Alliance of Educational Associations

Alliance of Educational Associations
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
Bill No.
Last Action
HB 1105
2014-15 Supplemental Oper Budget
Request of Gov. Inslee
No significant change to K-12
SB 5076
No significant change to K-12
HB 1106
2014-15 Supplemental Oper Budget
Request of Gov. Inslee
2015-17 Operating Budget
Request of Gov. Inslee
Concern re: underfunding of K-12 basic
ed salaries which depend on the local
levy to meet the demands
H Approp 1/12 PH
AEA Testimony 1/12
SB 5077
2015-17 Operating Budget
Request of Gov. Inslee
Concern re: underfunding of K-12 basic
ed salaries which depend on the local
levy to meet the demands
Adds about $2.0B to K-12; MSOC increased by $751.8M (fully funded in 2015-16); K-3 class size
reduction at 1:17 is fully funded in 2015-16, one year early ($448M); all-day K is fully funded in
2015-16 (also one year early) ($107.6M); LEA is increased by $28.8M due to increased funding for
basic ed; breakfast after the bell ($5M); budget is silent on I-1351, yet says that their contribution
to class size ($448M) is a “down payment” on the initiative; proposes salary increase (COLA) for
K-12 state-funded staff (3% in 2015-16; 1.8% in 2016-17; (budget funded by revenue
enhancements ($1.4B) (7% capital gains tax; carbon pollution tax; ending tax preferences; uses
$450M from Budget Stabilization Acc’t (needs 60% of both houses)
Same as HB 1106
HB 1115
Funds School Construction Assistance Program ($596M); full day K capacity grants ($10M);
Small Repair and Healthiest Next Generation Grants ($5M); WAMOA, Dept of Health work with
OSPI on applications; $200K for max grant; includes school repair and related health and safety
issues; playground equipment; kitchen equipment; water bottle filling stations; safe routes for
school; greenhouse and gardens programs to produce fresh produce for students; Energy Grants
($10M); Skill Centers in Kennewick, Bremerton, Vancouver and Burien; Note: budget also funds
$5M in OFM capital budget for Emergency Repair Pool for catastrophic emergencies; ;insurance
proceeds pay back of state funds; no I-1351 funding; $2B debt capacity
H Cap Bud 1/20 PH
AEA Testimony 1/20
SB 5097
2015-17 Capital Budget
Request of Gov. Inslee
Concerns – OSPI not enough money;
more $ for K-3 class size reduction
facilities; req. $1.98B; ACA and student
square footage funding need to be
increased to near the actual cost per sq
ft; doesn’t fund K-3, all day K facilities;
separate into two funding categories,
Small Repair Grants and Healthiest Next
Generation Grants
2015-17 Capital Budget
Request of Gov. Inslee
Same as HB 1115
S W & M 2/5 PH
AEA Testimony 2/5
HB 1166
Bond Bill to Help Finance Capital
Budget; Request of Gov. Inslee
Authorizes state finance committee to issue general obligation bonds to provide funds to finance
capital projects authorized by Leg in 2015-17 capital budget in amount of $2,233,518,000
H Cap Bud 1/20 PH
SB 5095
Bond Bill to Help Finance Capital
Budget; Request of Gov. Inslee
Same as HB 1166
S W&M 2/5 PH
Passed House 83-15
S W & M 1/14 PH
S W & M 1/14 PH
AEA Testimony 1/14
S W & M 1/14
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
Bill No.
HB 1001
Funding Education First
HB 1385
Prioritizing State Revenue Growth for
Education – Kids First Act
Prioritizing State Revenue Growth for
Education – Kids First Act
“Education by Starvation…”; $3B is
available in new and existing revenue
(R’s say)
HB 1538
Restoring COLA Increases for Educators
SB 5469
Restoring COLA Increases for Educators
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
Last Action
Requires appropriations for K-12 basic ed, together with appropriations for other K-12 education
programs, to be passed as separate legislation by both houses and delivered to the Gov at a
specified point in the regular leg session; directs the Leg to make provision for full funding of
these K-12 appropriations from within existing revenue sources without relying on new tax
sources or rates
From 7/1/17 through 6/30/27, 2/3 of any expenditures of new revenue to state general fund must
be made for state education programs, including early learning, K-12 & higher ed; excluded from
the 2/3 calculation are costs of new court ruling imposing new state costs, and cost of
extraordinary caseload growth in non-education programs; submits this act to a vote of the
From 7/1/17 through 6/30/27, 2/3 of any expenditures of new revenue to state general fund must
be made for state education programs, including early learning, K-12 & higher ed; excluded from
the 2/3 calculation are costs of new court ruling imposing new state costs, and cost of
extraordinary caseload growth in non-education programs; submits this act to a vote of the
people; Sen W&M amend 1/15: Removes “low income” from description of preschool and early
learning in intent section of bill; in calculating extraordinary caseload growth in non-education
spending, calculation excludes negative growth in state spending that resulted from use of
federal stimulus funds during 2008-13 recession;
Requires an incremental increase to base salary allocations to be provided to s.d. for school
employees in addition to the required COLA; requires each college district to receive an
incremental allocation to increase academic employee salaries, including mandatory salaryRelated benefits, in addition to the required COLA; requires each technical college board of
trustees to receive an incremental allocation to increase classified employee salaries, including
mandatory salary-related benefits, in addition to the required COLA; for the 2015-16 through
2018-19 SYs, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards bonus shall be inflated
using the cumulative rated of the COLA index for the six-year period from 2009-10 SY through
2014-15 SY, and applying that cumulative rate of increase to the bonus amount from the 2013-14
SY; this COLA shall be phased in over four years, starting with the 2015-16 SY; the total increase
to salary allocations shall be phased in at a rate of 25% per year over four years until it is fully
provided in the 2018-19 SY
Requires an incremental increase to base salary allocations to be provided to s.d. for school
employees in addition to the required COLA; requires each college district to receive an
incremental allocation to increase academic employee salaries, including mandatory salaryRelated benefits, in addition to the required COLA; requires each technical college board of
trustees to receive an incremental allocation to increase classified employee salaries, including
mandatory salary-related benefits, in addition to the required COLA; for the 2015-16 through
2018-19 SYs, the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards bonus shall be inflated
H Approp 1/13
H Approp 1/13
S Rules 2nd Reading
H Approp 1/20
S W&M 1/22
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Bill No.
