacement continues to be widely applied toward understanding morphological divergence in 102 overlapping and potentially overlapping taxa (Schoener 1982, Taper and Case 1985; Abrams 103 1986; Schluter and McPhail 1992; Schluter 2000; Dayan and Simberloff 2005, Rando et al. 104 2010). In its most straightforward form, character displacement can be quantified as the 105 displacement statistic DS-DA, where DS denotes the divergence between sympatric (i.e., shared 106 location) populations of two taxa and DA denotes the divergence between allopatric (i.e., 107 different locations) populations of the same taxa (Schluter and McPhail 1992). The term DS 108 quantifies the difference between two taxa in areas where they may potentially be in competition 109 (i.e., sympatric locations), while DA quantifies the difference between the two taxa in the absence 110 of competition (i.e., allopatric locations). When the value of DS exceeds the value of DA, this is 111 an indication that competition has contributed to any differences between the two taxa (Figure 112 1). Character divergence may involve several kinds of variation, including behavioral and 113 reproductive (Waage 1979; Armbruster 1985; Levin 1985; Marshall and Cooley 2000; Geyer and 114 Palumbi 2003; Adams 2004; Allen et al. 2014), but in general the term has been applied to 115 morphological divergence (i.e., ecological character divergence; Slatkin 1980; Schluter and 116 McPhail 1992; Adams and Rohlf 2000; Losos 2000). Although the displacement statistic has 117 been applied to morphological variation in many sympatric vertebrate species (Dayan et al. 1989, 118 1990, 1992; Losos 1990; Dayan and Simberloff 1994; Simberloff et al. 2000; Davies et al. 2012), 119 it has only once been applied to the fossil hominin record (Schaffer 1968). 120 One way to apply the character displacement statistic to observed morphological 121 differences is to use a generalized linear model (GLM) that can approximate the relationship 122 between the observed morphologies and the ecological relationship between the two taxa. GLMs 123 are widely used in studies of species distribution models (Guisan and Zimmermann 2000; Scott 124 et al. 2002) because they can be used to interpret the strength of the fit between response (i.e., 125 morphological) variables and explanatory (i.e., ecological) variables (Austin 1987; Yee and 126 Mitchell 1991; Guisan et al. 2002). The use of general linear models is especially common in 127 character displacement studies (Bolnick 2004; Collyer and Adams 2007; Russo et al. 2007). 128 The GLM we propose builds on one for multivariate phenotypic change proposed by 129 Collyer and Adams (2007). The Collyer and Adams model tests the likelihood of character 130 displacement as an explanation for divergent morphologies against a null hypothesis of randomly 131 assorted individuals pulled from observed populations. This model is especially suitable for this 132 study because it does not presume a specific taxonomic level. Early character displacement 133 studies only considered sympatric and allopatric populations of the same species (i.e., Schluter 134 and McPhail 1992), but character displacement may account for morphological divergence at the 135 species level (Dayan et al. 1990; Dayan and Simberloff 1994), the family level (Monroe, 2012) 136 and at the level of the ecological guild (Schluter 1986). 137 The Collyer and Adams model, which was developed and tested in salamanders and 138 pupfish, has not previously been tested in mammals. Nonhuman primates, which are the closest 139 living relatives to fossil hominins, have observable degrees of geographic overlap and dietary 140 competition, and many primate populations – including species of strepsirrhines (Tan 1999), 141 platyrrhines (Puertas and Bodmer 1993), and catarrhines (Fleagle 1977; Sterck and Steenbeek 142 1997; Lambert 2004; Allen et al. 2014) – live in sympatry and potentially provide extant 143 referents for understanding the pressures of overlap during human evolution. Thus, we reasoned 144 that validating the Collyer and Adams model in sympatric primate populations would increase its 145 suitability for assessing the likelihood that Paranthropus and Homo in East Africa were 146 sympatric and synchronic. 147 148 149 Materials and Methods 150 Sample 151 The fossil hominin sample is composed of Paranthropus and Homo. Representatives of 152 these taxa are potentially sympatric in East Africa but unlikely to be sympatric in southern 153 Africa. Two species of Paranthropus recognized at East African sites, Paranthropus aethiopicus 154 and P. boisei, and they are generally considered close relatives (Strait et al. 1997; Wood and 155 Richmond 2000; Constantino and Wood, 2007; Wood and Lonergan 2008). Some authors have 156 argued that these two taxa represent, respectively, the early and later phases of a chronospecies 157 (Foley 1991; Bobe et al. 2007; Schroer and Wood 2013), but in this analysis they are combined 158 as P. boisei sensu lato. The allopatric Paranthropus taxon, Paranthropus robustus, is only 159 known from southern Africa. 160 The East African sample of early Homo that is potentially sympatric with Paranthropus 161 includes remains allocated to three early Homo taxa, Homo habilis, Homo rudolfensis, and Homo 162 ergaster. The allopatric sample of Homo includes remains of Homo found outside of East Africa 163 that are more recent (< 0.5 million years) than the East African sample of Homo. The Homo 164 specimens found at the site of Dmanisi in Georgia have been affiliated with H. ergaster, Homo 165 erectus, or a close relative (Rosas and Bermudez de Castro 1998; Gabunia et al. 2000; Vekua et 166 al. 2002; Lordkipanidze et al. 2013), those at Rabat have been assigned to H. ergaster or H. 167 erectus (Martinon-Torres et al. 2007; Gomez-Robles et al. 2008), and Homo fossils from 168 Sangiran and Zhoukoudian have been assigned to H. erectus. These specimens represent the 169 most reliably allopatric sample of Homo compared to the East African sample, for there is no 170 evidence of Paranthropus or a Paranthropus-like lineage at these sites. The inclusion of younger 171 Homo specimens increases the morphological and geographic variation in the allopatric sample, 172 will inflate the value of DA, and will make character displacement less likely to detect (i.e., an 173 increased Type II error). 174 Some southern African hominin fossils have been assigned to Homo, but they are not 175 included in this analysis. because either there is no consensus over their taxonomy, or because 176 the evidence for geological age is weak. Some of these specimens, such as Stw 53 and SK 847, 177 have been assigned to early Homo (Hughes and Tobias 1977; Howell 1978; Tobias 1978, 1991; 178 Corruccini 1980; Chamberlain 1987; Grine et al. 1993; 1996; Clarke 1990, 1994), but they have 179 also been linked with later Homo (Robinson 1960, 1967; Clarke 1977; Tobias 1978; Groves and 180 Mazak 1975; Walker 1981; Dean and Wood 1982; Spoor et al. 1994) or with non-Homo taxa 181 (Mann 1970; Wolpoff 1970, 1971; Krantz 1977; Wood and Abbott 1983; Wood and 182 Uytterschaut 1987; Ferguson 1989; Kuman and Clarke 2000; Berger et al. 2010). The allopatric 183 population of Homo was restricted to individuals in areas with no known overlap with any non- 184 Homo hominin. 185 Mandibular dental crown measurements were obtained from photographs of precision 186 casts in the collections of The George Washington University and the University of Arkansas, or 187 they were taken from high-resolution photos of the original fossil specimens (B.A. Wood, pers. 188 comm.). Photographs were taken with a Canon Digital Rebel XT camera fitted with a macro lens 189 and then digitized in TPSDig (Rohlf 2009). Measures of the P4 included maximum mesiodistal 190 and buccolingual diameters; occlusal area was calculated using 20 semilandmarks of equal 191 distance fitted from a curve around the occlusal margin. Although mesiodistal (MD) and 192 buccolingual (BL) length are correlated with occlusal area, these are the three most common 193 measures of premolar crown size in fossil studies and were used to construct the matrix of 194 observable traits in Paranthropus and Homo. The morphology of the P4 has been used for fossil 195 hominin alpha taxonomy (Biggerstaff 1969; Wood and Uytterschaut 1987; Bailey 2000; Bailey 196 and Lynch 2005) and it has been used to identify isolated specimens of Paranthropus and Homo. 197 However, most of our specimens were from mandibular remains for which there is additional 198 evidence for taxonomic assignment (Table S1). 