Jesus as Master Teacher: Effective Teaching Essay

Camden Palmer
Educ. 202 A 8:00
Jesus the Master Teacher Essay
How can you become a successful and effective teacher? There is only one man who
ever lived that we should look up to, Jesus. Jesus is the Master Teacher. Every time He spoke
thousands of people came to listen. Do you wish your students would have the same passion
for learning as those who listened to Jesus? Though Jesus was the Master Teacher, He had
some unfair advantages. He was omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient, meaning that He
was in all places, all powerful, and all knowing. He always knew how to effectively
communicate with his followers. As a result, they were able retain the message or lesson that
He was trying to teach. Jesus gives a warning about teaching in James 3:1, “Not many of you
should presume to be teachers, my brothers, because you know that we who teach will be
judged more strictly.” Teachers are responsible for educating their students in their subject.
As education majors, we are given the ideal situations in a classroom. In order to truly become
an effective teacher, we need to make the shift from ideal to ordeal and realize what the
essential elements are to develop a learning atmosphere. Teachers are guaranteed to face
tough challenges, but through these challenges they will become successful. Teaching requires
dedication and devotion and the constant pursuit to inspire our students to achieve. God must
do a mighty work in you before he can work through you!
Jesus is considered the Master Teacher, but He was the teacher to pitiable students. His
twelve disciples were anything but good students. They were imperfect. Take a look at Judas, a
man who eventually betrayed Jesus which resulted in His crucifixion. The disciples were slow
learners. They missed the resurrection which was the greatest feat ever accomplished. The
twelve disciples were very self-centered people. They assumed that Jesus was going to set up
an earthly kingdom. They argued about the seating arrangement at the Last Supper. At the Last
Supper, Jesus washed the feet of each disciple. He showed by example the attitude of servant
hood which conflicted with their self-centeredness. Some of Jesus’s twelve disciples were
uneducated and unprofessional people. Jesus called ordinary men from fishermen to
construction workers to follow Him. One of the best characteristics of the disciples was they
were impressionable. Their lives were like moldable clay and Jesus was the sculptor. He formed
and transformed their lives. Through Jesus’ example and teaching, they became the men that
he intended them to be. Even though the disciples missed the resurrection of Christ, their lives
were changed forever because they served the Master Teacher. Jesus did not “stack the deck”
when he called His disciples or students. In the classroom, a teacher will encounter students of
different backgrounds and learning abilities, just like the disciples. A proficient teacher will
recognize the strengths and weaknesses of each student and strive to develop objectives to
correspond with the students’ abilities.
There are five characteristics that make Jesus Christ the Master Teacher. These five
characteristics define an effective teacher today. First, Jesus Christ embodied His message. He
taught by the way He lived His life. He set an example with His actions and His speech.
Secondly, He was comfortable teaching everyone; men, women, children, the wealthy, the
poor, the sick and the homeless. A teacher cannot discriminate. They must treat each of their
students fairly. A teacher also needs to establish rapport with the students so they feel
comfortable and accepted. An effective teacher must build bridges and establish relationships
with their students. Thirdly, Jesus was compassionate. He watched over the people like a
sheppard watching over his flock. A teacher imitates the sheppard by constantly surveying the
classroom to make sure the students are being attentive and are on task. A teacher shows
compassion when they recognize a student has a need and act upon it. Fourthly, Jesus had a
strong self-concept. Self-concept is an accurate depiction of who you are. It is hard for anyone
to admit his weaknesses. The first step in becoming strong is to identify the weaknesses. Jesus
knew that His mission on earth was to proclaim the truth and to die for our sins. It is essential
for a teacher to provide equal opportunity for all of his students. Just as Jesus did not judge
any of his followers, he looked past the physical and saw each person, as a lost soul in need of
guidance, so should a teacher. Finally, Jesus understood his disciples. He knew their
background, for example, what jobs they had, and he used this knowledge to connect with
them on a more personal level. A good teacher provides different types of instruction in order
to meet the needs of each student and to encourage them to be achievers.
During Jesus’ time on earth, His teachings were based on six principles, which benefited
His students. First, He established relationships with all of his students. Today, it is essential for
a teacher to establish a relationship with each student. If a teacher is negligent, in this area
then they are not teaching but schooling. Secondly, He evaluated what knowledge they
possessed and adjusted his teaching accordingly. A teacher should also assess the performance
of each student and endeavor each student to reach his or her goals. Thirdly, Jesus was
directed by His objective. He always had a clear plan and aimed at a goal. God showed us
how to teach others through His Son, Jesus Christ. A teacher ought to model their teaching
methods after that of Jesus. Teachers must be organized and develop defined lesson plans.
Fourthly, Jesus challenged his students to think, as He often answered a question with a
question. A teacher must educate their students and not just school them and push them
through to the next year. Fifthly, He emphasized action more than knowledge. Possessing
knowledge changes your behavior. A person truly grasps the material being taught when there
is a change in their action. Finally, He stressed the importance of setting long-term goals rather
than immediate results. For example, nothing we possess on earth can compare to the riches
we will receive in heaven, if we know Christ as our Savior. Great teachers care more about the
students than they do about themselves. At times, it can be frustrating, if we fail to meet our
goals. However, a teacher must strive to do their best and continue to encourage their
students to achieve.
Jesus used a number of different teaching methods. One of those methods is Objects.
In Matthew 18:1-4, Jesus and the disciples conversation turns into an argument of who is the
greatest in heaven. Jesus brings a child in front of the disciples and says that they need to
humble themselves like this child. His objective proved that position was not as important as
the kingdom itself. He chose this method because the disciples needed a tangible object to
illustrate the point. Another method Jesus used in his teachings is Stories. In Luke 10:25-37 a
man asks Jesus some questions to which he answers. An expert in the law tests Jesus. He asks
how to inherit eternal life. Jesus replies and tells him to read what is written in the law. The
man further questions Jesus and asks who his neighbor is. Then Jesus tells a story to illustrate
who a neighbor really is. He instructs the man to go do and likewise to his neighbors. Jesus’s
objective was to illustrate that your neighbor could be anyone in the world. If you love them as
you love yourself they will in turn be grateful and love you back. He chose to use this method
because the man could relate to the terminology and reference that the story inferred. He
makes what seems to be a big important question into a very simple answer. Another method
that Jesus used was Lecture. In John 14-17, Jesus is talking to his disciples at the Last Supper.
He is comforting his disciples and assuring them that He loves them. He also hints at what is to
come concerning His death and resurrection. His objective was to show the disciples that he is
all-powerful and they can place trust in Him. He chose to lecture to them because it was the
most effective technique to get the point across. Those are just three specific examples of
methods that Jesus used during his teachings. These examples of methods can be used
effectively in the classroom.
Jesus Christ is the model teacher that all teachers should imitate. A teacher can be
successful by putting into practice the methods that Jesus used to instruct His followers. One of
the most important characteristics of an excellent teacher is the ability to inspire their students
to be successful and achieve. Every student can learn if they are taught with compassion and
understanding. A teacher is given the unique opportunity to influence each individual student
in a positive way. Each school year will produce different challenges but these can be
overcome with determination. The Master Teacher, Jesus, never gave up on His followers but
set an example to other teachers to be diligent and attentive to each student. To truly be
considered an effective teacher you need to embody your message and trust in the Lord.