SJR 8200
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
Requires 2/3 Vote to Raise Taxes
Constitutional Amendment
Funding of an Initiative
Constitutional Amendment Requiring a
Balanced Budget
SJR 8201
Funding of an Initiative
SJR 8202
State Income Tax
HB 1854
New Salary Allocation System for
Certificated Instructional Staff
Note: only
one other
signer is
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
using the cumulative rated of the COLA index for the six-year period from 2009-10 SY through
2014-15 SY, and applying that cumulative rate of increase to the bonus amount from the 2013-14
SY; this COLA shall be phased in over four years, starting with the 2015-16 SY; the total increase
to salary allocations shall be phased in at a rate of 25% per year over four years until it is fully
provided in the 2018-19 SY
Amends Constitution to read that 2/3 of both houses of the Leg must approve measures that
raise taxes; submits this act to a vote of the people
Last Action
S W & M 1/14
State Constitution is amended to provide that the Secretary of State, on the advice of the
Attorney General, cannot accept the filing of an initiative that causes the state budget to violate
the statutory balanced budget requirement; this prohibition applies to initiatives that modify
either state expenditures or state revenues; the determination must be made within 20 days of
the issuance of the official ballot title for the initiative; the prohibition does not apply to an
initiative that amends or repeals an increase in a state tax, if the initiative is filed within one year
of the enactment of the
Constitutional amendment requiring a balanced budget
H Local Govt 1/26
State Constitution is amended to provide that the Secretary of State, on the advice of the
Attorney General, cannot accept the filing of an initiative that causes the state budget to violate
the statutory balanced budget requirement; this prohibition applies to initiatives that modify
either state expenditures or state revenues; the determination must be made within 20 days of
the issuance of the official ballot title for the initiative; the prohibition does not apply to an
initiative that amends or repeals an increase in a state tax, if the initiative is filed within one year
of the enactment of the tax increase; people would vote on the measure if passed by the
Constitutional amendment establishing a state income tax
S W&M 1/21
A new salary schedule for certificated instructional staff is proposed to begin in the 2017-18 SY;
included in the schedule are tchr librarians, counselors and student health services staff; OSPI
determines the district’s average salary for certificated instructional staff mentioned in the bill;
schedule will be based on three-tiers, (1) residency and professional cert, as defined by PESB and
NBPTS; each tier must contain salary steps based on yrs of service up to 10 yrs, with largest
salary increases taking place in the first two years of the tier and then declining in each
subsequent yr in that tier; two former criteria, academic degrees and continuing ed credits are
not part of the new salary schedule; transfer to the new model from the current model is
explained; new bonuses ($2,000 during first three yrs) are given to teachers in “hard to staff”
positions and schools with 70% and higher free/reduced counts; those tchrs who make the most
H Ed 1/30
H Approps 2/3
S W&M 1/21
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Bill No.
SB 5392
HB 1109
HB 1168
SB 5211
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
Eliminating the Quality Education
Leg intent – “It finished its useful life”
WASA – never allowed to fully function
Membership in TRS for OSPI
Certificated Employees
Corrects Restrictions on Collecting a
Pension in PERS for Retirees Returning
to Work in an Ineligible Position or a
Position Covered by a Different State
Retirement System
Request of SCPP
Corrects Restrictions on Collecting a
Pension in PERS for Retirees Returning
to Work in an Ineligible Position or a
Position Covered by a Different State
Retirement System
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
Last Action
improvement on the WA Achievement Index in small, medium and large districts shall receive a
$5,000 bonus; bonuses are in addition to what the district pays, and are not calculated in average
tchrs salary, and are adjusted annually for inflation and not included as “earnable
compensation;” based on funding, OSPI shall set up a mentor tchr program, with lowperforming schools have a priority; funds may also be used by OSPI for statewide or regional
professional development; if funds are appropriated, all beginning tchrs in 2017-18 SY must
participate in the mentor program; the Legislature shall establish this salary schedule in the
operating budget; supplemental contracts for permitted for increased time and responsibility as
enhancements of basic ed, and can include, athletic coaching, club advising, pro devel on nonschool days or after school work on school days; extra day special assignment for classroom
coaches and curriculum specialists; spec ed staff responsibilities outside the school day;
certificated tchr planning after school with professional learning communities, and tutoring
students after school and on non-school days; OSPI sets definitions and standard terms for the
supplemental contracts; OSPI will set up reporting procedures for these contracts; phases out
clock hours beginning in 2017-18 SY; credits and clock hours on the old salary schedule are
phased out beginning with the 2017-18 SY; annual cost of living increased applied to new salary
schedule; the bill applies to all CBAs ratified after the bill’s effective date; nothing in bill shall be
construed to grant employers or employees the right to reach agreements regarding salary or
compensation increases in excess of those authorized in this bill
Repeals the Quality Education Council that was constituted in HB 2261 (2009) to oversee and
recommend ed reform as determined by HB 2261 and HB 2776
S Rules 2nd Reading
Authorizes certificated employees of OSPI to become members of TRS
H Approp 2/5 ES
Corrects technical error in previous law re: collecting a pension in PERS for retirees returning to
work in an ineligible position or a position covered by a different state retirement system
H Approp 2/5 ES
Corrects technical error in previous law re: collecting a pension in PERS for retirees returning to
work in an ineligible position or a position covered by a different state retirement system
S W & M 2/2 PH
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
Bill No.
