UC Human Rights Fellowship Application

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Application Procedure
UC Davis Campus
2015 Human Rights Fellowship
Deadline: March 1, 2015, 4 PM
The California International Law Center at King Hall (CILC) at UC Davis School of Law is pleased to
announce the annual competition for two student fellowships in partnership with organizations
working on human rights issues. Registered students at UC Davis are eligible, with priority given
to graduate and returning students. The amount of each fellowship is $4,500.
The fellowship enables each student to carry out clearly defined fieldwork, domestically or
internationally, with human rights organizations related to a student’s area of study. The purpose
of the fellowship is to provide students with an opportunity to contribute to the work of human
rights organizations while also gaining practical experience that may influence the students’ areas
of research or academic focus. The fellowship program welcomes multi-disciplinary approaches
to human rights fieldwork. Applicants must plan to spend at least 6-8 weeks working with a
partner organization to qualify for the fellowship. Students are encouraged to publish the results
of their fieldwork.
For examples of successful projects, please visit the CILC website at
http://www.law.ucdavis.edu/centers/cilc/fellowships.html or the Human Rights
Center at UC Berkeley website, at http://hrc.berkeley.edu/current.fellows.html.
Prior recipients of this fellowship, or others received through the Human Rights
Center, UC Berkeley, the umbrella administrator of this program, are not eligible.
The Fellowships
The UC Human Rights Fellowships are student-initiated. Applicants must identify the followings:
the governmental or non-governmental organizations they will be working with; the human rights
issue to be addressed; and the parameters, objectives, goals and expected outcomes of their
proposed fieldwork. On some occasions, human rights organizations interested in hosting fellows
looking for such assistance, reach out to the program; any such information will be posted on at
Fellows will receive an award of $4,500 to support their fieldwork. Fellows are expected to:
 Attend an orientation to prepare fellows for their summer fieldwork (April 25, 2015)
 Submit an informal mid-term report from the field (July/August)
 Attend an informal get together upon the fellows’ return from the field (September 19,
 Present at a formal conference held during the fall semester (November 7, 2015)
 Submit a formal project (publishable op-ed, news piece, or video) at the end (December
Fellows are expected to complete all assignments and participate in all fellowship activities, which
will take place at UC Berkeley. Travel stipends will be available for fellows traveling from other
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Application Procedure
UC Davis Campus
2015 Human Rights Fellowship
Deadline: March 1, 2015, 4 PM
The Application Procedure
A Complete Application Includes:
A completed application cover sheet and signed application checklist
A curriculum vitae/resume, indicating all experience (academic studies, fieldwork,
volunteer work, and paid work) relevant to the fellowship
Statement of Purpose (2–5 pages, doubled-spaced, 12-point font), describing your
interest in the award. This section of the application should address the following
 What human rights issue will be addressed?
 Why is this a critical issue?
 How do you propose to address this issue (methodology)?
 Why are you interested in addressing this issue? Do you have a particular
 What are the objectives/goals/expected outcomes of your proposed
 How will these outcomes be measured or evaluated?
 How will the fellowship build on your current academic interests?
 What role will the fellowship play in your long-term career plans?
 How will your fieldwork contribute to the sponsoring organization’s
ongoing mission/goals in the local area?
The names (and contact information) of two professors who have agreed to serve as
references (by phone or email) to affirm the value of the fellowship in the context of
your academic work and interests. No written recommendation is required
A letter of support from the partner organization detailing the mission/goals of the
organization and how your proposed fieldwork will contribute to its ongoing work
* This information and a set of FAQs can also be found online at
http://www.law.ucdavis.edu/centers/cilc/fellowships.html. Be sure to read the FAQs
before sending questions to Fellowship Coordinator Uyen Le (uple@ucdavis.edu).
Deadline for Applications and All Supporting Documents: March 1, 2015 at 4:00 PM.
All items must be submitted electronically by the deadline to the UC Davis Fellowship Coordinator
at uple@ucdavis.edu. If you absolutely cannot send the application via e-mail, please submit five
(5) complete copies of the application. Incomplete applications will NOT be considered.
Applicants will be notified in mid-March.
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Application Procedure
UC Davis Campus
2015 Human Rights Fellowship
Deadline: March 1, 2015, 4 PM
Committee for the Protection of Human Subjects
If you intend to use the fellowship grant to conduct research that you will include in your thesis
or dissertation, you should consider whether approval from the Committee for the Protection of
Human Subjects is necessary. For more information, please speak with your faculty advisor or the
UC Davis Office of Research, http://research.ucdavis.edu.
Submission Contact
All items must be submitted to the UC Davis Fellowship Coordinator at uple@ucdavis.edu with
Uyen P. Le
Free Speech & Technology Fellow
California International Law Center (King Hall 1101)
University of California Davis, School of Law
400 Mrak Hall Drive
Davis, CA 95616
Human Rights Fellowship 2015
Application Cover Sheet
Home Address
E-Mail 1
E-Mail 2
Student ID #
Date of Birth
Student Status
Undergrad ☐
Graduate ☐
The names (and contact information) of two professors who have agreed to serve as references
(by phone or email) to affirm the value of the fellowship in the context of your academic work
and interests. No written recommendation is required.
Reference 1
Reference 2
Proposed Departure Date (MM/DD)
Proposed Return Date (MM/DD)
Sponsoring Organization
Contact Person
Contact Person’s Title
Phone #/Fax#/E-mail Address
Do you want to be considered for the JP Stevens Public Interest Fellowship?
NO ☐
Human Rights Fellowship 2015
Application Checklist
Please read, initial and sign below.
Application Materials
Application Checklist (this page)
☐ Cover Sheet
☐ Resume/CV
☐ Statement of Purpose
☐ Letter of Support from Partner Organization
Fellowship Requirements
I understand that fundamental changes to accepted proposals (e.g., different
research topic, new partner organization, alternate location) are not permitted.
I agree to:
Attend an orientation to prepare for summer fieldwork (early May)*
Submit an informal mid-term report from the field (July/August)
Attend an informal get together upon return from the field (late September)*
Present at a formal conference held during the fall semester (early November)*
Submit a final project (publishable article) at the end (December )
* Attendance is required at these events in person
Provide feedback to three other UC Human Rights Fellows regarding their
I understand that fellows are expected to complete all assignments on time and
participate in all fellowship events in person. Events will take place at UC Berkeley.
I certify that I will to spend at least 6-8 weeks working full-time with the partner
I certify that, if my project requires travel, I am able to travel alone and this project
is not dependent upon a travel partner.
Printed Name: