Consultation Document

This is a consultation to extend the age range of St Wilfrid’s Church of England Academy to
include the provision of 15 students in Years 3, 4, 5 and 6. These students would follow an
enhanced curriculum and be part of a Cathedral Choir.
The current position and background
St Wilfrid’s Church of England Academy provides places for 1230 students in Years 7 – 11
and a maximum of 400 places for students Post 16. The Academy opened, as a converter
Academy on 1 July 2011.
The Academy has a strong affiliation and partnership with Blackburn Cathedral and we now
want to enhance the provision of music within the Cathedral through the opening of a Junior
Division of the Academy.
It is proposed to extend the Academy age range from 11-18 to 7-18. This Junior Division of
the Academy would provide a high quality tailored education for its students including boy
and girl choristers.
The Academy will employ their own staff to manage the Junior Division and additional
support in tuition will be provided through the Cathedral staff. The accommodation for the
choir section will be next to the Academy on Duckworth Street with the required facilities
being provided in adapted existing premises.
The students will also access specialist facilities within the Academy to advance their
education ie use of Science laboratories, Design & Technology rooms etc.
The proposal will aim to have 60 students in the Academy with recruitment being based on
a Year 3 entry admission policy. Mid term admissions will be considered using the same
admission criteria.
The Academy is looking to open the Junior Division of the Academy in September 2014,
opening recruitment to students entering Year 3 and 4 for that date.
The reasons for the change
The North West has a strong musical tradition and, in Lancashire, many musically gifted and
talented young people. Blackburn is the only Anglican Cathedral in the county and music is
one of the many ways through which it seeks to contribute to the complex community it
During the last decade or so the Cathedral choirs have become recognised both nationally
and internationally; the quality of their music has led to features on the television, national
radio and abroad. These developments have provided opportunities for children from the
age of four, teenagers and adults. Current Outreach Work is expanding in the community
through the addition of three Choral Scholars (privately funded) to its already talented staff.
The Cathedral and St.Wilfrid's are anxious to develop their working together further. Life for
a child in the current Cathedral Choir is, necessarily, demanding not only by virtue of the
level of musicianship required but also because of the commitments demanded by academic
school work and family time spent in support of attendance at rehearsals, services and
concerts. The ideal would be a Junior Division of the Academy where many of these issues
could be more easily managed to the benefit of the children and young people, their parents
and the Cathedral staff.
The benefits
The changes would mean:
The potential of each student will be met by a focused daily provision of training,
performing and learning.
The reputation and quality of the Cathedral Choir will be enhanced.
The Academy’s worship focus will be enhanced by the provision of an outstanding
junior choir performing across the Academy
Students will experience the unique provision of a Church Education that spans
Academy and Cathedral life.
The partnership between the Cathedral and Academy will be further enhanced.
The Academy and Cathedral will benefit from extending their individual partnerships
through the joint provision (exchanges with Germany, France etc)
The Governing Body
The provision of the 7-18 age range within the Academy will be managed by the existing
Governing Body with the Parent Governor election, extending to 7-11 age range, when a
vacancy becomes available. All aspects of the Junior Division will be reported across the
Governing Body Committee structure.
The funding and staffing provision for the Junior Division will be based on the number of
students within this section of the Academy. This will be allocated through the established
financial procedures. Specialist primary teachers will deliver the curriculum. In addition
specialist staff will also provide individual and group tuition in all aspects of musical
provision. This provision will be included within curriculum time throughout the academic
Building Provision
The Governing Body have made provision, within their budget, to purchase and refurbish a
property adjacent to the Duckworth Street site, providing all the facilities required for the
Junior Division. This location is within easy walking distance of the Cathedral but it is
expected that transport to and from the Cathedral will always be provided for the students.
The close proximity to the Academy will enable specialist facilities to also be accessed by the
Teaching of Religious Education
Religious education will be provided for all students in line with Diocesan guidelines.
There will be a phased implementation of the junior section, with application for places for
year 3 and 4 students commencing in the admission cycle for September 2014.
Consideration will be given to parents who wish to apply for places for year 5 and 6 students
but the disruption to a student’s education, at this stage, would outweigh any benefits.
It would be our aim to have the 60 places filled through the admissions process in
September 2016.
Students who wish to participate in the choir but choose not to attend the junior section will
have to participate fully in the programme of activities organised for outside the Academy
When students reach Year 7 they will be offered an automatic place in the 11-18 part of the
Academy provision through the admission procedures already established in partnership with
the Local Authority.
Consultation Meetings
We are organising two consultation evenings for stakeholders across the local
authorities. These meetings will be held at the Academy on Thursday 10 January
2013 and Tuesday 29 January 2013 between 4pm – 8pm. This will be on a half hour
appointment basis only. If you wish to make an appointment, please contact Fiona
Smith, PA to the Principal, on 01254 604023 or email:
How to make your views known
At the consultation meeting every question asked and response provided will be recorded
and passed onto the Secretary of State for consideration. Your written views will also be
included and a pro-forma to record your views is provided within this consultation document
and will also be available at the consultation evenings.
Statutory Process
The Academy makes initial approach to EFA with details of change requested.
The Academy carries out a consultation with stakeholders, including parents and
other schools (8 weeks is advised)
The Academy submits a business case to the EFA (to include consultation responses
and the Academy’s response to consultation)
EFA analyses the business case and makes a recommendation to the Secretary of
Secretary of State either approves or rejects the proposal.
EFA notifies the Academy of the decision and, if the change involves an amendment
to their Funding Agreement, sends them a Deed of Variation (DoV) to complete .
EFA to send completed/signed DoV to DfE policy lead who will arrange for it to be
signed and sealed and returned to the EFA to forward on to the Academy.
Any changes to the Trust’s Memorandum and Articles of Association will need to be
registered with Companies House.
As from above you will see that the statutory process requires a period of 8 weeks
consultation between the 1 November and the 1 March in any cycle. We are consulting with
all stakeholders between the 3 December 2012 until the 10 February 2013.
Response Forms
Comments or objections can be made on any grounds. If you would like to complete a
Response Form please do so and return to the Academy. If you would like to contact the
Academy using another method please select from the information below:
01254 604023 – PA to the Principal, Mrs Fiona Smith
Canon V Edge
Chair of Governors
St Wilfrid’s C E Academy
Duckworth Street
Blackburn BB2 2JR
01254 604044
Application criteria
Please see attached document.