Our Eternal Purpose—Lesson 5-

Our Eternal Purpose—Lesson 5
Created To Walk With God—Genesis 5:21-24 + Other Passages
FOCUS: God’s design is for us to have a relationship in which we walk through life with Him; thus it
would be wise for us to evaluate what we allow to influence us so we can determine whether
we are on a healthy path and in step with Him
FUNCTION: We will consider the challenge of learning to walk and maintaining a walk and strive to
determine where we are compared to where He is leading us
A. The Lord bless you and keep you
B. The Lord make His face shine upon you and be gracious unto you
C. The Lord lift His countenance upon you and give you peace
II. Intro: Do you want to see the depth of intimacy the LORD is striving to have with you?
A. Look how close God was with mankind while they were in the Garden (Gen 3:8)
1. Our eternal purpose begins with learning how to walk—takes some practice
a. Even when we are accomplished walkers, we can sometimes trip & stumble
b. There are consequences if we choose not to follow or walk with Him
2. Removed from the Garden so they will not eat & live forever—and things get bleak
a. Genesis 5 is the death chapter (every entry ends the same way—And he died!)
b. God carries out exactly what He said He would
3. Enoch stands out on purpose because he DID NOT DIE! (5:21-24) God took him!
a. (Contrast V. 19 & 22)—Notice how instead of “lived” Enoch “walked with God”
b. This results in a difference—instead of dying, he is taken by God
B. What should we learn from this?
1. The one person who walks with God has a different outcome! A Ray of hope!!!
2. God is intentionally making it clear: things don’t have to be this way! See what He is seeking
3. We were created for a higher purpose, but it will take developing faith & trust
a. Heb 11:5-6—This points out God’s heart—Wanting to reward
b. Enoch also believed God would judge the ungodly (Jude 1:14-15)
c. Enoch’s example is about relationship with God being restored
d. He is brought back into the immediate presence of God—No death
e. He escapes the curse
4. This emphasis is continued in the life of Noah (Gen 6:9)
a. We are told at his birth that he will give rest or comfort from the curse (5:29)
b. So we see escaping the curse (our ultimate destination) & living with rest or comfort even
in the midst of the curse
5. The emphasis on walking with God continues thru Abraham (17:1; 24:40)
a. A foundation is laid in Genesis that defines the type of relationship God wants to have
b. This importance is continued in the book of Leviticus (26:3 & 12)
c. From a tent of meeting outside camp to a tabernacle to a temple to us being the temple
d. Not complete until we are walking with Him—immediate presence
6. Not created to merely exist with Him watching over us—Much more personal & intimate
III. What does a “walk with God” look like?
A. One walking with God does not allow culture to set their beliefs
1. Example: Enoch—Consider the time he lived in
a. 7th generation from Cain was Lamech who boasted about killing to his multiple wives
b. 7th generation from Seth was Enoch who prophesied because of how bad things were
c. He did not let his culture lead him
2. Other examples: Moses & Daniel standing against the cultures they lived in
a. Consider how God was able to use each of these men
b. The pull of culture can be difficult to stand against
i. Rich Young Ruler walks away sad
ii. Luke 9:62—If you put hand to plow & look backward—not fit for Kingdom!
B. A good example to follow is found in the way David deals with Goliath
1. When faced with overwhelming problem, his walk with God made all the difference
2. Saul & others were paralyzed by their perception of the world & its problems
IV. Who just gets up and walks with no problems?
A. Even accomplished @ walking, who does not have occasions of tripping or stumbling?
B. The real question is where are we in comparison to where He is trying to lead us
C. Do we understand our purpose is to walk with God—not merely hang out once a week?