199 Measurements were taken from the literature in cases where photographs and casts were 200 unavailable (Table S1), and when occlusal areas were not available an approximation of occlusal 201 area (MD x BL) was used in its place. This method tends to overestimate the occlusal area in 202 molars (Schmidt et al. 2011), but its effect on premolars is unknown. This method was 203 distributed evenly across the taxa represented in the fossil hominin sample. Extensively worn 204 specimens (i.e., occlusal wear great enough to mask the identification of individual cusps and 205 interproximal wear that affected an estimated >20% of the occlusal margin) were not included in 206 the sample. For teeth with moderately worn margins, the margin was reconstructed by 207 approximating the curvature of the margin from overall crown shape (Wood and Uytterschaut 208 1987; Bailey and Lynch 2005). All of the fossil specimens are adult, but sex was not controlled. 209 The locations of fossil sites are given in Figure 2. 210 Living primates were included in this study to provide an independent assessment of the 211 robusticity of the Collyer and Adams model of character displacement. In all of the extant 212 primate groups examined here there is evidence of dietary overlap and ecological competition 213 (Rodman 1991; Ungar 1993; Wahungu 1998; Bentley-Condit 2009; Yamagiwa and Basabose 214 2009; Vogel et al. 2009; Harrison and Marshall 2011). The living primate groups chosen include 215 taxa previously proposed as comparative models for the unusual morphology of 216 Paranthropus(Jolly 1970; Vogel et al. 2008; Wood and Schroer 2012). Additionally, dental wear 217 and craniodental morphology suggest that P. boisei was adapted to a more mechanically 218 challenging diet than Homo (DuBrul 1977; Rak 1983; Grine 1986, 1987; Kay and Grine 1988; 219 Hylander 1988; Teaford and Ungar 2000; Scott et al. 2005, Constantino and Wood 2007; Ungar 220 et al. 2008) and the extant primate groups examined here are known to differ in the mechanical 221 properties of their diet. Gorilla consumes more tough foods than sympatric Pan populations 222 (M’Kirera and Ungar 2003), and Pongo and Cercocebus eat food that is much harder than 223 sympatric primates in their regions (Vogel et al. 2009; Daegling et al. 2011). Macaca nemestrina 224 is also durophagous (Caldecott, 1986). 225 Ideally, the taxa included within each group of living primates should approximate the 226 phylogenetic distance that separates Paranthropus and Homo, but few sympatric living primate 227 genera separated such a short time ago. Therefore, intervals both longer and shorter than 228 Paranthropus and Homo were used in the analyses. We undertook both species-level (Macaca) 229 and genus-level (Gorilla-Pan, Hylobates-Pongo, Cercocebus-Papio) comparisons. For the 230 Hylobates-Pongo and Cercocebus-Papio groups, congeners were examined while in Gorilla-Pan 231 sympatric and allopatric populations of the same species were examined (i.e., sympatric and 232 allopatric Gorilla gorilla and sympatric and allopatric Pan troglodytes). Genus-level distinctions 233 are probably the most relevant comparisons for the ecological context of Paranthropus and 234 Homo (Strait et al. 1997; Wood and Richmond 2000), but there is controversy surrounding the 235 definition of a hominin genus (Wood and Collard 1999) as well as questions about the 236 monophyly of both Paranthropus and Homo (Wood 1988). 237 The samples of the extant primate taxa were taken from the collections of the National 238 Museum of Natural History in Washington, DC, the American Museum of Natural History in 239 New York City, and the Natural History Museum in London. Photographs were taken in the 240 same manner as the fossil specimens. The left side of the mandible was used unless that side was 241 missing, in which case the right side was substituted. The extant primate samples were confined 242 to wild adults of mixed-sex. Taxa were sampled equally within each comparative group, with 243 specimens randomly selected from each taxon via a custom R script that simultaneously drew 244 equal representation of male and female specimens without replacement (S2). Maps showing the 245 relative ranges of overlap for the extant primate taxa are shown in Figure 3. 246 To calculate intra-observer error, a sample of 45 individuals representing all of the taxa 247 in the extant primate sample were measured again two months after their initial measurement. 