Evaluation of Impact at the West End Centre Evaluation of provision

Evaluation of Impact at the West End Centre
Evaluation of provision at the centre is carried out in many different ways in order to
try to capture the impact the project has had on people’s lives and what has changed
as a result of it.
We have talked and listened to people and recorded their comments. Some of our
volunteers reported that: Having somewere to go reduced social isolation.
 Maintaining a routine, having to get up and be somewere improved their
mental and physical health.
 Learning new skills made them feel more motivated
 Helping others increased levels of satisfaction and wellbeing.
 Voluntary activity made them feel valued and useful.
 Increased community activity reduced their levels of anxiety and depresion.
 Gaining experience, learning new skills opened up new options for them and
increased their employability.
 Awarness of options open to them increased their life choices.
Some of the Adults with learning difficulties said:“ I love this group. My mum was told I wouldn’t amount to much but this proves them
“ I never thought my daughter would have so much confidence. I was so surprised
and proud when I saw her perform in public”
“ I just want this group to go on. It means so much to me”
“ We want to decide for ourselves, I’m sick of been used by other centres for my
disability, I wont have my picture taken anymore”
As a result of this group members said they:
Gained confidence
Increased community activity by joining other groups in the centre.
Taken up additional learning opportunites
Found a voice, attending meetings, taking part in disussions and made
Increased their independence and motivation.
Are keen to explore other options open to them.
We talked to people in the Art & Craft groups supporting peole with Mental health
problems and asked them what diffrence to groups made to them. They said:I “It makes a lot of difference. I’m made welcome, there’s lots to do, it’s a happy
place. meet different people and it definitely makes me feel better.”
“I need to come to keep on top of things. My husband has to go into hospital for an
operation but I’m still going to try to come. My daughter will help me. She said she’s
right glad I got in with this.”
“I ‘v learnt new skills, I’ve been doing needlework and it’s the first time I’ve even
threaded a needle. I’ve even been into computers as well. It’s good.”
“When I was off for Christmas I was so fed up, I had nowhere to go, I was glad to be
back. I was upset, board, I had nothing to do. It helps you get out and into
“It’s only my second time but I came back because I felt welcome.”
“I’ve really missed it over the holidays. I enjoy coming and seeing everyone. I look
forward to it”
“I didn’t really want to do anything over the Christmas holiday. I would have
preferred to come hear”
“This is the only place I come all week. At first I was really shy and nervous, now I
have made some friends and the group feels like a family”
“This group doesn’t feel ‘hospitaly’ it’s a friendly atmosphere, nice people to talk to
and make friends – an excellent atmosphere to work in.”
Feedback from a CPN talking about an attendee
“He is really enjoying the art group, he talks about it a lot, it’s the only session he
attends without support and so feels more independent.”
We know that the activities make a difference to the quality of people’s lives as they
have developed a group identity, they feel valued and cared about. They report
feelings of increased confidence and acceptance.
We carred out a centre evaluation. We drew a gingerbread man with a heart, a brain
and a shopping basket. We asked people to write on a post it
 something they had learnt at the centre
 Something they took away with them
 How they felt about the centre or how it made them feel
These are some of the responses:“Gave me a job”
“Feel happy”
“Confidence skill”
“Given me the chance to show responsible leadership”
“I have found quite a few friends and find it a great place to meet”
“Caring and friendly people”
“Met my girlfriend”
“It is a good place to be, friendly etc, feel welcome miss the people and making
“Learned to use a computer”
“It gives you confidence”
“Enjoying people’s company and making friends”
“Helps you with all kind of information it gives me something to for would to “
“Helping people, walking, good food, interaction”
“I have learnt crafts on making things I have found out about pensions and other
“Help you to learn new things people here give you encouragement to have a go”
“Love being part of a growing very healthy group”
“You have a lovely meal on a Wednesday and learn a lot from the people there”
“Happy and friendly”
“Feeling of wellbeing and of importance within the community”
We then drew a wheely bin and in order to try to identify the impact the project has
on poples lives we asked them what would change if the doors closed tomorrow,
what would you miss?
These are some of the answers:“Gets me out of the home for a while where I can gain a bit of knowledge”
“I will miss the socialising & friendly atmosphere”
“Would miss drama it would destroy the communities of Little Horton & Canterbury
“Company of others and dinner”
“My friends”
“Changes without the centre: - Shop and buy food, Prepare food, Cook food, after
eating would wash up with the centre I just eat and enjoy it in good company.”
“The centre being so friendly got my life back on track”
“I would miss the people at the centre and I would be at home during the winter
“I would miss friendship and being able to be creative”
“Friendship, Computing, company, exercise, games, young @ heart, I would be
stuck in house all day and miss all the above”
“The warmth and the love which just flows within the centre and church”
“Opportunities to gain skills”
“I would miss the very friendly family unity that you get within the centre and church”
“Getting out and meeting people”
“I would miss the companionship of the young @ heart group even some days if you
do not feel well friends make you feel better”
“The company and talk with people at our young @ heart group, the lunch group,
learning different things and crafts, finding out about changes etc in government”
“I would miss everyone”
“My only chance to design computer games for kids”
“If the centre closed I would be isolated at home everyday being the same”
“Miss the company, miss the young @ heart group miss the Wednesday lunch”
“I wouldn’t be able to communicate and lose conference in my self and with draw
with from the life that I have know and that is to have friends”
“Miss the young @ heart group. Feels good to come and meet people & have a cup
of tea. Miss dinner on a Wednesday. Would not like it to close”
“If the art group close I would miss every week and friends”
“Totally lost for company friendship stops my isolation I would be alone”
“Would be bored at home”
“Miss the friendly banter”
“The community spirit, friendly staff & volunteers”
“I would miss not increasing art skills; also I would miss my new friends”