assessment project

1. To measure the mature stage of development while students execute the vertical
Refining the Problem
2. This rating scale will apply to 9th grade physical education classes. All students
are targeted in this assessment, those who have fallen behind in motor development
skills will be discovered.
3. While working on the vertical jump during a basketball lesson, this assessment
will be used as a pre and posttest. This assessment will give students specific areas
to focus on the improvement of the vertical jump. Students will perform the vertical
jump with no instruction. After all students have performed, instruction will be
applied to the setting where a posttest will evaluate the impact of instruction.
4. The process of the vertical jump is crucial to a successful product. Thus the
process is what is being evaluated. The process of the vertical jump will be broken
down into the following categories, preliminary body position, extension on take off,
arm position, head position and eye focus, peak flight position, and landing control.
Instrumentation and Methodology
5. Each facet of the vertical jump will be evaluated with a yes/no. I feel that this
scale will be most constructive to the students. If they do not perform the movement
correctly, further instruction can be given to correct and improve the process of the
vertical jump.
6. The test administrator would typically be a physical education teacher in which
they would already have the knowledge instilled in them to evaluate and administer
the test/assignment. If the case is not so an individual would need the knowledge of
motor development patterns. The setting and equipment is straightforward, a
basketball net and gym facility are all that is required.
7. This formative assessment will be observed on a yes/no scale. Since this is a
formative assessment the grades are mainly tracking progress. If a student is to
receive a “no” on any areas of the assessment it will not hurt them in terms of
grades. This assessment is for the sole purpose of discovering those lacking in motor
development skills for the vertical jump. The yes/no grading scale will be standalone; nothing will be converted into another scale.
Haywood, Kathleen, and Nancy Getchell. Life Span Motor Development.
Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2001. Print.
The Vertical Jump
The purpose of this activity is to measure the mature stage of development while
students execute the vertical jump. Using the components of the vertical jump that
we have learned, the following check list will be completed.
Mature Stage of Development for the Vertical Jump (6)
1. Pre crouch with flexion at the knee from 60 to 90 degrees
2. Hips, knees, and ankles extend forcefully ……………………….
3. Synchronized coordinated upward arm lift..…………………...
4. Head tilted upwards with eyes fixed on target ……...……….
5. Body fully extended………………………………………………………
6. Controlled landing close to point of take off……………………
Please use the space below to explain any difficulties this activity presented.
This should be specific to certain stages of development you had trouble with.
What could you do to better yourself in that/those specific stages of the
vertical jump?