248 Technical error for linear measurements was ±0.4 mm for all taxa. Technical error for area 249 measurements was ±6.10 mm2 for all taxa. 250 251 Analytical methods Measurements of premolar crown size were log-transformed to normalize variance 252 among hominin and primate taxa. Individuals were analyzed separately in the following 253 comparative groups: fossil hominins, African apes, Asian apes, macaques, and papionins. We 254 examined sympatric and allopatric pairs of taxa within each comparative group. The observed 255 variation in each fossil or living group was fitted to the general linear model: 256 Y = BX + U, 257 where Y is the morphological matrix, X is the design matrix, B is the estimate of the parameters, 258 and U is the residual error (Collyer and Adams 2007). 259 The design matrix encodes each individual by taxon and allocates it to either a sympatric 260 or allopatric location. The taxon is denoted by one of two categorical designations, encoded as 1 261 or -1 in this analysis. For location, 1 denotes sympatry and -1 denotes allopatry. The design 262 matrix also includes a third variable, which is the interaction variable of taxon and location. This 263 is obtained by multiplying the values of taxon and location. Thus, the sympatric population of 264 the first taxon is (1 x 1 = 1), the allopatric population of the first taxon is (1 x -1 = -1), the 265 sympatric population of the second taxon is (-1 x 1 = -1), and the allopatric population of the 266 second taxon is (-1 x -1 =1). Sample matrices are described in the supplementary information 267 (S1). 268 The Y-matrix is constructed from the log-transformed morphological values of the three 269 premolar crown size variables considered for each individual. The untransformed matrix for the 270 five groups is can be found at [http://dx.doi.org/10.6084/m9.figshare.1243200]. The model 271 parameters, B, are the regression coefficients describing the relationship between the design 272 matrix and the observed morphological values for each individual. After the application of a 273 least-squares regression, U is minimized so that theoretically B describes all of the relationship 274 between the design and observed matrices (Guisan et al. 2002). After determining B, it is applied 275 to the least squares means for each population, deriving four vectors – two describing the two 276 taxa in sympatry and two describing each the two taxa in allopatry. The vectors for the sympatric 277 and allopatric taxa are subtracted to derive two phenotypic change vectors, one describing the 278 change between the sympatric taxa (DS) and one describing the change between the allopatric 279 taxa (DA). Subtracting the lengths of these vectors results in the DS-DA statistic. 280 To evaluate the significance of the DS-DA value obtained from this model, a distribution 281 list was generated from permutations of randomized values for each group. To generate a 282 randomized list of DS-DA values, the interaction variable (i.e., taxon by location) was stripped 283 from the design matrix so that individuals were no longer encoded by their taxon and location 284 information. From this randomized design matrix, and holding the Y-matrix constant, new 285 parameters were generated. The vectors of sympatric and allopatric morphological difference 286 were subtracted to obtain the randomized DS-DA statistic and this process was reiterated 999 287 times to generate the distribution list. Probability was obtained through encoding each DS-DA 288 result as either 1 (greater than or equal to the observed DS-DA) or 0 (less than the observed DS- 289 DA). The results were summed and divided by the number of iterations to generate the likelihood 290 that the observed DS-DA was significant. The greater the observed difference in sympatry and 291 allopatric populations, the less likely the randomization will obtain an equal or greater value of 292 DS-DA. Non-random variation was assumed at the P<0.5 level and statistical significance was 293 assumed at the P<0.05 level. This analysis was performed using R (R Development Core Team 294 2010) through a script modified from Collyer and Adams (2007) and provided in the 295 supplementary information (S2 & S3, Table S2). 