Last Action
HB 1273
Implementing Family and Medical
Leave Insurance
WASA opposed – unfunded mandate,
not sensitive to CBA
Collects a fee (premium) from employers and employees to fund up to $1,000/week for 12 weeks
(depending on their earned wage) to employees taking family or medical leave; an individual’s
rights to employment protection, leave from employment and wage replacement benefits may
not be diminished by a collective bargaining agreement entered into or renewed by an employer
H Labor 2/3 EA
SB 5459
Implementing Family and Medical
Leave Insurance
Collects a fee (premium) from employers and employees to fund up to $1,000/week for 12 weeks
(depending on their earned wage) to employees taking family or medical leave; an individual’s
rights to employment protection, leave from employment and wage replacement benefits may
not be diminished by a collective bargaining agreement entered into or renewed by an employer
S Comm & Labor
HB 1322
Addressing Membership in State
Retirement Plans Prior to Attaining the
Normal Retirement Age in Another Plan
Employee would only be prevented from another system if you were eligible for a “normal”
retirement, which would mean after the age of 65; (for example, A para-pro works for 20 years in
SERS Plan 2, goes back to school and becomes a certificated teacher, and, if she’s beyond the age
of 55, she would not be able to join TRS, because she is eligible to collect a reduced benefit from
SERS; this bill would change this process)
H Approp 2/5 ES
HB 1542
Providing Retirement Benefits at Earlier
Ages in Plans 2 and 3 of PERS, TRS and
“Rule of 85”
S Hunt-D
Provides for full retirement with no reduction for any qualified member who is at least 55 years
old, with 30 years of experience or a combination that totals 85
H Approp 1/22
SB 5473
Providing Retirement Benefits at Earlier
Ages in Plans 2 and 3 of PERS, TRS and
“Rule of 85”
Provides for full retirement with no reduction for any qualified member who is at least 55 years
old, with 30 years of experience or a combination that totals 85
S W&M 1/22
HB 1615
Concerning post-retirement
Removes post-retirement employment in TRS, SERS & PERS; early classified and certificated
employees could return to work as substitutes, contracted employees and project employees
H Approp 1/23
SB 5545
Concerning post-retirement
Removes post-retirement employment in TRS, SERS & PERS; early classified and certificated
employees could return to work as substitutes, contracted employees and project employees
SW&M 1/23
HB 1937
Establishing a Consolidated Purchasing
System for Public School Employees
Establishes a school employees benefits board to work in coordination with the PEBB (Public
Employees Benefit Board) to promote managed competition among providers; provides that on
or after 1/1/16, health benefits for s.d. employee groups and ESDs shall be merged into a single,
community-rated risk pool separate and distinct from the existing pool in operation prior to
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
H Approp 2/2
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Bill No.
