Name: ______________________ Date: _________________________ Ecological Footprint Lab Activity Your ecological footprint is how much land you use through everyday activity. The following quiz is to show you how big your ecological footprint is and how choices you make can shrink or expand your footprint. Note: This is intended to take place over three days, but you are only going to do one day. You will answer the questions based on what you did yesterday. How Big is Your Footprint? A. Transportation How did you travel yesterday? ..............Score - I walked...................0 - I cycled.................. 5 - I took public transit ....10 - I carpooled ..............15 - I used a private vehicle .30 (Multiply each score by the number of times you used that method of travel to move from one location to another in one day and add together) Score for A- Transportation -Day 1 total score 1._____ B. Water Use How much water did you use? - I did not shower..........0 - 1-2min. shower .......…...5 - 3-6min. shower ..........10 - 10min. shower........…...20 - I bathed in a full tub ..20 - I bathed in a half-full tub.................10 - I reused someone else's bath water ..........................10 - I left the water running when I brushed my teeth .........5 Score for B –Water Use -Day 1 total score 1._____ C. Clothing I am wearing the same clothes today that I wore yesterday - most .................0 some...................5 none .................10 I am wearing something that has been mended……….5 I did the mending .....5 50% of my clothes are second hand (score for Day 1 only) yes ...........0 no............20 My socks match each other no ............0 yes ..........10 Score for C - Clothing Day 1 total score 1._____ Name: ______________________ Date: _________________________ D. Recreation Identify the games, sports and activities you participated in during your spare time yesterday. How much equipment did you need to participate? - none or little ................0 - some .........................10 - quite a bit .................20 How much land was converted to playing fields, ice rinks, swimming pools, gym space, ski runs, etc. to meet your recreation needs? - none or little .............0 - some (<1 hectare) ..........10 - quite a bit (> 1 hectares)..20 I spent the following amount yesterday on purchases (food, clothing, magazines, sports equipment, etc.) - nothing spent............0 - $5.......................5 - $10 ....................10 - $10+ ........1 point per dollar Score for D - Recreation Day 1 total score 1._____ E. Food I ate the following proportions of meat: - none.......................0 - one portion ...............10 - two portions .............20 - three portions............30 This much food was left on my plate: -none ....................0 - very little ............5 - more than a little.......10 I composted all vegetable and fruit scraps - yes ......................0 - no .......................10 The food I ate is locally grown: - all .......................0 - some ......................10 - none.......................20 The food I ate was packaged in paper or plastic: - none ........................0 - some .......................10 - all ........................20 Score for E - Food Day 1 total score 1._____ Name: ______________________ Date: _________________________ F. Garbage If I were to take everything I threw into the garbage yesterday and put it all into the same container, I would need this size of container to hold it all: - a crate .................30 - a shoebox ..........…....20 - a cup ....................5 - I produced no garbage..…....0 Score for F - Garbage Day 1 total score 1._____ G. Living Space Calculate in square meters the indoor space that you required to live for the day. Include all the space in your "home", "school", etc. (1 sq. meter = 10 sq. feet). Divide the total square meters by the number of people you shared this space with. Home sq.m./# people = _____________ School sq.m./# people = ____________ Other sq. m./# people = ____________ Total Square meters = ____________ Daily Score total All day 1 total scores 1._____ Living Space (sq. m.) _____ GRAND TOTAL = ________ Convert your grand total from above into your personal "footprint" for yesterday by using the conversion formula below: Grand total/100 = Your environmental footprint in hectares (Note: 1 Hectare = 10 000m2) MY ONE DAY ECOLOGICAL FOOTPRINT IS ______________ Observations/Reflections/Reactions: ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ Name: ______________________ Date: _________________________ CGC 1D1 Ecological Footprint Assignment Task: Students will make connections between course material and their experiences on the field trip to Kortwright Conservation Center in order to design a brochure. The brochure is to advertise a field trip that produces a smaller Ecological Footprint than the student’s own one day personal footprint. Criteria: The field trip is for grade 9 academic geography students at Cardinal Ambrozic C.S.S The time frame for the field trip will fit within a normal school day. You will base the trip’s intended Ecological Footprint on your own one day score (refer to day 1 lab activity). What to Include in your Brochure: You are encouraged to get creative… remember, the task is to minimize the Ecological Footprint of students on the trip! Calculate the estimated Ecological Footprint of the trip (use day 1 lab activity as a guide) Location/Destination of the trip (Living Space) Transportation Estimated costs Facilities available (indoor/outdoor, washrooms etc.) What will students be doing on the trip? (Recreation) Do students need to bring or wear anything specific? (Clothing) Pictures and/or illustrations What to Hand in: A saved version your Ecological Footprint Activity (Day 1 in the lab) **USB key will be sent around in the Lab Save As: [your name’s] Ecological Footprint Assignment before saving to the USB The brochure for your field trip Marking Scheme: - Completion of the Ecological Footprint lab activity All required components of brochure are present (T/I) (K/U) - Time and care of presentation (App.) - Language Conventions (spelling, grammar) (Comm.) Name: ______________________ Date: _________________________ Ecological Footprint Assignment Name: __________________ Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Assignment Requirements - Ecological Footprint Lab Activity Assignment Requirement - Creation of the brochure A few sections of the questionnaire were completed Some sections of the questionnaire were completed Most sections of the questionnaire were completed All sections of the questionnaire were completed T Included a few of the required components Included some of the required components Included most of the required components Included all of the required components K Time and Care Took little time and care in the presentation of the assignment Took some time and care in the presentation of the assignment Took time and care in the presentation of the assignment Took considerable time and care in the presentation of the assignment A Numerous spelling and grammatical errors but some effort has been made to edit Many spelling and grammatical errors Few spelling and grammatical errors No spelling and grammatical errors C Language Conventions Comments: /10 /10 /10 /10