296 Results 297 Although sympatric and allopatric divergence vectors differ, the means of the three traits 298 of P4 crown size are similar in populations of the same genus or species (Table S3). This appears 299 especially true for the MD and BL measurements. For example, in the case of the sympatric (i.e., 300 East African) and allopatric (i.e., southern African) populations of Paranthropus, tooth size of 301 the two Homo groups is more similar to one another than either is to Paranthropus. However, 302 there is greater divergence in P4 crown size between the East African sympatric groups (i.e., P. 303 boisei and Homo) than in the allopatric groups (i.e., P. robustus and Homo). The difference 304 between these fossil hominin populations, tested against randomized distributions of premolar 305 dimensions, is significant (P=0.002). That is to say, within the 999 randomly generated DS-DA 306 values from a Paranthropus/Homo matrix, less than 1% of the random values were greater than 307 the DS-DA value obtained when sympatric and allopatric populations are encoded in the design 308 matrix. These results suggest that shared location had an effect on premolar size differences in 309 East African hominins and provides support for previous suggestions that the extremely large 310 postcanine teeth, and in particular the molarized premolars, of P. boisei may relate to 311 competitive pressures resulting from geographic overlap with members of Homo in that region 312 (Schaffer 1968; Wood and Strait 2004). 313 Results are similar in extant primate groups and indicate that changes in premolar 314 dimensions relate to competition in living populations. The dimensions of the P4 in populations 315 experiencing sympatryy are generally more divergent (i.e., DS>DA) than in comparative 316 allopatric populations (Table 1). The probability of observing a higher divergence in sympatric 317 populations compared to allopatric populations is nonrandom in all groups except the Hylobates- 318 Pongo group (which has the largest phylogenetic distance between taxa), and the results from 319 both African apes and macaques reach significance. The highest significance in the study 320 (P=0.001) belongs to the only genus-restricted group in the sample, the macaques. 321 Discussion 322 In the five groups studied here, DS-DA is generally positive and its magnitude is unlikely 323 to be replicated by randomized populations. This result indicates a trend for more difference in 324 the size of the P4 crowns between sympatric populations than between allopatric populations. 325 This trend holds regardless of whether species- or genus-level differences are examined, and 326 both species- and genus-level groups achieve statistical significance. Dimensions of the P4 crown 327 appear to carry signals of character displacement in fossil hominin and living primate 328 populations. 329 In the case of fossil hominins, the DS-DA difference in this group may be indicative of 330 competition generated by geographical overlap in East Africa at, or prior to, c.2 million years 331 ago. Divergence in synchronous East African populations is greater than the divergence between 332 allopatric, non-overlapping hominin populations, despite the separation of allopatric populations 333 by greater geographic and phylogenetic distances. One explanation of these observations would 334 be character displacement between two closely-related taxa driven by dietary competition, such 335 as is observed in comparable living primate populations and in other organisms (Guillotin et al 336 1994; Kamilar and Ledogar 2011; Stroik 2014). This explanation appears statistically likely 337 compared to random assortment, although it cannot pinpoint the time of divergence in P4 size 338 between Paranthropus and Homo. Overlap may have co-occurred with the appearance of P. 339 boisei and early Homo, or it may predate their appearance. In this case, the divergence observed 340 in the P4 size of Paranthropus and Homo may be a “ghost” of past competition past (Connell 341 1980; Hairston 1980; Pacala and Roughgarden 1985; Pritchard and Schluter 2001). 