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
SB 5148
Allowing Members who Retire Early
under Alternative Early Retirement
SB 5435
Expands Participation in WA State
Deferred Compensation Program
HB 1003
Model Policy on Natural Disaster School
Infrastructure Recovery
HB 1121
SB 5202
Financial Education Public-Private
OSPI concerns: fiscal impact; $ should
go to McCleary
Fiscal Note: N/A
Financial Education Public-Private
HB 1142
Providing Ed Data on Students from
Military Families
Providing Ed Data on Students from
Military Families
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
1/1/16; as of 1/1/16 all s.d. and their employee groups shall begin participation in the School
Employees’ Benefits Board program administered by the Health Care Authority; employee
bargaining initiated after 1/1/15, over the dollar amount expended on behalf of each employee
must be conducted between the SEBB and one coalition of the exclusive bargaining
representatives impacted by benefit purchasing with the SEBB; the coalition bargaining must
follow the model mutually established for state employees; any such provision agreed to by the
employer and the coalition must be included in all master CBAs negotiated by the parties;
Allows members who retire early under alternative early retirement provisions to work as sub
teachers and sub administrators and continue receiving their retirement benefits at the same
time; sub tchr problem in Tacoma and Quincy SDs
Establishes for “new hires” program requiring s.d. to offer said employees a chance to
participate in the state’s Deferred Compensation Program (DCP); it’s optional for these
Requires WSSDA to develop a model policy addressing the restoration of safe learning
environment that is disrupted by natural disaster impact to the s.d. infrastructure, and distribute
said policy by 8/31/16
Makes following changes in composition and duties of FEPPP: (1) authorizes tchrs appointed as
members by OSPI to be paid travel expenses from FEPPP account; (2) requires OSPI to make
available to s.d. curriculum for financial ed with sufficient content to be equivalent .5 HS credit,
and to select courses with input from FEPPP; requires s.d. to provide 9-12 students the
opportunity to complete a financial ed course
State Treasurer is added as FEPPP member; teachers who are members must be paid travel
expenses by the Partnership acc’t; sub tchr can also be paid from the Partnership; adds online
instructional materials to the curriculum that the Partnership reviews; works with OSPI to
integrate financial ed skills and knowledge into the Common Core State Standards, and works
with SBE to incorporate financial standards into College and Career Readiness; OSPI must make
curricula available to s.d. for a financial ed course; Partnership provides input into these courses;
s.d. must give h.s. students the opportunity to enroll in financial ed courses, and publicize these
courses to students and their families
No later than the 2016-17 SY, the Data Governance Group will develop best practice guidelines
for collection and regular updating of said data on students from military families; OSPI shall
gather data on average number of students from military families who are spec ed students, and
report data to appropriate leg committees by 12/31/17
No later than the 2016-17 SY, the Data Governance Group will develop best practice guidelines
for collection and regular updating of said data on students from military families; OSPI shall
gather data on average number of students from military families who are spec ed students, and
report data to appropriate leg committees by 12/31/17; null & void clause is added; Sub EL/K-12
Last Action
S W & M 1/14
Testify if a PH is held
S W&M 1/21
H Rules 2nd Reading
H Education 2/2 EA
S EL & K-12 1/20 PH
H Ed 1/26 PH
S Rules 2nd Reading
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Bill No.
HB 1242
HB 1293
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
SB 5179
Clarifying Ed Employees’ Prohibition to
Paraeducator Certification
Concern re: job on the line if it standards
aren’t met; too narrow in scope, should
include all paras
Paraeducator Certification
HB 1386
School Employee Workforce Reductions
SB 5744
School Employee Workforce Reductions
and Reassignments
HB 1492
HB 1495
Technology Literacy
Request of OSPI
Part of Student Learning Goals
Technology Literacy
Request of OSPI
Part of Student Learning Goals
Student User Privacy in Education
Privacy Act
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
1/29: adds requirement that data from s.d. that have fewer than 10 students from military
families who are spec ed students will not be reported to protect privacy of students
Right to strike is permanently denied to any educational employee
Last Action
H Education 1/16
Addresses minimum employment standards for paras who serve in LAP, TBIP and Title I; sets
up paraeducator board; moves toward certification in 2017
H Education 2/2 PH
Addresses minimum employment standards for paras who serve in LAP, TBIP and Title I; sets
up paraeducator board; moves toward certification in 2017
Intent-Conduct layoffs in a way that retains most effective tchrs; when layoffs occur due to
enrollment decline or revenue loss, first to be nonrenewed are those with lowest evaluation
rating; if rating averages end in a tie, tchr with less experience is nonrenewed; those with no
evaluation data available is nonrenewed prior to those within tchr’s endorsement area; recall
rights last only three years; May 15th or, with no budget, June 15th remain notification of
nonrenewal dates; informal mtg after notification may take place; within 10 days of mtg, supt
must reinstate or recommend nonrenewal to school board; decision of board may be appealed to
Superior Court; said renewal process is exclusive per state statute; this language does not pertain
to dismissal for probable cause
When enrollment or revenue loss necessitates a reduction in certificated teaching staff,
certificated classroom tchrs who received the lowest evaluation rating in their two most recent
evaluations shall have their contracts be nonrenewed first; those with no evaluation data
available would be renewed before any tchrs who have evaluation data; recall must take place in
the reverse order that contracts were nonrenewed; all CBAs must be in agreement with this
process after the bill’s effective date must be consistent with the bill; each nonprovisional
certificated tchr must be notified of nonrenewal by May 15 th or by June 15th if the Legislature has
not passed the operating budget by May 15th; following the effective date of this bill, a CBA must
contain a provision that a classroom tchr may be assigned to a particular school only with
mutual agreement of the hiring principal and teacher;
Beginning in 2015-16 SY, s.d. shall require K-12 students to demonstrate technology though the
use of OSPI’s ed tech assessments or other culminating projects; s.d. to submit verification
reports to OSPI annually; already in operation in 145 s.d.
Beginning in 2015-16 SY, s.d. shall require K-12 students to demonstrate technology though the
use of OSPI’s ed tech assessments or other culminating projects; s.d. to submit verification
reports to OSPI annually; already in operation in 145 s.d.
S EL & K-12 2/2 PH
Requires school service providers to (1) provide information about the types of student personal
information they collect and how they use and share the information, and (2) maintain a
H Ed 2/3 PH
S EL/K-12 1/30
H Education 2/2 PH
S EL & K-12 1/20 PH
H Ed 2/5 PH
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Bill No.
