Design and Implementation of Pollution Control Embedded System for Vehicles Sayed Nayab Basha Akula Mallaiah M. Tech, Embedded Systems Gudlavalleru Engineering College Gudlavalleru - 521356 Electronics and Communication Department Gudlavalleru Engineering College Gudlavalleru - 521356 ABSTRACT The emphasis of this paper is to introduce an embedded system which controls pollutants emitted by degraded vehicles. With the gradual use of the vehicle, its engine degrades, causes emission of pollutants like CO, NO x and others. In every country, there is limit to emission of pollutants set by respective authorities. When discharging of pollutants is beyond emission standards, our system detects such type of pollutants, warns respective vehicle user. At the same time it shows nearest service center location through GPS device to get his vehicle engine serviced. The controller limits the number that the user can use his vehicle. Upon reaching the limit, the controller stops the engine leaving the message containing vehicle details to the respective transport authority. If some how he manages to run his vehicle, the authority members may check and seize the vehicle on it or may use parts of ECU. Semi conductor gas sensor [2] is placed at fuel exhaust of the vehicle. As the regulation of air quality is analyzed in paper [3], our proposed system regulates such type of pollutants emitting from the vehicles. This way within years we may have pollution free environment. 2. ARCHITECTURE OF PROPOSED SYSTEM Keywords Micro controller, GPS, GSM, Sensor, Air Pollution, Embedded System, LCD Monitoring. 1. INTRODUCTION With the drastic change in technology, day by day vehicles with new features are out in market. Whether there is a need or not, people buy different types of vehicles. More the vehicles running, more the pollutants are emitting. Because of the improper maintenance of those vehicles, the engines get degraded. Degraded engine causes incomplete combustion of fuel which emits hazardous gases. Figure 1. Overall Block Diagram In every country the government institutes emission standards to prevent air pollution. There won’t be any problem if the emission level is within the limit. But, when beyond emission standards, vehicles emit hazardous gases like CO, NO x and CO2 etc. These gases are harmful to the environment in every aspect. This paper presents a unique way to control the release of pollutants emitted by vehicles. Every vehicle consists of an engine control unit. Electronic solenoid valve for fuel injection [1] and on-board electronic circuit unit (ECU) are parts of it. This ECU controls functions like navigation system, lighting system, temperature etc. We may place our main control unit This proposed system (see Figure 1) uses NXP LPC2148 microcontroller as central processing unit. 16X2 alpha numeric LCD, JHD162A is used for monitoring purpose. The smoke sensor MQ7 is interfaced through ADC to the CPU. SIM900 GSM module is used to communicate with database server maintained by road transport authority. GPS S1315RL device is used to locate the nearest service center locations to get vehicle engine serviced at one of them. Upon receiving the electronic signal from controller, DC motor is stopped or electronic valve stops fuel which resemblance engine stopping. 3. SYSTEM DESIGN KEIL software µvision4 IDE is used to write program in C language for LPC2148 controller. This IDE includes editor for entering text, compiler and debugger etc. A hex file is generated after compiling required program successfully. Flash Magic software is used for ‘In-System Programming’. The flow chart (see Figure 2) explains how this system works. The same flow chart is applicable for programming too. Various modules included as follows. 3.2 GPS Receiver Module Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver module works on the principle of triangulation [4], which uses satellites in space as reference points to find the current location. Figure 3 shows that the GPS receiver module is interfaced to microcontroller through MAX232 level shifter using UART0 serial communication port. Data receives from the satellite is expressed in the following format from which we extract longitude and latitude of current positions. $GPRMC,[TIME],A/V,[LATITUDE],N,[LONGITUDE] ,E, XXXX. Figure 3. GPS Receiver Interfacing with Controller Figure 2. Flow Chart of the Embedded System 3.1 Controller LPC2148 microcontroller is manufactured by NXP semiconductors, founded by Philips. It is based on ARM7TDMI-S core technology which satisfies all the requirements of this system. The various aspects of LPC2148 used for this project are as follows. LPC2148 is a 32 bit microcontroller and it can process maximum of 32 bit data. Flash memory of 512KB and on-chip static RAM of 32KB makes it ideal for this project. Three stage pipelining makes the instructions execute faster. It supports USB 2.0, I2C, SSP, SPI and UART serial communications. In our project UART0 and UART1 ports are used in communication with GPS receiver module and GSM module respectively. Controller is used mainly for comparing and triggering. It has got two analog to digital converters (ADCs) to convert analog output from MQ7 sensor to equivalent digital value. The digital value will be compared with reference value, if exceeds controller triggers respective circuit. 