What is a program?
Series of instructions
Ordered, unambiguous, terminates
In a programming language, executable
Algorithm - Series of instructions
Ordered, unambiguous, terminates
Written in Pseudocode
Programming Languages
High Level:
Python, Perl, Javascript, Ruby, PHP, Lisp
Objected Oriented: C++, Java, C#
Structured: Basic, FORTRAN, Pascal, C, Ada
Low Level:
Assembly, Java Bytecode – assembly for Java
Virtual Machine (JVM)
Executable Code:
Binary, Machine
Matlab, IDL
Steps to Programming:
1) Define & Analyze the problem: a.
Program specifications b.
Test data – input & corresponding output
Write a program to compute a GPA.
Sample Run:
Welcome to the GPA program!
How many classes? 4
Enter grade & credits for 1: A 3
Enter grade & credits for 2: b- 4
Enter grade & credits for 3: A+ 4
Enter grade & credits for 4: c 2.5
Your gpa is 3.24
2) Design the solution a.
Identify the components b.
Write pseudocode
3) Write program code a.
Edit/type b.
Compile c.
Rewrite/fix/debug d.
Repeat as necessary
4) Testing a.
Debugging run-time errors, logic errors
5) Document
6) Maintain & upgrade
Operating Systems: Linux, Windows, Mac OS, Unix,
Three types of program control:
1) Sequential (default, top to bottom) a.
Variable declarations b.
Assignments c.
Method calls d.
Block statement { }
2) Decisions a.
if (boolean expression)
True-statement; b.
if (Boolean expression)
false-statement; c.
switch (integer expression) { case val1: case val2: stmt-1;
break;? case val3: stmt-2;
Stmt-3; [break?]
default: last-stmt;
Each case val must be literal constant (not a variable)
3) Loops/Repetition
Calculating a GPA:
Enter grade & credits for 1: A 3
4 * 3 = 12
Enter grade & credits for 2: b- 4
2.7 * 4 = 10.8
Enter grade & credits for 3: A+ 4
4 * 4 = 16
Enter grade & credits for 4: c 2.5
2 * 2.5 = 5
Your gpa is ????
Coursepoint total: 43.8
Credit total: 13.5
Your GPA is 43.8 / 13.5 = 3.244444
PRIMITIVE DATA TYPES IN JAVA (reserved words in bold) boolean – true / false values only integer: byte, short, char, int, long real: float, double eg: 1234.596788 -> .1234596788 e4 eg: .000000345 -> .345 e-6 float use f or F at end of literal float number = 13.5f; conversions: going from one data type to another widening: from smaller type to larger type can do implicitly eg: float number = 13; (int to float) narrowing: from larger type to smaller must do explicitly with typecast eg: int value = (int) -13.5; (truncates) eg: char ch = (char) 65; characters: Unicode system
‘0’ – ‘9’ in order starting with 48
‘A’ – ‘Z’ in order starting with 65
‘a’ – ‘z’ in order starting with 97
‘M’ < ‘a’ so be careful
Special chars: escape sequences
‘\”’ ‘\n’ ‘\t’ ‘\\’
(), (casting), - (negation), ! (not)
/ (divide), * (multiply), % (mod = integer division remainder: 51%5 -> 1, 8%12 -> 8)
+ (add), - (subtract)
< (less than) > (greater than) <= >= == !=
&& (and)
|| (or)
= (assignment)
Identifier (variables, methods, classes) naming rules:
Can use any letter (A-Z, a-z)
Can use any digit (0-9)
Can use _ (such my_favorite_class)
Can NOT start with digit
Boolean operators: (truth table)
A && B
True && true => true
True && false => false
False && true => false
False && false => false
A || B
True || true => true
True || false => true
False || true => true
False || false => false
True => false
False => true if (!(4 < 16/3) && 30%4 >= -1 || 5 !=
Math.sqrt(30)) // => true
System.out.println(“stand up!”);
if (((!(4 < (16/3))) && ((30%4) >= -1)) ||
(5 != Math.sqrt(30))) // => true
System.out.println(“stand up!”);
DeMorgan’s Laws:
!(A && B) == !A || !B
!(A || B) == !A && !B
Comparing Strings:
String word1, word2; word1 = kb.next(); word2 = kb.next(); if (word1.equals(word2))
… word1.equalsIgnoreCase(word2) word1.compareTo(word2) negative if word1 < word2 positive if word1 > word2
0 if word1 equals word2
All comparisons are character by character using
Table < table apple < table
Apple < table
Table < apple ***** apple > aPPle if (word1.compareToIgnoreCase(word2) > 0)
System.out.println(word2 + “ comes before “
+ word1);
(more alphabetical ordering)
“many forms”
Method OVERLOADING – same name, different parameter lists (signature of a method)
Eg: printRA (our sample code)
Random : nextInt() or nextInt(10)
String : substring(4) or substring(0,4)
INHERITANCE – create class that is derived from another class
Original is called “Base” or “Super” or “Parent”
New is called “Derived” or “Sub” or “Child”
Playing cards: Deck is a Hand
Vehicles: #wheels, speed, mileage, #passengers, cargo size
Power Vehicles: engine
Toyota Camry
Honda Accord
Pontiac Grand Am
Sports: #gears, 0-60 time
Porche 911
Honda S2000
Volvo ???
Ford Taurus
Subaru Forester
Ford Escape
Honda CRV
Human Vehicles
Object – base of all classes in Java
Data: memory address, class name
Methods: toString(), equals(Object), clone() – makes shallow copy
Method OVERRIDING – if derived class has new definition for a method in its base class
(method signatures exactly the same)
Eg: toString() – original definition is in
New Inheritance System:
Circle: radius
Triangle: 3 side lengths, 2 angles
Right Triangle: one angle is always 90
Parallelogram: 2 sides, 1 angles
Rectangle: angles all 90
Square: sides all same
Square “is a” Rectangle
Rectangle “is a” Parallelogram
INTERFACE – collection of method headers, good for collections of things that have common methods, general algorithms
Shape: area(), perimeter(), draw()
Comparable: int compareTo()
Test cases: boundary cases, typical, valid data, invalid data
Data sources: make up constants, random, loop through range of values
Unit testing: individually test each component of program (each method)
Black-box testing: No knowledge of code
White-box testing: Look at code and make sure that every possible branch is tested.
Regression testing: keep test data & reuse for new versions of a program
Evaluating test results:
Do calculations by hand
Compare to “oracle” – anything already known to compute the right result
Go to TAs
Put print statements everywhere o Comment out when done o Make sure buffer gets flushed
println (not print)
Comment out possible problem sections
IDE debugging tools (eg, in Jgrasp) o Checkpoints
o Watch variables o Etc.