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
Conflict with USDA rules
SB 5419
Student User Privacy in Education
Privacy Act
Conflict with USDA rules
SB 5316
Privacy & Security of Personally
Identifiable Student Informationj
Wait for Bill Report
Sen. Billig concerned according to Jerry
Bender, AWSP
HB 1497
Appointments of School Board Members
in a Large School District
WASA & WSSDA - opposed
Career & Technical Ed Opportunities for
K-6 Students
OSPI concern: fund current CTE first
Fiscal Note: N/A
HB 1640
Waiving School District Requirements
HB 1855
Waives Certain Local Graduation
Requirements for At-Risk and Homeless
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
comprehensive information security program designed to protect the security, privacy,
confidentiality and integrity of student personal information
Requires school service providers to (1) provide information about the types of student personal
information they collect and how they use and share the information, and (2) maintain a
comprehensive information security program designed to protect the security, privacy,
confidentiality and integrity of student personal information
Following entities and people are prohibited from collecting, retaining or using in any manner,
student biometric information, (1) OSPI or contractor of OSPI, (2) ESD or contractor of ESD, (3)
school district or s.d. contractor; biometric information includes, but is not limited to, a
fingerprint or hand scan, a retina or iris scan, a voice print, or facial geometric san of a student;
Data Governance Group must develop a data security plan, ensuring use of appropriate
safeguards for electronic and physical personally identifiable student data at the state level; the
group must also develop a model plan for s.d. to safeguard personally identifiable student-level
data at the s.d. level
Applies to cities of 400,000 or more (only Seattle); provides for the Seattle mayor to appoint two
at-large school board members to the board, and redistricts the seven director districts into five
new districts, from which voters selected five members of the seven member board; takes effect
Jan. 1, 2017; expires 1/1/21
Requires OSPI to implement a grant program to fund K-12 STEM programs provided by a
national entity that is exempt from federal taxation; provides K-6 students with career &
technical ed opportunities; provides $250K as an appropriation; sub S EL/K-12 1/29: all
provisions of original bill are removed except for K-12 STEM startup grants; grant program must
be used for introductory K-12 STEM courses and programs in Career & Tech Ed (CTE) offered to
students beginning in 2015-16; grants are for two yrs, and must be equally distributed to K-6, 7-8
and 9-12 schools; OSPI and Ed Research & Data Center must track program participation and
long-term outcomes, with a report to Leg due 9/1/17
By 8/1/15, OSPI, PESB and SBE shall jointly publish a list of each of the statutes found in the bill
that may be waived by a resolution of a local school district board of directors; the said school
board’s resolution must describe the law waived, the problem that will be alleviated when the
rule is waived, and the expected administrative or operational efficiency or improvement of
student learning as a result of each waiver; transmit a copy of the resolution to OSPI, SBE and
State Auditor’s office; the waiver may be for up to two years, at which time a new waiver may be
adopted; such laws include
Requires the waiver of certain graduation requirements for students who are at-risk youth or
children in need of services pursuant to the Family Reconciliation Act and homeless students;
should a student have attended three or more h.s. and has met state requirements but be
ineligible to graduate from the receiving s.d. after all alternatives have been considered,
Last Action
S EL/K-12 2/2 PH
S EL/K-12 1/29 PH
H Education 2/3 PH
S W&M 1/30
H Ed 1/26
H Ed 1/30
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Bill No.
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
Last Action
receiving s.d. must waive its local requirements and ensure receipt of a diploma
HB 1860
First Class S.D. Boards of Directors in
Districts over 35,000 Students
HB 1867
Frequency of Evaluations for Certain
Classroom Teachers
HB 1941
Simple Majority for School Bonds
Simple Majority for School Bonds
SB 5120
School District Dissolutions
Focused on Stehekin SD – currently has
five students (2nd, 5th (2), 7th, & 8th)
SB 5393
SB 5500
Flexibility for Schools Receiving WA
Achievement Award
Pro: Sen. Litzow; Con: WSSDA, WEA,
SBE, WASA; Concerns: OSPI; if it’s good
enough to be removed for some schools,
it should be removed for all schools
Retired Law Enforcement Officers
Permitted to Carry Firearms in School
SB 5657
Creates Pilot Program to Encourage S.D.
to Extend School Day to Provide
Homework Assistance at Middle School
WEA supports
Requires OSPI to convene ESDs to analyze options and make recommendations for a clear legal
framework and process for dividing a s.d. that has more than 35,000 students into two districts;
prohibits a first-class school director district from comprising more than 35,000 students or from
having more than five members on it’s board of directors
Requires a comprehensive summative evaluation (1) at least once every six yrs for classroom
tchrs who have earned National Bd Certification and have received a rating of level 3 or above in
the last comprehensive summative evaluation, and (2) at least once every four yrs for classroom
tchrs who have obtained professional certification and have received a rating of level 3 or above
in their last comprehensive summative evaluation
Provides for simple majority for school bond elections approval only at the general election in
November; all other prescribed dates shall be approved by 60% passage; validation of November
election must have voter turnout must be 40% or more of those who voted in the previous
general election
Constitutional amendment providing for simple majority for school bond elections approval
only at the general election in November; all other prescribed dates shall be approved by 60%
passage; validation of November election must have voter turnout must be 40% or more of those
who voted in the previous general election
Puts a time limit on current law; if a s.d. has an average of fewer than five K-8 students during
the preceding three consecutive school years or has not made a reasonable effort to maintain,
during the preceding SY at least a minimum term of school required by law, ESD supt shall
report issue to regional committee, which shall dissolve the s.d. and annex territory to
neighboring s.d.