3.3 GSM Module SIM900 is a quad band GSM machine that works at frequency of 850MHz having 68 pin SMT pad. Sim900 is designed with power saving technique as low as 1.5mA in sleep mode. It is integrated with TCP/IP protocol and can be controlled with AT commands[5]. Data or AT commands are sent and information from GSM module is received through DB9 serial port as shown in Figure 4. An evaluation board (EVB) is attached to SIM900 mainly for interfacing purposes consisting of rs232 serial port, sim card holder, gpio and antenna. Internally the module is managed by ARM926ej-s processor[6]. 3.4 MQ7 Sensor and ADC At load resistance RL=10k, smoke sensor MQ7 detects Carbon Monoxide (CO) gas. Figure 5 shows the sensor operation and Table 1 shows the CO sensor specifications. MQ7 has the capability to detect CO gas from 10ppm to 10000ppm. When sensor detects pollutants beyond standard values [7], the analog output is produced by the CO sensor, which is directly proportional to the concentration of gas detected. As the CPU accepts digital input only, the analog values must be converted to digital using either of two 10 bit successive approximation ADCs available in microcontroller. The range would be 01023. Figure 6. LCD Interfacing Module Figure 4. GSM Module Interfacing 3.6 Electronic Valve/DC Motor and Buzzer When the pollutants are detected beyond standard values, buzzer receives a signal from controller and gives an alarm[8] to indicate a warning to the user. The interfacing is shown in Figure 7. From here onwards every time the user uses vehicle without getting his vehicle serviced, the buzzer gives a warning. Upon reaching the limit of number of uses, the controller stops fuel injection [9] by shutting the electronic valve. Figure 5. MQ7 Sensor Circuit Table 1. CO Sensor Specifications Figure 7. Motor and Buzzer Interfacing with Controller 4. 3.5 LCD Display JHD162A 16x2 alpha numeric LCD display, which operates on +5v is used for monitoring purpose as shown in Figure 6. It indicates whether the hardware is ready, to show pollutant levels at in normal state and in engine degraded state, to display warning message to vehicle user and finally to display nearest service location and distance from current position. The data is gathered from various modules through microcontroller to LCD in 4 bit mode to save controller pins for any future applications. EXPERIMENTAL RESULTS This pollution control embedded system for vehicles is developed and tested on old vehicle engines successfully. The smoke sensor MQ7 is small enough to configure at vehicle exhaust. The main board can be configured in ECU [10]. Fig shows assembling components of sensor MQ7, GPS and GSM modules, buzzer and LCD display. MQ7 detected pollutants beyond standard values from the old degraded engine and sent this data to controller every time the vehicle is used. First, controller gave a warning to the user by buzzing and then stopped the engine when the limit of uses is reached. The coordinates of nearest service center location is shown on LCD in Figure 8. [2] George F. Fine, Leon M. Cavanagh, Ayo Afonja and Russell Binions " Metal Oxide Semi-Conductor Gas Sensors in Environmental Monitoring", Sensors 2010, 10, 5469-5502; doi:10.3390/s100605469 [3] K. Galatsis, W. Wlodarsla, K. Kalantar-Zadeh and A. Trinchi, "Investigation of gas sensors for vehicle cabin air qualitymonitoring,” vol. 42, pp. 167-175, 2002. [4] Figure 8. Main Circuit Board and CO Monitoring Equipment 5. CONCLUSION Based on functionalities of CO sensor, ADC, GPS receiver and GSM modules, which are compatible for portable monitoring and controlling of pollutants, an embedded system was developed to regulate emission of pollutants. Apart from simple structure, this system can be easily adopted to any ECU of a vehicle. Not only can we use this system for vehicles but also for industries to regulate emission of pollutants from industrial processes. 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