342 Numerous other evolutionary processes (e.g., seasonal diets, intraspecific competition, 343 niche conservatism, etc.) could have contributed to the differences in P4 morphology, and the 344 model does not address the counterpart of character displacement, hybridization. Hybridization is 345 observed in several overlapping and closely related primate species, including some taxa 346 included in this analysis (Jolly et al 1997; Ackermann et al. 2006; Burrell et al. 2009; Ackermann 347 and Bishop 2010), and some have proposed that it may have occurred during human evolution 348 (Tattersall and Schwartz 1999; Holliday 2006; Sankararaman et al. 2012). While hallmarks of 349 hybridization, such as the frequent emergence of supernumerary teeth (Ackermann et al. 2006) 350 are infrequent among the fossil evidence for Paranthropus and Homo, this study does not 351 explicitly test the hypothesis that hybridization occurred between these taxa and contributed to 352 the evolution of extreme dental morphologies. The differences in P4 size could be the result of 353 reticulate evolution in which populations repeatedly diverge and hybridize (Arnold 1992; Sosef 354 1997; Holliday 2003; Larsen et al. 2010), in which case character displacement would be nearly 355 impossible to detect. 356 Despite these caveats, comparative evidence from living primates suggests that character 357 displacement remains a likely hypothesis to explain the divergence in P4 size between 358 Paranthropus and Homo. In three of the four primate groups we examined, the results suggest 359 that sympatric and allopatric populations have significantly greater divergence than random 360 assortments. The results from living primate also suggest that both phylogenetic closeness and 361 dietary competition contribute to the strength of the signal of character displacement. Although 362 Hylobates can share up to 95% of its diet with Pongo (Vogel et al., 2009), there is no significant 363 character displacement indicated in this group. This may relate to their substantial phylogenetic 364 distance, or to the wide variety of other foodstuffs eaten by Pongo. Conversely, the highest 365 significance levels are found in macaques, the group where the phylogenetic distance is the least 366 and for which evidence from field studies suggests that substantial dietary overlap only occurs 367 during the wet season (Singh et al., 2011). Generally, the genetic closeness of pairs of taxa 368 predicts how well the model will perform in each group, with dietary overlap accounting for the 369 discrepancy between papionins and African apes. African apes show a stronger signal of 370 character displacement than papionins although African apes have twice the phylogenetic 371 distance (Page et al. 1999; Scally et al. 2012). A study of one sympatric G. gorilla and P. 372 troglodytes troglodytes group in the Lope Reserve of Gabon found that gorillas shared 73% of 373 the chimpanzee food items and the chimpanzees shared 57% of the gorilla food items (Tutin and 374 Fernandez 1992). Another study in Kahuzi-Biega National Park, Zaire showed that gorillas 375 consume 50% of the fruit species preferred by chimpanzees (Yamagiwa et al. 1996). Information 376 from overlapping papionin populations is limited and dietary overlap is difficult to compare 377 between research sites, but evidence suggests that sympatric Papio and Cercocebus near the 378 Tana River feed at different canopy heights (Wahungu 1998) and experience less competition 379 than Gorilla and Pan. These data point to the intriguing suggestion that phylogenetic distance 380 and dietary competition both contribute to character displacement in primate premolars. 381 This study is an illustration of one way in which fossil species and fossil morphologies 382 can contribute to understanding how competitive overlap, via character displacement, might have 383 promoted evolution within closely related lineages. Our application of the Collyer and Adams 384 model overcomes some of the problems created by possible time-averaging at fossil sites 1) by 385 establishing the likelihood that extinct species overlapped through a test against random 386 assortment, and 2) through comparison with observable closely-related living populations. In 387 essence, computational frameworks such as the one presented here put fossil species “back in 388 play” when reconstructing the dynamic and complex evolutionary pressures that operate when 389 taxa overlap geographically and temporally. 