Provides flexibility for schools recognized for exemplary performance under the WA
Achievement Index for basic skills growth, increased graduation rate and English language
acquisition and receive the WA Achievement Award are eligible to operate the next school year
under limited laws and rules, including health and safety, non-discrimination, basic ed laws,
financial accounting principles, employee record check requirements;
Allows a retired law enforcement officer of a law enforcement agency with WA, who is
permitted to carry a concealed pistol, to carry onto, or to possess on, public or private elementary
or secondary school premises, school-provided transportation, or areas of facilities while begin
used exclusively by public or private schools
OSPI is to develop a grant process for middle schools to apply for $250K in 2015-16 and $250K in
2016-17 to provide instructional time for homework assistance, staffed by teachers on
supplemental contracts; funds can also pay for to/from transportation for students in program;
bill expires 8/1/17
H Ed 1/30
H Ed 1/30
H Ed 2/3
S Rules 2nd Reading
S EL /K-12 1/19 PH
S Law & Justice 1/29
S EL/K-12 2/5 PH
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Bill No.
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
SB 5744
Certificated Tchrs and Principals
Expand this Wait for SBR
SB 5748
Strengthening the Process of Tchr and
Prin Evaluation
SB 5749
Specifies Student Growth Elements
Used in Tchr/Prin Evaluation
Request of OSPI
Student Parking Fees at School
Lowering Reliance on Local Levies to
Fund Basic Ed
Doesn’t change levy rates; doesn’t
address levy inequity; could be a
“discussion starter”; WASBO LAC 1/21:
watch out for “strings attached;” no
mention of LEA; Tacoma and Mulkiteo
have met with legislators; AEA-fund
compensation first!
Provides Urban Governmental Services
for Sited Schools in Rural Areas
Bethel SD interested
School Siting
Narrow impact; designed for Richland
SD (Benton County)
WASA – expand this to include other
geographic areas
HB 1142
SB 5334
SB 5102
SB 5110
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
Last Action
Addresses certificated classroom tchrs with regard to (1) performance-based reduction in force
due to enrollment decline or revenue loss, and (2) tchr and principal agreement on staffing
Addresses evaluation process for: (1) tchrs who teach reading, language arts or math in a grade
that the federally-mandated statewide student assessments are administered; and (2) principals
assigned to a school similar to (1); OSPI must provide each s.d. the relevant state-level
assessment information necessary to determine student growth for the purpose of tchr/prin
evaluations; delays until 2016-17 the time in which evaluation results for tchrs and prin must be
used as one of the multiple measures in making personnel decisions
Addresses inclusion of state-based tools in student growth data elements used in tchr and prin
evaluations; delays until 2016-17 the time in which evaluation results for certificated classroom
tchrs and principals must be used as one of multiple factors in making personnel decisions;
Authorizes s.d. boards to establish and collect a fee from students as a condition of parking an
automobile or other vehicle on school property; s.d. may deposit funds from student parking
fees into ASB as an additional revenue source to support ASB activities; Tacoma already doing it
Lowers reliance on local levies to fund basic ed; increases state property tax by $1 per $1,000 and
reduces local levies by same amount; redistributes increased state levy back to the s.d. from
which it came; adjusts property tax exemptions so they are not affected
S EL/K-12 1/30
Allows units of local gov’t to provide urban governmental services, when feasible, to schools
sited and permitted in certain rural areas
Any county with a population of at least 150K and no more than 250K that abuts to at least five
other counties shall permit schools outside of urban growth areas when the following criteria are
S EL/K-12 2/2
S EL/K-12 2/3
H Education 1/26 PH
S EL & K/12 1/19
Gov’t Oper & State
Sec 1/14
Gov’t Oper & State
Sec 1/14
met: (1) school is needed to house students who live outside an urban growth area; (2) available
vacant land within the urban growth boundary is unavailable; (3) new infrastructure is provided
for, and impact fees, if applicable, are established; (4) transit-oriented plans are implemented; (5)
buffers are provided between the school development and adjacent nonurban uses; (6)
environmental protection is provided for; (7) development regulations are established to ensure
that urban growth will not occur in adjacent nonurban areas; (8) provision is made to mitigate
effect on agricultural lands, forest lands and mineral resource lands; and (9) plan for the new
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Bill No.
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
Last Action
school is consistent with development regulations established for the protection of critical areas
by the county
HB 1420
SB 5190
HB 1974
School Siting & Aiding School Districts
in Reducing Overall School
Construction Costs
Bethel (Pierce Cty) is focus; 17 other s.d.
outside Pierce Cty have similar issue
Eliminates Requirement for Purchasing
Public Art through Appropriations for
Public Bldgs’ Construction
Regional School Safety and Security
Centers – Pilot Program
Regional School Safety and Security
Centers – Pilot Program
Any county with a population of at least 500K that abuts at least five other counties which is
H Local Govt 2/5 ES
required to permit schools outside of urban growth areas when criteria are met. Note: criteria
are same as SB 5110
Eliminates requirement for purchasing public art for K-12 construction of school facilities
Requires three ESDs to implement pilot program in three ESDs; act expires 12/31/17
Requires three ESDs to implement pilot program in three ESDs; act expires 12/31/17; S EL/K-12
S EL & K-12 1/16
H Ed 2/4
S W&M 2/3
amd 2/3: Removes stated intent to provide training to other regions in the state by authorizing a
pilot program to create regional school safety and security centers in three other ESDs; clarifies
that the three ESDs must work with the ESD that has developed the model of such center in all
four ESDs; allows ESDs to create technology-based systems instead of one system; ESDs must
develop a good working relationship with the School Safety Advisory Committee in addition to
SB 5478
Financing Facilities to Support
Education Reform (9-12 STEM and AllDay K Classrooms)
Fiscal Note: N/A
Similar to a bill AEA supported in 2014;
Concern re: funding; why not support
K-3 class size reduction rather than
Establishes grant programs to develop and improve specialized STEM (science, technology,
S W&M 1/29 PH
engineering, math), and fund additional classroom space for state-funded all-day K for s.d. and
public charter schools; grants cover 100% of project costs, including design, construction, project
management, equipment and fixtures, and necessary information system upgrades; only
facilities that are at least 10 years old and are used for grades 9-12 are eligible for STEM grants;
All day K grants are for added space at existing schools and may not be used for portables; OSPI,
in consultation with the statewide STEM organization, and a group selected for their interest in
student performance and early education for the K grants, must develop grant materials and
rank applications with each advisory group; bill specifies specific criteria for both grant
programs; OSPI and the Gov may request capital budget funding for all, some or none of the
projects on the list; those requests may modify the rankings of the advisory groups, but must
also submit the original ranked lists; OSPI, in consulting with the STEM Education Innovation
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Bill No.
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
Last Action
Alliance, must prepare a plan to evaluate student outcomes resulting from the grant program;
bill contains no appropriation; all-day K grant program is in addition to the School Construction
Assistance Program; bill takes effect immediately
HB 1164
Competitive Grant Providing
Equipment Assistance to Enhance
Student Nutrition
Fiscal Note: OSPI assumes $1.5M for
grants; $114K (FY 16); $101K (FY 17) for
OSPI staff & equipment costs
Passed House last session 91-7
OSPI would administer a competitive grant program known as the Apple A Day Program to
provide funding for necessary kitchen equipment which, in turn, would improve student
H Cap Bud 2/6
AEA Testimony 2/6
nutritional opportunities; advisory committee would make decisions, including a rep from
WSNA; OSPI is to require applicants to demonstrate that (1) proposed equipment will enhance
nutrition and improve student access to healthier foods; and (2) healthy eating and physical
activity are actively promoted; priority will be given to schools who have at least 50%
free/reduced students; project applications in which equipment purchases will affect menu
changes throughout an entire grade group or s.d.; projects must provide a dollar-for-dollar
match from nonstate sources; schools can demonstrate that nutrition is integrated into core
curriculum, and serving healthy WA grown food is incorporated into schools’ wellness policy;
schools that serve healthy WA grown cy; (3) schools engaged in farm-to-school efforts and
support WA farmers by purchasing WA grown food; equipment is defined as: nonexpendable,
tangible, personal property, with a useful life of at least 13 yrs, (or 20 yrs) and per unit cost of at
least $1,000; minor capital improvements required to install the equipment may also be available
for state assistance; a null & void clause is added; preliminary report on outcome measures of
program submitted to Leg by 1/1/16, and final report by 1/1/17; null & void clause is added
S Sub
Breakfast After the Bell Program
Gov. 2015-17 operating budget funds
$5M; bill needs a null and void clause;
must be funded for both OSPI and the
Fiscal note: OSPI staff 1.0 FTE, $106K
(FY 16), $101K (FY 17)
Beginning in 2016-17 SY, high needs schools shall provide a breakfast after the bell (BAB)
program; state shall provide “financial assistance” to support implementation costs; all public
H Ed 2/5 ES
AEA Testimony 1/27
schools are encourage of offer BAB; each high-needs school may determine the best service
model; time of eating BAB in the classroom shall be considered instructional time if under the
direction of the s.d. staff, students are provided the time to engage in an instructional activity
while they eat; prior to 1/2/16, OSPI shall develop and distribute procedural guidelines for the
program, including ways that s.d. can receive parental input; new OSPI dedicated staff will offer
training and technical marketing assistance; OSPI will work with nonprofits and seek
partnerships with philanthropic organizations in supporting BAB; sub H Ed 1/30: State must
provide one-time startup grants to high needs schools of $6,000 for implementing BAB; OSPI
must make BAB participation rates publicly available; OSPI must maintain a list of opportunities
for philanthropic support, and of schools interested in BAB; OSPI must incorporate annual
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Bill No.