390 That is not to say that fossil species can replace experimental evidence. Indubitably, 391 observations of character displacement in action contribute most to our understanding of how 392 competitive overlap results in predictable selective pressures that result in morphological 393 divergence (Schoener 1982; Goldberg and Barton 1992; Grant and Grant 2006; Bailey and 394 Kassen 2012; Stuart and Losos 2013). However, rapid evolution is never observable and rarely 395 detectable in fossil lineages. Computational models allow us an additional opportunity to 396 synthesize information from experimental, living, and extinct populations within probability 397 frameworks and could, in the future, be generalizable to include other species interactions and 398 ecological variables. 399 400 401 Conclusion Within the hominin clade, premolar crown size is known to differ markedly between the 402 megadont and hyper-megadont dentitions of species belonging to the genus Paranthropus and 403 the reduced postcanine dentition of species within the genus Homo. This study applied the 404 Collyer and Adams model of character displacement to the P4 crown size of fossil hominins to 405 test the probability that competition may have influenced the morphological divergence of 406 sympatric East African early Homo and Paranthropus taxa. In order to validate the model’s 407 potential for detecting signals of character displacement, the model was also applied to living 408 primate populations where range overlap is directly observable. 409 In the extant groups examined, the difference between the P4 crown size of sympatric 410 populations generally exceeds the difference between the P4 crown size of allopatric taxa. In taxa 411 within 10 million years of their inferred genetic divergence, including fossil hominins, this 412 difference was always significant at P<0.05. The results of this study are unable to falsify the 413 hypothesis that character divergence occurred at some point during the evolution of East African 414 early Homo and Paranthropus taxa, and they are consistent with the hypothesis that sympatric 415 overlap and competition may have played a role in the evolution of hominin premolars. 416 The results of this study suggest that ecological modeling can provide insights into 417 reconstructing the evolution of our hominin relatives. Most studies of character displacement 418 consider only contemporary populations in relatively restricted geographic areas, and many only 419 examine variation in populations of the same species. This study expands the application of 420 character displacement both hierarchically and geographically, and demonstrates that the same 421 theoretical frameworks that account for variation in living taxa can be applied to variation 422 observed in the fossil record. By considering the importance of species and location interactions 423 in the evolution of morphological adaptations, studies such as this one move us closer to 424 understanding the processes that lie behind the morphological patterns we observe in the fossil 425 hominin record. 426 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS 427 The manuscript was greatly improved by comments from Drs. Patricia Hernandez, Mark 428 Grabowski (George Washington University), Matthew Skinner (University of Kent), Paul 429 Constantino (St. Michael’s College), P. David Polly (Indiana University), and two anonymous 430 reviewers. Dr. Peter Ungar (University of Arkansas) provided access to many fossil casts. Access 431 to extant species was made possible through Linda Gordon, Darrin Lunde, and Dr. Matthew 432 Tocheri (NMNH), Eileen Westwig (AMNH), and Roberto Portela Miguez (BMNH). Kristen 433 Ramirez (CUNY) and Christine Foltz assisted with photography. David Otten (University of 434 Arkansas), Michael Frick, Teresa Girolamo, and David Cobey provided hospitality during 435 museum visits. Funding for this research was provided by the NSF-IGERT DGE-0801634, an 436 NSF-GRF to KS, and a Cosmos Club Scholars Award to KS. 437 WORKS CITED 438 Abrams PA. 1986 Character displacement and niche shift analyzed using consumer-resource 439 models of competition. Theor. Popul. Biol. 29, 107-160. 440 Ackerly DD, Schwilk DW, Webb CO. 2006 Niche evolution and adaptive radiation: testing the 441 order of trait divergence. Ecol. S87, 50-61. 442 Ackermann RR, Bishop JM. 2010 Morphological and molecular evidence reveals recent 443 hybridization between gorilla taxa. Evolution 64, 271-290. 444 Ackermann RR, Rogers J, and Cheverud JM. 2006 Identifying the morphological signatures of 445 hybridization in primate and human evolution. J. Hum. 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