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
Last Action
collection of information about BAB delivery models into existing data systems and make this
information publicly available; null and void clause added
SB 5437
Breakfast After the Bell Program
Gov. 2015-17 operating budget funds
$5M; bill needs a null and void clause;
must be funded for both OSPI and the
Beginning in 2016-17 SY, high needs schools shall provide a breakfast after the bell (BAB)
program; state shall provide “financial assistance” to support implementation costs; all public
S EL/K-12 1/27 PH
AEA Testimony 1/27
schools are encourage of offer BAB; each high-needs school may determine the best service
model; time of eating BAB in the classroom shall be considered instructional time if under the
direction of the s.d. staff, students are provided the time to engage in an instructional activity
while they eat; prior to 1/2/16, OSPI shall develop and distribute procedural guidelines for the
program, including ways that s.d. can receive parental input; new OSPI dedicated staff will offer
training and technical marketing assistance; OSPI will work with nonprofits and seek
partnerships with philanthropic organizations in supporting BAB
HB 1562
HB 1314
Requiring Posting of Allergen
Information in Public Schools
OSPI – concern that it’s a duplicative
effort, as they already do this under
USDA rules; would be very difficult to
implement due to the volume of
information necessary due to complexity
of allergens; schools already handle this
on a case-by-case basis with directions
from parents and physicians
Fiscal note: N/A
Carbon Pollution Market Program to
Reduce Greenhouse Emissions
Request of Gov Inslee
Fiscal note: N/A
Requires public schools to display allergen information on a conspicuous sign in a prominent
H Ed 2/2 PH
place within each area where food is served; allergen is defined as a substance that causes an
allergy, including gluten, wheat, peanuts, pine nuts, tree nuts, seafood and dairy;
Note: could be unfunded mandate’ wait for HBR
Requires Dept of Ecology to implement a carbon pollution market program for emissions from
covered entities by creating and distributing allowances that are tradable regionally, nationally
H Environmt 1/29
and internationally; creates an Economic Justice and Environmental Equity Advisory Committee
to periodically evaluate the socioeconomic effects of the state’s carbon emission reduction
policies; provides a carbon pollution competitiveness B & O tax credit; exempts from disclosure
under Public Records Act, financial, commercial and proprietary information whose release
would place a registered entity submitting the information at a competitive disadvantage
SB 5283
Carbon Pollution Market Program to
Reduce Greenhouse Emissions
Request of Gov Inslee
Requires Dept of Ecology to implement a carbon pollution market program for emissions from
covered entities by creating and distributing allowances that are tradable regionally, nationally
and internationally; creates an Economic Justice and Environmental Equity Advisory Committee
S Energy,
Environment &
Telecom 1/19
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Bill No.
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
Last Action
to periodically evaluate the socioeconomic effects of the state’s carbon emission reduction
policies; provides a carbon pollution competitiveness B & O tax credit; exempts from disclosure
under Public Records Act, financial, commercial and proprietary information whose release
would place a registered entity submitting the information at a competitive disadvantage
HB 1484
Excise Tax on Capital Gains for K-12
Basic Ed Funding
Request of OFM
Would establish a 7% tax on capital gains for those filing individual tax return ($25K) or joint
H Finance 1/21
return ($50K); doesn’t apply to sale of long-term principal residence (used by a person for 10
years and own by a person for 20 years, or up to $250K on sale of a person’s primary residence
filing individually or up to %500K for those filing jointly, or capital gains received from IRAs, or
sale of livestock held over 12 months, or sale of certain agricultural land, or sale of tangible
personal property used in a business that would qualify for an income tax deduction, or sale of
timber under IRS code; individuals can take a credit equal to amount of tax paid to another
taxing jurisdiction on capital gains derived from sources within the other taxing jurisdiction;
proposed tax would begin on capital gains starting 1/1/16
SB 5699
HB 1758
SB 5700
Excise Tax on Capital Gains for K-12
Basic Ed Funding
Request of OFM
Extends Expiration Date of Tax
Preferences for Biofuel, Biomass &
Energy Conservation
Request of OFM
Fiscal note: N/A
Same as HB 1484
Delays, until 1/1/25, the expiration of tax preferences for biofuel, biomass and energy
Extends Expiration Date of Tax
Preferences for Biofuel, Biomass &
Energy Conservation
Request of OFM
conservation; provides a forest derived biomass credit to encourage the harvesting, collection
S W&M 1/29
H Tech & Econ Dev
and use of forest derived biomass; increases investments in energy efficiency and conservation
programs and supports efforts by utilities to acquire all cost-effective energy conservation as
required by state law
Delays, until 1/1/25, the expiration of tax preferences for biofuel, biomass and energy
S W&M 1/29
conservation; provides a forest derived biomass credit to encourage the harvesting, collection
and use of forest derived biomass; increases investments in energy efficiency and conservation
programs and supports efforts by utilities to acquire all cost-effective energy conservation as
required by state law
HB 1902
Renaming Spirits Retail License Fee as a
Tax and Dedicating Revenue to
Excess revenue from these fees, after required distributions are made, must be deposited into the
Education Legacy Trust Account
H Comm & Gaming
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue
Alliance of Educational Associations
Status of Selected Bills 2/4/15
Prepared by Mitch Denning, AEA Consultant,
S=support as is
ES=executive session (bill plans to move out of committee)
O=oppose as is
EA=executive action (bill has been voted out of committee)
S/C=support with concerns
DP=Do pass (bill will
NP=No position
H: Health and Environmental Health, State Board of Health; Bud: Budget; BE: Basic Education Funding; SA: School Administration; PHR: Pension, Health, Retirement; SB: School Business; SM: Maintenance; R: Revenue